Twelve Predictions for 2012 (Life Positive)



Twelve Predictions for 2012 (Life Positive)

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Mind prediction

1 Maya goes silentAn era might come to a close on December 21, 2012. This date is said to mark the completion of the 5,125-year Great Cycle of theAncient Maya calendar. Perhaps, it signals the end of ‘maya’ (or illusion) for humanity, rather than the end of the world itself.

2 Dragon roars aloudThe Chinese Zodiac foresees 2012 as the Year of Water Dragon. Balance might get restored in the world, as compassion (water) calms aggression (dragon’s fire). Symbolising

a mix of power and mystery, the dragon can give a sense of unpredictability.

3 Increasingly swift changes2012 adds up to ‘5’ (=2+0+1+2), which is the number of planet Mercury. Mercury signifies the energy of speed, change, intelligence, and communication. No wonder there are uprisings across the world pointing to a socio-economic waking-up process.

4 Advent of KrishnaThe Vedic Year Nandanam, as part of a 60-year cycle, commences during 2012.'Nandanam' translates into the Garden of Krishna (a

Here are some possibilities waiting to manifest in 2012 – a year that many believe will

herald the beginning of a glorious spiritual age, says P Venkatesh

Twelve predictions for 2012



: T




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popular Hindu deity). It also denotes a period of incredible joy and beauty. Whether or not Krishna himself comes, the world needs Krishna-consciousness to overcome pain and suffering.

5 Return to loveTransit of Venus, as it passes between Earth and the Sun, will happen close to June 6, 2012. This is an event so rare that it takes place only twice in an aver-age person’s lifetime. It remains to be seen whether the planet of Love can awaken within us the Divine Feminine, which holds the key to human evolution.

6 Quickening heartbeatEarth’s heartbeat, or natural frequency, could double in 2012. Measured in Schumann’s Resonance, it had stayed at 7.8 Hertz for centuries, but started rising during the last decade. Scientists are aware of its correlation with alpha waves of the human brain, a sign that we are not unaffected by what happens to Earth.

7 Magnetism fades awayEarth's magnetic field might completely collapse and flip around in 2012. It is steadily weakening, and this could eventually lead to a reversal of the North and South poles. Imagine how this event will impact the environment, the communication system, and life on Earth.

2012 is expected to herald the age of the Divine Feminine

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8 Sun flares upIn 2012, Earth could be in the midst of a solar maxi-mum. During such a cycle, there is an incidence of solar flares which can possibly disrupt electrical power grids. Why take a chance with a global black-out, when we still have time to transition to safe, renewable and natural sources of power?

9 Light shines throughSun, Earth and the Pleiadian star Alcyone are set to line up during 2012. This alignment can bring more light into Earth from the photon belt around Pleiades (the constellation of six stars also known as ‘Krittika’). This photon light, associated with Karthikeya or the son of Hindu God Shiva, can potentially cause genetic transformation of the human race.

10 Transcend your karma2012 is a special time to erase the karmic baggage of many lifetimes. During this time, it is possible to receive divine grace for karma removal and activate what is known as ‘junk’ DNA through spiritual prac-tices and visiting specific energy vortices. This per-haps mirrors how Earth itself is releasing unwanted energies as it prepares to ascend into the next high-er dimension of consciousness.

11 Pray As OneIt is said that a critical mass of around 8,000 per-sons is needed to raise the collective consciousness. This golden number is arrived at by calculating the square root of one per cent of Earth’s population. Individuals joining together for collective prayers on a regular basis can be one of the best responses to 2012.

12 Let the games begin2012 is a landmark year for the world on many counts. Olympics, the greatest sporting spectacle, goes underway in London in July 2012, while the most-awaited political game unfolds in the run-up to the US Presidential elections in November 2012. Both these events will be eagerly watched by peo-ple of most countries, and can powerfully shape global conversations.Whether or not these projections and predictions actually occur, 2012 does present a great opportu-nity to discover the grand scheme of the Universe, the divine secret of our interconnectedness, and the true purpose of one’s life. Happy New Year!

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