uKnow v1i3


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8/14/2019 uKnow v1i3 1/11

The uKnow Sub-region B’s premier newsletterto keep you in the know

Volume 1 Issue 3 January

In This Issue:

Convention Highlight……. ……………….2CNH District

Governor Interview …………………………Danielle Iwatsu

Convention Highlight……. ……………….5Rocky Mountain District

Governor Interview …………………………Erin Smrdu

Convention Highlight……. ……………….8Southwest District

Governor Interview …………………………Sarah Foley

In Conclusion ………………………………

It’s BACK!

And it’s DCON Season!

This issue of the uKnow isdedicated to DistrictConvention! Why isDistrict Conventionimportant? Because that’s

where you get to attend workshops that are put onby your district board, youget to elect your new district board, meet new

friends, and bond with oldfriends! Yay!

District Convention!All u in our grill! And stuff!

So kick back, relax, and check out some great pictures(I HAVE PICTURES THIS ISSUE!) and read up onour hard working Governors and DCon chairs. As

usual, my information is listed below so don’t hesitateto ask me any questions!

Ronald Liu1110 W Blaine St #208Riverside, CA 92507

AIM: iRonald0708Cell: (310)


Wednesday: 8PM – 10PM PST


In addition to learning about the conventions of thedifferent districts, you’ll be learning about our respectivedistrict governors. Your district governors are the followingyoung ladies:

California-Nevada-Hawaii District – Danielle IwatsuRocky Mountain District – Erin SmrduSouthwest District – Sarah Foley

I’ve got EXCLUSIVE interviews with all three of them in thisissue of the uKnow, so if uWant to find out more, thenuShould read the following pages! (Ha! I’m clever !)

Want more? You’re also getting interviews with your DistrictConvention chairs! (Co-chairs in the case of the Rocky Mountain District)

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The uKnow Sub-region B’s premier newsletterto keep you in the know

Volume 1 Issue 3 January

CC oonnvveenntt iioonn HHiigghhlliigghhtt :: CC aalliiffoorrnniiaa--NNeevvaaddaa--HHaawwaaiiii DDiisstt rriicctt

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The uKnow Sub-region B’s premier newsletterto keep you in the know

Volume 1 Issue 3 January

CC oonnvveenntt iioonn HHiigghhlliigghhtt :: CC aalliiffoorrnniiaa--NNeevvaaddaa--HHaawwaaiiii DDiisstt rriicctt

What you should know:

The Date: March 28th

– 30thThe Theme: Circle K Olympics – Champions of ServiceThe Chair: Jessica Lai (AKA Jessica Laiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)

What made you want to be DCon chair? DCON is one of my favorite events of the year and thus I felt like it would be a great experienceto be the chair of the entire event; I further felt

like it would be a good challenge for me to takeon the project of putting together a convention for over 300 people.

How did you come up with the theme forthis year's Dcon? I collected ideas from theDistrict Board, from members, and ideas from

past DCON chairs that never made it.

If you could have one person dressed upin a mascot costume at your DCon, what

would it be and why? I would want our Mascot Sunny in an Olympic style Jersey with theOlympic torch in his hand.

Are you nervous? HECK YEA...there isdefinitely a lot to be in charge of which can be

overwhelming at times. But overall I'm mostlynervous about the actual weekend of convention; Ihope that everything goes smoothly and mostlythat everyone in attendance has a blast!

If you didn't have to worry about beingrealistic (cost of decorations, worryingabout hotel policy), what would be yourideal DCon theme? Hrmm...I don't reallyknow what my ideal DCON theme would be...iguess for me it's not so much about the theme of convention but more about all the people that arethere celebrating a year of service, leadership andfellowship. Any theme is a great one, because itallows all the clubs to come together and be even

more united. If I didn't have to worry about costsand hotel policies, I would definitely do a lotmore with the Circle K Olympics theme...but I'msure w/out those constraints any theme could beturned into the ideal one :-p

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The uKnow Sub-region B’s premier newsletterto keep you in the know

Volume 1 Issue 3 January

Interviews!!Today’s Victim: CNH Governor Danielle Iwatsu

What made you

want to begovernor?

I wanted to try my hand at leading one of the most powerfuldistricts in CKI. It wasan opportunity totravel, meet people,and to train my manager skills for my

future career.

What's the most rewarding part of your job?

Getting to meet so many motivated people. Whenever I travel to a new CKI event, I meet tonsof people that get me spirited and ready to serve

with more passion and more drive.

What the most demanding part of your

job? The administrative paperwork. It seems I'm always

writing reports, reading rough drafts of proposalsor various documents. Sometimes it bogs me downbecause I would rather dedicate all that time toserving the community, but someone has to do it:-)

If you could change one thing about thisyear so far, what would it be?

I don't know what I would change. I wish I cameinto the year more knowledgeable about what toexpect, but then what would I have learned aboutmyself throughout my term?

What do you think of your other twogovernor buddy-chicks?

They need to talk to me more on facebook. That isall.

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The uKnow Sub-region B’s premier newsletterto keep you in the know

Volume 1 Issue 3 January

CC oonnvveenntt iioonn HHiigghhlliigghhtt :: RRoocckkyy MMoouunnttaaiinn DDiisstt rriicctt

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The uKnow Sub-region B’s premier newsletterto keep you in the know

Volume 1 Issue 3 January

CC oonnvveenntt iioonn HHiigghhlliigghhtt :: RRoocckkyy MMoouunnttaaiinn DDiisstt rriicctt

What you should know:The Date: February 29 th – March 2 nd The Theme: Outer SpaceThe Chairs: Angie Barber and Caitlin Melby

What made you want to be DCON chair? Angie: I was really involved in Key Club in highschool, and being DCON chair seemed like a really fun way to get involved as a freshman in Circle K.

Caitlin: I was involved in Key club in high school as well-but not to a large extent. I wanted to get moreinvolved in college.

How did you come up with the theme forthis year's DCON? Angie: I brainstormed with other members of theDistrict Board to come up with something fun,creative, and exciting.

If you could have one person dressed up ina mascot costume, what would it be andwhy? Angie: I would have someone in a spacesuit

because the theme is outer space.Caitlin: I would still like to see Barrack Obamadressed as something because I really want to meethim! But I do think it would be cooler to have him

dressed in a space suit than a ram costume (which was my original answer, go CSU Rams!)

Are you nervous? Angie: No, I'm not nervous. I think of DCON asjust a bunch of friends with a common goal of helping people getting together to have fun.Caitlin: Yes, I'm very nervous because I've neverbeen this involved in Circle K or Key club.

Ideal DCON theme: Caitlin: I think anything where we could haveeveryone dressed in really fun costumes like 20's orHollywood would be really fun.

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The uKnow Sub-region B’s premier newsletterto keep you in the know

Volume 1 Issue 3 January

Interviews!!Today’s Victim: RMD Governor Erin Smrdu

What made you want to be governor?Last year at METS (our fall training conference),Christopher Laubenthal made a joke about mebeing governor the following year. That jokespread pretty quickly until finally enough people

were acting like they wanted me to be governorthat I decided to consider it. I had a really goodtime building up my home club as club president,and I enjoyed my time as district treasurer, so Idecided to give governor a go. When it comesdown to it, I really just love this organization.

What's the most rewarding part of your job? The most rewarding part is when I see a

district or a club officer really grow. From the top, you can usually see that a lot better. It's really exciting to see these young adults grow intoaccomplished leaders.

What the most demanding part of your job? I think the most demanding part is always

needing to be ready to do something. It feels like if for some reason I can't do anything for Circle K fora few days, I get back and there's a ton of stuff to

catch up on. I guess the CKI world never stops either.

If you could change one thing about thisyear so far, what would it be?I think I would try to get closer to my club officerssooner. I feel like we're pretty disconnected, so I

wish we had stronger bonds. I know they are coolpeople, so its too bad I've missed out on knowingthem better for so long.

What do you think of your other twogovernor buddy-chicks?I'm a little sad that I don't really know Sarah very

well. I mean, she must be a cool person, she took up a big role in an awesome organization. We metat LSSP, and I probably drove her crazy as we wereroommates.

As for Danielle, well, she's... interesting. Justkidding Danielle, I love you! She's the kind of person who takes pleasure in knowing that she canmake you feel awkward in just about any situation.This also means that the ice is broken with her

from the second you meet her. There is never adull moment when that governor from CNH isaround.

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The uKnow Sub-region B’s premier newsletterto keep you in the know

Volume 1 Issue 3 January

CC oonnvveenntt iioonn HHiigghhlliigghhtt :: SSoouutthhwweesstt DDiisstt rriicctt

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The uKnow Sub-region B’s premier newsletterto keep you in the know

Volume 1 Issue 3 January

CC oonnvveenntt iioonn HHiigghhlliigghhtt :: SSoouutthhwweesstt DDiisstt rriicctt

What you should know:

The Date: February 22nd

– 24th

The Theme: Sixties (Peace, Love, and Circle K)The Chairs: Megan Befort

What made you want to be a Dconchair?I wanted to be a Dcon chair because I’m a very creative person and I thought that I could bring my strengths to the District Board. The idea of beingable to help plan and organize a districtconvention is one that has always seemed very

exciting to me.

How did you come up with the theme forthis year’s Dcon?On our way back to the U of A campus afterbooking the hotel, Southwest District BulletinEditor Jennifer Phillips and I brainstormed in thecar and came up with a sixties theme and theconvention slogan.

If you could have one person dressed upin a mascot costume at your Dcon, whatwould it be and why?I’d have to say a life-size cow would be a really funmascot to have at our convention because they’refun to play with and cows are appropriate for any type of costume contest. Oh wait, that was last

year. In that case I’d have to go with a U of A WILDCAT because the convention is in Tucson.

Are you nervous?Um…not really.

If you didn’t have to worry about beingrealistic what would be your ideal Dcontheme?If I didn’t have to worry about being realistic I’d fly everyone in the district to Las Vegas for a casinonight themed Dcon. Cirque du Service would be afun slogan and I think we could definitely make animpact serving in that area.

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The uKnow Sub-region B’s premier newsletterto keep you in the know

Volume 1 Issue 3 January

Interviews!!Today’s Victim: SW Governor Sarah Foley

What made you want to begovernor? Masochistic tendencies.

What's the most rewarding part ofyour job? Getting to work with people all over thedistrict of all ages who heart community service. (Or that one time at Fall Rally

when I got to play with a chain saw....)

What the most demanding part ofyour job? Keeping everyone on the same page.

If you could change one thingabout this year so far, what would itbe? I would have done more planning aheadand mutinied when the DCON plannersdecided we couldn't have conventionpajama pants instead of tshirts : (

What do you think of your other twogovernor buddy-chicks?Umm, I don't really know Erin well, we metat LSSP. She seems cool.

Danielle might just be the most ridiculousperson ever and I totally support that

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The uKnow Sub-region B’s premier newsletterto keep you in the know

Volume 1 Issue 3 January

In Conclusion… Dear Sub-region B,

I promised pictures and you got pictures! Although this is out on February 1 st and not January 30 th like I wanted, BUTthe pictures are worth it! I swear!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the insight on each other’s District Conventions. Although I’ve only been in office for half of your administrative terms, I’ve seen your districts continue to grow and learn. Keep up all the good work and pleaseremember to talk to me if you EVER need anything EVER! ABSOLUTELY EVER!

But now what you can expect for NEXT issue… well… you might recognize this from the last newsletter, BUT!

Tips for caravanning!MORE International Updates!Fundraiser ideas with the super awesome bunny-nosed Kristen Reed!And more…?! O _O

However, our word is not set in stone. If there is ANYTHING that you have to contribute, any hints or ideas, please submit them here. The more ideas we have, the better off we’ll all be. This newsletter is VERY flexible in content,

and all you have to do is give the word, and you’ll probably be featured in the next uKnow.

Keep up the love for Circle K and keep up the passion for service. We here at Circle K International know you like toserve, so do so frequently and proudly. We live to serve. We love to serve.

In service,

Ronald LiuInternational Representative for Sub-region BProudly REPRESENTING the California-Nevada-Hawaii, Rocky Mountain, and Southwest Districts
