Ugst substance abuse project


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SUBSTANCE ABUSEBy Jenna Erben, Anna Moore and Shelby Lester


To inform people about the negative affects of substance abuse including alcohol, drugs, and weed.

To find places people can go if they need help.

What does substance mean?

Substance- a word health professionals use for most things you might take into your body besides food.

Drugs, alcohol and nicotine all qualify as a substance

FactsNicotine is one of the most addictive drugs in our society today.

Over 45 million adults in the US once smoked and then successfully stopped.

Each year 1,700 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die from alcohol-related unintentional injuries.

More than 150,000 students develop an alcohol-related health problem.

Alcohol can result in assault, sexual abuse and academic problems

Prescription drugs that aren’t prescribed to the person taking them are illegal drugs.


One can still drink and be in control.

One can sober up quickly if need be

One can still drive after a few drinks

Beer has less alcohol than other drinks

Smoking once won’t make you addicted

Not everyone is affected by smoking

Drugs make you smarter


This video is a testimony of a man who when through rehab and the treatment he went through to be clean again.

Need Help?

There are many places you can go to to receive help for substance abuse that are right here on campus.

Smoking Student Health and Wellness Center (9405652333)

Alcohol and DrugsStudent Health and Wellness Center (9405652333)

Meadows Center for Health Resources (9405652787)

Counseling and Testing Services (9405652714)


Substance means anything that you might not take into your body.

Drugs, alcohol, smoking and any other kind of substance abuse is harmful and can endanger not only your life but the lives of people around you.

Always make sure you have all of the facts before you try something or make an uneducated decision.
