Tutorial #1 Perpetuating a False View of the Past


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Tutorial #1Perpetuating a False View of the Past

Possible Alternative Migration Routes

Artistic Rendering of CahokiaMississippian Society

City of Cuzco, PeruInca Society

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_district_(Canada)Since June 28, 2004, there have been 308 federal electoral districts in Canada. In accordance with the Fair Representation Act (introduced as Bill C-20), which received Royal Assent and came into force on December 16, 2011, the number of seats contested in the expected 2015 election election will rise to 338.

James Keegstra

“Responsibility to yourself means refusing to let others do your thinking, talking, and naming for you; it means learning to respect and use your own brains and instincts; hence, grappling with hard work.“

Adrienne RichPoet, Essayist

Sirionó people of the Beni in the 1940s

Genetic Bottlenecking Reduces genetic variation which hurts viability. In South Africa, white people can trace their ancestry to a collection of 200 some odd colonists. The white

population has a statistically far greater chance of being born with porphyria.


These Toltec mounds would be hard to recognize if we weren’t looking for them.

Moray, PeruCircular terraces created to increase the land’s productivity

AmazonThese earthworks of an ancient society were revealed in 2003 after ranches clear-cut the forest.

The BeniRaised fields

The BeniAncient causeways or waterways

The HopewellHopewell is sometimes called a civilization without cities. The people settled in small farmsteads and hamlets within hailing distance of one another. Their settlements were spread out along the floodplains and terraces or they were loosely clustered in the upland areas.

The Anasazi While other native peoples were hunters and gatherers, pueblo people resided in permanent communities called pueblos and grew their own crops. The Ancient Pueblo people may have lived in the Four Corners area as early as 1500 BCE. As many as 20,000 people may have lived and farmed in the Montezuma County, Colorado area alone.
