Tugas Buat Soal


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8/8/2019 Tugas Buat Soal

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Retha Aliefyan R. / 4301408030/ Rombel 1

Tufas Evaluasi Pembelajaran Kimia

Membuat Soal

Dosen Pengampu : A. T. Widodo

Retha Aliefyan Rose


Pend. Kimia

Rombel 1

Jurusan Kimia

Universitas negeri semarang


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Retha Aliefyan R. / 4301408030/ Rombel 1

Task of Chemistry Educational Evaluation

A. Multiple Choice

1. Pay attention to the group of organic compound below,

I. C2H6, C3H6, C4H10 IV. C2H2, C2H4, C3H4

II. C2H4, C3H8¸ C4H8 V. C2H4, C3H6, C4H6

III. C2H4, C3H4, C4H6

What is the unsaturated compound ?

a. I and II c. III and IV e. I and V

 b. II and III d. IV and V

2. Known an organic compound : 3,4-dimethylbutane. The naming of that compound is

uncorrect. What is the correct one ?

a. 1,2-dimethylbutane c. 2-methylbutane e. 3-methylpentane

 b. 2,3-dimethylbutane d. 2-methylpentane

3. How much the isomer position of C4H10O ?

a. 6 c. 4 e. 2

 b. 5 d. 3

4. For the following compound, which one containing aldehide group ?

a. CH3-O-CH3 c. CH3-CO- CH3 e. CH3- CH2-COOH

 b. CH3-CHO d. CH3- CH2-OH

5. An X compound when it oxidized yield propanon. The X compound is ?

a. propane c. 2- propanol e. n-propanol

 b. propene d. propanal

B. Multiple Respond

1. For the following compound, which belong to monoalcohol?

1). Methanol 3). isobutyl alcohol

2). 2-butanol 4). 2,3-dimethylpentanol

2. The reaction to produce eter is …

1). CH3- CH2-OH + H2SO4( 1800 C) 3). CH3- CH2-ONa + CH3- CH2-Cl

2). CH3- CH2-OH + H2SO4( 1200 C) 4). CH3- CH2-OH + Na

3. There are some couple of isomerism. The correct one is?

1). Propanol and propanal 3). Propanal and methyl etanoat

2). Propanon and propanol 4). Methyl etanoat and etanoic acid

4. There are some reaction can undergo by butanal, that is…

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Retha Aliefyan R. / 4301408030/ Rombel 11). Adition rection 3). Reduksion reaction

2). Oxidation reaction 4). Elimination Reaction

5. The LPG is composed by..

1). Methane 3). Etane

2). Propane 4). Butane

C. Causal Relationship Test

1. The boiling point of etanol is higher than dimethyl eter 


Etanol more soluble than dymethyl eter in water.

2. Aseton can undergo oxidation reaction to produce propanoic acid.


Aseton is produced by secondary alcohol

3. Gliserol is another yield of saponification reaction.


A reaction between strong base with fatty acid called saponification eaction.

4. The n-propane compound cannot undergo addition reaction with Cl2.


The n-propane belong to saturated alkane.

5. Chloro etane (C2H5Cl) is use for local anesthetic.


Chloro etane turn down the skin temperature and make neuron less sensitive.


A. 1. D 3. E 5. C

2. E 4. B

B. 1. D 3. D 5. C

2. C 4. E

C. 1. C 3. B 5. A

2. D 4. A
