UK Cooperative Extension Nutrition Education...


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UK Cooperative Extension Nutrition Education Program

September 10, 2014

Presentation Notes
We have been hearing great things about county SNAP-Ed efforts and want to express our congratulations and appreciation for your efforts. The success and growth of NEP programs is directly linked to the efforts of agents and the reporting of those efforts.

2015 SNAP-Ed Grant Focus

• Behavior-focused evidence-based nutrition education

• Obesity prevention intervention • Our target audience is the low income


Social Ecological Framework

Presentation Notes
NEP is working from the social ecological framework to capture extension work and impact at multiple levels within the social, environmental, and policy systems. You will notice several examples from these systems displayed by the framework. Our paraprofessionals and agents both deliver nutrition education, promote physical activity, and develop cooking skills and etc. through direct and indirect education; but agents have voiced concerns as there was no appropriate avenue to report SNAP-Ed efforts when participating in council, committee, coalition, etc. work such as school wellness councils, farm to school committees, physical activity coalitions under the current reporting system. Therefore, we are using the social ecological framework in the new reporting section of KERS-SNAP reporting.

SNAP-Ed 2015

• Policy • Systems • Environmental

Presentation Notes
Some examples of program efforts you can report in the new system: Policy is a written statement of an organizational position, decision, or course of action. Example; a school that serves a majority low-income student body writes a policy that allows the use of school facilities for recreation by children, parents, and community members during non-school hours. Extension agents can be a member of the community groups that work with the school to develop this policy. Systems changes are unwritten, ongoing, organizational decisions or changes that result in new activities reaching large proportions of people the organization serves. Systems changes alter how the organization or network of organizations conducts business. Farm to School is an excellent example of at systems approach connecting farmers to school food service and students to making the link between agriculture and their food. Food service purchases more locally grown foods, farmers produce products used by the school and students eat more fruits and vegetables. Environmental includes the built or physical environments which are visual/observable, but may include economic, social, normative or message environments. Modifications in settings where food is sold, served, or distributed may promote healthy food choices. Or signage that promotes the use of stairwells or walking trails may increase awareness and use of these amenities. Shaping attitudes among teachers, service providers and businesses for physical activity breaks. Example; Agents could assist retailers with educational materials and positioning of signage to reach the target audience. Plate It Up Kentucky Proud recipe cards and/or demonstration in grocery the first of the month. The goals is to 1. Identify work being done by Extension in the area of policy, systems and environment. 2. Identify partners with whom UK Extension is working on policy, sytems and/or environment

Measuring NEP Social Ecological Impact in Kentucky

• Current Findings from 2012 Priority Indicators: – 551: Number of environmental changes

implemented to support physical activity guidelines in the county

– 28,890: Number that reported supplementing their diets with healthy foods that they produce/preserve

– 51,450: Number that reported utilizing delivery systems/access points that offer healthy foods

Presentation Notes
You do some of the work in these areas now as reported in the Priority Indicators. Current Findings from 2012 Priority Indicators: 551 Number of environmental changes implemented to support physical activity guidelines in the county (e.g., walking trails opened, bike paths built) 28,890 Number that reported supplementing their diets with healthy foods that they produce/preserve (utilizing community/backyard gardens, fishing, hunting, etc.) 51,450 Number that reported utilizing delivery systems/access points (e.g., farmer’s markets, CSA’s, WIC, Food Pantry) that offer healthy foods
Presentation Notes
You now have the options of Direct Indirect Admin For reporting SNAP-Ed efforts Community will be added as the 4th option to cover policy, systems and environmental efforts.
Presentation Notes
Community includes; Committees Coalitions, Partnerships, Councils, Advisory boards Other groups related to nutrition and physical activity for limited resource families When you select “Community” then you will select Healthy Food Focus, Physical Activity Focus, or Healthy Food & Physical Activity focus.
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Then you select one or all that apply of the categories listed here or the most closely related option.
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Next you type in the number of group participants by category listed; such as Public health 2 Education 1 YMCA 1 Parks & Rec 2

Final KERS Community data collection piece:

Overall Purpose/goal:________________________

End Result/ impact:

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May be general and the same can be reported more than once such as: 1st meeting Purpose – develop a community walking trail Result – identify partners 2nd meeting Purpose – develop a community walking trail Result – identifying possible sites Or 1st meeting Purpose – share idea to develop community garden for specific area serving limited resource families Result – discussed options and identify need and locations 2nd meeting Purpose – Report research efforts as to need and location. Result – Expansion of research efforts needed

Other SNAP-Ed Notes Counting your piece of the PIE.

Use of Reinforcement items

Presentation Notes
Reporting SNAP-Ed Hours & Contacts: Whomever delivers the education program, counts the contacts. If it is a shared program then you can divide the contacts and both count your full time spent. If working with the same audience and each person does separate sessions on different nutrition related topics, then each can count the contacts. When supervising or training program assistants or volunteers, count this time as administrative time. Reinforcement Items: SNAP-Ed is for limited resource families and individuals eligible for SNAP benefits and they should be the target for these items. Use reinforcement and a message and/or what we are teaching, not for giveaways at events and fairs etc. such as the 100 year celebration. Not really the target audience. Reimbursement Only nutritious foods and/or ingredients can be reimbursed; no cakes, cookies, chips, pastries, etc

Professor Popcorn is Back!

• Youth Curriculum • Grades 1 to 6 • Focused on MyPlate

and Food Groups • Adapted from Texas

A&M Extension

Presentation Notes
Revised with MyPlate and evaluation tools. One printed copy per county for agent use PLUS each NEP assistant receives a copy and will also be available on the web soon. -At Ag Distribution or already delivered via truck.
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County contribution reporting form; use for reporting county support of NEP paraprofessional including travel, program funds and/or salary. Total by category each month reported to NEP by the 10th of the following month. (not agent efforts and/or support only of paraprofessional efforts) Questions to RITA MAY 859 257-2948 or

Important Deadlines

• Food reimbursements & replacement items: – Original receipts Mailed on or before September

19nd – Receipts must be received by the NEP state office

by 4:00 PM Eastern Time on Friday, September 26th

– Purchases made after September 19th will be at the county’s expense

• KERS SNAP-Ed data due October 10th

Presentation Notes
Year-end for the SNAP-Ed grant is fast approaching. Therefore, we need to share dates to ensure you receive all reimbursements as the grant funds for the program year October 2013 – September 2014 end September 30th. Original receipts must be mailed to our office by September 19th. Please plan ahead to make needed purchases so that receipts can be sent in by the deadline ensuring reimbursement. Purchases made after September 19th won’t have time to be processed leaving the burden of payment with the county. All SNAP-Ed data in KERS will be pulled the evening of October 10th for the Federal reports and Dr. Henning. It is critical that all your SNAP-Ed data be completed timely, on or before October 10th.

Contacts • Rita May

– Reimbursement questions • Leslie McCammish

– Help with KERS • Deonna Ralls – - Budget questions • Debra Cotterill

• NEP department phone; (859) 257-2948 Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of race, color, age,

sex, religion, disability, or national origin.

UK Cooperative Extension

Nutrition Education Program September 10, 2014

Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin.
