Tyler Street News March 2013


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  • 7/29/2019 Tyler Street News March 2013


    Seeing the LordMary Magdalene went to the disciples

    with the news: I have seen the

    Lord! (John 20:18a)

    Johns account of the resurrecon

    reveals details that the other gospels do

    not reveal. John tells of Mary Magdalene

    returning to the empty tomb, searching foran answer. While she was searching for an

    answer, Jesus was searching for her.

    Standing outside the tomb, the risen Jesus

    revealed himself to her, and instructed her

    to go and tell the disciples. Mary went to

    them and declared, I have seen the Lord!

    Seeing the Lordis what its all about

    At least thats where it all begins. It

    doesnt begin with serving the Lord. Itdoesnt begin with obeying the Lord. It

    doesnt begin with following the Lord. It

    doesnt even begin with believing in the

    Lord. I think it begins with seeing the Lord;

    beholding Him as He is. Mary Magdalene

    saw the risen Jesus and it was transforma-

    onal. When people see Jesus as he truly

    is, its transformaonal.

    The mission of the United Methodist

    Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ

    for the transformaon of the world. Tyler

    Streets disnct role in this mission is To

    make a community of disciples of Jesus

    Christ who will

    demonstrate Gods

    love and truth in

    Oak Cliff and be-

    yond as we gather

    for worship, grow

    in Gods word, give

    generously and goout in service in

    the power of the Holy Spir-


    Intrinsic to the stated

    mission is the imperave to

    help people see and encounter the Living

    Lord. In a fine book tled, Vercal Church,

    James McDonald writes about the human

    desire to encounter the Transcendent andthe Eternal. He writes:

    Deep within we long for the Father of allgalaxies to fall upon us and take us to the matwith his full weightChurch must be about thatfifty-two weeks a year, every year for the rest oftheir lives. No personal quiet time, no Christianbook, no community or small group or service

    can substitute for the absence of God comingdown to meet with his church corporatelyVertical Church points to a new day where Godis the seeker and we are the ones found. (20-21)


    March 2013

    Ed Lantz

    Senior Pastor

    SEEING connued on page 2

    Tyler StreetUnited Methodist Church






















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    Dash for the Beads 5K

    Bishop Arts Mardi Gras Parade

    Tyler Street volunteers

    handed out water to the

    runners and some alsoparcipated in the 5K run.

    contents for that which will take us into a life beyond

    this one.

    As we journey through Lent let us remember the

    Good News of the Gospel is that we are loved by One

    who joins us in this journey and desires for us to draw

    closer. This is my prayer for all of us during this 40-day


    JOURNEY (connued from page 5)

    Friday, March 15

    5-9 pmIncludes dinner and plentyof fun only $5 per child.

    Heart to Heart Womens Group

    Join us March 2 at 10 am in our new

    Womens Room on the 4th floor

    Everyone is encouraged to attend. Kate Wolfordand Kris Williams are going to discuss the con-cept for the interior design of the room as itwas presented to the Trustees. We will also bepreparing hygiene packets for Tyler StreetCommunity Service Outreach. For this projectwe need cans of shaving cream and toothpasteif you can bring them. Inforzatos will furnishbreakfast pizzas and well also have breakfast

    tacos and other delicious food. Need more in-formation? Contact H2H@tsumc.org

    "A Sure Hope" byKathleen DurhamBrown Bag Lunch and Study

    on Sunday, March 3,12:30 pm in Yeats HallPresented by Fred Durham,we will discover what Godwants for us in the prayer ofSt. Paul. Bring your ownlunch. Cost: $10 includesbook.

    Beginnings ClassSunday, March 312:30 pm in the Covenant


    Lunch provided

    A four week study for visi-

    tors and those interested

    in learning more about the

    mission of Tyler Street.

    Contact Judy Huggins at972-754-7608 if you are


    Cards ofEncour-agement MinistryIn our sanctuary, we

    have a mailbox wherewe keep encourage-ment cards. If some-one is on your mind,drop by the mailboxand write that personan encouraging mes-sage. Write the nameof the person on thecard and we will mail it

    for you. If they are nota member, please alsoinclude their address.

    Remember to set your clocks

    AHEAD one hour on

    Saturday, March 9, 2013.

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    Palm Sunday Mar. 24 8:30 & 10:50 am

    Invite children and families that you

    know to the Procession of the Palms

    in the 10:50 service, followed by the

    Easter Eggstravaganza.

    Maundy Thursday Mar. 28 7:00 pmService of Holy Communion and


    Good Friday Mar. 29 7:00 pm

    Forsaken by Mark Hayes

    Forsaken is a reflection on and

    commemoration of the last days of

    Gods Messiah. This work for choirand orchestra was written to help

    worshippers fully understand the

    events of Christs last week on

    earth and to help us all worship the

    risen Savior.

    Easter Sunday Mar. 31 7:00 am

    Sunrise Service in the east pocketpark at 10th and Tyler. Featured is a

    combined Handbell Choir.

    8:30 & 10:50 am services

    Holy Week Worship ServicesHoly Week Worship ServicesHoly Week Worship ServicesHoly Week Worship Services

    Hispanic Ministry Valennes Party

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    Heart Strings Valentines BanquetA huge thank you to all who parcipated in the Valennes Banquet! You made it a huge success.

    We had so much fun serving you on such a special night. Thank you for giving your me and your

    money to come out and support our youth. Thank you to those who were not able to come but

    gave anyway.

    Note from Kyle- Im so glad that you all had a great me, but Im so much more thankful for the

    outcome of this event. This banquet was much more than a special occasion. It was a means for

    someone to parcipate in some of our many yearly events such as mission trip or summer camp.

    To have even a small percentage knocked off of the price is a huge blessing to our families. So on

    behalf of all of those families and myself, thank you!

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    Youth work on Benne Hall inside and outSomemes you dont have to go very far to reach out and give a helping hand to your community.

    In our case, it was just right across the street! The youth and I had the privilege of helping C2K Di-

    rector Jamie Nelson beaufy her building last Sunday evening. We cleaned out flower beds, pulled

    weeds making room for new flowers, and painted a really cool mural on the wall entering the build-

    ing. We also let Mark Walker send the wood chips flying with his chainsaw, taking down a tree that

    was destroying the fence line. That being said, a lot of progress has been made on the building and

    much more will be done over the next few months. We hope that for years to come it will house

    youth from all over the country coming to serve our community. May God bless this ministry, those

    who run it, and all who are affected by it.

    Are you familiar with Tyler Streets newest

    ministry, Connect to the Kingdom (C2K)? C2K

    is an all-inclusive missions and retreat center

    that hosts groups from across the country. It

    is available to host yourgroup as well! It is

    available to rent for Sunday School class re-

    treats, family reunions and more. Go to

    www.c2kdallas.org to make your reservaon!

    Tyler Street Manor Valennes Recepon

    Save the Date!

    Vacaon Bible


    July 15-19, 2013


    HolyLent is a period that begins on Ash Wednesday and

    concludes the Saturday before Easter. Historically,

    Lent was a me of preparaon for those who were

    to be bapzed. Today, Chrisans use this me to prepare their hearts

    for Easter. It is a me of repentance, Bible study, prayer and fasng

    before the Resurrecon of the Lord on Easter Sunday. Since Sundays

    celebrate the resurrecon of Jesus, the six Sundays that occur during

    Lent are not counted as part of the 40 days of Lent. There are many

    ways that Chrisans can use this period of me for introspecon, self-

    examinaon, and repentance. Go to www.tsumc.org and click on 40

    Ideas for Keeping Lent Holyto see some ways in which we can focus

    during this Lenten season.

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    Tyler Street Christian AcademyStudents focus on service in

    Oak CliffFaith, excellence, integrity,

    service and innovation are

    the five core values at Tyler

    Street Christian Academy.

    The Elementary students

    have focused on the theme of

    service this year. During

    Spiritual Emphasis Week,

    the children prepared a program of songs and visited St. Josephs Residence, Grace Pres-byterian Village, and the Tyler Street Manor. Pictured above is Pastor Lantzs youngest

    son, Lucas, opening the program and then he led the group in prayer. During their presen-

    tations, the Academy children sang to the residents and gifted each member with one of a

    kind bookmarks made by the stu-

    dents. The visits were very special

    to the children, those in attend-

    ance, and each one was blessed by

    the sharing of Gods love.

    TSCA chosen as KLTYsSchool of the WeekEach week the Family Friendly

    Morning Show on KLTY choos-es a School of the Week.

    Thursday, February 14, 2013

    Tyler Street Chrisan Acade-

    my was honored which in-

    cluded a visit from DJ and

    producer Jack Rothwell. Mr.

    Rothwell handed out CDs to

    interested families who then

    had an opportunity to call into the show on Friday and win

    a spot for their kids at Caroli-

    na Creek Summer Camp. Pic-

    tured with the KLTY van are

    Tyler Street Superintendent,

    Karen J. Egger, PhD, KLTYs own Jack Rothwell, TSCA Secondary Principal Kelly Bes and

    Tyler Street United Methodist Church Senior Pastor Ed Lantz.

    Right: Principal for a day, Mr. Mejorado,

    with Dr. Karen Egger, superintendent,

    helps with the guessing game - which jar

    had 100 items?

    Shirley Jackson presents elemen-

    tary chapel on Barbara Jordan at

    Tyler Street Chrisan Academy.

    Le: Jack from KLTY handing CDs to

    the School of the Week parents at

    Tyler Street Chrisan Academy