u'0 NINETEE. N GOVERNOR DENIES TRYING TO AVOID WANTING …fultonhistory.com/Newspaper 18/Troy...


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AWAY WITH CANAL System Worth Every Cent State

k Has Put Into It, Roosevelt Says.

V Albany, Sept. 19 (AP)—Governor Jtoosevelt at a special press confer­e n c e last night affirmed faith in the atate Barge Canal system and de­nied emphatically that his radio ad­dress of Tuesday night could be correctly interpreted as Indicating be favors abandonment of the sys­tem.

•'I would be the last person in the ^world to recommend the abandon­

ment of the canals," he said. "I do, however, believe that within the next ten years the canal will have to be remodeled and brought up to date, but I am perfectly confident that this will be done.

Improvements Needed. "The canal system in this state is

worth every cent that the state put !n I t It ls'worth it despite the fact that the canals are now being used only one quarter of their capacity. I want the people of the state to realize that something will have to be done within the next decade to modernize the canal and bring it up to date to, meet the needs of pres­ent day shipping. I feel sure that once the people of the state get this point of view they will insist that the Legislature make the necessary appropriations to improve the state's waterways."

What Governor Did Say. In his address Tuesday night the

Governor said: "I am confident that the day will come when the •tate will be confronted with the proposition of either redesigning the canal system or abandoning it altogether."

He pointed out in that address that the present fixed bridges over the canal give only a 15-foot clear­ance, which permits only barges to pass through the canal, whereas such a canal in Canada may be used by sailing ships.

WHAT CONGRESS IS DOING Thursday — S e n a t e continues

tariff debate. JF Republicans consider stand in

tariff controversies. Senate Finance Committee Re­

publicans study list of firms whose

tax returns they may wish to see.

Wednesday — S e n a t e rejected tariff bill amendment to restrict administration of plant quarantine act.

Senate began consideration of treaty aimed at international im­port embargoes.

Senate Finance Committee made public names of 325 corporations, firms and individuals whose tax re­turns were requested by Democrats.

Senate confirmed promotion of Brigadier Generals Frank R. Mc­Coy and Ralph H. Van Deman.


William Steenburgh of Valley Falls took a quantity of iodine at his home in that village yesterday. Dr. C. H. Sproat attended the man.

It is reported Steenburgh's action followed attempts of county offi­cials to question him on a serious charge, preferred by a girl's par­ents.

Dr. Sproat today said the man's condition was still serious.


Arrangements for the annual con­vention of the Conservation As­sociation will be completed next Monday, with the Visit of Matthew H. Hoover of Lockport, Secretary of the New York State Conserva­tion Commission. It is intended to hold the convention in Troy Novem­ber 17, 18 and 19.

Mr. Hoover intends to confer with District Forest Ranger Harry A. Teal, George B. Lee, President of the Taconic Mountain Club; Wil­liam McQuillan, Secretary of the Taconic Valley Rod and Gun Club; John J. Farrell, Assistant Secretary of the Fish and Game Department of the State Conservation Commis­sion, and Lewis O. Tirrell, Manager of the Hendrick Hudson Hotel.

The chief feature of the conven­tion will be a two-day trap shoot at the grounds of the Taconic Val­ley Rod and Gun Club at Eagle Mills, in which some of the most expert shots of the country will compete.

Another feature of the conven­tion will be a banquet held on Mon­day, November 18, at which it is hoped to have Governor Ropsevelt as the principal speaker. Other speakers will include Congressman John D. Clark, father of the fores­try bill, which made it possible for the protection of property outside state-owned . land against forest fires, and George A. Lawyer, JSecond Vice President and Managing Di­rector of the New York Develop­ment Association.

Both of these men are ardent conservationists and have been prominent in the conservation work.


Mechanicville Man Has Frac­tured Skull—Wrecked Ma­

chine in Effort to Avoid Hitting Pedestrian.

Felix Petronls of Mechanicville suffered a fractiired skull when he fell from his motorcylcle late yes­terday afternoon, in an attempt to f avoid striking William Clark, sex­ton of St. Paul's Church, that city. Petronis was not able to avoid the accident, however, and Clark suf­fered minor bruises and lacerations about the head. The motorcycle rider is in the Troy Hospital.

According to reports Clark started across North Main Street, Mechanicville, as Petronis was" pro­ceeding south on his cycle. He saw the man and calculating it would be next to impossible to avoid hit­ting him, turned the machine on its side. His head came in contact with the pavement, causing the serious injury.

Trojan, Winner Of Scholarship, Enters Seminary

Harry T. O'Brien, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. O'Brien, of 185 Second Street, winner of the Knights of Columbus scholarship, has entered Niagara Seminary. Mr. O'Brien received his degree of M. A. last year from the Catholic Uni­versity at Washington, "D. C. He was graduated from La Salle In­stitute and with a B. A. degree from Manhattan College, at New York.

For Opening Convocation. The officers of Apollo Chapter, R.

A. M., last night made arrange­ments for the opening convacation to be held in the new Masonic Temple Wednesday night, October 2. Wednesday night,. October 16, the Chapter will work the Mark Master degree.

East Side Church Organizations Hold Meetings—Wedding Anniver­

sary—General Mention. The Christian Endeavor Society

of the Third Presbyterian Church met last evening at the home of Mrs. H. Doran on Mountain View Avenue. Robert Kelly was in charge. It was voted to give $5 to the Troy Local, Christian En­deavor Union. A harvest home supper was planned for October 7. The committee follows: Mrs. Do­ran, Mrs. M. S. Post, Mrs. G. Brand and Mrs. Joseph Kelly.

Bridge Clubs. Mrs. <Jerald Dayton entertained

the Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club today at her home.

Mrs. Raoul Gauthier of Kemp Avenue will be hostess this evening for the Mountain View Bridge Club.

Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Knaupp of

624 Pawling Avenue entertained last evening at their home in honor of the wedding anniversary of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Willetts. A theatre party followed.

BEMAN PARK. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Baker of

2242 13th Street are spending a few days in New York. Their William, who graduated from La Salle Institute last June is also in New York and will enter Man­hattan College this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ford, who v/ere recently married, have taken up their residence at 2510 15th Street. Mr. Ford is Industrial Sec­retary of the Y. M. C. A.

Fred Fulcher, a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternitv, has Kone to his home at East Orange, N. J.

Resume Meetings. The church workers of the Church

of Ascensiorf^met Monday evening at the parish house. This was the first meeting of the season' and ar­rangements were made for a food sale Saturday. Mrs. Walter Lessels is General Chairman.

Will Form Junior League. The committee on the formation

of the Junior League at the Pawl­ing Avenue Methodist Church met last evening at the parsonage. Mrs. J. Wilford and Mrs. James Hughes

s o n ' w e r e in charge. The first meeting will be held October 6.

Joint Session. "The Youth of Today" will be

Miss Mabel Rae's subject this eve­ning at the combined meeting of the Women's Missionary and Aux­iliary Societies of Memorial Pres­byterian Church at the home of Mrs. Frank Hayes, 18 Elmgrove Avenue. Miss Rae is Secretary of the Young Women's Christian As­sociation. .

Associated Gas and Electric System


"If one wants light now, all one has to do is pull a string or push a button. Then, we had to pick up a coal with tongs, hold it against a candle and blow."

—Grandmother Brown's Hundred Years, Atlantic Monthly, September, 1929.

Mrs. Brown said she preferred the open

\ fireplace for cooking and used candles for lighting when she was married in 1845.

Founded 7 years later in 1852, the Associated Gas and Electric System has been in public service over three genera­tions. During this period, gas came gen­erally into use for cooking, heating and electricity for lighting and. appliances.

A Service to 28 Customers Has Grown to 1,200,000 Customers-

From a small beginning with 28 gas customers in one community, the Associ­ated System now provides electricity or gas to a total of 1,200,000 customers in 2,200 communities. It is a service providing conveniences and comforts that have grown to *be necessities to a population of" 5,300,000 people.

An attractive investment opportunity will soon be announced. Watch for it!

Associated Gas ami Electric Securities

Mechanicville, N e w York



In pursuance of a Judgment of fore­closure and Kale, made In the above entitled action, bearing riato tlie 1.1th day of September, .1929, and entered In the Warren. Washington and Saratoga County Clerks' Offices on the 13th day of September, 1929, and in the Rensse­laer County Clerk's office on the 14th day of September, 1929, I. the un Un­signed Referee in said judgment named, will sell at public auction, at the front door of the Court House In the village of Lake George, County of Warren and State of New York, on the 31st day of October, 1929, at ten o'clock In the foienoon of that day, tho followlnT described premises:

PARCEL NO. ONE. (a) — All that parcel of land situate

on the easterly side of the Waterford-Mechanlcville highway in the town of Wsterford, Saratoga County, conveyed by John Knlckerbaeker to the Stillwater & Mechanicville Street Railway Co. bv deed dated June 7, 1S9S, being 2425 feet In length and 33 feet in width; also, that parcel in the' town of Halfmoon Saratoga County, situate on tho west­erly side of tho Waterford-Meclianlcville highway conveyed bv Clara II. N. Wheeler to the Hudson Valley Railway Company by deed dated October 23, 1S02, and lying between the state high­way and lands of tho Delaware and Hudson Company, and containing two acres of land more or less; also, that parcel in the town of Stillwater, Sara­toga County, adjoining the south cor­poration line of tho village of Stillwater, which parcel of land is used by said railway company for a connection with the Boston & Maine Railroad, and con­veyed by Lucy L. Hart to the Hudson Valley Railway Company by deed dated December 13, 1902; also, lands hereto­fore used by It as a right of way com­mencing In the town of Stillwater, Sara­toga County, at a point on the easterly side of the Stillwater-Schuylervllle state highway at the southerly lino of lands heretofore conveyed to the C.reenwlch A Schuylervllle Electric Railroad by Wil­liam II. Blood and wife by deed dated September 30, 1899, running thence northerly, alternating on the east and west sides of said highway through tho village of Stillwater and town of Still­water to Bemls Heights, thence curving to the right and continuing northeasterly following the general direction of the abandoned Chnmplain Canal through the towns of Stillwater and Saratoga to the south corporation limits of tho vil­lage of Schuylervllle, which lands or right of way vary In width from 10 to 200 feet and are approximately 558112 feet in length, excepting and reserving a parcel on said right of way in the town of Stillwater formerly owned by Mrs. James Kldd, also, commencing at a point in the east side of Broad Street In the village of Schuylervllle where the same Is intersected by said right of way, and thence continuing easterly and noitherly through said village of Schuy­lervllle and the town of Saratoga until said right of way again Intersects the continuation of said Broad Street and known as the Fchuylorville-Fort Ed­ward state highway, and which said right of way varies in width from 1C to 109 feet and is approximately ,3370 feet In length; also, commencing at a point in said town of Saratoga on said Pchuylervllle-Fort Edward state high­way just south of the north corporation line of said town, and continuing thence northerly along the easterly side of said highway through tho towns of Saratoga snd Northumberland to lands of the Greenwich and Johnsonville Railway Co., and which lands or right of way vary from 60 to 300 feet In width and are approximately 1700 feet In' length: also, commencing at a point at Thomson, in the town of Greenwich, Washington County, a short distance southeasterly o( the Greenwich and Johnsonville Rail­way Co. junction with the railway com­pany on the southwesterly side of tho highway leading from Thomson to Clarks Mills; thence continuing south­easterly and easterly, alternating from side to side of said highway, through the town of Greenwich to Clnrks Mills in said town, thenco continuing in a general southeasterly direction through the towns of Greenwich and Easton to a point In the hamlet of Middle Falls, In the town of Easton, where said right of way intersects a highway leading to Ondawa Park, which right of way varies In width, Including what is known as Ondawa Park, from 30 to f>00 feet, and is approximately 2131G feet In length; also, two certain parcels of land form­ing a part of the right of way of tho railway company and located in the town of Greenwich, Washington County, and containing together approximately 2.3E acres of land, as described In P. deed dated January 25, 1900, from James Campbell et at, and In another deed dated September 30, 1899, from Job G. Sherman and wife, both to the Green­wich and Schuylerville Electric R. R.; also, commencing at Thomson In the town of Greenwich, Washington County, at a point on the southerly line of lands conveyed September 25, 1901. by one McElroy, to the railway company and thence extending northerly through the towns of Greenwich and Fort Edward and the village of Fort Edward to a point where said right of way Intersects the barge canal just north of tho south corporation lino of the village of Fort Edward, and which right of way varies from 23 to 200 feet In width ami Is approximately B0347 feet In length: also, the parcel on the southerly side of the Boulevard In the village of Hudson Falls.' Washington County, conveyed bv Lemon Thomson and wife to ttfo rail­way company- by deed dated April 18,-1907, and containing about ,fi2 acres of land; also, that land or right of way adjoining tho highway leading from Clens Falls to Hudson Falls In the Town of Queensburv, Warren County, as described In a deed dated May 28, 18*99, from Panford L. Joslvn to the Olens Falls. Sandy Hill & Fort Edward Street Railway Co, excepting ami reserving that part thereof heretofore conveyed to the County of Warren *by deed dated September 8, 1927; also, that certain parcel In the. town of Ouoonshury do scribed In a deed dated March 18, 1903, from Charles Green to the railway rnm-pi.ny; also that certain parcel In the town of Queenshury, bounded on the north hy the state highway'leading from Glens Falls to Hudson Falls, approxi­mately 739.18 feet In length, and lvlng between said state highway ami lands conveyed by the railway company to Jeremiah F. Sullivan by deed - -.dated January 12, 1927, and which parcel of land Is more particularly shown on a map of lands of said Sullivan filed In the Warren County Clerk's Office; also, those certain parcels situate In the City of Olens Falls, Warren County, to wit: (1) — a parcel approximately 18.85 feet in width and 8.1 feet In length on the northwesterly Hide of Eldga Street Im­mediately westerly of lands of tho Delaware and Hudson Company, and (J) -a parcel vary Inn in width from 30 to

HO feet Immediately adjoining and westerly of lands of the Delaware and llndenn Company and extending from Sanford" Street northerly to Roberts Avenue; also commencing at a point In the town of Queenshury, Warren Count", lust north of tho city of Glenn Falls Mi1 where said right of way Intersects the Glens Falls-Lake George state high­way, thence northerly through the towns of Queenshury and Caldwell to a poln' In said town of Caldwell where said right of way again Intersects said Glens Fa'ls-Lake George slate highway, and which right of way varies 'In width \

from 44 to 200 f#et Rnfl Is approximate 1/ 34t8.1 feet In length; also, comfnetic-

f Ing In the village of Lake George, War­ren; County, at a point on the southerly side of Amherst Street, where tne same Is Intersected by the westerly side of Cifaw* street, thence In »a general

LEGAL AND OFFICIAL. LEGAL AND OFFICIAL. of Moreau. Saratoga County, on the easterly aid* of Main Street at a point on la;ids formerly owned by James B. Wing, and running in a general south­east! rly direction through the town of Moreau to the Hudson River, and which right of way varies in width from 6ft to 100 feet, and Is approximately IdSOO feet In ieugth; also commencing In the town of Moreau at a point formed by the Intersection of tho South Olens Falls-Saratoga Springs state highway and the South Glens FalU-Gansevuoi t state high­way, and running in a southwesterly di­rection through the towns of Moreau and Wilton to a point In the town of Wilton where said right of way is Intersected by the old right of way of the Saratoga-Mount McGregor and Lake George Kail-road Company, which aforesaid right of way varies in widtli from oil to 2t"t feet, and Is approximately 57223 feet In length; also, lands of what was formerly known us the Saratoga Mount McOregor anil Lake Georgo Railroad Company and commencing at a point on Mount Mc­Gregor, in the town of Wilton, Saratoga County, at the westerly line of lauds oi tho Metropolitan Life Insurance Com­pany, running westerly, southerly, east-eily and southerly through the towns of Wilton and Greenfield and tho < It y of Satatpga Springs to where said right of way Intersects tho northerly right of way line of the lands of the Delaware and Hudson Company In the city of Saiatoga Springs, which aforesaid right of way varies in width from 10 to 100 leet and Is approximately 4S500 feet in length; also, that certain larrt} or light of way In the town of Greenfield, Sara­toga County, running squthwesterly from tho old right of way of tho Saratoga-Mount McGregor & Lake George Rail­road Company to the state highway leading from Saratoga Springs to Olens Palls, ami which parcel of land la ap­proximately 342 feet In width on said old sight of way and 120 feet In width on the state highway, and is approxi­mately 483 Kb feet In length on the north sld.o and 422 feot on the south side thereof; also, that land or right of way rituate In the City of Saratoga Springs N. Y\, on the easterly side of Maple Avenue, bounded on the north by lands formerly owned by William H. Gallor. on the cast by lands formerly owned by John C. Harris, on the south by lands of tho Railway Company, and on tho west by Maple Avenue, and described in a deed dated April 20, 1907. from John C. Harris to the railway company; also lots 3;', 55-57 Inc., fifi-70 inc. as shown on a map of Tompkinsvllle In the city of Saratoga Springs as laid out by Peth Covllt, C. E.. and tiled In tho Saratoga County Clerk's Office; also that land or light of way In the City of Sara­toga Springs, on the southerly side of Spring Avenue, commencing at a point 250 feet east from tho northwest corner of Warren Street, thence westerly along Spring Avenuo 300 feet, southerly at right angles to Spring Avenue to tho property of the Boston & Maine Rail­road, easterly along the northerly line oi' tho property of the Boston & Maine Railroad 300 feet and northerly at right singles to tho last mentioned property to tho place of beginning, as described In a deed dated September 23, 1904, from Ellas II. Peters et al to the railway company; also, that certain parcel of land in the city of Saratoga Springs crmmenclng at a point in Broadway 70 feet northerly of the northeast corner of the Now Columbian Hotel property, thence westerly parallel ,wlth the nor­therly line of said hotel property to an alley, thence northerly in said niley parallel with Broadway 70 feet, easterly parallel with the course as above men­tioned and 70 feet distant therefrom to Broadway, and southerly along Broad­way to the place of beginning, and de scribed In a deed dated May 2, 190t>, from Joseph Carey as executor, etc., to the railway company, and subject to tho conditions and reservations contained In said deed; also that parcel of land at tho northeasterly intersection of Ham­ilton Street and Lincoln Avenue In tho C'ty of Saratoga Springs, and being a triangular parcel about 11 feet in length en Hamilton Street and 11 feet on Lincoln Avenue, and described In a deed dated Juno 21, 1898, from Lcura A. Per­kins et al to the Saratoga Traction Com-prny; also that certain land in the City of Saratoga Springs commencing at the southerly Intersection of Wright Street with Adams Street and running thence northerly and easterly through private latids in the city of Saratoga Springs to the road leading to Arrowhead at Sara­toga Lake, and which aforesaid right of way varies In width from 33 to 180 feet and Is approximately 17714 feet In length, excepting and reserving all that part of said right of way formerly owned by Harriet I.,. B. Sheppard, Charles Green, Patrick Morrlssey, John M. Eddy and Wallace A. French; also a parcel of land varying in width from 30 to 66 feet across lands formerly owned by Thomas B. Carroll, together with a gore at the west end of said lands, and as described In a deed dated January 15, 1892, from said Thomas B. Carroll to the Union Electric Railway Co.; also that land or right of way 33 feet In width across tho farm formerly owned by Cecelia Trumbull, and as de­scribed in a deed dated February 15. 1S92, from said Cecelia Trumbull to the Union Electric. Railway Co.; also that certain parcel of land or right of way comprising 1.29 acres of land as de­scribed In a deed dated November '1, IK39. from Maud M. McKerndn to the Saratoga Traction Co.; also a right of way over a private road approximately 50 feet square, and a right of way over second parcel of land approxlmtely 40 H ffct in width and 2000 feet in length as described In a deed dated December 20. 1899, from Benjamin Riley and wife to the Saratoga Traction Co.; also that cer­tain parcel of land In tho city of Saratoga Springs described In deed dated March 24, 1892, from Charles B. Arnold and wife 'o tho Union Electric Railway Co. bounded vesteriy by lands of the Delaware and Hudson Company, and northerly of the state highway at the Geysers, and upon which Is located a substation of the railway company; also, that certain right of way In the town of Miltan, Sara­toga. County, crossing the farm of Joseph R. Shaeffer as described In a deed dated November 15, 1920, from Joseph Shaeffer and wife to tho railway company, sub­ject, however, to all tho terms and con­ditions contained In said last mentioned

formerly owned by Lafayette Foster; also, lit the town of Caldwell, Warren County, so much of the aforesaid pld.uk road as had heretofore' been used as a right of way commencing at a point on the southerly boundary line of larrds foimerly owned by James Green and • ••.!• i.ding northerly on and along satd piank road to the northerly terminus of said old plank road; also, those cer­tain other parcels located on the old Saiatoga-Kaydeross Park line In th*. clt> of Saratoga Springs, Saratoga County, being lands heretofore conveyed to Union Electric Railway Co. by Harrfet L B. Shepherd, et al. by de«d dated February 29 1892. and approximately S4D feet In length, by Charles Grace and wife by deed dated February 22. 1S92. and being approximately Ml feet lit length, by Patrick Morrlssey and wile by deed dated February 22. 1892. and approximately 1514 feet In length, latids conveyed by John M. Eddy and wife by deed dated, March 1, 1S92, and being ap­proximately 2597 feet In length, and by Wallace A. French et nl by deeds dated Nov. 4, 1899, and Nov. 7, 1»99, and being approxlmattdy 33 50 feet In length; also, those parcels In the City of Saiatoga Springs on the old right of way leading ft i.m the city of Saratoga Springs to the village of Ballston Spa, commenc­ing at the southerly lino of lands owned by the State of New York and known as


deed; also, that land or right of way | commencing at a point In the town of Malta, Saratoga Co., at what Is known as Ballston Junction, running south­easterly through the towns of Malta. Milton, Ballston. Halfmoon, Clifton Park and Stillwater to the northerly right of way line of the Delawaro and Hudson Co. 'In tho town of Stillwater, which aforesaid right of way varies In width from 50 to 225 feet and Is approximately 54856 feet in length, exr-epting and re­serving lands formerly owned by Round Lake Assolatlon, .7. Stennard, William Close and Edward- Farrow; also that land or right of way situate In the city of Mechanicville and the town of Half­moon. Saratoga County, varying in width from 150 feet to 187 feet and extending In a general westerly direction from a point In Park Avenuo In the City of Mechanicville Just west of Sixth Street approximately 9277 feet to lands of the Boston and Maine Railroad, which lands

(were formerly of Wll-llnm T. Wiley; alsrt-rtrat rm-tnln parcel of land known 2t-<~iha gravel bed In the town of still-water! Saratoga County, on the north side of the slate highway leading from Mr. hnnlcville to the city of Saratoga Si rings, being approximately 305 feet by 684 feet and containing t, 5 acres of land, and being the first parcel of land described In a deed dated Jan­uary 20, 1902. from Edward L. Gailor to tho railway company; also. In the town of Stillwater, commencing on the westerly lino of lands formerly owned by Maria V. Dunn, and running thence In a general easterly direction to the

twfst line of tnnds of the Delaware and Hudson Company, whieh aforesaid right o' way varies In width from f>0 to 200 feet and is approximately 2538 feel In length; also comment lug at a point In the town of Stillwater on the east­erly line of lands owned by Tory Hill Sand ft Gravel Co., and running in, a general easterly direction lo lands for­merly owned by Joseph A. Powers which ri^ht of way varies In width from 25 to 53 feet and Is approximately 3939 feet in length, excepting and re­serving lands formerly owned by Thomas O'Brien,

(b) —All *ha rlsht, tllle and Interest of the Ifiylson Vallev Railway Company In and to the following described ptfmlses: Alt thoso certain parcels of lend heretofore used by tho railway company as a part of Itn right1 of way In wit: Commencing at a point on the easterly side of the Wftterford-Meehanic-v iV0 state highway, formerly known as tho Waterford ft Whitehall Turnpike n Iho town of Waterford, Saratoga County, at the north line of premises formerly owned I.v John Kniekefhaclcer; running northeasterly along, said highway, alter­nating on the east and west shies thereof, through the towns of Waterford and Halfmoon to the aouth line of the City «f Mechanicville, which right of way varies In width from 23, to 100 feat and Is approximately 228S7 feet In Ifngth, excepting ami reserving i.itui-eonveyttt la the railway companv bv Clara If. N. Wheeler bv deed dated Ortober 5.1, 1962: also, all that parcel In the town of Stillwater, Saratoga Cnr-fity, formerly owned by Mrs, James Kldd, bounded northerly hy lands for­merly owned Hy Mary Van Wfe anl

tile Saratoga Springs Reservation, and thence oxtensllng southerly along said old right of way through the city of Sara­toga Springs and the town of Malta to where caul old right of way Is inter­sected by Malta Street, excepting and reserving lands heretofore conveyed to Minnie Isaacs, and of the total lengt.i of approximately 11:130 feet; also all these certain panels In the town of Malta, Saratoga CoupO, formerly owned by tho Round Lake Association and J. Stennard, and which lands extend from the highway running past the northerly side of tho premises of said J. Stennard. southerly t<> lands formerly owned • by Henry C. Tripp, being approximately 3000 feet In length: also all that parcel in the town of Clifton Park formerly owned by William ('lose and being ap-proxlmately 2180 feet In length; also all that parcel In the town of Stillwater formerly owned by Edward Farrow, and I .lug approximately 278 feet in length: also all that certain other parcel In the town of Stillwater formerly owned by Thome.s O'Brien et al and being ap­proximately 314 feet In length; also those parcels In said town of Stillwater formerly owned by Alvln E'. Van Veohten and Joseph A. Powers and together being approximately 1140 feet In length; also, a parcel of hind In the Village of Waterford, Saratoga County, fifty feet square with the appurtenances, conveyed to tho Railway Company by Atwell A. Parker and wife by deed dated June 1, 1909; Also, all those rights and privi­leges over real property In the Village of Waterford and Towns of Waterford end Halfmoon. Saratoga County, here­tofore conveyed to the Railway Com­pany by Thomas Morrow, by deed date I Juno 18. 1909, i,v Alice H. Smith anl Willis P. Smith by deed dated May 25.

1908. by Edwin A. Wyman and Jennie M. Wvman bv deed dated March 18, 1909. bv Edward A. McDonnell, et al, by deed dated June 12. 1908. by Join Warnock by deed datcj June 12. 1908. hj" James Pratt and wife bv deed dated Juno 12, 1908, by George 11. McDowell and wife by deed dated June 12. 190.8. b> Byron Devltt and wife by deed dated June 1L\ 190i by Clara If. N. Wheeler. et.nl by deed dated November 23. 1908. hy Catharine S. Drake bv deed Novem-l-oi 28, 1908. by Edith S. Mealey by iced dated December 15, 1908, by Adallno M. Greene by deed dated February 23. 1909, by Mary L. Peebles by deed dated June 3. 1909. and by Mary J. Flynn by deed dated May 27, 1908.

fc)—Also, that part of the lands and premises in City of Saratoga Springs, known as Kayderosa Park, described in a deed dated November 1, 1899, from Sarah M. Lasher et al to the Saratoga Traction Co. and In a certain other deed dated November 13, 1899, from Walter H. Cogan and wife to the Saratoga Traction Co. as Is described as follows: Lots 1, 7. 10. 15-18 inc., 26-40 inc. 44-95 inc. on a map of the aforesaid lands dated January 22, 1923. and filed In th< Saratoga County Clerk's Office; also a parcel shown on said map adjacent to iots 72 and 84, exclusive of a portion occupied as a cemetery; also the par­cel of land shown on said map hounded on the north by tho northerly line of lands of the railway company, east by the low water line of Saratoga Lake, southerly by lands conveyed by ihe rail­way company to Elmer A. Walker by deed dated June 22. 1927, and" on the west by the easterly line of Walker Street, and by lots 41-43 inc.; also a right of way over and across the afore­said lands as conveyed by the railway company to Elmer A. Walker by deed dated Juno 22. 1907, as a means of ac­cess to tho waters of Saratoga Lai\o; also that certain parcel of land shown on said map bounded northerly bv tho T'orth line of the lamia of the railway company, easterly by lots S5-95 inc.. southerly by lands heretofore sold to Elmer A. Walker, and westerly by t i e west lino of lands of the railway com­pany. Excepting and reserving from lot No. I as shown on said map tho portion which was conveyed by tho railway company to F. R. Phillips, by deed dated March 23. 1926, and from lot No. 7 tho portion of which was conveyed by the railroad company to John J. Har­dier by deed dated August 2, 1926. Also, that certain parcel of land In the City of Saratoga Springs as described In a deed dated October 2, 1891, from Lillian c. Garside to the railway com­pany, and being a parcel of land for­merly 1334.3 feet In length on the north side, 79.5 in width on the easter­ly side, ]3»7.6 ^eet on the southerly side and 212.7 feet In the west side thereof, excepting and reserving a parcel off tho easterly side thereof as conveyed by the railway company by deed dated August 2, 1926. to Mary E. Smith, and a panel 100 feet by 128 feet off the southerly side.

(d)—Also, that certain parcel of land In the village of Stillwater, Saratoga County, on the westerly side of Main Street and known as the "Stillwater car barn property," .bounded northerly by lands of St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church; easterly by. Main Street and

•-.ii».iing dam, «s is mote particularly described in a deed dated January 4. 1805, from Joseph A. Powers and! wife to tho railway company and recorded in the offica of the clerk of the county ot Rensselaer on Man h 6, 19»6. In book 298 of deeds at page 11,3. Subject, how­ever, to all assessment, not yet due, th* Hudson River Regulating District.

(h)—Also, that piece or parcel of land lying and being in the Town of Green­wich. County of Washington, and State of New York, bounded and described ae follows: Commencing at the center of tho highway (011 the south side of lands formerly owned by Barber Collamer) leading from Middle Falls to Bald Mountain running we«>t along the land* of David Fielding ami Watson N. Sprague. to the center ot tho Battenklll River, thenca down the center of said Battenklll River as It winds and turns to tho south line of lands formerly owned by Foster W. collamer and wlf« and now owned by Watson N. Sprague, thence along the south line of land* cf Watson N. Sprague and land of Ed-»;ird Collamer to the' center of said highway to the place of beginning, con­taining about thirty-five acres of land. Reserving and excepting lands and premises sold and conveyed to Ondawa Piper Company.A^'lark L. Brown, Melissa M. Sprague, AlotVo Hemstreet, William Montgomery, Frame Woolhlser, James It. Rogers, John A'. Woodard and John Henistreet. Being tho same premises described In a deed dated May 12, 1»>», fiom Joseoh A. Powers to the Greenwich ft Schuylervllle Electric Railroad and recorded 111 the office of the < lerk of the county of Washington on the 2!nd day of May, 1S99, In Book 12 4 of Deeds at page 648. Excepting and reserving per. lions of said lands and premises hereto­fore sold and conveyed to the Green­wich & Johnsonville Railway Co. and to tho Stevens ft Thompson Paper Co.

(I)—Also, that certam piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being lu the Teen of Warrenaburgh, Warren County, Ijiicfly bounded and described as fol­lows: Westerly by the Schroon River; northerly by lands of Adclhert Pasco; easterly by the state highway leading from Warrenaburgh to Thurman sta­tion; southerly by lands of Dudley Cameron, together with dam and all water and flowage rights extending up and down the river from the dam and premises above described.

(J)—Also, all the right, title snd Interest of the railway company under a certain written lease between It and Schenectady Railway Co., dated Novem­ber 30, 1908, and recorded in the office of the clerk of the County of Saratoga on February 23, 1912, In book 279 of deeds at page 210, covering certain real property and special franchises in the village of Ballston Spa, Saratoga Coun­ty, together with all the right, title and Interest of tho railway company In and to all tracks and appurtenances there­to located In Milton Ave. and Front St. In the village of Ballston Spa , from the ioieisection of Milton and Malta Ave. to a point in Front St., to the easterly side of Bath St., Intending to convey all tlie special franchises and tracks owned by the railway company between Malta Ave. and the point of Intersection of Its tracks with the Schenectady Railway Co. on Front St.

(k)—The passenger station of t h e . railway company situated at West Con­gress St. and Broadway In the city of Sctatoga Springs, together with all Its r.ght, title and interest under a certain lease between the Commissioners of the Stato Reservation at Saratoga Springs, r.tnl It. dated February 9, 1915. and covering the land., upon which said, station Is located.

(1)—2000 shares of capital stock of North River Railway; value. First Mortage h% North River Railway; 100 shares of capital stock of Warren County Electric Ligltf. Heat A Power Company, and 5 shares of capital stock of Indian River Company.

(111) —$45,000 par value. 4% First Mortgage Bondd of Fort William Henry Hotel Co.

(11) — All personal property and choses In net Ion excluding cash, of the Hudson Valley Railway Company, and not here­inbefore enumerated.

It Is Intended by the foregoing "Parcel No. t'no" to Include, in addition to the special franchises and personal prop­erty specifically enumerated. all real property, rights of way, leaseholds, ease­ments, water rights and privileges of said Hudson Valley Railway Company, ami all agreements, contracts, rights, privileges, and immunities In connection therewith owned and possessed by It, but excluding all track, poles, wires and equipment Heretofore sold.

PVHCF.L NO. TWO. All right, title and Interest of the

railway company under Joint pole agree­ments In poles and fixtures lu streets and highways. -—»..

PARCEL NO. THREE. All franchises to operate over, upon or

along public streets and highways, heretofore granted to the Hudson Valley Railway Company, or its predecessors In title, by the municipal authorities of the Cities of Mechanicville, Saratoga Springs and Glens Palls; the villages of Waterford, Mechanicville. Stillwater, Schuylervllle. Greenwich, Fort Edward, Hudson Falls, Glens Falls, Lake George, South Glens Falls. Saratoga Springs and Ballston Spa; and the towns of Water­ford, Halfmoon. Stillwater, Saratoga, Northumberland, Greenwich, Fort Ed­ward. Kingsbury. Queenshury, Caldwell, Warrensburgh, Moreau, Greenfield, Sara­toga Springs. Ballston, Milton. Malta and Clifton Park. Including tracks, tUf, switches and special work in paved streets, except as included in Parcel No. one . j ) .

Dated tho l l th dav of September, 1929. EDMUND J. GLACKEN.

Referee. JAMES McPHTLLlPS, Attorney for

Plaintiff, G Warren Street, Glen-i Falls, N. Y. 9-19-th-et.

5200,000, par Gold Bonds of

lege of Lake George and the towns of caidwell and Warrensburgh lo a point

f-m tho hamlet of Warrensburgh, a *hort distance northwesterly of the Rchroon River and where said right of way inter­sects the Lake George Warrenaburgh state highway, jnd which right of wav varies In width Trem 66 lo ion feet and Is approximately 25555 feet in length-

A also, commencing at a point In the town

northeasterly direction through tttTSrll- f fMlher{ys by lands of Kphrafm Ford Icing approximately 25 feet In width ant' Sif.i feet In length: also, that part of the old plank road of the Glens Falls ft Lake George Plank Road Company 111 the Town of Queenshury, Warren1

Comity, heretofore occupied as a right of way, commencing et the north cort><jr-attrn line of the city of Glens Falls and extending norther*J» to the Intersec­tion et said plana read with lands

lands of Louis M. Ames and an alley; southerly by lands of Louis M. Ames, Wilson Britton and Augustus Bemis. and westerly by lands owned by the Hudson River Estates. Inc.

(e)—Also, that certain piece or parcel situate in the Town of Queenshury. War­ren County, known as "Queensburv ear barn property," briefly bounded and de­scribed as follows: Noitherly by, lands of Jeremiah Sullivan and the state highway leading front Glens Falls to Hudson Falls and known as the Boule­vard; easterly by lands of the Adiron­dack Realty Holding Corporation anil lands of the late Charles H. Green; southerly by lands of the late Charles If. Green and tho Glens Falls I'eeder of the Champlaln Canal, and westerly by tho Qlens Falls feeder of the Cham-plain canal and lands of Prank (inner,

(f I—Also, that certain paieel of land situate in tho village of Stillwater, Saratoga County, briefly bounded and de­scribed os follows: On tho north by Main Street, on the east, by lands owned by Ihe Adirondack Realty Holding Cor­poration; on the south by tho Hudson River, and on tho west by the Hudson River and lands of Mrs. Louise Hudson; also, that certain other parcel of land In tho village of Stillwater, Saratoga County, briefly bounded and described as follows; Northerly by Main Street, and lands of Patrick: Nolan, Lyman Smith and Co.. Robert Scott, Mrs. Anna Allen and Joshua Anthony; on the east ami soutli by the Hudson River, and on

.tho west by lands of the Adirondack Realty Bidding Corporation. Together with an Island In the Hudson River east of the above lands, and all water power rights, privileges and appurtenances at­tached to said lands. Including tfie dam across satd river, the canal constructed southerly of said lands and the rights to maintain the same, and all water power pi iv lieges and easements across, over or adjoining the lands of the Adi­rondack Realty Corporation. The fore-gr ing premises are more particularly described In a d*eed dated August 21, 1918, from M. Cecelia Newland to tho nallway company and recorded in the offlen of the clerk of the County of Saratoga on August SI, 1918. In Book 302 of deeds at page ISO; In a deed tinted January 3, 1905, from Joseph A. Powers and wife to the railway com­pany and recorded in the office of the cl#rk of the County of Saratoga on March 8, 1805, In Book 253 of deeds at page 215; In a deed dated October I, 1901, from the Security Trust Company of the city of Troy, N, T„ to the rail­way company and recorded In-the office of the clerk of the county of Saratoga 11ft October 2ft. 190rt, In Book- 2fi« of deeds at page 119; and In a deed dated November 10. 1900, from Joseph A. Pow­ers to the Stillwater ft Mechanicville Street Railway Co. and recorded in the office of the clerk of the county of Sara­toga on February 8. 1902, In Book J3S of deed* at page 219. Subject, however. th all assessments not jet due to the Hudson River Regulating District.

ft)—Also, that certain pareel of land situate in the town of Schaghtieoke. Rensselaer County, located et the south end of the dam of the railway com­pany across fhe Hudson River, and which panel of land Is bounded north­erly bv the Hudson River; easterly by lands of State of New York; southerly by lends of the State of New York and westerly bv fhe pwasklll and the Hudson fjlver. comprising about 3 acres of land, together with all water rlsrhfs. privilege*. easements end appurtenances connect,,,1 therewith. Including the rights to • m struct and maintain a dam In t'o» Bud-eon Rlvrr In front of said premises, and ail right, title and Interest In the

SL'PREME COI'RT—Rensselaer Coun­ty: In the Matter of the Application II.' Helen L. Oversfreet to Have Her Marriage to Ben F. Oversfreet Dissolved, as Provided by Section 7A of the Do­mestic Relations-Law.

To Ben F. Overetreet above named: Pursuant to an order duly granted on the 28th day of August, 1929, hy the Supreme Couit of the State of New York upon the petition of Helen L. Oversfreet, duly verified the 22nd day of August,

I 1929, showing that said Ren. F. Over-street has absented himself for Ave suc­cessive years last past without being known to said Helen L. Oversfreet to be living during that time: that she be­lieves him to be dead; that a diligent search has been made to discover evi­dence showing that her said husband is living, and Hint said evidence has not been found, and asking that her said marriage be dissolved;

Notice is hereby given that a hearing upon said petition will be had at a Special Term of the Supreme Court of the state of New York to be held at the Court House In the City of Troy, N. T., on the HHh dav of November. 1923, at ten o'clock in the forenoon.

Dated Troy N. Y„ August 28, 1929. MICHAEL A. TIERNEY.

Attorney for Petitioner. Office and I". < >. Address^ 13 Second Street, Troy, N. Y. 8-29-th-7t.

IN Pursuance of an Order of Hon. Chester O, W'ager. Surrogate of tha County of Rensselaer, notice Is here*y given, according to law. to all persons having claims against ELIZABETH Tt. BAUCL'8, late of the City of Troy, In said County, deceased, that they ara re>-quired to exhibit,the same, with vouch­ers thereof, to the subscriber, at hie place of transacting business as lor. etc., of said deceased at First Street. In the City of Troy.l on or before the 12th day of Jal '1930.

Dated Troy. N. Y„ July 11. 1929 FRANK M. BM-CO&7

Etecutor, Bte.~ JOS. r. TJEIIAM, JR. Attorney f"P

Executor. 7-ll-eow-th-13t.

IN Pursuance of en Order of Hon. Chester < S. Wager. Surrogate of the County of Rensselaer, notice is hereby given, according to jaw, to all persons having claims agsin*t ROSOE c. DERRICK, late of the City of Troy. In said County, deceased, that tbev ere re­quired to enhlblt the same, with vouch­ers thereof, to the snh«crlber. at her place of- transacting business as esecu-friJt, etc., nf said deceased st No. 2340 Fifteenth Street, hi the Cltv of Trov. N. Y, on or befo.e the 30th day of Janiisrv, 1930.

Dated Troy, N. Y.. July 24. 1*29. MY 11A DERRICK".

?-23-th-eow-13t. Enecutrlw.

IS Pursuance of sa Order of Hon. ^h*«ier O. Wsg«r, Surrogsfe of the Coun­ty of fl#n»sel»#r, nonce is Hereby «iven, secordinf to law, to all persons having claims against SARAH T. BABRT. Utt of ths City of Troy, In said County, de­ceased, thmt tn*y are required to eihibif the same, with voucBert thsreof. to the subscribers, at thetr place of frsosaottng business as executors, etc., of sad d*-eea*»d st the law office of Peck A Berni, II First Street, in the City of Troy. New York, on or before the eighth day of October. 1929.

Dated Troy, N Y, April «, 1921. WALTER H. ruRRT. LELANO C BARRY.

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