Twenty Questions Subject: Acts 16 Twenty Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920


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Twenty Questions

Subject: Acts 16

Twenty Questions

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

1. Who did Paul want to travel with him? (Acts 16:1)

A disciple named Timothy

2. Timothy was well spoken of by? (Acts 16:2)

Lystra and Iconium

3. Why did Paul have Timothy circumcised? (Acts 16:3)

The Jews in that region knew his father was Greek.

4. What did Paul’s company deliver as they traveled? (Acts 16:4)

The decrees to keep as determined by the apostles and elders at Jerusalem

5. Where did the Spirit forbid Paul’s company from preaching? (Acts 16:6)


6. Where did the Spirit not permit them to enter? (Acts 16:7)


7. In Paul’s vision, what did the Macedonian man say? (Acts 16:9)

Come over to Macedonia and help us.

8. What did the Lord call Paul and his companions to do in Macedonia? (Acts 16:10)

Preach the Gospel

9. Who joined Paul and his companions in Troas? (Acts 16:12)


10. Where did Paul’s company go on the Sabbath? (Acts 16:13)

The riverside

11. Who heard Paul’s company? (Acts 16:14)


12. What did Lydia persuade Paul and his company to do? (Acts 16:15)

To stay at her house.

13. What did Paul command the spirit to do? (Acts 16:18)

Come out!

14. What did the magistrates command the multitudes do to Paul and Silas? (Acts 16:22)

Beat them with rods

15. What did Paul and Silas do while imprisoned? (Acts 16:25)

Prayed and sang hymns

16. What did the keeper of the prison see when he awoke? (Acts 16: 27)

The prison doors open

17.What did the Keeper of the prison ask Paul and Silas? (Acts 16: 30)

What must I do to be saved?

18. Where did the prison keeper take Paul and Silas that same hour of the night? (Acts 16:33)

To wash their stripes

19. What sis the magistrates plead with Paul and Silas to do? (Acts 16:39)

To leave the city.

20. Who evidently stayed behind at Philippi? (Acts 16:40)

