True American (New Orleans, La.) 1838-07-21 [p ]


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- .--.. Oh.p ... .. .o. ' [ . lP-c-N"1. CNT.- - NEW ORLEANS SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 21, 1838. . v.--vr' 4..Lii~ii~iiCriii~iS;iLiilr'~- iI----------;-- r~.~~I,_~_.~ ~ ~ ___ __ ~~~~~ ~ ~~__~~ ~___~~_i --- ~... _._~.-,-----,- -- - --------- '~-?~~~~-.`~.~.'-".-~4~Y*r~~-Ni-"~

Tereto of the Netospaper Press of Newt Orleansunad ,riaaxly areced to at an a journed meetingof lthe I'roprietors, held on the [:th of March, 103 :JltnatltlTloN.-- I'wlve DaIllars fr the daily pg

per per mntun, pavabl seani-a}nnually in advance: tend"llars lfr the tri-weokly country paper, payable oneyear in alvaoe, whero ni citv referrcae is tiven. Noulia,.ripiloa will Ie dieocontintied uintil arraarags a re

+ attler,. n laase of di continuanace, one week's noticea wrilotg tanur tra invariab'y given, previous to the

f, iotiti of salbserilptilon..•iVK •nt.- )lie dollar per alntare for the first

unrtion, and hf that p'riace for each sllsequent one: t

iyi, inataritl alteration itint the original alvertisementwill lh cllarntalnt a new ono.

YttItcr AUVnRaTrtsts.-•Me(rchalnts and 'rraders,ortv dollart fin Engishl alone, and sixty fo both aInni t

Tangos "ltanks, tnstrane} Oleers, anti other similar

nblim nstitutlons, fifty dolhtrs in Enolilsh nly, andnighty for bothl laingnages; Shiipand Stenmhont Fnc-

rc, or Cmmnissiin m}rchalts si xty dollars i lo English

no, nnoliglity for bothl lnguages.dnnt.•Loces, O.ITetr NortLces, an art elca call-

the attelticon of tilh pltliic to sales to prpcerty,arl tif passenigers, lbeafits, &c. &C. will Ioe charged

ail ohdhr per squarre for thl first instie i n e aclh tan-

Ce.otOercATIaOs or Advrtlcr sementt, nanoy Ierson

al nature, whoa admissible, tshall lt tltrged dauble,uand in odraleo

A dedu:tiin of twently.five percent. will tie made to IA at:titlecrs, heorilthe, Itlerietrrsof Wills, t d ltrshols I

at~l le ' trdla sttatr, rnttiished in lotll C latongnoe, I

sild 5n ller':ent, it Ettlto•I otote: II p(}r ccitt. an Bales

it' ithr prloperly.Aovrnia•rotes'rs ott of thi direct line of bueinesst' n e h advertier, such as legal, aucetion, tnd plants

ile sales, raawao y slves, satry antnali, &c. &e. .will

le charged fir sepao.ately, and it the ordlitarv rates.

Atrtnirt stis•OTs not specifiedr to timn, will Iebli s aed one month,

in charged arcrtrllinrly.

No advertisenclttt of bankruptcies will be publishedn any case, i tlla lir pidfr,rprevIIIo to insertion, or

nvlllrollt ugtlpirurtel bv a r+llllsioble t I erstit in town.

'llrteutir aodt olier plan.s of amnllselnenl, dvertisint

~.uilv ,tr the asotan. to bie charged $1111 flir :,.iglish a-

ti, Itl $1511 inll both i ani ues.

'R1 Ill ailloun.llllittent of ilnlidates for polilienl ooR

Ibe ltarged dotllt ilte price of other adverttile-

t;. :l.. to the imnsleth lonsutotained bt newsp•perStrltll., ,

t i t h tav t e to thi eoncltsiun that the

n i., id te of porl'g•e wSeV*a ae|;OIlltS rtavo inot I•eltn paid

wt iin lille Inciti atoer prr•,entntliol, shall te made

knttvn (ti fir roo pr'eti tibld) to each othier-thety elli-

ititt tltheltalolvs not to a ivertise or pirint fiur such

iuliulte ul, tuleis in ca oe tl adoance payrru:all.

tOigndcl) J.C. tiv. STc. OMllES


A'iPcll Prees -- We, tr tialerndcrsiqtl, agree to nlide

by tIll. aolive tuttinitione, as lar Ito they ire ipplicablte tow.:aklv papers.

1$ Ni utnsarltiaons are taken far lena tlhan 6 utatotlhs.

Letters llltsit, ii ill ca.ius, te posIt plild.


Et) bty tile ontlor ot "A year ins S ain," in 2 vets- Harry 0 lekerl it hotvel, Ily

Iu netthlr tf "Cecil IHytdc" ill n vole. The Artreas rf

I',hiltl, •nil otler tale, kv tile tulthtr of "irlie Fotst

ke it" '2 vols. Nimrttl's Iunttnet Tourc; interslersedwtili ehltiracteristbe acidtes, it oings and doinlcs of

.,iirtiitlt left, inclultind noltirces ftlh principall crrack

irs of Eagllattld witlhtaiannl.tical conteet and

fie. name t whic are tidrld Nimrod'la I.tterostit

in g , ounsll o s in 2 yeols. Ile,. B race, th e+ l stolN ooie th,:• n llletllltlett ltc (tilapt. Chlllicr, II. N.,llllthlor

w t rttlh ,Lift, of a ailor,"'&c. tin 2 vol. C+nettaetttrioo

SIi i'.•l it' y.lorislprdence, a admllnis*tred mt Il- "lalld

.tI lll tiericat, Iby Jl ltlp Si lrytit r, I L. It. )Ovild, Itt..

Ihtedl h I Drydltt, Palt, Ct•trre, Addisoll and others.

I hrtrr. " InL•ltre 'l'neties, or rllhs far tro eerntistol tioteu r Iete of t ittlttd Shatutsnlr, oy Majo/r

"o ,ral :ntt, U. S. Armyi il I vol. J.dt reeivedlru

if aa ilrt stle ly tN't. MeuLtt.tN, t7 enrter lnt •. llll& l Co /rnou sta.

'' stil Id s .she ItoIt pIeei!,; fair; Oh this io

I I.t"; Vltllli l• : I ttt , Oi 1 i t .viltiir IollIt,;

Itlly; i ll l l Ilu1d• 1'1111;o 1t iu.. o Illrlk,:a Vows;

irovn tol It t .il t i t, cl i- iii, tli 1 1 h ,l tati totf

at , ,v i 1 lhtl t Vlight Ir i tai, e ; itillt d, ut

1 ot c etall ;eil .l Ji"r |'+ l lto all llt hI V tt'111i

olt t" ' +i+ rirs Vt.II ;tIL,,:itt l on it Ihv.r+ tt ir

,t(.:,i .," r~

i vm:ilv +v Ifr lt+ II1 I t , t I'r h l la ILi-

+'~ ".+ ; ,~t "L r tilt Iv, (,tar t, irle ) Irv t Ni tni; ." ill No.

ill.t,, '.ros t,,ali," ta.trl e e h C rr ; I i.

toi++ il, tl t oI N V il ll 01

tan 9+11 1!) 'a~rp -rle~t.

tIlolmtte. Pr'r.Pee.C llectliotu of Il lIIatl Phruase, l every toph: e no

'.,it hendlt, wtithi tlurirrous relmrks rrr ll Ilerp:ttliarllt it'llo t udunto a 'se olvaritiout wordi. 'I'lrl wtlsre so

trlsitesd rst oisuilerablly to fatililtlto tile aeiqiitiltlt of it

Ilit-a etitiolloldIntlrI sod eorreit,:d.. selection of loe lhdlrdol of Perrin's 'alles, narrom-

pred witlr a key, containit tile text, a liul i and free

flrusluairn, arratged ii asuct a rontnner its to Igllt rirl

Y . diljferre ietweeot the French roand Enlih idiom,

.sk a figured pronocitolotion of the Frenehl, ertordling to

Ihe best Frelonl works txtlt n thm hsubjet. T'lhe whole

ieredel by aisort treatise

onuthl sullld of the French

irnguage coqmpared wtitr tIeo of tie rEnglish.

A Pruollouneing French Printer, or thel Sihollir'ls (tuide

to tie accurate pronounciation and 6rtlogralryh of tihe

F rerlt [eangi age, aottniolih its lamrts ote rcolrding torite Ibast usage, by Bernord ''rountehi, teat received and

or sale Ly Wri tlloKPAN,mli Cor Cantp & Cean st.


rl•iS l fasorite rterittg place ir thre inuttrtinoVirth'cruia, l niloswon r ot L1 isaraltrn ld frtom

the Whllite Sulphrr, will be open in diue senasn for the 1

rereption of cmpnoitlly. Mroln ilportant improveitmentlave beit lubl:sinceo tile lrstseason.. A spacious bullrh l, Utllt Iltnumber of single-b'dird rooals have itee

added ti n ouw fitishirng; ahfirdhlg acacoal uodations,I•r it. IltS i Juiy, iaor 5250 viuitore. An excallent turn-

nuke roan ir been contrutted, p.anoinu by the sprinton,arr irrtroctin" tile Knnsrtn turnpike near Lewis-

trrr. Over t'tl. ruad, biy dleetri of the rport oril•roSdetart le it mern., otelriniu, Walker & rio's. lile rf

Ilali eOrtllr. will raiur. . poast oltice brinr os tialirierdait ll a sp'r.igt, visitrl.• siay r.euive srewstrad olrnS

fid Il ilr tt wol.l tdr o f ltie anedtiri tlllalitiesiof itsrl al. "sa trrs, h l p ir'r trlire itoe irr t a pei.r r T he y

Itr id Ier r ly.•eld bIrabltll aI professed CUirerl t , a ndcoll•rl r Irres l ill -,,ait , all lsi vgalotbe irria dLietS tl

1'lu te s o i ti ' eoll litus u hi SoIlt trir ttrts l 1i'-

Ironrii, n slip Iters of Muanesian, irIpleam of b ime, Cure

tnrlttii of Itrie Silphnt; of aSfiia, Maurite of Soda,,

rn lli 31irtore of ,\latoosin," the Isalutary l aetsh ofiwhch

ore sriited iri disttses inclideut to feloiralcts;'tI chrnuie acibctiri ttf tie utoaltlh,liver, altt bowels; iln uta-

rt'orro Ir'rt'eolla or diseases oftllt skill rry) o i t Is yilt Ort

plrtenrt or eiliracintel n irle fouLsnd.Sxtensive Ir.tting estaliriltrtrt for both anxes hace

lrae ereCoteoduct irucll's In the splring. Violors cnlu

Iat all tiros eurjov tlte peculiar Ivialta ge of their be-

nigt andl whItssom effetels.lrrjorr itVillimr Vass will eoltlirle tihe 0lprilter:tl-

rnce of tl e srltitt. Ivet euxertiour l hi iril onl

til: tart of the irejirietru•, shalle toretdered to insure

firtrt irler .3rrdptiur a libsrualshare of the publil. pat-

iTh proprrietors of tie llu' Sdllphur Sirmi • wa.t lat-

i -lr. r lir tilrt n reii, oi slllta i of knlla t 'i t lheli illl. \Vts-"II llllk w4i : ll lt IclOnillered olov ;I. lapar.

A IAtI l siMNli, &c.A WFUit dis•lostres of IMriar laon if tllo ilotel

1 )en Nunnaery tf Muoitroll, tr,, i' wiill ti tlln-

pdit : nisntitillnl,, pritr I. itecetltio t. iirstCldition;p rt'od, i leqirc of her tiurroativar; ltr ii, Rerview of thecae i s.rrll i r tll iiP r l tlnltlat, ivig ro ire pl l rrierulrs ot

tile NIr:ilerv ainllt groundis, illuastrlltd by a Itliar i' the

M:Lrirtl ,lloiir and tlhe Ninouer' ,iftel Itllitl iirtl--re-

in l 5 .I aa: itrlitlt visi to the (Convelltr i of Itrotll

unrll relftutisot lf tlu LAwfil 1)iaselusuro'; by \Vi. 1,.

Stone,Fillrtb experr"tllnt of Liv

ini. Liviog wilnrsotl ithnaote.

'Tn St•ldstll't Istrtleit r i ll Irawinri rrl tord okirg

rl ir i Floeirv ordies of l'tlrIiltetI ree0 filly eritxlhinhig

tri' urrittiri Io•', strikini rengular and quirkemi enuhr rS

ttill i rhe tril ditneterof al ordlr i nauty gliven lh.ighit;

toir stirikint tie oirm Voluhet cislrllar rlr clitical:l witb

filiisbrl eaSetltis, Oil aI htrgre scale, of t ile liotrlSr their

p;isilnrs, r&.l; asd sarsn d.sigs fir• dour dOOcass, elc

,'rallc sall ,eIriav tint Ioia'r;-onie pitros, with eapiotles--Ii

Plser Nierollrei, arehiteo:t, rulhor of tihe ".\I rraliirh;

Cr.iriu• r i, '-r"CLkioierillf Nerv e liriu," LLtlurrperllltr'

rd Jotlar'e Assiatant," t&a

'iA FratiRsl 'Crulieo o iln Ct ilitre ofiiil Rdapt-

ed to rthe soil atnd riimti, of thie Ulited Srarts--by J.

r;t. t:rcttrik, ecreti'ry otf tihe F-lrtritLeurdouSty dip Suo-

cictv, n1i editoar of tir "Silk cistturist.""iLthl: Sfilk'ltLiis r'sea ia • oru liE art or raiei.l" and

fezrlirgailk wrrius, auld of clulivatirg the .1l lloerry

tee r-ilerk's l.Mitie. or imrnrourcirl Corresr trin nre;

eolfi rs;io loiters of bitl•is, torli of bills,, ilutiieet,

n;crlrtt-sialtes, tud tstihopkee1ers, eittutioatl of payreute,eO,lllrllrlrl torise. i, s.--iy B. IF. Foster.

" lislrv IofI thsi Walr ill the roninerlo atdr Ihe Sulouth

" ,',c t .rr, tlhe year li3 tir the veorlSlt" by W..

F. P. N air, i . Iit., vIl V.; lo whichistr t erielrdel a-

wer: tisoso' ontto.iks in•it irir'ls's Lite roC I i tlirr rd

in~ tII 0llrl0 rlr a ll viriw; winr Iolltltei rentark- to IIht .

.po itv \11ey , ,ut.r P,.r,::d ' relnltll'rmk umn soma pisllt., is " C 1 "dnlel V.ier's fourth vohsllma el tile I'til.l•nh

War. rile rreivell Il,.r ale by-t-o ,.er if store, uer bs ie b

ii L/ G- ",lrir -tntr ,

,it"; . . 41 Neo Ie.vr.• it t -- i 1-11 u1,s, 1 ....... 'ticl• far .Rule by

f1iiWjJlir rlt ' I )'cats iY;j

e l f

1 N t iti ,",-r

F"or ,tey d'1"ll iN & rVEl.•t.

ru1 -tpn r-ote litt iv'-, tmrtnhe sor i nt e.,o ftliiluta .I- eF lebe STETS')N &AVI:,oUr. #

13. Bfrower &Ce.SIrAE Jllst I,•eivetlot their Frntrishing vnre.house1 No. 17 (,,ip sItret. by recent arnvall from .o

ropl, anll the North, lalge addlltioos to theli stock oftliol lodornmenult hAeos'kee/oing articles Ahiichl Alletively (they betiicyn) form an ssortment more giller-

l end comolcre than is to tie frund io any olollar ersats.lnshmect known1 onstisting of

SILVERL WARE.CoWfee ntl tea sets; pitchers, wRiters, casntors, candle-

sticks, cups, tumtlers and goblets; taule and desert bfoksithble, dcesert and tea slpoons; marrow ndl gravy, or ro-godt spoons; sungr tot,gi stler, stetc alttl sont lIalles;tlatter, fruit, peldiog mitt fish klives; ptolle mcol d sert

k!:ites nict forks, ncpkinlis, iogs, ldo. riotcitloly fromthe olanulctory of Mr I. Gnrdner, of New York,whose long r estahlished repultaton for the mnanutfhtreof silvtr warn is nulnicient guarrantee of its sopeoior,lltnlty.IL' Ill "WAItE OFP SHEPIiFIJ) AND IIR-


'Te and confletlrn, tea seots; clstors, liqllor and cor-dial stanlds; superb eatdlehrcs, ond Ellp•oges with s ir-ror plateacx, for centl• of the dilnler or nupper" tailelwaters rouod and oldonllg, from 8 tol2 itnchlsr Ieef-Ilenk lind vegetable dishes; rich didh covers; "ake lnidbread hokets; decanter stanlds; mnaotle and chicm)tercndlesticks; wine stralltern; coolers ritnd .yltlOlles denlenter labIels, olnret corks, tea etraitlers, tie Iheolls, ten, ta-ble. egg and ilustardt spoons; egg boilers nod stlnsotiitoast races, &s.SII,VFIR ON Sl'IEEL WA.tE.

"l'tdt lntd t|dtselr klnves, forks and spoons; soupt andnoncu ladles; Itlltter and fith knives, cheese scootps, ns-paragus tongs, vegetable folks, rte.

.IA 'ANN E1tY.JIme Gothic Saeldwichl and round cornel waiters, in

setts t.Io sigle, frbm 8 to 31 inOles; do or'fpcpter ncUal,blread, cmoese, and knife trasyn; large ipright phlte

sIrlti s )i•or ,llpr ir d cash boxes; pressirg ol;stlno lia toa cl o Ide n oc I to l o i.tlad di es ,la1 1 ll int ll itlld t l " r ui htIotoise shell, etc. lAMIPS.

An ote!nsive aosol.rtmnllt, Ilonlllg wnllS lre Astral

latlos dot, do, cock tlhi cold witl a nlsSI prLYiiS i verysllienid cot glsetS tdi itllcnol on oithallinll s mii l Orhtrachet tomils•a

CHIANI)iLIIERS AND HAN ;1NIG LIIMP'S.Etlgolil l Frlnch icut glass chanlndlier or Illstres onf

8, 11,15, I, 18, Snd LI "A lights; Fioceh brootlnzed ind gilti'tocia; lInmps, it, 4 opo li lighits hall hnmo s tntd ti-(tI Is,'iah bronze hIoot on Celltre lamIpa for Ideiwhigr'ions, froil 1 to f6l ligito, llo shladns, glascnslltdwicka.


Bronnzed otnl Imarleti tioollzed nitl gilt, nlll ll gilt5with lixlntures, etac; ootltig hltus cilntll kitchen clocksi'ronzcd inkstands, eqeur;I Ilot paper we ;•igts, thernlomte-elrS, card Itcks, otl lleticks etc.

CIItNA WAIt• tiltI l'tIit~t]l.AIN.English atldi Frenclh diuing desert, tea cod icone ser-

viceso o dlni wlhite, golJt, edge, mcd Very rich tieymI

~I(lIEN`WA IiSi.Ic et toemit ; ttiiet; AetncContor tcitttktitcesDining, di•ese ten, aoll-e, In!rakfistalu|d sllupl:pr nItrsltoeI s wriue, pitchot's. Also, (Canltli chinai dinllner sLe


'CUT tGLAtS.leclnle,r, o itoeh•lsr; cihlrret c la oll o -dli h!ock dttt•lt ittrt

totwls, dishes, celery vases, salt ttlllls, stlllt lolts,luttlr itl bs, linger olisn s, tut blrle , iis, i llnlo, :'p, igln,

clalriet, colrdlinll m ouInlile l nllll jelly gBiinwi's; lille co erliledIlonokght;l'es. Also,cnd le slhattc.

'I'AIII1 CU'I'L',EIf,.I.'ioto i holo balance ntntleo, selo lip t,, tIbk hadll

k citoll ll a Itllrks of 51 ,l d 33 l5iecs, rlt .h. tor 2,ivory htlile klnivls olt foir ilt thirk,,; ooi Url illl

a tnl u rv tr ; lott gl s l ic s t it ', ',t in hI , ,l, 1ytt t ' t 'k ni s, JI:ilrT'TANIA,\ AN'II I BtK "TIN' \\'Wf-.

cot o i(I v otltoi scetts 'to loSt, iltIh and tk Illel

suitbll, Ifor hotels anl )i..uibwa lls; s uill ism 8 n1 • ladles;

vllens dish•'s witdh cover' nryter• or chllinlgllsnes;, pladte heaters, eollic gr.egs; teh ' k,:ttliC on LtatnldsJ

with h ,Illiv l R121e hloih slrs eti. t

ovalsttltiv ittl tl cottol n cIole t c'iP t hlfs :'c I t I(tlit t ,-

Irtnzlli•e miloul c he'arlth lI'rllshl es ,, ) b a:tlltl +.l.11,Iiruishl es; Clilllliillg tilianI |l; ll h l i il'ilI u}+'r

s lial, grate t•nta•'n Ith u lih t pl.att.KETCHtIN lFURNIqTLUtl'--Lhmasinchoffron•, it

brasso,?+ copperstl-

w oods,iui ,l , h I.iu7 a1 ch.lecion ,,1nil, utenilrlu' ll .... ') fu o ............ I I, l " O

ait tt:utt ••t,) d wt , c r,' i , t w 'l c tciic

I ...... L . ...','cla' r'"t""z7 _''-7_

Jr ) -I -)':3 Pl<T(:T ;,, t V -c .(' jc ii 'c lt.Y).V 1f

1it1,1i l ,lt:nh r'uNn'. , i-i \l.i /.ilt"0 o rl N1, I h l- l I

i'uTO 1 HE MAN f-A ' tlJlUf:!t) IN . IW .. t ): K IE 1

SC:.91.E f)' P.1GIC.S-D.,obllr (; ..

ol,, double Gin ,ef o if ausirmute t-ch I,)lidel•r, nmkiag I')'Ias il Ih ei soired,with tfeed"vlr., h(Is, &e. at a 5 )pers:as, or $90 li) t ltl

For'a ) nlubie G1i) oif 6st. vs . n e litder,for 1iltn aa in the a sol(, leders, 6 c. t ( Pl

S perl saw, li h t1o 11a no doll. of' 4• sawsr n do. or 8 aiaws inlls

St l at 6 2.i •.n saw, t1(" Si .• l1f ItIFlr dlo. of 2) tlW i Illn, "or 40 slws ill a t

oaftl, et $6.50 per saw, or 260 #1) )

SING•N li GINS.1"FIII. single nillllof 1 lowi or more, with

oat tet flleadern, bmald, &e. at $6 per aaw, $180•0o 00

Fordo. of 60 srws, with elloders, &r tt ,$6.0lo er saw, 300 00

For do. of 40 saws, with feeders, &e. ?(i75 per saw, 300 00

For do. of a2 aws, witih feedlrs. &c. at $750 per saw, 150 00Extra teeth where desired, for let.deilera, sallied a a

t centllla casll the niUealr ofeeth bein alholt equal eo the number ofsaws. One ac; of feedera, itis er iasidered howevelr, will wear out two or three sets of csows. Extra sawssapplied at 80 •cets each.

Thle Gins Ordered, will be dlelivered to the agents ofpli'nters in anyof the sea port lowIn of the cotton States, at tihle aboltse iprtles, the agelnts prying thefreighit Oa tile saoi•: li-t New Yolak, aiii Iliecoeling iresponaihle for the amouit of the a (in.. A lit wrightwillhe sent with thie Gins to put trhem uai where de-aired; tie charges for whose services will be extra, butmodlierte.

Iron reaninr "oearren stnohe oroered where desired,oil reasonllale terms, butl ill bie cailra-e lexrti. HolrstIpower, oflaly Id•mri)pillll, call be i•rnished oat like IIalrtas. Smalll st•ni eiginea ica also be ordered if de•

It iodesirebllu, when plantee• give orders f'or Gins,thy'r shotlc aacompany them with their views il rregardtothleluleaonge lentl 'saenws, iroas, Ibrushes, &e. Itis tioul they differ inll oitio. Stne desire saw's o fIey)" di)uetlelr tlhnl oltta's. The most cmationl aizeis 9 or 10 inlchlesi; t sle ish them It inlches. Soi.wish 5 or 6 rows of ruishes o all axle,r while others donot want m1o1re Ilitn 4andlt n1st1. Solle wish saws with Ror teleth to the incllh, while oler Wanlllt 10 or II.W , nteh discrepatcy, we prefer they should, latlt'hetilme of givilg olders, frnieh a statemaOtt of th-irwisles, ad thie Illantlettel'lml's can lltiitl helm ill eier

llarticular. Where it is left to our discmreion, we shallilnakethemoiltihe most mloderl anlll plrelovi pltn.An ot el-r can hi exenllted, ltIlln he time it is received,ill the paeeof•ighllt or Ilille w s,mllld thie Gioin thalttiline pleedin the antds of the fI•toet. To be ia timefI r the next cralp, ll orderls might to be i tihe lhads ofti mllllltllllIr.l by the flira or miidhle of Slay; exrept

r llll llllltllts whllelUre ey are late inll coLtmcualig toplihk lr •lt nointlll.

N . It Tihe l5 teat Rigiht, fur an oace of thie ecottongrtowitll Stales, will lie sold on relasollel i erots.ilm3 Glllos

LSE'.l 1 ILOUIeifA4•S.-F-irst Juilicial listrict"

/IlITE STATl) OF I.OuolIANA, '1' aill whomI ll--t Pieslnt sliall icel, Grentillg:-WhereasWillittio :flackey faliag itirliasetf iai amale nloby tie •hlierilf it tfn risih liI Orleiao,. tile lirelirtyhLerehiafir decrifed, has aplllierd Iti tihe clerk ri t :acoulr, inl whole ofIIe tile tledl of Salo was turecorded on

the i5th day of 1Mai, A. D. 1l33, far a mntition or ad-vertisement illn onormlity to an aet of tile egislature oftie Stale of Lolaitna, entitled "At i ant fllr the furtherasuratnle of titles to plrcuaser. at judieial salea;" ltp.proved thl 10th day lf larcli,1 Il1.N; WII, rhorrelb knolllw ye, alndt nill per1son. interestedol

Iereia, lher lheb cited and admlunishlled in Ithe ill ofthe State bf Louieiaa and of tihe First Judicii i)istrictCollt, who can art tip any right, title or clli ill alld totila property heroinaltorsdestriheld, ili colneqluence aoflnyifosnrmality in tile order,ldcree lir judgmieit of thecourtilnader which the stile was tlmle, or any irregularity ora illgality in thll appraisoiellnt anld advaie•tilelnts, ina ime, or imanner tf i le, or flr an, other fdofect whatso.ever, to show calr, within thlirty day• frot tlie daythis IlOitiltl is lfet istlertlll ill t1ue puilic pliOersL•Whytie salos o ladeslho ldl iintI bae ionilledll am lu hooo.gated.'he saild prollsrty o'e sohll by tile Sheritaf the' par.-i i a nres•aitl on tha ":5l d:ila of A lisri, A. I1. 1•l:11, byy vitle t fo ifidet.le of tils nei,:tl relirell oil the 3d day

; vs. -'ot Itell, No,. 13,353 of the dohketof thist court,, t whlic t litle sallI \\'illiam Mackey became die plar

e, chaser fir ta ptieT of $,:1301, eash.

Description of tl'oprty as gfiva in tlse Judicial Coin.Ie ecyalier, viz.

A certain lot of ssonIIaI, to eellier wi ll thel build-inifs ll i tieri•ia ill•trheilll, cituattitI in tile parish1'f i)rl-et, il lthe .tti•tioe eIaI Ifly ft Net .ireea,

.Louisa, I'atl and l)elod ltreia, desiglatiell by tile Na.ii otl ltii deawn I!'i .C. F. I:tifiitl, I eliLty r•riVeeVor

ao t-iearla], al thte ih l)renber, t:ll; itiof limsitetl as

plan No 10, ini

hi loahk fp•lans•f Irelix flitii, ir•tlrylpulblie. S•id loit measuiires 211 • It itinches frlnit elNearw Iver •trert, 7iiet ill deplh on the aide ndjoilnglot Nau 8, an l I1) feet 7 inehes anild .i linesa in depth oll theil'. -dj'liiiigL tlthe t)iitrll eil -ai,, or lllel., heloh gilg to-- NI oodalth, alad 11 Itet IIt iiehte"r widh in ie lna r,

a hlre ii rlutis n al tollcey of thlre rfeel nie inches it,COoll ftrllll l a's to, (i,', i7 l led t ).a 'l.rkas ttlite, I' i tltl, :33.

S lnitit \" Il\\'IS, UD:p. Clerk.

I" io t' LEWIS. ap. CleIk.

the Nigero-tite1-"i"tlb rersolved on Teedny lanst, tripato Cinemnati, fo•r hib day only; 1 returned agains lastnit ht. I bgin to fiel tiat I am a very important iedi-vidhl, as illis inetrmt the Jurntoel of this city was nintod .y liead, etetin, amongst a great Ioany olethings, thet I hald ntually ren acay from Lotesvilltto ecape tile efifete of tile wranderfil iugltic tine lie l ieat doetor Snip, the klighit of the tlhimnle, lien, A S , teuMy return,liibwaver, proves elot the titbhle of Ito ht eand wolf, is arplioble to' the Joorinl. f'lhe fable is- the'A boy wat employred to watcllh n d e gie thie alane , -etwhen the wtfl afpehredt; he teig eilher a 'fooltma,' n titeeilr's otan p, or aelar, ftrelen:ly tied oat 'tlae wolf in pt

roeling,' st t te gfeis tiellety of thd bilien Th n. tlast found oat his real ehaorater: that he was a liar,and not to he briheved even when he lpoke the trath." CThe faet if, that canter teat prriedee tieir effects. So Hallit will prove, of tile nll-wis writer. Dr. Snip & o., inhi eJuorne.. I weld etvise them to provide them- on,eelves wintl a slei engiri prees, in order toIneert thie temnonderfeldemetsd ndl iteres of la e at pper. ian it is ereil knowon;l the arretoner who reek flr io thin li ne

cle. llt itftirtennite y for Giolia Snip, of neredle oud Iihiimble celebrity, the great mass of tle miiliont of A-ielrrieon peope, are fitirlld, an fer feated Alerrre II strut. 'l'lierefre thley weil, (eiefr.iete produeed by the ateePltae)s naturlrly set I wnnt o reaei paler, that ihep rely nt, thlerleflte I will eek out oelh, enil bd eme lySshubetrner t thie other joaneole, mwhe et•rei nlheeta atntnill notpr• ftis•. 'I'el, T rten an aeeetn oreltto pll caprble to reqmre rtfittation' yet I will estt:e etIst. I ant e(oln , t tulen lotel. seei2d. uThat shInllreinllt" tl Ilie 3lt Jutil , 'ibel vit

Soip &. Co., lave seont im• letter threutenlog ing ::i hiif I remained after thllelith. isi

3i. rthat frino thi, I shall pireeneled to ieinnntli, fiorfourteen days enly, olf whliclh I wlsh DI Snip & Co., t, fiinform the offlieted,iin their owmit itiitlie Irolever fnil to lbring tle pitierilte. l4th. Th'lat frit Cincill nnai1 shalllpreled n Iwe ile

FePall of the Nitg, nto tent liotfrt•l, (if dr Sip & Co. hrtie net tlto aw liv ly ife,) oi thile 1 t olf utllember, antnatlNtew oerkl tihe it nltfNtvrtllel, roepller the wholeftlhi nesat rtllliler, ih order toin lent l the wi t ll jreil1hien s Ihe miiedical (lrolhllis of Ihoilo , Pwlliladel oat

itle Al olthis, Naslville and .oalisville, who ,viei alIrobblv. (l elihte Itt time arrives toalooreerGoltll t, •ipe oill thre amtGl!ini, 2li. Cirier ite. roleta nnkei l etfoIr zes, melee, &r. ioillita 4th. Corn earler. (eli ohtaltl It, feilt, nelld dru,en pi nale lsltre. olinl fhillthe mtt magenailil-cet f allt, Iler. nip, alio lel het. aipattioI to tle prpltriertorr enl dliedltsof the jonal.e sneI.estlv. I woult laive the Iolle IDr. Si • & Co t e

knolw itlttl ai.Tghefimt•ty ware ahle to lthre i n oeer

It of reeinritmerickst ito the tlitnt, cal tIlht too wien o faWail It ea~ltr o'f ti Mlnjellylleri•stnel i in Gret Blrit-ien. .nseaena thoell n elnlloyed. Did ie threin oilslpoePr the uierl er, the ItelerI e nelter taeee; the wilortn cller tile Ienit mll thr!le senre keeiper; ont he itmagnilieenrt dlItor Slt li er, reve In tro eitl tireean titof beiig able to o tihe like? I wisht he Jolrtal t a•tate, tinltel rteeioe li hiest aod lra gem fla lit to sA t. oil geotleUlen. froe i te 5 o'clock P i. eveorn hady,to obtain toy oainisn withno, t .ee, ais uealn \.In ll leat harte,' tie

JOHN WII.l.iAIIS,OruliotJeift rosn loroe, Loruisville, July 21, 18H7. rePy. S.-S•lnce ritingos ojast I te ',ern infolrlted v i

tht one of the racses, triy tir poni laoctler of li theterial ao Ihies noalel n stlr, are so well pleaised wilte,it,,io, fItr oltailtoeaeitlilt" sbtcl togelther, ill Iev htere of

itnrkse they so lerfctly r sefate achii e, tl r: they tfull te adage, lrds of a sgIal er lotk togethlr.

l F. I lt prvine the latter, Myr. Prentice, iallna. u"knuiht ofthe e ttletiiepoftihe reud of C(iteaniburi sne I itmnchusetls, the respect doe tsosuch a dignified t trasd Iti~e. It is trull, hit i liligt hive beenI so elevlated, atetlllrinernted withur, and the pillnage rf anotrher"con cIIlnblin own dIung-ill;' withlot nlly mil lmerit,( (ot•lrreeiingot1i tie rt, o wt, lind by anicieit hitcry5)5

lttel rnilthe u burnt aiive, othenri s lty a h el lter O1whilst shan were raisoedn tobe emhpera r or d Iel1ed 1lie Itllight o tl hre rail . 'l", g e say h1e n itm ll iy l

h ave rll tlt lr Ib en ieti klills of ie ilter. lt it oLm eli rtlly knllllt is et not ulealieY anll dn alh e, Tfa his tontlilic brain-l A t l othi s belle r trl , ilte i n igl t if sit

lit bl, in ilhl h1 ewiti rlit t ie w rd, bn t is elo sii litte

Ip tllct haslth, wand kas e Ilnlh ai ih Ill low rolse- n

olvtiltly onilui; pri , .ii j t e ,tvie l[S d ith l ri,:ll' Al I ai

ill it which, tie elit Dr. Bell nin, S. kn ilegt e gine .llih nleo. tI w tilte n in fl l ll t h leis drll(t irt;" ce dl t

ilhe dlrit' h n, i t lr e t 11..v . that li h I wileim .ho Ir i

titlves thll i t , ia nt s t i i r it - s l ici a l i

aim"' i r, r i tr. t lllo 'hIe it elo ir , tii ks or e llt i O Stn.tio lmeh l r red v lay o Inies.

ili h, ti alat i IIIk tli•l s tetl'ti lie til lli i 'lltto .i i it, k Iih" wIlt' .'• ll' . ll hlie. 'l l llel" _e llt: "ore I r k);r N. ..

nrl~lv bll~ CIII~lloli l-llike 60i1 •ill[ | Willll ill $5'r, titi Iiih 'l,,f htee lt, eitfl tie a t. i r:tl rh e r iirt tt'ef sitlo i r l

mVll 1 rei stnick 1 eurtsv, alethr romeoistgcallr no,, l ti l Il•l , t :h i ill atll lt ' I iir l ir n. i

save fit tt'd tioti tr•tg . aIt i rt..I tI mill n ite l, e•ght,S.,llh, g tl'alllt'lili all ,In 'I..tlerl .v, • ,,.e c.,ve. h n' .h, " I

uaotIe emi'lust Iia,, iteiht irts'I'ti t.. ei sle 1, 11 eat els. I IeO

I' et itol i l titIte li c t h "e.e iaet .lti lire, n fthile tit S ihtei- m ie s aitie. 11 itleir lie tu r be.i ld , e ntrlt h . ISie ohjtly, i whihh t : re nt vritible ts hhnt hetrre d "itn'ie.afly thin ryl. 'i•thneito sot i e improvtd ie egteastol tolilleh aill w o heIJar hlilm. Ifh syay his er i:lnlld nhilt no h' lellc1, telpta ldt , t aid ollo itddlonirt I d my, ih(ie; d , nd tha Ili n had ,le p ua l n, e io llsa nl iI reIs 1-

in otllt 'tll hre I llt Ie yratelsrim ll t iletid to airhlioWhelltlaped ifter lie alpltavd trhe, edies wth atli t

ceoree•t•l o iite Jve, sltoid ir, iw hdlrdl iyer p . lit i4too.r. it. single ydrop. Iv, eia e l l I p0ll(?, o '01 llies i

T-beiteel pe lett the wor tit krneebti of tosye raill edI

th thibnle, wisll se•• rk leglly, lher reoing nlhe a ve insy letter. Ilowevher at little rn yile. ispt le aoln etof link ollr ito or three will selt all ori It

eirir t they wl, o dolt air* ellre conhllnll n Io1t tiefst tlliea i ppetite.e a their readerl, at boreatl-t et lienI pey lernig. ll rtilnrley fot r iahie, thietrei.aln whoehrvith oday, {I'larrnwk in which they iMan do theier

NS 1e.-1r imie"lst tecu' tied t elln etorldt, yanrlf thie city. ie wrter style the 'oiselvesel Ueete I

iriitoertit i reteitig thiat I ttlluded to he,, ih mylat lettery They tlll lia resteessirll, [ did not k iow oreve. suspect any Goisr hheh tilli e drgagistll i Loni lcvile; yet, if tie et itells elny leelto ii hie rinnl ue

I. ee u weer it, t poughlrntit ea iended bly tioe. ii

JelfOi l te l SIsreftetiir S rdy, 2b2 l Jly, 1e83t7re.T 1o t ihll-ito roedr e titttit t Ga tet te: ti ltite-Having listeed to the eetreeilel of my pteb

patents I nan rsoved,ee itay hieath erlitI ltet re.m ldain a e hialti e tll tehe ouit of July.ti t e at

Ii. To try tod stI h o tdo more cI iood. i

o To enIt nteli the ihll bturie that thilt ie apt etiityua tile Medite otl tiei S. &iil, lhive applied olr te,belon. Iln o bei ,ll• anth-ir lawful righlt.

3. It. fet i a i r yiii hto deoitli lw hunidred dolhlrt -

ie pitt vor o ef otfs city ogeloett -ai sinlilar ualle I ellsdpositeb allht I resloret Im)tight tde aged, nthlde • :lged otit ngrll. tleal aid tlon I•lr, id edeite soltille or natlirllo

-rMier 'it

niu" of hliort, weak lir d esti.ghted ,reel

Omig Illiy ehoru visit, Iei.e th ilte . titl let lew ll litisnsuitel tise i alepltotoea ell thoillua t Io ltle riy tallctlietle teiu colleges, ath wie o tll the doctors anS ucli lek

dtr ieist he l tmid il private n alelitibt (wellehnore otfewl iu the Stlte.• of Keet oky, Ohio, iidiautt ullldv -vatill"1 tlenleesee; Iw here [rthurnd .nne Indeed 0.,,0 twol .- itro[ • ltl+• decto'llrs, "'one eenaes ou t I1o Ibe bonlded dew

' ti. low os possible tt lutee[ .eteiil'.

ei. It iIldt Lbe cleat l e udp.tll that teo ftll the eureilSif lllln a bth ttl,,thittlol ltt llut rvee I mhll iav beitin

'to rulno tem ititll tit ite slid te allty o rglficl hi , ralio

A, whetever.

5. 'shose wha o reilly r tis e lte epithetts they hlie st

i ibrlld ,t aflicl to eer ktighI lbr•tihe $gro oilntr site

beneit hll thel hilrn llllt cite i nhicone ihe. te tlterltir

ln itteilietlltekybeik lt wiintt{tltrte1 wiit.c hiaetiristeo vrrtimler, Dr. Snf eeiistttt, t ir plty laeliicol ly, ti.o

sy eaolufv he erof te iuctclll eanlIetre d 1c tillei-elrila ut oe ,o- p er l ie tait Ia ime "ul, (whillolaai mllert h, gAt eill etrnte ri wsirith ilae iste r ings e hlElt tbe

tiralh ia e ttomtir tjolni ettsro lait aelleln, ral it tgetAncent ositthltieyoditltee t bflrt, teuiell t hthulrri.n'oll

te lehnia neli ihcrilllm s at the city w nhAl.oer it, o lo

Jui Illllelleim ea lllebl wdh i.l l•-re ilbtnl heii •lerll Il.B•Iiwle

AVANA SWEElMIEAITS-n e-Il anmd fIr leH h-v'1' It II'.IJK & w"i),; co r lllllcnm and 31 gnyibP sir.

'I flhald etcn STORE annld heek K~itchensron the! oasement story oIf the t'rot: Ame~ri.

I an office, two chorea Irlril St. Clhurlee'l'lhe-atre. :1 titot rate sanmd or a CtOce (louse. Apply tol

11t13 Jt)IIN GILI.JUN, Editor Truet Amlerican..

gin;;'h; 8.1 coda do llej n;; fr salle be

SI I.' I.E~v 11 & CO..1LjeL r Ofic,'i' Ilr I~rrilir *1t.1 lIiuk Ae-~t.dir Ahu r No d toh itr utihtu tlruore Aipl StanF

tit prH imeUN lidisurt o rotlullstinuo.

tot'~ld, furss II A' h.E & Ut)Y.sill 6 Cbulitti hIuu-t, Sltiie.



7I• E dlot:itle tlpromnlmgated with so much assuranee.Ily mnio y emBpiris of tha resoet aly, that one le- a

dliine will cure all diseases, is not, atd lseter col betrue; and lie who asserts it, is either a fool or an im- dpostor. But it is a filet demonstaot le by experieoce,that combinations of nedicine may Ibe formed from tloetErrEToAHL KIOslamr, that will :;tt so Uivrcrraollay on 00

tile system, when taken seasomnbly, null injudicious proportniu s ,os to cure, in sitn•e esoeout of tell, all diseasoewilthin tile rerclh and power of medlicine.

From• toe well knownll and slealisllhll repotation of seCalomel, it has lnmg been emploihyed by hle empirie , 1alld scientific physichuoi, as omne of the most powerful bgellss f'or tie renltoval of tlistre. Bly thIe forier, al-most ets'ety lad llas I beel daluged with listelslloaS, lllt -their autllhrs lellimed as spec

ilcs is every disease inol-

leslt to hle I amsn fomily. 'iThe folly of thlese pletena-ons IlVelsa o ommsit, lIfor atelllste alaemicol ilaveosti-

bltillt has dltowt, tost altl baae of most of tim l'alamtts,(attholicons, kea which lhave been tran petted beforetile comsmllity, withll so much assuranee, is Calomelo, orimercllry il sliome lal•no. Now, if this lpotent tlticlee El

even ilt he hlants ofttie most skilful p laysician, frequenllt-ly everts all inflluence oil the laman system, lulforeseean,

ill entirelty beyond tile control of art; tnldenining tl, atcolnstitution, and ilo'oinsng o il i renualsa oldl age, diseasetnl dtealth, wht result sIhould be expectel wheno pre-asribcdl ly the ignolrant? Coloul Iltheir tianoy sltloanil iivitials s;,ak, a voice fontl tlheetlttl woull sooln dlisoellie 'specifiE' delusion tlhat now sways the minds of the

Huluane Plavsirilns iteplore tile sadt evilp resultutgftilao the oalercnriol ,aotine, aild will gladly hail tile in-trodantiot of ti article lltot can safely lte oalatlitotld for teldottll. They feel,

sant that keenly., tle uncertainat

of its 'rlmaly operotlnt tlheyoannott aty whetlier it wilbo titomaltle ta

r iaafallvoblo The•y T also rstol, alid ancl,

that it its tise, is contilnned tit'any ansitlerable time, in-jlrious secolllaluy tltnequelll•ncle must bfolow. But theymustaa olsia the least of two evilsa they klnow no athierlrticle that will arolsle a torpid lller, relorse obstale-

tio, and seat in firee action tlh whole glandular system,nlll it Iin•g inlispenelily ss

Itttossry to do htis, tiley

eaniitltue its use, notwitsl lindllhig the evil conseTquences"lainch flllow.

Itahey oave long desired adl sol t an srticle thlatwoul plrotluce the gotl efttects of stis drug, wilthoutslllj cling the patient to its L'deletioin aIresilst. Sucht atldeatlleattm, it is ielieved, Ilao at length been obtaineu'in tile article now lpresented to tile public.

The lroprietlors tf this article kleeping in view the

fact, thlat ai aifat allln benevolenlt ndt Ilhs lalacued with-in the raclh of all, remedies allll•o tei e diseases iii:eildul toJ the climalte tley inhalit; a d kllowing, like=

wise, thal most of the diieses of the Smoth and ofl •t,.re bhoad ulleotl maie or fltotliollal dealllngesltlhl f iitia liver; lircl iteir atteutlost to ialh rten ticles *hlact iIre ap, ee citlly on the bilinry orgtals.

Atlir long, lna oiotls, and ex•llsive reentell, thsy

have succeIlod in extracting a sunisance fael tht 'le -IIATO, whairl, farm its loculiar effset llioat tile hebia-tic or bhiliary organs, tley have dlenominalteil Ilrepattie.

It ian noedicine tlhat will protce all tile Inllefilcitlresults of Catllt, is both aeust anld chrollnic di-eates,witllmt the possitbility of iproducing the lenriousdetoon a

seqt urlces omnmon to tlat araicle.Ito action ollst the o austitatiol is ilsive-sal, no part

of to s)ysteem seaiitg its ilnftlute. It is, however,oaiOn the orlgnls of secretion anl excretion, that its

gaot Ipower is Isutieulally maosifestld hene it is ptculoarlv olnpteil to the tr;atmellt of bilioue fhioeerei adother diseases in which a torpidity or coulgevtiosa of thelive'r alll porttal circle prevail.

It is olallis.'lle is a

l Iuses,ml where it is necessary tocleanll• le sitomach lall blowls. It r•moves eostlllc-t

ioal, ntll excites a qulirlk aid healthyv •ction of tile liveralnd other glandular vietoas of the ab;ldomen. Being dit-fu•oble iit its operlttionl, it lprodulees a fe circuti• ionin tsle vessls on thie nurtie of th

e Iullty, aeconpanied

ya genitle pmerspiratiol. It dues not exhlaust like dmsne-

i puges; still, its antionl is smore universal, lanl mlay

lftn lu the reteted, not ne,rely with safelt but with glals

ilte lit. 'T'Ihis iecotnes inldislposstetly onecessary ot ean-.

oe ilgllstlllling; till in thellliUltei'ense tempolary itolrOset ,ta tll:ldo by trtlll lacr


l, ovlllllui, if eV=rI, do

go00 bat ltand so injama iae saataana ofllhe cotnstiallliot.It i cleansing atll prIli oi to Itl Isystem, acts ill

pcrlit• ,toaaano wials thet kLnwe laws ia liat, and is

nllllltelat e otllr t thellu illt lable articles Etcr ohfer-

' 1• ,I I ur ~ i l,.ui ria ll l l i il l lons e c ti aI ellll s l i ll jl, lhse i il .itls is lformllled into 3 g•lailn

pills. tlh we

dl - Ii

lls arle c'latttrtic, trallrtete, dils-al/totr• c iatill a•taia'atf 'lite oilca idilillo tnaliC t e, tlacI

iat alllllll dirlplh "etie.

The i tlow ita.' extlasl' Ita iltlt tt levt is rttl sithe Cint in

MIi.,' "O t:AT'.i .Ito . ICIN .

Th vi tiln' ti st the o'lmito, not Itnl as a idelicinoul

s ic.l tathtali tt ttttiatetltt:•el'tt t1ttit ttttlenio . ItatIie btl,..lie:llto Ios•ersvti-bilio-to qlualitis whliclh,

l t h lly colht tle •litltttllaloivraaet, ola i1 seatteltt.ll t•llatthe st etla.iut, ••ti•tr, ouhi 'ne invlduablare. This hasIell otlleliul l ; ib ilitous ;ltlntrll. A lage portionrSt.h II. .LiSeas ie otllll ltillm isordeatei liteso, or flom e-llatnllgt•llltllla il the gihulat. it' st tMot. 'This is slcilly

t•: ea: ,a Il th r west, aml still taoet: so at alte south. if a

nit , I ellles

l is et, : s, It• etotaolit its operantion, and leav-

illng ste Ihssitlllion unlll aired, couldl ldistoemln dl for

binullls c llsaills•, tllis ald unqluestionably be allongIthe otLt la ulllthat elil:date in the worl.

(Halllnel Ia el Ite ahlmost Ilivlrrtsal rtlemedy trd lisea e of this chtreater:. Ilt t s la relley whichiotoioig but oIOessity should iinduce the use ofto It Ilorbe cousidered is tespnssg o the prnsiuee of anotheriprof'tesio to sllk oill this, vet we mlay he itperlmitted Iexlsi our IosLtrong Convition that CaIlooel canntot be

used without iiijuriuus and lasting effectr s utan site ys*-ten;1, leatetr or less, accordillg to the qullantlties takenl

atid thie frequent .1 y of its us, anld the ounatitutioeu ofthe

ltaieot. A subetitlte for this, therefore, ifrom the v-

getable kinlgdoml is a desoider tum in this olltry.\\Ne believe this desideernaam has been dliscotred ill

he TonLato,. Drl. Mliles, of this city, anldt Ilaisaoeiateswith mluch labor and el enss

, as we understanl, have

smeeoalod inu obatlining surh aii extesmast iroa dhis vegera-

bie ao, it is hole-oI, will be fondl oast effectoal luatitalte. IWeu hle taken some lains to enqulire aulo.n me•ienlmenl atid others wsho have used this medieine, as to s I

effects, andl we eel well atisfied thal it will prive amota valoale remedy in bilious complaiant. So fuar as

we Ihave bee aIde toIlearn, it lts 1iproduced the desired 'ef~ect, lnraltinlg to piroaduce a Ihealtlhy aclion of the liver,

pel rllmg bil•us hdischarge

s whel needd, asll in someiistaliles breaklieng u fevers, with even morIe certai)yIad ill a shlter time than calumel: F'or sick or Iiliousheadaches, it le s beet founod a good remedy. Thoesewho have used it sy that it ldoe not produce the delsili-ltain gelfltsa of aOlt other kindls of plagat

give amedicinles

tlat theae is no incrieaseald danger frewll colds aner :ts

use, and t here large dosesof calomel would ie nuedell

this operates witlout ally dalilger of the distmsosinlg anill

iljuisrlos etots ut nloal elt when plll•o ing sullhison.a.As we havet resI toI htope feron oll inlstigation

a hIis extract of the 'l'ontmo will prove a su aotitllitlle tL

anolll al ill a gr lit Vslirty of ases, ws e Ienn ua'd it a at lat ssing to the human t ounilt.a0 tp teefi'ctlhty 'oa1e and Ialte yrul all tsiner is

e tlltl t e n tpak of it, anld wtu trna thlat iosuranoill teted - by auiliCia. W\e have every llall clbe.talc, .

Thel e whov rilo tton ane obtaisined niy of the co-art) g.Lt, AiI[ [inen nt. iggoi inig agnt en. i m-

mission signedl by"A. Mliles, l',er'r Ki. 11. C." aIdeiutcritgn'd hoy 'F: & I l' Stny, ('tl0, rAl-g'vf01orlolotol old heaoring the ilompanllly oeal.

Lixt ofI .AqgrrtrireI:& I 'r Ston, Genera,0iInt,1 fir lwooioionn, 114

ltoildr & Co. 133 lid Lrc street, oppoojit Vuarta

P'hl nlurtii, cor (ldeI.eoeannd Illnepitol street.(1hoterhotry, tar rtj amo Julia ntroero.Itr Mueller, ,or "l'cllnutpit.uloa otret t and it Mary's

noarkot.J L' Iarlot t&Co, cntoer'l ohol Ioaln nod Gin.d

J1 & t' lootolar l, onnm, hiSro, I.:,.Ito Wor, &oineI,.io, Nntl.:i,to,ts, l'l'hnillool hionon di16 11,11 11,0,lll (iX1LIhmoonrorickhionul , ooI l'nndeooo'olyinj,Fnn~terick Sethl, earner I.oyd(lL(n andl Camp st 111.(lio. J,,iPoo,'I'ili Cir(le.

Bro.Evnsopa. No4 Bultdting Co. Row,A 1plieotinn for ogirno to, or oiyioie Ie v b holesal

moort Ihe iooae to lot (aoGeral Agents lo Now lb luaoo.All lctters, joel piod, will he ,IIprutuptll oti'Iod to.

111.0 ly

-T.\1''F (F I I)UISIANAA.I )C:ISiH COUIRT'1 li,r tdi I'e i)a id n Cio y (of Notltrleans. Present the lun. CIhaRle 5lorinn,,

,Iode. J.ane Iiii, 18133-No. 11,91.4 -Jiocqns lP'ntiervs, his redinlgaid tiling tit petitionInlnd 4eldttloi Iltisct ltIt ol ord IIeredbythe(Courtthat the orediwo nti th insIrolit tololnmw 01000 ito gopencourt on Snttilno the 7th ,1oy un July, 1335,why hesIould not bednhohrgod aecncoringt.lo lat; and of Iliameaatillle nil pnaceollngl against hi lit-roan tad lJ 11.0-nrly aire stayed,.Clerk's Olny, NSew Orleons, Jito 11,1838.__jel `biin __ .AiI3IANII FI1lt It, Clerk.ffT' '1l,',IALUIoAI1NE: -U,,n tll l'ooooeoo,ii pnttr la protile et I.i dillns Icn 0 Noovoh Or

Ieennr.-Preoent 'iat.... Uhorlosn 31nooi,. joge, lI jin1'338.-N,. 1ll,984.-Jirloquo Poller eo01,0l Its euro,,.oiort.-XlOr lecture 01 CIregigttllletI de itlentitii ella Itlnleltht dons cello ooire, 11 eel ,koer.zP par ltonour

Iooe Ie lionoahlers ,Ie l'inolIr iliro oo,i, leuot rai-tIon,',, connr reort, $a," odi 7 d" jttitlrt, 1033, poinlplol

it lsnti pint deck rgb iwoal,.rti,,root 1 In Ithi, t raotto,,Iot turlteOln',r~ltitle tcltre sit lpllliUic 00000a

proprbbticlOOent ,rrerheo.liauromn de grctelir, Notnoblle Oil.lto. II join. 3:113.

jrl .law \It.MAN1 PI'1'OTGredii;r

.AIbainy, for nilo by Ii IttlltiSY,joll 4__ 4 New I ove.

S1 A I1.Y'S iUPKR1t313 HII 3103 -Nonw olauding )il'r14, steaumboot SPtltnt,,t a rupply l'the bohen, put up

in hitule, tieree, and bible; Iitr Role Itnl.AYR' . AMIKI.UNG,

-jo12 17C,,.nmeroe sreet.INhiEI) Oll.-2 hidells and i took lbt I.ioaeed

join C:ott100tltild (:Iit oi.llllol n1.

``1 COITlII 0IF-Ct~l eatoho (pint aid wonrt) i Ttealo, fee soale y *IIL3L~0'. & 01111.1.50,

jo1'3 Bitik Alliy

1 ` ... ~- a.r Seal li0 miti anldgonann)intoeof

DAINTS,OILS, (ILASS, ulitUSIIES, &e.-AulstItlanding Irin shlip Constitution, and lrr s'lt-Vrlz :

16.000 flet ofAgl r n, lt qualtity, from 8X10 ti r2Xl-l;3

311) kegs white lend, pure; 3.i0 do greet aint, in 2~tlibr. ke.go'4 dorj apneedtinfllsrigrra;lfi 0llho Iithlreage;"'i d spol;rendid 0010i0 ground brotlnse, also0000 d ndfill000 do; 2 agss ereme green in powder, auperior articledodo in ear; a lrge oa•)rtmnent of nanit, tools of every

aize and quailty; aetle poncils for artirst; fIat marking-Iruhus frin merhainte; artist's colors in oil reaty lren-are d,in hixes, filted '-p with all tecessi.ry brushes;rtist's tools, &e.

F:lake and iremllit" white; GO ireks goli leaf; whitend yellow wsx; cawmn g ralic; and aA large and ehoihe ua-orlllntll ofiliot, dry colorr, oil, tlrprentline, vrioih,ire., ltr sale,wholesaler l ard retail, attie lowest prices,

y MONI)II,l.I,

s28 P 0 58Cam, est.k'hUOalrt.rtue.


IT ihas luen fir some e me crde known It tile ltdlhe- tlhiat the rllnlscileri are engagedl ill rreltritrr lot

the press a irw editiIon of ItILe li.isianRIa Civil Crie.-'hey werrr. Iran tile first, aware ol tIha great drlicultytol reee ntnitilitv ttelldig the pnlietri i tt f the workiind it wans not withatt great iesitation that they conletred to tile undertaking. But the preent editirm,

reorantihe to -;boer three thousatol coie,; anl whiclIad coat tile titSte thlln thirti tllo•sadr l drollal'svas entirelv olt lf pr)l'it. For mo•re than two Vtyearpast, thie uual price of tihe work lihas been fri"m thirtyo fifty drollar.

It ic a sviemt of written rules whichl o immediatelyiperates uiInl every illdividual of rite btiterinterested

either in lnriculltrrre or cln)lllere atnd whlich governtltedisplositiln of so ni uh'i r roeirty , uilfromriher oates, tlil--atllke allno.S, a etllertrealse nilsuoi;r--i is as intrll tile laxt-llmok anld lnaintl of t lenerchant andi tile illter, as it is of tie private gentleman anl the professional advlocr.,t '.

IThe iawyers oftiadjoininte r t:r• ,: ad in fitt iAihosestates uoa thle Ottis A, l l i i= i+pi rivecrs whichfInl a mart litr their proerl, in lI anirirmn, have a tire-illt necitrnrsily of referen:ce to the code, and tlnak it anliudispeienria e rrequisite to their librnuie; and ill tlhreiitr of Nrew Orleans tile lbook i+ is allre rto, illlrd illhlle merchant's counting rll, as upon the desk of tirejudge, or tile able of thie ttoarnell It is not slpripinlgtheref re that tile first edition ofl'lle work was so quick-ly disposed ;, and althoulgh a minre reprint of it wouldin somne eureare supplv lthe pulhli neiessity. vet itwonld be ilhlperlect anid unsauisiletrv nole . inrtlledwith relfercnces to the Reports and Siatulem, inl order toel'mrace thie nurmeroua amendmlrnts whiclh hlve bl.enmade by the longisinture, and the irmportant decisionsnand constructions which have been given upon imanyitr articles by the Snlprreme Coulrt.The publishers linve sectrer, lor the general super-

intendence and editorial doiuprtunent of the work, theprnfessinal erviceae r of hIll rek " Upton, 1aq. aate.ocbrof tile Now Orleans liar. Tie thin. JudgeBullard, Jud.le Bierimdes, awl lion George Eunati,have each kindlv assisted ier Upton with the valuablenotes which tihe have colleeted il tile corsee or theiratliriea rod Ilnactice; and Mrl N R JenniaFgs, thle pert-ricel orlf Utltllton, who is also enagecd is tie work,iGeotiuiwrritge, Ers. has prrresentedl the ereat maaes f re'e-retw-m,•mmioed in hIis offic copy of the crrle, lndwlhil'e nnve beenl mde iv hint drllirlg tie whole period:It lie dis:inguished professional labors. The publish-res macy therefore well trust thrt the annorations of the

work will IrI ll thallt iidustr and labour, assised by,learning and exleriea', ran prerlfrrl.

In pntting firth this pruapectus, artl .oliriting onre-Il rsulcriemrs to the work, tar, publishers take iriie inthe fact that the Legislature of Luiimano hl aathltrizedthe Governor to otrlrr one thotsanm collies of it firll thefulture le ofmre Staite. The reoadliess withl which thisnumnher was takbe, bie the Asrelnbly, evinced their jrrtselnse tofthe vnaoe ethe wnorka;nd they thereby extnla-ell that confidence in the ability of thie putblisl',rs andieditors which it is hmo eI is not wholly undeserved.The work will It pirinted in French irnd lEIngl:sh,

upon goodi paper nd with clear type; Inri will any ex-

pense orree lie spalred to make the whole miechanicalexecution of it corresrondl witlh its greant ilortanrmee

It will pro1aly Ire reIldv for ideliverr in tlle nlonlh ofiSrptt'nber uext! "ur the )prier will li, tn rimlithribern,fifterrn dollri-ive dollars ti bie paid at tie tiran bforic rscrihing.Ti eisbscription lists once closed, the store price

will he twenty dollars per r',eI.tip 1 li" JO'INS & CO. Prilicirere.

iull N!i'W YVlI•or.[I.riisia it and N•w YTork I.ine of 'Packets.]

e,.mLL nllillg lll titlth nitrVetrihtnr,rtln d tO irlrere1o "ies )lr t tt I ll ility inI di r tir n r11 r nlrl ilirg, the li e

wIill hereallr'r eruit- idivo e i hiLtpI vize "

llil) rt, tCtallt:ll "'sek tol esvit•n tlhe Ith nov.Shirp Loiisrille, Captnt' Palhner, tro Ieae on tnrc hih

Silir iliatlsrilh'. Captain Eldtidger to lenve oai the

lSlip I'ieksburg, Clllnpaill Wroodhtouse, to leave on theIst .ltrricev.Sihiij .1i nts.tsppi, Captain tanvis, to leave on lhe lithlJalnuarv.[Le 'l-lto chive ships are all nIewt. the first class,

r ioo trtae f ligtl rthl-ht iof warr, bieillng bailt ill INer,r 1atrtk e)freosel tir the eerie. 'l'Tht pricu of pits-

litlte ild , ll lhe 1111).'he illl upIrnved wlld c luvC mieall |lan, an1 l

i'is ell Ui I O .it eral c lll n .lile Ample sttore- of

the first qualitylv will be providd, andlull every regard hadto the omlnlortinud entire satislctiollol oifr0er,•ilr + who I

A-.ill please take nlotice that nllt berth can le seculred nu-IIi (raid tor lit tlhe office of thne eouxignle.eShee packetsar eallnlloalldPed In CUtntaI well ex-

peri eod in tice itrade, who will t it e every antlais,,

and exert thelrselves to anecolllllodate. ' lhey will it

ill times be towed up and down the Mississippi by

stennblunts, and the stritlest puI cItality observed iltile lim of" sailing.The ow ers ' wee hips will not he responsible hr

I na y lot erg Ip rcel o ' pac tage gentt b v or ln at oil Im a l ,of

tioeui, mults it regulur hill ol t lire ; .he ergred thirefiori at tie counlting hode of tIne agents or oWllur. l'eLr

rthller particulars, apply tatrIi tEIN & A COitEN;nov 13 91) h Coui moi n Ati ,

Ansr•i- l fil'r mih! fri ie n the Ilalise,in tlhe miontl

NOV of Jolv, a l'rie launch, (iaglish builth copelrInstaclled, lan hla beel eopered, she is '34 lent long,and eiht fleeit eal; and ihas Lanl stoop riagged, ritilthere re irto straps Irrwrdl rir ri Whoever re.cotgises aiid lauuneh, will pliano call at ,\o i11tOr)

Leve. a 1I- t


T llld eberi•erbhav• puiii cmd thie leae ueil for L

Situreoef thin well itiiti c,•, from lirT•blur, the i, te prit illp;i.ti , , Biiie rl :l areia " .

Ninti er, tedu cicily ioil ,.,,tr c'ctcs till be feund ill Sthle nrnanramlc f tle ililteiti Ilititee. New eeldnlllrle iualOlllictui btll

lilit IIcaePe well b u lillt, el

ntrmll li th will lie previdelt lt ,il Iulrs. A sritlblewill lie rltlciled to thle bhoue, with lgllid aceolllucda-tiaiin tlr llorses Ulll carria•lcl. Fillet itle horses t li IllIcarrcages will also be kept ito hire at mederate prieP ; IInlllld lail nlld mow bOats, wil personll to iiianagle. thPn ufor li tiee o

f viteters. Ililliirds ud othei tnusmttll•s

sl ttlly ledml ael nuterieig placec, eilli nleebe furillhced,acd oeiieulcetied i t to interfere with iiie eieieirl

and quietoftlie bIlerders. The wineon td liquecr willlbe oft the best qelueyv, und ito ensure a til spilypI ei

i, a caglo tlas alreadyv beu orldered, ct hiuk will errivelbote tlhe iit u1 bler. .

lir er'ede.ricek Ih eeardt, whlo erierly io popltltr

Shoitel tate illuh tlu citvi will e llenditlt tllirio eIl fiothle rprietor, w, who, with such lni Ul,clulidetly assuresthie leilteu orloslt yciler, idiii bli friellentgI l gelli, lthlt

they eill riee ive eaerv tluaeible Iteltiuei andI thi•ebyexepeutr It give •ceirnl ltiitile lioi .

I'~. h:eill llalingee tilf tI u houste are too " ell t

knwea to need i e le edt. dneeripltin e. 'lte

•rice tili Pieellactllal titil e larlge•l Iltiitl taLioiU of the tt;IVU eIII 1l el rii o eelndczvoiu of thlie illlfos thlue )ril; Ile aelbrii v ct'it e iil niute reelrir tl eonetulltly dou-

etil; e:iiiiitiu u tl tlU by tle ctIltdo lc.r eie tll

rh (oul;t thle I~.iei I te bkly and the pheighboltrilegiad- ad rverl e the aindiaie an l delicacy er tihe

i-4 wite wi t t' e waters a houintl; al iies tlrxineity)

t, i bitt ol erah i h lie1 lllrkets, ivro I'eu.iole. Ihe pre''-Iren.Cre oer all othe r Iluea u n Ill ter laiilulde, at a

healthy •lI delighltfl ucinler cetlrett.Iirti lrte I.iti willrll u letweel I'enreeeule anld Mo-

"bile. aed will at.ll times Ie clt iio luke th lliiaigenersIhfl the Ne, Urrleaee Iioul;

N II AIRNOLI).. Iu rnec!a, Feb. 15tlh,133:18.

13 (icatlelllen wishing aii enurge roome for lhleh

lltlililic, illt eddree Itlea Iu'IIciouI ' at l 'eulleltcluill ill

tlr Swe,.ll T ' ylori, thle reteor Irueprittor, at ,;ew ri-

je .t, rem 1" mn11:estt

T SPantfl, Fsr, nlrt :l lullrat II MeAipini, •q., I.t.

Kibili, i Moull Iv; 8 T T'l tle ", P P (Ze, EI; in Net,

I' S--A lettie luiei to receive eileemunirctieoi f reperols Ittil ie noleune liotel, i. piaced it ie WiIleihiwii5ellimi, I Sdt ht:hirlcs EacIh . ge.


OUT'l' ill NEW OA' ir.[1 1'rItvellers desir.elu of takelq Iht Ih'riae route,

tviI Pellnlelaola,lIl llie sirthtrttbtlteeideiihht i iri rc1te

boat will cii lttitltv rait frill. A\blfile Ii, Ieusaeula,

letvuing BiMbile led lleeitleeoli•i i otii ither lnv aler ithe

hit iif e lac. Gied ltages willt albsi Ie providee ev

the erliatuIIer to lie in reatil.C+e III bike i mai'etigere frutlliMobile, it cure of tile tilue of tlhe boite.

N ii AcNQI'L.Tihe steamtlee Champion oe lce Mobile fir 'enta-

cola twice week b11i 5 Iy

UiA .-b- hhdu, a tear" cel, ticer ele by

jt,,oO. 41 New ! r veee


n ehort lTitr in IF:l--BI elieum Il ltnitlhrer ,, Iere-'denu lt ifeA uiil t tColhlege, ill t vol.

The Ifeores if Mre. $hiritel.--,- iei the onel

etotl, utt e iid tilfrele etlilie ever p lublished in tihl

Unitiet atfle, vcl. 15. Juet re ireel citd fer tile ti

C, r Crnet Cemtp m('nmie ittree.•

a t 1audn 11`t1r. tut. a.,. -- ,m .e.,r*,t inn Ulf I92 if, r

TAi1highly valart e moni icin me turny inn d nior-Jnn sll ndlethail, t Now mo"rk n niCeo, of RIlFS &

D'ILANOElCa• p street. "1 r 'It ins confidentiy nren:ometnded fnr.,l•r Indilwinig li.

eettn: ii n eppin in ail ite fenntin; hnnld• mtl nd ifrtnr, lf-

ilictons, in every stage nnd degmrepei: indll.. hoiekrn"is,

mou part iullarly tile mionso imlclec.nt a ulllolnar; flUr

albul, fener nfld teget incl;o re e teomnlln• till or doele inn, whether n•e e eiverior lngnh, heninhe or giddlli-In .s, lol l• n•iipottie nerr( e t rr n titno in erinniimn or

lirita etm ainl•Sleotin nlloiot nof, nr'allr nd; rh:rila, 1 |cel ltl lrturolt or iluwlnUll+llr ,00ril:il0.; serbliliotu ler., ol eveiy inrlnlletfn l., atill n cnIra/i,atniai Ibiothei, ha, hlnii trs 'n•et imn lr ,:n e n ntnple'i,•1lt

of tnie skin; reteas es or night, rand dailn irritIbilityTl lll eliaoho'v; tile Stollnnrr eemplnilnt, nllllll tholeerlmorh inclr dillrl g in grnln pert Is; at lnr )l•n l ,tt.-

lency, woith ll hnro l ; rIble , uiorti mon llt)iianlinor of the

ienlrt and heill; loe oige ,I a ln nl of t eno llleo ltilon, nll for

i ltit nfld l nl ordaitlied nOl lti noelis ihn ritner atix;whic h Imve n oltell n, nio nll ll reClievFnl b'ny ntln ermrdieine A miletrle tI' Ilr n iV Feae s'ne ine e dii itn

thn lv 'entLe•e ee Wia I ,o e rstle" seh rllbe J ti will in-diite thieir intonlnrnbl• s•un eritornite, onrli itnd: tohn thae rlohy nlAs will inre itR a thlefy nlln Inlnanurnlino nhl lni:re. I)iretillnS hir ulnSn onoml nlntlinnillnnl ll. n .

NnTlllnernsnneerililentn nnfnllrrea will be llnolwn, ns frolm

inthe leitinh f the enatrdeite iti ihmpt ible to tne hemt

pnldiei h thnrnough tile ml,,nin , ofti annnein+nrr. linn lrnvalea' cauet ino gtln terirnten IIwtrd 25,000r! (:nens,

elnd in tllis lVy we la relfer to Slltnv Irilla whth hrlvehottielipvedlot• he l si da4y itl .,uer,R e.lir -l 8, mbd oftlung sIladrline diofise, ot, o reni vn' Cierntuht in illn.

ap~0 1411

STATE (iF Ln.Jl IANA-h-i'irstnnnolioni.

llIE S'I'A'TE IF I.OUISI.\ANA, To all wlhlm

I thnon8 Peesetlls shill cnone. (itnintnig:-\'nt'hirean ,

Curues hlnhirus Diggs Ilsi.lg uml'hll ne l enale ntlebthle haerifeor thel Ilish iof tOrlents tile criun.y Ion ,-

innfteieoerilrinnd, bito plrictd o lhue nlek of thdnneoi l ,nnini wholne offiee lte drnerd of Nxe wail t w ee otllol4nailne hil

ithal of April, A. I). I ;.ii foe it monitinn or nilretli•n-

tt.nt ill n con rnnlilty to nlt :let of ntie Ireiln h i nt ouf tin

Stlate of" I n uninnan eintideln ."A net for tine n.tIhene :alnsitone of titles nit ,inn incli.' nt jtliinal lesi ' :•lnlrrn t ell

the 10th nlay of o3Ielol, 183:1.

NOW, tinerefolre knnow t e, t lrd e ll t)nreso illtenIrsn'ed

is ,ini, ane heIrhby oited and mnlOmtn itI illd te rnaerln i

tile Stnaeol Lnui;itl•, iland l'ofteir Fmintl J nditil Disntri

(.nanit, arn • ncainNt e innn rlnnrightl title or clslinl inl llt to

Ilth- pro erly Ii('eillit ll lAuSct'ltl, ill l•lllb lillot lte aI' f anyIni', nin ellnll thei neitnl de .. Ilten inlllenl.l ll l the sienn•ern ner w ihich nnie sane wai n e, ntr nniinn irnegnltnniny ert

illegFlity in ilo ailnlnphieu r• lelns aIndI nnltisninstnritn, e it

limle, or mltllt'e on sale, or fniln ty nert' deiect ibnan.-

ever tn ihow onmtse, withiin thirln ct s oirnt tib e tl7nimotinn is lirst it•ltIe in tihe ntnbii Inlaer, wh•" •l t

isale no muitle shonnll t Init ine nnfirattll ilIIhondi oitel.

The nind nropinly wan sinil in tihe Slinnillnnf tile Ir1ninhionrenidn on the nolynt A.• inhoi, . It I) 18i, by yin..

JitInury A. 1). 1838, in" sLit enlilled Jannn. la'tIerk.

I)igg vns. latidan Gtenenne, No t ,I111 of tille nloknit 01o this

Corot. it whlc saln e snaid Ino,et fr.nnnes n)ig!tgs intiomen

tile pul'rihser for Inv price of twenllty-lirce thiInaaI dn -

(lesnriptia t onf nlperty as givce, in tihe Judnie•:d Cnnl-

Aeatai pieone ofIneolnniny nnr n nel nf gronnnnltnnuunninr,withi all finnnI iningonnnit innnpnnetrpennt~ inonnnnigh

ityi}ad uern•surttg iyt English meamulre, thnre hulnthtl tnd titv-n.ix fet alnll folltr-eighlltlins of it innh n'ellnn n thi e

public io i i Niie, Levee o tn three inndonrned n il sit -

enno feet six innhesnnlnnfournei•ntnhn l tnt an h lnn a , nt nlo

Celeste e, two hunn edi nn d nlnfltyi-ive feet ninnl imlnchtesnl n

tboeeigihtis fitn n inln on nllie fionlinng ot Old

trll•lt nltil it ctIkIe tlhe nellnndinnn litinenfl.nnrnItllrlll hl-

Ianndonn's prolpertn, nt tietnetoner of•Oili l.enne nnd Nntnn,

nion'tn thiene fn•nninniit right tinglnn, ann extnt in

eiginty-five inet onnnd tinne inier lu tn, deptnnnng the iounn n,

liLne of .aid n lilnadonnn's proticidy nnrn.itlel tno nit'lste

titnul.:tt tin fnnlelnllllntng a nigilll nnnnnngien nnl e.tellnnnlinni h-tiltree nfet lnvecll titnhLes nnid tilnane eitihths of tin iln.i o;

tlle Imtl ldirv tilie 01" I.llnIds )llrd'ol. ll'entn, ittalle 1ieiO1o1 Levee snlnnniil;nn hlnn•i• lg lnnoihnrrigl ntIni•lr, nlIln

etelnilning inn two feet sv•nenl inlinlen nill live eiglnnina of

an ilnOh on tih bonnllndinr linh eI on:il Di.tenin lrlline'l•n'

trallel to Cielestie strn.; tl Iilre fornmillng nnnllteri lrilnt

ntngle, aetnn mtenlldnlg olle Ulllanid tlltn twelntv .tceenl eetern inoies n nnnl fotn eigi•tinsnnf -ill innnein. tnn he |ibnnlndnlrvi, neiofllnlliid rIDc' llr'lipllet tot Inie nilil•l"riindm

:inll Niw n Ino F n llonn t., nn'lnnireenllnY" tixet Intr llit iilientnid Fotnreiginitiot'onnitllnh frinnilt oin' etllln•trtl•ni ti.alll-

iing ton p iltinn .2. Pll6, City SlUlnenvyr, nalne nln Janl-

I vant, tl8, nnlninexrdl to n ni t in plnied i•e-ore I.nuis nT

Caiinn, NSnttry Lnullln, on tie itli J:inllllii.l 1n2t..\iiennnsn thie iani A. .I. lithluintnani, Jlln•ti of Ilnl

Cni•nnnn' lfoiEnnitin Initin .il, tin1838.ain3,iiimni:t3 PI iLE *Ii.ANC. liit. Clerk.

SAN"l)NE) liY TIIE I tAUUI:J TY OF tiii) 1)LINE.

1Ri0tl N'S Conp lioutld sItlaclt of Coepllil :ud Satrt .. Igoilla -A cr.tin, s•tli, and ellt eflitetulal relne- c I

tly evur discovesredi [l te t rure ofl GonorLrhea, (let Is, ISictullres, W hilles, Paills ill thell: back B lld ioils, i alll l e

weakrtess, allscliolils of the kidnies, gravel, ssorbenli,

•.Ulptions, ?e.Ir tI sl iclleliion eit medii oI s nepioll stlssingtilhe auclfit!

and activtle of the toe in ow ofter•I l to Ie publlictie lprolie.tbr hls but to referl to thle Ianllernu rrecolli-nembisions reeived romti Ihe mlost emlinelnt of the ilte-

ul tlcultly ill rtso•le, belitving that it will be duly

siusu'otteinted wolltl i a merits. are Iur• tilll knlown. 'l le NLt:lleei ll ci o ;qsiuiba, so esteslvetely i ,sell, ]is lci$ •tIsbel t

Ipc" iere d rela llad its diragl:"bl e 1it1e, sall"t lrh:uiee.

Bmlt'e" Inn ani l rptll d lild mOre IIal'tlls aldlnilli..telyd Ihllan

i iti. preellt slate. The slt ove lleil cinle cullbilnes ill-gredtients u lhicelie il tihe Ilighet t repute iistl theli tilemost scieutilis i anit learned in the proli"rhe i io. E:h la

drugl i the co llosilioi n oll this pL rtlultioln illncreases te*elliccy o Ithe ither, lroducing li opelatioe u tlslys nito-

u l hilll, mIdI allla ssi!lg tile lllo lt so Ig i, t ex lreelnt lt|O lllO,10 g , lit Ibe sam e hlire the adtitoe of .it i its tius,

administered with Ielfecte suetsi s ic l the dillR ntt slc!i te:

of the above disease. The mnost eminent physieislaml Id

lllyn •n bi the lJsited to tilly test tod hehr diellce tll I c -

imot cl, eistiled einllgh lc, el ly, exteplle. It wta esay-I i

fi e I 'te n eldy w ith the ele bratd1 1) l ') A ber d l h v in il

ivleiliolrnalills ei t sl l m pii n o

tilibt iIIltttesniUi i tntllu ttl l ti ,

auisin •ll. l Itcre I tt o iered state eo th. ieto e li itle .

Sti iig beeh Iubslitleed to Le est ni lxpeiiieee of tto le .

thehr ialst wetio of its exloa•lili ay e•plivar i, evert

ease 1ofe ter IIe l g, o Il bn

l•e nluhd ,tit, il it ioLt inl Ilstha'l

sttlie a ive r

ivati- rae. 'tihe o la ' atolica ie t uumss will I

flsern e ienc, •ler. piep, ed vy J liat Thrle, hil ist,


iliticsititt ceel s stue tmotiifetrts ittUIstti heX

hieton. Pie e ii l 511 •elnis i. lFrom A 1 IISlony

w , .1 ,uS, •P.tei, iHn to thet

SI •a nes 1iostiitllll, l nl 1 i y stllllo to thAiom

nTthI whe rioperwies oae yo pIreIrnto •wllaisllsonl

tl il n

vallc ets vo l so , f ily d ielt, imi l l t

t tleI r ii e iltl.ll lit t Io '1lsbe11 so hihly 'esetiealrle it tii itoo itet itiuiiAllIr els i lg b e ile of t iited 1t t [:lih ble te llst itri•ee les a lli

Yrmle O Cies e olered, Ptoe Sput Sullrgsl 1toY0 IYa Iel-,

oi heiest iicrtimtttess whii h Iits s nttui itt h e Hyeiitee

oaoisl expesienret Ia s , llp sliace irv ti ; i ti se hi lsl it

doe lel dtlese e irmi lld Slpl•es di ellte Is rus l)ay (x.

lrk SireA i Cou~ielr iS ais P i , h s itihnto tee:

thlubile rI peulie tillce, p it' l ree eia t isils ti d o ihet lltrs icts llt fllyl di,-seMv, s sai eit blll t llurt, w hl-lsi.

el au ls ef ilte ati llnlllld i ivllt l ii • i itsf it fit sui iii-

sw ti hucii? im I e1 toprsv b itisi i tl n i i esii its

s- ec sssachsgsejetice ciuueit eise hlet toa yebil e ill.oiuoieotlicoea t e i o es

From C• Co pler, F R S, •llgeiai io Giy ' lIo-

te il s soillsl lllicie aeigl tio sierInsu ts nlticii csoi hty ol

inite dieeeiii t o woilesic urei I ei nl etr ctl

I ll iu ac•t e liieiiss e• lly sat i lletl Iul it h iL ltlr i -to he k ,llletolieo lluy a ll) asl .iloM thue slslr she

you aoll e ill nelltelle llilily" iliedly15;Ch ou for

lalble Sir A Countlel' its r1 S P I t C S, &n, t et:

lt l set irapel ettylt tiiith

l e i t ao l icllsllra tl ste ir

a H eictitig been prepared hl Ill wl ilpuhtillreit "1

s eils l le s flat ill ol ise, is eu s riolliS ll reset lii ti'

e vly lesu trctieni lOlhlistiorel bynl l

ia•I uibhtl. Imidtalt aslli ewsld'ceseithle ii by tiiitin a w •sst) oa--

f hol'dr i /i cumatll ht 1onii I liliathai t ll inog fmatiy e-m

tiset 'lo h public mad priv al e rcllli iTeN &tiili uwe i1iotheclr.

Fsroa sWtiti,F, M S), S'leysidan is Gfiy'oloti.

iii lt .

The ascric et eesoatwii have galtven ylir meitiucie

I tiilllyii r i ise il!lit satll il ll yiti 'saoale S tsltl ihis ltr,yswill iiout mli ti t ellse, i it y n stitlll eci, rile I t ilei l it

FsLet Ala aCs ol'jtselile Ld ofh Itir)lll ttdsy 'ele tsl-inotssl iln temlsuitioe of h io slolsese

I etullyon myll iinll| thCell florit eI valale Il-

aoente osiyous tS .iact for ihe shicr of athioi siohe, io. i

ill ei tl•ed o"tot llabol cai . It itfet ll t Ile giat plle ia aii

ti Iolhsilhtisi to the worlil ste i:luiile tiialiies ooo u'S

axtiteet.FWeisi it neearytele Nh IM) ietor i ohld here fo isyioht-

ln'oin l telaltotoilsi •pelh a1 tte iuglesirlneatur Ilie

Li I tut t iii ii a t it i s•ei ctt s tuicess l tlhe iti-t hee l,i e.( s lisitse at which it s eeru trettle, ill oi tIteill

sat igrea jitioeol suite ii it to ai ttu cifltotg taubitIi ssisiotimeihitcnttllin orhilaeim ,ujays ImVt

Fall ohes ll it eta, Imti thlrt-lt 8 i pis'.=-umede in which it iary be thken;i luhg fath td etitli- to

a te -otea e Ei-ttsl. iloet i ,

Wc i nao laltioianira lti

Or coininhllen tsrom usinesso T rtvelleoo ehilaeilwould al twhih wi hteaeoeitg-hliy iiefl, oott it )ito ib Ulasimtiled wsthlio s

lice, t o01i staiue the aod-

vi eltoutf which tho li Oltetulohto. e I ndtiostit. tit

It oftlhe diffeellt oswoet tts e Ohestocie waltltstSto

)o+ P ilte i i r S st•tn te Is. oi

ir oiloot tu solo list idOtret •o lt resctioa 8tti•ivei r •tiiet.

'HE FliRlfu zikbmMW %(*Ta *STVrl~LAMJ#OARU~T 15 ~

TOGnoocH Is tIVt ANR a is t5rom Mob•lp (Alalunila) tao.i "m"V MS Mobie eveI e clie ot ei d ni "

_I t a Hrilvl ol the m~il ril New "ss e EscEUNEsc, to Illnekel. qithel t

-, i (lHic . I't etcoh tliy,•i ey i'tli~i~ssseotIetilhPlilie Ile'sr smid By) Iteo .;cdtomIl•m, e

•,,'z', •) lslui Dhriiidl~ul llW IlwlfI k <.

shile EtAugus e , A•pn s somgertykmi i s'stscilomn ar thiis tine. iTheetm tlhmn h f su or bm

slet 'fauss, Costlessnsimmtriters tie' sot S 'paSnITelhe smsslh, he4r yO. Riru the elye ayl :e ater navialtll on, thelle1anet ar it ', •"erJlio (;ntlt tl*Hvele lllmed g eerti1it] IPJUlP( ll• liilt lel +•itl ,)•Ji.'i t)i emuleted mK ie'l wlthlh lf i idd

tliollnm, 8. iD. a d the reerlhkets to Nlletl Yore -

LESO T~s II tesr-Ws t01 Or.imisosi 'Moooesh I hoelose seesa, rslle4•h rhs e i'emll. Ii sti c tk

e Asliengsils, smhss frlessem, 1i: 5 t iAO'0tm,. •i.q:i.).; Jlrlt, t•.n?, m,ee.,rt~l M-• ii her + . .••:

pel hemae. lll t',•i tlau iuth~hcl tb~,4llll ,..+.+•enees. ' r, j .t •oe wi, it t k ,- I. so.

Tmle, Nee w Orlea to iN loils ; 98 hours

Mobile IIt#'i. st lls, 5 2 " -.41fe lll J~r ll llsl ".iHa lrd iil In ., *

.:king 1 mutles ' lr s ih or o ililirk, |ier, icn

save of ilst S iqr v.t , l o

ri. II. r tl hl/ew lohlom ie uhi t tel'(le, Nrel (nit a • sfs tl e i t d sil e t'l s - '

Ir l4,s of, tee Nl rnrll metn t o,

hI om rel s~t5e11n gsrs. mversartbeeiN. II. I elgi ltesor • s lmrl'ors m i pollit. sloe ih'ttnoehls sicey ,Clelisrend sdt sT mmdRvtn n nlic :'/

areo hsrohss I el• lle sommetJllei itsi s ,eg lAKsr r-tfls

n, (se ,ely teubktie ulad~nS o, berel•dgl ozisll.ileml "i' "oi :ipslely 'set.midshtteAl mitiilteeHtcm dll' m o e scitl iIs's :thscI I nsoss's oil'e i• rom li cr.lll'sl'l eeblsisecolcr i pm ltl' '

lchs, elsiosc.'oei: " cods se'ery l mIs' e htes sseiq' m elsrml s ".

thyotfer n hssswot sosoe -nv~ iimPtt' ,silni ' "

lit meseles ietrt si u Jlicsy.t b mlie itiigmla iem'm sjh

'elT Rlll ldelolv c LA IA)UISIANM dh Ieus e

iili ......i~ I lnl Jiii ....I n bnM• i ii r~llm. Jl1"• .i• .'•rj ; . ...

;Ih l Is lee, e lcssa u ore m mi mu rc gpa '

No. 5,11, d Doket e A tt r S'gpm rl~ein r!Etll Ki NEll'I" ptrle, e m IO poin t in~

ltt igl

pt eeel i' [ ioelwe es sdo lt s le i ett l ' irim 1

stc',eec o'eie dc s eri n s tllo eeko vi de ofidep

tI, lb ntiilll rl, h uik , }i ril , h•'eo• anti 4 ~htii a iP ltl$ il llll l i Ih ull n llR it I ,

eitel ssl tel la oer Ii sol l islr l 'itrohe el tes s ns tt d, il u ell iel ogll s in eool e m t 'sl d ' ru t• l id eak :t eeaeei Jcsl utenecs'el s ',bmslr mdmp t et s itistntuh

H O U1 ltc ha5 ,1 Nge-llr dfll d ,

e ree e' sulist 'sosl,h u tr. ltat5Ee'ieAT i)ir L. I'OUISLAeo --cc tosaeeol isc't

lplee lhoneo Icle t Cm llmlmcoltins ehi s, I w sItu e eg I Sotl '

I e shei'if tie I• li'~oi~cls• d'Oclrhl I. '1rolilu' ere~O " .l~steelt 'eeblciogfeseso lotossspt 'ee t.'lis ,pges•sn 1plgrtelee lilt ell'e ltltellt l uteic stee j tNIto*st p.stilcdtIsg1

oicecmlg' m s' esi't i 'ctsle llt, dvose nsf wed

ceeclsetim ffleeeit•c citlc ' res lux seilo.tiptcicic .steelSilcil'nucil Ieo tjceelmel' 1occe - ui l t it tctlceemm ee i ic

I"c'"""ilillelIIerelaw'n lit Ir! eel Iwelentei *ummill noltlunIIEcecl c le hc I.o-mls1ee t bie emou lti iluiiifiI),lt'iet Juleiail•c, cui p)Ou~rlllet t avJsii e ieit Ie m'tt.

p i'iei i-tl lleli dIEFll're el EOiiM(lll " il(Iun ItleUt dl: .r e 'lIT, i'orr, b' tlrI*.eu I .SUIiAN...At o, Is isa

els i et'stieeelssl Deggl teitrc v ei iclY es A; sin vt t aloe s.It' iilrle e tie tee tdllcee, (ie s ti'U$l Illleelt sliOre s4U i•Z4d 114•(elieeet•ie. t'oet cmleotmi teemO'joulh Is dllteIe.,l e o ii Etcleith i -tie es1etlelice5ll tsllll dti |ej.l.t' ml'Asleeie l'ssmie- it cliflrn mes 5oll 1 eelel u cn+.e

el ltdi~e )telse•i+ mii tee lt~theiesItf itfiee em14,1" Asil dja me

:11 r l i0 itr le e •%11 : S le 1? Yllilal 8gltI ercrl u nn' e 'l ld tte.+ l.I.ic ll e topsi 1 cs eos|te i scm t'isi mie l ou lli4• n I f't

Iil.. I'rtlsL'• l er Jlll.l Qsll ':I.'ml I)itps molt ufue , 5 tneet,mo. 15,1Ulteits llckesl.e smitse tioir, hr mis llet't" 'ile

t'ectt Jeelid .eilutee lr loermrti essori iq • slinte ;ioln

ieirtiiieti crn si sia trlerse', el; se emsitlte e a'nm dmilJlimoia. l,,~, = clh. S ir ,Oi rrcrt'i Inor~leeu ik. ienr eei ioollne leesesosie ' -e iin loitceectlt'eimmccet roeiteceet , e heditmst fe iete oiime.+

ereilegel eecl'e. cs y ' em~i l feIlilU'ilU |huxbe ~upll Annonell t lli~ll" I@$ll( tlu~t (nla lili!tel e )uo ire'oieii'eO tnet mllsehs' letice R $ Sle• altf l ..

hl iOiem e isimjiesei.llOce nl meimei'e motee ies lirin mil'm eoeselle elleileO it l• Jtees it ll t llellle " e s 13sf00 dersiiset ostemiter eeLeTerssOe'n~ t)o'ircrist (ILdesi~FOgmsaDsessII"7\ ..... iliii pie Id ... fLd,•s*3 iilb lluiimeri• .htenee Iheiiete is let lI 'e'eille i .esc t, s iusiu )mf rJ.ijdli,<Uer IinillolhllOLLd la q'lU ieti: ll de Laotrel~l Mlt li•U Erltlle ier lerleci eles ills Lte'stiets tne iies le s dscmist e eltii e elt ist1 t un gh re s oteti c 0 l-'tlcs tlnl it .Aeeillet1c|ti'mlts et temtc I~tlltt eellmmlusr 1s m e llgtiq t "ic~e ihiects~mletm'ode istss e imioeeitmsss doieirtloeli jomekoa

hllIIICl !i Il dc•••lbi•ilIl itilel Il|il |dloh IIIIY'dtnletii't hi Smeie•hiet eei' o liello U iormelltl mtsme tsosli -eeetetiuit el telstetS jmlh ll e i.s, tr lmbhe e •ieelrss~eet. delI i.hue s D IeIclcq ll ts lerl ectel'tte Viellm Lem Cee: e M I i; rSlln Ulltmeeeeomgeece'm' c ssmtfie ite i tsclrtmlv i e s Io.mriceteIclmi ittce et.g ltluercet cm et nilec eeuimisenal elto rsr tllt 1hleirilvbe ls hl Irlctietlete s'c ilir eiemelsteollrlh. I e sic

r~lle l~e olt, )ill '( ICW di.l Inonti nuuli re iii~••ltlj;'l~iF bl.diigm tisei mt'ccpict'itl eJ.. iceticels iti miusedi et ht :iiis eism ect' -Ie Iilk f .istll c Comlics! ie cnitrtiqeeliess l lise •eilp •, l e m Islmvceieeel'e I, ct etec 'eile:lcest isImiiisbtls IllllmdlletsIst ies icciiI ccl e Dc llil 4, ; l c ciecel IA ;'lie' virus Lstste e siiitieII l,lie ll s ritm'meies ,mI l . I'ilie VteA i tillt l. 92"li

Jlall1ee la9•i trrllllltx l II rlli Hete Irsr g plrr • e~a + L.<•uia l ".

I•Hlln.A. El. A~chlunlll mhsesss I ;lrt • llhe +e'' lestetcjeieee leer eii .V . I:I.A (:, t

_ I< __ _ -i I' ic. (lt'cii'e* ;'

ET A~1 I)I 1..t lot. S1.t,,)t;-lL~uu w du 1'lrrnier 11iI I it 3udlielre.

t 'Fr 1'T Iw I.A 1JI:,IANE, A tou* cru' aple,,'a pIrueesltes cwa.enr, PSaliul-Atl:c ,1u ,ue-

WI'iiIn u lletj A ut.e rsute lite .lato asbiafi Ia o In aoira d'Urte'rnao, la jarowrife '~nAl ard."cr:to, r'rst utblrai ,i: Ill tirade de t;iit ut?uful ueeaaae Ihat axuragiao'ia- Iv aa 5 ejeor do h5a,4 do PlaiLa

';:If;. h aur taui ar aiaraknlaaaata It un W't4 tol.e 'totIaaatr," I'a tut de to I.llioaona, iaaiauld OAo"ba pflercuutinuer.las drlag as utluaaerwafa nto: eaalrJ Udia'otaa,"rpapaaeeo&o ill 5trs, I83td. ( 94i odauileoulaautctauser a'erstares iutk',6a6raatiea Airaia aoa .rsstatar nut feltoa atI' t"at ala, Ia Lt uiaiageeet d>:I UhrI'rtaier Iliatriat Jaaataqiaeo, lqai traaienut sa drtoll,SIt praaribtai( aeaaia d', e aoteOnrqurtaeo da'u6 dSIlaatal aa tuaeraaaaalaaaaaal'odrelI I aotodas I rat an jatgetealo raaaar,ett aertau uagaa l ht tl h htatat'aeeite, taadearagulhartl' tan ilrngalial daps I'ritimatiaa, P'uvin da' tia ar t Is atitalaal ita Ii ceaateou poar tp paot e A

'"c tti;Iifair ataa, denaaate snotstjeuftl ittallerAAaalaljaaa doa ale ar via, aria. rla Ita aeuaailasi fet.,jaaaaaaper t niraaa i>a tat. laaaaatlaae.,

Lu It. lilnolorirrie at ven rr ipdr t teS Bhrl

trat dal aelteatur teaetla le aitedaAla173.:8,tl, ul 1'o fnitbi la William Qn brckpy iq talill, 1n. 1.5,Wi,1 kaet alttake ub t a Aoa"eaal.' Is alit W1'iIaiaaaa 5tlrkal.yb'pt teaaIa .

patatr inpria E,. $:.ttlte ctaaalaoat.ilaoarileioa dela Prapritir6 d'apr'3ia la tinaafst Jiiflis,

uta 4'rrltin lot 7e ''irs y *uel gl lese ,tiret antaelaaaratiaaaa 116 er, Its eacrua d'1'ils atorne par Ire rueo de Is t LuePcf a d gd4, 5,'lI

toa~lesal tielated, I dra Ep raMtl d.~J ea'a l

drerer6rpar 0 IKZieaa eI. V lastaaeaafe 1aad, at t 6 no le l A deFe

mntatee pillion a ll, ae pln NoI 1Y,1, dig

lo~~~ttqi tle e ilNrtellh larslta eo wo& t`re pta ltcsf gid tenet, b~t A0 S), 8t y e lugsaauteaaae rajuatre ltttttat etat pia 'wlpai;i6 le hops 046 upr~snt l tis ar

at te AsN Oaclla. ietaf 1aa Its eati raa a ele 474

ga by t. I

'A ~~44 gqk ttti R:l, ne llrilt i. u uumrl old

-I 'Ik lton ata t'A kctatat~- Il'aly" 1 1 1tA1,o1laa)1 .

IAtel Ac I ~ ,r titt.Mi1

X14 ails'C: ii"tom'
