u. - 97th Infantry Division · so 28 Hl,J 97TH INF DIV APO 44.5 3 February 1946 1. Fol 0, Iru, are...


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so 27

HQ 97TH IN!" D'IV APO 445

1 February 1946

1. VOCG 29 Jan 46 rolieveing C.L.P'l' ROD:L:;Hrr D SONSTLLIL, 026141" Il.f" fr asgmt (:'~ ely as Ln 0 G-3 Sec (DS G-1 sec) .:.:r. Clsgd to 0-1 Sec is coni'irmo(i and na d.t.; mad.e a matter of r8cord.

2. So much of par 13 SO 25, this Hq cs" as reads: "C;.}'T }(()B~l),T D 001-J~T:C;LI:;:;;, 026l41." 1nf, is .D.nnounced il.sst to AC of 5, 0-1 ()If 30 Jan 46, /I is aJd..;nclcd to r0ad: "CJ...P'l' nO.!_:.L!J:(T D SONSTE1Ib" 026141, GBC, ic annoullciJd ;~sst, to ; .• C of S" G-l efi' 30 Jan 46.11 -

3. VOUG 2'7 JCln 4<.) directinG that CAl-"1' CL~~YTOH H EFtSKIHE, 01542L~7" CLIP.I asgd 97th Inf DiY pe:c p<:.~r ;;" ~O 21, tIq Nagoya J.)asc" il,PO '113" dtd 25 Jr.'.n 46 be asgd to Hq 97th Ini' DiY is CD nr::"rIn8CJ. and llD.de 3. mattor oi' r8corci.

4. J.)i'e HObert F'ej.nb(rgJ 3.J(07146, is reld fr [1sgrilt, e..:. dy iiith 303d F.LI. Ln (DS Hq 97th In.f DiY----f$ostal 5(;C) v- asgd Hq nth 1m nLr (postal 8(;c) .J. "rcchd Hq Co" 97th In£' DiY f()l~ r~~t, qrs u adm. EDCl'J:\;> Feb 46.

5. Pfc Gilbert C Watmn, 33959891, is reId fr asgmt D. ely vdth 386th In! (DS Hq 97th In~' Div-postal sec) LC ciSt;,d Hq 97t.b ira IJiY (posk.l sec) & atehd Hq Co, 5'7th Ini' Div for r[\t, qrs u. ndm •. EDGLJt 5 li'ub 46 •.

6. pfe Don l.i verger, 1618586d; i5 r81d fr clsgnri;, Ii ely y..d. tL. 97th HGe~ Ren Tr (~, iJ.ugd tOr i:I~q Dct, Hq S:p 1'1'3, ~7th I:frf Div,: atehd to h~l CO, nth Inf' Div for rdt, qrs v- adm. EDCER 4 Feb 4b.

,.I;. .. ... ," 7. polo.tc EI.!, ,3.tc1.1,..i1 ny sc:rv, arc rold fr utdHlt for rn.t L, qr:::; fr units

indicL:.tod,. .. '.' , ; .. - •

NiU:JE 3f""Lrr,i.MJtlJ.~Nl;Cl:UttlI;S 1ST L1' '1J IlJl.J~Ji H CORi'·jliO lcrli ,i:'yt LJrris I Beren:.an

,ASH U449031 0194629 42163031

m;IT 9Tc'Ii Ql.i Co 97t,h Di v .i~rty Hq Co, 97tb Inf Div

8. Fol Eli, o1'gn inclicc·.tcd, eire pl:..teeu. on DS -vr.i..th Hq 97th Ir .. £' DiY (l:lostc~ section) u. ater'ld Hq Co, ;/I'{th In.f Diy for roc.t", qrs ,~, [cdm. EDCIlR 5 F'~b 46 •.

N.i.,l,iJ.~ 'P1"'G" J ohI~ J 0 I Brien }'ie chnrlGs J Gret~ing()r pfc John L Koating ~fc Edrrord J Exrwr IJi'c "iiilliwn C Hoskins pfc Harold 0 PEmrod pfc Louis H Frey pfc JeUTI8S H Newby }'fe colonel '1' Smith pvt J i.1Jl18 S h l~nthony pfc }utviur 'II Koerner pvc Julian Vogel l--fc Richard P l1ucller pfc Hobert 1d Hackbe.rt

1.SlJ 30'71)1742 . 36>71619 ,3l,352521 Lj.~184S2h 39930t)40 3,·r 2' o()59 )';/ u .

30913636'{ 349752'11 L~400'iJ44 33911622 420135101+ 42130575 35965205 376oU725

OHUN ~Ini' 38'{th In1' 386th 1111' 336t::-. Inf 386tl"1 1nf 386t11 Inf 303d lnl' 3~\:tiIJ;J.f 309th Fl. Bn 922d .Fl" Bn 386th "Inf 387t,h·ln.1' j03d In! 386th Ir.ii

9. U} Ali 61~5,· t,i"J.L; 1'01 promotions (Tel,lporClry) of j:J.. ir. Hq 97th 1m Diy CerE: announct...d:

~~. ~N s:c,C To Je 'I'ce~nl'l:'mr1' S6rC:(;2.nt

Tec 3,J,-U;lCS H nurja 16I(ln:~03 LG To De Teebnici.:::t!l 'ihird Grado

Tec 4 Dilly J Copo 3(j682951 Tuc 4 Georg~ D Bonson 33874444 Tee 4 Hiehard Ii Larmun 35975133 'Nc 4 Donald C Bond 36933281 Tee 4 RichD.rd K Smith 3758643t) Tuc 4 l-'au1 C Il.ogors 390.50030 Tue 5 Leonard G \jilhclm 37767069

To Be sergeant ,tife c10adis R schlief 37575490 .... G (l-'ost<.J.)

. -1-

.. '

r,ontd par 9, so 27, dtd I Fob 46.

NiJ.IE i..sN SLC 'ro Be TcehuicTItri F01!lJ:'t}l Ql'a.d0

LG (1-'< ~o.l) .L~G (,t--.. ,:Z:·'·1.l.

Pic John P seavey l' f c RaYli10nd J.~ Bay

. .;.' Tee 5 H.obert L Bettendorf Pfe Charles 1.1 Linor Tee 5 Duane '~I" Riggert Tee 5 James i .. Rippe Tee 5 Robert H J Opfenaan Cpl charles E Hastings Cpl JUluor F ; .. nthony Cpl Eugone C ii.pplen

1216.3'792 36921494· 37682362 36967159 37767106 35980741 33993858 37646852 37785065 3'7598830

To Be corporal lJi'c Frtmklin L collio 3382'8'20'9

a-5 G-S ~_G

il.G ! .. G ii.G .[i.G l~G

To j)O Technician Fifth Grade :t'f'c Harold l' Eckert 36921135 pf'c DD.vid ." Opic 11133456 ~fe Charles 1 Young 39477624

DY C01.,L ..... ND OF I.u.JOR GENBRl.L luUJ. . .IER:


~ Q.(~~, C. ...... GILl.l01tE, Jri. Uaj or, l .. GD i .. djutant Goneral

DISTHIBUTION' : i .. , B, E L~ x.


:i.G AG .t' .. G

B. 1-'. HEISER colonel" Gi:iC Chicf of st[~ff

.... ···r T\ .-;

so 28

Hl,J 97TH INF DIV APO 44.5

3 February 1946

1. Fol 0, Iru, are reld fr asgmt ~ dy ruth orgn indicated and asgd to 97th QI.I Co. ELlCr.ill 6 Feb 46,.

N.Al:ili IS'T'"""L'£ bj)hOND 1\. CiJl.ULLO 2.u 1'l' LLON COHGN 2D LT SOL '£1J.,L.A.P 2D 1T ALVIN 1 HOLl1I.ND.tili. 2D L'£ GILD~:tL'r 1:; SE11S

ASN 0)%1+7.59 01U8739 0102.9965 0553496 01336553

HELD F.H. JITJdTr'"u 30Jd 1n.f 3G.'3d 1nf 387tl1 Inf 387th 1nf

2. Clll:'T blJ\iluW IN CONNELLY, 0440872, LiC, is re1d fr atchd unasgd Hq 97th Inf DiY ~ asgd to 322d Hed En (IID" Co)" EDCLlt·4 F<:;b 46 0

3. VOCG 30 Jan 46 directing t.hat Tec .5 Robert L Bettendorf, 37682362, 'bf1~ re1d fr asgmt U: dy with 303d Inf (DS to Hq 97th In! DiY - G-S sec) (." asgd to Hq 97th Inf DiY (G-2 sec) &. atchd Hq Co, 97th Inf DiY for rat, qrti L~ adJ'l, is confirmed and made a mat·ter of record. E))Ci'.JH. 30 Jan 46.

4. Fo1 0 Ii Ell, Hq L.: Hq Co, 78th Hil GOvt, ar", reld fr atclu;lt to 387th Inf for rat u qrs.

NAi\Jl':; "C1iPf S'£iJ~LEY l.l COl.,l.,lNS 11 Sgt Kenneth D Lalcies T Sgt stephen F Duke

ASH tJ9."2l787 36468;537 42073422

.5. l'fc lVlarvii.1 E pet.erson, 37596412, is re1d fr aSf;lilt ~~ dy with 387'c,h Inf (DS to Hq 97-c,h inf lJiY - postal sec) I.; asgd to Hq 97th Inf Diy (l)ostal sec) .:.c. atchd Hq Co) 97th 1n1' DiY for re.t, (irs u. ada. BDCllR.5 Feb 46.

6. ll'ol trfrs oi. Ul in the 9'/th 1m DiY are directoc... EDCLn 6 Feb 46.

l~.L~LU:; i?i'c Elmer E Haber Pfc Denney sayranin ilfc llerle L J\.ldrich .l:'fe Donald 1.1 Deaun::;:;ard Tee .5 }jc,rnard Bnsl;~y t'vt. Lente1' l' COlaus Pic l-au1 G Istran :pie Oet.abio II. Estrada Tee 5 Lynn C Thomas

l'ic ~{i11ie Sturgill

1..s1'~ TiCU02856 36b901CJO 3760(l~)9)

314.326j3 36)~:'3?li6 I l..O·.J 'cC" 41+ <:..\..) "

33960349 .39.5B81Cl9 33917944


i1bLD .t''i-{ J'O)"cl FA En 303d F.fI. 1111 W0cl F.L~ ]]n

922d. F:1. :en 305t,j) l"~,- En 3b.';;t!1 Fil. ~J11 3c8t.h FA Dn 3S9"c.h Fl:.. :un 3i)9t~1 l.~"'- .Un

1.::lGD 1'0 322a hed un 322d bed Dn 32~G. L,-,d lJn 322dl:~e,,\ Dn '-~2~J lJjd :en 3Z~d i:led. BE 322d ued )3n 322d i.iLed J.jn lilJ. Dtry, 97th DiY ilrty IIy. Dtry, 97th DiY ;x'c.y

7. Fol Ei.';1 are reId ir asgll'lt .:.~ OJ' with JOJu 1111 L( asgd to Hy, 77t,h In1 vi Y (Pin see) L:; atep.c:, to Hy' Co, 97th Inf DiY for rc::.t, C:lrs c:.: adl.i. EUC1J:L;) Fr;;:b 46.

l'J.U.u:.; riC ,\{a1ter H hO'aek lJfc Louis H uoump

8. Ilyt v'ii1liam 11 Caggiano, h2110i)20, is reId ir asgr,lt ,:.; dy ,d.th J03d. Inf .:.:, asgd Hq 97th 1n1' DiY (il.G sec) Lt a-c.ehd Hq Co, >'7th In1' DiY for rat, qrs \.! aclm. :GDCLlt 6 Fv b 46.

9. UP lJ:{ 61.5-5, the fo1 proI,lOtions (TGEl1Jorary) of 1;11 ill Hq 97th In.:f lJiY are announceci:

To rrec 5 ~ugene F LicKenna

1..SH De Technicrm1 Fourth Grade

38613868 Teehnicj_an Fifth Grade To De

l:'vt:. ver1 L Sweat 17092211





~A . \ . \ ~. L.

so 29


4 Febru.;u-y 1.946

1. Pfc Joseph }-1 Kram(;r" 33849868 02 is reld £'r asgmt &. dy with Hq 97th In! Div (AG sec) &. asgd to Hq Co" 97th 1m Div. EDCIlR 4 Feb 46.

2. Tee 5 Joseph A Donnangelo", 42l76758", and. pvt 1{illirua Ginsberg, 4213 9001" are re1d fr asgmt & d.y with 387th In! and [~sgd to 97th In.£' Div Dand. EDCHR 6 :B'eb 46.

3. Fol trfrs of Ed in thE:: 97th Inf: n;iv ave 'announoed.) IIDGUn fI li'ob 46.

NAliJE 'FI"C1lenry F Thol.1pson pvt carl 11. Sl:ii th pfc Herbert \~ nllttu l-'vt Robert H l~lcxander J;>vt Welford HEckard l'vt H.osario J Bl'obuillard pfc It'rank A Beltran pfc paul G Istivan Pic Hurbcrt D stall pvt Frank Llaneuso pvt Jor.J1 J dieklos Pfc Herman S Johnson Tee 5 Theophales 0 Garmon pfc Hichard G Brandel

ASN 3'7785558 38596835 15402342 3582'7954 37717606 31481908 39733629 33960349 36935710 42108575 3504669'1 35926896 35'(81280 42095937

HELD FH j8"TwlTnf 387th lnf 387th In! 387th Inf 387th Inf 387th Inf 389th FA Dn 389th FA Dn 389th FA Dn 922d FA En 30jd Fil Bn 365'1:.h l"l .. En ~22d FI~ Dn 303d FA Bn

ASGD TO V7-th \ll.i co 97th QU Co 97th l~,i cc 97th (~_ C' 97th Qh C 97th Qbi Go," 97th Ql.! CO nth Qb Co 97th Ql.1 Co 97th (tl.~ Co 97th Ql.i Co nth (.~.! Co 97th \$:! Co Hq Btry, 9'1th Div ;~rty

4. Fol ELi, 517th EP plat are placod on TDY (liP pa.trol) llith 387th Inf " atehd thereto for rat (I. qrs. Upon COI,lplotion of TDl I<.;U 'will ret to t>ar€:nt orgn.

NiJ.i1 FI'C"'1lorb0rt D lillweil l-'fc Jamo:3 A Fearnolf Pfc David S Kaskowit~

iJ3N , T2'2'31969 l531+4440 42131437

5. lft> i.H 615-5" thl: fol promotions (Temporary) of El! in Hq 97th In.£: Div are announced:

N1>1.£ ilSN SEC - To De Technic17ffi Fourth Grade Tec 5 Robl:rt P Laul J3605933 I&'E

To Be ToclUlici~~n r1/~h Grado Pfc Eldon HEather 15'eO ~ e AG (postal)

llG !l?Ostalj AG !-,ostal Pfe Loo E Cox 37773552 l'fe i:larvin E l J cterson 37596412 }fe Elmo L Drewer 35830956

DY CO~ . .u.4.ND OF I.L.JO:a GEribl:t..J.. KfuJJER;

OF FIla~J..:

Q, Ck,a.'()~\\\ C. ~~. G~, JR ' Liajor, AGD l~djutant General

lJIS'rlUBUTION: lu B" E & x.


0'''' , ' .... ..; .. AG l'ostal

n. 1-. HGISLR colonel" GSC Chicf of staff

HCl 97TH INF DIV f,PO 445

.31 6 February 1946

1. 1ST LT FRANCIS C MOREHOUSE, 01329864, Inf, is reId fr asgmt & dy with 797th Ord Co & asgd to Hq Co, 97th Inf Div for dy. EDCMR 7 Feb 46.

2. VOCG 30 Jan 46 directing that PfcChar1es M Minor, 36967159, be reId fr asgmt & ely with He 97th Inf Div (G-5 Sec) & asgd Hq 97th Inf Div (G-2 Sec) & atchd Hq Co, 97th Inf Div for rat, qrs & adm~ is confirmed and made a matter of record. EDC!AR 30 Jan 46.

3. So much of par 9, so 27, this Hq cs,. as pertains to promotions of Tee 5 Robert L Bett'ndorf, 37682362, G-5 Sec & Pfe Charles M Minor, 36967159, G-5 See to Technician Fourth Grade is amended to read: Tee 5 Robert L Bettendorf, 37682362, G-2 Sec & Pfc Charles M Minor, 36967159, G-.3..S8C.

4. So much of par 6, SO 28, this Hq cs, pertaining to trfrs of EM in the 97th Inf Divas reads:



N'.ME Pfe Paul G Istran

amended to read: Pfe Paul G Istvan

5. Par 3, SO 29, amended to delete:


~Paul G Istivan

ASN 339603l~9


this Hq es, pertaining

!,SN 33960349

RELD FR ASGD TO 389th FA Bn 322d Med Bn

389th FA Bn 322d·Med Bn

to trfrs of F1J1 in 97th Inf Div

RELD FR 369th FA Bn

'SGD 'ro 97th OM Co

6. Fol trfrs of EM in the 97t.h Inf Div arc announced. EDCMR 8 Feb 46.

N~ME Pfc Edmundo G Garcia Pfc Bryant 0 Hall Pvt William R Smith Pfc James T Little Pfe Arbogasto S Campoamor Pic Edward A Herold Pfc Stanley Kobus Pfe Merle L Ross Pfc Robert D Tand Pfc Kenneth .'. Decker Pfc Lawrence H Sundes Pfc Porry D Ashford

Pvt James Parsons Pvt Curtis Schoggin

f:.SN 387064.98 33666117 37697212 44129666 39742170 37777338 6566815 37779140 33887138 36473961 39h81287 38643095

44018136 38675632

RELD FR A3GD TO 386th Inf 97th OM Co

do do do .do

·do do do ". do , , ~. do '. fi· do " do '. do do .. Jot' do do '~7th Inf Div Band

36 5th F~, Bn V322d Med Bn 365th F_". Bn 'IQJ.IA. Co He; Co, 97th Inf 97th Inf Div Div ee) & atchd

0, 97th Inf

389th FA Bn 387th Iill

Div for rat, qrs & adm. 97th QM CO 97th Inf Div Band

7. Fol F~I in 97th Inf Div are transferred to units indicated. EDeMR B Fob 46.

NAME Pte Richard G Drandem

Pfe Joseph F Stier

Pfc Henry A Niozgodski

A3N REW FR 42095937 303d FA Bn

31437676 386th Inf

35910623 386th Inf

- 1 -

;,SGD TO Hq XI Corps (MG Sec), APO 471 Hq & He; Co, 32d Mil Govt (atchd 1st, C{'I.v Di v -ToY-yo), APO 201 Hq & Hq Co, 32d AliI Govt (atehd 1st CaY Div -Tokyo), APO 201

Contd par 7, SO 31, dtd 6 Feb 46.

~T' ~iE

~FrRnci8.D Deimeyer

Pfc Daniel L Eberle

Ptc Jack Best

Pfc John H Powell Jr

Pvt James E Gonyea

Pfc Samuel L Lowe

Pfc Anton Tone

AStJ 33953595







RELD FR '38'bth Inf

303d Inf

303d Inf

303d Inf

387th Inf

387th Inf

387th Inf

':',SGD TO He & Hq Co, 32d Uil Govt (atchd 1st Cay Div -Tokyo), APO 201 He &. He Co, 32d Hil Govt (atchd 1st Cay Div -Tokyo), APO 201 He & Hq Co, 32d :Mil Govt (atchd 1st Cay Div -Tolcyo), .\PO 201 Hq & Hq Co, 82d Mil Govt (ntchd. 1st Cay Div -Chiba), APO 181 He: & Hq Co, 82d Mil Govt (atchd 1st Cay Div -Chiba), APO 181 HI" & HQ. Co, ~2d II:il Govt (atchd 1st Cay Div'-Chibil) " APO un He & Hr Co, 82d r'·'Iil Govt (a tehd 1st CaY Div -Chib[l,), APO 181

8. Fol EM, 797th Ord Co, are placed on DS with Ho Co, 97th Inf Div for dy with Officers school. EDCMR 9 Jan 46.


T Sgt Lee V Owen Tec 5 Wm R Ramey Pfc, RobG~t H Pardue Pfc Louis E McGuire Pfe Douglas J BergGlt Ffc .R~ymond L Kahrs Cpl Charlts E Bundrick


37b50h70 332~3371 44030790 36972615 35826100 35821152 L~4021200

9. UP AR 615-5, the fol promotions (Temporary) of EM in.175th L[nguagc Det are announced:

N~~1ili .!I~sr\T

-- ~l?~ . ..:T()ehnICal Sergeant Tee 4 ~~saru Horiuchi 39928302

To BE: Technician Third Grc:.de Tee 4 .~sa Hanamoto 39928299 -

To Be Tec;:hnician Fourth Grade Tee' 5 John Saknmoto 37710243

10. UP AR 615-5, the 1'01 promotions (Temporary) of EM in Hq 97th Inf Div are announced:

~ !.SN To Be TechnICal Sergeant

. S Sgt Robert C Keyston 39430377 To Be Teclmician Third Gr~dG

Tee. 4 Anton S :.rnoson Jr 36996952 To Be T8chnician Fourth Grade

Cpl Howard F Fairweather 31h75168-. Tee 5 WilliAm E Davidson 35888973 .

Toc '5 Orrin 0 :\grimson 37771546 Tec 5 Frederick J Hnrsch 37648699 Pfe F W Bodemer 33834527

- 2 -

SEC -Fin


Fin Fin Fin JA

: C of'S

Contd par 10, SO 31, dtd 6 Fob 46.


Pfe Andy B V'lliitfield Pfe Joseph 111 Farin('; Pfe Howard 11 Berg

To Be TechniCIiin Fifth Gr~.de ~...;;;;..-:;;~..;..;.;.;;. 3~~n?800 Fin

Fin Fin Fin Fin Fin

Pfe Allan G Green Pfe Harold :~ L('wis Pfc Adolph F Wosiewicz

42C~116:?2 l!20£51923 42,1:26935 37648093 3392738,7



r. r~ r"r \ '....: '-...1.... '-··t , c'. A. ~II~V£;'~-:~' , Major, AGD \ Adjutant General


- 3 -

B. P. HEISER Colonul, GSC Chief of Staff


7 February 1946

1. So much of par 3, SO 27, this Ho cs, as re:tds: "VOCG 27 Jan 46 direc­ting that C~.PT CLAYTON j-I EHSKINE, 0154247, CMP, asgd 97th Inf Div per par 5, SO 21 Hq Nagoya Base, APO 713, dtd 25 Jan 46, be e sgd to Hq 97tJl Inf Div is confirmed & made a matter of record." is amended to read: VOCG 27 Jan 46 directing that CAPT CLWTON H F~.sj<INE, 0154247, CUP, asgd to 97th Inf Div pcr par 5, SO 21 Hq Nagoya Base, APO 713, dtd 25 J'ln 46, be asgd to MP Plat 97th Tnf Div is confirmed & made a matter of record.

2. .so mUe[: of par 2, 20 30, this Ho cs, 2S reads: "1ST LT 1W~TER P HTI,L, 01183533, FA, is reId fr as'mt & dy with 365th FA Bn & asgd to Hq 97th Inf Div for dy with Ho Sp Trs. EDOJ:R 6 Feb 46," is amended to read: 1ST LT LESTfR P HILL, 011133538, FA, is reId fr asgmt & dy with 365th FA Dn & p

to Hq Sp Trs ()';'th Inf Div. EnCMH 6 Feb 46.

3. VOCG 5 Nov 45 directing th!lt Pfc \:illiam H Nelson be reId from asgmt & dy with 303d Ini' (DS to Hq 97th Inf Div - G-4 Se8) & asgd Hq 97th Inf Div (L Sec) & atchd HC" Co, 97th Inf Div for rat, ors & D.d.:n, is confirmed & ID.."l.de a matter of record. EDCMR 5 Nov 45.

4. So much of par 7, ,so 28, this Ho, dtd 3 Feb 46, pertaining to trfrs of EM in the 97th Int' Div from 303cl Int' to H<' 97th Inf biv (Fin Sec), is amended to dolete:

N,\ME 'P"f'(;-1i'!nl tor H Noack

and substitute therefore: Pfc James C Apicella

j\SN 37694063


5. Fo1 trfrs of EF. in 97th Inf Div are announced. EDC1::R 9 Feb 1.,6.

N.H1E j\SN HELD FR /,SGD TO PfCWi11iam P ;;vans 44047727 3~6th Inf 97th Q:l Co Pfc Clarence P Wimberly 3)735595 do do Pfe William E Thorn9,s 44056790 do do Pfc Richard E Dibbern 37655494 303d Inf do Pfc GAbriel Barelo Jr 3~580087 do do Pfc Anthony F Cerando 3394;nM~ do do

6. Pfc Edward J Exner, 42184f52h, is reId fr asgmt & d;;r with 386tb Inf (DS to Hq 97th Ini' Div - Postal Sec) t!, i:'.sgd ,S..;rvice Co" 303d Inf. EDC;,.J? 10 Feb 46.


7. Tee 5 Marvin E Pc,tcrson, 37596h12, is reId fr ,-, sgmt & dy with Hq 97th Inf Div (Postal Sec) & QS!?,c: Servico Co, 303d Info EDCl,}t 10 Fe:b 46.

8. So much of par 8, SO 27, this I-k cs, dtd 1 Feb 46, as pertn.i'ri io p1a-\ cing EM on DS with Ho 97th Inf Div (Post!ll Sec) is ame-nded to delete: , •.


NfJilE 'P'fC"Petwer' W Koerner

and substitute therefor(;: Pvt John Konrad 36916738

9. UP ;~R 615-5, thE' fol promotion (Tumporary) announced:

t.~,:..:.T. -Cpl Paul J Williams

\SN To B\1 TechnicTffii Fourth Grade


ORGN 386th Inf .c,.

386th Inf 0

in Ho 97th Ini Div is yr;, SEC -j,G

10. 13T LT v·'\HNOCK C DEADWYLER JR, 01306071, is rG1d as aide-de-camp to Div Comdr, 97th Inf Div eff 9 Feb 46.

- 1 - , jJ \ ... ~,.

so 33

W' 97TP INF LTV ,~no 445

8 FEbruary 1946

1. Par 6, .so 31, this Ho cs, pertaining to tr,frs of El< in 97th Inf Div is amended to delete:

N/)i'E 'SN EEL'" FE ',SGI' TO ni'c ::;tnnley Kobus b5b6315 38btb Inf 97tr 01' Co

and substitute th""refor0: Pfc Wil1 iarfl F Clark 44073607 386tb Ini' 97tt ~1: Co

2. Par 7, SO 31, this Er cs, p..:,rtaining to trfrs of EI'i~ from the 97th Inf Div is amended to dehte: ---,-

N,'I"J': prc Richard G Dr,cmdcm


42095937 RFLD FR 303d Ft Bn

',SGD TO He XI Corr:,' (~:G S,~c)) !cPO 471

3. Pfc Harold L 1Ifcgent;r, 36933151, is reld fr c.,sgmt & dy with 38')th F~, Bn & nsgd to Hr XI Corps (IW .sec), 'PO 471. SiR &- allied papers will accom­pany E;,_. R::til Twill b0 utilized. TDN. EDCI':R 12 F\::b 46. C'.uth: VOCG XI Corps 9 Fc'b 46)

4. VOCG directing tht'..t .sgt E(;njP.min F Libera, 33725746, having E:nlist..:;d in R' UP of v'D Cir 310,45 bE asgd to 3'37th Inf eff 30 Jan 46, is cOl~fil'm(;d'1.nd rnfLde a rn!:ttcr of rEcord. Out}>: Sec V, Cir 101, GPO, U,s'F'P, dtd 31 Oct 45)

5. Fol EF, orgns indic'1tcd, 8,t present on DS with He 97th Inf DiY, will procu:;d to O~:IY~ on 9 Feb 46 for dy v;itb 97t- Inf Div Regulating St2tion.

N~ ~'E

'j3'f"C""Georgc L'iken Pfe J"n~s L Rodio Pfc J:),rnes Dnvenport Pfc N2.polcon Dudley


32707114 36978471 hLf037327 34.967 )69

ORGN 3~7th Inf 387th Inf 3q6th InI' 386tl, Inf

6. Fol EL, 97tr r, Co, 'r(; ple, ced on TDY with B' Co, 97t:l Inf Diy (Trans­portationSec) & Qtcbd thc;r,to for ret 8: aI's. Upon completion of TDY ElJ will ret to parent orgn.

NTE' ~st ChE:.ster L Frearn

·'N 2()331882 33954305 :~5891)46

',>!~ Pfc Joseph • Piper~t~ Jr Pfc Hrl.llie F Brown

" .... .-.

. 7. Fol a: are r",ld fr e.sgmt & dy w:Lth orgns indic:,tcd &. "lsgd to H(" Co, 97t~1 Inf Diy. fDCMR 11 Feb 46.

N")· ..... ·~· J. ..... .

Tec 5 Willard D ft~lton Pfc ~lbcrt ~ 'llen Pfc Gerrtld ,A RE:dick Pic P~ul J Kurtz Jr

:3N 35323292 46015215 35976711 35862762

OltGN 797th Orc! Co

do do

303d Inf

3. Fol E;"i are reId fr :-U3fSlllt & dy vvith orgns indic;:tt;d & 'lsgd to Ho 97th Inf Diy (Sections indic,:lt,-d) 8; ;:l.tchd He Co, 97th Ini' Div for rp,t, ers & adm. FDCT'TR 11 F(::b 46.


Pfc Cb.rk H ThoJIk'Js Pfc Goxand€I' Bi1anow Pfc Paul P' D Gibson

1SN 37T37'149 36963364 339 5l~6l

- 1 -

ORGN 316th Inf 30Jd Inf 303d Inf

pno .sp SY PRO

Contd 30 33, dtd g Fcb 46.

9. Fol E\~ are rf;ld fr asgmt &. dy wit)' 303d Inf ('I'DY to H(' Co, 97th In.' Di v - Cooks g, B.'lk't;rs Sch) & asgd to HC" Co, 97th Tnf Di v. rDcrR 10 Feb 46.

N' ~'l~ Pfc GGorge V floren Pfc Leonard I Schaeffer

'SN 3972g175 37717727

:10. Fol 0 & P', 3rd "n Railw.1.Y Service, [\.r€')tehc~ to He: Co, 97UJ Inf Div for rr{t 8t rrs Gff 8 Feb 46.


. C 'PT GFOHCf P '::;OWFT,L Pfc Robert :Ii ,To1mson

'SN 05'50275 1·7183262

11. UP 'R 615-5, thG fol p:~omotions (T",mpornry) of Fl- in He 97th Inf ;j].'T

are al!nounCt".Q:

M "'"h' .'.,sN ~ To Do T,,;chnicr::1n Third Gi'ado

T~c 4 John M Wallstcadt 36977795

Pfe Pbter En.chstE;tter To BE::' St,rgoa.nt

h22326g2 To

Tee 5 John lA;'Bi.ker Eo Technician Fourth Gr:-'de

1717050g Tc c 5 Elmo L Brew",r To c 5 : r lE:y F j,\Tcl tar

35830956 '38575855

To Be Tt:e)lnici[~n Fifth Gre.de Pfe H,~rvE)y' N Korn Pfc Donald D Curran


" .. (", \. C'. Q ,(,:-.:..~ .. \..,~ ..... ~ ..... ," , '"' ~

. \ --\' ' C. ",. GIlY OPE, JE Major, 'GD \ 'djutant Gtn0r,~1


338.3E~g75 4210,4082

- ? -,-

B. r. HT'T3fR Colonel, G3C \.>hief of st,'.ff



!',G (Postal)

'G (Post:~l) 'G (Post:1.1) 'G (Post'll)

G-2 G-2

, ,

so 34

H0 97TH INF DIV ,~FO 445

9 Febru;:try 1946

1. Far 5, SO :33, tllis Ho cs, pertaining to placing !i~~,: on dy with D:Lv Regulating st" tion, is 2.~kr;~~.

2. FaIr:'·', orgns incl:i_cated, 1~.rC rc·ld fr TDY witL Ho Co, 97th Inf Div (C&B Seh) & 1'1' asgmt and dy v!:'ct:,h orcns indie:Jted, & 2.sgd to 97th Hen Tr ('~;eez), 8: will proc('cd to ()1'TYA on 9 Feb 46 fc,l' ely v;it"~ 97th Inf Div Regulating ,':.;t::.­tion. EDC1.'fH 9 Fc:b 46.

rUJ'iE Pfc George L Aiken Pfc James L Radio Pfe James Dnvcmport pre NapolGon Dudley


3~'7n?l14 ']6 '; '( ~_il+'ll h'-1CJ7327 3/-1967069

ORGN 3i37th Ini' 3G7th Ini' 336th In1' )(~6th Inf

3. Fol J<1.i, 97th J..'~P Platoon arE.. plac:A on 'l'DY (EP Patrol) wit~: 3,<:~7th Inf Rnd atchd thereto for rn.t & aI's e1'1.' 11 f'ub 1}6. Urun eornp16tion of '1'DY (r/ d::<ys) :-::!:: will ret to parcmt orgn.

HIFE i='i'ICHerlwrt D lllwcil P.fe r~dward <1 :Rnd(TS Pfc James f, Fe',trnow

J\3N l22J1969 122334'18 15'3l~M .. hO

.. ,

4. Fol EM arc rdd 1'1' ar-;gmt f~ ely with }O,7th Inf & asgd to Ho 97tl. Inf Div (Sec indicatod) & A.tehe! to Ho Co, 9'i"th Inf Div for rqt, CTS 80' '~.dm. FnC:i.l 12 Feb 4·6.


'j'i'f"C"Vincent Sperduto Pfc JRIDesA Poirier


1:2o'n61)4 369551l;.5

'3BC <YS G-4

5. Fol 0, 3rd V;il Hnilway S:.:rvir::.(, arl3 atchd to units indicated fo):">rnt & ars eff ~ F"b 46.



Q . C~. l_. _\-.,.L ... -~~".~ c. ~. GII\'Q1'm, JR Mr~.jor, I GD Adjutn.nt Gtnoral

DIS'l'TiIBUTION: :, , r, 1,: & X.

, ''")j\T

01949150 01949907

- 1 -

B. P. HEBER Colonel, G::;C Chief of ~)tn.[,f

Hn 97TH INF DIV APc) hl+5

so 35 11 Februtir;;- 19M

1. So much of rar 1, ,'30 28, this [-10 cs, tlS reads: 112D 1,T SOL TAIV,T, 01019965, Inf, is reld fr as/!,mt &'. dy with 303d Ini' & ClGgd to 97th ('N~ ~o II is amended to reCld = 2D L T SOL [:~l~E1., 01019965, is reldfr o.sgmt &. ely wit\-, 303d Ini' & asgd 97th ('IE Co. .'

2. l'~~T LT CH'RLc'3 G rr03~K(Y, 05191+21, Inf', is }',ld 1'r DS to Ho 97th Inf Diy (C&B Sch), &: fr asgmt & dy with 30Jd Tnf, F" Hsgd Ho 97th Inf Diy (G-3 Sec). EDClffi 13 Feb 4.6.

3. Par 5, ,so 32, this Hq.cs, pert.::lnin'; to tri'l'['l of Diy is amended to delete:

T1'~ " : .,. ~

Nn.~ ,',.SN '~mLD F1I. Pfe Gabriel Barela Jr 3f~5i50087 30,3(1 Inf

and sUbstitute therefore; : Ffe Willis H He.rv'_~y 33(562~16 ~3()3d Ini'

in the 97tb Ini'

/',SGD TO 97th ("It~ Co

97tb C'" ", !I, Co

4. VOCG 18 JD.n h6 diructing thc.t Pvt Dp..ltOll n McCulloch, 3693 5~239, h:w·­ing reportGel this He, pur Par 11, SO 15, Ho T::i.f,~,th .'.rmy, dtcl 16 J.'1.n 1~, be assiglkd He Co, 97th Tnt' Diy is confirmed &: lil"d, rt m;:\ttor of rc"corci. EDCI·;I{ lf~ <T 1.n 46.

5. Pyt Jesus L Garcia, 397/+0287, is re1d fr {~sgJ:it &: dy wit!! 303'; TnI' & nsgd to IvIed Dot, Ho .:>p Trs, 97th 1nf Diy &- .~,tchd lIe- Co, 9?th Tnl' Diy 1'01' rt1.t, qrs & C).dm.,-UC;·;a. 13 ~;\b "'6.


c. l:ajor, ',GD \djutnnt General

DISTnIBU'T'ION: "" B, E & X.

- 1 -

B. P. '!f':r:;ER Colonel, '.L3C Chid' of .3t~£,f

r , i


H0 9n~ UJF DIV' ,~~\) L~/+5

so 36 12 Februnry 1946

1. Par 6) SO 31) th is Ho c s, dtci 6 Fub 1+.6, pertailling to trfrs of Ell in th8 97th Inf Div, is amended to dclcto:

!\:~'~iJ;.J~~ .~ .'3IJ 13fI.J) rl\ Ii ::-.',-',) .,_I •. .r: .. T()

Pfe 1':dward , Herold 377773313 y~6tl' lrd (~lr' L~ ... r:: 1 Co " :: I L ~.:.

~tnd substitute therefore: ?fc Edw".rd B ::;cT'C'.fin 4:~144684 3E.\6t', Illf 'nth f1jA Co

, The 23:::th CmlSv Plat is reld fr 3.tc~lIT!.t to 797th Ord (u'f) Co for rat, CTS & ~ldm & w/p to 0'\1'[1'. for dy witb 97th Inf Div f'lct:ul.'1ting station. EDCER 13 Fcb 46.

J. 1"0_:. 1~1j. 3rd ]':i1 Hailwi:W Sl;rvico, <1.1'0 reld [r atehlllt for r".t & C'l'S :i,' orgns imUe;.t,;d eff 13 Feb L~6.

111 '_:m ?vt :hch :.-;:'1 [ , l::cycrs Dvt L20 D,.::,-l

t.S1\1 31.1364647 3"575397

OHC'rN 30'?,a lnt' (He' Co, 2d l' 30JcI F~'. Dn

4. Fol Er.I, h;'.ving onliskd in jt.'\ UP of !'TJ Cir 310,4.5 nTU '.l.sgd to 303cl Inf::ff 13 Feb 46. (;.uth: Sec V, Cir 101, GH0, 1'.J,'F'P, dtd 31 Oct 4.5)


Pfe Raymond \h;rnanckz pre Rn.ymolld Cr.'~.btr\.O(;

5. pre H"ToL! )\;gJj.rt, ~~?69:=:29:2, is rclcl fr":s~mt & dy 1"ith 303d Inf CDS to HQ 97th Inf Div - mo ,';\;c) (J.,,~,o:;i to Eo 97th Ini' Div (G-2 Sec) &. -:ltchd to Ho Co, 97th 1nf Div for r:'t, 0~':; ; ·lUL. :SDC"J~ 11+ Fd, 46.


-- . U'\ \ -Ii '~' c.. Q. '.\._.' ,"-, ... ~¢ .. \.}.~.-:. , .~ n T .T. '-)1'7' .. ~ -- . " C. ', ... L .. Onl., .JFt \

:.'a jar, .',l'U) :,djut:mt Gon(:r.'1.1

DISTnIB:~TF)~' : :_, E, F l X.

- 1 -

1(1) I 'T,"In. .:. J I,.L .•

"-'~"" . , . . "

n. p. f.{r:,ISI:i\ C;olon;;;l, GSC ChLJ' 01' Staff



H0 97'TP Drii' DIV "Fa 445


so 37 13 Fobruary 19h6

1. CAPT CL'Y'T'ON I-l r<~nShnTE, 015h247, Ci'P, :1' Pl;:It 97th 1nf Div ts ':",ptd Division Fire : ·13.rDhnl in ,-.tcJition to his oth(;Y' dutieS vice :'~ ;',Jon SYLVES'Tl:;;\ V ~;TEI(~n ~N, 0246.329, (>"3, Weld (; ff 14 F~b 46.

2. voce 5 F0b 46 directing th;~,t C' PT VP PD l' 'TII,m;~~~T, 01550'/99, (Y,W, 797th Ord L'" Co bS':l.ptd r S:3t Div Ord Officer is oe,nfil'rr.<.:d ,:mcl )w',de a w<"tt<::l' of record.

3. Pvt 'Jrinston J Pardo:::n, 44099305 ,'<"iH 4, ]';08 :'jn C;, is relet fr asgmt f,,: dy w:i.th 387th Inf e" asgcl to !Jed Dd, \Tq ::;p '1'1'8, 9?t.h Tni' Div &r~~tchd to Hn Co, 97th Inf Div for rat, Ql'S S' :ldm. l;;DC~J'( lh Feb 46.

4. UPI~R 615-5, the fol P:C<Jl1!otions (T,:<wpor;)l'Y) of 1':1= in Fq 97th 1nt' D:Lv 'H'e :'nnouneed:


Tt~e 3 Tee 3 Tee 3

T,)c h Tee 4

"oN Il'o Bz

Gcorgu D Benson .::;.;.....;;.~.:;;.T..;..ec_, h;,..l;,..1:"..Le <11 Sm' r\: :.llt

';: ::;?57h!., .. '.;I;--.-Hief1ard ;1" ~;qr!l!l.n -,.:, 3 S') 7 .';13 '~.~

Rich',I'd K Smith 37586h.3d T,~chni.ei'n 'nd.re} Gl' .de

",;.,.;;.....;:;;~.:;:;..,~=3Ti'()7106 To Be

Dunne l'r !litsr~:( rt ... T"l1le~, 1'. co. I'pu ~) 5'] Hl)7 41.

'ro r3~' 'T'"ci'.llic'L"'.n fourt.h Gr"d8 Tee 5 Dr'lVid T.: OpL.: fi1331~5b Tee 5 Ch~~rlf::1 l' Young ;,c)h77c/2h Tee 5,\ndy B '!','hitl'h,ld j:~'l37g,(':)O

T,,~c 5 .'dolph F l"o:Ji,,:wicz 3392T~87 Tee 5 .Toseph II ;i"rim; L,2061622

To )?(: Tbclmici.-n Fifth Gr~de Pfc !-Titch(.:ll .;'ck( rscm - 3698760/+ rfc Vernon L Trupp 377175011 Pfe ,J"Li(}S T Hennig"n 3~;'9~,55h:?


\ C~, (j..,~' ,.-" ,.~~ ... -.-o-,~ '''\''

n ~ (' II '0·' .... ']' JP ',' v • ", • _,. J. ' • :~" '; , 11

h''"- ,jor " em ' 'djut"nt Goner,",l

DI'~THIEl !'T'IO]\I: " B, E & X.


A,G 'G ',G

"G 'Cr

'G G

Fin Fin Fin

'G 'G Fin

B. P. HEI ::)1~R Co1orwl, G,sC Chief of ,skff


1-](" 97TH PlF DTV ~,'{) hh5

so 33 14 February 1946

1. VOCG 8 Feb 46, directing that 2D LT ;:HHY ~;; n~LL, 01326796, IJI~F, asgd this Ho per par 14, so 36, Ha B".se X, UStF';E~;J"C, ettd 5 F8b Ii>, be atehd um1,sgd Hq 97th Inf Div, is confirmed ."me'! Tllnde C~. In:tter of record. ImClR 8 Feb 1+6.

2. Pfe C,:..rmen I{ Navarro, 33S1615?, tSi( ?O, ]';os t./D 16, is reId fr [I,sgmt 8( ely wit 11 3::~7th In! 8: ,:,,_s,:;d to 97th Hcn Tr (I-'cez). EDCLJR 18 Feb Li>.

3. T,;c h P.'l.ul L I-1ughhculhs, 31566 5?29, , ,C::H 27, ;:;;os~JD 21, & Tec 4 ]'.ax C T;'ileox, ~:l99331368, ~.sn ,21, ,OJ /: 17, are rd_d fr asgmt & dy with 387th TnI' r ::'ot':d to Hq Co, 9'/th ::n1' ,)lv.:'T'r:',}l 16 Feb J~.

J+. Pol En off 15 /ob

h::-:.ving enlisted in ~',' UP j I -,,:0 Cir 310,45 are :.sgd 303d F: M. (:uth: 3ee V, Cir 101> CW', U,3 A:FP, dtd 31 Oct h5).


"ffC" John :3 l.:vsick Jr Tec h .'.ll(jn~; l,;icbolas

~. SI'f :3:260522~ 35955h7r.;

5. UP .'1l.615-5, thu fol promotions (Tompor:.ry) of .-,' in :lq 97th Inl' Div aTe n.nnounced:

Pl'c John :.'yble Pfc Harold YGglin

'1'0 Be Tc'chnic:i.'-ln Fourth C}r~(k~ ·----.. ·----·-·--f~1042h4-5------

37692292 To .J~'~," C.2EE.?1'ill

Pfc -~~ob8rt .T C':r1inr:; 3523~25h

To I-.:c '['UChLLci:-:.tl F:i.:Cth Gr"d(; Pfc '.lfonso C Col;:.n~;Clc)--- -- -- ',\3WjT~t:i7---

~'fc : arvin C: J\r':tSsoV: Pfc Basil :,' Teed

351328173 36;:')90905

G-5 G-2

',G (Postlll)

",G (Postal) :,G (Post'<tl) G-5

BY CO'l:_'NJJ OF },[' JOE GENER'L Kn '':E'il:


C ' ~ Q ~,~,--,-,::,-,~, C. II.. G II~TORJ;; , tn . -,:ljor, :,GD ',djutn,nt Gencr,.,-,l




- 1 ..

r. P. flt~I SFlt Colonel, G3C ChiGI of .)t''lff


.. d (:::'=1

I ., n


r, lAl


so 39


15 February 1946

1. CAPT EDY.T!,RD rr CONNELLY, 0440872, HC, 322d I ;ed Bn is placed on DB· with t.he 922d FA Bn. EDCl.1R 16 Feb 46.

2. VOCG 12 Feb 46 directi.ng that fol ElI, having been asgd this Hq per par 39, so 36, Hq 98th Inf Div, be asgd Hq Btry, 97th Div :J'ty is confirrlod and made a matter of record. EDCMR 12 Feb 46.

NALLE rrec-5 "'.mcmo D Hiller Tec 4 Gilbert H Krug

1,SN 39747116 39470288

j,SE 4


3. 1"01 EI!l, orgns indicatod, arc placed on TDY (Sword inspoction team) \vith 387th Inf & ntchd thereto for rat & qrs. Upon completion of TDY EM will ret to parent orgn & stat

N.:~.lE Sgt John R Austin Pfc Jesse L Burgess Tec 5 Ray Onishi

ASN 35848309 33858772 37711167

ORGN 97th UP Plat 97th :.rp Plat 175th Lnng Dct

4. Fol EM, 97th UP Platoon arc placod on TDY (l.lP PD.trol) with 387th Inf & atchd thereto for rat & qrs eff 18 Fob 46. Upon completion 01' 'l'DY (7 days) EU will ret to parent orgn.

N;',:.:E P.f.I_1.llnn Heilbrunn Pfc Herbert D Allwoil Pfc Edward J Endors Pfc Ralph Frankhousor


m.0895l 12231969 12:233L~78 35247796 .

5. Fol ELI arc rold 1'1' ast',mt & dy with 97th Rcn Tr (Hecz) & c..agd to 386th Info EDCHR 17 Fob 46.

N!J,ffi pv.r-Jarvis L Kargol P'lt Elmer J Knutson Pvt Glen 0 Spencor


37589330 37589511 396999~6


22 31

(Rl,) : :a-:.D

28 37

6. Fol EH arc reld fr D,sgnt & dy with 386th Inf & c.sgd to 97th Rcn Tr (Uecz) & will prococ:d to O::IY:. for dy with 97th Inf Div I~(;gtllc.ting Station. EDCl:iIi 17 Feb 46.

NlJiE ~arry E Schneider Pfc Jay L Seylnr Pfe \'!illinra C Cart~r

;,SN 35827840 33881169 39930119

~ 22 12 20

jjO-:.D, ' ?2 . .J

10 38

7. Foi EH nro ru1d fr l:'.sgnt & dy with orgns indicc,t(;d (DS to Hq Co, 97th Inf Div) & nsgd to 97th :.;P Plat. EDCLH 18 Fob 4(,.

:fir;.: ::s Pfc l'!aync R GeiGor Pfc Victor 1. kcorio Pfc Floyd f:.. Gans

:.SN 34912646 .3905.3955 39743141

. OHGN 389th Fl. Bn 386th Inf 38'(t.h Inf

$. Pfc Leonard I Schc.efi\-r, 3'77177'4.7", is rold f1' c .. sgmt & dy with Hq Co, 97th In! Div & asgd to 97th :~p Pl[~t. EDCl:1R 18 Feb 46.

9. up:n 615-5, tho fol pror.lOtions (Tcmpor.:.;.ry) of ELi in Hq 97th Inf Div are announced:

To Be Pfc Harvey H Coker Pfc Francis P HcNnmarc.

:.SN Tochiti."Ci:.'n Fift.h Grc..de

38580203 37694098

- 1 -

s~;c -I & E I &. E

J.\ !~/ i '...


'so 40

H0 97TH fNF DIV ~PO '-+/.~.5

16 February 1946

1, Fol nI, orgns indicated, arc. placed on TDY with !-Iq 97th Inf Div (Postal :lee) in connection with insPection and :'udit of :lecount,s and are ,",tchd to Hq Co, 97th Inf Div for rat and ars, K.: will report not later than 20 Fob l~6. UV;.m completion of TDY (3 days) l<~J"l will rd, to parent orfn.


T,;c '-+ Charles j"I S;'J;x;y Toc 5 Lee F, (:OX

Tec 5 r,l:'lrvin To; Feterson Pf'e Edw:-rcl J Exner

!.\S1'1 3 CJ6040 2,6 37773552 37596412 L~213~.824


97th f)iv J~\rty

97th Div ~,rty

303d In1' 303d Inf

2. UP ',n 615-5, the fol promotions (Temporary) of EM in Hq 97th Inf Di v :!Te 'lnrlOunc,:::d:

N 'HE ~_,SN SEC To Be St~ff Scr~e~nt

Tec 4 Eugene F l:c}(cnna 3~561~3b6;j G-l To Be Tochnieiiltl Fourth Gr'_l.de

Tee 5 Verl E Sv·rG.:1,t 17092211 G-l



- 1 -

B. p. HEISER Colonel, GSC ChLf of St.':lff

SO 41

H0 97TH rEF mv 'PO '+45

1.'. The 106th Ord Bomb Dis Sq is reld fr atchmt to 97th Inf Diy &:. fr further atchmt to 797th Ord CUt) CO & atchd to l:~t Cay Di.y, "F'O 201 for rilt, qrs & affine Unit w/p to 1st Cay Diy on 20 Fdb 46. EUC~11 20 Feb 1+6. (Auth: VOCG XI Corps)

2. Pvt Fr1:'.nk If Slocum, 39718043, is reld fr D::3 to Hq Co, 97th Inf Diy (C & R Seh) & will ret to p'lrent orgn. FDC ::l :21 Feb 46.

3. Fol K'."',re reld 1'r a:,glllt & ely with Hq Co, 97th In1' Div & ~ to ;' Hq 97th In1' Diy (eh Sec) 8. r,tclJd to Ho Co, 97th In1' Di.v for rat, qrs &. aeim. FDG:.R. 19 Feb 46.

N ... ~L~ '"P.fC"TfTinton F 1,i.nci;nan Tec 5 I1.u~sell I.lartin

I'.SN 37779t~07 39431211

4~ Pfc Paul P D Gibson, 339 511161, : • .3r~ 29, : ~O:3 liD 16, is reld fr asgmt & dy with Hq 97th Inf Diy (POO Sec) f" 'lsgd to 30,3d Ini'. EDCER 18 T'

Feb 46.

5. Fol 0 & E1.I, 3rd 1"il rudlway Service, are reld fr ntchmt for rat & qrs with Hq Co, 97th Ini:' Div. eff 19 Feb 1.,6.


FJOR noy J l' :CI\ INS1<;Y C;'\.PT GT'OEGE P 30"'1,1, 1ST LT STU'il.T G KEL:3EY Sgt Neven :1 Geor'~c Sgt l'.Tilford H f(ob(,rts Jr T/4 Hajime >'ukai Pvt t:al1ual Daiz Jr Pyt Robert E ~Tohm;()ll

6. UP:~ 615-5, the fol Diy is announced:

N'l.1E ........

Tee 4 Frederick J ~;arseh

:,,sN 0266594 0550275 01058566 39'728h6J., 3JEn9603 301102LJ. 31434234 17183262

pror,ution (Temporn,ry-) 0ft~~~ in ~Iq 97th Inf

B. P. m:ISlm Colonel, (\·~C

Chief of ,)taff

OFnCL~. Ct.'~. \ '

II T~': iYJ? rl C •.• GL." O. \.~" J",. Major, ~~GD :.djutant GeneI'D.l

D I'3TIUBUTION: 'J B J .'S & x.

- 1 -

.,. .. . r."

SO 42

He 97TH n:F DIV ;',~{) 445

19 february 1946

1.. Par 4, :30 39, this Hq cs, dtd 15 Feb 46, pbrtaining to placing EM on TiW Cr Patrol) with 387th lni is revoked.

2. r,.:.r 6,;0 39 this Hq cs, cltd 15 Feb 46, perb.ining to trirs of EM in the 97th :tnf Div fr 386th Inf to 97th ncn Tr (: ecz) for dy r.t OHIYA with 97th lnf Div ~{egu1ating station is ctmonded to ckl,)t8:

N,'}X, ASN 39930119

:,S~ Bos 'i .. D rrc-~'i11hm C Carter

and substitute therefore: Pfc Rexford 1.1 J one s

38 20

5 10

3. ~'fc Delbert I Cline, 38574134, is reId fr asgmt C' dy with 97th r.M c. ~_ asgd to 30)d Inf. F.DC~'TI 19 Feb 46.

4. I'n Peter :~ Donovan, 42230875, .':>'.\. 5, os '/! 10, is re1d fr asgmt :: ely with 97th ~~cn Tr (i.~ecz) f .. ased to 387th Inf. \DC; ,n 19 Feb 46.

5. UP'S 615-5, the fo1 promotions (TempoI" ry) of r:::.: in Hq 97th Inf Div are announced:_

!I! 'HE IlSN - To Be 'l'echnicI"ru1 Fourth Grndu Tee 5 R.ichard H ViD.lis Tee 5 Richard R Fuller

l~2105297 18099000

BY CO>[;[ 'ND OF ?!",.JOR GEi'·irIl."J..I KR\}JIER:

, OFFIC~.: ~_(),~ '\

c. :,. GIIl)1\};:, JR .. ... Hajor, Gi)

',djut:mt C-enoral


- 1 -

B. F. HEISER Colonel, G3C Chief of Staff


;M ',\ \,




Hr' 97TH INF DIV AfO 4L~5

30 44' 21 February 1946

1. VOCG directing that Tee 5 R.bert Sloan, 35;-j52988, 3rd j_il Raihray Service, be l'e1d fr atchmt f.r rat & qrs with 922d FA Bn eff 21 Feb 46, is c.nfirmed &. made a matter of record.

2. VOCG directing that Tec 5 Geerge CrLdras, 31L.55647 J 3rd Lil Railway Service, be reld fr atchmt for rat &- crs with 303d Inf (F C8) & atchd to 3Sf-th Inf (Cn Co) for rat & CTS eff 21 Feb 46, is confirmed 8.: made a rna,tter of re­cord.

3. VOCG dirE:'ctin.,? tbat rfc RJbert T' Johns'n, 17113262, 3rd Lil Railway Service, be atchd L, 3,'16th Inf (Cn Co) for rat g crs eff 21 Feb h6, is con­firmed 8 made EL matter of rec')rd.

4. F:)l EI, argns indice.ted, are p12.ced on TDY (3word Inspection Team) with JOJd lnf & atehd t>Greto f.)r rat 8 ors. Up,-m COIllJ-,leti:m of TDY Er: will ret to parent or gn & sta.

t;~~ T. OR.m:: Cpl'Farvin F Uecker Tec 5 Ray Onishi

I\,sF 36917002 37711167

97th },P Plat 175th Lang Det

5. UP AR, 615-5, the f'Jl proHDtions (Ternporary) of :"l. in Hr 97th Inf Div are announced:

N' ; 'F.: ' SN S:; C To De Technical SerQ;e8.nt

Tec 3 Leonard R Fnqstrom .. ' 36951. .. 431 . G-5 ~---''''''''-.-,"'''--- "---~---T~;-Be'-Te'cr; ri:LcIon" F';~;Urtl;'·Gr;.de- .... ' .... ""~ ..

T..e.~2...B:~!?~!'li ... §!!}.t,~h .. _."._ .. ~ .... _" .. "h4Q53.Q26.,. . .... ,._, .. " .. ,;}-5 9pl-F_a uU~1~Y!.~ _____ ,> ___ _ • ___ .. __ l21t2_7.3,4g, ____ ... .. ,._,_. ' .. " ~d,.l1-: 5. Tee 5 Harold P 1?ckert 36921135 lG

To Be Technician Fifth Grade Pvt . :illiam H Caggif:'na 1+2110:320 l.G

R. f'. HI: I.ST'R Cc,l")nel, GSC \~h:Lef ~lf St.?!'f

CJFFIC. 1,11,:

. -)

.::-::- . (' L' ,.J(',-.. , -~, ~ ~ ~/ /. G •. ~. GIV ORE" J'R. r:;:':) Fajor, AGD Adjutant General

'JI:3'T.'2lHTTION: -~---

:\, B, L e" X.

- 1 -

EJJ 45

H0 97TH INF DIV f'FO h45

23 Februe.ry 1946

1. VOCG 15 Feb 46 placing 1ST LT BUG~i'NE D Pl1TFs'r, OHj,)5054, /\C, Hq 87th EG He & Hq Co on TDY (approx 30 days) with G-5 Sec, this Hq, is confirmed and made a matter of record. Upon c~)lllplcti:)n of TDY 0 will ret to parent orgn & stat

2. VOCG 20 Feb L".6 directing tb2t Tec 5 T?obert P Smith, 44053896, be reId fr asgmt &: dy with 303d Inf 8, ac;gd tG ;.1'0 97Gh Inf Div (G-5 .sec) & atchd to Hq Co, 97th Inf Div for rat" '~'.l."'; 8,.. aJril, is confirmed and made a Ii1:'ltter of record. Ii:DCFH 20 Feb M).,

3. Fol m'l are reId fr ci.sgrnt 8: (t; yr:+"l r.1 T:":,ry, 97th Div Arty & asgd to He 8, Hq Co, 78th l.~il Covt.

N'JiE Tee 5 Marcel H Behr Pfc Martin .\ Buettgen


'-~ \ e. .G... .. _ ~ "" __ " r' ... " ·r T) i) C. "~I G ,I\03E, Jr',

Ma jor ,,~.GD , ~,djutant General


tSN 35888330 36925705

- 1 -

ASR lIos AI.D IT 14 36 14

B. P. HEISER Colonel, GSC Chief of Staff

w, ,j

.. ":

IJ' '}

so 46


26 February 19/IJ

1. 21) 1,T ff1TT:'~ltD IS 'L\C S,, Inf, 386th Inf, is placed on TDY with the 97th Inf i!iv ".egula ting sta at Ol'IY!~ eff 27 f.'eb 46. Upon completion of TDY 0 will ret to puent orgn f sta. No per diem auth.

2. 1ST LT LINFOflD oS H/,C DONnn, olaS953, V', is reId fr asgmt ~'. d:y with 3i.39th T.';~ 3n, _' .. PO 4l~5, K asgd to -~ighth.rmy Personnel Center,WO 343. Upon arrival 0 will rpt to :~.'J' CO- SC'.J!W:TJ 3 at the l:ew.;rand !Iotel, Yokohama. Rail T will be utilized, ~TO per diem auth. . ;1JCFit 1 !Iar 46. ( . uth: l,TOCG 8th Army 26 Feb 46)

3. 2D IT r.'.Ul. C IDNG JR, 01335023, Inf, is reId fr 2.sgmt e d;y with 386th Inf, 8~ asgd to Hq 8th Army, . PO 343, for dy as '~ldg Supt. ;}ail 'l' 'lull be utilized. No per diem auth. "~DC}"l 2 Ear 46. C.uth: VOCG 8th :.rmy 26 Feb 46)

4. Fol 0, Hq 97th 1nf Div, are designated to lvitness the count and cer­tify on the account current to the fact of verification of the cash balance rptd'b- the accountable Disbursing 0, 97th !.nf.;iv, for the month of :7ebruary 1946. <'uth: Tn 14-704 dtd 1 July 45)


/,SN 01117689 01062990

BR SV ~ ,:;IC C

5. Fol 0, Inf, are reId fr orgn indicated (n:3 this Hq) & asgd this Hq, Sections as indicated. -~nCMR 28 Feb 46.



!,SN 01,326427 0534017 01327030 01326961 01333214 01336549

R:sm FR 387th Inf (C-2 3e c) .303d Inf (C-f~iC) .303d Inf (G-4" c) 386th T.nf (G-5'3 c) 387th Inf (C: 's 3$f) 386 th Inf (G-4 .~.3e c )

\t '-.:

G-2:;ec G-5 G-4 G-5 C~;3


3ec Jec .Joe ·:lec .)8C


6. Pfc Thomas H Brooks, 36889940, is reId fr asgmt 8c dy with 303d Inf & asgd to GW', ,\FP/,C (Statistics & R.eports Sec). S/R& allie<\6ers will accompany Elvi. Rail T will be utilized. TDN. BDeER. 1 Mar 46.~uth: VOCG ,:LFPfl.C 23 Feb 46) , . .. (5 .

7. Fo1 BJ.!, 322d Engr C Bn, are reld fr DS with orgn indicated eff 27 Feb 46 & will ret to parent orgn e,: sta.

NAME nc-Clair E :Madsen Pfc Claude Branham

:,SN 39935359 33664891

nELD FR DS 1.'TITH 387th In! 303d Fl. Bn

8. Tec 4 Charles 111 Minor, .36967159, is re1d fr as@llt & dy vuth Hq 97th Inf Div (C'.-5 Sec) & asgd to Hq 97th Ini' Div (:-4 ,ec) .": atchd to rq Go, 97th Inf -~'iv for rat, qrs E': adm. ,:~r.~::c 28 "'eb 46.

9. Pfc Howard .', I.ebbert, 37768258, having enlisted in Rt. uP of WD Cir 310,45, is asgd to Hq & Hq Co, 77th jvu1 Govt eff 27 Feb 46 .. U~uth: Sec V, Cir 101, GW" US"-.FP, dtd 31 Oct 45)

10. Tec 5 Russell B Uowery, 37699258, 3rd llU Railway Service, is reId fr atchmt for rat & r:rs with 303d F:i. Bn, & atchd to 922d Fi\ Bn for rat &qrs eff 27 Feb 46 •.

11., 1ST l,T PF.TER J LENZI, 01895355, 3rd Fil Railway Service, is reId fr atchmt for rat & ers with .386th Inf (Cn Co) eff 27 Feb 46.



$J 47

I·rn 97TH INT" "lJIV APO hh5

27 February 19h6

1. 1ST LT KKRN P FITT':;, 0267H~, Ini', is rc'ld 1'1' nBf;mt& ely ~';iU; 3:;. ~, Inf (DS to Ho 97th 1ni' Div) 8,: .. ~.s:~d to J-!q 97th Ird Div (G-3 ,'3ec). E[;C~:.:. ,-c. 1 Mar h6.

2 • .2D LT J-D,'RB·~·:lT-l.T SCnNF,IDEF~L"~J, 01333549, Inf, is reId. fr n.sgErt t (l:{ with 303d Inf & as;f,d to 97th OM Co. rWC;'f/ lEI".,r h6.

3. 1ST LT E:mDND t C··HUJ..J~O, 052h759, rnf, is r,J.d 1'1' a.s,'Slllt t: dy vr.ttl! 97th OM Co 8, Cl~3gd to 303d Ini'. EDr:~.'i]'i 1 H.:n' hl).

~.. UP t,R 615-5, the 1'01 promotions (Tc:r~.porttry) of Ii;? .. :i.n Div are announced:

,\8N To Be C~)'~'a fi' '-Q"ru'~""Ll1t .... lie .. _ \.)v "._}'_"

Tee h lfTillbrn II Nelson ..::;..;::.......:::;..=J99272~?-I-· C'r-h G-h Sgt 'l'hoJI1:':'.s D Dodd 18091070 .

Tee 4 ThOJlUJS H. Ln.ng 33;j937h3

BY CO}!ITI!I' ND OF F' JOn GEIJFH'L Kfi. ~r.]';::i.:

OFFICI'.L: \ . . \ \

ll... ~-'-'\)-"~''''' ~\ C. !:.. GII1\oRE, JR \ Major, ·~.GD

Adjut~).nt General


- 1 -

C of :)

B. P. liEISBi1 Colonel, GSC Chief of Staff

SJ 48

H0 97TH INF DIV ,~ID 445

1. 2D ~.T J A,CK D RA3HU<33EN, 01598206, OMC, is reld fr asgrr:t fL d:,·\.'.: L.

97th O:M Co & asgd to Div OM as Class I & II O. EDC;R 2 1~ar 46.

2. Par 3, SO L~5, this Hq es, dtd 23 Feb 46 pertaining to trfrs L'"

from Ho Btry, 97th Div f .. rty to Hq & Hq Co, 78th }!Iil Govt is amended to add: EDCtTR 28 Feb h6.

3. Tee 5 ~Tillerd 11! Eaton, 35823292, t:.::3R 19, ':0,;) !.,/T I , 12, is reld fr asgmt & dy with Hq Co, 97th Inf Div & asgd to Hq 9,(thIl.f Div (Ch .::lee) & atehd to Hq Co, 97th Inf Div for rat, qrs & adm. EDCLT{ 2 Mar 4f .•


I .- \

C. c;---~~~. \ C. " .• GILJAOR'" JR rl;- . Major, AGD Adjutant General


- 1 -

B. P. HEI,'3ER Colonel, G:3C Chief of Staff

, .\ "

:U~"\ ,j t