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TEXTS AND CONTEXTS: BIBLIOGRAPHY [for those taking Mods in Hilary Term 2010]

GENERAL: GREEK O. Taplin (ed.), Literature in the Greek and Roman Worlds: A New Perspective (Oxford,

2000) C. Pelling, Literary Texts and the Greek Historian (London, 2000) N. Loraux, The Invention of Athens (Harvard, Cambridge Mass., 1986) O. P. Taplin, Greek Tragedy in Action (London 1978). S. Goldhill, Reading Greek Tragedy (Cambridge, 1986) GENERAL: GREEK ARCHAEOLOGY Alcock S. and R. Osborne (eds) Classical Archaeology (London 2007) Bérard, C. (and others) A City of Images: Iconography and Society in Ancient Greece

(Princeton 1989) Boardman, J. Greek Sculpture: The Classical Period (London 1985), 20-27 Boardman, J. (ed) Oxford Illustrated History of Classical Art (Oxford 1993) Boardman, J. The History of Greek Vases (London 2001) Camp, J. The Archaeology of Athens (New Haven 2001) Himmelman, N. Reading Greek Art (ed. W. Childs, Princeton 1998) Marconi, C. (ed), Greek Vases: Images, Contexts, and Controversies (Leiden 2004) Murray, O. Early Greece (London 1980), esp. chs 12-16 Murray, O. and Price, S. (eds) The Greek City from Homer to Alexander (Oxford 1990) Lissarrague, F. Greek Vases: The Athenians and their images (Riverside 1999) Lawrence, A.W. Greek Architecture (5th ed. London 1996) Neer, R. Style and Politics in Athenian Vase-painting: The Craft of Democracy, 530-460 BCE

(Cambridge 2002) Osborne, R. Archaic and Classical Greek Art (Oxford 1998) Price, S.R.F. Religion of the Ancient Greeks (Cambridge 1999), chs. 2-3, gods and places Robertson, M. A History of Greek Art (Cambridge 1975) Smith, R.R.R. Hellenistic Sculpture (London 1991) Smith, R.R.R. ‘The use of images: visual history and ancient history,’ in T.P. Wiseman (ed),

Classics in Progress (Oxford 2002), 59-102 Snodgrass, A.M. Archaic Greece: The Age of Experiment (London 1980) Spivey, N., Understanding Greek Sculpture (London 1996) Stewart, A.F. Art, Desire, and the Body in Ancient Greece (Cambridge 1997) Whitley, J. Archaeology of Greece (Cambridge 2001) Wycherly, R.E. How the Greeks built cities (2nd ed. New York 1962)


1. The Persian Wars and Cultural Identities HERODOTUS Prescribed Text: Hude (OCT) Commentaries: A.M.Bowie, Herodotus: Histories Book VIII (Cambridge, 2007). David

Asheri, Alan Lloyd, Aldo Corcella, A Commentary on Herodotus books I-IV, edited by O. Murray and A. Moreno (Oxford, 2007; books V-IX will follow). W. W. How & J. Wells, A Commentary on Herodotus (2 volumes; Oxford, 1912) is also available via http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/ but is very out of date.

Translations: J. Marincola (revised Penguin, 1996, see introduction). R. Waterfield/C. Dewald (Oxford, World’s Classics 1998) has full notes and maps. David Grene (Chicago University Press, 1987).

The Bisitun Inscription of Darius is translated in M. Brosius, The Persian Empire from Cyrus

II to Artaxerxes I (Lactor 16, 2000), ?? Herodotus J. Gould, Herodotus (London, 1989) C. Dewald, & J. Marincola, The Cambridge Companion to Herodotus (Cambridge 2006) E.J. Bakker, I.D.F. de Jong & H. van Wees, Brill’s Companion to Herodotus (Leiden 2002),

see esp. ‘The Historical Method’ and ‘History and Ethnography’. J. Romm, Herodotus, (New Haven, 1998), espec. Ch. 5 ‘The downfall of greatness’, Ch. 7

‘The kingdom of culture’, and Ch. 12 ‘Persians and Greeks’. M. Finley, ‘Myth, Memory and History’, in The Use and Abuse of History (London, 1975),

Chapter 1 O. Murray, ‘Herodotus and Oral History’, in N. Luraghi, The Historian’s Craft in the Age of

Herodotus (Oxford, 2001), 16-44 R. Thomas, Herodotus in Context (Cambridge 2000) Persia A. Kuhrt, The Ancient Near East, c.3000-330 BC (London 1995), esp. 2.562-72 (on Phrygia

and Lydia), 647-61 (on Persia). M. Brosius, The Persian Empire from Cyrus II to Artaxerxes I (Lactor 16, 2000) P. Briant, From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire (Indiana 2002). L. Allen, The Persian Empire (London 2005), good on Greek historiography of Persia and

Persians Orientalism B. Isaac, The Invention of Racism in Classical Antiquity (Princeton 2004) C. Pelling, ‘East is East and West is West – or are they? National stereotypes in Herodotus’,

Histos 1: http://www.dur.ac.uk/Classics/histos/1997/pelling.html. E. Hall, ‘Asia unmanned: Images of victory in classical Athens’, in J. Rich & G. Shipley,

War and Society in the Greek World (London 1993), 108-133 M. Miller, Athens and Persia in the 5th century BC: A Study in Cultural Receptivity

(Cambridge 1997) K. Arafat, ‘State of the Art - Art of the State: Sexual violence and politics in late Archaic and

early Classical vase-painting’, in S. Deacy & K. Pierce, Rape in Antiquity (London 1997), 97-122.


Identities in Greek Art Brunnsaker, S., The Tyrant Slayers of Kritios and Nesiotes (Lund 1971) all evidence for

monument to Tyrannicides Cohen, B. (ed), Not the Classical Ideal. Athens and the Construction of the Other in Greek Art

(Leiden 2000) Gombrich, E., Art and Illusion (London 1960) ch. 4: 'Reflections on the Greek Revolution' Hall, J.M., Hellenicity: between ethnicity and culture (Chicago 2002) Hölscher, T., 'Images and political identity: The case of Athens', in D. Boedeker, K.A.

Raaflaub, Democracy, Empire, and the Arts in Fifth-century Athens (Cambridge Mass. 1998), 153-83

Keesling C.M., The votive statues of the Athenian Acropolis (Cambridge 2003) Osborne, R., Archaic and Classical Greek Art (Oxford 1998) Pollitt, J.J., Art and Experience in Classical Greece (Cambridge 1972) Robertson, M,. History of Greek Art (Cambridge 1975), 171-97 Ridgway, B.S., The Severe Style in Greek Sculpture (Princeton 1970) Stewart, A.F., Art, Desire, and the Body in Ancient Greece (Cambridge 1997), 63-75 Smith, R.R.R., ‘Pindar, athletes, and the early Greek statue habit', in S. Hornblower, C. Morgan

(eds), Pindar's Poetry, Patrons, and Festivals: from Archaic Greece to the Roman Empire (Oxford 2007), 83-139, esp. 83-94

Barbarians and Orientalism: Persians in Greek art Castriota, D., “Feminizing the barbarian and barbarizing the feminine. Amazons, Trojans, and

Persians in the Stoa Poikile.” J.M. Barringer, J.M. Hurwitt (eds.), Periclean Athens and its Legacy. Problems and Perspectives (Austin 2005), 89-102

Georges, P. Barbarian Asia and the Greek Experience. From the Archaic Period to the Age of Xenophon (London 1994)

Hall, E., Inventing the barbarian: Greek self-definition through tragedy (Oxford, 1991) Kaptan, D., ‘Perseus, Ketos, Andromeda and the Persians’, in: C. Işık (ed.), Studien zur

Religion und Kultur Kleinasiens und des ägäischen Bereiches. Festschrift für Baki Öğün zum 75. Geburtstag (Bonn 2000), 135-144

Miller, M.C. Athens and Persia in the Fifth Century BC: A Study in Cultural Receptivity (Cambridge 1997), for the Athenian vases with Persian subjects

Miller, M.C., ‘In strange company. Persians in early Attic theatre imagery’, MedA 17 (2004), 165-172

Mitchell, L.G. Panhellenism and the Barbarian in Archaic and Classical Greece (Swansea 2007)

Raeck, W., Zum Barbarenbild in der Kunst Athens in 6. und 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. (Bonn 1981), pioneering study, use pictures

Tsiafakis, D. ‘The allure and repulsion of Thracians in the art of classical Athens’, in: Not the classical ideal. Athens and the construction of the other in Greek art. (Leiden 2000), 364-389.

Persian art: Achaemenid representation at the centre Boardman, J. Persia and the West: An Archaeological Investigation into the Genesis of

Achaemenid Art (London 2000), Greek influence on Achaemenid art Curtis, J and N. Tallis Forgotten Empire: The World of Ancient Persia (London: British

Museum 2005), esp. chs. 1 (P. Briant, History), 2 (M. Solper, Languages), 4 (J. Curtis, Archaeology), 5 (J. Curtis, Palaces) , 6 (SJ Simpson, Tableware), and (A. Villing, Persia and Greece)


Lecoq, P. Les inscriptions de la Perse achéménide (Paris 1997), excellent user-friendly edition, with inscriptions in archaeological context

Moorey, P.R.S. Cambridge Ancient History: Plates to Volume IV: Persia, Greece, and the Western Mediterranean, 525-479 BC (Cambridge 1988), 1-94, ‘The Persian Empire’

Root, M.C. ‘Achaemenid Art’ and ‘Persepolis,’ in The Dictionary of Art (ed. J. Turner) Vol. 1, 115-119; Vol. 24, 481-484 (London1996)

M.C. Root, ‘Art and Archaeology of the Achaemenids,’ in J.M. Sasson, J. Baines, G. Beckman, and K.S. Rubinson (eds), Civilizations of the Ancient Near East (New York 1995), Vol. IV, 2615-2637

M. C. Root, The King and Kingship in Achaemenid Art: Essays on the Creation of an Iconography of Empire (Acta Iranica 19, 1979)


2. Dionysus, Drama, and Athens EURIPIDES, BACCHAE Prescribed Text: Dodds (Oxford, second edition, 1960) Commentaries: E. R. Dodds (Oxford, second edition, 1960). A classic commentary, though

now outdated both in aspects of its general approach and in many particulars. Note that the text printed in Dodds is the old OCT edition of Gilbert Murray: in his notes, Dodds first explains Murray’s text and often then goes on to justify and explain the text he would himself choose to print.

R. Seaford (Aris and Phillips 1996). Helpful, and with a facing translation, but in many passages Seaford prints a different text to Murray (= Dodds). Seaford’s controversial view that aspects of Dionysiac mystery cult are central to the play often affects his notes (e.g. that on 918-9) and sometimes his translation, e.g. he invariably overtranslates Greek teletai (‘rites’) as ‘initiations’ or ‘initiation rites/rituals’.

Translations: G.S. Kirk, The Bacchae of Euripides (Englewood Cliffs, 1970; Cambridge 1979); Seaford (above); James Morwood in the Oxford World’s Classics series, Euripides: Bacchae and Other Plays (1999); John Davie in the Penguin volume Euripides: The Bacchae and Other Plays (2005), with valuable introductions and notes by Richard Rutherford; D. Kovacs, Loeb edition of Euripides, Volume VI (Cambridge, Mass. 2002) [NOT the older Loeb by A. S. Way].

General Studies of Euripides Collard, C., Euripides (Oxford 1981 [Greece and Rome New Surveys 14]). Conacher, D., Euripidean Drama (Toronto 1967). Cropp, M., K. Lee, & D. Sansone, eds., Euripides and Tragic Theatre in the Late Fifth

Century (Illinois Classical Studies 24-25 [1999/2000]), includes an essay by Segal on the end of Bacchae.

Foley, H., Ritual Irony: Poetry and Sacrifice in Euripides (Cornell 1985). Ch. 5 on Bacchae. Gregory, J., 'Euripidean Tragedy', in Justina Gregory, ed., A Companion to Greek Tragedy

(Oxford 2005) 251-70. Halleran, Michael R., Stagecraft in Euripides (London 1985). Lesky, A., Greek Tragic Poetry, tr. by M. Dillon (Yale 1983) Ch. 6. Mossman, Judith, ed., Oxford Readings in Euripides (Oxford 2003). [Collection of essays,

including one by Foley on Bacchae.] Powell, Anton, ed., Euripides, Women, and Sexuality (London / New York 1990). [Collection

of essays, including one by March on Euripides and misogyny.] Yunis, H., A New Creed: Fundamental Religious Beliefs in the Athenian Polis and

Euripidean Drama (Göttingen 1988). Studies of Bacchae Arthur, Marilyn, ‘The Choral Odes of the Bacchae of Euripides’, YCS 22 (1972) 145-79. Buxton, Richard, ‘News from Cithaeron: Narrators and Narratives in the Bacchae’, Pallas 37

(1991) 39-48. Easterling, Patricia E., ‘Putting Together the Pieces: A Passage in the Bacchae’, Omnibus 14

(1987) 14-16 Segal, Erich, ed., Oxford Readings in Greek Tragedy (Oxford 1983). [Essays by Diller and

Rosenmeyer on Bacchae.] March, Jennifer R., ‘Euripides’ Bakchai: A Reconsideration in the Light of Vase-Paintings’,

BICS 36 (1989), 33-65 with Plates 1-4. Mills, Sophie, Euripides: Bacchae (London 2006).


Oranje, Hans, Euripides’ Bacchae: The Play and its Audience (Leiden 1984). Scullion, Scott, ‘Pentheus in Bacchae: Puritan or Prurient?’, Omnibus 48 (2004) 12-14. Segal, Charles, Dionysiac Poetics and Euripides’ Bacchae (expanded edition, Princeton

1997). Winnington-Ingram, R. P., Euripides and Dionysus (Cambridge 1948; reprinted with preface

by P. E. Easterling, Bristol 1997). Versnel, H. S., Inconsistencies in Greek and Roman Religion I: Ter Unus (Leiden 1990),

Chapter 2, ‘HEIS DIONYSOS: The Tragic Paradox of the Bacchae’, 96-205. ARISTOPHANES, FROGS Prescribed Text: Wilson (OCT) Commentaries: K. J. Dover (Oxford 1993). Full and excellent commentary. Also helpful,

though less full, are W. B. Stanford (London 1958), and A. Sommerstein (Warminster [Aris and Phillips] 1996).

Translations: Sommerstein (above); Jeffrey Henderson, Loeb edition of Aristophanes, Volume IV (Cambridge, Mass. 2002). [NOT the older Loeb by B. B. Rogers.]

General Studies of Aristophanes Dearden, C. W., The Stage of Aristophanes (London 1976) Dover, K. J., Aristophanic Comedy (London 1972). Halliwell, S., ‘Comic Satire and Freedom of Speech in Classical Athens’, JHS 111 (1991) 48-

70. Revermann, M., Comic Business: Theatricality, Dramatic Technique and Performance

Contexts of Aristophanic Comedy (Oxford 2006). Segal, Erich, ed., Oxford Readings in Aristophanes (Oxford 1996). Sommerstein, Alan H., Stephen Halliwell, Jeffrey Henderson & Bernhard Zimmermann, eds.,

Tragedy, Comedy and the Polis (Bari 1993). [Especially the papers by Henderson, Halliwell, Dover, Sommerstein, Silk, and Taplin.]

Studies of Frogs Bowie, A. M., Aristophanes: Myth, Ritual, and Comedy (Cambridge 1993) Chapter 10. Dover, K. J., Aristophanic Comedy (London 1972) Chapter 14. Goldhill, Simon, The Poet’s Voice: Essays on Poetics and Greek Literature (Cambridge

1991) Chapter 3. Heiden, B. A., ‘Tragedy and Comedy in the Frogs of Aristophanes’, Ramus 20 (1991) 95-

111. Konstan, David, Greek Comedy and Ideology (New York 1995) Chapter 4. Lada-Richards, I., Initiating Dionysus: Ritual and Theatre in Aristophanes’ Frogs (Oxford

1999). MacDowell, Douglas M., Aristophanes and Athens (Oxford 1995) Chapter 12. Moorton, R. F., ‘Rites of Passage in Aristophanes’ Frogs’, CJ 84 (1988/89) 308-24. Segal, C. P., ‘The Character and Cults of Dionysus and the Unity of the Frogs’, HSCP 65

(1961) 207-42. Silk, M. S., Aristophanes and the Definition of Comedy (Oxford 2000). [Use the index.] Dionysus: God and Cult Bremmer, Jan M., ‘Greek Maenadism Reconsidered’, ZPE 55 (1984) 267-86. [Response to

Henrichs 1978.] Burkert, Walter, Greek Religion (Oxford, 1985) 161-7.


Carpenter, Thomas H. & Christopher A. Faraone, eds., Masks of Dionysus (Ithaca and London 1993). [Collection of essays; especially relevant are those by Henrichs, Jameson, Schlesier, and Seaford.]

Guthrie, W.K.C., The Greeks and their Gods (Boston, 1950) 145-182. [A good introductory account, with frequent quotation of ancient sources in English translation.]

Henrichs, Albert, 'Greek Maenadism from Olympias to Messalina', HSCP 82 (1978), 121-60. [The standard discussion of maenadism as practised. Cf. Bremmer.]

Henrichs, Albert, ‘Changing Dionysiac Identities’, in B.F. Meyer & E.P. Sanders, eds., Jewish and Christian Self-Definition III: Self-Definition in the Greek and Roman World (London 1982, Philadelphia 1983) 137-60 (text) and 213-236 (notes). [A classic article on the many aspects of Dionysus.]

Henrichs, Albert, ‘Loss of Self, Suffering, Violence: The Modern View of Dionysus from Nietzsche to Girard’, HSCP 88 (1984) 205-40.

Henrichs, Albert, ‘Male Intruders among the Maenads: The So-Called Male Celebrant’, in H.D. Evjen, ed., Mnemai: Classical Studies in Memory of Karl K. Hulley (Chico 1984) 69-91. [An important corrective to Dodds’s treatment of the ritual envisaged in the parodos of Bacchae.]

Otto, Walter F., Dionysus: Myth and Cult (Bloomington 1965 [Translation of German original, Dionysos: Mythos und Kultus (Frankfurt 1933)]). [Sometimes reads like a believer’s account, but insightful and prescient. (Otto’s view, long almost universally dismissed, that Dionysus was not a latecomer to Greece was vindicated by the decipherment of the Linear B tablets.)]

Parker, Robert, Athenian Religion: A History (Oxford 1996), Ch. 9. (On ‘new gods’ in Athens, an important corrective to Versnel.]

Seaford, Richard, ‘Dionysiac Drama and the Dionysiac Mysteries’, CQ 31 (1981) 252-275. Seaford, Richard, Dionysos (London and New York 2006). Versnel, H.S., Inconsistencies in Greek and Roman Religion I: Ter Unus: Isis, Dionysos,

Hermes (Leiden, 1990), 96-205. [Cf. Parker.] Dionysus in Art Carpenter, T.H., Dionysian Imagery in Archaic Greek Art (Oxford, 1986). Carpenter, T.H., Dionysian Imagery in Fifth-Century Athens (Oxford, 1997). Hedreen, G., ‘Silens, Nymphs, and Maenads’, JHS 114 (1994) 47-69. Henrichs, Albert, ‘Myth Visualized: Dionysos and his Circle in Sixth-Century Attic Vase-

Painting’, in Papers on the Amasis Painter and His World (Getty Museum, Malibu 1987) 92-124.

Houser, Caroline, Dionysos and His Circle: Ancient Through Modern (Fogg Museum, Cambridge, Mass. 1979). [Exhibition Catalogue.]

Osborne, Robin, ‘The Ecstasy and the Tragedy’, in Christopher Pelling, ed., Greek Tragedy and the Historian (Oxford 1997) 187-211, with plates after p. 211.

Schöne, Angelika, Der Thiasos: Eine ikonographische Untersuchung über das Gefolge des Dionysos in der attischen Vasenmalerei des 6. und 5. Jhs. v. Chr. (Göteborg 1987). [In German, but with many illustrations.]

Significance of Dionysus’ Patronage of Drama Traditional Easterling, P.E., ‘A Show for Dionysos’, in ead., ed., The Cambridge Companion to Greek

Tragedy (Cambridge 1997) 36-53. Henrichs, Albert, ‘ “Why Should I Dance?”: Choral Self-Referentiality in Greek Tragedy’,

Arion, Series 3, 3:1 (1994/1995) 56-111


Vernant, Jean-Pierre, ‘The God of Tragic Fiction’, in id. & Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Myth and Tragedy in Ancient Greece (New York 1988) 181-88.

Balanced Parker, Robert, Polytheism and Society at Athens (Oxford 2005) Chapter 7, ‘Religion in the

Theatre’. Sceptical Friedrich, Rainer, ‘Everything to Do with Dionysos? Ritualism, the Dionysiac, and the

Tragic’, in M.S. Silk, ed., Tragedy and the Tragic (Oxford 1996) 257-83. Highly Sceptical Scullion, Scott, ‘ “Nothing to do with Dionysus”: Tragedy Misconceived as Ritual’, CQ 52

(2002) 102-37. Scullion, Scott, ‘Tragedy and Religion: The Problem of Origins’, in Justina Gregory, ed., A

Companion to Greek Tragedy (Oxford 2005) 23-37. The Greek Theatre Bieber, M., The History of the Greek and Roman Theater (2nd ed. Princeton 1961) Csapo, Eric & William J. Slater, The Context of Ancient Drama (Ann Arbor 1994) Dinsmoor, W.B., ‘The Athenian Theatre of the Fifth Century’, in: Studies presented to D.M

Robinson (Saint Louis, Mo. 1951), vol. I, 305-330 Gebhard, E., The Theatre at Isthmia (Chicago and London 1973), ch. 1, on early theatres Gebhard, E., ‘The form of the orchestra in the early Greek theatre’, Hesperia 43 (1974), 428-

440 Green, J.R., Theatre in Ancient Greek Society (London and New York 1994) Lawrence, A., Greek Architecture (London 1983), ch. 24, very brief McDonald, M., Walton, J.M. (eds.), The Cambridge companion to the Greek and Roman

theatre (Cambridge 2007) Moraw, S. and E. Nölle, Die Geburt des Theaters in der griechische Antike (Mainz 2002) –

useful collection of pictures and reconstructions Moretti, Jean-Charles, ‘The Theatre of the Sanctuary of Dionysus Eleuthereus in Late Fifth-

Century Athens’, in M. Cropp, K. Lee, & D. Sansone, eds., Euripides and Tragic Theatre in the Late Fifth Century (Illinois Classical Studies 24-25 [1999/2000]) 377-398. [Study of the archaeological remains, favouring a rectilinear orchestra. Contrast Scullion.]

Scullion, Scott, Three Studies in Athenian Dramaturgy (Stuttgart & Leipzig 1994), Chapter 1, ‘The Fifth-Century Theatre of Dionysos’. [Detailed account of the archaeological remains in Athens and their interpretation, controversially favouring a circular orchestra. Contrast Moretti and Csapo-Rupprecht.]

Simon, E. The Ancient Theatre (London and New York 1982) Taplin, Oliver, The Stagecraft of Aeschylus (Oxford 1977), Appendix B, ‘The Stage

Resources of the Fifth-Century Theatre’, pp. 434-451. Wiles, David, Tragedy in Athens: Performance Space and Theatrical Meaning (Cambridge

1997). Wilson, P. (ed.), The Greek theatre and festival: Documentary studies (Oxford 2007) Theatre Images Csapo, E. and Miller, M.C. The Origins of Theater in Ancient Greece and Beyond

(Cambridge 2007) Green, Richard & Eric Handley, Images of the Greek Theatre (London, British Museum

Press, 1995).


Giuliani, L. 'Rhesus between dream and death: On the relation of image to literature in Apulian vase-painting', BICS 41 (1996), 71-86

Giuliani, L. 'Sleeping Furies: Allegory, Narration and the Impact of Texts in Apulian Vase-Painting', Scripta Israelica 20 (2001), 17-38

Green, J.R. 'On seeing and depicting the theatre in classical Athens', Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 32 (1991), 15-50

Taplin, O. Comic Angels and other Approaches to Greek Drama through Vase-Paintings (Oxford 1993), on South Italian vasepainting

Taplin, O. Pots and Plays: Interactions between Tragedy and Greek Vase-Painting of the Fourth Century B.C. (Los Angeles 2007)

Trendall, A.D. & T.B.L. Webster, Illustrations of Greek Drama (London 1971). Dionysian iconography Carpenter, T.H. Dionysian Imagery in Archaic Greek Art: Its Development in Black-Figure

Vase Painting (Oxford 1986). Carpenter, T.H. Dionysian Imagery in Fifth-Century Athens (Oxford 1997) Carpenter, T. and C.A. Faraone (eds) Masks of Dionysos (Cornell 1993) Hedreen, G., ‘Silens, Nymphs, and Maenads’, JHS 114 (1994) 47-69 Henrichs, Albert, ‘Myth Visualized: Dionysos and His Circle in Sixth-Century Attic Vase-

Painting’, in Papers on the Amasis Painter and His World (Los Angeles 1987) 92-124

Houser, Caroline, Dionysos and His Circle: Ancient Through Modern (Exhibition: Fogg, Cambridge, Mass. 1979)

Osborne, R. ‘The Ecstasy and the Tragedy’, in C. Pelling (ed), Greek Tragedy and the Historian (Oxford 1997), 187-211, with plates after p. 211

Lissarague, F. The Aesthetics of the Greek Banquet:Images of Wine and Ritual (Princeton 1990)

Lissarrague, F. Greek Vases, The Athenians and their Images (New York 2001) 198-215. Padgett, J.M. ‘The stable hands of Dionysos. Satyrs and donkeys as symbols of social

marginalization in Attic vase painting’, in: Not the classical ideal. Athens and the construction of the other in Greek art (Leiden 2000) 43-70

Schöne, Angelika, Der Thiasos: Eine ikonographische Untersuchung über das Gefolge des Dionysos in der attischen Vasenmalerei des 6. und 5. Jhs. v. Chr. (Göteborg 1987)

Seaford, R. Dionysos (London 2006) Smith, R.R.R. Hellenistic Sculpture (London 1991), ch. 8: The World of Dionysos Zanker, P. and Ewald, B. Living with Myth: The Visual World of Roman Sarcophagi (Oxford,

forthcoming) translation of: Mit Mythen leben. Die Bilderwelt der römischen Sarkophage (Munich 2004), 156-67, for later Dionysian art and the representation of the good life on sarcophagi


GENERAL: ROMAN G. B. Conte (revised D. Fowler and G. W. Most), Latin Literature: a History (Baltimore and

London, 1994) O. Taplin (ed.), Literature in the Greek and Roman Worlds: a New Perspective (Oxford,

2000) S. M. Braund, Latin Literature (London, 2002) S. J. Harrison, A Companion to Latin Literature (Blackwell Companions; Oxford, 2005) Tony Woodman & David West (edd.), Quality & Pleasure in Latin Poetry (Cambridge

1974); Creative Imitation and Roman Poetry (1979) J. Griffin, Latin Poets and Roman Life (Oxford, 1985) M. Beard and M. Crawford, Rome in the Late Republic (London, 1985; 2nd ed. 1999) E. Gowers, The Loaded Table. Representations of Food in Roman Literature (Oxford 1993) C. Edwards, Writing Rome. Textual Approaches to the City (Cambridge, 1996) W. Fitzgerald, Slavery and the Roman Literary Imagination (Cambridge, 2000) R. L. Hunter, The Shadow of Callimachus (Cambridge, 2006) W. Clausen, ‘Callimachus & Roman poetry', GRBS 5 (1964), 181-96 GENERAL: ROMAN ARCHAEOLOGY Beard, M. and Henderson, J. Classical Art: From Greece to Rome (Oxford 2001) Bianchi Bandinelli, R. Rome: The Centre of Power (London 1970) Blanckenhagen, P.H. von The Paintings from Boscotrecase (2nd ed. Mainz 1993) Claridge, A. Rome: An Oxford Archaeological Guide (Oxford 1998) Clarke, J.R. The Houses of Roman Italy, 100 BC-AD 250: Ritual, Space, and Decoration

(Berkeley 1991) Clarke, J.R. Art in the Lives of Ordinary Romans (Berkeley 2003) D’Ambra, E., Art and Identity in the Roman World (London 1998) D'Ambra, E. (ed) Roman Art in Context: An Anthology (Englewood Cliffs 1993) Dunbabin, K.M.D. Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World (Cambridge 1999) Elsner, J. Imperial Rome and Christian Triumph (Oxford 1998) Hölscher, T. Roman Visual Language as a Semantic System (Cambridge 2005) Kleiner, D.E.E. Roman Sculpture (New Haven 1992) Koortbojian, M. Myth, Meaning, and Memory on Roman Sarcophagi (Cambridge 1995) Ling, R. Roman Painting (Cambridge 1990) Stewart, P. Roman Art (Greece and Rome, New Suveys in the Classics, No. 34, 2004) Strong, D. Roman Art (London 1976, 1980) Wallace Hadrill, A. Houses and Society in Pompeii and Herculaneum (London 1994) Walker, S. Memorials to the Roman Dead (London 1985) Ward Perkins, J. Roman Imperial Architecture (London 1981) Zanker, P. Power of Images in the Age of Augustus (Michigan 1988) Zanker, P. Pompeii: Public and Private Life (Harvard 1998)


3. Love and Luxury CICERO, PRO CAELIO Prescribed Text: Cicero, Pro Caelio: Clark (OCT), which is also the text printed in R.G.

Austin’s Oxford edition (3rd edition, 1960, often reprinted) with the exception of one reading in § 5.

Commentaries: Austin, as above. Translations: Cicero: D. H. Berry, Cicero: Defence Speeches (Oxford 2001; World’s

Classics). A. Lintott, Cicero as Evidence: A Historian's Companion (Oxford, 2008) J. Powell, J. Paterson (eds.), Cicero the Advocate (Oxford, 2004) D. Christenson, ‘Unbearding morality: appearance and persuasion in Pro Caelio’, CJ 100

(2004-5), 61-74 A. Dyck, ‘P. Clodius, amicus meus: Cic. Cael. 27’, Historia 54 (2005), 349-50 H. C. Gotoff, ‘Cicero’s analysis of the prosecution speeches in the pro Caelio: an exercise in

practical criticism’, CPh 81 (1986), 122-32 M. Leigh, ‘The pro Caelio and comedy’, CPh 99 (2004), 300-35 J. M. May, ‘Patron and client, father and son in Cicero’s pro Caelio’, CJ 90 (1994-5), 433-41 M. R. Salzman, ‘Cicero, the Megalenses, and the defense of Caelius’, AJPh 103 (1982), 299-

304 CATULLUS 1-16, 31-7, 42-5, 48-51, 53, 64.31-266, 69-70, 75-6, 79, 83-6, 95, 99-101, 116 Prescribed Text: Mynors (OCT) Commentaries: C. J. Fordyce (Oxford, 1961); K. Quinn (Macmillan, 1971); J. Godwin,

Catullus, the Shorter Poems (Aris and Phillips, 1999); D. F. S. Thomson, Catullus (Phoenix suppl. vol. 34; Toronto, 1997) has bibliography for each poem.

Translations: G. P. Goold (Duckworth, 1983) Guy Lee (Oxford 1990; paperback 1991). Note that neither of these is based on the OCT.

W. Fitzgerald, Catullan provocations: lyric poetry and the drama of position (Berkeley,

1995) K. Quinn, The Catullan Revolution (Melbourne, 1959) M. B. Skinner, Catullus in Verona: a reading of the elegiac libellus, poems 65-116

(Columbus 2003) M. B. Skinner (ed.), A Companion to Catullus (Blackwell, 2007) D. Wray, Catullus and the Poetics of Roman Manhood (Cambridge 2001) S. J. Heyworth, ‘Catullian iambics, Catullian iambi’, in A.Cavarzere et all. (eds.), Iambic

ideas (Lanham, MD, 2001), 117-40 J. Ingleheart, 'Catullus 2 and 3: a programmatic pair of Sapphic epigrams?', Mnemosyne 56

(2003), 551-65 A. S. Gratwick, ‘Catullus 32’, CQ 41 (1991), 547-51 M. Dyson, ‘Catullus 8 and 76’, CQ 23 (1973), 127-43 A. Laird, ‘Sounding out ecphrasis: art and text in Catullus 64’, JRS 83 (1993), 18-30 W. J. Tatum, ‘Catullus 79: personal invective or political discourse?’, PLLS 7 (1993), 31-45 J.B.Solodow, ‘On Catullus 95’, CPh 82 (1987), 141-5 C. W. Macleod, ‘Catullus 116’, in Collected Essays (Oxford, 1983), 181-6 = CQ 23 (1973)



PROPERTIUS 1 Prescribed Text: Heyworth (OCT) Commentaries: W. A. Camps (Cambridge, 1961); R. J. Baker (2nd ed., Aris and Phillips,

2000); see also S. J. Heyworth, Cynthia (Oxford, 2007), a textual commentary with bibliography for each poem.

Translations: The OCT text is translated in Heyworth, Cynthia, pp. 517-32. See also G. P. Goold (Loeb). There is a freer version in verse by Guy Lee (World’s Classics 1994).

S. Commager, A prolegomenon to Propertius (Cincinnati, 1974) M. Hubbard, Propertius (Duckworth, 1974) H.-C. Günther, Brill’s Companion to Propertius (Leiden, 2006) J. Booth, ‘Problems and programmatics in Propertius 1.1’, Hermes 129 (2001), 63-74 J. H. Gaisser, 'Mythological exempla in Propertius 1.2 and 1.15', AJPh 98 (1977), 381-91 F. M. Dunn ‘The lover reflected in the exemplum: a study of Propertius 1. 3 and 2. 6’, ICS 10

(1985) 233-59 S. J. Harrison, ‘Drink, suspicion, and comedy in Propertius 1.3’, PCPhS 40 (1994) 18-26 B. W. Breed, ‘Portrait of a lady: Propertius 1.3 and ecphrasis’, CJ 99 (2003-4), 35-56 Poetry, gender, life: some books R. O. A. M. Lyne, The Latin Love Poets, from Catullus to Horace (Oxford, 1980), chs. 1-5. T. P. Wiseman, Catullus and his World (Cambridge, 1985) M. Lefkowitz and M. Fant (eds) Women’s Life in Greece and Rome (London, 1992) C. Edwards The Politics of Immorality (Cambridge, 1993) M. Wyke, The Roman Mistress (Oxford, 2002) R. O. A. M. Lyne, Collected Papers on Latin Poetry (Oxford, 2007), several relevant papers Love pictures: Pornography Clarke, J. Looking at Love-making: Constructions of Sexuality in Roman art, 100 BC -AD 250

(Berkeley and Los Angeles 1998) Guzzo, P.G. and Ussani, V.S. Veneris figurae: immagini di prostituzione e sfruttamento a

Pompeii (Naples 2000) McGinn, T.A.J. The Economy of Prostitution in the Roman World: A study of social history

and the brothel (Michigan 2004), ch. 4, 'Honor and erotic art', esp. 112-19, summarising (and partly opposing, though without effect) the arguments of Guzzo and Ussani

McGinn, T.A.J., 'Pompeian brothels and social history', in McGinn, T, et al, Pompeian Brothels, Pompeii's Ancient History, Mirrors and Mysteries, Art and Nature at Oplontis, and the Herculaneum 'Basilica', JRA Suppl. 47 (2000), 87-120.

Wallace Hadrill, A. 'Public honour and private shame: the urban texture of Pompeii', in T.C. Cornell and K. Lomas (edd), Urban Society in Roman Italy (London 1995), ch. 3, at 51-5, on brothel identification

Love pictures: Mythological Bergmann, B. 'The pregnant moment: Tragic women in the Roman interior', in N.B. Kampen,

Sexuality in Ancient Art (1996), 199-218 Bergmann, B. 'The Roman house as memory theater: The House of the Tragic Poet in

Pompeii', in Art Bulletin 76 (1994), 225-56


Bergmann, B. 'Rhythms of recognition: mythological encounters in Roman landscape painting', in F. de Angelis, S. Muth (eds), Im Spiegel des Mythos: Bilderwelt und Lebenswelt. Lo specchio del mito: Immaginario e realtà (1999), 81-107

Frederick, D. ‘Beyond the Atrium to Ariadne: erotic painting and visual pleasure in the Roman house’, Classical Antiquity 14.2 (1995), 266-89

Brilliant, R. Visual Narratives (1984) ch. 2: on pendants Ling, R. Roman Painting (Cambridge 1990), 123-41, sensible account of the pictures in

Roman wall systems Luxury Clarke, J.R. Art in the Lives of Ordinary Romans (Berkeley and Los Angeles 2003), 227-45,

dining pictures Dalby, A., Empire of Pleasures. Luxury and Indulgence in the Roman World (London – New

York 2000) Dunbabin, K.M.D. The Roman Banquet: Images of Conviviality (Cambridge 2003), esp. ch. 2,

on drinking Myers, K.S., “Docta Otia: Garden Ownership and Configurations of Leisure in Statius and

Pliny the Younger”, Arethusa 38 (2005), 103-29, literary commentary Mazzoleni, D., U. Pappalardo, and L. Romano, Domus: Wall Painting in the Roman House.

(Los Angeles 2005), sumptuous picture book of best Roman wall painting Roller, M. ‘Horizontal women: Posture and sex in the Roman convivium’, in B.K. Gold and

J.F. Donahue, Roman Dining (Special issue of American Journal of Philology: Baltimore, Hopkins, 2005), 49-94

Silver tableware Barratte, F. Le Trésor d'orfèvrerie romaine de Boscoreale (Paris 1986), big hoard of silver

from villa at Boscoreale, gives best idea of a full typical table service of early imperial period; look at pictures and read captions

Baratte, F. and K.Painter , Trésors d'orfevrerie gallo-romains (Paris 1989), more silver in French

Oliver, A., K.T. Luckner, Silver for the Gods. 800 Years of Greek and Roman Silver (exhibition catalogue, Toledo, Ohio 1977)

Painter, K.S. The Insula of the Menander at Pompeii. Vol. IV: The Silver Treasure (Oxford and New York 2001), interesting study of table sets and functions of silver

Strong, D., Greek and Roman Gold and Silver Plate (London 1968), ch. 7 Vermeule, C., ‘Augustan and Julio-Claudian Court Silver’. Antike Kunst 6 (1963), 33-40 Vesuvian villas Bergmann, B. 'Art and nature in the villa at Oplontis', in T. McGinn, et al., Pompeian Brothels,

Pompeii's Ancient History, Mirrors and Mysteries, Art and Nature at Oplontis, and the Herculaneum 'Basilica', JRA Suppl. 47 (2000), 87-120

Boethius, A. Etruscan and Early Roman Architecture (New Haven, Harmondsworth 1978), 190-95, short narrative on late republican villas

Dillon, S. 'Subject selection and viewer reception of Greek portraits from Herculaneum and Tivoli', JRA 13 (2000), 21-40, for sculpture decor in Villa of the Papyri

Kuttner, A. ‘Prospects of patronage: realism and romanitas in the architectural vistas of the 2nd Style’, in Frazer, A. The Roman Villa: Villa Urbana (Philadelphia 1998), 93-107

MacKay, A.G. Houses, Villas, and Palaces in the Roman World (London 1975, 1998), ch. 5, workmanlike survey


Mattusch, C.C. The Villa dei Papiri at Herculaneum. Life and afterlife of a sculpture collection (Los Angeles 2004), sumptuous publication of best documented villa art collection

Marzano, A. Roman villas in central Italy: A social and economic history (Leiden 2007) Neudecker, R. ‘The Roman villa as a locus of art collections’, in Frazer, A. The Roman Villa:

Villa Urbana (Philadelphia 1998), 77-91, uses the Villa of the Papyri as a case study Purcell, ‘The Roman villa and the landscape of production’, in T.J. Cornell, K. Lomas (eds),

Urban Society in Roman Italy (London 1995), ch. 9, on display of economic exploitation in fine-food production

Purcell, N. 'The Roman garden as a domestic building' in Barton, I.M. (ed) Roman Domestic Buildings (Exeter 1996), 121-51, on gardens

Smith, J.T. Roman Villas: A Study in Social Structure (London 1997) Smith, R.R.R. Hellenistic Sculpture (London 1991), 110-11, for Sperlonga, and 258-61, on

Mahdia and carved marbles for Roman villa market Wallace-Hadrill, A. ‘The villa as cultural symbol’, in Frazer, A. The Roman Villa: Villa

Urbana (Philadelphia 1998), 43-53 Wallace-Hadrill, A. Houses and Society in Pompeii and Herculaneum (Princeton 1994), chs.1-

3, on social structure of Roman houses and villas Ward Perkins, J.B. Roman Imperial Architecture (New Haven and London 1981), 193-210,

best account of villa architecture Zanker, P. Pompeii: Public and Private Life (Cambridge Mass. and London 1998), 135-42, the

first few pages of the last chapter, on the imitation of villa culture in later Pompeian houses, are evocative


4. Class PETRONIUS, CENA TRIMALCHIONIS Prescribed Text: M.S. Smith ed. Petronius, Cena Trimalchionis (Oxford, 1975). Commentaries: Smith (as above). E. Courtney, A Companion to Petronius (Oxford, 2001) is

in effect a running commentary. Translations: P. G. Walsh (World’s Classics, 1997); J. P. Sullivan (Penguin, 1965). B. Boyce, The Language of the Freedmen in Petronius' Cena Trimalchionis. Leiden 1991 G. B. Conte, The Hidden Author: An Interpretation of Petronius' Satyricon (Berkeley, 1996) C. Panyotakis, Theatrum Arbitri: Theatrical Elements in Petronius’ Cena Trimalchionis

(Leiden, 1995) V. Rimell, Petronius and The Anatomy of Fiction (Cambridge, 2002) N. W. Slater, Reading Petronius (Baltimore and London, 1990) 27-133 J.P. Sullivan, The Satyricon of Petronius (London, 1968) W. Arrowsmith, ‘Luxury and Death in the Satyricon.’ Arion 5 (1966) 304-331 = N. Rudd,

(ed.), Essays on Classical Literature (Cambridge, 1972) 122-50. J. Bodel, 'Trimalchio's Underworld' in J. Tatum (ed.), The Search for the Ancient Novel

(Baltimore, 1994) 237-59. N. M. Horsfall, ‘Petronius’ Cena and The Uses of Literacy’, Greece and Rome 36 (1989), 74-

89 and 194-209 A. Laird, Powers of Expression, Expressions of Power (Oxford, 1999) 209-59. H. Petersmann ‘Environment, Linguistic Situation and Levels of Style in Petronius’ in S. J.

Harrison (ed.), Oxford Readings in the Roman Novel (Oxford, 1999) 105-23 J. P. Sullivan, Literature and Politics in the Age of Nero (Ithaca, NY, 1985), 153-79. P. G. Walsh, The Roman Novel (Cambridge, 1970; repr., Bristol, 1995) 111-40 J. Whitehead, 'The Cena Trimalchionis and biographical narration in Roman middle-class art',

in Holliday, P.J. (ed), Narrative and Event in Ancient Art (Cambridge 1993), 299-321 F. Zeitlin, ‘Petronius as Paradox : anarchy and artistic integrity’, TAPA 102 (1971) 631-84 JUVENAL 1, 3-7, 9 Prescribed Text: S.M. Braund ed. Juvenal Satires Book I (Cambridge, 1996) Commentaries: Braund (as above). E. Courtney, A Commentary on the Satires of Juvenal (Athlone Press 1980); J. Ferguson ed.,

Juvenal, The Satires (Macmillan, 1979). Expected shortly is a Camridge ‘green-and-yellow’ on Satire 6 by L. & P. Watson.

Translations: N. Rudd (World’s Classics, 1991); P. Green, (Penguin, 1967). S.H. Braund, Beyond Anger: A Study of Juvenal's Third Book of Satires (Cambridge 1988) K. Freudenburg, Satires of Rome: Threatening Poses from Lucilius to Juvenal (Cambridge

2001) F. Jones, Juvenal and the Satiric Genre (Duckworth, 2007). W. S. Anderson, Essays on Roman satire (Princeton,1982), 197-254, 293-339 and 340-61; V. Baines, ‘Umbricius’ Bellum Ciuile: Juvenal, Satire 3’ G&R 50 (2003) 220-37. S.H. Braund, ‘Juvenal - Misogynist or Misogamist?’, JRS 82 (1992), 71-87 D. Cloud, ‘The client-patron relationship: emblem and reality in Juvenal's first book’ in A.

Wallace-Hadrill ed., Patronage in ancient society (London, 1989), 205-18.


R. A. LaFleur, ‘Amicitia and the unity of Juvenal’s first book’, Illinois Classical Studies 4 (1979), 158-77;

A. Hardie, ‘Juvenal, the Phaedrus, and the Truth about Rome’, CQ 48 (1998) 234-51. J. Henderson, ‘Pump up the Volume: Juvenal, Satire 1.1-21’ PCPhS 41 (1995) 101-37 =

Writing Down Rome (Cambridge, 1999) ch.10; E.J. Kenney, `The first satire of Juvenal', PCPS 188 (1962) 29-40 T. P. Malnati, ‘Juvenal and Martial on social mobility’ CJ 83 (1988) 133-41. M. Morford, ‘Juvenal's fifth satire’ AJPh 98 (1977) 219-45 P.M.W. Tennant, ‘Queering the patron's pitch: the real satirical target of Juvenal's ninth

Satire’, in A. F. Basson & W. J. Dominik eds. Literature, art, history: studies on classical antiquity and tradition in honour of W. J. Henderson (Frankfurt am Main, 2003), 123-132.

For Pliny, Epistulae 7.29, 8.6, see the translations of P.G. Walsh (World’s Classics, 2006); B.

Radice (Penguin, 1963). Commenatry can be found in A. Sherwin-White, The letters of Pliny : a historical and social commentary (Oxford, 1966), and Fifty letters of Pliny (Oxford, 1967, 2nd ed. 1969)

Tacitus, Annals 14.42-5: there is an excellent translation by A.J. Woodman (Hackett, 2004); less good is M. Grant (Penguin, 1956, rev. ed. 1989).

Literary readings: general S.H. Braund (ed.) Satire and Society in Ancient Rome (Exeter 1989), esp. R. Mayer,

‘Friendship in the Satirists’, 5-21; S.H. Braund, ‘City and Country in Roman Satire’, 23-47; N.A. Hudson, ‘Food in Roman satire’, 69-87;

M. Coffey, Roman Satire (Methuen 1976, repr. Bristol 1989). C. Damon, ‘Greek Parasites and Roman Patronage’, HSCPh 97 (1995) 181-95. K. Freudenburg (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Roman Satire (Cambridge 2005) E. Gowers, The Loaded Table. Representations of Food in Roman Literature (Oxford 1993). C. Keane, Figuring genre in Roman satire (Oxford, 2006). D. Konstan, ‘Patrons and Friends’ CPh 90 (1995) 328-42. Ll. Morgan, ‘Satire’ in S.J. Harrison ed. A Companion to Latin Literature (Blackwell, 2005),

174-88. M. Plaza, The function of humour in Roman verse satire: laughing and lying (Oxford, 2006). R.M. Rosen, Making Mockery: The Poetics of Ancient Satire (Oxford, 2007) N. Rudd, Themes in Roman Satire (Duckworth 1986). J.P. Sullivan (ed.), Critical Essays on Roman Literature: Satire (Routledge 1963). Rome and Pompeii Berry, J. The Complete Pompeii (London 2007), esp. chs. 4-6 Claridge, A. and J. Ward-Perkins, Pompeii AD 79 (London: 1976) Claridge, A. Rome: An Oxford Archaeological Guide (Oxford 1998) Patterson, J.R., 'Living and dying in the city of Rome: houses and tombs', in J. Coulston and H.

Dodge (eds), Ancient Rome: the Archaeology of the Eternal City (Oxford: Oxbow 2000), 259-89

Zanker, P. Pompeii: Public and Private Life (Cambridge Mass. and London 1998), 135-42 Houses Boethius, A. Etruscan and Early Roman Architecture (New Haven, Harmondsworth 1978),



George, M. ‘Servus and domus: the slave in the Roman house’, in R. Laurence and A. Wallace-Hadrill (eds), (1997) Domestic Space in the Roman World (Journal of Roman Archaeology Suppl. 22, 1997), 15-24

Hales, S. The Roman house and social identity (Cambridge 2003) Hermansen, G., Ostia: Aspects of Roman City Life (Edmonton 1981). 125-205 Lott, J. The Neighborhoods of Augustan Rome (Cambridge 2004). Métraux, G.P.R., ‘Ancient Housing: Oikos and Domus in Greece and Rome’, Journal of the

Society of Architectural Historians 58 (1999) 392-405, useful survey of recent scholarship on houses

Packer, J., ‘Middle and Lower Class Housing in Pompeii: A Preliminary Survey’, in B. Andreae and H. Kyrieleis, eds., Neue Forschungen in Pompeji (Recklinghausen 1975) 133-46.

Pirson, F. ‘Rented accommodation at Pompeii: the evidence of the Insula Arriana Polliana VI 6’, in Laurence R. and Wallace-Hadrill, A. (1997) Domestic Space in the Roman World, Journal of Roman Archaeology Suppl. 22, 165-81

Taylor, R.M., “Publici usus, Privatae voluptates: Water and Demographics in the Ancient Metropolis,” in M.R. DeMaine and R.M. Taylor (eds.), Life of the Average Roman. A Symposium (White Bear Lake, Minnesota, 1999) 67-83

Wallace-Hadrill, A. Houses and Society in Pompeii and Herculaneum (Princeton 1994), chs.1-3, on social structure of Roman houses and villas

Ward Perkins, J.B. Roman Imperial Architecture (London 1981), 185-93 Wiseman, T.P., ‘Conspicui postes tectaque digna deo: The Public Image of Aristocratic

Houses in the Late Republic and Early Empire,’ in L'Urbs: Espace urbain et histoire (1er siècle av. J.C.-IIIe siècle ap. J.C.) (Rome 1987) 393-413.

Tombs Boymel Kampen, N., ‘Biographical Narration and Roman Funerary Art’, AJA 85 (1981), 47-

58 Clarke, J.R. Art in the Lives of Ordinary Romans: Visual representation and non-elite viewers

in Italy, 100 B.C-A.D. 315 (Berkeley 2003), 143-59 (Storax tomb), 187-203 (Tomb of Vestorius Priscus)

George, M., ‘Social identity and the dignity of work in freedmen's reliefs’, in E. D'Ambra, G. P.R. Métraux (eds.), The art of citizens, soldiers and freedmen in the Roman world (Oxford 2006), 19-29

Hope, V. ‘A roof over the dead: communal tombs and family structure’, in R. Laurence and A. Wallace-Hadrill (eds), Domestic Space in the Roman World (Journal of Roman Archaeology Suppl. 22, 1997), 69-88

Petersen, L.H. ‘The Baker, his Tomb, his Wife and her Breadbasket: The Monument of Eurysaces in Rome’, Art Bulletin 85 (2003) 230-57

Petersen, L.H., Freedman in Roman Art and Art History (Cambridge 2006) Theatre and circus Bergmann, B., C. Kondoleon, The Art of Ancient Spectacle (New Haven 2000) Edmonson, J.C. ‘Dynamic Arenas,’ in W.J. Slater (ed), Roman Theater and Society (Ann

Arbor, 1996), 69-112 Gros, P. L'architecture romaine I (Paris 1996), ch. 8 (Theatres), ch. 11 (circuses) Humphrey, J. Roman Circuses. Arenas for Chariot Racing (London 1986)), chs. 1, 3-5 Sear, F. Roman Theatres. An Architectural Study (Oxford 2006)


Baths Brundrett, N.G.R., and C.J. Simpson, ‘Innovation and the Baths of Agrippa’, Athenaeum 85

(1997) 220-27 DeLaine, J. The Baths of Caracalla: A Study in the Design, Construction, and Economics of

Large-scale Building Projects in Imperial Rome (Portsmouth [RI] 1997) DeLaine, J. and D.E. Johnston, eds., Roman Baths and Bathing (Portsmouth 1999) 17-23 Fagan, G.G., Bathing in Public in the Roman World. (Ann Arbor, 1999), all you want to

know about the social background Fagan, G.G., ‘The Genesis of the Roman Public Bath: Recent Approaches and Future

Directions’, AJA 105 (2001) 403-26 Nielsen, I., Thermae et Balnea: The Architecture and Cultural History of Roman Public

Baths (Aarhus 1990) Yegül, F.K., Baths and Bathing in Classical Antiquity (New York 1992), best single book on

subject available Amphitheatres and arena games Auguet, R. Cruelty and Civilization: The Roman Games (London Trans. 1972) Aurigemma, S. I mosaici di Zliten (Rome and Milan 1926), for full illustrations of the

amphitheatre mosaic in the villa at Zliten, nr Leptis Brown, S., ‘Death as Decoration’, in A. Richlin (ed.), Pornography and Representation in

Greece and Rome (New York 1992), 180-211 Brown, S., ‘Explaining the Arena: Did the Romans ‘Need’ Gladiators?’ JRA 8 (1995) 37-84 Coarelli, F. et al, The Colosseum (Los Angeles 2000), best thing in English on the Colosseum Coleman, K.M. ‘Fatal charades: Roman executions staged as mythological enactments’, JRS 80

(1990), 44-73 Coleman, K.M. ‘Launching into history: Aquatic displays in the early empire’, JRS 83 (1993),

48-74 Coleman, K.M. Martial’s Liber de Spectaculis (Oxford 2006), esp. xlv-lxxxiv Cozzo, G. The Colosseum: The Flavian Amphitheatre (Rome 1971), technical, detailed,

specialised Clarke, J.R. Art in the Lives of Ordinary Romans (Berkeley 2003), ch. 5 esp 143-59 (Storax

tomb, Riot in amphitheatre painting), 187-203 (Tomb of Vestorius Priscus) Dodge, H. 'Amusing the masses: Buildings for Entertainment in the Roman World, in Potter,

D.S. and Mattingly, D.J. Life, Death and Entertainment in the Roman World (Michigan 1999), 224-36

Dunbabin, K.M.D. Mosaics of Roman North Africa (Oxford 1978) ch 5: 'The Amphitheatre' Friedlander, P. Roman Life and Manners under the Early Roman Empire (Trans. 1936), vol. II,

ch. 1, 'The spectacles', pp. 1-130 Gabucci, A.(ed) The Colosseum (Los Angeles 2001) Gros, P. L'architecture romaine I (Paris 1996), ch. 10, amphitheatres Hope, V.M., ‘Fighting for Identity: The Funerary Commemoration of Italian Gladiators’, in

A. Cooley (ed.), The Epigraphic Landscape of Roman Italy (London 2000), 93-113 Hopkins, K. Death and Renewal (Cambridge 1983), ch. 1, 'Murderous games' Hopkins, K., and M. Beard, The Colosseum (Cambridge, Mass. 2005) Jacobelli, L. Gladiators at Pompeii (Los Angeles 2003) Ward Perkins, J.B. Roman Imperial Architecture (London 1981), 67-70, colosseum; 232-3,

Arles, Nimes Welch, K. The Roman Amphitheater from its origins to the Colosseum (Cambridge 2007)