Tutorial for SC 32/WG 1 e-Business Standards Prepared for: SC 32 2013 Gyeongju Plenary Meeting...


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Tutorial for SC 32/WG 1 e-Business StandardsPrepared for:SC 32 2013 Gyeongju Plenary Meeting

Wenfeng Sun, ConvenorISO/IEC JTC1 SC32 WG1 (eBusiness)sunwf@cnis.gov.cn27 May 2013



Brief introduction to WG1 e-Business


Status updates

Technical progress

Brief Introduction to WG1 e-Business Standards

ISO/IEC 14662 Information technology – Open-edi reference modelISO/IEC 15944 Information technology - Business Operational View:

• Part 1: Business Operational aspects of Open-edi for implementation

• Part 2: Registration of scenarios and their components as business objects

• Part 4: Business transactional scenarios - Accounting and economic ontology

• Part 5: Identification and referencing of requirements of jurisdictional domains as sources external constraints

• Part 6: Technical Introduction of eBusiness modelling

• Part 7: eBusiness vocabulary

• Part 8: Identification of privacy requirements as external constraints on business transactions

• Part 9: Open-edi traceability framework

• Part 10: Coded domains.

• Part 11: UMM foundation modelling as

Brief Introduction to WG1 e-Business Standards

Open-edi reference model

Open-edi Reference Model

Business Operational View

Business aspects

business transactions

Information technologyaspects of

Business transactions

Functional Service View




Viewed as








Covered by

Comply with

Covered by

Comply with

What is Open-edi? Characteristics of Open-edi

Actions based on predefined rules; Commitment of the parties involved; Communications among parties are automated Parties control and maintain their states; Parties act autonomously; Multiple simultaneous transactions can be supported.

Brief Introduction to WG1 e-Business Standards

Key components of a business transaction Person(always capitalized “P”): entity, a natural or legal person,

recognized by law as having legal rights and duties, able to make commitment(s), assume and fulfil resulting obligation(s), and able to be held accountable for its action(s).

Process: series of actions or events taking place in a defined manner leading to the accomplishment of an expected result.

Data (Business transaction): representation of recorded information that are being prepared in a form suitable for use in a computer sytem.

Brief Introduction to WG1 e-Business Standards

Template for open-edi scenarios


IT-Interface Linguistic Human-Interface Equivalents SpareScope

Tag ID CodeDecision





(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)1000 Business goal of business transaction- No external constraints)

1010 Business goal of business transaction includes external constraints)

1040 Persons (no external constraint)1041 Persons: Individual <-> Individual1042 Persons: Individual <-> Organization)


4000 INFORMATION BUNDLE ATTRIBUTES4010 IB Identifier4020 IB Name(s)4030 IB Purpose

Brief Introduction to WG1 e-Business Standards

Relations among WG1 standards

Brief Introduction to WG1 e-Business Standards

Open-edi =Commitment exchange

“eThings” that have the 6 Open-edi characteristics

Reference model 14662




Goal of open-edi standardization: Register of scenarios and scenario components

Registration 15944-2 FDT 15944-3

Ontology View: Collabration space


ConstraintsInternal and external15944-5 On privacy

On traceability



Concept system 15944-7

Key component: coded domain


Knowledge for modeling

TR 15944-6

the link


Foundational modelling


Status updates

ISO/IEC 14662:2010 IS E/F 3rd Edition ISO/IEC 15944-1:2002 IS 2nd Edition ISO/IEC 15944-2:2006 IS ISO/IEC 15944-4:2007 IS ISO/IEC 15944-5:2008 IS ISO/IEC 15944-6:2009 TR ISO/IEC 15944-7:2009 IS ISO/IEC 15944-8 IS ISO/IEC 15944-9 CD2 ISO/IEC 15944-10 IS ISO/IEC 15944-11 WD ISO/IEC 15944-20 CD

Technical progress

IS 15944-10 Information technology- Business operational view: coded domains

Definition: domain for which

(1) the boundaries are defined and explicitly stated as a rulebase of a coded domain Source Authority; and,

(2) each entity which qualifies as a member of that domain is identified through the assignment of a unique ID code in accordance with the applicable Registration Schema of that Source Authority

Examples: “codes representation of X” Better qualified

As an Open-edi Scenario component

Technical progress

IS 15944-10 Information technology- Business operational view: coded domains

Key characteristics for coded domain Support commitment exchange IT-enablement

Technical progress

IS 15944-10 Information technology- Business operational view: coded domains

Support of culture adaptability, cross domain usage Multilingual presentation of semantics Any type of presentation of information resources

Technical progress

IS 15944-10 Information technology- Business operational view: coded domains

Registry of coded domains equals to Registry of codes, and equals to Registry of semantics specification of codes that meets the requirements of

all coding standards codes as the pivot for semantics semantics have qualifiers to support commitment

exchange (legal requirements)

Technical progress

IS 15944-10 Information technology- Business operational view: coded domains

coding rules Semantic relationship among objects Rules shall be IT-enabled

IS 15944-10 Information technology- Business operational view: coded domains

Clauses: Principles and rules Identification and description of coded domains

from BOV Rules for rulebase Rules for IDs Rules for HIEs Registration IT-enablement

Technical progress

CD2 15944-9 Information technology- Business operational view: traceability framework

Requirement: Legal requirements eBusiness needs to consider these requirement

Technical progress

CD2 15944-9 Information technology- Business operational view: traceability framework

Clauses: Principles and assumptions Traceability requirements Generic traceability model Open-edi collaboration space and traceability Traceability attributes for Open-edi scenarios

Technical progress

WD 15944-11 Information technology- Business operational view: UMM foundational modolling as Open-edi decriptive technique.

Input from UN/CEFACT UMM.

Technical progress

CD 15944-20 Information technology- Business operational view: traceability framework

Requirments IT-enablement of business requirements as a


Technical progress

CD 15944-20 Information technology- Business operational view: traceability framework

Clauses BOV interoperability FSV interoperability Linking the BOV to FSV representation and

technology User data interoperability Choreography interoperability Transport interoperability FSV implementation considerations

Technical progress

