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TURA, CA 93001

(805) 585-1800 RECORD PACKET COPY




July 18, 2002

Commissioners and Interested Persons

Charles Damm, Senior Deputy Director \~ Melanie Hale, Supervisor, Planning andRegulation Shana Gray, Coastal Program Analyst

SUBJECT: City of San Buenaventura Local Coastal Program Major Amendment 1-02 (Four Points Sheraton) for Public Hearing and Commission Action at the August 6, 2002, Commission Meeting in San Luis Obispo.


The City of San Buenaventura (Ventura) is requesting an amendment to the Land Use Plan (known locally as the Comprehensive Plan Update to the Year 2010) component of its certified Local Coastal Program (LCP) to increase the allowable boatel units in the Central Harbor from a maximum of 50 units to 70 boatel/hotel units. A boatel is defined as a facility that provides overnight and vacation accommodations primarily oriented to recreational boaters who have a need for hotel/motel type accommodations in conjunction with a boat slip.

The purpose of the proposed amendment is to allow the existing hotel to modify the interior layout of its existing building square footage, including lodging facilities, restaurant, meeting and conference room facilities. Specifically, the amendment would allow the re-designation of the existing 46 boatel units to boatel/hotel units and the addition of 24 boatel/hotel units in the Central Harbor area. As presently proposed, the Four Points Sheraton plans interior modification of its facilities that would result in the (1) relocation and reduction in size of existing restaurant facilities, (2) reduction in conference and meeting room facilities; and (3) the addition of 24 boatel/hotel units.

~The revised LCP language resulting from the proposed amendment would allow the City to approve the request of the Four Points Sheraton to convert the ground floor of the existing boatel facility from restaurant, lounge, and meeting rooms into 24 'guest rooms and meeting space. The Four Points Sheraton is proposing to remodel and reconfigure 15,500 square feet of the hotel's first floor to allow the construction of 24 additional hotel units for a total of 70 hotel units at 1080 Navigator Drive, Ventura.;

The proposed amendment to the LCP to designate a maximum of 70 boatel/hotel units in the Central Harbor area of Ventura is necessary in order for the proposed remodel and reconfiguration of the Four Points Sheraton to be found consistent with the certified LCP.

City of San Buenaventura Local Coastal Program Amendment 1.02



The required items necessary to provide a complete LCP amendment application received in the South Central Coast Office on February 14, 2002, and the· riotieeli.>~: -~jw~l'ia~s deemed filed on March 1, 2002. The 90-day time limit was extended for a period of l#f" to one year at the Commission's May 7, 2002 hearing. Staff is recommending that the Commission, after public hearing, deny the amendment to the LUP component of the LCP as submitted; then approve, only if modified, the amendment to the LCP. The City-proposed LUP language allows an increase in the density of boatel/hotel guestrooms within the Central Harbor Area of the LUP. These overnight lodging accommodations are a coastal priority use which serves recreational boaters and the general public. The modifications are necessary because the LCP amendment as submitted is not adequate to ensure consistency with the Chapter 3 policies of the Coastal Act to guarantee protection of priority visitor-serving uses and access. The motions to accomplish this recommendation are found on pages 3 and 4. The suggested modifications are found on pages 4 through 6 .

. SUBSTANTIVE FILE DOCUMENTS: City of San Buenaventura, Municipal Code, Chapter 24 Zoning Regulations; City of San Buenaventura Comprehensive Plan Update To The Year 2010; Coastal Commission Appeal 4-81-415 (Ocean Resorts Development Company); City Council Resolution No. 2001-102, Approval of a • Comprehensive Plan and Local Coastal Program Amendment and Related Negative Declaration, December 18, 2001; City of San Buenaventura Initial Study, October 29, 2001; City of San Buenaventura LCP Amendment 2-86; City of San Buenaventura LCP Amendment 2-96; Draft Parking Agreement Between the Ventura Port District and L YW Ventura Harborview Limited Partnership to Secure an Irrevocable Right to Use 50 Parking Spaces on Parcel 19A in Ventura Harbor, June 4, 2002; City of San Buenaventura, Hotel/Motel Operator's Handbook, For Collecting, Reporting and Paying Transient Occupancy Tax;


The Coastal Act provides:

The commission shall certify a land use plan, or any amendments thenito, ff it 7',;'·<i;;f;t;­flnds that a land use plan meets the requirements of, and is in· conformity7:1't·~-;:_f4t_•

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with, the policies of Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 30200) •.. (Seetlon··· 0

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The standard of review that the Commission uses in reviewing the adequacy of the land ·· . - -·--·' ''"'"' , . .. ,., .... (

use plan is whether the land use plan is consistent with the policies of Chapter 3 ofthe -(~ ·Coastal Act. --- · · ··""'*"«-··.-"_;,' -~~"'"~,_,,_ •. _,_ ~$· ""·' · :.~;;_'::""_. __ .§_~----.··-~'·',:''

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City of San Buenaventura Local Coastal Program Amendment 1-02



Section 30503 of the Coastal Act requires public input in preparation, approval, certification and amendment of any LCP. The City held a public hearing on November 20, 2001 to obtain comments from concerned parties and members of the public. The·· hearing was duly noticed to the public consistent with Sections 13552 and 13551 of the California Code of Regulations. Notice of the subject amendment has been distributed to all known interested parties.


Pursuant to Section 13551 (b) of the California Code of Regulations, the City resolution for submittal must indicate whether the Local Coastal Program Amendment will require formal local government adoption after the Commission approval, or is an amendment that will take effect automatically upon the Commission's approval pursuant to Public Resources Code Sections 30512, 30513, and 30519. In this case, because this approval is subject to suggested modifications by the Commission, if the Commission approves this Amendment, the City must act to accept the certified suggested modifications before the Amendment will be effective. Pursuant to Section 13544, the Executive Director shall determine whether the City's action is adequate to satisfy all requirements of the Commission's certification order and report on such adequacy to the Commission. If the Commission denies the LCP Amendment, as submitted, no further action is required by either the Commission or the City .

Additional Information: Please contact Shana Gray, California Coastal Commission, South Central Coast Area, 89 So. California St., Second Floor, Ventura, CA. (805) 585-1800.


A. Denial as Submitted

MOTION 1: I move that the Commission certify Land Use Plan Amendment 1-02 as submitted by the City of San Buenaventura.


Staff recommends a NO vote. Failure of this motion will result in denial of the amendment as submitted and adoption of the following resolution and findings. The motion passes only by an affirmative vote of a majority of the appointed Commissioners .

City of San Buenaventura Local Coastal Program Amendment 1-02



The Commission hereby denies certification of the Land Use Plan Amendment 1-02 as submitted by the City of San Buenaventura and adopts the findings set forth belowon the grounds that the amendment does not conform with the policies of Chapter 3 ofthe Coastal Act. Certification of the Land Use Plan amendment would not comply with the California Environmental Quality Act because there are feasible alternatives or mitigation measures which could substantially lessen any significant adverse impact which the Land Use Plan Amendment may have on the environment.

B. Approval with Suggested Modifications

MOTION: I move that the Commission certify Land Use Plan Amendment 1..02 for the City of San Buenaventura if it is modified as suggested in this staff report.


Staff recommends a YES vote. Passage of the motion will result in the certification of the land use plan amendment with suggested modifications and adoption of the following resolution and findings. The motion to certify with suggested modifications • passes only upon an affirmative vote of the majority of the appointed Commissioners.


The Commission hereby certifies the Land Use Plan Amendment 1-02 for the City of San Buenaventura if modified as suggested and adopts the findings set forth below on the grounds that the Land Use Plan amendment with suggested modifications will meet the requirements of and be in conformity with the policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act. Certification ofJhe land use plan amendment if modified as suggested complies with the California Environmental Quality Act because either 1) feasible mitigation measures and/or alternatives have been incorporated to substantially lessen any significant adverse effects of the plan on the environment, or 2) there are no further ;feasible alternatives or mitigation measures that would substantially lessen any significant adverse impacts which the Land Use Plan Amendment may have on the environment.


The staff recommends the Commission certify the following, with two modifications as shown below. Language presently contained within the certified LCP is shown in straight type. Language recommended by Commission staff to be deleted is shown in • strike ot:Jt text and to be inserted is shown underlined. Language proposed to be .

City of San Buenaventura Local Coastal Program Amendment 1-02


modified by the City, as submitted in LCP Amendment SBV-MAJ-1-02 is shown in double underlined for added text, and dewsle stFil'\etRrewgR for deleted text.

1. Suggested LUP Modification #1

Modify Area Locational and Intensity Policies for the Central Harbor as follows:

2. Central Harbor: This area shall contain uses oriented toward or serving recreational boating. All other uses are prohibited, except that a iQ 70-unit boatel/hotel, and two full service restaurants may be permitted, provided that adequate on-site parking is provided. Where compatible, coastal dependent or coastal-related commercial fishing uses shall be permitted.

A. Land Use and Development

1) Boatel/hotel development and use shall not detract from or interfere with the harbor oriented coastal visitor-serving uses. tourist activity and public recreational boating uses. Boatel/hotel use shall preserve its visitor­serving function by limiting the visitor length of stay. Visitor occupancy of boatel/hotel guestrooms shall be limited to not more than 30 consecutive days and a total of 60 days during one calendar year. Boatel/hotel records shall be maintained in conjunction with the City's Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT/Hotel) collection. These records shall be available for inspection to Commission staff and shall include, at a minimum. the occupants' name. guestroom number. dates of occupancy. and calendar year total.

B. Parking and Circulation

2) All development shall preserve visitor-serving uses and coastal access by providing adequate offstreet parking areas in an amount determined pursuant to the offstreet parking regulations described in Chapter 24.415 of the Municipal Zoning Code or any modified parking requirements that are certified as an LCP amendment in the future. Every use of property hereafter initiated. reinitiated, expanded, intensified. or changed and every building hereafter erected, enlarged. or structurally altered to accommodate such uses shall be required to provide adequate offstreet parking spaces. In instances where it is not practicable to provide all · required offstreet parking spaces on the subject site. · private offsite parking shall be permitted. provided that: (a) The boundaries of the other· site · containing available parking are located within 500 feet of the . boundaries of the site containing the subject land use: (b) The parking spaces available on the other site are not required for another use: and (c) The applicant's right to use the offsite parking spaces is guaranteed in a manner satisfactory to the director and the city attorney through a recorded instrument or executed agreement which is irrevocable throughout the lifetime of the development.

City of San Buenaventura Local Coastal Program Amendment 1-02


2. Suggested LUP Modification #2

Modify Area Locational and Intensity Policies for the Northeast Harbor Area as follows: ,

1. Northeast Harbor Area: This area shall be developed primarily with commercial visitor-serving uses and, for the portion designated HRMU [Harbor Related Mixed Use], with a master-planned residential/commercial mixed use development. Uses allowed in this area include the following: (1) commercial visitor-serving uses; (2) recreational boating; (3) non-priority uses limited to public facilities and general retail and offices; (4) non-water oriented commercial; (5) public park and recreation; (6) residential uses limited to a maximum of 300 units and limited to the upper story (stories) of any development; and (7) mobile homes for the Mobile Home Park area (MHP). Commercial fishing facilities are not intended uses in the Northeast Harbor Area. Coastal-dependent and coastal-related recreation and visitor-serving uses shall be developed adjacent to the harbor front and shall have priority over residential and general commercial development.

A. Parking and Circulation

1) All development shall preserve visitor-serving uses and coastal access by providing adequate offstreet parking areas in an amount determined pursuant to the offstreet parking regulations described in Chapter 24.415 • of the Municipal Zoning Code or any modified parking requirements that are certified as an LCP amendment in the future. Every use of property hereafter initiated. reinitiated. expanded. intensified. or changed and every building hereafter erected. enlarged. or structurally altered to accommodate such uses shall be required to provide adequate offstreet parking spaces. In instances where it is not practicable to provide all required offstreet parking spaces on the subject site. private offsite parking shall be permitted. provided that: (a) The boundaries of the other site containing available parking are located within 500 feet of the boundaries of the site containing the subject land use: (b) The parking spaces available on the other site are not required for another use: and . (c) The applicant's right to use the offsite parking spaces is guaranteed in a manner satisfactory to the director and the city attorney through a ~,.,.. , recorded instrument or executed ·agreement which· . is" irrevocablei;;;:;;t:". throughout the lifetime of the development. :~\i~ · ·. ·:• · · · :~"~~2~:~:>.~?2;·.~' •. ·

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B. HRMU Parcel. Development on the HRMU designated parcel shall;~;~~:;;;i;l;fi~~~·~ be subject to the preparation of the master plan. The master plan shan·'····· ··· include, at a minimum, the following: [ ... ] ·

City of San Buena ventura Local Coastal Program Amendment 1-02



The following findings support the Commission's denial of the LCP amendment as submitted, and approval of the LCP amendment if modified as indicated in Section II (Suggested Modifications) above. The Commission hereby finds and declares as follows:

A. Amendment Description

T~e City of San Buenaventura (Ventura) is requesting an amendment to the Land Use Plan component of its certified Local Coastal Program (LCP) to increase the allowable boatel units in the Central Ventura Harbor from a maximum of 50 units to 70 boatel/hotel units (see Exhibit 1, City Resolution). A boatel is defined as a facility that provides overnight and vacation accommodations primarily oriented to recreational boaters who have a need for hotel/motel type accommodations in conjunction with a boat slip.

The City is requesting to amend the Land Use Plan Intent and Rationale Statement for the Ventura Harbor, Central Harbor area, changing the "Area Locational and Intensity Policies" as follows:

2. Central Harbor: This area shall contain uses oriented toward or serving recreational boating. All other uses are prohibited, except that a iQ 70-unit boatel/hotel, and two full service restaurants may be permitted, provided that adequate on-site parking is provided. Where compatible, · coastal dependent or coastal-related commercial fishing uses shall be permitted.

The "boatel" language provided in the LCP was based on the assumption that the facility would provide overnight accommodations for boaters. It was estimated that boaters would not have the same parking needs as a typical hotel since they would arrive by boat. Though this facility is available to support recreational boaters, it is more practical that someone berthing in the harbor overnight would stay on their boat.

Although reference to "boatel" and not "hotel" is presently contained within the LCP, in practice the facility functions as a hotel. Further, hotel/lodging standards .. and regulations are being utilized by the City to evaluate modifications to the existing boatel facility since "boatel" regulations and reference to "boatel" is not contained within the City's Zoning Ordinance or other state codes that would be applied. Therefore, the City has chosen to insert reference to "boatel/hotel" instead of "boatel." ' ·"'"" ~~" '"' ·

The revised language would allow the City to approve the request of the Four Points Sheraton to convert the ground floor of the existing boatel facility from restaurant, lounge, and meeting rooms into 24 guest rooms and meeting space. Floors two and three of the boatel facility are presently developed with guestrooms. The Four Points

City of-San Buenaventura Local Coastal Program Amendment 1-D2


Sheraton is proposing to remodel and reconfigure 15,500 square feet of the hotel's first . •---floor to allow the construction of 24 additional guest units for a total of 70 hotel units at · 1080 Navigator Drive (Parcel 1), Ventura. This project is considered a development!l'.G<~""h ,J•>~~~, unde~ the certified LCP and would be su.bject to coastal . permitting p~~~9.l.lre~}i :~~. ;-.~--descnbed under Chapter 24.515 of the Zomng Code (a certified component ofthe,'\~, i 'c:;t~ LCP), upon approval of amendment of SBV-MAJ-1-02, and would be appealable to the'3" - · ·

Coastal Commission.

As outlined in the project description provided by the City and provided in the Initial Study prepared for the amendment, the modifications would be interior of the existing structures and would result in the conversion of the ground floor of the existing boatel facility from restaurant, lounge, meeting rooms, and service areas (e.g., closets and kitchen area) into 24 guest rooms, lounge, and approximately 3,000 sq. ft. of meeting space. The additional 24 boatel/hotel units would be approximately 525 to 600 sq. ft. and would include kitchenette, sleeping, sitting, and restroom facilities.

The existing 12,000 sq. ft. restaurant that occupies the first floor of the boatel facility would be relocated to the main hotel facilities on Parcel 19. However, the relocated restaurant and lounge would be 5,000 sq. ft. in size, and would convert a corresponding amount of meeting space at 1050 Schooner Drive (Parcel 19).

B. Ventura Harbor Background

The City of Ventura Local Coastal Program was certified by the Coastal Commission in two segments, a Harbor LCP on May 21, 1981 and the City LCP on February 23, 1984. The Ventura Harbor Development Plan, written in 1979 served as the LUP component of the 1981 LCP. The policies of the Development Plan were later incorporated into the LCP in 1984 when the Commission certified the entire LCP. The Ventura Harbor LCP segment was consolidated into the total City LCP as part of the Commission's approval of LCP Amendment No. 1-90 (Major), in 1990. The certified LUP component of the LCP states that the Harbor is intended to provide for recreational and commercial boating opportunities. Within the LUP, the harbor is divided into four areas: the South Peninsula, Southwest, Central, and Northeast Harbor areas (see Exhibit 4). The Harbor is currently developed with a variety of facilities that include, in part, a time-share hotel facility, a hotel (the subject of this amendment), commercial fishing and recreation boating slips, a yacht club, food services, Harbor Village shopping area, Channel Islands National Park Headquarters, and a pedestrian and bicycle pat

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The Ventura Harbor was the subject of an LCP Amendment (2-86) in 1986~Und~~,t~i~!~p,?-/ amendment, the Commission approved the following: (1) modifi~tiQD~Jo_ !he::yiew.'i'{._ . corridor, change in restaurant requirements, . addition of office ~lJ.s~,-:- a.l'lq..,JI'l!?~~~s~g. parking in the South Peninsula Harbor Area; (2) changes to height requirements_in the Northeast Harbor Area, (3) addition of office use in the Southwest Harbor Area;·and (4)"',',;,.·· ~f!:~,~:. changes to uses in the Central Harbor Area. Specifically, under LC~J\'2-86~·'tt1e-Centr:a,~~~~,,;,:.··,•ik~~~;·: Harbor Area Intent and Rationale Statement was amended to include a 50-unit boatel,' ·-··· ·· '··· and two full service restaurants, provided that adequate on-site parking is provided. The •

City of San Buenaventura Local Coastal Program Amendment 1..02


- LCP had previously required the area be limited to uses oriented toward or serving recreational boating with the exception of one full restaurant. The Central Harbor Area Intent and Rationale Statement was further modified in 1997 under LCP Amendment 2-96, wherein the Commission approved the addition of language to allow coastal­dependent and coastal-related commercial fishing uses, where compatible.

C. Amendment Purpose and Background

The purpose of the proposed amendment is to allow the existing Four Points Sheraton Hotel to modify the interior layout of its existing building square footage, including lodging facilities, restaurant, meeting and conference room facilities. According to the current owner, the restaurant is too large for the needs of the hotel and the general public. Specifically, the amendment would allow the re-designation of the existing 46 boatel units to boateVhotel units and the addition of 24 boatel/hotel units in the Central Harbor area. As presently proposed, the Four Points Sheraton plans interior modification of its facilities that would result in the (1) relocation and reduction in size of existing restaurant facilities, (2) reduction in conference and meeting room facilities; and (3) the addition of 24 boatel/hotel units.

The project site is adjacent to Ventura Harbor, a man-made commercial and recreational harbor located in the southwest portion of the City of San Buenaventura, Ventura County {Exhibit 3). The existing Four Points Sheraton hotel facilities are located on two neighboring parcels, Parcel 1 and Parcel 19, separated by east-west trending Navigator Drive (Exhibit 5). Shortly after assuming permit-issuing authority for coastal development permitting in the Ventura Harbor area, the City approved the boatel facility in the Central Harbor Area, including a restaurant, banquet room and 44

, lodging units. Under that same approval, the City permitted development of the main hotel building north of Navigator Drive, which is accessed by visitors from the boatel facility at ground level by crossing Navigator Drive or by walkway over Navigator Drive. Additional hotel and boatel guest units were approved by the City as amendments to the permit in 1982 and 1984.

The main lodging facility is located on a 7 .98-acre parcel known as Parcel 19 in the Ventura Harbor, at 1050 Schooner Drive, in Northwest Ventura Harbor (Exhibit 5). Parcel19 is adjacent to Harbor Boulevard, to the east, and situated between Navigator and Schooner Drive to the south and north, respectively. The main facility is a three­story complex that includes 1 06 guestrooms, conference and meeting facilities, and other amenities such as a gym, tennis courts, and swimming pool. .. There are 287 .· existing parking spaces on this site .

• The existing 46-unit Boatel Facility is located on a 3.72-acre parcel knownas Parcel1 in the Ventura Harbor at 1080 Navigator Drive, in the Central Harbor Area (Exhibit 5). Parcel 1 is west of and adjacent to Navigator Drive, north of Spinnaker Drive, and adjacent to the water. The boatel facility is a three-story building comprised of a large restaurant, meeting and conference facilities, and storage space on the first floor, with boatel guestrooms on the upper two floors. There are 225 existing on-site parking

. . ~;

City of San Buenaventura Local Coastal Program Amendment 1-D2

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. spaces on Parcel 1. Presently, the · 46-unit boatel facility serves both.· boating and non;. boating visitors, on a first-come-first-served basis. The hotel may arrange, or alternately the visitor may make personal arrangements, with the neighboring marinas to rent out a boat slip on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. When a guest requests to rent a boat slip during their stay, they are referred to the Ventura West Marina adjacent to the hoter·:;:::.

D. Priority Uses

Section 30222 of the Coastal Act states:

The use of private lands suitable for visitor-serving commercial recreational facilities designed to enhance public opportunities for coastal recreation shall have priority over private residential, general industrial, or general commercial development, but not over agriculture or coastal-dependent industry.

Section 30255 of the Coastal Act states:

Coastal-dependent developments shall have priority over other developments on or near the shoreline. Except as provided elsewhere in this division, coastal-dependent developments shall not be sited in a wetland. When appropriate, coastal-related developments should be accommodated within reasonable proximity to the coastal-dependent uses they support.

Sections 30222 and 30255 of the Coastal Act provide for priority uses, such as visitor- • serving and coastal dependent development relative to other uses. The subject site is developed with visitor-serving commercial developments including hotel and restaurant facilities. The proposed modification to the LCP language would allow for additional "boatel/hotel" lodging units, indicating an expansion of visitor-serving use. As currently proposed by the hotel, the additional guestrooms would displace other uses including an existing restaurant and meeting space.

1. "Boatel" vs. "Boatel/Hotel"

Under the provisions of the Ventura Harbor section of the LCP (Exhibit 2), the subject site was developed with uses oriented to and serving recreational boating and a full service restaurant. The boatel concept was found to meet this requirement and was designed to provide visitor-serving uses that would emphasize recreational boating. ,This included meeting rooms for boating organizations and provisions for the availability,. of boating slips. The CitY noted in its application that though the designation of boatel ·units would indicate .. that a boater docked in the Harbor. required a guestroom,

. recreational boaterS tend to utilize their boat for overnight accommodations rather than utilize hotel facilities. The original owner had initially made arrangements to reserve boat slips for hotel use, however, in the ensuing years it became apparent that the level ·of use did not warrant exclusive boat slips for the hotel (J. Wong, owner of Four Points Sheraton, pars. comm., 2/25/02). •

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As part of the modification of the LCP language, the City is proposing to modify the designation of "boatel" units to "boatel/hotel" units. Staff notes that there-designation to "boatel/hotel" units is a more appropriate categorization of the function of the existing boatel facilities. Though the existing units are designated as "boatel" rooms, they are not specifically reserved for recreational boaters. The boatel guestrooms are rented to both boaters and the general public. If a boater requests to occupy a boatel room, the hotel accommodates them based on availability. Staff notes that the current "boatel" units are de facto hotel units with a location that is ideal to serve boaters who desire hotel accommodations.

Presently, when a guest requests to rent a boat slip during their stay, they are referred to the Ventura West Marina adjacent to the hotel (J. Wong, pers. comm., 2/25/02). Ventura West Marina is able to rent their boat slips on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. As a result of the booking procedure, the hotel would not be aware, in most cases, if a guest was also a boater. Therefore, the hotel was unable to provide any current data on use of the hotel by boaters.

The requested amendment to re-designate the "boatel" units as "boatel/hotel" units would have no impact to the existing function of the "boatel" units. The facilities would continue to be booked based on availability, a system that would not preclude the continued use ofthe facilities by recreational boaters but would also serve the general public. Whether designated "boatel" or "boatel/hotel" units, the proposed overnight lodging facilities are coastal priority uses which serve visitors and provide service to recreational boaters.

2. Facility Conversion

The requested amendment will permit an increase from a maximum of 50 approved boatel units at the site to a maximum of 70 boatel units. The existing boatel facility includes 46 guestrooms. The revised language would allow the addition of 24 more boatel/hotel facilities within the Ventura Harbor, Central Harbor area.

As outlined in the project description provided by the City and provided in the Initial Study prepared for the amendment, the modifications proposed to allow the addition of the 24 boatel guestrooms would be interior of the existing structures. As presently proposed, the ground floor of the existing boatel facility would be converted from restaurant, lounge, meeting rooms, and service areas (e.g., closets and kitchen area) into 24 guest rooms, lounge, and approximately 3,000 sq. ft. of meeting space. The additional 24 boatel/hotel units would be approximately 525 to 600 sq. ft. and would include kitchenette, sleeping, sitting, and restroomJacilities.

. " . -,. - ~ -.,, . The existing 12,000 sq. ft. restaurant and lounge that occupies the first floor of the boatel facility would be relocated to the main facility (Parcel 19}. However, the relocated restaurant would be downsized to 5,000 sq. ft. and would convert a corresponding amount of meeting space at 1050 Schooner Drive. According to the current owner, the restaurant is too large for the needs of the hotel and the general public. The change

City of San Buenaventura Local Coastal Program Amendment 1.02

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·proposed by Four Points Sheraton represents a reduction in restaurant square footage and meeting space and an increase in lodging units.

The hotel anticipates that the conversion to guestrooms will allow them . to accommodate additional guests who typically stay more than three days and up to a few weeks (J. Wong, pers. comm., 3/21/02). The kitchenette facilities would allow guests to dine-in and potentially enable guests such as boaters or families to have a . more affordable visit to Ventura. The hotel anticipates the potential customers to include leisure guests during the weekends and summer, and corporate travelers during the weekdays and non-summer season.

The conversion of the existing square footage of the boatel facility represents a trade­off from one visitor-serving use (restaurant and meeting space) to another visitor­serving use (lodging accommodations). The proposed "boatel/hotel" units are a coastal priority use which serve recreational boaters and the general public.

However, staff notes that there is a large demand for residential development in and around the Ventura Harbor. This extreme demand for housing, the attractive waterfront location proposed for the boatel/hotel guestrooms, the size of the guestrooms (comparable to a small studio apartment), and incorporation of kitchen facilities may result in the proposed units to be particularly susceptible to use by extended stay guests that would utilize them as de facto residential living space. This type of extended "residential" use would undermine the visitor-serving function associated with • boatel/hotel accommodations on a key waterfront parcel along the coast.

Therefore, the Commission finds that the amendment, as proposed, could potentially result in the loss of visitor-serving uses which would be inconsistent with the policies of Coastal Act related to priority development. The Commission recognizes a visitor as a person that resides in a guestroom on a temporary basis. The City defines a visitor, or ''transient guest," as "any person who occupies the hotel/motel for a period of 30 consecutive calendar days or for an entire particular calendar month, whichever is the lesser'' (City of San Buenaventura, Hotel/Motel Operator's Handbook). Any such person shall be deemed to be "transient" until the period of 30 days or the entire calendar month has expired. Staff notes that the City's definition of transient guest embodies the typical visitor intended to be served by the by a visitor-serving priority development.

Therefore, to ensure that the boatel/hotel guestrooms are reserved for visitor-serving priority ·'uses, the Commission finds that visitor occupancy of boatel/hotel-guestrooms shall be limited to not more than 30 consecutive days and a total of 6<f'days during one · calendar year as described in Suggested Modification One (1). In addition, Suggested .

. Modification One requires boatel/hotel records to be maintained, in conjunCtion with the City's Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT/Hotel) collection, which show that the 30- and 60~:_ day requirements are being met. These records shall be available for inspection to Commission staff and shall include, at a minimum, the occupants' name, guestroom number, dates of occupancy, and calendar year total. •

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For the above reasons, the Commission finds that the proposed amendment to the LCP is consistent, only as modified, with coastal priority use policies of the Coastal Act.

E. Public Access and Recreation

Section 30210 of the Coastal Act states:

In carrying out the requirement of Section 4 of Article X of the California Constitution, maximum access, which shall be conspicuously posted, and recreational opportunities shall be provided for all the people consistent with public safety needs and the need to protect public rights, rights of private property owners, and natural resource areas from overuse.

Section 30211 of the Coastal Act states:

Development shall not interfere with the public's right of access to the sea where acquired through use or legislative authorization, including, but not limited to, the use of dry sand and rocky coastal beaches to the first line of terrestrial vegetation.

Section 30213 of the Coastal Act states:

Lower cost visitor and recreational facilities shall be protected, encouraged, and, where feasible, provided. Developments providing public recreational opportunities are preferred.

The commission shall not: (1) require that overnight room rentals be fixed at an amount certain for any privately owned and operated hotel, motel, or other similar visitor-serving facility located on either public or private lands; or (2) establish or approve any method for the identification of low or moderate income persons for the purpose of determining eligibility for overnight room rentals in any such facilities.

Section 30224 of the Coastal Act states:

Increased recreational boating use of coastal waters shall be encouraged, in accordance with this division, by developing dry storage areas, increasing public launching facilities, providing additional berthing space in existing harbors, limiting non-water-dependent land uses that congest ... access corridors and preclude boating support facilities, providing harbor5'ofrefuge, •. and by providing for new boating facilities in natural harbors, new protected water areas, and in areas dredged from dry land. ···

Section 30234 of the Coastal Act states:

Facilities serving the commercial fishing and recreational boating industries . shall be protected and, where feasible, upgraded. Existing commercial fishing and recreational boating harbor space shall not be reduced unless the demand for those facilities no longer exists or adequate substitute space has

·;. ·~.

City of San Buenaventura .. Local Coastal Program Amendment 1..()2

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been provided. Proposed recreational boating facilities shall, where feasible; be designed and located in such a fashion as not to interfere with the needs of the commercial fishing industry.

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Coastal Act Sections 30210 and 30211 mandate that maximum public access a11~:·:. recreational opportunities be provided and that development not interfere with · the~r.~ public's right to access the coast. Sections 30213, 30224, and 30234 of the Coastal Act provide for the encouragement and protection of recreational boating, fishing, and support facilities.

The proposed LCP amendment would allow the re-designation of the existing 46 boatel units to boatel/hotel units and the addition of 24 boatel/hotel units in the Central Harbor ·· area. The revised language will allow the City to approve the current request of the Four Points Sheraton Hotel to modify the interior layout of its existing building square footage, including lodging facilities, restaurant, meeting and conference room facilities. As presently proposed, the Four Points Sheraton plans an interior reconfiguration of its facilities to accommodate the additional lodging units. The proposed remodel and reconfiguration is interior, and therefore any impacts to access and recreation are an indirect outcome of the conversion of use rather than a direct physical impact. The conversion of facilities and their use would not be incompatible with commercial fishing;

. however, it would directly impact the requirement for parking and for boating slips which affect access to coastal resources. The conversion of use also has the potential to impact the support facilities available to recreationists.

1. Access

In 1981 the Central Harbor Area Intent and Rationale Statement established that "this area shall contain uses oriented toward or serving recreational boating." Furthermore, it stated that "all other uses are prohibited, except that one full-service restaurant may be

.. permitted." Consistent with this policy a "boatel" rather than a hotel was approved with the idea that recreational boaters utilizing nearby marina slips would utilize larger sized hotel rooms. In 1986, the LCP was amended to allow a 50 unit boatel facility, provided that there was adequate parking. Without adequate parking, visitors and the general public could be prevented from having access to the water and coastal resources.

The primary intent in limiting the number of boatel units was to ensure that adequate parking facilities would always be available. The City code does not provide specific . standards for "boatel" facilities. The City is proposing to re-designate the ;~boatel~jinits~r':~;;' · to "boatel/hotel" units and utilize the parking standards for. hotelnodgin ·''·since tf1Er7o :' "boatel/hotel" units would also be available to non-boaters. ''': '""';~~~';+" '·

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based largely upon the City parking standards. However, in 1995 the Cityamendtit the, , parking provisions contained in the City's Zoning Ordinanee. As ·a consequera~::J~e parking standard (lodging facility standard) pertaining to the project in 1982 was reduced. When construction began on the facility in approximately 1982, the parking standard was 1 1/8 parking space for each sleeping unit plus parking required for


City of San Buenaventura Local Coastal Program Amendment 1-02

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ancillary uses such as offices, manager's units, lobbies, meeting facilities, restaurants, and service areas. In 1995, the Commission approved an LCP Amendment (3-94) to the Zoning Ordinance that resulted in a general decrease in the parking provisions in order to better reflect the City's parking demand and to institute parking standards comparable to the requirements of other California coastal communities. The revised standard is one parking space for each sleeping unit plus the required parking for other primary uses such as restaurants and meeting space. Service facilities, lobbies and administrative offices do not have an independent parking standard because they are incidental to the hotel operation.

Pursuant to the recent hotel use and parking study (June 4, 2002, see Exhibit 8), a total of 553 parking spaces are required by the City code for the Four Points Sheraton as a result of the approval of the 70 boatel/hotel units and planned facility conversions. A total of 512 existing parking spaces are located on both parcels, 225 spaces on Parcel 1 and 287 spaces on Parcel 19. Based on the current hotel parking standard, 177 parking spaces would be required on Parcel 1 (Boatel Facility) to accommodate the 70 boatel/hotel units (1 space per room) and 3,000 sq. ft. of meeting space (1 space per 28 sq. ft.). No parking spaces would be removed as a result of the proposed remodel/reconfiguration of the hotel. These results indicate that Parcel 1 would have a surplus of 48 parking spaces. However, the conversion of uses on Parcel 19 would result in the need 'for 376 parking spaces to accommodate 106 guestrooms (1 space per room), 6,860 sq. ft. of meeting space (1 space per 28 sq. ft.}, and 5,000 sq. ft. of restaurant/lounge space (1 space per 200 sq. ft). Based on this analysis, there would be a deficit of 89 parking spaces on Parcel 19.

Though the boatel parcel (Parcel 1) would meet its parking requirement, Parcel 19 and the Four Points Sheraton Complex overall would not meet its offstreet parking requirements as a result of the proposed amendment. As determined through the recent use and parking analysis, the Four Points Sheraton Complex would require an additional41 offstreet parking spaces (512 existing parking spaces, 553 required under proposed project). The hotel operator asserts that the current available parking meets the operational needs of the facilities and that the 41 additional spaces are not warranted in this case. In addition, the City stated in the December 2001 staff report for the amendment, that a parking survey was conducted in approximately 1998 which determined that 70% of the parking spaces were used on a regular basis. However, the parking survey was not locatable for Commission staff to review and no other evidence was submitted to indicate that there is an exceptional surplus of parking ~t the site.

In recognition of the project's inability to meet the parking requireme'~ts, the hotel operator and Ventura Harbor District have prepared a draft parking agreement which

.;, secures an irrevocable right from the Harbor District to use 50 parking spaees on Parcel :. 19A (Exhibit 9). Parcei19A is located south of Harbor Boulevard and north of Schooner Drive and is situated adjacent to, and west of, the main hotel facilities (Parcel 19).' Parcel 19A is a developed parking lot, approved as part of the Planned Development in the area pursuant to the City's approval of Case No. PD-255, and is operated approximately 20 days per year by the Ventura Harbor District for special events. These

City of San Buenaventura Local Coastal Program Amendment 1-02

Page 16

- additional spaces on Parcel 19A would allow the Hotel Complex to provide the require •. parking.

The City and the Ventura Harbor District are in the process of developing an updated Master Plan for the Ventura Harbor. The City and Harbor District anticipate that the Master Plan, which would require LCP certification by the Commission, would reduce the parking requirements for hotel operations. Should a reduction in parking standard be proposed via a . Harbor Master Plan LCP Amendment, Commission staff would anticipate detailed parking lot occupancy surveys for the Ventura Harbor area. The hotel and Harbor District parking agreement includes a provision that the Agreement will be terminated if the parking requirements are decreased in this manner. Should the anticipated parking requirements not be certified or lessened under any future Master Plan, the agreement calls for the hotel to contribute the necessary funds for the creation of fifty new parking spaces in any replacement or supplemental parking facilities.

The Four Points Sheraton Complex spans both Parcel 1 and Parcel 19, and is recognized as one unit. It also crosses into two distinct areas of the Ventura Harbor as identified in the certified LCP, Parcel 1 lies within the Central Harbor Area and Parcel 19 lies within the Northeast Harbor Area. The facilities were approved by the City under the same Planned Development Permit, PD-255, in 1981. In addition, as provided by the City's amendment submittal and the accompanying Initial Study, LCP Amendment SBV-MAJ-1-02 would allow the City to approve the request of the Four Points Sheraton to complete a comprehensive modification of the hotel facilities, including the main hotel • facilities on Parcel 19. The overall conversion and modification of uses would result in a deficit of parking, as described above, for the Four Points Sheraton Complex.

The hotel operation must meet its parking obligation to ensure that parking and access are adequately accommodated at the site as a result of this amendment and the proposed hotel reconfiguration. Presently, the complex would not have enough onsite parking to meet zoning requirements. Staff notes that to alleviate the parking deficiency, the hotel operator has diligently pursued alternative means of meeting the parking obligation, resulting in a draft Parking Agreement which would require final approval by the Ventura Port District Board, as a result of Commission approval of this amendment.

To preserve visitor-serving uses and coastal access, the Commission finds that the Locational and Intensity Policies of the LUP must be modified to ensure adequate parking as provided in Suggested Modification One (1) and Suggested Modification Two (2) in order to be consistent with the access policies of the Coastal Act. Suggested .. Modification One and Two require all development in the Central and Northeast Harbor to provide offstreet parking areas in an amount determined pursuant to. the offstreet parking regulations described in Chapter 24.415 of the Municipal Zoning Code (this is part of the certified LCP), or any modified parking requirements that are certified as an LCP amendment in the future. Furthermore, Suggested Modifications One and Two require the adequacy of offstreet parking to be re-evaluated for every use of property hereafter initiated, reinitiated, expanded, intensified, or changed and every building hereafter erected, enlarged, or structurally altered to accommodate such uses. In •

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instances where it is not practicable to provide all required offstreet parking spaces on the subject site, Suggested Modification One and Two allow private offsite parking to be permitted, provided that: {a) The boundaries of the other site containing available parking are located within 500 feet of the boundaries of the site containing the subjeg land use; {b) The parking spaces available on the other site are not required for another · use; and {c) The applicant's right to use the offsite parking spaces is guaranteed in a manner satisfactory to the director and the city attorney through a recorded instrument or executed agreement which is irrevocable throughout the lifetime of the development.

With the suggested clarification of language to the LCP, and subject to the implementation of the parking agreement, adequate parking can be accommodated at the site pursuant to the proposed amendment and underlying reconfiguration of facilities consistent with the public access policies of the Coastal Act.

The "boatel/hotel" units are intended to support recreational boaters who require overnight accommodations. To ensure access to these visitor-serving support facilities by recreational boaters, boat slips must be available during their stay. Presently, when a guest requests to rent a boat slip during their stay, they are referred to the Ventura West Marina adjacent to the hotel {J. Wong, pers. comm., 2/25/02). Ventura West Marina is able to rent their boat slips on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. As a result of the booking procedure, the hotel would not be aware, in most cases, if a guest was also a boater. Therefore, the hotel was unable to provide any current data on use of the hotel by boaters .

The Four Points Sheraton does not propose to acquire boat slips, or make other arrangements, in conjunction with the proposed addition of units as would be necessary for "boatel" -only units. The known history of hotel use by boaters does not warrant exclusive leasing of boat slips, or other permanent arrangement, by the Sheraton. Based on data obtained by the Sheraton from the Ventura Port District, the Ventura Harbor has approximately 1,600 boat slips with a typical occupancy rate of approximately 75o/o. Approximately 200 of these slips are managed by the Port District and located next to the Ventura Harbor Village. In general there is an availability of boat slips in the harbor to accommodate recreational boaters for · all 70 designated

·"boatel/hotel" units. Staff also notes that if the Sheraton were to make arrangements to indefinitely hold open slips only for their customers, it could actually result in a reduction of boating slips for the typical recreational boater {who would stay overnight on the boat itself).

~"t~ '';A:J

For the above reasons, the amendment, as modified, would be consistent with continued access to coastal resources.

2. Recreation

The existing hotel operation is a visitor-serving use that supports public recreational and boater needs, with lodging, restaurant, and meeting facilities. Under the provisions of the Ventura Harbor section of the LCP, the subject site was developed in the early 1980s with uses oriented to and serving recreational boating and a full service

City of San Buenaventura , .... · •. · ,,.,; ~;;:~;''"''' Local Coastal Program Amendment 1.02 • ·

Page 18

restaurant. The boatel concept was found to meet this requirement and was designed to provide visitor-serving uses that would emphasize recreational boating. •

The revised language to the LUP will allow the City to approve the current request of ' .. · ·· the Four Points Sheraton Hotel to modify the interior layout of its existing building; square footage to convert restaurant and meeting space into 24 additional boatel/hotel units, and to relocate a downsized restaurant to its main facility on the neighboring parcel {Parcel19). The change proposed by Four Points Sheraton represents an overall reduction in restaurant square footage and meeting space and an increase in lodging units.

Because of its location along the waterfront, the hotel facility is uniquely suited to provide boaters and other water-oriented recreationists with hotel and restaurant accommodations. The reconfiguration of the existing square footage of the facilities represents a trade-off among uses. All three existing uses {lodging, restaurant, and meeting facilities) would continue to be provided but at different levels of service (reduction in size of restaurant and meeting space) and in the case of the restaurant, in a different building location.

Staff notes that the existing types of visitor-serving uses would remain available within the hotel complex and would continue to be accessible to recreational boaters and the general public. Therefore, the amendment will encourage and protect public recreational and boaters needs.

For the above reasons, the Commission finds that the proposed LCP amendment, only as modified, is consistent with the public access and recreation policies of the Coastal Act. .

F. California Environmental Quality Act

Pursuant to Section 21080.9 of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), the Coastal Commission is the lead agency responsible for reviewing Local Coastal Programs for compliance with CEQA. The Secretary of Resources Agency has determined that the Commission's program of reviewing and certifying LCPs qualifies for certification under Section 21080.5 of CEQA. In addition to making the finding that the LCP amendment is in full compliance with CEQA, the Commission must make a finding that no less environmentally damaging feasible alternative , exists. Section ,(ft!:•c. •

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21080.5{d){2){A) of CEQAand Section .. 13540(f) .. ofthe California Code·.of Regulatl.ons~·tc·<: . ·,r,,... require that the Commission 'nofapprove or ado.pt a LCP, " ... if there~are feasible.'~' alternative or feasible mitigation measures available which would substantially lessen any significant adverse. impact which the activity may have on the environment' ' ' '

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The proposed amendment, as submitted, has been. found to •.. be consistent ~ith the····· resource protection policies of the Coastal Act. There. are no )easible, alternatives 'or ... mitigation measures available which would substantially lessen,. any significant adverse effects, which the activity may have on the environment. Therefore, the Commission •

City of San Buenaventura Local Coastal Program Amendment 1-02

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finds that the amendment is the least environmentally damaging feasible alternative and can be found consistent with the requirements of the Coastal Act and conform to CEQA .




CASE NOS. MP-140 AND EIR .. 2364

BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of San Buenaventura as follows:

SECTION 1: An application has been filed by Lyw Ventura Harborview L.P ., pursuant to the San Buenaventura Municipal Code, for a Comprehensive Plan and Local Coastal Program Amendment to amend the Land Use Plan Intent and Rationale Statement for the Ventura Harbor, Central Harbor area. changing the provision restricting the maximum number of boatel/hotel units from 50 to allow a maximum of 70 ·boatel/hotel units for the property located at 1080 Navigator Drive currently identified as Assessor's Parcel Number 080-0-240-225.

SECTION 2: All proceedings having been duly taken as required bY ~. and upon review of the information provided in the administrative report.. consideration of the testimony given at the public hearing, as well as other· • pertinent information, the City Council hereby finds and determines as follows:

1. The City Council hereby approves the Negative Declaration Case No. EIR-2364 for the project.

2. The proposed Comprehensive Plan/Local Coastal Program Amendment changing the provision restricting the maximum number of boatel/hotel unitS from 50 to allow a maximum of 70 boatel/hotel units meets the Intent and Rationale Statement contained within the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan for the Central Harbor area, because adequate parking spaces will still be available. thereby enabling the public to have access to water and coastal resources while, at the same time, increasing the number of tourist-serving lodghig facilities.

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3. The City Council has considered the information provided in the Neaati'Ve Declaration . that ··was circulated for public comments. · Based ·on information . provided in the Negative Declaration. and the'"' comm .~· received the City Council .has determined and supports the. Cletern1inatio that the proposed project would not have a potentially significant impact on the environment as documented in the Negative Declaration Case. No. EIR=.: 23().tl prepared for the project. ,, , , ~:::':·~~::~~,.·-""':·

SECTION 3: Based on the above findings, the City Councrl HEREBY approves a Comprehensive Plan and Local Coastal Program Amendment. Case No. MP-140, as set forth herein:

Within the Intent and Rationale Statement of the Land Use Element for the Ventura Harbor, paragraph 2 of the section titled "Area Locational and Intensity Policies" relating to the Central Harbor area shall be amended to read as follows:

"2. Central Harbor: This area shall contain uses oriented toward or serving recreational boating. All other uses are prohibited, except that a 7D-unit boateVhotel, and two full service restaurants may be permitted, provided that adequate on-site parking is provided. Where compatible, coastal dependent or coastal-related commercial fishing uses shall be permitted."

SECTION 4: It is intended that the City's Local Coastal Program wiR continue to be carried out in a manner fully consistent with the California Coastal Act.

SECTION 5: This Comprehensive Plan and Local Coastaf Program Amendment shall become effective upon approval of the Coastal Commission certification thereof .

PASSED AND ADOPTED this \'=t day of DE:c.. , 2001.


Res No. Case Nos. MP-140/EIR-2364



I, BARBARA J. KAM. City Clerk of the City of San Buenaventura. California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of San Buenaventura at a regular meeting thereof held on the 1711 day of December, 2001 by the following vote: .

AYES: Councilmembers Friedman, Smith, Morehouse. Andrews., and Di Guilio •

. NOES: None.

ABSENT: Councilmember Monahan.

ABSTAIN: Deputy Mayor Brennan.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of San Buenaventura this 1811 day of December, 2001.


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The Ventura Harbor area of the Comprehensive Plan includes the waters of Ventura ·

Harbor and the land immediately surrounding these waters. The Ventura Harbor area, as

. defined, is limited to the jurisdictional boundaries of the Ventura Port District. . Within the

Ventura Pott District jurisdictio[lal boundaries, the harbor has been divided ·into four

subareas. These ~ubareas are referred to as the South Peninsula, Southwest Harbor,

Central Harbor, and Northeast Harbor.

Each of the subareas is subject to one or more of three land use. designations whic_h

establish b_asic. land use policy for the Harbor. This section of the Comprehensive Plan

first describes the land use designations and general provisions which apply to all

development within the harbor, followed by discussions of Harbor subareas and maps.

Intent and Rationale for Land Use Designations: .

Land Use Designations: Harbor Commercial (HC), Harbor Related Mixed Use (HRMU},.

Mobile Home Park (MHP).

Harbor Commercial (HC)

The Harbor Commercial (HC) designation in the Ventura Harbor area is intended to cause

any new development in that area to be compatible with existing and proposed uses in the

Harbor complex (as described below). Development in this area, which is a/so designated

as a. Scenic Approach to the City, should be designed to complement the e~isting. visual

and structural character of the Harbor complex, and the development shouict be oriented.·.

toward recr;!ation, visitor-serving, marina, and commercial fishing uses.

To faa7itate the recreation, tourist and commercial fishing opportunities within the. Harbor

complex, the Harbor Commercial (HC) designation shall give priority to visitor-serving

commercial recreational uses over general commercial development but not over

commercial fishing, and shaU protect coastal recreational land suitable "'" - ,,..,. ............ EXHIBIT2 SBV-MAJ-1..02

111-84 Ventura Harbor LCP :;c

Because of the specifiC functicn. Qtft&.k'arhoc; jjK'i"at• .. at.Sidanfial and .. p11J81ill industrial

uses are not appropriate in the HC designated area.

Uses within the Harbor Commercial area shall be designated as either prioritY .. or .

non-priority uses. Priority uses include those uses listed in the Harbor Commercial (HC) " '

section of the City's Zoning Ordinance under the headin_gs of: (1) commercial

visitor-serving, (2) recreation, boating, fishing, (3) COfTimen:;ia/ fishing, ahd (4) public.

service facilities. Non-priority uses include general commercial retail and offices. To

ensure that a minimum number ':'f priority land uses and coastal facilities are provided in

the Harbor complex: (1) non-priority residential uses consistent with the LDca/ Coastal

Program and the criteria of th~ Land Use Plan shall be allowed in the HRMU designated

category; (2) non-priority general retail and office uses for the 111.39 aCRtS land in the

Harbor shall be limited to 5 acres (this is. exclusive of streets (17.29 acres}, and the

existing mobile home park (41.66 acres); and (3) dependent and harbor-oriented facilities

described later in this section shall be required.

As Planned Development Permits are approved, the City shaH make findings as to the

adequate provision of minimum numbers or types of coastal facilities described later in this

section, in terms of their consistency with this Plan.

Harbor Related Mixed Use (HRM.UJ

The purpose of the Harbor Related Mixed Use (HRMU) designation ~tegory is to ensute

that the City and Port District obtain the best suited mixed-use development for the last

re;;.,aining latge parcel in Ventura .Harbor. To encourage. continUed cOS'Bi~;.a;···:k:te081'1del1t ~~~,--_ ~--- -_.,{:j.~~~- :·-~~~F~~~<'.~~~;-:· _-- 1tt~\;·-::-~ ---~ /'.-. ~:f-;;;"1-- _ _, __ :·;~.-,~~;;~~·:_,~'itt--~ x":'- J,.;,-t~f.l·{f-~>¥~\. -, .


• I I ·I I

recreation and tourist opportunities within the water front areas of the hatlior;- the HRM ,.;;.., - · ~ -:~:-, . ,;,··- - -. -., "'-·:·:' --- - _::"X_-,- .--1;·.<¥4t~:~-._--~-":~ -~-__ ;~~-:,:.-..>-~~:~;~~~j:~~f:;~-:~--··,."-<, -""·c:\-

designation category ~hall req':'.i~ that. pyblic. amenities, .. ~ych a~.:s public(~;r~i;,;.?' .~·~·-', ')t~ . .J:>nl;; W,tlu ·"-""'~"·--•--.%>'' -- . ..,. •. _ · , ,- , ; :_ , ,_~_-_: __ ;·,:;c->:-.~J;;,,"'· _ ':< • .'_~'1 ~4-~--~ -~~ ·;;;-;"''f:.:,, :·~~;0.,"--:'.;._'·":~~;:::·•

public parking, a public park and restrooms and harbor oriented recreational and visitor .. ~--;-,-·:,--:~-~--<~::-~~----- ---~~-r-- - ·."'6<-*;>:t~--;,~~-::-,-·-<·

serVing faCilities are included on the site. Residential devetOjiment. Which is considtltrid a ~ --. - . • ~;: '" -. -.. ,-. .,~~~Jf!f::~_;<::~-~~ \'':'"~::_;,·~--/,~-~~-.. ~---:- .. '.-':·~-t'

non-priority use within the harbor, shall be limited to the HRMU designa6on on the upper

story (or stories) and the existing Mobile Home Park (MHP) designation and a1 other

references to non-priority uses elsewhere in the Halbc,r'~iiil mean genetal. , ·<

. . ; ~.,t~.ef t~i'[]


ne I i

I I I I n I le I

and office !!ses only. Development of this pr.opet!¥ shall,; be. sub~ til the preparation of a master plan. The master plan shall, at a minimum, meet the criteria set forth in the Area .

Location and Intensity policies tor the Northeast Harbor, as well as any pettinent standard.~:; set fOrth in the Zoning Ordinance. All coastal-dependent and, visitor-serving development ··

shaH be integrated with the overall character of the harbor and continue to encourage ,.

tourist activity consistent with the{Joals of the City's Local Coastal Program.

Mobile Home Park (MHP)

The existing mobile home park provides affordable housing and is designated MHP for

mobile home park use. It is intended that this use be allowed to continue as a mobile

home park. and the site be rezCi/11111 ar:,cfjrJingty. In the event that redevelopment of the

mobile home park occurs, an amendment to this Comprehensive Plan and Local Coastal

Program will be necessary. Unless adequate, affordable, low and moderate mcome

housing exists nearby, redevelopment must include one-to-one ratio replacement housing

and housing assistance for low and moderate income tenants. If redevelopment occurs. at

least 90'J(, of the land area shall be devoted to priority uses.

To ensure that lower cost recreational and visitor-serving facilities are available to an I income groups. picnic tables, public rest fOiiiiR1S, pedestrian and iJkycle- access ways,

pedestrian furniture, bicycle storage racks, small boat sailing, renting and berthing areas,




and at least two lower cost eating establishments of at least 2,000 square feet each shall

be provided. In addition, the Harbor beach area, which provides a lower cost recreational

a~, shall be preserved for general public recreational use. ;!' . .,,,;.:.-.;.. -~,~-.• •

~ . ~ .... :i,~)~t~~~t~ . -_ . In order to encourage recreational boating, non-water dependent land uses shall be limited ·

., . . . . .

within the Harbors water area complex so as to not congest access conidc:irs'and preclUde"> ,

11, ''\ 1 ,,,..·.- -~ ,. ,-,;,;_-, , ---"'-·~·"<''~'" J'i.ll'; ,~~T- ·- _- _:-~- • ,_:

recreational boating support facilities. In addition, . a minimum numbilr of recreational "'.!-'-'>',-'!;"''

boating facilities available fo the general public shall be provided and/or protected, ' . .

including at least 1,500 recreational boat slips, public launch facilities, dry boat storage and

fuel.dock facilities.

Recreational boating and commercial fishing shall Qe.lol::ated and designed so as to not

interfere with one another. Potential impacts from commercial fishing or general boat '~'':'''~ -., ~\: .. :•.;..,::·-·'

repair and construction operations shall be mitigated. Mitigation measures shall

locating such facilities away from existing residential areas.

Conversion of existing commercial slips to recreation use shall not be permitted unless the

Port District, in conjunction with the City of San Buenaventura, determine that all c:urrent and foreseeable future demand has. been satisfied. Should any future c:onvetSion ol

commercial slips reduce the minimum berthing space that exists in the Hatbor which is

required by the City's Land Use Plan, an amendment to the LafJd Use Plan wt1 be

required. Any future determination of whether conversion of commercial slips b

recreational slips will adversely impact the demand of the commercial fishing industry shall

be based on the following: future evic:Jentiary data regarding commercial fishing industry

needs at the Ventura Harbor presented by the Ventura Port District in consultation with the

Ventura County Fisherman's Association and reviewed and approved by the City of

Ventura, demonstrating that a minimum number of boat slips are provided to .se~W~Ihe

needs of the commercial fishing industry needs. All future determinations descdbed in the

preceding sentence shall take into con_sideration the cyclical changing COfJdi6on.s of the

industry . .

A minimum number of facilities serving .the commercial fishing industry, adequate to meet the industry demand Clemonstrated in the Ventura Harbor, shall be provided within the

Harbor complex. ·These include the existing 4,200 slip feet or berthing for at least f!O

permanent and 15 bansient commercial fishing boats, whichever is greater; a boat repair

yard, ice facilities,· fuel facilities (24 hours/day), laundry, shower and rest IT.'Kiln ~=~;


• I li I I I

: ;,- ·-:--i.;r+:-

docking space and, cold storage facilities. In order to· meet the ;. ~~,,~~ · needs ~f the comm~rcial fishing.industry, the following devtflto~;;,~ts shall be g;v;,pdc,y 7.

; ,- :;c· ~,. '',>'_,~v~;c,.,r_\~;:~tl;"':~~;2:;:~:1''~j~4.-.';·,,.' ··.·_::-

in the southwest hatbor area and in other harbor areas compatible· with commfircial tii;hin{f~!:~~\;,'. '· • , • "' ':.,:~;c,·, .. '-~--- -~ ".'-~'}.~:~ • ·_.-c-·-;. :_f_·'··(''.· :;----' .,:_:_.£;. :-\· __ - ,,. -'(', - •- ,

as demand is demonstrat~: the development of approximately 40. additional~

boating slips (60-80 foot range and 45-55 foot range) while retaining the existing 4.200 sliJ feet which serves permanent and transient fishennen. oriented toward c:ommen:ial.'.''·

• - :;..:_.'-.F '!·"<::.:.


'• I











•• I ....,.;


fishing, such as fish processing facilities, additional ice and cold storage facilities and

additional commercial fishing boat slips shall b~ given priority over· redevelopment of_>·, existing visitor-serving commercial projects, consistent with the needs of the commercial .I'it ·

fishing industry. Altematively, such uses may be provided in close proximity to the ,

· commercial fishing facilities provided that they are in a location that is easily and readily

accessible without adversely impacting other priority activities in the H~or.

_The location and intensity of all/and and wa.ter uses must be specifically defined to ensure

no significant adverse cumulative impacts on coastal resources or access by existing or

permitt~d development

To ensure that the visual character Of lite Halbor Is maintained, structures located on the

South Peninsula shall be limited to two stories, not exceeding 30 feet in height except for

such structures as theme towers, observation decks and radio antennas. The South

Peninsula is defined as that area located on either_ side of Spinnaker Drive and north of an

imaginary line drawn 2,400 feet south of the tenninus of Spinnaker Drive.

To enhance visual quality and ensure that new development does not impede views to the

~ter area from the roadway or to and from the beach and inland harbor area, the policies

listed below apply. A view corridor is defined, for purposes of enforcing these policies, as

that area between the roadway and water which is not occupied by buildings or solid walls

and fences that would im[:iede the view of the water from the roadway. View conidors

shall be measured from the linear distance paralleling the nearest public ff.?ad. (See Maps

following this section for delineation of Harbor areas.)

For development on the South Peninsula, the following criteria shall be applied io each lot

except for the National Park SetVice site .

1. Buildmgs and other structures sha'D not occupy·more than 25% of the lot

area •





Spinnaker Drive.

A yiew corridor shall provide a single unobstructed view, except that on

ParcelS this requirement may be satisfied.by the provision of two corridors,.

if one corridor has a minimum width of 375 feet and the other corridor a minimum width of 125 feet.

All structures shall be limited to two stories, not exceeding 30 feet in height

except for a possible aquarium/research center which shall be limited to 45

feet in height

Southwest Harbor

For new development in the Southwest Harbor area, the following criteria shaH be applied

to the entire area taken as a single unit.




Buildings and other structures shall not occupy more than 25% of the total

atea. . ,

At least 30% of the atea shall provide view corridors to be measutad from.

Spinnaker Drive.

All structures shall be limited to three stories, not exceeding 45 feet in height.

except for theme towers and observation decks which shall not exceed 55 ~· ..... ,v. -~· :~

feet in height and antennas and masts which shaH not exceed 70 feet in

height~ .... , ~.,:·

CentaJI Harbor

For development in the Central Hamor area, the foDowing criteria shall be appRed to the

entite area taken as a single unit.

I I I I I I ( ._ I I I I ~,


• I lii.:S9 fll/i'lc; I


t• I I I I I I

•• 1:


1. Buildings and other structures shall not occupy more than 25% of the total


2. At least 500~ of the area shall provide view corridors to be measured from

Spinnaker Drive or Navigfltor Drive as appropriate.

3. All structures shall be limited to three stories, not exceeding 45 feet in height.

Northeast Harbor

For development in the Northeast Harbor area, the following criteria shall be applied

except for the mobile home park.


1. Buildings and other structures shall not occupy more than 25% of a given


2. Views corridors of the harbor from Anchors Way Drive shall begin at

Schooner Drive and continue generally unobstructed for approximately

1,500 feet to the western terminus of the boat launch area. At if!ast 50

percent of this portion of Anchors fiVay shall preserve views of harbor


Development of vacant properties south of the boat launch area shaH

provide public pedestrian access and a bicycle path adjacent to and along

the entire length of the waterfront and from the terminus d Schooner Drive

through the area designated HRMU to the waterfront path. · These •'. ·.-, ..

accessways to the water frontage and the development of a public park in " . ' '• '('~ .. ,.~ .. ~~':'

concert with any residential/and use shall offer additional enhanced views of

the harbor.

3. All structures shall IJe limitt!lflw ""'- 4fl&du, WJt eJDeeding 45 feet in . height, except theme towers and observation decks which shall not exceed


5B faet and. antennas,.. masts. and tlagpolas which shall not exceed 85 feet

in height.

Harbor activities shall be clustered into locations appropriate to their use to fUrther Coastal

Act policies. More intensive and higher density activities. shall be concentrated on the

inland side of the Harbor. The. South Peninsula shall contain less intensive and dense

uses, recognizing its unique character between two water bodies, its predominant water-. · . oriented public recreational character, its effect on views to and from the beach, channels

and towards the ocean and Channel Islands, and the need to ensure that development

and parKing do not impact the sandy beach area. The National Park Headquarters has

increased the significance of the South Peninsula as a use of greater than local

importance and a visitor destination.

To further define location and intensities, the following policies shall be foRowed in a6

permit decisions in the Harbor. (See Maps following this section for delineation d Harbor


Area Locations/ and Intensity Policies

1. Northeast. Herlmr ArM: DJis. 8fl88o- · shall be developed prirnarfly with

commercial visitor-serving uses and, for the portion designated HRMU, with

a master-planned residentiaVcommercial mixed use development uses· allowed in this area include the following: (1) commercial visitor-serving

uses; (2) recreational boating; (3) non-priority uses limited tO public facilities··· ·· .~~": ... .. -.-- _, "~---~s-~;:':.\~>;_1.-

and general retail and offices; (4) non-water oriented coiTII'1JefCiat (5) pub'¥,~jifr:,"~ ··· • --~--"'--,~_,-,

0 / -, ' i~;--~~:;=f4f~--~- .' • ~~-~~N;~~-:~'-:-f:~"?-c;;:~.t;:i~t~-----,,:~!S'~--""~~'5;' 0 j,~ "'t;.':'~'k;~- -·';,,,";..'-/:;~'( ~-,-"_ < !,'''_ 4 ~-t ",

park and recreation; (6) residential uses limited to a maximurri of 300 Ul"'ibl ,,"·., · I "':,,- ,, • --,·· "' ·'' j ' ' -<'~;·;:~ ',_:.~_- ,• -~h<>•_ '::'"' --· - ,- .::-, ,< , l\:' ';~-;

and Hmitiicl to iheupper story (stories) of anr, f:!e'!f81opmenE~~m~ . . .. · . ... , ... ·,.,:~-x-~~---·-/·;,·>'->'~~-:;,!1 ·--~-·~X.:i'Y .-1\111''•,'),,· •• -,_;>">;• - -.· ~)···i '-'·;·>"-'»~- , ~--~""' -~- ~/:•~-·;-;\•:"f~_)";~;-:$'·c','\:·~:';·- ..

homes for the Mobile Home Park area (MHP). Comm8rcial fishing fat:i/iti8s > ... • _ ->;.--.-""·J.,; .. "'1~,;-·, _h ___ • ___ ,_·.,..,£'<'1'"f:.L_./ -,-~·:-:ov:~>i.'l7_:"~'~~-t--~#~--~;->;~~-~~--?';--_ ·

are !1!21 intended uses in.the Northeast.l-!arbor Alea. ·~and •· · ~"" · · -. · ·.-·Jt--:f.-:..x-~:x~;t::_f·,(;-< _.,._.-,.,,:.;/-"i":·~i_~--h .. ~;_~---~~ ·:··~~-:\~-r:· :.-: _·: .:·· ···,;. :i

coastal-related recteation and visitor-serving uses shall bfi developed

adjacent to the harbor front and shall have priority over teSidential and ··/~-".

general commercial develop"}ent


" • I II I I

I l I le t t J 1 J


•• I l

Development on the HRMU designated parcel shall bt spbject to the

preparation of a maste~ plan. The master plan shall include, at a minimum,

the fonowing:

1) Land Use and Development Standards



Architectural criteria, landscaping criteria.

requirements, public view protection of the harbor.


Any residential development proposed for the HRMU area

shall not detract from or interfere with the harbor oriented

coastal visitor-serving uses. tourist activity and public

recreational boating uses. New residential development _within

the Ventura Harbor shall be limited to the HRMU designated

area and a maximum of 300 dwell~ng units all be permitted

providing such development is located on upper story (or

stories) and is consistent· ·with all other applicable policies.

The water frontage area shall be reserved for tourist-serving

and recreational uses. Residential units shall only be allowed

on the upper story (or stories) of development located·in the

HRMI.! area. Should any residential units be developed on the

HRMU designated site, the 2.44 acre waterfront area,

identified as Parcel16 shall be developed as a public park..

In addition to the requirement of 1b above (development off!'.t:: , . ; :,_ •. _.-.. -._·-:'>.·-~, .;vz:~ .-.:~_'!-: .. ·~·- ·--~~Y~_!Y-J-~1··;:~~

public park), the entire water frontage area, to include not lesS:::'.· than 200 feet ·in width as measured from the landward extent.~·~::·:::

• "'• ' , ' ' , '."Y ~i>i•'i¢-~}~ :.~~i.~<:-~.1/J·~·;,;~tt·:~ ,:C

. of the 50 foot wide public access and recreation improvement,":" ..

within the HRMU designated area shall provide any one or combination of the following uses: a} public amenities; b)

commercial visitor-serving; and c) water-oriented iecreationa/



2. Land Use Buffer/Publir;.l.he. Zane -


a) In conjunction with any residential development that occurs ... ,_ .•. ,-/.:<, ;;--'-"'~"--'' --~" 1 -l.iv•,.c

i -· :'·:~.;~----"'~~1(;'~~+~~-:_·.-,·:~

within the HRMU designation. a public pari< shaH be deVelcJt.j&d :.< . . · · . : )\Y~~~?.t.·· on the 2.44 acre parcel described as Parr:iJ/16. ;;:_: ~"" · ""'

b) Public access and public recreation improvements a minimum

of 50 feet in width, shall be sited alongtfe water fiont:. The

. improvements shall include a pedestrian and bicycle

accessway. In addition, such improvements shaD include, but · are not limited to the following: picnic tables, benches, public.

· restrooms, landscaping, bicycle storage racks,. fountains,.

public parking and improvements that would encourage use of

this zone by the general public.

c) To further Policy 8.24. of the Circulation Element. apedestrfan

and bike path, that incorporates public use areas shall be

located along the harbor Water frQntage. Connection of thfJ

pathway to the adjacent public areas shall be provided so that

there is a continuous route around the Harborwatsrchannel.

d) Residential areas that abut the pedestrian and bike path shall

incorporate design elements such as fencing, ~ing.

~ tmd eatalion c;hanges, to prevent the public area

from becoming used exclusively by such development.

Recreation and Visitor Serving

a) Public access and recreation improvements described in


l . ., l I I I

Master Plan Policy 2, Land Use Buffer/Public Use Zon&.''sit···,,~~:tt~·i: .. ~ '"··· /.•H<:•:t .. •' · ,,., · . ." ... •~.· • "'" .A';·.·•'f£ .. ,; ·.•t;;"; -~~-~\~ .. -,a'$;}, -~&',<)• ~-·:'.~.~.::--(

I be constructed concurrent with any development of . . .· •·· ., - -- -,. -- . - ·-~,---r:~~~}~~.--~~~;~~'lf:~~~~ and be available for public use prjor· ~ · ~p~"of.

.rw.·:.,., · '·;·11-·~· "+''· :~:~· 'z~-, ',;J~; ·~.;t:

residential or commercial development. · .·

. b) At a minimum, a 20 foot¥¥~~; vertieal pul:?fic accessway . ·- .... ':'.;;_'.: .: ·.·_··:;, _; --':_::::·:-.. ~:s·c·-·~~"'tf-:f ... '::r.··:\-yit ·:: _·:·:.;• -

the approximate terminus· of Schooner Drive thrOugh Parcel18

and_ connecting to the harbor front accessway shall be

provided. The public accessway shall be conspicuousty:0::

- ----- --


le I I a

-- 4)


I le I I I I J

.• I

•• J n '

... ..,.., sjgned tar publi.;._u.se .al}CI. incalpOlat.e. desigt'tl3lem{3nts such as

those specified in 2d above, to buffer the path from site

development The existing walkways along the perimeter of"'

this site shall not be used to satisfy this requirement.

c) Adequate commercial facilities and dry boat storage facilities,

necessary to support the needs of f!ny proposed residential

development shall be either within the portion of the site

developed with residential use or within close and convenient

proximity to the HRMU designated area.

Parking and Circulation

a) Public pamitt§ ~-shaH 'be provided in locations convenient

to key visitor attractions, public access and public park area on

the site. If parking fees are charged, parking fees shall be

kept low so that the_ general public may use the Hamor

facilities at nominal rates.

b) All residential and comtnfjlrcial development shall provide

adequate on-site resident visitor and customer parking in

addition to the required public parking lot(s).

c) All development ptOposa/.$...$/Jall subi:Ait fot:. fbe. appropriate

planning and approving body, supplements/ traffic analysis

containing appropriate mitigation measures relative to project

specific trip generation estimates. Said supplemental

information shall demonstrate that the average daily trips

(ADT} do not exceed those estimated for currently pennitt6d . ·: -~·,.;,-_-,,:_.:,.·

. ' ,;kff:· -#';1; ;-.,- ' ... ---.' ::k-~- -,.-,~<~:'"',

Harbor Commercial shopping center development which. are

estimated at 9,505 ADT. All development proposals shall be ... _. n )'• "•"- ..,,-t!(., ,~.-~'·.'~t,~,.-~.. • ::_·.·:, __ :•'-'

designed to ensure that traffic generated by the project will not

adversely impact . the City's street system . witiJfn ·· the · PierponWentura Keys ·and. Ventura Harbor Community for

area Rllliitiemt:r"'P!It"'f1 hii!IJDeJS <Of file public accessing the

Ventura Harbor and Surfer's Knoll Beach. Measures



nece~ IQ..fl'li\Jate ilalk impacts fro,..,.,~ alent of the

site ~hall. be required and completed concurrent t~iJ!?f,tfte 1 development Restrictions limiting general public use· of the

street system shall not be permitted. If a reduction in traffic

ADT is necessary. non-priority uses shall be removed from the.

development proposal.

d) Site development shall provide an internal circulation ~ .. . .. ...


that does not rely on the public street system and ·insures a (· continuous flow of vehicle and pedestrian traffic throughout the

HRMU designated area regardless of development patterns. J e) Ingress and egress of the site shall not adversely impact the

public's ability to access any pubHc facHities, including, but not

limited to the existing public boat launch facility that ab~ ~

HRMU designated area.

Central Harbqr: This area shall contain uses oriented fDward or

serving. recreational. boating. All other uses are prohibited. except

that a 50-unit boatel, and two full service restaurants may be

permitted, provided that adequate on-site parking is provided. !ftlhete compatible, coastaf depertr::lent c:rcoastal-relfiltfJd·commercial fishing

uses shall be. permitted.

I ~


3. Southwest Harbor Area: This area shall contain uses oriented toward

I I I or serving commerr:ial fishing, recreational boating, and visitor­

. serving commercial uses and may include general office Uses above· , , '!,"-:'"• "'":'.flO ."::''"·:·:- >t:··~·-· . ,. ,. >k

the first floor. Water dependent uses shall include at least 4,200

lineal feet of sJip .. and ~wharf space for commercial. vessels such as

fishing boatS .. and oil crew boa_ts, and may include fish lfflceiving

facilities, ice facilities, fuel facilities, a boat lift, a fun service bo8t yan:l ~ •"~.;• ~

and a self service boat. yard. No additional, new, visitor-setVing,

commercial use projects may be developed in this area. Uses

l I

• I .I

additional ice and cold storage facilities and .f¢ditional-commercial

fishing boat slips shall be given priority over re-development of.

existing visitor-serving commercial projects, consistent with the needs

of the commercial fishing industry. Within the existing, visitor-serving,

commercial projec;ts, a maximum of 33,000 square feet may be

devoted to. restaurant space. Restaurant space includes, but is not

limited to, dining, bar and lounge areas, kitchen and related areas,

and outdoor seating. At least 2, 000 square feet of the authorized

restaurant area shall be devoted to lower-cost eating establishments.

4. South Peninsula Area: This area shall be oriented toward water­

oriented recreational ~ti•<iiiN~-~ -.e01f88tional and pubHc

beach use. General office uses may be permitted above the first floor. .

An aquarium/research center, the Channel Islands National Park

Service Headquarters, tour boat services, recreational marinas and a

yacht club are permitted uses. The water area shall also include

berthing space for transient as well as permanent commercial fishing

vessels. Two full ~ervice restaurants may be. perrnitt~ and at least

one lower-cost eating establishment shall be provided (minimum

2,000 square feet). A lower-cost restaurant is defined as a high or

medium turnover sit-down or take-out restaurant with a turnover rate

. of less than an hour. Examples ,include delicatessens, fast-service

food restaurants, coffee shops or cafeterias. Total restaurant space

includes, but is not limited to, dining, bar and lounge areas, kitchens,

and related areas and outdoor dining areas. Visitor parking and public ·

restrooms are the only permitted uses on the ocean side of

Spinnaker Drive.

General Location Policies

1. AnciHary buildings such M- 6lisil1!ri"9' W'll!l Nsflooms, S!!lrving

the general public and Harbor users, may be 'permitted throughout the





Harbor. &face. intensive guh«c 'il'MVk'& builcfings.:·audl as police and tire

stations and utility stations, shall be confined to the Northeast Harbor~~~~~''' <

, .. :,_:~)'/_·~/~.;~:; ;~_-~:~~:~~~t~:,;' ':t''-

Existing facilitie~ serving recreational boaters and commercial fishermeri

shall be retained, unless documentation, consistent with that described

under the Intent and Rationale Statement demonstrates that there is no

longer a demand for facflities is provic;led Qf' equivalent · faCJ1ities are.

constructed elsewhelt:J in the Harbor in conjunction with the redevelopment

of existing facilities.

Non-conforming uses may be ·permitted to continue in their present locations

in conformance with present lease arrangements. Expansion of a non­

conforming use shall be subject to the regulations set forth in the City.s

Ordinance Code; however, in no case shall expansion be pennitted where

such expansion has the potential to displace harbor-dependert a:Jl1JI1l8lCial

fishing or recreational-boating uses.

Dry boat storage areas shall be located inland of the fitst public: toad fram

the water's edge,' because an oceanfront site is not essential for such uses.

Any development proposals for Ventura Harbor sbal/ be designed to ensure that future

water development near the north end of the South Peninsula (i.e., Parcels 7 and 9) not interfere with boats that require tacking maneuvers when entering and leaving the

Harbor's interior channels. However, such limitations shall not interfere with berthing for

visitor-serving ·uses, such as the . Channel Islands Nations,. Park HeadqUarters F - --:.-- -.. ~~;;; ___ .,..:,_,V>~;;~:),-.~·;;/;_,,_.,_- ___ .,"-: - "--~---- :~~ -·~~:'¥ .. ;~J-;

commerCial tour boats, unles8'equivalent berthing is provicJed nearby. . " ' . .~, '"'"·'· .;+ liP'---,

All new development in the Ventura Harbor shall include measures consistent ~·the . '

0 <

0 ,-""'< • < " >- '' '"C- ''-._•p, ~.._ .. -~~,;}tn<v'i:-;\7 ·?

policies contained herein, to reduce contamina~ed· runoff into the Harbor waters,. Including. ·.'"". - . · -- 'h ;~i/·Y~;:~::.-:<:·~--:\;,::t,;~-_-\.y·_ : ·--~-~;~~·/,;:~>"_- >---:-- -"

filtration of low nows, control and filtration of runoff fotm parking lots and roofs, reduction of

impervious surfaces, and provision of pump out facilities. and other necesscuy measuteS

to reduce harmful pollutants from stonn drain waters.

• .. 1 '-/((,~~\


• I n

I I 'I I -I .,

I . I

f . •• J .


l I I



te I 1


I I ,. l

V~ntura? -Harbor

Pacific Ocean



Vicinity Map

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• • • • Ventura Port District Boundary Araa Boundaries ... ·.·,···./:..·:

Parcel Boundaries

B Parcel Numbers

• t N

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•• Site Plan

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Parking Requirements For Four Points By Sheraton- Ventura

CURRENT COASTAL COMMISSION CALCULATIONS I Existing Proposed Description Parking Description Parking Requirement

1050 Schooner Drive Guestrooms 106 106 106 106 1 per guestroom Meeting Space {sf) 8,860 316 6,860 245 1 per28 s.f. Restaurant I Lounge (sf) 0 0 5,000 25 1 per 200 s.f.

1080 Navigator Drive Guestrooms 46 46 70 70 1 per guestroom Meeting Space 3,160 113 3,000 107 1 per 28 s.f. Restaurant I Lounge 12,000 60 0 0 1 per 200 s.f.

Parking Summary Existing Required Existing Required 1050 Schooner Drive (Parcel19) 287 422 287 376 89 Parking Spaces Short 1080 Navigator Drive (Parcel1) 225 219 225 177 48 Parking Spaces Over

Total 512 641 512 553 41 Parking Spaces Short

We will be having a Parking Agreement with the Ventura Port District for 50 Parking Spaces on Parcei19A.


REVI: !~.\<';_·' ~;_;_ < .-



1. IDENTIFICATION. This Parking Agreement, hereafter "Agreement," is made,.

entered into and effective as of the __ day of May, 2002, between VENTURA PORT

DISTRICT, a California port district, hereafter "District," and the L YW VENTURA

HARBORVIEW LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a California limited partnership, hereafter "LYW."


(a) District and L YW previously entered into a Ground Lease, hereafter "the

Lease," relating to certain land and improvements located on Parcels 1 and 19 within Ventura

Harbor, on which L YW has been operating a destination resort hotel.

(b) District is the owner of Parcel 19A, a parcel adjacent to Parcels 1 and 19,

the legal description of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A."

(c) Parcell9A is currently improved with facilities enabling it to be used as a

parking lot.

(d) The parties are informed that, from a practical and operational standpoint,

adequate parking to support the hotel operation exists on Parcels 1 and 19; however, the parties

also understand that the current parking requirements of the City of San Buenaventura, hereafter

"City," in the coastal zone necessitate an additional fifty (50) spaces being available in excess of

those spaces on Parcels 1 and 19 in order to satisfy said requirements.

(e) The parties are also informed that the City and Dis~~~ , a:e working .

together on ~Master Plan for Ventura Harbor which, among other things, expected to r~u~e-the ~-;~""'-'; ,..: .

parking requirements for hotel operations and which would then be incorporated in the Loc~. :

Coastal Plan .

-1- EXHIBIT9 SBV -MAJ-1-02 Parking Agreement

. 'i ~: .,,

~· ... ;

. (f) L YW de§!testo s=ute anitu.v~le_right from District to use Parcel 19A

for parking purposes, but only to the extent necessary to comply with the parking requirements-··,, .. ,,"'"'""

of City, taking into account LYW's use of Parcels 1 and 19 under the Lease. ,,,~·· .·.

(g) The parties are entering into this Agreement to set forth the terms,.

conditions and provisions under which District is willing to make Parcel19A available to LYW for

parking purposes.

(h) The parties also agree that this Agreement will terminate when the parldng

requirements of the City as embodied in its Specific Plan for the Harbor and Local Coastal Plan are

revised to decrease the parking requirements for L YW's hotel or those plans are otherwise changed

to reduce LYW's need for the fifty (50) spaces contemplated by their Agreement or to provide for

new alternative sources of parking for LYW's use in its replacing the fifty (50) parking spaces on


3. DISTRICT AGREEMENTS. Subject to the terms and provisions of this •

Agreement ·and L YW's full and complete performance under the Lease~ District shall:

(a) Control access to and use ofParcell9A;

(b) Maintain and operate Parcel 19 A as a parking lot and other District approved

uses; and submit to L YW quarterly billings for its share of the maintenance and operating costs for

Parcell9A as provided in Article 5, which costs are estimated not to exceed Five Thousand Dollars

($5,000.00) per year;

(c) ~vide~LW.withih~ irrevocable right to utilize P~eri~~r~~f;fJ~,~~1-r:~.;,,·(. c • ' ' ' ·~.·jj:·: ~~ '·}·+.· /~;~··· ~1,:"·· ~::~~~~·~~t't "

·purposes connected with its hotel operations under the Lease so that LYW may ~mply_~tfl .,.,,;:;;;; ;~:•.;.,,:>~::?:'." :.. ·: · . ~ . · "': ":. · . ., . . . .~ ·; _ ·· ··~-::: ..• :.iY;.,.. . ....... /':· ... , ~~"N;;f; •. :ii{;;;t~'.'

current parkingiequire.ments of the City, subjeet to the further provisions of this Agreement; an


L YW's use in complying with City parking requirements, pursuant to this Agreement, which spaces •

• may be relocated within Ventura Harbor from time to time by District in its sole discretion. Such

spaces are initially designated on the diagram attached hereto as Exhibit "B," but shall not be

identified by signs or marking on the actual parking pavement, or segregated by barricades, poSts, or?··

other physical means.

4. L YW AGREEMENfS. Subject to the terms and provisions of this· Agreement and so long as this Agreement remains in effect, L YW:

(a) Shall promptly pay when due the calendar quarterly billings for its

proportionate share of the maintenance, operating, and repair costs for Parce119A as provided in

Article 5;

(b) If the District Master Plan is not adopted solely or in part because the

parking requirements of the Master Plan are not acceptable to the California Coastal Commission,

commencing nine (9) months after District gives L YW written notice of such unacceptability

pursuant to Article lO(a) of this Agreement, shall pay to District a parking fee of Five Hundred

Dollars ($500.00) per month for a period of six (6) months. At the expiration of said six (6) month

period, the parking fee shall be increased to One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per month. Said

parking fee payments shall be made each month contemporaneously with the payment of the

minimum monthly rent under the Lease. Further, said parking fee shall be increased every sixty

(60) months effective on and after the date LYW first begins paying the parking fee as above

provided, by an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the parking fee payable during the prior

twelve (12) months;

(c) Contribute the necessary funds for the creation of fifty (50) new parking "" F ~-. '·-~ .... "';

spaces (or such greater number of parking spaces as required by City for the operation of L YW's

hotel and related businesses under the Lease) in any replacement or supplemental.par~g facilities

. under the new Speclfic Plan for ·the Harbor adopted by the City, or the Distnct's M~ter Pi~ in

parking structures or surface parking lots on purchased or leased property, including the peri{)(fic .

rent or other charges for the use of such spaces; and then obtain the written consent or'tbe City so

• that this Agreement may be terminated as no longer being necessary to meet its parking


requirements. In the event LYW is required to 0011tribute funds .plw:uant,m.~Article 4{a), the

parking fees otherwise payable under this Agreement shall be equitably adjusted by written

agreement of the parties to take into account LYW'S actual contribution of funds under this Article

4(a); ·

(d) Shall not place any barriers or posts (temporary or permanent), markings, or

signs on Parcel 19A for the purpose of designating any of the parking spaces for the use of L YW

without prior approval by the District General Manager;

(e) Contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement, shall sign, have

acknowledged and deliver to District the form of quitclaim deed attached hereto as Ex:lubit "C";

(f) Shall not assign, transfer or encumber its rights and interests under this

Agreement without the prior written consent ofDistrict;

(g) Shall defend, protec~ indemnify and save harmless Distric~ its officers,.

agents and employees, from and against any and all claims, demands, loss or liability of any kind

or nature which District, its officers, agents and employees, may sustain or incur or which may be

imposed on them or any of them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property as a result

of or arising out of any claims directly related to L YW's rights under this Agreement or its use of

Parcel 19A or by LYW's officers, agents, employees, sublicensees, patrons, or visitOrs, at LYW's

sole expense with counsel reasonably satisfactory to District;

(h) So long as this Agreement is in effec~ shall maintain insurance on

Parcel19A naming District as an additional insured, in the same amounts and with the same ~,. ,;_ i'· _. ' '

insurance as required ofL YW under the Lease and covering any and all claims directly connected

with L YW's use ofParcel19A under this Agreement; and

(i) Acknowledges and agrees that the rights of L YW under this Agreement are

personal only to L YW and do not and are not intended to create any interest in Parcel 19A by way

of easemen~ profit, license or otherwise.

5. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING COSTS. LYW shall pay District during

the tenn hereof, in addition to any rent which may be due under Article 4(b) of the Lease, amounts

equal to a proportionate part of the costs of operating, maintaining, and repairing Parcel19A as a

parking lot in accordance with the following provisions:

(a) The costs shall include: (i) water and electricity charges; (ii) trash disposal;

(iii) sweeping; (iv) landscaping and gardening; (v) repairs; and (vi) wages, payroll taxes and other

benefits for employees of District directly utilized in connection with maintenance, operation, and

repair ofParcel19A as a parking lot;

(b) L YW's share of these costs shall be detennined by the proportion which its

fifty (50) parking spaces bear to the whole number of parking spaces on Parcel19A; and

(c) L YW's proportionate share shall be payable by it within thirty (30) days after

a reasonably detailed statement of actual expense incurred in the particular calendar quarter is

presented to it by the District.

6. TERM. The tenn of this Agreement shall commence on June 1, 2002, and shall

continue and be in effect during the tenn of the Lease, or mtil such earliet tennination,. cancellation

or nullification of the Lease in accordance with the tenns and provisions thereof, or upon any

change in the parking requirements of City such that any right to use Parcel 19A for parking

purposes is no longer required for L YW to comply with said parking requirements for the hotel

operation and related businesses under the Lease, or upon the revocation of this Agreement pursuant

to Article 8, below.


(a) Definition. Not by way oflimitation, any of the following acts or omissions

by L YW shall be deemed a default by L YW and a material breach of this Agreement:


(i) Failure to pay maintenance, operating, and parking fees when

due as required by Articles 4(a) and 4(b);

(ii) Failure to contribute the necessary funds for that creation of

new parking spaces as required by Article 4( c);

(iii) Designating any parking spaces for L YW's use in violation of

Article 4( d);

(iv) Assigning , transferring, or encumbering its rights under this

Agreement without the advance written consent of District as prohibited by Article


(v) Failure to protect, indemnify, and save District and its

officers, agents, and employees harmless from claims as required by Article 4(g);

(vi) Failure to maintain proper insurance under Article 4(h);

(vii) Permitting the parking spaces to be used for any pwposes

other than vehicle parking;

(viii) Failure to observe, keep, or perfolm any of the other

conditions and agreements to be kept or performed by L YW under this Agreement;

(ix) . Any involuntary assignment or transfer of LYW's interest ·· ,,, ... , ' ' ,·•:·' ., ' ·~··:'.17;~ .• :~

·· under this Agreement without the advance written consent of District; .. · ·

~:1t,-:'' <',,; .. ,·~·,;, ·'""";;,,,;.:,, . ;,.;\ll;. . :·.'~' "it

(xf Filing of a voluntary or involuntary petition in bankruptcy, or . • ;;.> .r- ~.· '." ":"/4-;;o;,J .• '.-.i.·~::~::;;~,· ~l'.,"t-- ·.~·_s, .... ' ,, .

for reorganization, or for any arrangement by L YW, or by a member or partner of . . ",~~ ... .' .,;c-

L YW if it as a general partnership or joint venture, or by a general partner of L YW

if it is a limited partnership;


(xi) Appointment of a receiver for the business or assets ofLYW,

or of a member or partner of L YW if it is a general partnership or joint venture, or of

a general partner if it is a limited partnership; or

(xii) Making a general assignment or an assignment for the benefit

of creditors, whether voluntary or involuntary, by L YW, or by a member or partner

of L YW if it is a general partnership or joint venture, or by a general partner if it is a

limited partnership.

(b) Notice of Default. District shall provide L YW with written notice of any

default or breach by it in accordance with Article 10(a).

(c) Cure ofDefault:

(i) As to any default identified in Article 7(a) which can be

cured by the payment of money to District, L YW may cure such default by making

the required payment within ten (10) calendar days after receiving written notice

from District pursuant to Article 1 O(a) to remedy or cure such default.

(ii) As to any default identified in Article 7(a) which cannot be

cured by the payment of money, and excluding the events of default identified in

paragraphs (x) and (xi) of Article 7(a). L YW may cure such a default by taking such

action and doing such things as may be necessary to cure such default within thirty

(30) calendar days after receipt of written notice from District pursuant to Article · t:!74,


(iii) As to any default identified in paragraph (x) of Article 7(a),c_·

L YW may cure such default by obtaining and delivering to District a dismissal of.

the petition in bankruptcy upon which the event of default is based within sixty (60)

calendar days after filing of the bankruptcy petition .


(iv) As to any default i.<kntiiicd in paragraph {xi) of Attide 7(a),

L YW may cure such default by obtaining and delivering to District a dismissal of

the legal proceedings upon which the event of default is based within sixty (60)

calendar days after receipt of written notice from District pursuant to Article' 1 O(a) to·

remedy or cure such default.

·;1. .o:~: .. ii:;;;;,·;'··-_-:: tD:;,·_,;,;f;-1~ ! ~;7'~:Z..i~~\J-.


(d) District's Remedies. In the event LYW fails, refuses, or neglects to cure a

default within the time specified in Article 7(c), then, in addition to any other remedy District may

have by operation of law, District shall have the right and option, without further demand or notice,


(i) Revoke this Agreement pursuant to Article 8.

(ii) Record the Quitclaim Deed executed by L YW, a copy of

which is attached hereto as Exhibit "C."

(iii) Take control of the parking spaces designated for L YW's use,

which shall be allowed by L YW without hindrance or delay; and District shall not

be liable in damages to L YW for such entry on the parking spaces or be guilty of

trespass or forcible. entry.

8. REVOCABILITY. This Agreement is revocable by District upon L YW's failure to

cure a material default or breach of this Agreement pursuant to Article 7( c), or upon L YW's failure

to contribute the necessary funds for the creation of new parking spaces under City's new· Specific

Plan for the Harbor or the District's Master Plan, so as to enable it to obtain the written consent of't!f'!f;'; : ~ ·;,;-~ _ ·= ,:· .,', ... •. f K-,··_ .• ,_ s<:.- -->~:>.·:: ·· ; -::· ._ ".· _ - . ->~,-~-~-~-#J·;;··~$r~,<.:"i:~-~0ttft~-~~--

City-permitting the termination of this Agreement as no longer being necessa:rY ·to. meet City~~':' ' - ... ·-..'+-" >e';'i(A-- ··;.-.- - -·

.... " - . ·-- , ___ ,._ ~ ,~., :-~:~r;-, __ ·"' .. _·-..

· requirements as required by Article 4(c), or upon any change in the parking requirements.ofC' . -£i.!-r+- - _ .. ~:~,-;;• .,,:.t ,·;~- -,.-·<"'- _ .. _,_._: :;_u{ -~~~~·· ~r;~.0 _:.:~]:.~',~:-·;:'!t"'f:!·;:•mf

such that the use ofParcel19A is no longer required for the hotel operation as conducted under,the . , ·- '-. ' - ~~-:,~-!-)?i"'~'" -_-_-,;-:1_,~--~J-J~,~::t~f:;:~~:_:---· "


Lease to comply with City parking requirements. A revocation of this Agreenient as abOve ·;·1"'.·"";

=:~ O(:::.ffective upon District giving L YW. wiitt,i;i notice of ~on punruant to <fi>o; •

-8- .


9. WAIVER OF CLAIMS. L YW hereby waives all claims against District for

damages to any persons or property in, upon, or about Parcel 19A and, for injuries to LYW, its

agents or employees, or third persons in or about said parcel for any cause arising from L YW's use

of Parcel 19A under this Agreement, except claims for damages or injuries arising out of the sole

active negligence of District; and L YW will defend, protect, indemnify and hold District exempt

and harmless from any damages or injury to any persons or property of any persons arising from the

use of Parcel19A by L YW, its agents, officers, employees, subtenants, licensees, patrons or

visitors, or from the failure of L YW to perform its commitments as required in this Agreement,

when such damage or injury shall be caused in part or in whole by the negligence or fault, or

omission of any duty with respect to the same by LYW, or its agents, officers, employees,

sublicensees, patrons or visitors. If any such action is brought against District or its agents,

employees or attorneys, L YW shall, upon notice from District, defend the claims at L YW's sole

expense with counsel reasonably satisfactory to District.


(a) Any and all notices or demands by or from District to LYW, or LYW to

District, shall be in writing. They shall be served either personally or by certified mail. If

personally served, service shall be conclusively deemed made at the time of service. If served by

certified mail, service shall be conclusively deemed made seventy-two (72) hours after the deposit

thereof in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the party to whom such notice or

demand is to be given, as hereinafter provided. Any notice or demand to District may be given in

care of the General Manager of District, 1603 Anchors Way Drive, Ventura, California 93001. Any

notice or demand to L YW may be given to it at 808 North Spring Street, Suite 808, Los Angeles,

California 90012, Attention: John W. Wong, Jr., Vice President, with a copy to Roger Yuen, Vice.;;::; .•. :. . .~ :, .,t'f~1~ : i(,:>;: '. ;;',~j/.i: .. ~·~~~. ' .....

President and Associate Legal Counsel. The addresses set forth herein may be changed by wiitteri •' ·•;

notice given in the manner provided herein. ··' ,·



(b) · Each and all of the terms, conditions, and agreements herein contained· shall

be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and

assigns of any and all of the parties hereto; and all of the parties hereto shall be jointly and severally liable hereunder.

(c) No waiver by District of the default or breach of any term or provision of the

Agreement by L YW shall be deemed a waiver of any othet: tenn or provision or any subsequent

default or breach by L YW of the same or any other tenn or provision.

(d) This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California,

except the provisions of that law governing conflicts oflaw.

(e) If a party brings an action or proceeding to enforce the terms of this

Agreement or declare rights thereunder, the prevailing party in any such proceeding, action, or

appeal, shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees. Such fees may be awarded in the same suit or

recovered in a separate suit, whether or not such action or proceeding is pursued to decision or

judgment The "prevailing party" shall include, without limitation, a party who substantially obtains

or defeats the relief sought, whether by compromise, judgment, or the abandonment by the other

party of its claim or defense.

(f) LYW acknowledges that the payments due by it under this Agreement do

not include the costs of guard service or other security measures, and District shall have no

obligation whatsoever to provide the same.

(g) This Agreement may be modified only in writings signed by the parties.


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(h) This Agreement may be. executed in two or more counterparts, each of which

shall be an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument.

VENTURA PORT DISTRICT, a California port district

By ________________________ __



By ________________________ _




By: JWW HOTEL INVESTMENT, INC., a California corporation

By:. ________________________ __

John W. Wong, Jr., President

General Partner

