t's pTo Youl - Milo Historical Society in the above paragraph. ... in advertising but will...


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fbiltb ~otally for QUOSt ~oral (loutragr Ser~in8 Ihe Central Penquis Jlrea

Thursday December 31 196t Ten CentsVol 3 No 53

W e join in with all your friends wishing you the

best of luck in the New Year

lave a Sale and Sane Holiday

~ little holiday drinking can cause a lot of trouble in holiday rffic the Maine Highway Safety Committee points out Let ~ nondr inker do the driving )rotect yourse lf and your automobile passengers anapreserve ur tirivers license on New Years Eve The Maine Highway ~ 1V rnmTni ttBP ioins state and local police in issuing this

ts pTo Youl For the past ten ye ars one of the chief topics of conversation Oil

the local leve l has been the dec line in job opportunities in towns in our area Lack of a labor market also means less money for local merchants less available tax money to build schools and highways and of course the unpleasant prospect of our child r ell having to move away fpom home to find employment

We now have an opportunity to change all the bleak prospects mentioned in the above paragraph A nationally know cOllce rn wants to build a furni ture manufac turing plant in Brownville Lane has been picked agr ee ments of all kinds have been r eached bul the final and most important aspec t of the situation ADEQUATE LABOR has not been ascer tained

Tentative plans called for the facto ry to be ready to start opershya tion by MAY 1965 At the start the labor fo rce would consist of approximately 120 males and 13 females wUh a yearly payr ol of $625 000 00 By the second ye ar employment would inc reas e t 150 males and 20 females and the payroll to $79900000 afte five years of oper a tion the plant expects to employ from 300 b

400 people A preliminary labor survey held in Brownville before Christmru

did not produce enough applicants to satisfy the labor need It i hoped that an interest in this fi ne job opportunity will p roduce aJ plicants from ALL TOWNS WITHIN THE CENTRAL PENQL1 AREA or from ANY AREA in the state

A notice fo llows from The Maine Employment Secur i ty Comn ission

The Bangor Office of the MaiBe Employment Securi ty C-ommissiOl announce s thatrepr esentatlves wui be at the Milo Town Hall during the week of January 4th through 8 to interView and recruit er and women who would be interested and available for emploY11len in a new industry which i s considering locating in that section 0

Piscataquis County This industry is engaged in manufacturing products which ar

made of wood The company has othe r manufacturing plants locab in other New England states and because of the increase in demaJ for thei r finished products they are ve ry desirous of expandinj their activities

This company is very des i rous of interviewing men who have ha experience in wood turning or who have the potential for trainin in the various piece s of equipment and who can be lead men or t-rRinp ltl t trRin othpr pmoio ees


THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday e vening by the TOWN CRIER P UB LICATIONS

We hope to be of he lp to the ci tize ns of the towns in our coverage through NEWS INFORMATION AND LOWER P RIC ED ADVERTISING

We accept no financ ia l responsibili ty for e r roru in advertising but will gladly pr int cor r ections

Copies of most photos appear ing in THE TOWN CRIER may be obtained through our office If you have news or availab le photos of any sort

we urge you to call Hn editor or drop in De adshyline will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate copy reoei ved earlier in the we e k

Classified ads 50 cent minim um including up to 12 words 3 cents for each additi onal word Dis shyplay ad spa5e by the column inch

Editors - John amp Joanne Brigham ltilo 943-7384

Editor - Dorothy Monroe Milo 943-8837

u want to BUY SELL -Tmiddot or SWAP try Town [er~ Classified

CE elers Express Money Ers available at Daggetts lTmacy Milo

SA LE d wringer washer semi _atic Excellentcondition ]0 Call J R Taylor e St Milo 943-7335

RENT Lrtment bedroom kitchen


MILO Labor Survey on January 4th

thru 8th at Town Ha ll The Milo Derby P T A will

meet on Monday January 4th The New Idea Club and the

Park Street W S C S will meet on Tuesday January 5

The Ayuda Club and Ann Judshyson Guild of the UB church will meet on Wedne sday J an 6th

mth corne r of Park and------------------t educational systems

Streetin Milo Furnishshy40 00 a month Phone 3 55 Would like a m an lis wife No children

~ E

19ratulationS to the Milo Payers as of Dec 28 ou have paid 92 of your Tax Committment You only three unpaid 1963 onal tax accounts As we to have a represena ti ve

gt office Jan 4th may we your best efforts to in shyse this to an even greater etian As you know our s close Dec 31 1964

T hanks

Celebrate New Years Eva

But -nk

onlt Dr1

and Drive

The fen l~ Ni ffh tler Than The yltlord

We welcome a ll Open Letters and Letters to the Editor

The opinions e xpressed in this colUmn are not necessarily those of the editors

We feel that a newspaper should express the views of the people however much we might agree or Olsagree with them

We wi ll -not accept anymore unsigned letters for prin~ng If you do not wish your name signed to the lettep when printed you may so have it however we will keep your signed copy on fil8 in our office

Editor Town Crier

In our two previous essays we have shown that excellent ele shymentary educational preparation is the key to creating in the stushydent the ability and deSIre to absorb further education And the key to excellent elementary education is to keep classes small enough to enable the teacher to give attention to the educational problems of each individual student

Milo could solve most of its present elementary educational deshyficiencies by dividing the number of elementary pllpils by twenty to get an adequate teaching force Than add a music teacher and a physcial education teacher

With an adequate elementary teaching force the School Board and School Officials could attempt to apply modern team-teaching conshycept so that no grade would be expos~d to only one teacher for a whole s chool ye a r Also modern c oncepts of ungraded classes could be tried so that theslowstudent could proceed without acqui ring e ducational ll ga psll and the-fast student would not be held b ack tograde and middothis abilities stunted as at present Theco~tofproviding anadequate elementary teaching force will

be greater than present costs but over one-half of the increased costs would be paid through the State school subsidy The trend is towards greater school subsidies at both the State and Federal levels to ease the local property tax load and to better the local

Education in the United States is a cooperative venture of Local State and Federal partic ipation Each governmental body has an interest and responsibility in providing education Thee hUlnan product of OUT local school mayor may not become a citizen of some other State But he will almost surely remain a citizen of the United States tis indeed agreatprivilege and responsibility for Milo to proshy

vide exce llent elementary education for citizens of the United States of America

Providing e lementary education is a task tostagger the buman inte llect but providing secondary education is even more demandshy

ing as we shall see in our next essayHowever If You Ateon Oseon

Need Wrecker Service Sld th h t i1 lng roug s op s gus

Dial 943-7717 mu~tipliesyour chances for an cCldent says the Maine Highshy

s ay Committee Minorviolat shycaI-0 S B Y ~ns b ec ome m~jor when h uman shy~

The best work is done when you take your time The same holds true in traffic says the Maine Highway Safety Commshyittee

~E T~OW~NC~RIE~R_____________________ P~

Sp clals For Dec~t ~I-~

angerines 29+ 1hter 12 Z TI (

fJltll+ 8~f 3~

i)v6vle Heavy Wefifn Stief

ew York Sirloin Steak 79+ lb

P1sh i~e Fryers

w~1f 29+ Lb



Adams 2rd Shephers Vicki ABNAKI GIRL SCOUT COUNC IL LeightOn

Soloist Irene Harr ington Organist Juani ta Leighton Also se lections by th~ adult

NEIGHBORHOOD 11 choir BROWNIES Ross William Fortier Jr CADE TTES infant son of Mr and Mrs JUNIORS Ross Fortier was baptized at

this time A candlelight sershy~ Scout saving stamps are available to every Girl Scout 7 vice c losed the se r vice Cbmshygh 17 They come in denominations of 5cent 10 cent and 25 cent mi ttee on greetings The Rev

_gi rlis given a folder in which to keep the s tamps whatever and Mrs Robert VallBsek t has been saved by June may be used a s part of the cost

Acolyte Allen Harrington ng to camp This includes day camp which wi ll be held this

Ushers Robert Vanasek anddur ing August somewhere in this neighborhood If the girl Vance Leighton not go to camp the money will be refunded This is a good

Jan 3rd at the Methodist0 enc ourage saving Anyone wishing to purchase stamps as church Divine Wor ship at 11 fo r a Girl Scout may obtain them from her leader The sermonby the Pastor the Rev Robert Vanasek will beWNVILLE JUNCTION GIRL SCOUT

e B rownies Juniors and Cadets held a Christmas P ar ty and No Other Name The young I Adult choir will sing Commshy~ ca tionCeremonym the LegIon Home at Brownvl Ie Jct on _

17th New girlsjoining thegroupwere Cadets Sharon Mills lttee on greetmgs Mr and Sh l Mll B Mrs Ralph P arkman Ushersrs Rhon daRoberts Nancy e c he r el a 1 sFI t rowmes

Norman Brearley and Norman _ Mc Lean LOIS Vmcent Terry Swazey PatrICIa Roberts L dAd d L d Ch Crabtree No evening serviceon Dub01S In a n rews an In a ase

Leaders and Committee Women were pinned by Mrs Mar- MILO McKinnon Gifts were exchanged and refreshments were KINGDOM HALL OF

oed and group s inging ~s enjoyed by all JE HOVAHS WITNESSES Sunday J an 3 at 2 pm

Public Bible Lecture What Youth Fellowship Misses Hope for Las ting Peace t t by F Donna Davis Rebecca John - Curtis Watchtower Study at ston and Linda Hedrick led thE 3 15 p m Out of the Torrbs service The organist was to a Resurrection of Life Mrs Kay Moody Ushers based on John 528 29 Kathy Gilbert Marsha Loane Tuesday Jan 5 at 730 p m Fred Cuningham and Thomas Bible Study wi th aid of book Hedrick Babylon the Great Has Fallen

Gods ~ingdom =tules ChapshyGUILFORD ter 14 He r Fall VindicatesMETHODIST CHURCH Jehovahs ProphecyChristmas Day in the serviceCQurrh Nrw5 Thursday J an 7 at 7 00 pat the Methodist church the m Ministry School ServiceIL FORD Rev Robert Vanasek used the Mee ting at 800 p mIMUNITY CHURCH titleA Child is Born The

nere was a large attencance young and adult choris s ang the SANGERVILLE he Community church on anthem The llshers were UNITED CHURCH middot s tmas Sunday The anshy Ralphand Gordon Parkman

At the United Church Sundayros were sung by- the Junior Acolyte Richard Hines morning a large congregationSenior choirs Mrs Delshy The Ch r i stmas Eve service attended the wor ship ser vice was the organis t inc luded carol sirging Phillip The pastor s sermun subject1e Pagawnt in the evening Welts was Soc ial Society Lecshywas What does the Lord Re shyected by Mrs Dorothy Edes tor AChristmasPa ge antFor quir e features of the ser shy5ented the Nativity scene God So Loves was pre sented vipounde were the lighting of Adshymiddot all chi ldren in the Sunday by the youth Fellowship with vent candles and a vocal duet~l assisted Dan Edes and the follOwing cast Narrator The Holy City by Mrs Bevshymiddot Reginald Couture were the Helen Buzzell The Uncle erly Covey and Mrs MildredJists with Mrs Hazel Dashy Michael Harrington Amos Wilson with organ accompanshyand Mrs Cons tance De - RayVana sek Inn-Keeper Jean iment by Mrs Milton Edesey accompanists Santa ni e Buzzell Joseph Richard

At 700 p m there was as appeared at the end of Johnson MarySherry We lts communion and candlelightservic~ and gave out gifts 1st Wise Ma Roger We ston service of worship Christ shyn Thursday evening the sershy 2rd Wise Man Pat Ha rrington ianFaithis not B lind At 800e of Carols and Candlelight 3rd Wise Man Sherry Flanshyp m the Pilgrim Fellows hip conducted bv the Senior de r s 1st She hers Pamela

went caroling Sta~tingoI1Monday at 300 p

m the Junior Fellowship is participating in a special Re shytreat for s tudy niBcussiolland practice in Growing in making friends and Christians and being a Christian F riEtnd MThe Retrea t is he ld in the Un1ted Church and ge t group sleeps at the Chandler home


Trinity Choir will mee t for rehearsaLat 700 on Thursday

There wiU b e a Watch Night service at tile church on Thur sshyday Dec 31st at 900 This will be a combined service -Mth the Nazarene Church Worship service from 900 to 1000 Refreshments will be served and there will be a s ocial time from 1000 to 11 00 fo llowing which there will be a sermon and Communion aervice Everyone is welcome

On January 3 Eleazer Car shyver IV will be with us for the morning worship service bringing special music and the message cf the morning

The Triple M Class will have their m onthly supper mee ting onJan 5th at 630 There wi ll be an election of officers

Baptism service was held following the Sunday evening service Those baptized were Stephen Hamlin Clinton Robin shyson Arthur Woodard Mr Richard Noyes Sr Mr Roy Randall Debra Smi th Ellen Dean Christy Randall Mr Richard Barker and Mrs Ger shyaldine Tourtilotte

Sunday School each week at 945 Morning Worship at ll 00 BYF groups meet Sunday a t 600 Evening Service a t 7 30

Ladies Auxiliary meets Wedshynesday at 2 00

Mid - week service Wednesshyday at 7 30



aturally the most determining factor for a company to expand activity in a new area is the assurance of an adequate labor

ly e ~ hoped that all persons who are interested in the economic -e lopment of this section of P iscataquis County and who are ee rely interested and available for e mployment if the company

ould dec ide to locate here~ express themselves by reporting at e Town Hall for interview with representatives of the Maine Emshyyrn~nt Security Commission These representatives will be at

pound Milo Towll Hall from 830 a m to 4 30 p m

-LO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL NEWS is gratfying to be able to report that Dr H C Bundy who has

en more or less confined to the house for nearly three weeks is ch improved and is resumi ng his c ustomary activities He late s that after New Years he plans to reactivate the drive for

ds for the hospital addition in e arnest It is planned to start Ililding in the Spring

ie tary Consultant for the Regional Hospital Association Miss ancia M Place cif Dover- Foxcroft recently visited the Milo

d ta bHnm unity Hospital for the purpose 0 f d Iscussmg Ie ry pro shy~ s lt--wo new diets have been pr esented for the consideration of the Piff Doctors severai addi tional diets will be prepared in the near _ e o

Hos pital Administrator Ava Strout R N is well pleased with tis assistance and it is hoped that these ser vices will prove to be a~uable to the hospitals in the Regiona l Association During the week before Christmas Santa Claus visited the Childshy~nswardbringinggiftsandcheerto the youngsters Jim Bunker nda dozenyoungpeoplefrom the Baptist Youth Group visited the spi tal singing carols which were appreCiated hile the census dropped to 6 just before Christmas Day it is

_ back to 18 or near capacity again Word has been received om the supplier that the Chart Dest is to be shipped by Jan 4th -e r some unavoidable delay Hospital AUXiliary President Blanche Degerstrom is in the Jspital for a few days but announces Receptionists as follows rio Jan 1st -Eva Lagassy Sat Edith White Sun Doris Will- a troop merit badge book libshylski Mon Evelyn Hamilton Tue Georgina London Wed Mar rary

a Gould Thur Anne Place

ANGERVILLE T CLUB 21 single baskets and three oub le baskets were filled at 1e home of Miss Alice Jackshyon Monda afternoon and were iter delivered to shut ins and ursing homes for the patients lis being an annual project of 1e Womans Club T he commshytee was Mr s Ste lla Me rrow ITS Mildred Dodge Mrs

The next meeting of the J T Club will be the Christmas party a t the home of Miss Alice Jackson Jan 2 Lightrefre~shy

hments will be served


Sange r ville Boy Scout Troop 110 he ld its annual ChrIs tm as P a rty att-gte Legion Hall Monshyday from 6 30 to 930

The T roop held its regular meeting preceding the party and s everal boys worked on advance ments Scout Raymond Gauvinwas then se lec ted to re shypresent Santa Claus He dis shytributed gifts which the boys hen hrnllDnt f1 cv on 0

George Richardson Jr son of Mr and Mr s George Richardf Jf Milo was home for the Christmas Holidays He will report bru to Fort Dix N J on Jan 1st for his basic training He graduate from Milo High School in 1962 He has been working in Bristo Conn for the past 2 12 years

~~w ~~a[f)~~~1r Bombardier SKimiddotDoo



Milo Sport Shop Scoutmaster Roy Smith anshynounced that the troop commshyittee had voted and bought 20 merit badge books for the Troop as a Christmas gift these books to be the s tart of

Scoutmaster Smith the n held

a special investiture ceremony to award Sc out Billy Bemis with his Tende r foot badge

The meeting was well attend shyed with four m embers of the troop comm ittee and Mr and

Mrs Bemis parents of Billy Bemis present Scoutmas te r Smith called for closing cereshymonies and asked the boys to urge their parents to attend meetings whenever they wish shyed


The Ptott-Flanders Post 165 of Sangerville and the Firemens Association he il a

Contd on Page 6



Town amp CountryMILO MAIKI

Page 6

~~a~~ o o

Stop and Eal WITH US



Gui lford Maine

~uHfl1m Ber thaBryant is a patient at

the Mayo Hospital for medical land

Mr and Mrs Harland De shymuth were guests of Mr and Mrs Forest Huff and ca lled on Mr and Mrs Willis Stevens

Callers on Mrs Louise Hill at Giordano Nursing Heme on Christmas Day were her daushyghter and husband Mr and Mrs John LaBreque of Pro shyvidence R 1 and Mr and Mrs Erwin Cousins of Portshy

treatment Christmas dinner guests of

Mr and Mrs Paul Metcalf we re Mrs Bernice Metc alf Mr s Phyllis Skinner Fay and John Rae Mrs JuliaSheriden all of Greenville and Mrs Gladys Hammond of Guilford

Joe Edes a student at Leshybanan Valley college Anvil P enn is at home for the holishyday

Mrs James Edes gave a coffee Christmas mor ning to several friends and neighbors In the afternoon a Christmas party was held at the Edes heme Those present were Mr and Mrs William Allen and sons David Jonathan of Ellswerth Mr and Mrs Wm Gourley and Mary from Milo Mrs Maybelle Edes of GuilshyfOJd and Miss Prudy Clukey of Sangerville

Mr and Mrs Kenneth Evans ofBrewer Mr and Mrs Noel E vans and Kenn~ofAlexandria Virginia Mrs Doris Lary of Waterville and Mrs Stella Evans of Guilford were guests on Christmas Day of Mrs Flo shyrence Bedfish

Mr and Mrs Bruce Alley and chi ldren alid Mr and Mrs Willis Stevens went to Union Sunday to visit Mr and Mrs Har land Demuth

Mr-- and Mr s C linten Herrshying left Monday for Washington D C fo r a visit with their sen Later they will go on to Florida where they will spend the winshyter

Sgt James Cookson of st Michaels College Winooski Vt is spending the Christmas holiday with his parents Mr and Mrs Wi lliam Cookson

Mr and Mrs Lee Hedrick of Hartford Conn are guests of the Rev and Mrs Warre n Hedr ick and family

Mr and Mrs Clinten Lindshysay entertainedata Christ mas buffet dinner Mr and Mr s Levoy Lindsay and son J a mes and Mis s J i ll Osborn of Sangershyville

Mrs Edna King whe has be en a patient at the Hibbard Nursing Home in Dover -Fex shycroft for a few m onths was a guestofMr and Mr s Norman Brearley for dinner on Chris tshymas

Mr and Mrs Stephen Emer y ~f Yonkers N Y arr ived Christmas mor ning for a visit with their par e nts Mr and Mr s Herbert Galusha and Mr and Mr s Arno Emery

Annie Leighton spent Christshymas in Dexter the guest of Ruth P ingtree and Lottie Sturtshy

evant was in Dexter the gues t of Bertha Hanson

CLUB DOINGS Contd from Page 5

Chris tma s Party a t the Legion Hall Saturday Dec 19 from 730 te 900 p m Ove r 125 peeple attended the party and 90 children were presented beeks and Christmas s teckings by Santa Claus

Thre films wer e shown with James Carle of Sangervi lle operating the pr ojec tor Folshylewing the movies Chris tmas carols were sung with Mrs Charlene Edes playing the piane

Coffee and doughnuts were se rved to the adults after the program Santa Claus was reshypres entedb y Regim ld Couture of Guilford



At the reorganizatiOn mee fng of the Stott- Flanders UI No 165 American Legion Al iliary he ld Tuesday e veni at the American Legion Ha l in Sanger ville the followit officers were elec ted Ger trude Clukey Presiden Mar ge ry Clukey Sec retaJ De lores Edes Tr easurel Lerraine Wi lley Chaplain a Marjerie Richards Serge ru at Arms A Unit Censti tu tic and Bylaws wer e adopted 1gt1 Patricia Knewlton Depart ment Publicity Chai rm an Dexter was present and ac as Temperary Chairman as isted in the reor~ anizatie Plans were made for a Dis t tic t group from the Dexter Lt to cenduct the i ni tiatien of mE bers and installation of offiCE at the next regular meeti~ which is scheduled fer Tue~

day January 26 1965


t~inI ~rs~ t rii IS YOU RCA R REA D Y )



Guilford Me

Mrs Beulah Trey spent the holiday with her sen and family Mr and Mrs Milten Troy A

birthday c ake was made by

Barbara Tr oy and pr e sented to the gues t

~altgrruillt Mr and Mrs Orman P rey

we re in Hampden calling en re latives

Mrs Deris Church of Hartshyland called en relative~ and fri ends here in tewn

Miss Sue Lawler of Har tland is the guest of Mrs Faye Sti1 son during the vacatien week

Miss Cher yl Cele a student a t a Bus iness Cellege in P ortshylanq s pent a few days vacation at he r home here

Miss E the l Sawyer a teachshyer a t Oak Greve Schoel Vassalshybore is spending a vac ation at

TR 6-3382

her home here Mrs Audrey Edgerly of D

er-Fexcreft was a week-e guest of Mr and Mrs Ches Moulten

Mr and Mrs Earl Humph were holiday gues ts efher b ther and sis ter -in-law CC and Mrs Maxwell Stoddar Hallewell and also called Mr and Mrs Verne DaviJ Augusta

Mr and Mrs Percy B r and Mr and Mrs Ira Lar Dever-Foxcroft have beeD cent callers en Miss Mooers

Mr and Mrs Chester M ton were Christmas Day gt

of Mr a nd Mrs Aubrey pot of Dover- Fexcroft

Miss Ann Melvin a stu

at Gorham Teachers ColI spent the Christmas vaca at her home here

Centd en P E

r H E TO W C R IER P age 7

iDCAL BRIEFS ont d fiom Page 6

r and Mrs Milton Edes e hosts at a family Christ shy~ Tree Thursday evening 5e present besides the ts were Mr and Mrs Ausshy

e ane and family of Guilshy Mr arid Mrs Gerald e and family of Bangor

and Mrs Ernest Dodge Gi lIfor d Mr and Mrs Wilshyd Sta rbird Derry Starbird angerville

_1r and Mrs Norman Buzshy11 and son of Bangor visited ~ parents Mr and Mrs arold Buzzell over the week d _Irs Aria Waymouth eptert shyitllid on Christmas Day Mrs rne Clements of Hallowell ~ and Mrs Earl Waymouth d children of Monson Mr d Mrs Keith Page Sr Mr ~ Yrrs Keith Page Jr of Lnge rville The schools opened Monday the winter term

Mr and Mrs Ernest Flandshyers of Dover-Foxcroft were weekend guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Fred Simmons Other guests Sunday were Mr and Mrs GalenBridge of Oroshyno Mr and Mrs Herbert Bridge and daughters of China

Mr and Mrs Frank McshyDonald were at WinterportSunshyday to visit Mr and Mrs Edshyward Churchill

Mrs Almeda LeightJn has gone to Newport to spend the winter Her address is 51 North Street Newport

Smiddott1n HC Bundy M D spent

Christmas week with his daughshyter and family Mr and Mrs Roy Wiggins Providence R I His sister and husband Mr and Mrs Henry LaBare visited their daughter in Canaan Me over the holiday Miss Mary Pat Crosby who

teaches in Barnstead New Hashympshire is slending the holshyiday season with her parents

Miss Vickie Howard a performer in her own right is also a dance instructor at thirteen (shell be 14 on New Years Day) Miss Howard daughter of Mr amp Mrs Thomas Howard of Milo has been taking dance lessons for two years tap lessons from Mrs Priscilla Millier of Milo and Modern Jazz and Tap fromMr and Mrs Luthan Crosby

------------ ------------shy

~ Yo ur F riendly Mobil

6 A M A M


- 9 P M Mon thru Sat - 6 P M Sundays



S tat ion N ow


Guilford Me

Miss Cheryl Lemieux of Sangerville She also assists Mrs Milshylier with her instructions and has a dance class of her own in LaGrange where she teaches eleven pupils

Vickie perforwed over the holidays for the Milo Lions Club wi th Miss Kathy Dunham and Miss Valerie Howard under the direc tion of Mrs Millier

The Mallet Brothers of Sebec accompany two attractive young ladies as they entertain at half-time during a basketball game held recently a t Foxcroft Academy

P age 8 VmiddotABI Tv - If



7 50 Open Door 755 Farm Rep orter 8 00 Captain Kangaroo 9 00 DaYinOourt 9 30 Tennesse Ernie 1 00 Mike Wallace News i o30 I Love ~ucy ll oo Get the Message

1130 Mjssing Links 1200 Love of Life 12 25 News 12 30 Search for Tomorro 1245 Guiding Light 1 00 Mid-Day 1 30 As the World Turns 2 00 Password lt 30 Houseparty Soo To Tell The Truth 3 25 News 330 Edge of Night ~ oo Seoret Storm 4 30 Father Knows Belt 5 00 Santa Claus 530 Bozo G oG Telejournsl News 19 CBS News T HURSDAY Dec 31 _964 7 UU wyatt ]al)

i 30 The Munstere o UU Perry Mason 9 0 0 On Broadway Tonight 9 30 Baileys of Balboa 10 00 The Defenders 11 00 Tele journal News 11 20 St J ohns Episcopal

FRIDAY JAN 11965 10 30 Cotton Bowl Parade 11 30 Tournament of Roses

45 Football Cotton B owl IIArkansas vs Nebraskan

FRIDAY JAN i 1965 i 0 0 My Three Sons

30 Rawhioe 8 30 Password 900 Baileys o Balboa 9 30 Gomer Pyle IV 00 Slatterys People l1 00 Telejonrnal News l1 20 Les Crane Show SATURDAY JAN 2 1965

UV Mlsrer Mayor 9 00 Alvin Show 930 Tenn~ssee Tuxedo 10 00 Quick Draw McGray 103 0 Mighty Mouse 11 00 Linus the Lionhearted 1130 The Jets ons

100 Sky King 1 30 Big Picture 2 00 Football Gator Bowl

Galnel 5 500 Jimmy u ean 600 Bud Leavitt 630 V0VBle Under the Sea

730 Jackie Gleason 83 0 Gilligans Island 9 00 Mr Broadway 1000 GWlSmoke l 09 Telejournal News u 15 Saturday Late Show

-Mohawk SUNDAY JAN 3 1965 r2 0 0 The Christiphers 12 15 The Living Word 12 30 7his is The Life

100 Big Pictllle i30 Football Pre game


725 News 7 30 Today 825 Naws 83 0 Today 900 Womans Hour 930 People Are Funny 10 0 0 Make Room for Daddy 10 30 NBC Ne ws Morning 11 00 Concentrl- tion 1130 Jeopardy 1200 Say When 1230 Truth or Consequences

145 NFL Football Playoff Bowl 100 General Hospital l30 Football P ost Game 5 00 TBA

630 World War I

700 Lasaie 730 The Martian 800 Ed S llivan 900 The Fugitive 1000 Candid Camera 10 30 Whats My Line 11 0 0 Tetejolllnal News 11 15 Har ry Reaoner News MONDAY JAN 4 1965 700 The Rifleman 730 T o Tell The Truth 800 Ive Got a Secret 830 Andy Griffith

9 0 0 Preside nt Johnson

930 Many Happy Returns 1000 CBS Repo rts TUESDAY JAN 0 1965 IUU Littlest HObO 730 Combat 830 Red Skelton 930 Pattic oat Junction 1000 The Doctors and Nurses 11 00 Telejournal News 1120 Les Crane Show

WEDNESDA Y JAN 6 1965 7 UOtle wi tc [lea 73 0 Mr Ed 8 00 Livi ng Doll

900 Dick Van Dyke 930 Cara Williams 1000 Danny Kaye 1100 Telejrnal News 1120 Les Cnne Show

1 30 Lets Make a Deal 2 00 The Price Is Right 23 0 The Doctors 300 Another World 330 You Dont Say 400 Match Game 430 Superman 500 Mickey Mouse Club 6 00 Chann~l 2 News 6 2 0 Whats the Weatber A 30 Huntley Brinkley Report 8 30 Bill Da na

THURSDAY DEC 31 1964 IUU MCHale Navy 7 30 Daniellloone 830 Dr Kildar e

9~u Hazel 10 00 Kraft Suspense Thet FRIDAY JAN 11965

11UU Orange Bowl P a r ade 11 30 To~nament of Rose

~ shy145 Sugar B owl Game ~30 PEe Game Show

1U00 The Hogue ll o o The World This Weekend 11 1amp DraltmAt MONDAY JAN 4 1965 7 00 Kentucky Jones

7 30 90 Bristol Court 9 Jo State o f the Union Addr ess

10 00 Alfrerl H itr h~n~k Pr~ntqTUESDAY JAN 5 1965 v v lJUWIll-ne~U

130 Mr Novak 715 Huntley Brinkley Report 830 Decision to Drop the Bomb 745 Orange B owl Game 930 TW-3 10 30 NBC Sports Roundup

SATRUDAY JAN 2 1966 8 00 Astro Boy 830 Bug Bunny 900 Lone Rl-nger 930 Hector Heathcote 10 00 Underdog 10 30 Fireball XL-5 11 0 0 Dennie the Me nance ll 30 Fury 12 00 Bost Patrio ts Raview 1 00 Championship Bowling 2oo Big Picture 2 30 Lone Ranger 3 00 Trails West 3 30 Biography 4 00 NBS Spor ts Special 430 East-West Shr ine Game




~ilo Rickers Dairy 943-2260


I q

Keep your mind on your drivshying advises the Maine Highshyway Safety Committee Highshyway tragedies often occur when m otor ists try to do two thinkshying jobs at once Safe driving rpol1ires c omple te attention

Channel 2 9 00 Satlllday Night Movie

l~Tbe Las-t Hunt

1125 Rhet-old Theater The Untouch~lesll

12 25 We ird SUNDAY JAN 3 1965

900 Amerl~ans At Work 9 15 Sacred Heart 9 30 Faith for TOday 1000 This Is Tbe Life 1 0 30 Beany amp Ceci 11 00 Bullwinkle 11 30 Discovery 12 00 Wide World of Sports 100 Big Picture 1 30 The Legacy ~ 00 NBA Basketball 4 00 Conversation with Dean Rusk

500 Wi ld Kingdom 53 0 College Quiz B owl 6 00 Patty Duke 6 ~o Profiles in Cour ag 7 30 Walt Dianeys Wonderful

World of Color

lOoo Bell Telephone Hour WEDNESDAY JAN 6 196~ middot

7 0 0 Spo tlight on Youth 73 0 The Virginian 9 00 Wednesday Night Movie

Elephant Walk ll

According to the Maine Highshyway Safety Committee pedestshyrian accidents most frequently involve the too young or too old Caution children or parshyentstocross streets carefully and only at corners Urge them to wear something light-coloTshyed at night so they can easily be seen And when you drive stay a lert for pedestrians of any age

To All Of You




bullI bull ~~lt

u~fi ~)


The Town Crie r extends to a of you the wish that 1965 wil be ayear of happiness and pro perity for everyone

Rarely are these handed anyone on a platter but ra th~

are achieved by hard worka cooperation with others Le us therefqr involve ourseln in the problems of our area that we may contribute a ll 0

talents to overcoming want norance poverty unemp lo] ment and hate the greates t all barriers to happiness an prosperi ty for all meo



THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday e vening by the TOWN CRIER P UB LICATIONS

We hope to be of he lp to the ci tize ns of the towns in our coverage through NEWS INFORMATION AND LOWER P RIC ED ADVERTISING

We accept no financ ia l responsibili ty for e r roru in advertising but will gladly pr int cor r ections

Copies of most photos appear ing in THE TOWN CRIER may be obtained through our office If you have news or availab le photos of any sort

we urge you to call Hn editor or drop in De adshyline will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate copy reoei ved earlier in the we e k

Classified ads 50 cent minim um including up to 12 words 3 cents for each additi onal word Dis shyplay ad spa5e by the column inch

Editors - John amp Joanne Brigham ltilo 943-7384

Editor - Dorothy Monroe Milo 943-8837

u want to BUY SELL -Tmiddot or SWAP try Town [er~ Classified

CE elers Express Money Ers available at Daggetts lTmacy Milo

SA LE d wringer washer semi _atic Excellentcondition ]0 Call J R Taylor e St Milo 943-7335

RENT Lrtment bedroom kitchen


MILO Labor Survey on January 4th

thru 8th at Town Ha ll The Milo Derby P T A will

meet on Monday January 4th The New Idea Club and the

Park Street W S C S will meet on Tuesday January 5

The Ayuda Club and Ann Judshyson Guild of the UB church will meet on Wedne sday J an 6th

mth corne r of Park and------------------t educational systems

Streetin Milo Furnishshy40 00 a month Phone 3 55 Would like a m an lis wife No children

~ E

19ratulationS to the Milo Payers as of Dec 28 ou have paid 92 of your Tax Committment You only three unpaid 1963 onal tax accounts As we to have a represena ti ve

gt office Jan 4th may we your best efforts to in shyse this to an even greater etian As you know our s close Dec 31 1964

T hanks

Celebrate New Years Eva

But -nk

onlt Dr1

and Drive

The fen l~ Ni ffh tler Than The yltlord

We welcome a ll Open Letters and Letters to the Editor

The opinions e xpressed in this colUmn are not necessarily those of the editors

We feel that a newspaper should express the views of the people however much we might agree or Olsagree with them

We wi ll -not accept anymore unsigned letters for prin~ng If you do not wish your name signed to the lettep when printed you may so have it however we will keep your signed copy on fil8 in our office

Editor Town Crier

In our two previous essays we have shown that excellent ele shymentary educational preparation is the key to creating in the stushydent the ability and deSIre to absorb further education And the key to excellent elementary education is to keep classes small enough to enable the teacher to give attention to the educational problems of each individual student

Milo could solve most of its present elementary educational deshyficiencies by dividing the number of elementary pllpils by twenty to get an adequate teaching force Than add a music teacher and a physcial education teacher

With an adequate elementary teaching force the School Board and School Officials could attempt to apply modern team-teaching conshycept so that no grade would be expos~d to only one teacher for a whole s chool ye a r Also modern c oncepts of ungraded classes could be tried so that theslowstudent could proceed without acqui ring e ducational ll ga psll and the-fast student would not be held b ack tograde and middothis abilities stunted as at present Theco~tofproviding anadequate elementary teaching force will

be greater than present costs but over one-half of the increased costs would be paid through the State school subsidy The trend is towards greater school subsidies at both the State and Federal levels to ease the local property tax load and to better the local

Education in the United States is a cooperative venture of Local State and Federal partic ipation Each governmental body has an interest and responsibility in providing education Thee hUlnan product of OUT local school mayor may not become a citizen of some other State But he will almost surely remain a citizen of the United States tis indeed agreatprivilege and responsibility for Milo to proshy

vide exce llent elementary education for citizens of the United States of America

Providing e lementary education is a task tostagger the buman inte llect but providing secondary education is even more demandshy

ing as we shall see in our next essayHowever If You Ateon Oseon

Need Wrecker Service Sld th h t i1 lng roug s op s gus

Dial 943-7717 mu~tipliesyour chances for an cCldent says the Maine Highshy

s ay Committee Minorviolat shycaI-0 S B Y ~ns b ec ome m~jor when h uman shy~

The best work is done when you take your time The same holds true in traffic says the Maine Highway Safety Commshyittee

~E T~OW~NC~RIE~R_____________________ P~

Sp clals For Dec~t ~I-~

angerines 29+ 1hter 12 Z TI (

fJltll+ 8~f 3~

i)v6vle Heavy Wefifn Stief

ew York Sirloin Steak 79+ lb

P1sh i~e Fryers

w~1f 29+ Lb



Adams 2rd Shephers Vicki ABNAKI GIRL SCOUT COUNC IL LeightOn

Soloist Irene Harr ington Organist Juani ta Leighton Also se lections by th~ adult

NEIGHBORHOOD 11 choir BROWNIES Ross William Fortier Jr CADE TTES infant son of Mr and Mrs JUNIORS Ross Fortier was baptized at

this time A candlelight sershy~ Scout saving stamps are available to every Girl Scout 7 vice c losed the se r vice Cbmshygh 17 They come in denominations of 5cent 10 cent and 25 cent mi ttee on greetings The Rev

_gi rlis given a folder in which to keep the s tamps whatever and Mrs Robert VallBsek t has been saved by June may be used a s part of the cost

Acolyte Allen Harrington ng to camp This includes day camp which wi ll be held this

Ushers Robert Vanasek anddur ing August somewhere in this neighborhood If the girl Vance Leighton not go to camp the money will be refunded This is a good

Jan 3rd at the Methodist0 enc ourage saving Anyone wishing to purchase stamps as church Divine Wor ship at 11 fo r a Girl Scout may obtain them from her leader The sermonby the Pastor the Rev Robert Vanasek will beWNVILLE JUNCTION GIRL SCOUT

e B rownies Juniors and Cadets held a Christmas P ar ty and No Other Name The young I Adult choir will sing Commshy~ ca tionCeremonym the LegIon Home at Brownvl Ie Jct on _

17th New girlsjoining thegroupwere Cadets Sharon Mills lttee on greetmgs Mr and Sh l Mll B Mrs Ralph P arkman Ushersrs Rhon daRoberts Nancy e c he r el a 1 sFI t rowmes

Norman Brearley and Norman _ Mc Lean LOIS Vmcent Terry Swazey PatrICIa Roberts L dAd d L d Ch Crabtree No evening serviceon Dub01S In a n rews an In a ase

Leaders and Committee Women were pinned by Mrs Mar- MILO McKinnon Gifts were exchanged and refreshments were KINGDOM HALL OF

oed and group s inging ~s enjoyed by all JE HOVAHS WITNESSES Sunday J an 3 at 2 pm

Public Bible Lecture What Youth Fellowship Misses Hope for Las ting Peace t t by F Donna Davis Rebecca John - Curtis Watchtower Study at ston and Linda Hedrick led thE 3 15 p m Out of the Torrbs service The organist was to a Resurrection of Life Mrs Kay Moody Ushers based on John 528 29 Kathy Gilbert Marsha Loane Tuesday Jan 5 at 730 p m Fred Cuningham and Thomas Bible Study wi th aid of book Hedrick Babylon the Great Has Fallen

Gods ~ingdom =tules ChapshyGUILFORD ter 14 He r Fall VindicatesMETHODIST CHURCH Jehovahs ProphecyChristmas Day in the serviceCQurrh Nrw5 Thursday J an 7 at 7 00 pat the Methodist church the m Ministry School ServiceIL FORD Rev Robert Vanasek used the Mee ting at 800 p mIMUNITY CHURCH titleA Child is Born The

nere was a large attencance young and adult choris s ang the SANGERVILLE he Community church on anthem The llshers were UNITED CHURCH middot s tmas Sunday The anshy Ralphand Gordon Parkman

At the United Church Sundayros were sung by- the Junior Acolyte Richard Hines morning a large congregationSenior choirs Mrs Delshy The Ch r i stmas Eve service attended the wor ship ser vice was the organis t inc luded carol sirging Phillip The pastor s sermun subject1e Pagawnt in the evening Welts was Soc ial Society Lecshywas What does the Lord Re shyected by Mrs Dorothy Edes tor AChristmasPa ge antFor quir e features of the ser shy5ented the Nativity scene God So Loves was pre sented vipounde were the lighting of Adshymiddot all chi ldren in the Sunday by the youth Fellowship with vent candles and a vocal duet~l assisted Dan Edes and the follOwing cast Narrator The Holy City by Mrs Bevshymiddot Reginald Couture were the Helen Buzzell The Uncle erly Covey and Mrs MildredJists with Mrs Hazel Dashy Michael Harrington Amos Wilson with organ accompanshyand Mrs Cons tance De - RayVana sek Inn-Keeper Jean iment by Mrs Milton Edesey accompanists Santa ni e Buzzell Joseph Richard

At 700 p m there was as appeared at the end of Johnson MarySherry We lts communion and candlelightservic~ and gave out gifts 1st Wise Ma Roger We ston service of worship Christ shyn Thursday evening the sershy 2rd Wise Man Pat Ha rrington ianFaithis not B lind At 800e of Carols and Candlelight 3rd Wise Man Sherry Flanshyp m the Pilgrim Fellows hip conducted bv the Senior de r s 1st She hers Pamela

went caroling Sta~tingoI1Monday at 300 p

m the Junior Fellowship is participating in a special Re shytreat for s tudy niBcussiolland practice in Growing in making friends and Christians and being a Christian F riEtnd MThe Retrea t is he ld in the Un1ted Church and ge t group sleeps at the Chandler home


Trinity Choir will mee t for rehearsaLat 700 on Thursday

There wiU b e a Watch Night service at tile church on Thur sshyday Dec 31st at 900 This will be a combined service -Mth the Nazarene Church Worship service from 900 to 1000 Refreshments will be served and there will be a s ocial time from 1000 to 11 00 fo llowing which there will be a sermon and Communion aervice Everyone is welcome

On January 3 Eleazer Car shyver IV will be with us for the morning worship service bringing special music and the message cf the morning

The Triple M Class will have their m onthly supper mee ting onJan 5th at 630 There wi ll be an election of officers

Baptism service was held following the Sunday evening service Those baptized were Stephen Hamlin Clinton Robin shyson Arthur Woodard Mr Richard Noyes Sr Mr Roy Randall Debra Smi th Ellen Dean Christy Randall Mr Richard Barker and Mrs Ger shyaldine Tourtilotte

Sunday School each week at 945 Morning Worship at ll 00 BYF groups meet Sunday a t 600 Evening Service a t 7 30

Ladies Auxiliary meets Wedshynesday at 2 00

Mid - week service Wednesshyday at 7 30



aturally the most determining factor for a company to expand activity in a new area is the assurance of an adequate labor

ly e ~ hoped that all persons who are interested in the economic -e lopment of this section of P iscataquis County and who are ee rely interested and available for e mployment if the company

ould dec ide to locate here~ express themselves by reporting at e Town Hall for interview with representatives of the Maine Emshyyrn~nt Security Commission These representatives will be at

pound Milo Towll Hall from 830 a m to 4 30 p m

-LO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL NEWS is gratfying to be able to report that Dr H C Bundy who has

en more or less confined to the house for nearly three weeks is ch improved and is resumi ng his c ustomary activities He late s that after New Years he plans to reactivate the drive for

ds for the hospital addition in e arnest It is planned to start Ililding in the Spring

ie tary Consultant for the Regional Hospital Association Miss ancia M Place cif Dover- Foxcroft recently visited the Milo

d ta bHnm unity Hospital for the purpose 0 f d Iscussmg Ie ry pro shy~ s lt--wo new diets have been pr esented for the consideration of the Piff Doctors severai addi tional diets will be prepared in the near _ e o

Hos pital Administrator Ava Strout R N is well pleased with tis assistance and it is hoped that these ser vices will prove to be a~uable to the hospitals in the Regiona l Association During the week before Christmas Santa Claus visited the Childshy~nswardbringinggiftsandcheerto the youngsters Jim Bunker nda dozenyoungpeoplefrom the Baptist Youth Group visited the spi tal singing carols which were appreCiated hile the census dropped to 6 just before Christmas Day it is

_ back to 18 or near capacity again Word has been received om the supplier that the Chart Dest is to be shipped by Jan 4th -e r some unavoidable delay Hospital AUXiliary President Blanche Degerstrom is in the Jspital for a few days but announces Receptionists as follows rio Jan 1st -Eva Lagassy Sat Edith White Sun Doris Will- a troop merit badge book libshylski Mon Evelyn Hamilton Tue Georgina London Wed Mar rary

a Gould Thur Anne Place

ANGERVILLE T CLUB 21 single baskets and three oub le baskets were filled at 1e home of Miss Alice Jackshyon Monda afternoon and were iter delivered to shut ins and ursing homes for the patients lis being an annual project of 1e Womans Club T he commshytee was Mr s Ste lla Me rrow ITS Mildred Dodge Mrs

The next meeting of the J T Club will be the Christmas party a t the home of Miss Alice Jackson Jan 2 Lightrefre~shy

hments will be served


Sange r ville Boy Scout Troop 110 he ld its annual ChrIs tm as P a rty att-gte Legion Hall Monshyday from 6 30 to 930

The T roop held its regular meeting preceding the party and s everal boys worked on advance ments Scout Raymond Gauvinwas then se lec ted to re shypresent Santa Claus He dis shytributed gifts which the boys hen hrnllDnt f1 cv on 0

George Richardson Jr son of Mr and Mr s George Richardf Jf Milo was home for the Christmas Holidays He will report bru to Fort Dix N J on Jan 1st for his basic training He graduate from Milo High School in 1962 He has been working in Bristo Conn for the past 2 12 years

~~w ~~a[f)~~~1r Bombardier SKimiddotDoo



Milo Sport Shop Scoutmaster Roy Smith anshynounced that the troop commshyittee had voted and bought 20 merit badge books for the Troop as a Christmas gift these books to be the s tart of

Scoutmaster Smith the n held

a special investiture ceremony to award Sc out Billy Bemis with his Tende r foot badge

The meeting was well attend shyed with four m embers of the troop comm ittee and Mr and

Mrs Bemis parents of Billy Bemis present Scoutmas te r Smith called for closing cereshymonies and asked the boys to urge their parents to attend meetings whenever they wish shyed


The Ptott-Flanders Post 165 of Sangerville and the Firemens Association he il a

Contd on Page 6



Town amp CountryMILO MAIKI

Page 6

~~a~~ o o

Stop and Eal WITH US



Gui lford Maine

~uHfl1m Ber thaBryant is a patient at

the Mayo Hospital for medical land

Mr and Mrs Harland De shymuth were guests of Mr and Mrs Forest Huff and ca lled on Mr and Mrs Willis Stevens

Callers on Mrs Louise Hill at Giordano Nursing Heme on Christmas Day were her daushyghter and husband Mr and Mrs John LaBreque of Pro shyvidence R 1 and Mr and Mrs Erwin Cousins of Portshy

treatment Christmas dinner guests of

Mr and Mrs Paul Metcalf we re Mrs Bernice Metc alf Mr s Phyllis Skinner Fay and John Rae Mrs JuliaSheriden all of Greenville and Mrs Gladys Hammond of Guilford

Joe Edes a student at Leshybanan Valley college Anvil P enn is at home for the holishyday

Mrs James Edes gave a coffee Christmas mor ning to several friends and neighbors In the afternoon a Christmas party was held at the Edes heme Those present were Mr and Mrs William Allen and sons David Jonathan of Ellswerth Mr and Mrs Wm Gourley and Mary from Milo Mrs Maybelle Edes of GuilshyfOJd and Miss Prudy Clukey of Sangerville

Mr and Mrs Kenneth Evans ofBrewer Mr and Mrs Noel E vans and Kenn~ofAlexandria Virginia Mrs Doris Lary of Waterville and Mrs Stella Evans of Guilford were guests on Christmas Day of Mrs Flo shyrence Bedfish

Mr and Mrs Bruce Alley and chi ldren alid Mr and Mrs Willis Stevens went to Union Sunday to visit Mr and Mrs Har land Demuth

Mr-- and Mr s C linten Herrshying left Monday for Washington D C fo r a visit with their sen Later they will go on to Florida where they will spend the winshyter

Sgt James Cookson of st Michaels College Winooski Vt is spending the Christmas holiday with his parents Mr and Mrs Wi lliam Cookson

Mr and Mrs Lee Hedrick of Hartford Conn are guests of the Rev and Mrs Warre n Hedr ick and family

Mr and Mrs Clinten Lindshysay entertainedata Christ mas buffet dinner Mr and Mr s Levoy Lindsay and son J a mes and Mis s J i ll Osborn of Sangershyville

Mrs Edna King whe has be en a patient at the Hibbard Nursing Home in Dover -Fex shycroft for a few m onths was a guestofMr and Mr s Norman Brearley for dinner on Chris tshymas

Mr and Mrs Stephen Emer y ~f Yonkers N Y arr ived Christmas mor ning for a visit with their par e nts Mr and Mr s Herbert Galusha and Mr and Mr s Arno Emery

Annie Leighton spent Christshymas in Dexter the guest of Ruth P ingtree and Lottie Sturtshy

evant was in Dexter the gues t of Bertha Hanson

CLUB DOINGS Contd from Page 5

Chris tma s Party a t the Legion Hall Saturday Dec 19 from 730 te 900 p m Ove r 125 peeple attended the party and 90 children were presented beeks and Christmas s teckings by Santa Claus

Thre films wer e shown with James Carle of Sangervi lle operating the pr ojec tor Folshylewing the movies Chris tmas carols were sung with Mrs Charlene Edes playing the piane

Coffee and doughnuts were se rved to the adults after the program Santa Claus was reshypres entedb y Regim ld Couture of Guilford



At the reorganizatiOn mee fng of the Stott- Flanders UI No 165 American Legion Al iliary he ld Tuesday e veni at the American Legion Ha l in Sanger ville the followit officers were elec ted Ger trude Clukey Presiden Mar ge ry Clukey Sec retaJ De lores Edes Tr easurel Lerraine Wi lley Chaplain a Marjerie Richards Serge ru at Arms A Unit Censti tu tic and Bylaws wer e adopted 1gt1 Patricia Knewlton Depart ment Publicity Chai rm an Dexter was present and ac as Temperary Chairman as isted in the reor~ anizatie Plans were made for a Dis t tic t group from the Dexter Lt to cenduct the i ni tiatien of mE bers and installation of offiCE at the next regular meeti~ which is scheduled fer Tue~

day January 26 1965


t~inI ~rs~ t rii IS YOU RCA R REA D Y )



Guilford Me

Mrs Beulah Trey spent the holiday with her sen and family Mr and Mrs Milten Troy A

birthday c ake was made by

Barbara Tr oy and pr e sented to the gues t

~altgrruillt Mr and Mrs Orman P rey

we re in Hampden calling en re latives

Mrs Deris Church of Hartshyland called en relative~ and fri ends here in tewn

Miss Sue Lawler of Har tland is the guest of Mrs Faye Sti1 son during the vacatien week

Miss Cher yl Cele a student a t a Bus iness Cellege in P ortshylanq s pent a few days vacation at he r home here

Miss E the l Sawyer a teachshyer a t Oak Greve Schoel Vassalshybore is spending a vac ation at

TR 6-3382

her home here Mrs Audrey Edgerly of D

er-Fexcreft was a week-e guest of Mr and Mrs Ches Moulten

Mr and Mrs Earl Humph were holiday gues ts efher b ther and sis ter -in-law CC and Mrs Maxwell Stoddar Hallewell and also called Mr and Mrs Verne DaviJ Augusta

Mr and Mrs Percy B r and Mr and Mrs Ira Lar Dever-Foxcroft have beeD cent callers en Miss Mooers

Mr and Mrs Chester M ton were Christmas Day gt

of Mr a nd Mrs Aubrey pot of Dover- Fexcroft

Miss Ann Melvin a stu

at Gorham Teachers ColI spent the Christmas vaca at her home here

Centd en P E

r H E TO W C R IER P age 7

iDCAL BRIEFS ont d fiom Page 6

r and Mrs Milton Edes e hosts at a family Christ shy~ Tree Thursday evening 5e present besides the ts were Mr and Mrs Ausshy

e ane and family of Guilshy Mr arid Mrs Gerald e and family of Bangor

and Mrs Ernest Dodge Gi lIfor d Mr and Mrs Wilshyd Sta rbird Derry Starbird angerville

_1r and Mrs Norman Buzshy11 and son of Bangor visited ~ parents Mr and Mrs arold Buzzell over the week d _Irs Aria Waymouth eptert shyitllid on Christmas Day Mrs rne Clements of Hallowell ~ and Mrs Earl Waymouth d children of Monson Mr d Mrs Keith Page Sr Mr ~ Yrrs Keith Page Jr of Lnge rville The schools opened Monday the winter term

Mr and Mrs Ernest Flandshyers of Dover-Foxcroft were weekend guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Fred Simmons Other guests Sunday were Mr and Mrs GalenBridge of Oroshyno Mr and Mrs Herbert Bridge and daughters of China

Mr and Mrs Frank McshyDonald were at WinterportSunshyday to visit Mr and Mrs Edshyward Churchill

Mrs Almeda LeightJn has gone to Newport to spend the winter Her address is 51 North Street Newport

Smiddott1n HC Bundy M D spent

Christmas week with his daughshyter and family Mr and Mrs Roy Wiggins Providence R I His sister and husband Mr and Mrs Henry LaBare visited their daughter in Canaan Me over the holiday Miss Mary Pat Crosby who

teaches in Barnstead New Hashympshire is slending the holshyiday season with her parents

Miss Vickie Howard a performer in her own right is also a dance instructor at thirteen (shell be 14 on New Years Day) Miss Howard daughter of Mr amp Mrs Thomas Howard of Milo has been taking dance lessons for two years tap lessons from Mrs Priscilla Millier of Milo and Modern Jazz and Tap fromMr and Mrs Luthan Crosby

------------ ------------shy

~ Yo ur F riendly Mobil

6 A M A M


- 9 P M Mon thru Sat - 6 P M Sundays



S tat ion N ow


Guilford Me

Miss Cheryl Lemieux of Sangerville She also assists Mrs Milshylier with her instructions and has a dance class of her own in LaGrange where she teaches eleven pupils

Vickie perforwed over the holidays for the Milo Lions Club wi th Miss Kathy Dunham and Miss Valerie Howard under the direc tion of Mrs Millier

The Mallet Brothers of Sebec accompany two attractive young ladies as they entertain at half-time during a basketball game held recently a t Foxcroft Academy

P age 8 VmiddotABI Tv - If



7 50 Open Door 755 Farm Rep orter 8 00 Captain Kangaroo 9 00 DaYinOourt 9 30 Tennesse Ernie 1 00 Mike Wallace News i o30 I Love ~ucy ll oo Get the Message

1130 Mjssing Links 1200 Love of Life 12 25 News 12 30 Search for Tomorro 1245 Guiding Light 1 00 Mid-Day 1 30 As the World Turns 2 00 Password lt 30 Houseparty Soo To Tell The Truth 3 25 News 330 Edge of Night ~ oo Seoret Storm 4 30 Father Knows Belt 5 00 Santa Claus 530 Bozo G oG Telejournsl News 19 CBS News T HURSDAY Dec 31 _964 7 UU wyatt ]al)

i 30 The Munstere o UU Perry Mason 9 0 0 On Broadway Tonight 9 30 Baileys of Balboa 10 00 The Defenders 11 00 Tele journal News 11 20 St J ohns Episcopal

FRIDAY JAN 11965 10 30 Cotton Bowl Parade 11 30 Tournament of Roses

45 Football Cotton B owl IIArkansas vs Nebraskan

FRIDAY JAN i 1965 i 0 0 My Three Sons

30 Rawhioe 8 30 Password 900 Baileys o Balboa 9 30 Gomer Pyle IV 00 Slatterys People l1 00 Telejonrnal News l1 20 Les Crane Show SATURDAY JAN 2 1965

UV Mlsrer Mayor 9 00 Alvin Show 930 Tenn~ssee Tuxedo 10 00 Quick Draw McGray 103 0 Mighty Mouse 11 00 Linus the Lionhearted 1130 The Jets ons

100 Sky King 1 30 Big Picture 2 00 Football Gator Bowl

Galnel 5 500 Jimmy u ean 600 Bud Leavitt 630 V0VBle Under the Sea

730 Jackie Gleason 83 0 Gilligans Island 9 00 Mr Broadway 1000 GWlSmoke l 09 Telejournal News u 15 Saturday Late Show

-Mohawk SUNDAY JAN 3 1965 r2 0 0 The Christiphers 12 15 The Living Word 12 30 7his is The Life

100 Big Pictllle i30 Football Pre game


725 News 7 30 Today 825 Naws 83 0 Today 900 Womans Hour 930 People Are Funny 10 0 0 Make Room for Daddy 10 30 NBC Ne ws Morning 11 00 Concentrl- tion 1130 Jeopardy 1200 Say When 1230 Truth or Consequences

145 NFL Football Playoff Bowl 100 General Hospital l30 Football P ost Game 5 00 TBA

630 World War I

700 Lasaie 730 The Martian 800 Ed S llivan 900 The Fugitive 1000 Candid Camera 10 30 Whats My Line 11 0 0 Tetejolllnal News 11 15 Har ry Reaoner News MONDAY JAN 4 1965 700 The Rifleman 730 T o Tell The Truth 800 Ive Got a Secret 830 Andy Griffith

9 0 0 Preside nt Johnson

930 Many Happy Returns 1000 CBS Repo rts TUESDAY JAN 0 1965 IUU Littlest HObO 730 Combat 830 Red Skelton 930 Pattic oat Junction 1000 The Doctors and Nurses 11 00 Telejournal News 1120 Les Crane Show

WEDNESDA Y JAN 6 1965 7 UOtle wi tc [lea 73 0 Mr Ed 8 00 Livi ng Doll

900 Dick Van Dyke 930 Cara Williams 1000 Danny Kaye 1100 Telejrnal News 1120 Les Cnne Show

1 30 Lets Make a Deal 2 00 The Price Is Right 23 0 The Doctors 300 Another World 330 You Dont Say 400 Match Game 430 Superman 500 Mickey Mouse Club 6 00 Chann~l 2 News 6 2 0 Whats the Weatber A 30 Huntley Brinkley Report 8 30 Bill Da na

THURSDAY DEC 31 1964 IUU MCHale Navy 7 30 Daniellloone 830 Dr Kildar e

9~u Hazel 10 00 Kraft Suspense Thet FRIDAY JAN 11965

11UU Orange Bowl P a r ade 11 30 To~nament of Rose

~ shy145 Sugar B owl Game ~30 PEe Game Show

1U00 The Hogue ll o o The World This Weekend 11 1amp DraltmAt MONDAY JAN 4 1965 7 00 Kentucky Jones

7 30 90 Bristol Court 9 Jo State o f the Union Addr ess

10 00 Alfrerl H itr h~n~k Pr~ntqTUESDAY JAN 5 1965 v v lJUWIll-ne~U

130 Mr Novak 715 Huntley Brinkley Report 830 Decision to Drop the Bomb 745 Orange B owl Game 930 TW-3 10 30 NBC Sports Roundup

SATRUDAY JAN 2 1966 8 00 Astro Boy 830 Bug Bunny 900 Lone Rl-nger 930 Hector Heathcote 10 00 Underdog 10 30 Fireball XL-5 11 0 0 Dennie the Me nance ll 30 Fury 12 00 Bost Patrio ts Raview 1 00 Championship Bowling 2oo Big Picture 2 30 Lone Ranger 3 00 Trails West 3 30 Biography 4 00 NBS Spor ts Special 430 East-West Shr ine Game




~ilo Rickers Dairy 943-2260


I q

Keep your mind on your drivshying advises the Maine Highshyway Safety Committee Highshyway tragedies often occur when m otor ists try to do two thinkshying jobs at once Safe driving rpol1ires c omple te attention

Channel 2 9 00 Satlllday Night Movie

l~Tbe Las-t Hunt

1125 Rhet-old Theater The Untouch~lesll

12 25 We ird SUNDAY JAN 3 1965

900 Amerl~ans At Work 9 15 Sacred Heart 9 30 Faith for TOday 1000 This Is Tbe Life 1 0 30 Beany amp Ceci 11 00 Bullwinkle 11 30 Discovery 12 00 Wide World of Sports 100 Big Picture 1 30 The Legacy ~ 00 NBA Basketball 4 00 Conversation with Dean Rusk

500 Wi ld Kingdom 53 0 College Quiz B owl 6 00 Patty Duke 6 ~o Profiles in Cour ag 7 30 Walt Dianeys Wonderful

World of Color

lOoo Bell Telephone Hour WEDNESDAY JAN 6 196~ middot

7 0 0 Spo tlight on Youth 73 0 The Virginian 9 00 Wednesday Night Movie

Elephant Walk ll

According to the Maine Highshyway Safety Committee pedestshyrian accidents most frequently involve the too young or too old Caution children or parshyentstocross streets carefully and only at corners Urge them to wear something light-coloTshyed at night so they can easily be seen And when you drive stay a lert for pedestrians of any age

To All Of You




bullI bull ~~lt

u~fi ~)


The Town Crie r extends to a of you the wish that 1965 wil be ayear of happiness and pro perity for everyone

Rarely are these handed anyone on a platter but ra th~

are achieved by hard worka cooperation with others Le us therefqr involve ourseln in the problems of our area that we may contribute a ll 0

talents to overcoming want norance poverty unemp lo] ment and hate the greates t all barriers to happiness an prosperi ty for all meo


~E T~OW~NC~RIE~R_____________________ P~

Sp clals For Dec~t ~I-~

angerines 29+ 1hter 12 Z TI (

fJltll+ 8~f 3~

i)v6vle Heavy Wefifn Stief

ew York Sirloin Steak 79+ lb

P1sh i~e Fryers

w~1f 29+ Lb



Adams 2rd Shephers Vicki ABNAKI GIRL SCOUT COUNC IL LeightOn

Soloist Irene Harr ington Organist Juani ta Leighton Also se lections by th~ adult

NEIGHBORHOOD 11 choir BROWNIES Ross William Fortier Jr CADE TTES infant son of Mr and Mrs JUNIORS Ross Fortier was baptized at

this time A candlelight sershy~ Scout saving stamps are available to every Girl Scout 7 vice c losed the se r vice Cbmshygh 17 They come in denominations of 5cent 10 cent and 25 cent mi ttee on greetings The Rev

_gi rlis given a folder in which to keep the s tamps whatever and Mrs Robert VallBsek t has been saved by June may be used a s part of the cost

Acolyte Allen Harrington ng to camp This includes day camp which wi ll be held this

Ushers Robert Vanasek anddur ing August somewhere in this neighborhood If the girl Vance Leighton not go to camp the money will be refunded This is a good

Jan 3rd at the Methodist0 enc ourage saving Anyone wishing to purchase stamps as church Divine Wor ship at 11 fo r a Girl Scout may obtain them from her leader The sermonby the Pastor the Rev Robert Vanasek will beWNVILLE JUNCTION GIRL SCOUT

e B rownies Juniors and Cadets held a Christmas P ar ty and No Other Name The young I Adult choir will sing Commshy~ ca tionCeremonym the LegIon Home at Brownvl Ie Jct on _

17th New girlsjoining thegroupwere Cadets Sharon Mills lttee on greetmgs Mr and Sh l Mll B Mrs Ralph P arkman Ushersrs Rhon daRoberts Nancy e c he r el a 1 sFI t rowmes

Norman Brearley and Norman _ Mc Lean LOIS Vmcent Terry Swazey PatrICIa Roberts L dAd d L d Ch Crabtree No evening serviceon Dub01S In a n rews an In a ase

Leaders and Committee Women were pinned by Mrs Mar- MILO McKinnon Gifts were exchanged and refreshments were KINGDOM HALL OF

oed and group s inging ~s enjoyed by all JE HOVAHS WITNESSES Sunday J an 3 at 2 pm

Public Bible Lecture What Youth Fellowship Misses Hope for Las ting Peace t t by F Donna Davis Rebecca John - Curtis Watchtower Study at ston and Linda Hedrick led thE 3 15 p m Out of the Torrbs service The organist was to a Resurrection of Life Mrs Kay Moody Ushers based on John 528 29 Kathy Gilbert Marsha Loane Tuesday Jan 5 at 730 p m Fred Cuningham and Thomas Bible Study wi th aid of book Hedrick Babylon the Great Has Fallen

Gods ~ingdom =tules ChapshyGUILFORD ter 14 He r Fall VindicatesMETHODIST CHURCH Jehovahs ProphecyChristmas Day in the serviceCQurrh Nrw5 Thursday J an 7 at 7 00 pat the Methodist church the m Ministry School ServiceIL FORD Rev Robert Vanasek used the Mee ting at 800 p mIMUNITY CHURCH titleA Child is Born The

nere was a large attencance young and adult choris s ang the SANGERVILLE he Community church on anthem The llshers were UNITED CHURCH middot s tmas Sunday The anshy Ralphand Gordon Parkman

At the United Church Sundayros were sung by- the Junior Acolyte Richard Hines morning a large congregationSenior choirs Mrs Delshy The Ch r i stmas Eve service attended the wor ship ser vice was the organis t inc luded carol sirging Phillip The pastor s sermun subject1e Pagawnt in the evening Welts was Soc ial Society Lecshywas What does the Lord Re shyected by Mrs Dorothy Edes tor AChristmasPa ge antFor quir e features of the ser shy5ented the Nativity scene God So Loves was pre sented vipounde were the lighting of Adshymiddot all chi ldren in the Sunday by the youth Fellowship with vent candles and a vocal duet~l assisted Dan Edes and the follOwing cast Narrator The Holy City by Mrs Bevshymiddot Reginald Couture were the Helen Buzzell The Uncle erly Covey and Mrs MildredJists with Mrs Hazel Dashy Michael Harrington Amos Wilson with organ accompanshyand Mrs Cons tance De - RayVana sek Inn-Keeper Jean iment by Mrs Milton Edesey accompanists Santa ni e Buzzell Joseph Richard

At 700 p m there was as appeared at the end of Johnson MarySherry We lts communion and candlelightservic~ and gave out gifts 1st Wise Ma Roger We ston service of worship Christ shyn Thursday evening the sershy 2rd Wise Man Pat Ha rrington ianFaithis not B lind At 800e of Carols and Candlelight 3rd Wise Man Sherry Flanshyp m the Pilgrim Fellows hip conducted bv the Senior de r s 1st She hers Pamela

went caroling Sta~tingoI1Monday at 300 p

m the Junior Fellowship is participating in a special Re shytreat for s tudy niBcussiolland practice in Growing in making friends and Christians and being a Christian F riEtnd MThe Retrea t is he ld in the Un1ted Church and ge t group sleeps at the Chandler home


Trinity Choir will mee t for rehearsaLat 700 on Thursday

There wiU b e a Watch Night service at tile church on Thur sshyday Dec 31st at 900 This will be a combined service -Mth the Nazarene Church Worship service from 900 to 1000 Refreshments will be served and there will be a s ocial time from 1000 to 11 00 fo llowing which there will be a sermon and Communion aervice Everyone is welcome

On January 3 Eleazer Car shyver IV will be with us for the morning worship service bringing special music and the message cf the morning

The Triple M Class will have their m onthly supper mee ting onJan 5th at 630 There wi ll be an election of officers

Baptism service was held following the Sunday evening service Those baptized were Stephen Hamlin Clinton Robin shyson Arthur Woodard Mr Richard Noyes Sr Mr Roy Randall Debra Smi th Ellen Dean Christy Randall Mr Richard Barker and Mrs Ger shyaldine Tourtilotte

Sunday School each week at 945 Morning Worship at ll 00 BYF groups meet Sunday a t 600 Evening Service a t 7 30

Ladies Auxiliary meets Wedshynesday at 2 00

Mid - week service Wednesshyday at 7 30



aturally the most determining factor for a company to expand activity in a new area is the assurance of an adequate labor

ly e ~ hoped that all persons who are interested in the economic -e lopment of this section of P iscataquis County and who are ee rely interested and available for e mployment if the company

ould dec ide to locate here~ express themselves by reporting at e Town Hall for interview with representatives of the Maine Emshyyrn~nt Security Commission These representatives will be at

pound Milo Towll Hall from 830 a m to 4 30 p m

-LO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL NEWS is gratfying to be able to report that Dr H C Bundy who has

en more or less confined to the house for nearly three weeks is ch improved and is resumi ng his c ustomary activities He late s that after New Years he plans to reactivate the drive for

ds for the hospital addition in e arnest It is planned to start Ililding in the Spring

ie tary Consultant for the Regional Hospital Association Miss ancia M Place cif Dover- Foxcroft recently visited the Milo

d ta bHnm unity Hospital for the purpose 0 f d Iscussmg Ie ry pro shy~ s lt--wo new diets have been pr esented for the consideration of the Piff Doctors severai addi tional diets will be prepared in the near _ e o

Hos pital Administrator Ava Strout R N is well pleased with tis assistance and it is hoped that these ser vices will prove to be a~uable to the hospitals in the Regiona l Association During the week before Christmas Santa Claus visited the Childshy~nswardbringinggiftsandcheerto the youngsters Jim Bunker nda dozenyoungpeoplefrom the Baptist Youth Group visited the spi tal singing carols which were appreCiated hile the census dropped to 6 just before Christmas Day it is

_ back to 18 or near capacity again Word has been received om the supplier that the Chart Dest is to be shipped by Jan 4th -e r some unavoidable delay Hospital AUXiliary President Blanche Degerstrom is in the Jspital for a few days but announces Receptionists as follows rio Jan 1st -Eva Lagassy Sat Edith White Sun Doris Will- a troop merit badge book libshylski Mon Evelyn Hamilton Tue Georgina London Wed Mar rary

a Gould Thur Anne Place

ANGERVILLE T CLUB 21 single baskets and three oub le baskets were filled at 1e home of Miss Alice Jackshyon Monda afternoon and were iter delivered to shut ins and ursing homes for the patients lis being an annual project of 1e Womans Club T he commshytee was Mr s Ste lla Me rrow ITS Mildred Dodge Mrs

The next meeting of the J T Club will be the Christmas party a t the home of Miss Alice Jackson Jan 2 Lightrefre~shy

hments will be served


Sange r ville Boy Scout Troop 110 he ld its annual ChrIs tm as P a rty att-gte Legion Hall Monshyday from 6 30 to 930

The T roop held its regular meeting preceding the party and s everal boys worked on advance ments Scout Raymond Gauvinwas then se lec ted to re shypresent Santa Claus He dis shytributed gifts which the boys hen hrnllDnt f1 cv on 0

George Richardson Jr son of Mr and Mr s George Richardf Jf Milo was home for the Christmas Holidays He will report bru to Fort Dix N J on Jan 1st for his basic training He graduate from Milo High School in 1962 He has been working in Bristo Conn for the past 2 12 years

~~w ~~a[f)~~~1r Bombardier SKimiddotDoo



Milo Sport Shop Scoutmaster Roy Smith anshynounced that the troop commshyittee had voted and bought 20 merit badge books for the Troop as a Christmas gift these books to be the s tart of

Scoutmaster Smith the n held

a special investiture ceremony to award Sc out Billy Bemis with his Tende r foot badge

The meeting was well attend shyed with four m embers of the troop comm ittee and Mr and

Mrs Bemis parents of Billy Bemis present Scoutmas te r Smith called for closing cereshymonies and asked the boys to urge their parents to attend meetings whenever they wish shyed


The Ptott-Flanders Post 165 of Sangerville and the Firemens Association he il a

Contd on Page 6



Town amp CountryMILO MAIKI

Page 6

~~a~~ o o

Stop and Eal WITH US



Gui lford Maine

~uHfl1m Ber thaBryant is a patient at

the Mayo Hospital for medical land

Mr and Mrs Harland De shymuth were guests of Mr and Mrs Forest Huff and ca lled on Mr and Mrs Willis Stevens

Callers on Mrs Louise Hill at Giordano Nursing Heme on Christmas Day were her daushyghter and husband Mr and Mrs John LaBreque of Pro shyvidence R 1 and Mr and Mrs Erwin Cousins of Portshy

treatment Christmas dinner guests of

Mr and Mrs Paul Metcalf we re Mrs Bernice Metc alf Mr s Phyllis Skinner Fay and John Rae Mrs JuliaSheriden all of Greenville and Mrs Gladys Hammond of Guilford

Joe Edes a student at Leshybanan Valley college Anvil P enn is at home for the holishyday

Mrs James Edes gave a coffee Christmas mor ning to several friends and neighbors In the afternoon a Christmas party was held at the Edes heme Those present were Mr and Mrs William Allen and sons David Jonathan of Ellswerth Mr and Mrs Wm Gourley and Mary from Milo Mrs Maybelle Edes of GuilshyfOJd and Miss Prudy Clukey of Sangerville

Mr and Mrs Kenneth Evans ofBrewer Mr and Mrs Noel E vans and Kenn~ofAlexandria Virginia Mrs Doris Lary of Waterville and Mrs Stella Evans of Guilford were guests on Christmas Day of Mrs Flo shyrence Bedfish

Mr and Mrs Bruce Alley and chi ldren alid Mr and Mrs Willis Stevens went to Union Sunday to visit Mr and Mrs Har land Demuth

Mr-- and Mr s C linten Herrshying left Monday for Washington D C fo r a visit with their sen Later they will go on to Florida where they will spend the winshyter

Sgt James Cookson of st Michaels College Winooski Vt is spending the Christmas holiday with his parents Mr and Mrs Wi lliam Cookson

Mr and Mrs Lee Hedrick of Hartford Conn are guests of the Rev and Mrs Warre n Hedr ick and family

Mr and Mrs Clinten Lindshysay entertainedata Christ mas buffet dinner Mr and Mr s Levoy Lindsay and son J a mes and Mis s J i ll Osborn of Sangershyville

Mrs Edna King whe has be en a patient at the Hibbard Nursing Home in Dover -Fex shycroft for a few m onths was a guestofMr and Mr s Norman Brearley for dinner on Chris tshymas

Mr and Mrs Stephen Emer y ~f Yonkers N Y arr ived Christmas mor ning for a visit with their par e nts Mr and Mr s Herbert Galusha and Mr and Mr s Arno Emery

Annie Leighton spent Christshymas in Dexter the guest of Ruth P ingtree and Lottie Sturtshy

evant was in Dexter the gues t of Bertha Hanson

CLUB DOINGS Contd from Page 5

Chris tma s Party a t the Legion Hall Saturday Dec 19 from 730 te 900 p m Ove r 125 peeple attended the party and 90 children were presented beeks and Christmas s teckings by Santa Claus

Thre films wer e shown with James Carle of Sangervi lle operating the pr ojec tor Folshylewing the movies Chris tmas carols were sung with Mrs Charlene Edes playing the piane

Coffee and doughnuts were se rved to the adults after the program Santa Claus was reshypres entedb y Regim ld Couture of Guilford



At the reorganizatiOn mee fng of the Stott- Flanders UI No 165 American Legion Al iliary he ld Tuesday e veni at the American Legion Ha l in Sanger ville the followit officers were elec ted Ger trude Clukey Presiden Mar ge ry Clukey Sec retaJ De lores Edes Tr easurel Lerraine Wi lley Chaplain a Marjerie Richards Serge ru at Arms A Unit Censti tu tic and Bylaws wer e adopted 1gt1 Patricia Knewlton Depart ment Publicity Chai rm an Dexter was present and ac as Temperary Chairman as isted in the reor~ anizatie Plans were made for a Dis t tic t group from the Dexter Lt to cenduct the i ni tiatien of mE bers and installation of offiCE at the next regular meeti~ which is scheduled fer Tue~

day January 26 1965


t~inI ~rs~ t rii IS YOU RCA R REA D Y )



Guilford Me

Mrs Beulah Trey spent the holiday with her sen and family Mr and Mrs Milten Troy A

birthday c ake was made by

Barbara Tr oy and pr e sented to the gues t

~altgrruillt Mr and Mrs Orman P rey

we re in Hampden calling en re latives

Mrs Deris Church of Hartshyland called en relative~ and fri ends here in tewn

Miss Sue Lawler of Har tland is the guest of Mrs Faye Sti1 son during the vacatien week

Miss Cher yl Cele a student a t a Bus iness Cellege in P ortshylanq s pent a few days vacation at he r home here

Miss E the l Sawyer a teachshyer a t Oak Greve Schoel Vassalshybore is spending a vac ation at

TR 6-3382

her home here Mrs Audrey Edgerly of D

er-Fexcreft was a week-e guest of Mr and Mrs Ches Moulten

Mr and Mrs Earl Humph were holiday gues ts efher b ther and sis ter -in-law CC and Mrs Maxwell Stoddar Hallewell and also called Mr and Mrs Verne DaviJ Augusta

Mr and Mrs Percy B r and Mr and Mrs Ira Lar Dever-Foxcroft have beeD cent callers en Miss Mooers

Mr and Mrs Chester M ton were Christmas Day gt

of Mr a nd Mrs Aubrey pot of Dover- Fexcroft

Miss Ann Melvin a stu

at Gorham Teachers ColI spent the Christmas vaca at her home here

Centd en P E

r H E TO W C R IER P age 7

iDCAL BRIEFS ont d fiom Page 6

r and Mrs Milton Edes e hosts at a family Christ shy~ Tree Thursday evening 5e present besides the ts were Mr and Mrs Ausshy

e ane and family of Guilshy Mr arid Mrs Gerald e and family of Bangor

and Mrs Ernest Dodge Gi lIfor d Mr and Mrs Wilshyd Sta rbird Derry Starbird angerville

_1r and Mrs Norman Buzshy11 and son of Bangor visited ~ parents Mr and Mrs arold Buzzell over the week d _Irs Aria Waymouth eptert shyitllid on Christmas Day Mrs rne Clements of Hallowell ~ and Mrs Earl Waymouth d children of Monson Mr d Mrs Keith Page Sr Mr ~ Yrrs Keith Page Jr of Lnge rville The schools opened Monday the winter term

Mr and Mrs Ernest Flandshyers of Dover-Foxcroft were weekend guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Fred Simmons Other guests Sunday were Mr and Mrs GalenBridge of Oroshyno Mr and Mrs Herbert Bridge and daughters of China

Mr and Mrs Frank McshyDonald were at WinterportSunshyday to visit Mr and Mrs Edshyward Churchill

Mrs Almeda LeightJn has gone to Newport to spend the winter Her address is 51 North Street Newport

Smiddott1n HC Bundy M D spent

Christmas week with his daughshyter and family Mr and Mrs Roy Wiggins Providence R I His sister and husband Mr and Mrs Henry LaBare visited their daughter in Canaan Me over the holiday Miss Mary Pat Crosby who

teaches in Barnstead New Hashympshire is slending the holshyiday season with her parents

Miss Vickie Howard a performer in her own right is also a dance instructor at thirteen (shell be 14 on New Years Day) Miss Howard daughter of Mr amp Mrs Thomas Howard of Milo has been taking dance lessons for two years tap lessons from Mrs Priscilla Millier of Milo and Modern Jazz and Tap fromMr and Mrs Luthan Crosby

------------ ------------shy

~ Yo ur F riendly Mobil

6 A M A M


- 9 P M Mon thru Sat - 6 P M Sundays



S tat ion N ow


Guilford Me

Miss Cheryl Lemieux of Sangerville She also assists Mrs Milshylier with her instructions and has a dance class of her own in LaGrange where she teaches eleven pupils

Vickie perforwed over the holidays for the Milo Lions Club wi th Miss Kathy Dunham and Miss Valerie Howard under the direc tion of Mrs Millier

The Mallet Brothers of Sebec accompany two attractive young ladies as they entertain at half-time during a basketball game held recently a t Foxcroft Academy

P age 8 VmiddotABI Tv - If



7 50 Open Door 755 Farm Rep orter 8 00 Captain Kangaroo 9 00 DaYinOourt 9 30 Tennesse Ernie 1 00 Mike Wallace News i o30 I Love ~ucy ll oo Get the Message

1130 Mjssing Links 1200 Love of Life 12 25 News 12 30 Search for Tomorro 1245 Guiding Light 1 00 Mid-Day 1 30 As the World Turns 2 00 Password lt 30 Houseparty Soo To Tell The Truth 3 25 News 330 Edge of Night ~ oo Seoret Storm 4 30 Father Knows Belt 5 00 Santa Claus 530 Bozo G oG Telejournsl News 19 CBS News T HURSDAY Dec 31 _964 7 UU wyatt ]al)

i 30 The Munstere o UU Perry Mason 9 0 0 On Broadway Tonight 9 30 Baileys of Balboa 10 00 The Defenders 11 00 Tele journal News 11 20 St J ohns Episcopal

FRIDAY JAN 11965 10 30 Cotton Bowl Parade 11 30 Tournament of Roses

45 Football Cotton B owl IIArkansas vs Nebraskan

FRIDAY JAN i 1965 i 0 0 My Three Sons

30 Rawhioe 8 30 Password 900 Baileys o Balboa 9 30 Gomer Pyle IV 00 Slatterys People l1 00 Telejonrnal News l1 20 Les Crane Show SATURDAY JAN 2 1965

UV Mlsrer Mayor 9 00 Alvin Show 930 Tenn~ssee Tuxedo 10 00 Quick Draw McGray 103 0 Mighty Mouse 11 00 Linus the Lionhearted 1130 The Jets ons

100 Sky King 1 30 Big Picture 2 00 Football Gator Bowl

Galnel 5 500 Jimmy u ean 600 Bud Leavitt 630 V0VBle Under the Sea

730 Jackie Gleason 83 0 Gilligans Island 9 00 Mr Broadway 1000 GWlSmoke l 09 Telejournal News u 15 Saturday Late Show

-Mohawk SUNDAY JAN 3 1965 r2 0 0 The Christiphers 12 15 The Living Word 12 30 7his is The Life

100 Big Pictllle i30 Football Pre game


725 News 7 30 Today 825 Naws 83 0 Today 900 Womans Hour 930 People Are Funny 10 0 0 Make Room for Daddy 10 30 NBC Ne ws Morning 11 00 Concentrl- tion 1130 Jeopardy 1200 Say When 1230 Truth or Consequences

145 NFL Football Playoff Bowl 100 General Hospital l30 Football P ost Game 5 00 TBA

630 World War I

700 Lasaie 730 The Martian 800 Ed S llivan 900 The Fugitive 1000 Candid Camera 10 30 Whats My Line 11 0 0 Tetejolllnal News 11 15 Har ry Reaoner News MONDAY JAN 4 1965 700 The Rifleman 730 T o Tell The Truth 800 Ive Got a Secret 830 Andy Griffith

9 0 0 Preside nt Johnson

930 Many Happy Returns 1000 CBS Repo rts TUESDAY JAN 0 1965 IUU Littlest HObO 730 Combat 830 Red Skelton 930 Pattic oat Junction 1000 The Doctors and Nurses 11 00 Telejournal News 1120 Les Crane Show

WEDNESDA Y JAN 6 1965 7 UOtle wi tc [lea 73 0 Mr Ed 8 00 Livi ng Doll

900 Dick Van Dyke 930 Cara Williams 1000 Danny Kaye 1100 Telejrnal News 1120 Les Cnne Show

1 30 Lets Make a Deal 2 00 The Price Is Right 23 0 The Doctors 300 Another World 330 You Dont Say 400 Match Game 430 Superman 500 Mickey Mouse Club 6 00 Chann~l 2 News 6 2 0 Whats the Weatber A 30 Huntley Brinkley Report 8 30 Bill Da na

THURSDAY DEC 31 1964 IUU MCHale Navy 7 30 Daniellloone 830 Dr Kildar e

9~u Hazel 10 00 Kraft Suspense Thet FRIDAY JAN 11965

11UU Orange Bowl P a r ade 11 30 To~nament of Rose

~ shy145 Sugar B owl Game ~30 PEe Game Show

1U00 The Hogue ll o o The World This Weekend 11 1amp DraltmAt MONDAY JAN 4 1965 7 00 Kentucky Jones

7 30 90 Bristol Court 9 Jo State o f the Union Addr ess

10 00 Alfrerl H itr h~n~k Pr~ntqTUESDAY JAN 5 1965 v v lJUWIll-ne~U

130 Mr Novak 715 Huntley Brinkley Report 830 Decision to Drop the Bomb 745 Orange B owl Game 930 TW-3 10 30 NBC Sports Roundup

SATRUDAY JAN 2 1966 8 00 Astro Boy 830 Bug Bunny 900 Lone Rl-nger 930 Hector Heathcote 10 00 Underdog 10 30 Fireball XL-5 11 0 0 Dennie the Me nance ll 30 Fury 12 00 Bost Patrio ts Raview 1 00 Championship Bowling 2oo Big Picture 2 30 Lone Ranger 3 00 Trails West 3 30 Biography 4 00 NBS Spor ts Special 430 East-West Shr ine Game




~ilo Rickers Dairy 943-2260


I q

Keep your mind on your drivshying advises the Maine Highshyway Safety Committee Highshyway tragedies often occur when m otor ists try to do two thinkshying jobs at once Safe driving rpol1ires c omple te attention

Channel 2 9 00 Satlllday Night Movie

l~Tbe Las-t Hunt

1125 Rhet-old Theater The Untouch~lesll

12 25 We ird SUNDAY JAN 3 1965

900 Amerl~ans At Work 9 15 Sacred Heart 9 30 Faith for TOday 1000 This Is Tbe Life 1 0 30 Beany amp Ceci 11 00 Bullwinkle 11 30 Discovery 12 00 Wide World of Sports 100 Big Picture 1 30 The Legacy ~ 00 NBA Basketball 4 00 Conversation with Dean Rusk

500 Wi ld Kingdom 53 0 College Quiz B owl 6 00 Patty Duke 6 ~o Profiles in Cour ag 7 30 Walt Dianeys Wonderful

World of Color

lOoo Bell Telephone Hour WEDNESDAY JAN 6 196~ middot

7 0 0 Spo tlight on Youth 73 0 The Virginian 9 00 Wednesday Night Movie

Elephant Walk ll

According to the Maine Highshyway Safety Committee pedestshyrian accidents most frequently involve the too young or too old Caution children or parshyentstocross streets carefully and only at corners Urge them to wear something light-coloTshyed at night so they can easily be seen And when you drive stay a lert for pedestrians of any age

To All Of You




bullI bull ~~lt

u~fi ~)


The Town Crie r extends to a of you the wish that 1965 wil be ayear of happiness and pro perity for everyone

Rarely are these handed anyone on a platter but ra th~

are achieved by hard worka cooperation with others Le us therefqr involve ourseln in the problems of our area that we may contribute a ll 0

talents to overcoming want norance poverty unemp lo] ment and hate the greates t all barriers to happiness an prosperi ty for all meo




Adams 2rd Shephers Vicki ABNAKI GIRL SCOUT COUNC IL LeightOn

Soloist Irene Harr ington Organist Juani ta Leighton Also se lections by th~ adult

NEIGHBORHOOD 11 choir BROWNIES Ross William Fortier Jr CADE TTES infant son of Mr and Mrs JUNIORS Ross Fortier was baptized at

this time A candlelight sershy~ Scout saving stamps are available to every Girl Scout 7 vice c losed the se r vice Cbmshygh 17 They come in denominations of 5cent 10 cent and 25 cent mi ttee on greetings The Rev

_gi rlis given a folder in which to keep the s tamps whatever and Mrs Robert VallBsek t has been saved by June may be used a s part of the cost

Acolyte Allen Harrington ng to camp This includes day camp which wi ll be held this

Ushers Robert Vanasek anddur ing August somewhere in this neighborhood If the girl Vance Leighton not go to camp the money will be refunded This is a good

Jan 3rd at the Methodist0 enc ourage saving Anyone wishing to purchase stamps as church Divine Wor ship at 11 fo r a Girl Scout may obtain them from her leader The sermonby the Pastor the Rev Robert Vanasek will beWNVILLE JUNCTION GIRL SCOUT

e B rownies Juniors and Cadets held a Christmas P ar ty and No Other Name The young I Adult choir will sing Commshy~ ca tionCeremonym the LegIon Home at Brownvl Ie Jct on _

17th New girlsjoining thegroupwere Cadets Sharon Mills lttee on greetmgs Mr and Sh l Mll B Mrs Ralph P arkman Ushersrs Rhon daRoberts Nancy e c he r el a 1 sFI t rowmes

Norman Brearley and Norman _ Mc Lean LOIS Vmcent Terry Swazey PatrICIa Roberts L dAd d L d Ch Crabtree No evening serviceon Dub01S In a n rews an In a ase

Leaders and Committee Women were pinned by Mrs Mar- MILO McKinnon Gifts were exchanged and refreshments were KINGDOM HALL OF

oed and group s inging ~s enjoyed by all JE HOVAHS WITNESSES Sunday J an 3 at 2 pm

Public Bible Lecture What Youth Fellowship Misses Hope for Las ting Peace t t by F Donna Davis Rebecca John - Curtis Watchtower Study at ston and Linda Hedrick led thE 3 15 p m Out of the Torrbs service The organist was to a Resurrection of Life Mrs Kay Moody Ushers based on John 528 29 Kathy Gilbert Marsha Loane Tuesday Jan 5 at 730 p m Fred Cuningham and Thomas Bible Study wi th aid of book Hedrick Babylon the Great Has Fallen

Gods ~ingdom =tules ChapshyGUILFORD ter 14 He r Fall VindicatesMETHODIST CHURCH Jehovahs ProphecyChristmas Day in the serviceCQurrh Nrw5 Thursday J an 7 at 7 00 pat the Methodist church the m Ministry School ServiceIL FORD Rev Robert Vanasek used the Mee ting at 800 p mIMUNITY CHURCH titleA Child is Born The

nere was a large attencance young and adult choris s ang the SANGERVILLE he Community church on anthem The llshers were UNITED CHURCH middot s tmas Sunday The anshy Ralphand Gordon Parkman

At the United Church Sundayros were sung by- the Junior Acolyte Richard Hines morning a large congregationSenior choirs Mrs Delshy The Ch r i stmas Eve service attended the wor ship ser vice was the organis t inc luded carol sirging Phillip The pastor s sermun subject1e Pagawnt in the evening Welts was Soc ial Society Lecshywas What does the Lord Re shyected by Mrs Dorothy Edes tor AChristmasPa ge antFor quir e features of the ser shy5ented the Nativity scene God So Loves was pre sented vipounde were the lighting of Adshymiddot all chi ldren in the Sunday by the youth Fellowship with vent candles and a vocal duet~l assisted Dan Edes and the follOwing cast Narrator The Holy City by Mrs Bevshymiddot Reginald Couture were the Helen Buzzell The Uncle erly Covey and Mrs MildredJists with Mrs Hazel Dashy Michael Harrington Amos Wilson with organ accompanshyand Mrs Cons tance De - RayVana sek Inn-Keeper Jean iment by Mrs Milton Edesey accompanists Santa ni e Buzzell Joseph Richard

At 700 p m there was as appeared at the end of Johnson MarySherry We lts communion and candlelightservic~ and gave out gifts 1st Wise Ma Roger We ston service of worship Christ shyn Thursday evening the sershy 2rd Wise Man Pat Ha rrington ianFaithis not B lind At 800e of Carols and Candlelight 3rd Wise Man Sherry Flanshyp m the Pilgrim Fellows hip conducted bv the Senior de r s 1st She hers Pamela

went caroling Sta~tingoI1Monday at 300 p

m the Junior Fellowship is participating in a special Re shytreat for s tudy niBcussiolland practice in Growing in making friends and Christians and being a Christian F riEtnd MThe Retrea t is he ld in the Un1ted Church and ge t group sleeps at the Chandler home


Trinity Choir will mee t for rehearsaLat 700 on Thursday

There wiU b e a Watch Night service at tile church on Thur sshyday Dec 31st at 900 This will be a combined service -Mth the Nazarene Church Worship service from 900 to 1000 Refreshments will be served and there will be a s ocial time from 1000 to 11 00 fo llowing which there will be a sermon and Communion aervice Everyone is welcome

On January 3 Eleazer Car shyver IV will be with us for the morning worship service bringing special music and the message cf the morning

The Triple M Class will have their m onthly supper mee ting onJan 5th at 630 There wi ll be an election of officers

Baptism service was held following the Sunday evening service Those baptized were Stephen Hamlin Clinton Robin shyson Arthur Woodard Mr Richard Noyes Sr Mr Roy Randall Debra Smi th Ellen Dean Christy Randall Mr Richard Barker and Mrs Ger shyaldine Tourtilotte

Sunday School each week at 945 Morning Worship at ll 00 BYF groups meet Sunday a t 600 Evening Service a t 7 30

Ladies Auxiliary meets Wedshynesday at 2 00

Mid - week service Wednesshyday at 7 30



aturally the most determining factor for a company to expand activity in a new area is the assurance of an adequate labor

ly e ~ hoped that all persons who are interested in the economic -e lopment of this section of P iscataquis County and who are ee rely interested and available for e mployment if the company

ould dec ide to locate here~ express themselves by reporting at e Town Hall for interview with representatives of the Maine Emshyyrn~nt Security Commission These representatives will be at

pound Milo Towll Hall from 830 a m to 4 30 p m

-LO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL NEWS is gratfying to be able to report that Dr H C Bundy who has

en more or less confined to the house for nearly three weeks is ch improved and is resumi ng his c ustomary activities He late s that after New Years he plans to reactivate the drive for

ds for the hospital addition in e arnest It is planned to start Ililding in the Spring

ie tary Consultant for the Regional Hospital Association Miss ancia M Place cif Dover- Foxcroft recently visited the Milo

d ta bHnm unity Hospital for the purpose 0 f d Iscussmg Ie ry pro shy~ s lt--wo new diets have been pr esented for the consideration of the Piff Doctors severai addi tional diets will be prepared in the near _ e o

Hos pital Administrator Ava Strout R N is well pleased with tis assistance and it is hoped that these ser vices will prove to be a~uable to the hospitals in the Regiona l Association During the week before Christmas Santa Claus visited the Childshy~nswardbringinggiftsandcheerto the youngsters Jim Bunker nda dozenyoungpeoplefrom the Baptist Youth Group visited the spi tal singing carols which were appreCiated hile the census dropped to 6 just before Christmas Day it is

_ back to 18 or near capacity again Word has been received om the supplier that the Chart Dest is to be shipped by Jan 4th -e r some unavoidable delay Hospital AUXiliary President Blanche Degerstrom is in the Jspital for a few days but announces Receptionists as follows rio Jan 1st -Eva Lagassy Sat Edith White Sun Doris Will- a troop merit badge book libshylski Mon Evelyn Hamilton Tue Georgina London Wed Mar rary

a Gould Thur Anne Place

ANGERVILLE T CLUB 21 single baskets and three oub le baskets were filled at 1e home of Miss Alice Jackshyon Monda afternoon and were iter delivered to shut ins and ursing homes for the patients lis being an annual project of 1e Womans Club T he commshytee was Mr s Ste lla Me rrow ITS Mildred Dodge Mrs

The next meeting of the J T Club will be the Christmas party a t the home of Miss Alice Jackson Jan 2 Lightrefre~shy

hments will be served


Sange r ville Boy Scout Troop 110 he ld its annual ChrIs tm as P a rty att-gte Legion Hall Monshyday from 6 30 to 930

The T roop held its regular meeting preceding the party and s everal boys worked on advance ments Scout Raymond Gauvinwas then se lec ted to re shypresent Santa Claus He dis shytributed gifts which the boys hen hrnllDnt f1 cv on 0

George Richardson Jr son of Mr and Mr s George Richardf Jf Milo was home for the Christmas Holidays He will report bru to Fort Dix N J on Jan 1st for his basic training He graduate from Milo High School in 1962 He has been working in Bristo Conn for the past 2 12 years

~~w ~~a[f)~~~1r Bombardier SKimiddotDoo



Milo Sport Shop Scoutmaster Roy Smith anshynounced that the troop commshyittee had voted and bought 20 merit badge books for the Troop as a Christmas gift these books to be the s tart of

Scoutmaster Smith the n held

a special investiture ceremony to award Sc out Billy Bemis with his Tende r foot badge

The meeting was well attend shyed with four m embers of the troop comm ittee and Mr and

Mrs Bemis parents of Billy Bemis present Scoutmas te r Smith called for closing cereshymonies and asked the boys to urge their parents to attend meetings whenever they wish shyed


The Ptott-Flanders Post 165 of Sangerville and the Firemens Association he il a

Contd on Page 6



Town amp CountryMILO MAIKI

Page 6

~~a~~ o o

Stop and Eal WITH US



Gui lford Maine

~uHfl1m Ber thaBryant is a patient at

the Mayo Hospital for medical land

Mr and Mrs Harland De shymuth were guests of Mr and Mrs Forest Huff and ca lled on Mr and Mrs Willis Stevens

Callers on Mrs Louise Hill at Giordano Nursing Heme on Christmas Day were her daushyghter and husband Mr and Mrs John LaBreque of Pro shyvidence R 1 and Mr and Mrs Erwin Cousins of Portshy

treatment Christmas dinner guests of

Mr and Mrs Paul Metcalf we re Mrs Bernice Metc alf Mr s Phyllis Skinner Fay and John Rae Mrs JuliaSheriden all of Greenville and Mrs Gladys Hammond of Guilford

Joe Edes a student at Leshybanan Valley college Anvil P enn is at home for the holishyday

Mrs James Edes gave a coffee Christmas mor ning to several friends and neighbors In the afternoon a Christmas party was held at the Edes heme Those present were Mr and Mrs William Allen and sons David Jonathan of Ellswerth Mr and Mrs Wm Gourley and Mary from Milo Mrs Maybelle Edes of GuilshyfOJd and Miss Prudy Clukey of Sangerville

Mr and Mrs Kenneth Evans ofBrewer Mr and Mrs Noel E vans and Kenn~ofAlexandria Virginia Mrs Doris Lary of Waterville and Mrs Stella Evans of Guilford were guests on Christmas Day of Mrs Flo shyrence Bedfish

Mr and Mrs Bruce Alley and chi ldren alid Mr and Mrs Willis Stevens went to Union Sunday to visit Mr and Mrs Har land Demuth

Mr-- and Mr s C linten Herrshying left Monday for Washington D C fo r a visit with their sen Later they will go on to Florida where they will spend the winshyter

Sgt James Cookson of st Michaels College Winooski Vt is spending the Christmas holiday with his parents Mr and Mrs Wi lliam Cookson

Mr and Mrs Lee Hedrick of Hartford Conn are guests of the Rev and Mrs Warre n Hedr ick and family

Mr and Mrs Clinten Lindshysay entertainedata Christ mas buffet dinner Mr and Mr s Levoy Lindsay and son J a mes and Mis s J i ll Osborn of Sangershyville

Mrs Edna King whe has be en a patient at the Hibbard Nursing Home in Dover -Fex shycroft for a few m onths was a guestofMr and Mr s Norman Brearley for dinner on Chris tshymas

Mr and Mrs Stephen Emer y ~f Yonkers N Y arr ived Christmas mor ning for a visit with their par e nts Mr and Mr s Herbert Galusha and Mr and Mr s Arno Emery

Annie Leighton spent Christshymas in Dexter the guest of Ruth P ingtree and Lottie Sturtshy

evant was in Dexter the gues t of Bertha Hanson

CLUB DOINGS Contd from Page 5

Chris tma s Party a t the Legion Hall Saturday Dec 19 from 730 te 900 p m Ove r 125 peeple attended the party and 90 children were presented beeks and Christmas s teckings by Santa Claus

Thre films wer e shown with James Carle of Sangervi lle operating the pr ojec tor Folshylewing the movies Chris tmas carols were sung with Mrs Charlene Edes playing the piane

Coffee and doughnuts were se rved to the adults after the program Santa Claus was reshypres entedb y Regim ld Couture of Guilford



At the reorganizatiOn mee fng of the Stott- Flanders UI No 165 American Legion Al iliary he ld Tuesday e veni at the American Legion Ha l in Sanger ville the followit officers were elec ted Ger trude Clukey Presiden Mar ge ry Clukey Sec retaJ De lores Edes Tr easurel Lerraine Wi lley Chaplain a Marjerie Richards Serge ru at Arms A Unit Censti tu tic and Bylaws wer e adopted 1gt1 Patricia Knewlton Depart ment Publicity Chai rm an Dexter was present and ac as Temperary Chairman as isted in the reor~ anizatie Plans were made for a Dis t tic t group from the Dexter Lt to cenduct the i ni tiatien of mE bers and installation of offiCE at the next regular meeti~ which is scheduled fer Tue~

day January 26 1965


t~inI ~rs~ t rii IS YOU RCA R REA D Y )



Guilford Me

Mrs Beulah Trey spent the holiday with her sen and family Mr and Mrs Milten Troy A

birthday c ake was made by

Barbara Tr oy and pr e sented to the gues t

~altgrruillt Mr and Mrs Orman P rey

we re in Hampden calling en re latives

Mrs Deris Church of Hartshyland called en relative~ and fri ends here in tewn

Miss Sue Lawler of Har tland is the guest of Mrs Faye Sti1 son during the vacatien week

Miss Cher yl Cele a student a t a Bus iness Cellege in P ortshylanq s pent a few days vacation at he r home here

Miss E the l Sawyer a teachshyer a t Oak Greve Schoel Vassalshybore is spending a vac ation at

TR 6-3382

her home here Mrs Audrey Edgerly of D

er-Fexcreft was a week-e guest of Mr and Mrs Ches Moulten

Mr and Mrs Earl Humph were holiday gues ts efher b ther and sis ter -in-law CC and Mrs Maxwell Stoddar Hallewell and also called Mr and Mrs Verne DaviJ Augusta

Mr and Mrs Percy B r and Mr and Mrs Ira Lar Dever-Foxcroft have beeD cent callers en Miss Mooers

Mr and Mrs Chester M ton were Christmas Day gt

of Mr a nd Mrs Aubrey pot of Dover- Fexcroft

Miss Ann Melvin a stu

at Gorham Teachers ColI spent the Christmas vaca at her home here

Centd en P E

r H E TO W C R IER P age 7

iDCAL BRIEFS ont d fiom Page 6

r and Mrs Milton Edes e hosts at a family Christ shy~ Tree Thursday evening 5e present besides the ts were Mr and Mrs Ausshy

e ane and family of Guilshy Mr arid Mrs Gerald e and family of Bangor

and Mrs Ernest Dodge Gi lIfor d Mr and Mrs Wilshyd Sta rbird Derry Starbird angerville

_1r and Mrs Norman Buzshy11 and son of Bangor visited ~ parents Mr and Mrs arold Buzzell over the week d _Irs Aria Waymouth eptert shyitllid on Christmas Day Mrs rne Clements of Hallowell ~ and Mrs Earl Waymouth d children of Monson Mr d Mrs Keith Page Sr Mr ~ Yrrs Keith Page Jr of Lnge rville The schools opened Monday the winter term

Mr and Mrs Ernest Flandshyers of Dover-Foxcroft were weekend guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Fred Simmons Other guests Sunday were Mr and Mrs GalenBridge of Oroshyno Mr and Mrs Herbert Bridge and daughters of China

Mr and Mrs Frank McshyDonald were at WinterportSunshyday to visit Mr and Mrs Edshyward Churchill

Mrs Almeda LeightJn has gone to Newport to spend the winter Her address is 51 North Street Newport

Smiddott1n HC Bundy M D spent

Christmas week with his daughshyter and family Mr and Mrs Roy Wiggins Providence R I His sister and husband Mr and Mrs Henry LaBare visited their daughter in Canaan Me over the holiday Miss Mary Pat Crosby who

teaches in Barnstead New Hashympshire is slending the holshyiday season with her parents

Miss Vickie Howard a performer in her own right is also a dance instructor at thirteen (shell be 14 on New Years Day) Miss Howard daughter of Mr amp Mrs Thomas Howard of Milo has been taking dance lessons for two years tap lessons from Mrs Priscilla Millier of Milo and Modern Jazz and Tap fromMr and Mrs Luthan Crosby

------------ ------------shy

~ Yo ur F riendly Mobil

6 A M A M


- 9 P M Mon thru Sat - 6 P M Sundays



S tat ion N ow


Guilford Me

Miss Cheryl Lemieux of Sangerville She also assists Mrs Milshylier with her instructions and has a dance class of her own in LaGrange where she teaches eleven pupils

Vickie perforwed over the holidays for the Milo Lions Club wi th Miss Kathy Dunham and Miss Valerie Howard under the direc tion of Mrs Millier

The Mallet Brothers of Sebec accompany two attractive young ladies as they entertain at half-time during a basketball game held recently a t Foxcroft Academy

P age 8 VmiddotABI Tv - If



7 50 Open Door 755 Farm Rep orter 8 00 Captain Kangaroo 9 00 DaYinOourt 9 30 Tennesse Ernie 1 00 Mike Wallace News i o30 I Love ~ucy ll oo Get the Message

1130 Mjssing Links 1200 Love of Life 12 25 News 12 30 Search for Tomorro 1245 Guiding Light 1 00 Mid-Day 1 30 As the World Turns 2 00 Password lt 30 Houseparty Soo To Tell The Truth 3 25 News 330 Edge of Night ~ oo Seoret Storm 4 30 Father Knows Belt 5 00 Santa Claus 530 Bozo G oG Telejournsl News 19 CBS News T HURSDAY Dec 31 _964 7 UU wyatt ]al)

i 30 The Munstere o UU Perry Mason 9 0 0 On Broadway Tonight 9 30 Baileys of Balboa 10 00 The Defenders 11 00 Tele journal News 11 20 St J ohns Episcopal

FRIDAY JAN 11965 10 30 Cotton Bowl Parade 11 30 Tournament of Roses

45 Football Cotton B owl IIArkansas vs Nebraskan

FRIDAY JAN i 1965 i 0 0 My Three Sons

30 Rawhioe 8 30 Password 900 Baileys o Balboa 9 30 Gomer Pyle IV 00 Slatterys People l1 00 Telejonrnal News l1 20 Les Crane Show SATURDAY JAN 2 1965

UV Mlsrer Mayor 9 00 Alvin Show 930 Tenn~ssee Tuxedo 10 00 Quick Draw McGray 103 0 Mighty Mouse 11 00 Linus the Lionhearted 1130 The Jets ons

100 Sky King 1 30 Big Picture 2 00 Football Gator Bowl

Galnel 5 500 Jimmy u ean 600 Bud Leavitt 630 V0VBle Under the Sea

730 Jackie Gleason 83 0 Gilligans Island 9 00 Mr Broadway 1000 GWlSmoke l 09 Telejournal News u 15 Saturday Late Show

-Mohawk SUNDAY JAN 3 1965 r2 0 0 The Christiphers 12 15 The Living Word 12 30 7his is The Life

100 Big Pictllle i30 Football Pre game


725 News 7 30 Today 825 Naws 83 0 Today 900 Womans Hour 930 People Are Funny 10 0 0 Make Room for Daddy 10 30 NBC Ne ws Morning 11 00 Concentrl- tion 1130 Jeopardy 1200 Say When 1230 Truth or Consequences

145 NFL Football Playoff Bowl 100 General Hospital l30 Football P ost Game 5 00 TBA

630 World War I

700 Lasaie 730 The Martian 800 Ed S llivan 900 The Fugitive 1000 Candid Camera 10 30 Whats My Line 11 0 0 Tetejolllnal News 11 15 Har ry Reaoner News MONDAY JAN 4 1965 700 The Rifleman 730 T o Tell The Truth 800 Ive Got a Secret 830 Andy Griffith

9 0 0 Preside nt Johnson

930 Many Happy Returns 1000 CBS Repo rts TUESDAY JAN 0 1965 IUU Littlest HObO 730 Combat 830 Red Skelton 930 Pattic oat Junction 1000 The Doctors and Nurses 11 00 Telejournal News 1120 Les Crane Show

WEDNESDA Y JAN 6 1965 7 UOtle wi tc [lea 73 0 Mr Ed 8 00 Livi ng Doll

900 Dick Van Dyke 930 Cara Williams 1000 Danny Kaye 1100 Telejrnal News 1120 Les Cnne Show

1 30 Lets Make a Deal 2 00 The Price Is Right 23 0 The Doctors 300 Another World 330 You Dont Say 400 Match Game 430 Superman 500 Mickey Mouse Club 6 00 Chann~l 2 News 6 2 0 Whats the Weatber A 30 Huntley Brinkley Report 8 30 Bill Da na

THURSDAY DEC 31 1964 IUU MCHale Navy 7 30 Daniellloone 830 Dr Kildar e

9~u Hazel 10 00 Kraft Suspense Thet FRIDAY JAN 11965

11UU Orange Bowl P a r ade 11 30 To~nament of Rose

~ shy145 Sugar B owl Game ~30 PEe Game Show

1U00 The Hogue ll o o The World This Weekend 11 1amp DraltmAt MONDAY JAN 4 1965 7 00 Kentucky Jones

7 30 90 Bristol Court 9 Jo State o f the Union Addr ess

10 00 Alfrerl H itr h~n~k Pr~ntqTUESDAY JAN 5 1965 v v lJUWIll-ne~U

130 Mr Novak 715 Huntley Brinkley Report 830 Decision to Drop the Bomb 745 Orange B owl Game 930 TW-3 10 30 NBC Sports Roundup

SATRUDAY JAN 2 1966 8 00 Astro Boy 830 Bug Bunny 900 Lone Rl-nger 930 Hector Heathcote 10 00 Underdog 10 30 Fireball XL-5 11 0 0 Dennie the Me nance ll 30 Fury 12 00 Bost Patrio ts Raview 1 00 Championship Bowling 2oo Big Picture 2 30 Lone Ranger 3 00 Trails West 3 30 Biography 4 00 NBS Spor ts Special 430 East-West Shr ine Game




~ilo Rickers Dairy 943-2260


I q

Keep your mind on your drivshying advises the Maine Highshyway Safety Committee Highshyway tragedies often occur when m otor ists try to do two thinkshying jobs at once Safe driving rpol1ires c omple te attention

Channel 2 9 00 Satlllday Night Movie

l~Tbe Las-t Hunt

1125 Rhet-old Theater The Untouch~lesll

12 25 We ird SUNDAY JAN 3 1965

900 Amerl~ans At Work 9 15 Sacred Heart 9 30 Faith for TOday 1000 This Is Tbe Life 1 0 30 Beany amp Ceci 11 00 Bullwinkle 11 30 Discovery 12 00 Wide World of Sports 100 Big Picture 1 30 The Legacy ~ 00 NBA Basketball 4 00 Conversation with Dean Rusk

500 Wi ld Kingdom 53 0 College Quiz B owl 6 00 Patty Duke 6 ~o Profiles in Cour ag 7 30 Walt Dianeys Wonderful

World of Color

lOoo Bell Telephone Hour WEDNESDAY JAN 6 196~ middot

7 0 0 Spo tlight on Youth 73 0 The Virginian 9 00 Wednesday Night Movie

Elephant Walk ll

According to the Maine Highshyway Safety Committee pedestshyrian accidents most frequently involve the too young or too old Caution children or parshyentstocross streets carefully and only at corners Urge them to wear something light-coloTshyed at night so they can easily be seen And when you drive stay a lert for pedestrians of any age

To All Of You




bullI bull ~~lt

u~fi ~)


The Town Crie r extends to a of you the wish that 1965 wil be ayear of happiness and pro perity for everyone

Rarely are these handed anyone on a platter but ra th~

are achieved by hard worka cooperation with others Le us therefqr involve ourseln in the problems of our area that we may contribute a ll 0

talents to overcoming want norance poverty unemp lo] ment and hate the greates t all barriers to happiness an prosperi ty for all meo




aturally the most determining factor for a company to expand activity in a new area is the assurance of an adequate labor

ly e ~ hoped that all persons who are interested in the economic -e lopment of this section of P iscataquis County and who are ee rely interested and available for e mployment if the company

ould dec ide to locate here~ express themselves by reporting at e Town Hall for interview with representatives of the Maine Emshyyrn~nt Security Commission These representatives will be at

pound Milo Towll Hall from 830 a m to 4 30 p m

-LO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL NEWS is gratfying to be able to report that Dr H C Bundy who has

en more or less confined to the house for nearly three weeks is ch improved and is resumi ng his c ustomary activities He late s that after New Years he plans to reactivate the drive for

ds for the hospital addition in e arnest It is planned to start Ililding in the Spring

ie tary Consultant for the Regional Hospital Association Miss ancia M Place cif Dover- Foxcroft recently visited the Milo

d ta bHnm unity Hospital for the purpose 0 f d Iscussmg Ie ry pro shy~ s lt--wo new diets have been pr esented for the consideration of the Piff Doctors severai addi tional diets will be prepared in the near _ e o

Hos pital Administrator Ava Strout R N is well pleased with tis assistance and it is hoped that these ser vices will prove to be a~uable to the hospitals in the Regiona l Association During the week before Christmas Santa Claus visited the Childshy~nswardbringinggiftsandcheerto the youngsters Jim Bunker nda dozenyoungpeoplefrom the Baptist Youth Group visited the spi tal singing carols which were appreCiated hile the census dropped to 6 just before Christmas Day it is

_ back to 18 or near capacity again Word has been received om the supplier that the Chart Dest is to be shipped by Jan 4th -e r some unavoidable delay Hospital AUXiliary President Blanche Degerstrom is in the Jspital for a few days but announces Receptionists as follows rio Jan 1st -Eva Lagassy Sat Edith White Sun Doris Will- a troop merit badge book libshylski Mon Evelyn Hamilton Tue Georgina London Wed Mar rary

a Gould Thur Anne Place

ANGERVILLE T CLUB 21 single baskets and three oub le baskets were filled at 1e home of Miss Alice Jackshyon Monda afternoon and were iter delivered to shut ins and ursing homes for the patients lis being an annual project of 1e Womans Club T he commshytee was Mr s Ste lla Me rrow ITS Mildred Dodge Mrs

The next meeting of the J T Club will be the Christmas party a t the home of Miss Alice Jackson Jan 2 Lightrefre~shy

hments will be served


Sange r ville Boy Scout Troop 110 he ld its annual ChrIs tm as P a rty att-gte Legion Hall Monshyday from 6 30 to 930

The T roop held its regular meeting preceding the party and s everal boys worked on advance ments Scout Raymond Gauvinwas then se lec ted to re shypresent Santa Claus He dis shytributed gifts which the boys hen hrnllDnt f1 cv on 0

George Richardson Jr son of Mr and Mr s George Richardf Jf Milo was home for the Christmas Holidays He will report bru to Fort Dix N J on Jan 1st for his basic training He graduate from Milo High School in 1962 He has been working in Bristo Conn for the past 2 12 years

~~w ~~a[f)~~~1r Bombardier SKimiddotDoo



Milo Sport Shop Scoutmaster Roy Smith anshynounced that the troop commshyittee had voted and bought 20 merit badge books for the Troop as a Christmas gift these books to be the s tart of

Scoutmaster Smith the n held

a special investiture ceremony to award Sc out Billy Bemis with his Tende r foot badge

The meeting was well attend shyed with four m embers of the troop comm ittee and Mr and

Mrs Bemis parents of Billy Bemis present Scoutmas te r Smith called for closing cereshymonies and asked the boys to urge their parents to attend meetings whenever they wish shyed


The Ptott-Flanders Post 165 of Sangerville and the Firemens Association he il a

Contd on Page 6



Town amp CountryMILO MAIKI

Page 6

~~a~~ o o

Stop and Eal WITH US



Gui lford Maine

~uHfl1m Ber thaBryant is a patient at

the Mayo Hospital for medical land

Mr and Mrs Harland De shymuth were guests of Mr and Mrs Forest Huff and ca lled on Mr and Mrs Willis Stevens

Callers on Mrs Louise Hill at Giordano Nursing Heme on Christmas Day were her daushyghter and husband Mr and Mrs John LaBreque of Pro shyvidence R 1 and Mr and Mrs Erwin Cousins of Portshy

treatment Christmas dinner guests of

Mr and Mrs Paul Metcalf we re Mrs Bernice Metc alf Mr s Phyllis Skinner Fay and John Rae Mrs JuliaSheriden all of Greenville and Mrs Gladys Hammond of Guilford

Joe Edes a student at Leshybanan Valley college Anvil P enn is at home for the holishyday

Mrs James Edes gave a coffee Christmas mor ning to several friends and neighbors In the afternoon a Christmas party was held at the Edes heme Those present were Mr and Mrs William Allen and sons David Jonathan of Ellswerth Mr and Mrs Wm Gourley and Mary from Milo Mrs Maybelle Edes of GuilshyfOJd and Miss Prudy Clukey of Sangerville

Mr and Mrs Kenneth Evans ofBrewer Mr and Mrs Noel E vans and Kenn~ofAlexandria Virginia Mrs Doris Lary of Waterville and Mrs Stella Evans of Guilford were guests on Christmas Day of Mrs Flo shyrence Bedfish

Mr and Mrs Bruce Alley and chi ldren alid Mr and Mrs Willis Stevens went to Union Sunday to visit Mr and Mrs Har land Demuth

Mr-- and Mr s C linten Herrshying left Monday for Washington D C fo r a visit with their sen Later they will go on to Florida where they will spend the winshyter

Sgt James Cookson of st Michaels College Winooski Vt is spending the Christmas holiday with his parents Mr and Mrs Wi lliam Cookson

Mr and Mrs Lee Hedrick of Hartford Conn are guests of the Rev and Mrs Warre n Hedr ick and family

Mr and Mrs Clinten Lindshysay entertainedata Christ mas buffet dinner Mr and Mr s Levoy Lindsay and son J a mes and Mis s J i ll Osborn of Sangershyville

Mrs Edna King whe has be en a patient at the Hibbard Nursing Home in Dover -Fex shycroft for a few m onths was a guestofMr and Mr s Norman Brearley for dinner on Chris tshymas

Mr and Mrs Stephen Emer y ~f Yonkers N Y arr ived Christmas mor ning for a visit with their par e nts Mr and Mr s Herbert Galusha and Mr and Mr s Arno Emery

Annie Leighton spent Christshymas in Dexter the guest of Ruth P ingtree and Lottie Sturtshy

evant was in Dexter the gues t of Bertha Hanson

CLUB DOINGS Contd from Page 5

Chris tma s Party a t the Legion Hall Saturday Dec 19 from 730 te 900 p m Ove r 125 peeple attended the party and 90 children were presented beeks and Christmas s teckings by Santa Claus

Thre films wer e shown with James Carle of Sangervi lle operating the pr ojec tor Folshylewing the movies Chris tmas carols were sung with Mrs Charlene Edes playing the piane

Coffee and doughnuts were se rved to the adults after the program Santa Claus was reshypres entedb y Regim ld Couture of Guilford



At the reorganizatiOn mee fng of the Stott- Flanders UI No 165 American Legion Al iliary he ld Tuesday e veni at the American Legion Ha l in Sanger ville the followit officers were elec ted Ger trude Clukey Presiden Mar ge ry Clukey Sec retaJ De lores Edes Tr easurel Lerraine Wi lley Chaplain a Marjerie Richards Serge ru at Arms A Unit Censti tu tic and Bylaws wer e adopted 1gt1 Patricia Knewlton Depart ment Publicity Chai rm an Dexter was present and ac as Temperary Chairman as isted in the reor~ anizatie Plans were made for a Dis t tic t group from the Dexter Lt to cenduct the i ni tiatien of mE bers and installation of offiCE at the next regular meeti~ which is scheduled fer Tue~

day January 26 1965


t~inI ~rs~ t rii IS YOU RCA R REA D Y )



Guilford Me

Mrs Beulah Trey spent the holiday with her sen and family Mr and Mrs Milten Troy A

birthday c ake was made by

Barbara Tr oy and pr e sented to the gues t

~altgrruillt Mr and Mrs Orman P rey

we re in Hampden calling en re latives

Mrs Deris Church of Hartshyland called en relative~ and fri ends here in tewn

Miss Sue Lawler of Har tland is the guest of Mrs Faye Sti1 son during the vacatien week

Miss Cher yl Cele a student a t a Bus iness Cellege in P ortshylanq s pent a few days vacation at he r home here

Miss E the l Sawyer a teachshyer a t Oak Greve Schoel Vassalshybore is spending a vac ation at

TR 6-3382

her home here Mrs Audrey Edgerly of D

er-Fexcreft was a week-e guest of Mr and Mrs Ches Moulten

Mr and Mrs Earl Humph were holiday gues ts efher b ther and sis ter -in-law CC and Mrs Maxwell Stoddar Hallewell and also called Mr and Mrs Verne DaviJ Augusta

Mr and Mrs Percy B r and Mr and Mrs Ira Lar Dever-Foxcroft have beeD cent callers en Miss Mooers

Mr and Mrs Chester M ton were Christmas Day gt

of Mr a nd Mrs Aubrey pot of Dover- Fexcroft

Miss Ann Melvin a stu

at Gorham Teachers ColI spent the Christmas vaca at her home here

Centd en P E

r H E TO W C R IER P age 7

iDCAL BRIEFS ont d fiom Page 6

r and Mrs Milton Edes e hosts at a family Christ shy~ Tree Thursday evening 5e present besides the ts were Mr and Mrs Ausshy

e ane and family of Guilshy Mr arid Mrs Gerald e and family of Bangor

and Mrs Ernest Dodge Gi lIfor d Mr and Mrs Wilshyd Sta rbird Derry Starbird angerville

_1r and Mrs Norman Buzshy11 and son of Bangor visited ~ parents Mr and Mrs arold Buzzell over the week d _Irs Aria Waymouth eptert shyitllid on Christmas Day Mrs rne Clements of Hallowell ~ and Mrs Earl Waymouth d children of Monson Mr d Mrs Keith Page Sr Mr ~ Yrrs Keith Page Jr of Lnge rville The schools opened Monday the winter term

Mr and Mrs Ernest Flandshyers of Dover-Foxcroft were weekend guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Fred Simmons Other guests Sunday were Mr and Mrs GalenBridge of Oroshyno Mr and Mrs Herbert Bridge and daughters of China

Mr and Mrs Frank McshyDonald were at WinterportSunshyday to visit Mr and Mrs Edshyward Churchill

Mrs Almeda LeightJn has gone to Newport to spend the winter Her address is 51 North Street Newport

Smiddott1n HC Bundy M D spent

Christmas week with his daughshyter and family Mr and Mrs Roy Wiggins Providence R I His sister and husband Mr and Mrs Henry LaBare visited their daughter in Canaan Me over the holiday Miss Mary Pat Crosby who

teaches in Barnstead New Hashympshire is slending the holshyiday season with her parents

Miss Vickie Howard a performer in her own right is also a dance instructor at thirteen (shell be 14 on New Years Day) Miss Howard daughter of Mr amp Mrs Thomas Howard of Milo has been taking dance lessons for two years tap lessons from Mrs Priscilla Millier of Milo and Modern Jazz and Tap fromMr and Mrs Luthan Crosby

------------ ------------shy

~ Yo ur F riendly Mobil

6 A M A M


- 9 P M Mon thru Sat - 6 P M Sundays



S tat ion N ow


Guilford Me

Miss Cheryl Lemieux of Sangerville She also assists Mrs Milshylier with her instructions and has a dance class of her own in LaGrange where she teaches eleven pupils

Vickie perforwed over the holidays for the Milo Lions Club wi th Miss Kathy Dunham and Miss Valerie Howard under the direc tion of Mrs Millier

The Mallet Brothers of Sebec accompany two attractive young ladies as they entertain at half-time during a basketball game held recently a t Foxcroft Academy

P age 8 VmiddotABI Tv - If



7 50 Open Door 755 Farm Rep orter 8 00 Captain Kangaroo 9 00 DaYinOourt 9 30 Tennesse Ernie 1 00 Mike Wallace News i o30 I Love ~ucy ll oo Get the Message

1130 Mjssing Links 1200 Love of Life 12 25 News 12 30 Search for Tomorro 1245 Guiding Light 1 00 Mid-Day 1 30 As the World Turns 2 00 Password lt 30 Houseparty Soo To Tell The Truth 3 25 News 330 Edge of Night ~ oo Seoret Storm 4 30 Father Knows Belt 5 00 Santa Claus 530 Bozo G oG Telejournsl News 19 CBS News T HURSDAY Dec 31 _964 7 UU wyatt ]al)

i 30 The Munstere o UU Perry Mason 9 0 0 On Broadway Tonight 9 30 Baileys of Balboa 10 00 The Defenders 11 00 Tele journal News 11 20 St J ohns Episcopal

FRIDAY JAN 11965 10 30 Cotton Bowl Parade 11 30 Tournament of Roses

45 Football Cotton B owl IIArkansas vs Nebraskan

FRIDAY JAN i 1965 i 0 0 My Three Sons

30 Rawhioe 8 30 Password 900 Baileys o Balboa 9 30 Gomer Pyle IV 00 Slatterys People l1 00 Telejonrnal News l1 20 Les Crane Show SATURDAY JAN 2 1965

UV Mlsrer Mayor 9 00 Alvin Show 930 Tenn~ssee Tuxedo 10 00 Quick Draw McGray 103 0 Mighty Mouse 11 00 Linus the Lionhearted 1130 The Jets ons

100 Sky King 1 30 Big Picture 2 00 Football Gator Bowl

Galnel 5 500 Jimmy u ean 600 Bud Leavitt 630 V0VBle Under the Sea

730 Jackie Gleason 83 0 Gilligans Island 9 00 Mr Broadway 1000 GWlSmoke l 09 Telejournal News u 15 Saturday Late Show

-Mohawk SUNDAY JAN 3 1965 r2 0 0 The Christiphers 12 15 The Living Word 12 30 7his is The Life

100 Big Pictllle i30 Football Pre game


725 News 7 30 Today 825 Naws 83 0 Today 900 Womans Hour 930 People Are Funny 10 0 0 Make Room for Daddy 10 30 NBC Ne ws Morning 11 00 Concentrl- tion 1130 Jeopardy 1200 Say When 1230 Truth or Consequences

145 NFL Football Playoff Bowl 100 General Hospital l30 Football P ost Game 5 00 TBA

630 World War I

700 Lasaie 730 The Martian 800 Ed S llivan 900 The Fugitive 1000 Candid Camera 10 30 Whats My Line 11 0 0 Tetejolllnal News 11 15 Har ry Reaoner News MONDAY JAN 4 1965 700 The Rifleman 730 T o Tell The Truth 800 Ive Got a Secret 830 Andy Griffith

9 0 0 Preside nt Johnson

930 Many Happy Returns 1000 CBS Repo rts TUESDAY JAN 0 1965 IUU Littlest HObO 730 Combat 830 Red Skelton 930 Pattic oat Junction 1000 The Doctors and Nurses 11 00 Telejournal News 1120 Les Crane Show

WEDNESDA Y JAN 6 1965 7 UOtle wi tc [lea 73 0 Mr Ed 8 00 Livi ng Doll

900 Dick Van Dyke 930 Cara Williams 1000 Danny Kaye 1100 Telejrnal News 1120 Les Cnne Show

1 30 Lets Make a Deal 2 00 The Price Is Right 23 0 The Doctors 300 Another World 330 You Dont Say 400 Match Game 430 Superman 500 Mickey Mouse Club 6 00 Chann~l 2 News 6 2 0 Whats the Weatber A 30 Huntley Brinkley Report 8 30 Bill Da na

THURSDAY DEC 31 1964 IUU MCHale Navy 7 30 Daniellloone 830 Dr Kildar e

9~u Hazel 10 00 Kraft Suspense Thet FRIDAY JAN 11965

11UU Orange Bowl P a r ade 11 30 To~nament of Rose

~ shy145 Sugar B owl Game ~30 PEe Game Show

1U00 The Hogue ll o o The World This Weekend 11 1amp DraltmAt MONDAY JAN 4 1965 7 00 Kentucky Jones

7 30 90 Bristol Court 9 Jo State o f the Union Addr ess

10 00 Alfrerl H itr h~n~k Pr~ntqTUESDAY JAN 5 1965 v v lJUWIll-ne~U

130 Mr Novak 715 Huntley Brinkley Report 830 Decision to Drop the Bomb 745 Orange B owl Game 930 TW-3 10 30 NBC Sports Roundup

SATRUDAY JAN 2 1966 8 00 Astro Boy 830 Bug Bunny 900 Lone Rl-nger 930 Hector Heathcote 10 00 Underdog 10 30 Fireball XL-5 11 0 0 Dennie the Me nance ll 30 Fury 12 00 Bost Patrio ts Raview 1 00 Championship Bowling 2oo Big Picture 2 30 Lone Ranger 3 00 Trails West 3 30 Biography 4 00 NBS Spor ts Special 430 East-West Shr ine Game




~ilo Rickers Dairy 943-2260


I q

Keep your mind on your drivshying advises the Maine Highshyway Safety Committee Highshyway tragedies often occur when m otor ists try to do two thinkshying jobs at once Safe driving rpol1ires c omple te attention

Channel 2 9 00 Satlllday Night Movie

l~Tbe Las-t Hunt

1125 Rhet-old Theater The Untouch~lesll

12 25 We ird SUNDAY JAN 3 1965

900 Amerl~ans At Work 9 15 Sacred Heart 9 30 Faith for TOday 1000 This Is Tbe Life 1 0 30 Beany amp Ceci 11 00 Bullwinkle 11 30 Discovery 12 00 Wide World of Sports 100 Big Picture 1 30 The Legacy ~ 00 NBA Basketball 4 00 Conversation with Dean Rusk

500 Wi ld Kingdom 53 0 College Quiz B owl 6 00 Patty Duke 6 ~o Profiles in Cour ag 7 30 Walt Dianeys Wonderful

World of Color

lOoo Bell Telephone Hour WEDNESDAY JAN 6 196~ middot

7 0 0 Spo tlight on Youth 73 0 The Virginian 9 00 Wednesday Night Movie

Elephant Walk ll

According to the Maine Highshyway Safety Committee pedestshyrian accidents most frequently involve the too young or too old Caution children or parshyentstocross streets carefully and only at corners Urge them to wear something light-coloTshyed at night so they can easily be seen And when you drive stay a lert for pedestrians of any age

To All Of You




bullI bull ~~lt

u~fi ~)


The Town Crie r extends to a of you the wish that 1965 wil be ayear of happiness and pro perity for everyone

Rarely are these handed anyone on a platter but ra th~

are achieved by hard worka cooperation with others Le us therefqr involve ourseln in the problems of our area that we may contribute a ll 0

talents to overcoming want norance poverty unemp lo] ment and hate the greates t all barriers to happiness an prosperi ty for all meo


Page 6

~~a~~ o o

Stop and Eal WITH US



Gui lford Maine

~uHfl1m Ber thaBryant is a patient at

the Mayo Hospital for medical land

Mr and Mrs Harland De shymuth were guests of Mr and Mrs Forest Huff and ca lled on Mr and Mrs Willis Stevens

Callers on Mrs Louise Hill at Giordano Nursing Heme on Christmas Day were her daushyghter and husband Mr and Mrs John LaBreque of Pro shyvidence R 1 and Mr and Mrs Erwin Cousins of Portshy

treatment Christmas dinner guests of

Mr and Mrs Paul Metcalf we re Mrs Bernice Metc alf Mr s Phyllis Skinner Fay and John Rae Mrs JuliaSheriden all of Greenville and Mrs Gladys Hammond of Guilford

Joe Edes a student at Leshybanan Valley college Anvil P enn is at home for the holishyday

Mrs James Edes gave a coffee Christmas mor ning to several friends and neighbors In the afternoon a Christmas party was held at the Edes heme Those present were Mr and Mrs William Allen and sons David Jonathan of Ellswerth Mr and Mrs Wm Gourley and Mary from Milo Mrs Maybelle Edes of GuilshyfOJd and Miss Prudy Clukey of Sangerville

Mr and Mrs Kenneth Evans ofBrewer Mr and Mrs Noel E vans and Kenn~ofAlexandria Virginia Mrs Doris Lary of Waterville and Mrs Stella Evans of Guilford were guests on Christmas Day of Mrs Flo shyrence Bedfish

Mr and Mrs Bruce Alley and chi ldren alid Mr and Mrs Willis Stevens went to Union Sunday to visit Mr and Mrs Har land Demuth

Mr-- and Mr s C linten Herrshying left Monday for Washington D C fo r a visit with their sen Later they will go on to Florida where they will spend the winshyter

Sgt James Cookson of st Michaels College Winooski Vt is spending the Christmas holiday with his parents Mr and Mrs Wi lliam Cookson

Mr and Mrs Lee Hedrick of Hartford Conn are guests of the Rev and Mrs Warre n Hedr ick and family

Mr and Mrs Clinten Lindshysay entertainedata Christ mas buffet dinner Mr and Mr s Levoy Lindsay and son J a mes and Mis s J i ll Osborn of Sangershyville

Mrs Edna King whe has be en a patient at the Hibbard Nursing Home in Dover -Fex shycroft for a few m onths was a guestofMr and Mr s Norman Brearley for dinner on Chris tshymas

Mr and Mrs Stephen Emer y ~f Yonkers N Y arr ived Christmas mor ning for a visit with their par e nts Mr and Mr s Herbert Galusha and Mr and Mr s Arno Emery

Annie Leighton spent Christshymas in Dexter the guest of Ruth P ingtree and Lottie Sturtshy

evant was in Dexter the gues t of Bertha Hanson

CLUB DOINGS Contd from Page 5

Chris tma s Party a t the Legion Hall Saturday Dec 19 from 730 te 900 p m Ove r 125 peeple attended the party and 90 children were presented beeks and Christmas s teckings by Santa Claus

Thre films wer e shown with James Carle of Sangervi lle operating the pr ojec tor Folshylewing the movies Chris tmas carols were sung with Mrs Charlene Edes playing the piane

Coffee and doughnuts were se rved to the adults after the program Santa Claus was reshypres entedb y Regim ld Couture of Guilford



At the reorganizatiOn mee fng of the Stott- Flanders UI No 165 American Legion Al iliary he ld Tuesday e veni at the American Legion Ha l in Sanger ville the followit officers were elec ted Ger trude Clukey Presiden Mar ge ry Clukey Sec retaJ De lores Edes Tr easurel Lerraine Wi lley Chaplain a Marjerie Richards Serge ru at Arms A Unit Censti tu tic and Bylaws wer e adopted 1gt1 Patricia Knewlton Depart ment Publicity Chai rm an Dexter was present and ac as Temperary Chairman as isted in the reor~ anizatie Plans were made for a Dis t tic t group from the Dexter Lt to cenduct the i ni tiatien of mE bers and installation of offiCE at the next regular meeti~ which is scheduled fer Tue~

day January 26 1965


t~inI ~rs~ t rii IS YOU RCA R REA D Y )



Guilford Me

Mrs Beulah Trey spent the holiday with her sen and family Mr and Mrs Milten Troy A

birthday c ake was made by

Barbara Tr oy and pr e sented to the gues t

~altgrruillt Mr and Mrs Orman P rey

we re in Hampden calling en re latives

Mrs Deris Church of Hartshyland called en relative~ and fri ends here in tewn

Miss Sue Lawler of Har tland is the guest of Mrs Faye Sti1 son during the vacatien week

Miss Cher yl Cele a student a t a Bus iness Cellege in P ortshylanq s pent a few days vacation at he r home here

Miss E the l Sawyer a teachshyer a t Oak Greve Schoel Vassalshybore is spending a vac ation at

TR 6-3382

her home here Mrs Audrey Edgerly of D

er-Fexcreft was a week-e guest of Mr and Mrs Ches Moulten

Mr and Mrs Earl Humph were holiday gues ts efher b ther and sis ter -in-law CC and Mrs Maxwell Stoddar Hallewell and also called Mr and Mrs Verne DaviJ Augusta

Mr and Mrs Percy B r and Mr and Mrs Ira Lar Dever-Foxcroft have beeD cent callers en Miss Mooers

Mr and Mrs Chester M ton were Christmas Day gt

of Mr a nd Mrs Aubrey pot of Dover- Fexcroft

Miss Ann Melvin a stu

at Gorham Teachers ColI spent the Christmas vaca at her home here

Centd en P E

r H E TO W C R IER P age 7

iDCAL BRIEFS ont d fiom Page 6

r and Mrs Milton Edes e hosts at a family Christ shy~ Tree Thursday evening 5e present besides the ts were Mr and Mrs Ausshy

e ane and family of Guilshy Mr arid Mrs Gerald e and family of Bangor

and Mrs Ernest Dodge Gi lIfor d Mr and Mrs Wilshyd Sta rbird Derry Starbird angerville

_1r and Mrs Norman Buzshy11 and son of Bangor visited ~ parents Mr and Mrs arold Buzzell over the week d _Irs Aria Waymouth eptert shyitllid on Christmas Day Mrs rne Clements of Hallowell ~ and Mrs Earl Waymouth d children of Monson Mr d Mrs Keith Page Sr Mr ~ Yrrs Keith Page Jr of Lnge rville The schools opened Monday the winter term

Mr and Mrs Ernest Flandshyers of Dover-Foxcroft were weekend guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Fred Simmons Other guests Sunday were Mr and Mrs GalenBridge of Oroshyno Mr and Mrs Herbert Bridge and daughters of China

Mr and Mrs Frank McshyDonald were at WinterportSunshyday to visit Mr and Mrs Edshyward Churchill

Mrs Almeda LeightJn has gone to Newport to spend the winter Her address is 51 North Street Newport

Smiddott1n HC Bundy M D spent

Christmas week with his daughshyter and family Mr and Mrs Roy Wiggins Providence R I His sister and husband Mr and Mrs Henry LaBare visited their daughter in Canaan Me over the holiday Miss Mary Pat Crosby who

teaches in Barnstead New Hashympshire is slending the holshyiday season with her parents

Miss Vickie Howard a performer in her own right is also a dance instructor at thirteen (shell be 14 on New Years Day) Miss Howard daughter of Mr amp Mrs Thomas Howard of Milo has been taking dance lessons for two years tap lessons from Mrs Priscilla Millier of Milo and Modern Jazz and Tap fromMr and Mrs Luthan Crosby

------------ ------------shy

~ Yo ur F riendly Mobil

6 A M A M


- 9 P M Mon thru Sat - 6 P M Sundays



S tat ion N ow


Guilford Me

Miss Cheryl Lemieux of Sangerville She also assists Mrs Milshylier with her instructions and has a dance class of her own in LaGrange where she teaches eleven pupils

Vickie perforwed over the holidays for the Milo Lions Club wi th Miss Kathy Dunham and Miss Valerie Howard under the direc tion of Mrs Millier

The Mallet Brothers of Sebec accompany two attractive young ladies as they entertain at half-time during a basketball game held recently a t Foxcroft Academy

P age 8 VmiddotABI Tv - If



7 50 Open Door 755 Farm Rep orter 8 00 Captain Kangaroo 9 00 DaYinOourt 9 30 Tennesse Ernie 1 00 Mike Wallace News i o30 I Love ~ucy ll oo Get the Message

1130 Mjssing Links 1200 Love of Life 12 25 News 12 30 Search for Tomorro 1245 Guiding Light 1 00 Mid-Day 1 30 As the World Turns 2 00 Password lt 30 Houseparty Soo To Tell The Truth 3 25 News 330 Edge of Night ~ oo Seoret Storm 4 30 Father Knows Belt 5 00 Santa Claus 530 Bozo G oG Telejournsl News 19 CBS News T HURSDAY Dec 31 _964 7 UU wyatt ]al)

i 30 The Munstere o UU Perry Mason 9 0 0 On Broadway Tonight 9 30 Baileys of Balboa 10 00 The Defenders 11 00 Tele journal News 11 20 St J ohns Episcopal

FRIDAY JAN 11965 10 30 Cotton Bowl Parade 11 30 Tournament of Roses

45 Football Cotton B owl IIArkansas vs Nebraskan

FRIDAY JAN i 1965 i 0 0 My Three Sons

30 Rawhioe 8 30 Password 900 Baileys o Balboa 9 30 Gomer Pyle IV 00 Slatterys People l1 00 Telejonrnal News l1 20 Les Crane Show SATURDAY JAN 2 1965

UV Mlsrer Mayor 9 00 Alvin Show 930 Tenn~ssee Tuxedo 10 00 Quick Draw McGray 103 0 Mighty Mouse 11 00 Linus the Lionhearted 1130 The Jets ons

100 Sky King 1 30 Big Picture 2 00 Football Gator Bowl

Galnel 5 500 Jimmy u ean 600 Bud Leavitt 630 V0VBle Under the Sea

730 Jackie Gleason 83 0 Gilligans Island 9 00 Mr Broadway 1000 GWlSmoke l 09 Telejournal News u 15 Saturday Late Show

-Mohawk SUNDAY JAN 3 1965 r2 0 0 The Christiphers 12 15 The Living Word 12 30 7his is The Life

100 Big Pictllle i30 Football Pre game


725 News 7 30 Today 825 Naws 83 0 Today 900 Womans Hour 930 People Are Funny 10 0 0 Make Room for Daddy 10 30 NBC Ne ws Morning 11 00 Concentrl- tion 1130 Jeopardy 1200 Say When 1230 Truth or Consequences

145 NFL Football Playoff Bowl 100 General Hospital l30 Football P ost Game 5 00 TBA

630 World War I

700 Lasaie 730 The Martian 800 Ed S llivan 900 The Fugitive 1000 Candid Camera 10 30 Whats My Line 11 0 0 Tetejolllnal News 11 15 Har ry Reaoner News MONDAY JAN 4 1965 700 The Rifleman 730 T o Tell The Truth 800 Ive Got a Secret 830 Andy Griffith

9 0 0 Preside nt Johnson

930 Many Happy Returns 1000 CBS Repo rts TUESDAY JAN 0 1965 IUU Littlest HObO 730 Combat 830 Red Skelton 930 Pattic oat Junction 1000 The Doctors and Nurses 11 00 Telejournal News 1120 Les Crane Show

WEDNESDA Y JAN 6 1965 7 UOtle wi tc [lea 73 0 Mr Ed 8 00 Livi ng Doll

900 Dick Van Dyke 930 Cara Williams 1000 Danny Kaye 1100 Telejrnal News 1120 Les Cnne Show

1 30 Lets Make a Deal 2 00 The Price Is Right 23 0 The Doctors 300 Another World 330 You Dont Say 400 Match Game 430 Superman 500 Mickey Mouse Club 6 00 Chann~l 2 News 6 2 0 Whats the Weatber A 30 Huntley Brinkley Report 8 30 Bill Da na

THURSDAY DEC 31 1964 IUU MCHale Navy 7 30 Daniellloone 830 Dr Kildar e

9~u Hazel 10 00 Kraft Suspense Thet FRIDAY JAN 11965

11UU Orange Bowl P a r ade 11 30 To~nament of Rose

~ shy145 Sugar B owl Game ~30 PEe Game Show

1U00 The Hogue ll o o The World This Weekend 11 1amp DraltmAt MONDAY JAN 4 1965 7 00 Kentucky Jones

7 30 90 Bristol Court 9 Jo State o f the Union Addr ess

10 00 Alfrerl H itr h~n~k Pr~ntqTUESDAY JAN 5 1965 v v lJUWIll-ne~U

130 Mr Novak 715 Huntley Brinkley Report 830 Decision to Drop the Bomb 745 Orange B owl Game 930 TW-3 10 30 NBC Sports Roundup

SATRUDAY JAN 2 1966 8 00 Astro Boy 830 Bug Bunny 900 Lone Rl-nger 930 Hector Heathcote 10 00 Underdog 10 30 Fireball XL-5 11 0 0 Dennie the Me nance ll 30 Fury 12 00 Bost Patrio ts Raview 1 00 Championship Bowling 2oo Big Picture 2 30 Lone Ranger 3 00 Trails West 3 30 Biography 4 00 NBS Spor ts Special 430 East-West Shr ine Game




~ilo Rickers Dairy 943-2260


I q

Keep your mind on your drivshying advises the Maine Highshyway Safety Committee Highshyway tragedies often occur when m otor ists try to do two thinkshying jobs at once Safe driving rpol1ires c omple te attention

Channel 2 9 00 Satlllday Night Movie

l~Tbe Las-t Hunt

1125 Rhet-old Theater The Untouch~lesll

12 25 We ird SUNDAY JAN 3 1965

900 Amerl~ans At Work 9 15 Sacred Heart 9 30 Faith for TOday 1000 This Is Tbe Life 1 0 30 Beany amp Ceci 11 00 Bullwinkle 11 30 Discovery 12 00 Wide World of Sports 100 Big Picture 1 30 The Legacy ~ 00 NBA Basketball 4 00 Conversation with Dean Rusk

500 Wi ld Kingdom 53 0 College Quiz B owl 6 00 Patty Duke 6 ~o Profiles in Cour ag 7 30 Walt Dianeys Wonderful

World of Color

lOoo Bell Telephone Hour WEDNESDAY JAN 6 196~ middot

7 0 0 Spo tlight on Youth 73 0 The Virginian 9 00 Wednesday Night Movie

Elephant Walk ll

According to the Maine Highshyway Safety Committee pedestshyrian accidents most frequently involve the too young or too old Caution children or parshyentstocross streets carefully and only at corners Urge them to wear something light-coloTshyed at night so they can easily be seen And when you drive stay a lert for pedestrians of any age

To All Of You




bullI bull ~~lt

u~fi ~)


The Town Crie r extends to a of you the wish that 1965 wil be ayear of happiness and pro perity for everyone

Rarely are these handed anyone on a platter but ra th~

are achieved by hard worka cooperation with others Le us therefqr involve ourseln in the problems of our area that we may contribute a ll 0

talents to overcoming want norance poverty unemp lo] ment and hate the greates t all barriers to happiness an prosperi ty for all meo


r H E TO W C R IER P age 7

iDCAL BRIEFS ont d fiom Page 6

r and Mrs Milton Edes e hosts at a family Christ shy~ Tree Thursday evening 5e present besides the ts were Mr and Mrs Ausshy

e ane and family of Guilshy Mr arid Mrs Gerald e and family of Bangor

and Mrs Ernest Dodge Gi lIfor d Mr and Mrs Wilshyd Sta rbird Derry Starbird angerville

_1r and Mrs Norman Buzshy11 and son of Bangor visited ~ parents Mr and Mrs arold Buzzell over the week d _Irs Aria Waymouth eptert shyitllid on Christmas Day Mrs rne Clements of Hallowell ~ and Mrs Earl Waymouth d children of Monson Mr d Mrs Keith Page Sr Mr ~ Yrrs Keith Page Jr of Lnge rville The schools opened Monday the winter term

Mr and Mrs Ernest Flandshyers of Dover-Foxcroft were weekend guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Fred Simmons Other guests Sunday were Mr and Mrs GalenBridge of Oroshyno Mr and Mrs Herbert Bridge and daughters of China

Mr and Mrs Frank McshyDonald were at WinterportSunshyday to visit Mr and Mrs Edshyward Churchill

Mrs Almeda LeightJn has gone to Newport to spend the winter Her address is 51 North Street Newport

Smiddott1n HC Bundy M D spent

Christmas week with his daughshyter and family Mr and Mrs Roy Wiggins Providence R I His sister and husband Mr and Mrs Henry LaBare visited their daughter in Canaan Me over the holiday Miss Mary Pat Crosby who

teaches in Barnstead New Hashympshire is slending the holshyiday season with her parents

Miss Vickie Howard a performer in her own right is also a dance instructor at thirteen (shell be 14 on New Years Day) Miss Howard daughter of Mr amp Mrs Thomas Howard of Milo has been taking dance lessons for two years tap lessons from Mrs Priscilla Millier of Milo and Modern Jazz and Tap fromMr and Mrs Luthan Crosby

------------ ------------shy

~ Yo ur F riendly Mobil

6 A M A M


- 9 P M Mon thru Sat - 6 P M Sundays



S tat ion N ow


Guilford Me

Miss Cheryl Lemieux of Sangerville She also assists Mrs Milshylier with her instructions and has a dance class of her own in LaGrange where she teaches eleven pupils

Vickie perforwed over the holidays for the Milo Lions Club wi th Miss Kathy Dunham and Miss Valerie Howard under the direc tion of Mrs Millier

The Mallet Brothers of Sebec accompany two attractive young ladies as they entertain at half-time during a basketball game held recently a t Foxcroft Academy

P age 8 VmiddotABI Tv - If



7 50 Open Door 755 Farm Rep orter 8 00 Captain Kangaroo 9 00 DaYinOourt 9 30 Tennesse Ernie 1 00 Mike Wallace News i o30 I Love ~ucy ll oo Get the Message

1130 Mjssing Links 1200 Love of Life 12 25 News 12 30 Search for Tomorro 1245 Guiding Light 1 00 Mid-Day 1 30 As the World Turns 2 00 Password lt 30 Houseparty Soo To Tell The Truth 3 25 News 330 Edge of Night ~ oo Seoret Storm 4 30 Father Knows Belt 5 00 Santa Claus 530 Bozo G oG Telejournsl News 19 CBS News T HURSDAY Dec 31 _964 7 UU wyatt ]al)

i 30 The Munstere o UU Perry Mason 9 0 0 On Broadway Tonight 9 30 Baileys of Balboa 10 00 The Defenders 11 00 Tele journal News 11 20 St J ohns Episcopal

FRIDAY JAN 11965 10 30 Cotton Bowl Parade 11 30 Tournament of Roses

45 Football Cotton B owl IIArkansas vs Nebraskan

FRIDAY JAN i 1965 i 0 0 My Three Sons

30 Rawhioe 8 30 Password 900 Baileys o Balboa 9 30 Gomer Pyle IV 00 Slatterys People l1 00 Telejonrnal News l1 20 Les Crane Show SATURDAY JAN 2 1965

UV Mlsrer Mayor 9 00 Alvin Show 930 Tenn~ssee Tuxedo 10 00 Quick Draw McGray 103 0 Mighty Mouse 11 00 Linus the Lionhearted 1130 The Jets ons

100 Sky King 1 30 Big Picture 2 00 Football Gator Bowl

Galnel 5 500 Jimmy u ean 600 Bud Leavitt 630 V0VBle Under the Sea

730 Jackie Gleason 83 0 Gilligans Island 9 00 Mr Broadway 1000 GWlSmoke l 09 Telejournal News u 15 Saturday Late Show

-Mohawk SUNDAY JAN 3 1965 r2 0 0 The Christiphers 12 15 The Living Word 12 30 7his is The Life

100 Big Pictllle i30 Football Pre game


725 News 7 30 Today 825 Naws 83 0 Today 900 Womans Hour 930 People Are Funny 10 0 0 Make Room for Daddy 10 30 NBC Ne ws Morning 11 00 Concentrl- tion 1130 Jeopardy 1200 Say When 1230 Truth or Consequences

145 NFL Football Playoff Bowl 100 General Hospital l30 Football P ost Game 5 00 TBA

630 World War I

700 Lasaie 730 The Martian 800 Ed S llivan 900 The Fugitive 1000 Candid Camera 10 30 Whats My Line 11 0 0 Tetejolllnal News 11 15 Har ry Reaoner News MONDAY JAN 4 1965 700 The Rifleman 730 T o Tell The Truth 800 Ive Got a Secret 830 Andy Griffith

9 0 0 Preside nt Johnson

930 Many Happy Returns 1000 CBS Repo rts TUESDAY JAN 0 1965 IUU Littlest HObO 730 Combat 830 Red Skelton 930 Pattic oat Junction 1000 The Doctors and Nurses 11 00 Telejournal News 1120 Les Crane Show

WEDNESDA Y JAN 6 1965 7 UOtle wi tc [lea 73 0 Mr Ed 8 00 Livi ng Doll

900 Dick Van Dyke 930 Cara Williams 1000 Danny Kaye 1100 Telejrnal News 1120 Les Cnne Show

1 30 Lets Make a Deal 2 00 The Price Is Right 23 0 The Doctors 300 Another World 330 You Dont Say 400 Match Game 430 Superman 500 Mickey Mouse Club 6 00 Chann~l 2 News 6 2 0 Whats the Weatber A 30 Huntley Brinkley Report 8 30 Bill Da na

THURSDAY DEC 31 1964 IUU MCHale Navy 7 30 Daniellloone 830 Dr Kildar e

9~u Hazel 10 00 Kraft Suspense Thet FRIDAY JAN 11965

11UU Orange Bowl P a r ade 11 30 To~nament of Rose

~ shy145 Sugar B owl Game ~30 PEe Game Show

1U00 The Hogue ll o o The World This Weekend 11 1amp DraltmAt MONDAY JAN 4 1965 7 00 Kentucky Jones

7 30 90 Bristol Court 9 Jo State o f the Union Addr ess

10 00 Alfrerl H itr h~n~k Pr~ntqTUESDAY JAN 5 1965 v v lJUWIll-ne~U

130 Mr Novak 715 Huntley Brinkley Report 830 Decision to Drop the Bomb 745 Orange B owl Game 930 TW-3 10 30 NBC Sports Roundup

SATRUDAY JAN 2 1966 8 00 Astro Boy 830 Bug Bunny 900 Lone Rl-nger 930 Hector Heathcote 10 00 Underdog 10 30 Fireball XL-5 11 0 0 Dennie the Me nance ll 30 Fury 12 00 Bost Patrio ts Raview 1 00 Championship Bowling 2oo Big Picture 2 30 Lone Ranger 3 00 Trails West 3 30 Biography 4 00 NBS Spor ts Special 430 East-West Shr ine Game




~ilo Rickers Dairy 943-2260


I q

Keep your mind on your drivshying advises the Maine Highshyway Safety Committee Highshyway tragedies often occur when m otor ists try to do two thinkshying jobs at once Safe driving rpol1ires c omple te attention

Channel 2 9 00 Satlllday Night Movie

l~Tbe Las-t Hunt

1125 Rhet-old Theater The Untouch~lesll

12 25 We ird SUNDAY JAN 3 1965

900 Amerl~ans At Work 9 15 Sacred Heart 9 30 Faith for TOday 1000 This Is Tbe Life 1 0 30 Beany amp Ceci 11 00 Bullwinkle 11 30 Discovery 12 00 Wide World of Sports 100 Big Picture 1 30 The Legacy ~ 00 NBA Basketball 4 00 Conversation with Dean Rusk

500 Wi ld Kingdom 53 0 College Quiz B owl 6 00 Patty Duke 6 ~o Profiles in Cour ag 7 30 Walt Dianeys Wonderful

World of Color

lOoo Bell Telephone Hour WEDNESDAY JAN 6 196~ middot

7 0 0 Spo tlight on Youth 73 0 The Virginian 9 00 Wednesday Night Movie

Elephant Walk ll

According to the Maine Highshyway Safety Committee pedestshyrian accidents most frequently involve the too young or too old Caution children or parshyentstocross streets carefully and only at corners Urge them to wear something light-coloTshyed at night so they can easily be seen And when you drive stay a lert for pedestrians of any age

To All Of You




bullI bull ~~lt

u~fi ~)


The Town Crie r extends to a of you the wish that 1965 wil be ayear of happiness and pro perity for everyone

Rarely are these handed anyone on a platter but ra th~

are achieved by hard worka cooperation with others Le us therefqr involve ourseln in the problems of our area that we may contribute a ll 0

talents to overcoming want norance poverty unemp lo] ment and hate the greates t all barriers to happiness an prosperi ty for all meo


P age 8 VmiddotABI Tv - If



7 50 Open Door 755 Farm Rep orter 8 00 Captain Kangaroo 9 00 DaYinOourt 9 30 Tennesse Ernie 1 00 Mike Wallace News i o30 I Love ~ucy ll oo Get the Message

1130 Mjssing Links 1200 Love of Life 12 25 News 12 30 Search for Tomorro 1245 Guiding Light 1 00 Mid-Day 1 30 As the World Turns 2 00 Password lt 30 Houseparty Soo To Tell The Truth 3 25 News 330 Edge of Night ~ oo Seoret Storm 4 30 Father Knows Belt 5 00 Santa Claus 530 Bozo G oG Telejournsl News 19 CBS News T HURSDAY Dec 31 _964 7 UU wyatt ]al)

i 30 The Munstere o UU Perry Mason 9 0 0 On Broadway Tonight 9 30 Baileys of Balboa 10 00 The Defenders 11 00 Tele journal News 11 20 St J ohns Episcopal

FRIDAY JAN 11965 10 30 Cotton Bowl Parade 11 30 Tournament of Roses

45 Football Cotton B owl IIArkansas vs Nebraskan

FRIDAY JAN i 1965 i 0 0 My Three Sons

30 Rawhioe 8 30 Password 900 Baileys o Balboa 9 30 Gomer Pyle IV 00 Slatterys People l1 00 Telejonrnal News l1 20 Les Crane Show SATURDAY JAN 2 1965

UV Mlsrer Mayor 9 00 Alvin Show 930 Tenn~ssee Tuxedo 10 00 Quick Draw McGray 103 0 Mighty Mouse 11 00 Linus the Lionhearted 1130 The Jets ons

100 Sky King 1 30 Big Picture 2 00 Football Gator Bowl

Galnel 5 500 Jimmy u ean 600 Bud Leavitt 630 V0VBle Under the Sea

730 Jackie Gleason 83 0 Gilligans Island 9 00 Mr Broadway 1000 GWlSmoke l 09 Telejournal News u 15 Saturday Late Show

-Mohawk SUNDAY JAN 3 1965 r2 0 0 The Christiphers 12 15 The Living Word 12 30 7his is The Life

100 Big Pictllle i30 Football Pre game


725 News 7 30 Today 825 Naws 83 0 Today 900 Womans Hour 930 People Are Funny 10 0 0 Make Room for Daddy 10 30 NBC Ne ws Morning 11 00 Concentrl- tion 1130 Jeopardy 1200 Say When 1230 Truth or Consequences

145 NFL Football Playoff Bowl 100 General Hospital l30 Football P ost Game 5 00 TBA

630 World War I

700 Lasaie 730 The Martian 800 Ed S llivan 900 The Fugitive 1000 Candid Camera 10 30 Whats My Line 11 0 0 Tetejolllnal News 11 15 Har ry Reaoner News MONDAY JAN 4 1965 700 The Rifleman 730 T o Tell The Truth 800 Ive Got a Secret 830 Andy Griffith

9 0 0 Preside nt Johnson

930 Many Happy Returns 1000 CBS Repo rts TUESDAY JAN 0 1965 IUU Littlest HObO 730 Combat 830 Red Skelton 930 Pattic oat Junction 1000 The Doctors and Nurses 11 00 Telejournal News 1120 Les Crane Show

WEDNESDA Y JAN 6 1965 7 UOtle wi tc [lea 73 0 Mr Ed 8 00 Livi ng Doll

900 Dick Van Dyke 930 Cara Williams 1000 Danny Kaye 1100 Telejrnal News 1120 Les Cnne Show

1 30 Lets Make a Deal 2 00 The Price Is Right 23 0 The Doctors 300 Another World 330 You Dont Say 400 Match Game 430 Superman 500 Mickey Mouse Club 6 00 Chann~l 2 News 6 2 0 Whats the Weatber A 30 Huntley Brinkley Report 8 30 Bill Da na

THURSDAY DEC 31 1964 IUU MCHale Navy 7 30 Daniellloone 830 Dr Kildar e

9~u Hazel 10 00 Kraft Suspense Thet FRIDAY JAN 11965

11UU Orange Bowl P a r ade 11 30 To~nament of Rose

~ shy145 Sugar B owl Game ~30 PEe Game Show

1U00 The Hogue ll o o The World This Weekend 11 1amp DraltmAt MONDAY JAN 4 1965 7 00 Kentucky Jones

7 30 90 Bristol Court 9 Jo State o f the Union Addr ess

10 00 Alfrerl H itr h~n~k Pr~ntqTUESDAY JAN 5 1965 v v lJUWIll-ne~U

130 Mr Novak 715 Huntley Brinkley Report 830 Decision to Drop the Bomb 745 Orange B owl Game 930 TW-3 10 30 NBC Sports Roundup

SATRUDAY JAN 2 1966 8 00 Astro Boy 830 Bug Bunny 900 Lone Rl-nger 930 Hector Heathcote 10 00 Underdog 10 30 Fireball XL-5 11 0 0 Dennie the Me nance ll 30 Fury 12 00 Bost Patrio ts Raview 1 00 Championship Bowling 2oo Big Picture 2 30 Lone Ranger 3 00 Trails West 3 30 Biography 4 00 NBS Spor ts Special 430 East-West Shr ine Game




~ilo Rickers Dairy 943-2260


I q

Keep your mind on your drivshying advises the Maine Highshyway Safety Committee Highshyway tragedies often occur when m otor ists try to do two thinkshying jobs at once Safe driving rpol1ires c omple te attention

Channel 2 9 00 Satlllday Night Movie

l~Tbe Las-t Hunt

1125 Rhet-old Theater The Untouch~lesll

12 25 We ird SUNDAY JAN 3 1965

900 Amerl~ans At Work 9 15 Sacred Heart 9 30 Faith for TOday 1000 This Is Tbe Life 1 0 30 Beany amp Ceci 11 00 Bullwinkle 11 30 Discovery 12 00 Wide World of Sports 100 Big Picture 1 30 The Legacy ~ 00 NBA Basketball 4 00 Conversation with Dean Rusk

500 Wi ld Kingdom 53 0 College Quiz B owl 6 00 Patty Duke 6 ~o Profiles in Cour ag 7 30 Walt Dianeys Wonderful

World of Color

lOoo Bell Telephone Hour WEDNESDAY JAN 6 196~ middot

7 0 0 Spo tlight on Youth 73 0 The Virginian 9 00 Wednesday Night Movie

Elephant Walk ll

According to the Maine Highshyway Safety Committee pedestshyrian accidents most frequently involve the too young or too old Caution children or parshyentstocross streets carefully and only at corners Urge them to wear something light-coloTshyed at night so they can easily be seen And when you drive stay a lert for pedestrians of any age

To All Of You




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The Town Crie r extends to a of you the wish that 1965 wil be ayear of happiness and pro perity for everyone

Rarely are these handed anyone on a platter but ra th~

are achieved by hard worka cooperation with others Le us therefqr involve ourseln in the problems of our area that we may contribute a ll 0

talents to overcoming want norance poverty unemp lo] ment and hate the greates t all barriers to happiness an prosperi ty for all meo
