Turn Your Ideas Into Cash - Nonfiction Writers...


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Turn Your Ideas Into Cash

How to sell multi-media information


with Joanna Penn@thecreativepenn

www.TheCreativePenn.comMonday, 29 April 2013

J.F.Penn - Author The Creative Penn Ltd

Over 55,000+ copies sold. Amazon bestsellerRepresented by Irene Goodman Agency NYC

* Multimedia courses

* Non-fiction

* Live workshops/ speaking

* Consulting

Blog live Dec 2008 - full-time income from Sept 2011Monday, 29 April 2013

~50% of monthly income from digital course salesMonday, 29 April 2013

Time Based vs Scalable * You are paid once for the time you work* Constrained by upper limit based on time

e.g. coaching, 1:1

* You create intellectual property assets

* You are paid for every time that asset is bought e.g. a book/course can be sold once or millions of times

* No constraint on upper limit of income* Serve more people* Global reach

Monday, 29 April 2013


People value multi-media more than text based products i.e. courses over books

Monday, 29 April 2013

Types of multimedia courses* Guides/PDF ebooks

* Webinar & recording

* Audio only or video only series * Multimedia product* Membership site model - multiple lessons, structured

* Monthly/subscription model - forums, webinars, articles, access

VALUE YOUR TIME - evergreen or live aspects?

Monday, 29 April 2013

Generating Ideas * Use your non-fiction book as a starting point

* What are the problems your clients face over and over again?* If you coach or consult, what are the most common questions?

* Survey existing customers - or sell basic version e.g. ebook then a full on multimedia course

* Google Keyword Search Tool to narrow down topic * Think groups of products/sequence


Monday, 29 April 2013


Understand your target market

Monday, 29 April 2013

Standing out in a crowded market





* Market research - what are others doing? How are they selling? Pricing?

* Authenticity - you are unique. What do you bring? * You have an audience or you’re building one who want your take on it

* What’s your social proof?

* Niche e.g. blogging for authors & writers

Monday, 29 April 2013


STRUCTURE: * Go through piles of notes/blog posts, journals etc. Create Master file in Word/ Scrivener

* Use mindmaps

* Speak into a recorder for each chapter, get it transcribed (or use speech to text software - Nuance Dragons), then rework

* Create questionnaires, conduct interviews, use transcription.

* Create Powerpoint/Keynote presentations

Monday, 29 April 2013

Create outlineTurn Ideas Into Cash initial outline:2 page Word doc:

* main lessons & sub-topics

* The bonuses and who we want to interview in order to arrange times

* What the course will be made up of - video, audio, text* Webinar topics & interview questions

* How it will be sold - JV partnership* Dates to deliver the content, do interviews and go to market


Monday, 29 April 2013


Basic Tools for text product:

* MS Word or Pages for Mac

* Powerpoint or Keynote

* Excel or Numbers

* PDF creator - retains formatting

* Anything else not video/audio

Monday, 29 April 2013


Types of video * Physical demonstrations e.g. yoga poses

* Interviews with experts

* Screen videos of a particular skill

* You speaking about something, either at your computer or out and about. Talking head.

* You (or others) speaking over powerpoint slides e.g. record a webinar

* Live on location videos e.g. gardening or behind the scenes

Monday, 29 April 2013


Recording video Live footage:* Flipcam/iPhone or other small cheap device => Expensive camera* Use a tripod

Screen Capture: * Camtasia for PC / Mac* ScreenFlow for Mac

Skype Calls for video interview: * Ecamm for Mac * Pamela for PC Record webinars with these too.





Monday, 29 April 2013


Ideas for Audio Products

* Interview series with experts

* Online conference with recordings or after live event recordings

* Your own teaching recorded as an audio or interview

* Recording of teleseminars or webinars

* Turn video into audio

Ecamm movie tools

Monday, 29 April 2013


Recording & editing audio

* Use Audacity or Amadeus Pro for your own voice recording/ Garageband/ other tools

* Headphone or hand-held mic into portable mp3 recorder

* Smart phone apps - quality variable

* Pamela / eCamm for Skype

* Save as ‘raw’ file before editing in new file - keep originals



Monday, 29 April 2013


Building your product page & sales * You are selling access

* Use shopping cart delivery e.g. e-junkie.comwith Paypal - download to bank account

* Use password protected page OR/ * Use custom install and membership site software (WP plugins)

* Set-up time, maintenance, forum?, your time


Monday, 29 April 2013


What about pricing? * The value you offer

* What your specific market will accept

* What the platform average is e.g. Kindle vs websites

* Other competing products

* Multiple price points

* Price changes => sales, increases etc

* What you can personally handle

Monday, 29 April 2013


Joint Venture Model* Expands product offering. List-sharing. Wider audience.

* What does each partner bring?* What does each partner do?

* Who hosts the material? Takes payments? Emails?

* How will the money work?

* Agree in writing, even just a Google Doc

* Honesty, trust, friendshipMonday, 29 April 2013

Your Internet Home

Sell books, products, consulting, services,

software ...

Use multimedia

for marketing too!

Monday, 29 April 2013





Action They buy your book/ product and recommend it to a friend

They see a tweet, blog post, video, audio, FB pic, you answered a question in a LinkedIn group

They like it => follow you, subscribe to your blog, like your page, connect somehow

They’ve been reading your blog for 3 months now, have listened to an audio interview/ watched a video. Your product has just come out & sounds interesting. They know you, like you & trust you.

Monday, 29 April 2013

* Title of course / headline

* Social proof - why you & why this course, testimonials

* Features & benefits

* What they get in the course - be specific

* How they pay and what happens after

* Guarantee of satisfaction

* Visually interesting

* Long form ok - or focus on know, like, trust

Build your sales page

Monday, 29 April 2013

Recommendation: Start small* Best way to learn new

skills is to do it

* Produce something small e.g. intro video for your

blog or a free giveaway to build an email list

* Easy product to start: webinar recording, PDF

guide, then move to more complicated over time

Monday, 29 April 2013


www.ideasintocash.net/productsMonday, 29 April 2013