Ubaid (Ethics Ppt)


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  • 8/3/2019 Ubaid (Ethics Ppt)


    Ethical CODE FOR


    Presented By:



    Presented To:

    Mr. Imtiaz Ahmed

    (Course Instructor)

  • 8/3/2019 Ubaid (Ethics Ppt)


    What Is Code Of Ethics?

    A code of ethics is a set of principles of conductwithin an organization that guide decision making

    and behavior. The purpose of the code is to providemembers and other interested persons withguidelines for making ethical choices in the conductof their work.

  • 8/3/2019 Ubaid (Ethics Ppt)


    Why it is important for us?

    Code of Ethics is important for understanding how to properly

    behave in certain situations. Whether it is to know the differencebetween right or wrong, good or bad and just or unjust, a goodcode of ethics allows individuals to hold themselves to thehighest standards in any given behavior or action.

    It prevents unjust treatment It promotes goodness for everyone

    It brings out the best in individuals

    It holds us socially responsible

    It brings out higher standards

  • 8/3/2019 Ubaid (Ethics Ppt)


    ICC(Benchmark) CODE OF ETHICS

    The ICC code of ethics is a set of principles regardingthe values of professional players in the sport ofcricket. The code of ethics is written and enforced bythe council.

    Under the ICC regulations, players may be fined apercentage of the salary, banned for number ofmatches, or even banned for a number of years or life.The ICC appoints a match referee for each test match,one day international and twenty20; the referee hasthe power to set penalties for most offences, theexceptions being the more serious ones.

  • 8/3/2019 Ubaid (Ethics Ppt)


    ContThe following are the general categories of serious

    offences, carrying the highest penalties:

    Gambling on matches (betting).

    Failing to perform in a match in return for a benefit,such as money or goods (match fixing).

    Inducing a player to perform one of the above twoactions.

    Failure to report certain incidents relating to match-fixing or gambling.


  • 8/3/2019 Ubaid (Ethics Ppt)


    Construction of Ethical Code





  • 8/3/2019 Ubaid (Ethics Ppt)


    For Players Player should play in the interests of the country for whom he is the


    They should be qualified ,good communicator, honest ,fair in theirdealings, disciplined and take responsibility for their actions.

    If player is contacted by a gambler or some other suspicious person heshould immediately report the matter to his respective body e.g. PCB

    Conflict of interests should be avoided and players should keep theirpersonal and private lives away from their professional lives.

    They should not do anything that gives a bad name to their country andshould not be involved in gambling or betting.

  • 8/3/2019 Ubaid (Ethics Ppt)


    For Officials The coach should train his players to the best of his abilities and his

    duties should include the making and implementation of a matchstrategy. It should clearly define what to do, how to do, the role eachplayer will play, and that the ultimate goal is winning the match.

    The manager should be responsible for maintaining team discipline,responsible for the security of the players ,and should behave in an

    ethical and honest manner.

    Moreover, he should not discriminate against any player and shouldtreat players with respect. Every individual is different and he has totreat them differently taking into according their psychological needs.

    He should ensure that discipline in the team is maintained and noviolation of team discipline should be maintained.

  • 8/3/2019 Ubaid (Ethics Ppt)


    For Governing Body Each director shall act in an honest and ethical manner. Directors

    should not engage in any conduct which harms the public image of thePCB or causes hindrance to its activities.

    Assets of the PCB should not be used for unlawful purposes and anycorruption in the ranks should not be tolerated.

    Directors should serve in the best interests of the PCB and thepromotion of the sport in the country.

    Selectors should not be bribed or take bribes for anyone of install a non

    deserving player in the team.

    Directors should be the best qualified people around so that they canact in the best interests of the game.

  • 8/3/2019 Ubaid (Ethics Ppt)


    Recommendation Governing body should clear the code of ethics/conduct by verbal or on

    paper to each player or official before entering the game of cricket.

    It is the duty of government to safe the property, life, and moral valuesof all members of cricket board.

    Punctuality is the best key for success, so every player should bepunctual and be present in time. Specially, for practice section or forother requirements.

    Managers of the PCB should be the best and their selection should be

    on merit.

    Moreover PCB should work to improve the game in the country andequal opportunity of representation should be given to all regions.

  • 8/3/2019 Ubaid (Ethics Ppt)


    Thank You