UAMS Personal Balanced Scorecard Activity Guide



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UAMS Personal Balanced Scorecard Activity Guide

Mario D. WallaceContentsHow to Begin?3Drafting Your Mission4Mission Activity4Completing Your SWOT Analysis4SWOT Analysis Activity5Converting Your SWOT analysis items to objectives6Item Conversion Activity7Developing Your Performance Measures8Performance Measure Activity9Developing Your Baseline9Baseline Activity10Setting Your Target10Target Activity11Developing Your Action Items11Action Item Activity12Populating Your Strategy Map13Strategy Map Activity14

How to Begin?1. Complete a SWOT Analysis 2. Assess what areas of your live you define as important (Spiritual, Educational, Employment, Financial)3. Convert SWOT items into Goals (Objectives) 4. Develop a Mission and Vision5. Determine Baselines/Targets6. Determine Measures7. Create Action Items (Initiatives and/or Milestones) 8. Develop a Personal Strategy Map

Drafting Your Mission Description: a personal mission and/or vision statement tends to be between 1 to 3 sentences, should be positive, and focus on what you want to become and include values that are important. Mission ActivityInstructions: Complete this activity by drafting your personal mission that includes what you want to become along with your values. Example Mission Your Mission

Become an executive leader at UAMS who leads via innovation while creating new jobs and developing the talents of employees.

Completing Your SWOT Analysis Description: A SWOT analysis is a structured planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a project or in a business venture. A SWOT analysis can be carried out for a product, place, industry or person.

SWOT Analysis Activity

StrengthsWeaknessesThreats Opportunities Instructions: Complete this activity by including at least 4 items per quadrant.

Converting Your SWOT analysis items to objectivesDescription: Converting an item into an objective means being able to turn an item into a brief verb-noun statement that describes a specific goal of your strategic plan. Steps for converting SWOT items into objectives: 1. Identify items within the perspectives of your SWOT that you want to improve (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunity, and Threat) 2. Determine the baseline of the item i.e. the historical context or current state3. Convert the items into a brief-noun statement and make sure that the first word of the statement is a verb i.e. increase, provide, improve, optimize, and etc. 4. Make sure that the objective cannot be controlled by time Examples of item conversions: SWOT Analysis Perspective ItemObjective

Weaknesses Staff Development Increase Talent Management across the organization

Weaknesses Evaluation skills Optimize Managers knowledge of Staff Evaluations

Opportunity Strategic Planning Develop Middle Managers strategic planning skills

Item Conversion Activity Instructions: Complete this activity by populating the chart with areas of improvement that are identified on your SWOT analysis i.e. weaknesses and opportunities. Convert the items into objectives. SWOT Analysis Perspective ItemObjective











Developing Your Performance MeasuresDescription: Performance measures quantitatively tell us something important about our accomplishments, achievements, and even services. Performance measures can be represented by hours, meters, dollars, number of reports, number of errors, length of time, and etc. Performance measures include unit types i.e. percent completed, the sum of a whole, the return on an investment, an average mean, a standard deviation, and a binary pass/fail, true/false, a Likert scale (1-10), and etc.

Examples of Performance Measures: ObjectivePerformance Measure (Unit Type)

Obtain my doctorate in Public Health Doctorate Degree (Yes/No) Did I graduate?

Remain Fiscal Responsibility Annual Budget Variance Report (+/- %)

Provide effective Lean training Training Survey Report (%)

Performance Measure Activity Instructions: Complete this activity by identifying objectives and pairing them with performance measures and unit types. ObjectivePerformance Measure

Developing Your BaselineA baseline is a minimum or starting point for comparison. A baseline is used as a foundation for measuring or comparing current and past values. A baseline is an initial value that can be used to compare past, current and projected future values. Examples of Performance Measures: 1. Last years annual variance report2. Level of education i.e. Master Degree, GPA 3.5, or ACT score 3. Current qualifications4. Relation with employees, family, or friends 5. Last years employee morale results6. Last years staff development report

Baseline Activity Instructions: Complete this activity by assessing the state of your chosen objective and determining your current status. Historical Data Baseline

Setting Your TargetTargets express a future performance objective. Targets compare the baseline measure to judge if performance is where it should be.Targets include the following: Past performance trends per historical data. Targets are a stretch, but achievable Targets are quantifiable so that the target communicates if the expected performance was met.

Target Activity Instructions: Complete this activity by choosing baselines of objectives and determining where you would like to be at a specific point in the near or distant future. Examples of Targets: BaselinesTargets

Bachelors degreeMasters of Business Administration

FY14 Budget over by 20% FY15 Budget +/- 2%

Developing Your Action ItemsAction Items have defined start and end dates (typically less than one year) and dedicated resources (people, budget, time). Examples of initiatives are "Drafting a Personal Statement" and "Developing a Budgeting Plan."Action Items include the following: Requires Investments time, funding, technology, etc. Includes deliverables or milestones Usually has time deadlinesExamples of action items:Action ItemMile markers Start DateEnd DateComments

Enroll into a Doctorate ProgramDraft a personal statement; pay enrollment fees5/1/20157/1/2015Completed

Action Item ActivityInstructions: Complete this activity by choosing an objective and determining actions items that it will take to succeed in accomplishing the objective. The action item must be time sensitive, meaning have a beginning and ending date. ObjectiveAction Item Start DateEnd DateComments

Populating Your Strategy MapDescription: a Strategy Map describes and communicate your strategy systematically, it brings visualization to life in a personal, professional, or business context in a generalized but highly integrated manner, and it describes how you plan to meet your strategic plan. It also includes four balanced perspectives (External, Internal, Learning & Growth, and Finical) 1. External: employees, family, community, and etc. 2. Internal: business processes, workload, management effectiveness, and etc. 3. Learning & Growth: skills, certification, developing your staff, and etc.4. Financial: personal budget, business budgets, credit score, and personal savingsExample Strategy Map

Strategy Map Activity Instructions: Complete this activity by populating objectives into the appropriate perspective section of the Strategy Map and including performance measures, baselines, and targets. Place your mission in the center of the Strategy Map.

MissionLearning & Growth FinancialInternalExternal

