trucos dbz supersonic warriors



trucos dbz supersonic warriors(inglés)Movimientos y demas.

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= Table Of Contents ==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| [ I. Introduction ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] || || [ II. Current Updates ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]|| || [ III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) ] . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] || || [ IV. How To Play ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTP4 ] || A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAM4.1 ]|| B. Story Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ STOMO4.2 ] || C. Z Battle Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ZBAMO4.3 ]|| D. Challenge Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CHAMO4.4 ] || E. Free Battle Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FRBAMO4.5 ]|| F. Training Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TRMO4.6 ] || G. Remote VS. Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ REVSMO4.7 ] || H. Option Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ OPMO4.8 ] || || [ V. The Playable Characters Of The Story ] . . . . . . . . . [ TPCOT5 ]|| A. Gokou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GOKO5.1 ] || B. Gohan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GOHA5.2 ] || C. Piccolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PICC5.3 ] || D. Kuririn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KURI5.4 ] || E. Vegeta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ VEGE5.5 ]|| F. Trunks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TRUN5.6 ]|| G. Ginyuu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GINY5.7 ]|| H. Freeza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FREE5.8 ]|| I. Dr. Gero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DRGE5.9 ]|| J. No. 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ NO185.10 ] || K. Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CEL5.11 ]|| L. Buu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BU5.12 ]|| M. Gotenks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GOTE5.13 ]|| || [ VI. Technique List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TECLI6 ] || || [ VII. Secrets ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECR7 ]|| || [ VIII. Credits ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CREDI8 ]|| || [ IX. My Words ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWOR9 ] |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== Table Of Contents ==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

NOTE: I've added a Search Engine into all my FAQs now. To use this, if there's something you wish to find instantly in my FAQ, in the above table, on the left is the name of a section or sub-section. To the right is a weird code, like GOK5.1. Basically, if you wish to go to the section where I tell you about Goku under The Playable Characters Of The Story, on your Keyboard, hold Ctrl and then hit F and a window will open. Type in GOK5.1 and hit Find Next. It'll bring you to that section instantly. The code to reach the Table Of Contents is just that: Table Of Contents. I hope this makes browsing my FAQs easier for you. Enjoy!

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] ==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Hello there and welcome to Kain Stryder's FAQ/Move List for Dragon Ball Z: Bukuu Tougeki, the latest DBZ game to be released. Yeah, once again, I'm back doing another DBZ game, so, as usual, I'll help you get through the game, learn the basics and hopefully master it all within due time. As usual, though, this guide is to ONLY be on GameFAQs and NO other site unless I state otherwise. This is also to remain free and not be sold for profit of any kind, nor is it to be stolen and be used for someone else's own personal gain for glory, money, etc and it's not to be edited in any way, shape or form. Just please respect that, it's all I ask and in return, well, you get to use my guide, so, yeah, I think that's fair.

Well, thanks for hearing me out on that and without further delay, let's get cracking on possibly the best DBZ game ever, Dragon Ball Z: Bukuu Tougeki! Enjoy it and I help my guide helps you! (Note: This game is also known as Dragon Ball Z: Super Sonic Warriors in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe. This game and that one are the EXACT same games, except for a few minute changes that won't change the over all gameplay of the game itself, so don't worry.)

Update: This Walkthrough is now available at IGN, Neoseeker and any other sites I've allowed via E-Mail to host this file. If I did not give you permission to host this FAQ on your site, then you're hosting it illegally and if you're reading this on a site with any variatin of "cheat" in its name, please notify me so I may take the necessary action. Thanks.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== II. Current Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

5/14/07 - Just writing in to let any readers know if they E-Mail me any questions or comments, that my address still works. My willpower to write walkthroughs over the last few years died, mostly to college and real life, but I may just start this up again. Feel free to write in, thanks.

5/21/04 - As of now, this Walkthrough is complete, as I've just finished all of Section IV. How To Play. Other than that, this guide has been marked as the final version and if I ever need to update it again for whatever reason, I will, but until that time, everything's complete, so, enjoy. Until I next update...later!

5/16/04 - Sorry for the lack of updates. I recently attended E3, so, that took up my free time for a while. As it stands, I decided to remove the Walkthrough portion of this guide, as it's Pointless. I was originally doing it for "translations" of the Story Mode, but since the game is coming out rather soon to the United States, there's no need. Either way, I'll finish up Section IV. How To Play this week and then this guide will be as complete as possible. So, until then, later.

5/2/04 - Alright, I wrote the "walkthrough" and I use that term really loosely, for Gokou's Story, as well as the Technique List, which is completed. Other than that, nothing else is new, but rather soon, I'll get down to finishing off Section IV. How To Play, as well as doing the rest of everyone's "walkthrough" for their Story Mode. Until then, I'll catch you later. Enjoy!

4/6/04 - Well, I started this walkthrough a little over a week ago and since then, I've mainly only gotten the Move Lists for each character done. I need to get Section IV, VI and VII completed, since that's all there is left to do, but I do want to do a "walkthrough" for the Story Mode, since some people may want to know what the hell's going on at some parts of it. Either way, expect this all done soon, just depends on how busy I get, but in the meantime, there's a full Move List up for each character, so, that should help you with the majority of the game. So, until I next update, enjoy!

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] ==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Q. Is this game coming out in the United States?

A. Actually, yes it is. I believe it'll be titled as "Dragon Ball Z: Super Sonic Warriors", though it'll have a few changes to it. I'm rather sure they'll replace the Introduction and Ending theme songs of Cha La Head Cha La and We Were Angels with FUNimation's shit music. Plus the voice actors I'm sure will replace the Japanese ones as well, so, yeah, there's what you can expect. I suggest just buying the Japanese version, since you really don't need to know Japanese to play this game and even with Story Mode, you basically can figure out what's going on without reading any of it.

Q. I don't understand a few of the names you use in your walkthrough! Also, why are most of your attacks in Japanese? Why aren't they in English like on the show???

A. Alright, simple answer. I tend to go by the Japanese names and not the horrid translations that FUNimation did. Sorry, but I experienced this version first long before I experienced the dub, so, I'm more familiar with these names than whatever the dub named them as. Also, this is a Japanese game after all. I'm using what the game has the name's as, (Except for the attacks. I got those names from the Daizenshuus. You have to love those books.) so, sorry if I don't have something as Krillin or Goku. Deal with it.

Q. [Add in random question that's answered right here in the walkthrough]?

A. Look in the walkthrough. Christ, I didn't write this whole thing to have someone who was too lazy to browse my walkthrough, (Which, by the way has a search feature, so don't say "I can't find it!", because, $20 says I can type in what I want to find and in 2 seconds find it, bucko.) E-Mail me and waste my time with something that's answered here. If you bother E-Mailing me a question that's answered here in the walkthrough, don't expect a reply. Sorry if I sound like an ass, but in the past, you will NOT believe how often I get this crap.

Q. Are there any hidden characters besides the ones you can buy and unlock in the Store?

A. No.

Q. How do I beat [random character here]?

A. This is a fighting game. Fight them. If you can't win, learn some moves with your fighter, practice and try again. I can't offer much more strategy than this, folks.

Q. I can't perform Desperation Moves! Whenever I hit the buttons, (Read: Keyboard keys.) nothing happens! Why?

A. Simple. Your keyboard can't take more than 2 keys being held down at once. Also, you wouldn't have this problem if you owned the actual game, so, buy it and problem solved.

Q. Is there a reason why you don't have a Story Mode Walkthrough?

A. It's not needed. Even if you want a translation of what's being said, just wait until the English version is released.

Q. Can we do Ki Struggles in this game?

A. No...well, sort of. If you and the opponent manage to fire a Desperation Move off at the same time, the blasts will collide and either cancel out or if one is stronger, destroy the one blast and keep going at the opponent.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== IV. How To Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTP4 ] ==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAM4.1 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Alright, let's start with the controls for the game, shall we?

D-Pad - Used to move your character around the screen, as well as to browse Menus.

Select - Does nothing.

Start - Pauses the game while in a Battle and also confirms options.

B Button - Allows you to Grapple with the opponent and to also cancel out of Menus/options.

A Button - Allows you to perform a Knock Away attack that's very strong and to also confirm options.

L Button - Lets you change characters if you have more than one during a Battle. (Also used to browse some Menus by going to the previous Menu.)

R Button - Lets you Power Up and gain Ki while during a Battle. (Also used to browse some Menus by going to the next Menu.)

Note: For a more complete and detailed list of moves and functions, as well as for each character, head to Section V. The Playable Characters Of The Story and read there.

Alright, next, onto the Menus:

When you first load the game up, you'll see 7 Dragon Balls, to which you can rotate and select a area to go to and play. Here's a rundown on each area, but after this entire section, there's a very detailed list below telling you all about each one:

Story Mode - Allows you to play through 8 Battles as a character and witness a story just for them. Depending on who you play as, you could end up going through the DBZ Story or just seeing a "What if..." scenario.

Z Battle Mode - Let's you fight against 8 opponents either by yourself or with a team. Though, with a team, your total Level can't exceed 4, so, you can have all Level 1 characters or 2 Level 1 characters and 1 Level 2 character and so forth. At anytime, though, just hit the Start Button to not choose any more characters and to fight with who you've chosen already. Beating this Mode will only get you a score and a place of rank, so, do this only for fun if you wish.

Challenge Mode - Probably the best way to get Points to unlock characters, this Mode pits you against teams of certain characters one at a time. As you defeat each team, new teams are unlocked and the harder the team, the more Points you get. Again, you can't go over the Level 4 limit with your characters, so be careful.

Free Battle Mode - Eh, this is just a fun little area to play in. There's no limits to your Levels, so, go nuts. All you do is select your team and your opponents and have at it.

Training Mode - Basically, you're given a training session on the game's mechanics and how to fight. Follow the instructions and do what you're told to get through the Tutorial. Also, if you just want to train yourself on fighting, you can also do that.

Remote VS. Mode - Your basic Versus Mode, where you can link up and play against a friend.

Option Mode - Lets you change the game's Difficulty, unlock new characters or just view Rankings of various scores you've gotten in different Modes in the game.

Alright, that covers a quick overview of each Menu Option. Next up, let's take a look at the screen of when you're engaging in a Battle and what each thing is, starting from the top left and going clockwise:

Scouter - Lists your current Level for that character, such as a Level 1 Gokou, along with your Ki Percent and a arrow showing you where the opponent is currently, as well as if you have enough Ki to perform a special attack and where the attack will go if you perform it now. For example, if the arrow is Pointing to the east, your attack will go to the east. To gain more Ki, hold the R Button down until you reach your desired amount or 100%.

Health Bar - A blue bar that represents your energy. If this empties, you are done for.

Battle Gauge - Represents how much damage you can take from blocking before you or the opponent is "dizzy". If you block too much, you'll become dizzy and the opponent can basically knock you around the screen like a pinball. During this time, if the opponent or you happen to be hit just as the ball reaches the middle again, which signals when the character regains control of themselves, they'll be sent flying into a structure or some rocks for some decent damage. Just be careful not to block too much within a short amount of time. To know when you or an opponent is dizzy, the bar will turn green, so at that time, either pray you recover fast enough or just go nuts if this happens to the opponent.

Rush - Appears when you hit the opponent more than once. It basically just lists how many attacks you got off in a row. Also known as a Combo.

Well, there you go. Rather basic stuff for a basic, yet fun Fighting game.

And with that, the Controls and Menus are covered. Onto the next section...

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Story Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ STOMO4.2 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Story Mode is just what the name means: A story. Basically, you pick a character to play as and you go through the game, fighting 8 Battles, each getting harder and harder as you go along. Depending on who you play as, you'll either see the normal DBZ Story, such as if you played as Gokou, you'll see the events play out as normal. Though, if you play as, say, Ginyuu, a character who isn't around past the Freeza Saga, then a "What if..." story begins. Rather fun to see play out and each character has a ending, with a select few even having a Secret Final Battle, but ONLY if you don't lose a fight once against anyone. Just note, though, that not everyone has a Secret Final Battle.

Other than that, after you see the ending, if and when you unlock the Museum, you can view the endings whenever you wish. This is the basic Mode of play in the game, just like in any Fighting game, so, partake in it to get a quick laugh or two over some of the odd things that take place with most of the characters that shouldn't be around at some times. Each story is presented by a quick talking by the characters, then a Battle, more talking, another Battle, etc. Though, do be sure to go through as everyone to just see each stroy and to be able to play as everyone...once you unlock them all.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C. Z Battle Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ZBAMO4.3 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

In this Mode, you choose from a One on One fight or a Team Battle. Either way, you pit yourself up against 8 different fighters/teams and have at it for fun. After reach Battle, you get a score based on how well you did. There's no hidden meaning to this and it doesn't unlock anything if you get a really high score; it's just for fun. It's also not a Level Up Mode where you can get stronger and stronger, so don't think that. Despite what Mode of play you pick here, you can't exceed Level 4 total with your Team, although this doesn't really apply to a One on One fight, so don't worry. With a Team Battle, you can only have, say, 2 Level 1s and 1 Level 2 and so forth, since they equal Level 4 total. Of course, if you want just, say, one or two characters for a Team Battle, select them and then hit the Start Button to instantly begin playing.

After each Battle, you are ranked on the following for your score:

Life RemainTime RemainMax Combo

These _somehow_ reflect your Battle Power, which is the over all score of your performance in the Battle. Over all, a fun little game, so, play it and see how high you can get your Battle Power.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- D. Challenge Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CHAMO4.4 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ah, the best way to score Points so you can unlock other characters and features to the game. Basically, once again, you are limited to having your team not exceed Level 4, so, choose wisely. Once you acquire your team, you will have to fight one team before you can go onto the other. As you beat more and more teams, more are unlocked until you unlock the final one. Here's a list of all the teams you fight and how much Points they give you:

Note: Just like in Z Battle Mode, after each Battle, you're given a Rank based on how well you fought.

Z Soldiers Team

Gokou Lvl. 1.Piccolo Lvl. 2. Kuririn Lvl. 1.

Points: 50.

Freeza Team

Freeza Lvl. 3.Ginyuu Lvl. 2.Vegeta Lvl. 1.

Points: 200.

Android Team

Dr. Gero Lvl. 2.No. 18 Lvl. 2.Cell Lvl. 2.

Points: 250.

Vegeta Team

Vegeta Lvl. 2.Trunks Lvl. 2.Gotenks Lvl. 2.

Points: 250.

Son Team

Gokou Lvl. 2.Gohan Lvl. 2.Gohan Lvl. 3.

Points: 300.

Majin Team

Buu Lvl. 2.Buu Lvl. 3.Vegeta Lvl. 3.

Points: 350.

Villain Team

Freeza Lvl. 3.Cell Lvl. 3.Buu Lvl. 3.

Points: 400.

Super Saiya-jin Team

Gokou Lvl. 3.Vegeta Lvl. 3.Trunks Lvl. 3.

Points: 400.

So, there you have it. Obviously the best way to get Points is to fight either the Villain or Super Saiya-jin Team over and over.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- E. Free Battle Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FRBAMO4.5 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

A rather basic and simple Mode. You have free rule over your team this time with no Level restraints. Once you select your team, you select the computer's team and then you both have at it. After the Battle, you'll get a Rank and then you can set up for another Battle. Not much else to this area, so, head here for just some old school bashing of one another when you get bored.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- F. Training Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TRMO4.6 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Probably the most complex Mode in the game, if you don't know Japanese. When you first start out, you can either do Practice or Tutorial. I'll start with Practice first:


Again, as you start with Practice, you can only have people on your team with a total Level that doesn't exceed 4. Afterwards, you'll see the following set up:

Training Start - Begin your training.

Opponent - Select your opponent by using the D-Pad and his Level.

Stage - Select the Stage you want to fight in. I unfortunately can't read much Kanji, so, you'll have to just pick something and go with it. Though, Namek, Porunga (Area of Namek with Porunga in the background.) and Cell Game are areas that you can go to that I can read.

Difficulty - Select the Difficulty of the computer, but if you don't want them to fight back, just choose Off.

Ki - Choose to have your Ki at 0%, 50% or 100%. If you do it at 0%, it's going to be you charging up over and over in a real fight, but with 50% or 100%, your Ki will never go below that, so it's helpful if you just want to test your Desperation Moves.

Battle Gauge - Set the Battle Gauge however you want, incase you want to easily knock your opponent around for practice in that. Move it to the right for the opponent and to the left for you, incase you want to be hit around or something.

Reselect Characters - Select this to go back and choose a different team.

Main Menu - Choose this to go back to the Main Menu to select a different Mode of play.

Ok, that covers the Practice Mode. Now, for the Tutorial:


As you start this, you'll be given 6 different Tutorials to go through. Here's what you have to do in each one:

Tutorial 1 - Movement.

Objective #1 - Jump on Piccolo. Basically, just move over towards him, use the Up Button and land on him.

Objective #2 - Get into the air and just double tap each direction on the D-Pad so you sprint around in the air. Just keep doing this to clear this part.

Objective #3 - Same as the last one. Just repeat and fly around until you clear it.

Objective #4 - Rather easy. You have to catch Piccolo, so just use the Bukuujutsu Rush and tag him.

Tutorial 2 - Hand To Hand Combat.

Objective #1 - Use the B Button to Grapple and keep hitting Piccolo until you clear this.

Objective #2 - Use the A Button to use the Knock Away and keep hitting Piccolo until you clear this.

Objective #3 - Use both the A and B Buttons to attack Piccolo with. Make sure you do Grappling and Knock Aways until you clear this.

Objective #4 - Tap the D-Pad in the direction of Piccolo twice and then use either the A or B Buttons to attack him. Keep doing this until you clear this part.

Tutorial 3 - Ki Combat.

Objective #1 - Just hold the R Button down and get your Ki to 100%.

Objective #2 - Hold the R Button down and press the B Button over and over to fire the Renzoku Energy Dan at Piccolo. Keep doing this and recharge your Ki when needed until you clear this.

Objective #3 - Hold the R Button down and press the A Button over and over to fire a Ki Blast at Piccolo. Keep doing this and recharge your Ki when needed until you clear this.

Objective #4 - Hold the R Button down and hold the A Button to release a Super Ki Blast at Piccolo. Keep doing this and recharge your Ki when needed until you clear this.

Tutorial 4 - Desperation Moves.

Objective #1 - Just use Gohan's Kamehameha by holding the R Button and then pressing both the A and B Buttons and you'll clear this.

Objective #2 - Go near Piccolo and hit both the A and B Buttons to do a Grab move and you'll clear this.

Objective #3 - As Gokou this time, charge up your Ki to 100% and while you're still holding the R Button, press the L Button to use the Kaiou-ken and you'll clear this.

Tutorial 5 - Switching Characters.

Objective #1 - Just hit the L Button to change your character to Gokou and you're done.

Objective #2 - Same as the above, only be moving this time when you hit the L Button and then you're done.

Tutorial 6 - Battle Gauge.

Objective #1 - Piccolo will be blocking the whole time, so, just assault him until the Battle Gauge is all the way to the right and breaks, making Piccolo dizzy and then you're done.

Objective #2 - Same as the above, only this time, after Piccolo becomes dizzy, hit him until you clear this.

Objective #3 - Same as Objective #1, only this time, when Piccolo becomes dizzy, hold the Direction you're facing him in and hit the A Button to knock him into a pile of rocks. If this doesn't work, just make sure you hit him JUST before the ball gets back to the middle of the Battle Gauge.

And there you have it. That's all there is to the Tutorial. I hope it helps you.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- G. Remote VS. Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ REVSMO4.7 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

In this Mode, you basically link up with a friend and play against each other. Of course, you need a GBA Link Cable, 2 GBAs and 2 Dragon Ball Z: Bukuu Tougeki Game Paks. If you select this Mode by mistake, just hit the Start Button to exit it, but if you are in this Mode, after the game confirms the other player, you'll both select your fighters and duke it out.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Option Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ OPMO4.8 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Not alot here, except for a few Options you can change around and/or view your Ranks in various areas. Here's what each section is:

Setting - Lets you change the following:

Difficulty - Change it anywhere from Kids, Easy, Normal, Hard or Hell. Obviously Kids is the easiest and Hell is the hardest.

BGM - Choose to have the Background Music either On or Off.

SE - Choose to have the Sound Effetcs either On or Off.

Shop - As you acquire Points in the game, go here to unlock Characters and other things. At the bottom right hand of the screen is how many Points you currently have and at the bottom left hand of the screen is the page number you're on out of 15 of the total pages.

Ranking - Shows you the Ranks you've acquired through the various Modes of play throughout the game. To browse the lists, use the A Button.

Museum - Once you unlock this from the Shop, you can look and listen to the following:

Voice - Listen to 180 different voices from the game.

BGM - Listen to 25 of the Background Musics from the game.

SE - Listen to the 54 of the Sound Effects from the game.

Pics - View the 23 different images from the game, from the backgrounds to each character's ending.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== V. The Playable Characters Of The Story . . . . . . . . . . . [ TPCOT5 ]==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Gokou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GOKO5.1 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

The main character of Dragon Ball Z, Gokou yet agains takes over the role of the average fighter. With no ups or downs to him, he's the middle man this time, having no real strengths or weaknesses, except for the ace up his sleeve, the Kaiou-ken. His Renzoku Energy Dan takes 7% of Ki per each shot and it doesn't home in on the target, but it does somewhat good damage if it hits. His Ki Blast attack normally is somewhat fast and sort of homes in a little, costing 20% of Ki, but with his ultimate Ki Blast, it's VERY fast and can pack a good punch. Although his main Desperation Move is the Kamehameha, he does come armed with the Genki Dama when things start to not turn in his favor. A great all around fighter, but there's better. His rate of gathering Ki is about average, though. Even in Level 2 and 3 with Super Saiya-jin, his attacks aren't that different...

Level 1 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Grapple - B Button.Knock Away - A Button. (Note: If you use this on a Renzoku Energy Dan or Ki Blast your opponent fires at you, if you time it right, you can knock it back at them.)Ki Shield (Block.) - Hold A/B Button. (B Button for weak attacks, A Button for strong.)Power Up - Hold R Button.Renzoku Energy Dan - Hold R Button + Tap B Button.Ki Blast - Hold R Button + Tap OR Hold B Button.Throw - A + B Buttons, tap A or B Button to release the opponent. (Make sure you aim at the ground for them to hit or else this will do no damage to them.)Bukuujutsu Rush - R Button + Hold D-Pad in the direction you want to go in.Dodge/Rush - Tap D-Pad in the direction you want to go twice.Kaiou-ken - 100% Ki, Hold R Button + Press L Button. (Repeat to turn it off.)Shunkan Idou - 25%+ Ki, Hold L Button + Hold D-Pad in the direction you want to go in.

Desperation Moves

Kamehameha - 50-99% Ki, Left, Right or Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Chou Kamehameha - 100% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Genki Dama - 100% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.

Level 2 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1, except minus the Kaiou-ken.

Desperation Moves

Kamehameha - 50-99% Ki, Left, Right or Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Chou Kamehameha - 100% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.

Level 3 Attacks:

Normal Moves:

Same as Level 1, except minus the Kaiou-ken.

Desperation Moves

Kamehameha - 50-99% Ki, Left, Right or Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Chou Kamehameha - 100% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Shunken Idou Kamehameha - 100% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Gohan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GOHA5.2 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

The other main character of Dragon Ball Z and Gokou's Son, Gohan is one hell of a talented fighter, but chooses not to fight unless he absolutely is forced to. That, though, is when you'd DEFINITELY hate to be the opponent. In this game, Gohan shows he's no slouch and even though his first two Levels he's a shrimp, his third makes him shine in all his glory and like Gokou, he's rather well rounded, even if he is lacking in Desperation Moves. Like Gokou, his Renzoku Energy Dan and Ki Blast each take 7% and 20% of Ki and both are like Gokous: They don't home in, but the Ki Blast is fast and powerful. Though, his Renzoku Energy Dan is not fast at all, so be careful, but in Level 3, it really picks up. His rate of gathering Ki is rather average, though. Other than that, he's a rather average fighter like his dad, but good for those who like Gohan...

Note: If you have Gohan Level 1 or 2 in your team and a character is defeated and he comes out next, he gets a slight power up due to his anger.

Level 1 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Grapple - B Button.Knock Away - A Button. (Note: If you use this on a Renzoku Energy Dan or Ki Blast your opponent fires at you, if you time it right, you can knock it back at them.)Ki Shield (Block.) - Hold A/B Button. (B Button for weak attacks, A Button for strong.)Power Up - Hold R Button.Renzoku Energy Dan - Hold R Button + Tap B Button.Ki Blast - Hold R Button + Tap OR Hold B Button.Head Shot - A + B Buttons.Bukuujutsu Rush - R Button + Hold D-Pad in the direction you want to go in.Dodge/Rush - Tap D-Pad in the direction you want to go twice.

Desperation Moves

Kamehameha - 50-99% Ki, Left, Right or Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Chou Kamehameha - 100% Ki, Left, Right or Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.

Level 2 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1.

Desperation Moves

Same as Level 1.

Level 3 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1, except his "Head Shot" is now called Backhand.

Desperation Moves

Kamehameha - 50-99% Ki, Left, Right, Above or Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Chou Kamehameha - 100% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C. Piccolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PICC5.3 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ah, the lone warrior who's managing to keep up with the Saiya-jin's Strength. Piccolo is one hell of a warrior and its shown throughout the Dragon Ball story. Being a genius when it comes to combat, his arsenel is filled with a wide and amazing list of abilities, far outdoing Gokou and the others in some areas. Hell, the guy can even reincarnate himself in a utter last ditch effort. (Piccolo Daimaou, anyone?) In the game, Piccolo is not only above average, but he's fast, skilled and his Renzoku Energy Dan homes in on its target, making him dangerous in the right situation. His rate of gathering Ki is a bit above average, which is damn good. Although, his Ki Blast only costs 16% of Ki to do, it's still about as strong as Gokou and Gohan's.

Level 1 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Grapple - B Button.Knock Away - A Button. (Note: If you use this on a Renzoku Energy Dan or Ki Blast your opponent fires at you, if you time it right, you can knock it back at them.)Ki Shield (Block.) - Hold A/B Button. (B Button for weak attacks, A Button for strong.)Power Up - Hold R Button.Renzoku Energy Dan - Hold R Button + Tap B Button.Ki Blast - Hold R Button + Tap OR Hold B Button.Arm Extend - A + B Buttons.Bukuujutsu Rush - R Button + Hold D-Pad in the direction you want to go in.Dodge/Rush - Tap D-Pad in the direction you want to go twice.

Desperation Moves

Makankou Sappo - 50-99% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Chou Makankou Sappo - 100% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Chou Gekiretsukoudan - 50-99% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Renzoku Senkou Dan - 50-99% Ki, Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.

Level 2 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1.

Desperation Moves

Same as Level 1.

Level 3 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1.

Desperation Moves

Same as Level 1.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- D. Kuririn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KURI5.4 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

One of the strongest Humans on Earth and the best friend of Gokou, Kuririn has forever attempted to keep up with his friend, despite his limitations. A determined, witty and the comic relief fighter in the series, Kuririn, even though he falls behind rather fast, manages to keep up rather well and even remain as a key fighter in major fights, though, he's never that helpful. Unlike Tenshinhan and Yamucha, Kuririn throws everything aside whenever the odds are not in his favor and tries his best, even if he may die. If it weren't for the many times he's done this, well, things would be VERY different and some Battles may have been forever changed.

In the game, though, he is one HELL of a fighter. Being short and fast, he lacks over all strength and his Renzoku Energy Dan only takes 6% of Ki to do, with his Ki Blast taking only 15%, but it homes in, which is VERY good. His rate of gathering Ki is rather average and at Level 3, his Ki Blast no longer homes in on the target...ah well. Armed with a good amount of special moves, even having the aid of Gohan and Tenshinhan, Kuririn, despite his actions in the show, shines brightly this time and even though he's not the best, he can still hold his own.

Level 1 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Grapple - B Button.Knock Away - A Button. (Note: If you use this on a Renzoku Energy Dan or Ki Blast your opponent fires at you, if you time it right, you can knock it back at them.)Ki Shield (Block.) - Hold A/B Button. (B Button for weak attacks, A Button for strong.)Power Up - Hold R Button.Renzoku Energy Dan - Hold R Button + Tap B Button.Ki Blast - Hold R Button + Tap OR Hold B Button.Taiyouken - A + B Buttons.Bukuujutsu Rush - R Button + Hold D-Pad in the direction you want to go in.Dodge/Rush - Tap D-Pad in the direction you want to go twice.

Desperation Moves

Kakusandan - 50-99% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Gohan's Energy Dan - 50-99% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Renzoku Kienzan - 50-99% Ki, Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.

Level 2 Attacks:

Same as Level 1.

Desperation Moves

Kakusandan - 50-99% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Tenshinhan's Kikoho - 50-99% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Renzoku Kienzan - 50-99% Ki, Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.

Level 3 Attacks:

Same as Level 1, except for:

Potential - 100% Ki, Hold R Button + Press L Button. (Can't be turned off and it lasts for about 20 seconds.)

Desperation Moves

Kakusandan - 50-99% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Genki Dama - 50%-100% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Renzoku Kienzan - 50-99% Ki, Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- E. Vegeta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ VEGE5.5 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

The proud and honorable Prince of the Saiya-jins, Vegeta always strives to be the best, but no matter how hard he tries, he's always one step behind Gokou. Although he's one HELL of a fighter, he does have an edge over Gokou, which is he won't hesitate to destroy his enemy and he doesn't believe in mercy at all. While the merciful trait has almost killed Gokou more than once, it's also what saved Vegeta the one time he was defeated on Earth. In the game, though, Vegeta is another average fighter, but he has short range attacks, with some rather heavy Ki ones. Taking 7% of Ki for his Renzoku Energy Dan and a whopping 25% for his Ki Blasts, which neither of them home in, when they do hit, they pack a HUGE punch. He gathers Ki at a average rate, which sucks, since he needs alot to pull of his Ki Blasts. Either way, he's a great fighter, especially with his Desperation Moves and like in the show, he's not someone to underestimate.

Level 1 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Grapple - B Button.Knock Away - A Button. (Note: If you use this on a Renzoku Energy Dan or Ki Blast your opponent fires at you, if you time it right, you can knock it back at them.)Ki Shield (Block.) - Hold A/B Button. (B Button for weak attacks, A Button for strong.)Power Up - Hold R Button.Renzoku Energy Dan - Hold R Button + Tap B Button.Ki Blast - Hold R Button + Tap OR Hold B Button.Stunner - A + B Buttons.Bukuujutsu Rush - R Button + Hold D-Pad in the direction you want to go in.Dodge/Rush - Tap D-Pad in the direction you want to go twice.

Desperation Moves

Final Flash - 50-99% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Chou Final Flash - 100% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Gyarikkuho - 50-99% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Bakuhatsuha - 100% Ki, Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.

Level 2 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1.

Desperation Moves

Big Bang Attack - 50-99% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Chou Final Flash - 100% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Gyarikkuho - 50-99% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Bakuhatsuha - 100% Ki, Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.

Level 3 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1.

Desperation Moves

Final Flash - 50-99% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Chou Big Bang Attack - 100% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Gyarikkuho - 50-99% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Self Destruct - 100% Ki, Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons. (Note: This does not kill Vegeta nor does it hurt him.)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- F. Trunks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TRUN5.6 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Throughout Dragon Ball Z, there's two versions of Trunks. One is the from the future where the Androids run free and cause chaos, the other is a boy who's been spoiled rotten. In this game, you play as the one from the future that's not so bright. The son of Vegeta, he has barely any traits of his father and acts more like his mother, in his manners and actions. He's kind, like Gohan, since Gohan was the one who trained him, but unlike Gohan, he will fight if there's trouble and will not hold back. In the game, though, he's one hell of a fighter, though he relies on his Desperation Moves for the most damage and even his Sword.

His Renzoku Energy Dan costs 7% of Ki per each use and doesn't home in and his Ki Blast takes 20% to do, though if you do a quick one, it's not powerful and will even explode a short while after being fired for a land mind effect. He's a decent fighter, but unless you get in close to fight or use his Desperation Moves a hell of alot, then you'll have a hard time with him.

Level 1 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Grapple - B Button.Knock Away - A Button. (Note: If you use this on a Renzoku Energy Dan or Ki Blast your opponent fires at you, if you time it right, you can knock it back at them.)Ki Shield (Block.) - Hold A/B Button. (B Button for weak attacks, A Button for strong.)Power Up - Hold R Button.Renzoku Energy Dan - Hold R Button + Tap B Button.Ki Blast - Hold R Button + Tap OR Hold B Button.Slice 'N Dice - A + B Buttons. (Note: This is a VERY good, yet cheap attack.)Bukuujutsu Rush - R Button + Hold D-Pad in the direction you want to go in.Dodge/Rush - Tap D-Pad in the direction you want to go twice.

Desperation Moves

Burning Attack - 50-99% Ki, Left, Right, or Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Chou Burning Attack - 100% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Masenko - 100% Ki, Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.

Level 2 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1.

Desperation Moves

Same as Level 1.

Level 3 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1.

Desperation Moves

Same as Level 1.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- G. Ginyuu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GINY5.7 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

The leader of the Ginyuu Special Force, Ginyuu is one HELL of a fighter, despite his skills in the series for the time he was around. Being the strongest fighter that works for Freeza, he was easily taken down by Gokou, Kuririn, Gohan and Vegeta. In the game, though, he's just amazing, sporting all kinds of attacks, with everyone except Burta helping him when he needs it. His Renzoku Energy Dan costs 8% of Ki and it's homing to boot, plus it's fast. As for his Ki Blast, it's decent and costs 24% of Ki to do and it packs a very good punch to it. He can gather Ki at about a average rate, which sucks since he needs alot of Ki to pull off his Ki attacks. Not to mention, though, with the help of his men in his later Levels, Ginyu and his Special Force is a force not to be messed with.

Level 1 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Grapple - B Button.Knock Away - A Button. (Note: If you use this on a Renzoku Energy Dan or Ki Blast your opponent fires at you, if you time it right, you can knock it back at them.)Ki Shield (Block.) - Hold A/B Button. (B Button for weak attacks, A Button for strong.)Power Up - Hold R Button.Renzoku Energy Dan - Hold R Button + Tap B Button.Ki Blast - Hold R Button + Tap OR Hold B Button.Pile Driver - A + B Buttons.Bukuujutsu Rush - R Button + Hold D-Pad in the direction you want to go in.Dodge/Rush - Tap D-Pad in the direction you want to go twice.

Desperation Moves

Eraser Cannon - 50-99% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Crusher Ball - 50% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Switch - 50%-100% Ki, Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons. (Note: This attack switches the Level and Ki Levels with the opponent if it hits them. This can be good or bad, so be careful.)

Level 2 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1, but his "Throw" is now Kanashibari No Jyutsu, which has Gurd come in and hold the opponent in place while Ginyuu attacks them.

Desperation Moves

Reacoom's Eraser Cannon - 50-99% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Jace's Crusher Ball - 50-99% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Switch - 50%-100% Ki, Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons. (Note: This attack switches the Level and Ki Levels with the opponent if it hits them. This can be good or bad, so be careful.)

Level 3 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Same as Level 2.

Desperation Moves

Same as Level 2.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Freeza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FREE5.8 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

The evil tyrant that was once feared throughout the Galaxy as the strongest being, Freeza had it all, except eternal life. Heading to Planet Namek to obtain the Dragon Balls and get just that, his plans were foiled thanks to Gokou and company. Even though he was defeated, he's still one HELL of a great fighter, sporting a ton of attacks and just a over all tough cookie. His Freeza Beam (This is what his Renzoku Energy Dan is.) takes up a whopping 16% of Ki per shot and it doesn't home in, while his Ki Blast takes only 20% of Ki to perform, but it also doesn't home in. Both of them are rather powerful and with his variety of Ki attacks, going up against Freeza will not end easy. He gathers Ki at a average rate, which doesn't help since he needs ALOT to do any Ki attacks. Even with this limitation, Freeza is possibly one of the best fighters in the game.

Level 1 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Grapple - B Button.Knock Away - A Button. (Note: If you use this on a Renzoku Energy Dan or Ki Blast your opponent fires at you, if you time it right, you can knock it back at them.)Ki Shield (Block.) - Hold A/B Button. (B Button for weak attacks, A Button for strong.)Power Up - Hold R Button.Renzoku Energy Dan - Hold R Button + Tap B Button.Ki Blast - Hold R Button + Tap OR Hold B Button.Hokakukondan - A + B Buttons.Bukuujutsu Rush - R Button + Hold D-Pad in the direction you want to go in.Dodge/Rush - Tap D-Pad in the direction you want to go twice.100% Power - 100% Ki, Hold R Button + Press L Button. (Can't be turned off.)

Desperation Moves

Daichiretsuzan - 50-99% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Flaming Headbutt - 50-99% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Death Ball - 100% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons. (If the opponent dodges the attack, the Death Ball hits the ground and the opponent has 45 seconds to defeat you or you win, due to the planet "exploding".)Psychokinesis - 50-99% Ki, Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.

Level 2 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1.

Desperation Moves

Same as Level 1.

Level 3 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1.

Desperation Moves

Same as Level 1.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Dr. Gero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DRGE5.9 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

The head Scientist of the now dead Red Ribbon Army, Dr. Gero survived the assault made by Gokou years ago when he was a kid and ever since then, he's held a psychotic grudge on him, vowing to someday get revenge and kill him. After being warned by Trunks about him, since the real timeline had Dr. Gero's Plan working, Gokou and the Z Senshi prepare for the Androids and end up foiling his plans in the end, but not after a long and grueling battle that did indeed end with Gokou dying. Although he's strong, he's nothing compared to the Z Senshi and his other Androids and even in the game he's not the best fighter, but depending on how you use him, he could be quite deadly.

His Renzoku Energy Dan costs only 6% of Ki to do and it homes in, plus his Ki Blast costs 16% of Ki to do, which are semi strong, but they aren't the best and they don't home in. Due to not being able to gather Ki, since he's a machine, he has to steal it from the opponent or absorb their attacks. In his later Levels, he can slowly gather Ki, but it's VERY slow. An average fighter over all, if you can use him well, he can be quite deadly.

Level 1 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Grapple - B Button.Knock Away - A Button. (Note: If you use this on a Renzoku Energy Dan or Ki Blast your opponent fires at you, if you time it right, you can knock it back at them.)Ki Shield (Block.) - Hold A/B Button. (B Button for weak attacks, A Button for strong.)Power Absorbtion - Hold R Button. (If used while a Renzoku Energy Dan or Ki Blast is fired at you, when it hits, you'll absorb it and gain the Ki.)Renzoku Energy Dan - Hold R Button + Tap B Button.Ki Blast - Hold R Button + Tap OR Hold B Button.Power Absorbtion - A + B Buttons. (Gives you 50% of Ki.)Hikou Rush - R Button + Hold D-Pad in the direction you want to go in.Dodge/Rush - Tap D-Pad in the direction you want to go twice.

Desperation Moves

Energy Blast - 50-99% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Chou Energy Blast - 100% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Eye Beams - 50-99% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons. Shougekiha - 50% Ki, Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.

Level 2 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1.

Desperation Moves

Same as Level 1.

Level 3 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1.

Desperation Moves

Same as Level 1.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- J. No. 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ NO185.10 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

One of the deadly Androids that plagued Trunks's Timeline and even in the other timeline, No. 18 is the strongest one next to Cell...for the time being. Even stronger than her brother, No. 17, No. 18 make look like a frail girl, but she managed to take down Vegeta with ease, while No. 17 handled the other Z Senshi with no effort himself. After being absorbed by Cell so he could reach his Perfect state, she was somehow vomited up after a hard blow to Cell by Gohan and has since become one of the good guys. Although in the game, she's far from good, but she does have a happy ending. A talented and fast fighter, she's not terribly strong, but with her infinite supply of Ki, she can forever pump out Renzoku Energy Dans and Ki Blasts for 0% of Ki, though, neither of them home in.

Though, she can't gain Ki either and in order to perform Desperation Moves, she has to assault her opponent until her power builds up high enough to do so. Even though she has unlimited Ki, her Ki attacks aren't that powerful, but she's fast and can deal out decent damage, but there's better fighters. She may sound cheap with the unlimited Ki thing, but trust me, it's not as great as it sounds...

Level 1 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Grapple - B Button.Knock Away - A Button. (Note: If you use this on a Renzoku Energy Dan or Ki Blast your opponent fires at you, if you time it right, you can knock it back at them.)Ki Shield (Block.) - Hold A/B Button. (B Button for weak attacks, A Button for strong.)Taunt - Hold R Button. (Nothing, really. No. 18 just tosses her hair back and laughs.)Renzoku Energy Dan - Hold R Button + Tap B Button.Ki Blast - Hold R Button + Tap OR Hold B Button.Knee Kick - A + B Buttons. Hikou Rush - R Button + Hold D-Pad in the direction you want to go in.Dodge/Rush - Tap D-Pad in the direction you want to go twice.

Desperation Moves

Energy Blast - 50-99% Ki, Left, Right, Above or Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Chou Energy Blast - 100% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.

Level 2 Attacks

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1.

Desperation Moves

Energy Blast - 50-99% Ki, Left, Right or Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Chou Energy Blast - 100% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.No. 17 & No. 18's Barrier - 50% Ki, Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.

Level 3 Attacks

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1.

Desperation Moves

Energy Blast - 50-99% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Chou Energy Blast - 100% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.No. 17 & No. 18's Barrier - 50% Ki, Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.No. 16's Hell's Flash - 50-99% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- K. Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CEL5.11 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Said to be the perfect fighter of all time, Cell is the artificial lifeform created by the cells of the greatest fighters in the Galaxy. Having the cells of Gokou, Kuririn, Tenshinhan, Vegeta, Freeza, Piccolo and some others, you'd think he'd be unstoppable, but, he wasn't. Even though Gohan defeated him, he's still a very dangeorus and skilled fighter, though he doesn't truly shine in this game. His attacks are rather limited to Gokou's and he's not as strong as he should be. His Renzoku Energy Dan only costs 7% of Ki, but it doesn't home and his Ki Blast takes 20%, but it doesn't home either, unless he's at Level 3. As for gathering Ki, he does it at a average rate, but over all, Cell's a good fighter in all areas, even though he kind of lacks in Desperation Moves and could've been made out to be so much better...

Level 1 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Grapple - B Button.Knock Away - A Button. (Note: If you use this on a Renzoku Energy Dan or Ki Blast your opponent fires at you, if you time it right, you can knock it back at them.)Ki Shield (Block.) - Hold A/B Button. (B Button for weak attacks, A Button for strong.)Power Up - Hold R Button.Renzoku Energy Dan - Hold R Button + Tap B Button.Ki Blast - Hold R Button + Tap OR Hold B Button.Bear Hug - A + B Buttons. (Like Trunks's Throw, this is cheap, but DAMN good, hitting 8 times.)Bukuujutsu Rush - R Button + Hold D-Pad in the direction you want to go in.Dodge/Rush - Tap D-Pad in the direction you want to go twice.

Desperation Moves

Kamehameha - 50-99% Ki, Left, Right or Below the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Chou Kamehameha - 100% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Barrier - 50-99% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.

Level 2 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1.

Desperation Moves

Same as Level 1.

Level 3 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1, except he now has Shunkan Idou. 25%+ Ki, Hold L Button + D-Pad in the direction you want to go.

Desperation Moves

Same as Level 1.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- L. Buu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BU5.12 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

A Demon that's been sleeping for centuries, thanks to energy taken from Gohan, Babidi, the son of Bibidi, the being who made Buu, revived him. The greatest threat Earth has ever seen, this time, even Gokou and Gohan weren't even a match for him: together. It took a fusion of Gokou and Vegeta, plus a Galaxy Genki Dama with Gokou in SSJ and Porunga refilling his energy to take this bad boy down. Even though he was defeated, I'd say Buu was the ultimate fighter in the series, due to his abilities. Like Cell, he can regenerate, he's the strongest fighter and his attacks are deadly. Oh and he's as insane as they come. His Renzoku Energy Dan only takes 7% of Ki, but it doesn't home in and his Ki Blast takes 20% of Ki to do and it also doesn't home.

He gains Ki, though, at a above average rate, which is good and some of his special attacks are very deadly, not to mention he can slowly heal over time, making him nearly unbeatable in certain conditions. Over all, possibly the perfect fighter in the game, but not completely perfect...

Level 1 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Grapple - B Button.Knock Away - A Button. (Note: If you use this on a Renzoku Energy Dan or Ki Blast your opponent fires at you, if you time it right, you can knock it back at them.)Ki Shield (Block.) - Hold A/B Button. (B Button for weak attacks, A Button for strong.)Power Up - Hold R Button.Renzoku Energy Dan - Hold R Button + Tap B Button.Ki Blast - Hold R Button + Tap OR Hold B Button.Henka Beam - A + B Buttons. (Buu turns the opponent into a cookie version of themselves. They can't attack for a certain amount of time, but they can move around. If they are hit once, they return to normal.)Bukuujutsu Rush - R Button + Hold D-Pad in the direction you want to go in.Dodge/Rush - Tap D-Pad in the direction you want to go twice.

Desperation Moves

Kamehameha - 50-99% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Shougekiha - 50-99% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Chou Shougekiha - 100% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Self Destruction - 100% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons. (Note: This does not kill Buu nor does it hurt him.)

Level 2 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1.

Desperation Moves

Same as Level 1.

Level 3 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Same as Level 1.

Desperation Moves

Dimensional Portal Cannon - 50-99% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Shougekiha - 50-99% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Genocide Attack - 50-100% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Self Destruction - 100% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons. (Note: This does not kill Buu nor does it hurt him.)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- M. Gotenks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GOTE5.13 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

The fusion result of Goten and Trunks, even though Gotenks is an amazing fighter, he's also cocky as hell and childish. Making up more useless attacks than actually fighting, he was the secret weapon in defeating Buu. Although he did really well, mainly with the Galactica Donut, Gekitotsu Ultra Buu Buu Volleyball and the Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack. Able to even go SSJ3, Gotenks is definitely a force to be reckoned with and despite his childish appearence and actions, remember, looks can be deceiving. For his Renzoku Energy Dan, aka Renzoku Shine Shine Missile, it costs only 6% of Ki to do it and they're INSANELY fast, but in the middle of homing kind of, along with his Ki Blasts costing 16% of Ki to do and they are homing. He can gather Ki at an alarming rate and he's probably the strongest fighter hands down, especially with his Desperation Moves.

His only downside, though, is depending on his Level, the fusion will run out after a certain amount of time. The higher his Level, the longer it'll last, but once you see the countdown appear, you'd better win or else Goten and Trunks will seperate and "die". Over all, though, he's a great fighter and probably even the best one, but like the others, he has his downsides, so, if you use him, make sure you can win fast and unlike Gotenks, don't goof around.

Level 1 Attacks:

Normal Moves

Grapple - B Button.Knock Away - A Button. (Note: If you use this on a Renzoku Energy Dan or Ki Blast your opponent fires at you, if you time it right, you can knock it back at them.)Ki Shield (Block.) - Hold A/B Button. (B Button for weak attacks, A Button for strong.)Power Up - Hold R Button.Renzoku Shine Shine Missile - Hold R Button + Tap B Button.Ki Blast - Hold R Button + Tap OR Hold B Button.Galactica Donut + Gekitotsu Ultra Buu Buu Volleyball - A + B Buttons. (Gotenks traps the opponent in a Ki ball and this allows you to knock them around for a short period of time.)Bukuujutsu Rush - R Button + Hold D-Pad in the direction you want to go in.Dodge/Rush - Tap D-Pad in the direction you want to go twice.

Desperation Moves

Dimensional Portal Cannon - 50-99% Ki, Left or Right of the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack x1 - 50-99% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack x4 - 100% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.Galactica Donut - 50-99% Ki, Above the opponent, R Button + A And B Buttons.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== VI. Technique List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TECLI6 ] ==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Interested in knowing what a certain move does or who can use it? You've come to the right place. Below are all the Techniques in the game, a description for each and the characters that can use them. So, here's the list of each Technique in the game:

Arm Extend - An attack where the user extends their arm, grabs the opponent, drags them in close and then kicks them away.Who Can Use It?: Piccolo.

Bakuhatsuha - A Desperation Move where the user fires a very large Ki Blast at the opponent from just two fingers. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Vegeta.

Barrier - A Desperation Move where the user throws up a Barrier around them, protecting them from all attacks, as well as hurting anyone who comes near them. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Cell.

Bear Hug - An attack where the user grab the opponent in a bear hug and crushes them multiple times.Who Can Use It?: Cell.

Big Bang Attack - A Desperation Move where the user fires a gigantic Ki Blast at the opponent from one arm. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Vegeta.

Bukuujutsu Rush - A basic move where the user engulf themselves in Ki and uses it to propel themselves towards the opponent for a surprise attack and/or to instantly get close to attack. Requires 10% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Everyone except Dr. Gero and No. 18.

Burning Attack - A Desperation Move where the user fires a gigantic Ki Blast from their hands. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Trunks.

Chou Gekiretsukoudan - A Depseration Move where the user gathers Ki in their hands near their chest and then launches an amazingly large ball of Ki at the opponent. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Piccolo.

Chou Big Bang Attack - A Desperation Move that's much stronger than the original. The user gathers more energy and releases a stronger Ki Blast. Requires 100% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use it?: Vegeta.

Chou Burning Attack - A Desperation Move that's much stronger than the original. The user gathers even more energy this time and releases a stronger Ki Blast at the opponent. Requires 100% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Trunks.

Chou Energy Blast - A Desperation Move that's stronger than the original. This time, the user gathers more energy than before and throws the giant ball of Ki at the opponent. Requires 100% Of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Dr. Gero and No. 18.

Chou Final Flash - A Desperation Move that's much stronger than the original Final Flash. The user gathers even more energy and attacks with an even stronger blast. Requires 100% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Vegeta.

Chou Kamehameha - A Desperation Move that's stronger than the original. The user gathers more energy and throws it at the opponent. Requires 100% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Cell, Gohan and Gokou.

Chou Makankou Sappo - A Desperation Move that's stronger than the original, the user gathers more Ki than before and attacks with a much stronger spiral beam. Requires 100% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Piccolo.

Chou Shougekiha - A Desperation Move that's more powerful than the original. The user gathers more energy than before and fires the attack at the opponent. Requirest 100% of Ki per each use.Who Can use It?: Buu.

Daichiretsuzan - A Desperation Move where the user sends a giant wave of Ki from their fingertips at amazing speed at the opponent. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Freeza.

Death Ball - A Desperation Move where the user throws a giant Ki Ball at the opponent and if the opponent doges, the attack hits the planet. Due to this, if the opponent does not defeat you within 45 seconds, you win.Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use I?: Freeza.

Dimensional Portal Cannon - A Desperation Move where the user fires a gigantic Ki Blast from their mouth. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Buu and Gotenks.

Dodge/Rush - A basic function which lets the user move away quickly or get close to the opponent semi fast, if they don't wish to spend 10% of Ki to use the Bukuujutsu/Hikou Rush.Who Can Use It?: Everyone.

Energy Blast - A Desperation Move where the user launches a giant ball of Ki at the opponent. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Dr. Gero and No. 18.

Eye Beams - A Desperation Move where the user fires Ki from their eyes over a small area around them. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can use It?: Dr. Gero.

Final Flash - A Desperation Move where the user cups his hands and releases a giant Ki Blast at the opponent. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Vegeta.

Flaming Headbutt - A Desperation Move where the user engulfs themselves in Ki and then charges head on at the opponent. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Freeza.

Galactica Donut - A Desperation Move where the user throws a ring of Ki at the opponent that traps them in place and allows the user to attack them for a short amount of time. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Gotenks.

Galactica Donut + Gekitotsu Ultra Buu Buu Volleyball - An attack where the user traps the opponent in the Galacitca Donut and then is able to knock them around for a few moments.Who Can Use It?: Gotenks.

Genki Dama - A Desperation Move where the user gathers Ki from all over the planet and focuses it into a giant Ki Ball and then throws it at the opponent. Requires 50% (Kuririn.)/100% (Gokou.) of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Gokou and Kuririn.

Genocide Attack - A Desperation Move where the user launches a whole bunch of Ki Blasts into the air than come raining down seconds later, homing in on the opponent. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Buu.

Gohan's Energy Dan - A Desperation Move where the user calls in Gohan to attack with a large Ki Blast. Requires 50% of Ki per use.Who Can Use It?: Kuririn.

Grapple - A basic attack where the user launches an assault of punches and kicks on the opponent.Who Can Use It?: Everyone.

Gyarikkuho - A Desperation Move where the user cups their hands to the side and releases a Ki Blast from above down onto the opponent. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Vegeta.

Head Shot - An attack where the user slams the opponent in the head with a punch, stunning them.Who Can Use It?: Gohan.

Henka Beam - An attack where the user turns the opponent into a cookie, making them unable to do any action except move around for a short while.Who Can Use It?: Buu.

Hikou Rush - A basic move where the user propels themselves towards the opponent for a surprise attack and/or to instantly get close to attack. Requires 10% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Dr. Gero and No. 18.

Hokakukondan - An attack where the user surrounds the opponent in a ball of Ki and then launches them at the ground.Who Can Use It?: Freeza.

Jace's Crusher Ball - A Desperation Move where the user calls in Jace to have him use his Crusher Ball on the opponent. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Ginyuu.

Kaiou-ken - An ability where the user amplifies the Ki in their body, increasing their over all power, but taking a staggering decrease in Health constantly. Requires 100% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Gokou.

Kakusandan - A Desperation Move where the user fires off a Ki Blast, that comes back down in multiple shots that home in on the opponent. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Kuririn.

Kamehameha - A Desperation Move where the user cups their hands to the side, gathers energy and then release the attack at the opponent. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Cell, Gohan and Gokou.

Ki Blast - A strong, medium sized ball of Ki that has a few levels of power and that is launched at the opponent. The longer charged, the stronger the attack, but there's a limit to how much damage it can do. The amount of Ki used varies on the user.Who Can Use It?: Everyone.

Ki Shield (Block.) - A defensive move where the user puts up a Ki Shield to defend themselves from Ki Attacks.Who Can Use It?: Everyone.

Knee Kick - An attack where the user graps the opponent and then knees them in the stomach, which launches them away.Who Can Use It?: No. 18.

Knock Away - A fierce attack which when successful, launches the opponent away from you.Who Can Use It?: Everyone.

Makankou Sappo - A Desperation Move where the user builds up energy in two finger tips and then releases a devestating spiral beam that can pierce anything. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Piccolo.

Masenko - A Desperation Move where the user launches a large Ki Blast at the opponent. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Trunks.

No. 16's Hell's Flash - A Desperation Move where the user calls upon No. 16 to have him do his Hell's Flash on the opponent. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: No. 18.

No. 17 & No. 18's Barrier - A Desperation Move where the user calls upon No. 17 to help put up a Barrier to hurt the opponent if they are near them or if they decide to get near them. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: No. 18.

Pile Driver - An attack where the user grabs the opponent and then pile drives him into the ground.Who Can Use it?: Ginyuu.

Potential - An ability where the user releases their hidden powers, increasing their power for a 20 second period. Requires 100% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Kuririn.

Power Absorbtion - An attack where the user grab the opponent and then fills up 50% of their Ki and slightly hurts the opponent.Who Can Use It?: Dr. Gero.

Power Absorbtion - An ability that allows the user to absorb Ki thrown at them and then add it to their own total amount. (At higher Levels, it allows the user to slowly gain Ki from the air.)Who Can Use It?: Dr. Gero.

Power Up - A basic ability where the user summons Ki to stock pile to attack with when necessary.Who Can Use It: Everyone except Dr. Gero and No. 18.

Psychokinesis - A Desperation Move where the user levitates rocks off the ground and hurls them at the opponent. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Freeza.

Reacoom's Eraser Cannon - A Desperation Move where the user calls Reacoom in to have him fire his Eraser Cannon at the opponent. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Ginyuu.

Renzoku Energy Dan - A basic Ki Attack where the user launches a massive assault of rapid fire Ki Blasts, either homing or non-homing, on the opponent. Amount of Ki used varies on the user.Who Can Use It?: Everyone except Gotenks.

Renzoku Kienzan - A Desperation Move where the user creates multiple Kienzan and launches them at the opponent. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Kuririn.

Renzoku Senkou Dan - A Desperation Move where the user launches a ton of small Ki Balls that surround the opponent and then close in all at once for a devestating finale. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Piccolo.

Renzoku Shine Shine Missile - A basic Ki Attack where the user launches a massive assault of rapid fire Ki Blasts, either homing or non-homing. Amount of Ki used varies on the user. (Note: It's the same as Renzoku Energy Dan, but this is the name Gotenks calls it.)Who Can Use It?: Gotenks.

Self Destruction - A Desperation Move where the user gathers all the Ki in their body and releases it in a massive explosion around the entire area around them. Requires 100% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Buu and Vegeta.

Shougekiha - A Desperation Move where the user blows wind around them, which makes the area around them explode. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Buu.

Shunkan Idou - An ability where the user can teleport around the battlefield, going away/behind/near the opponent instantly. Requires 25% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Gokou.

Shunken Idou Kamehameha - A Desperation Move where the user prepares a Kamehameha and before firing it, teleports using Shunken Idou in front of the opponent and blasts them Point blank. Requires 100% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Gokou.

Slice 'N Dice - An attack where the user slashes constantly at the opponent numerous times with a Sword, then fires a Ki Blast at them.Who Can Use It?: Trunks.

Stunner - An attack where the user punches the opponent, stunning them momentarily.Who Can Use It?: Vegeta.

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack x1 - A Desperation Move where the user creates a Ghost of themselves and has it launch itself at the opponent for damage. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Gotenks.

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack x4 - A Desperation Move that's much stronger than the original. The user gathers more energy this time and creates three more Ghosts to attack with. Requires 100% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Gotenks.

Switch - A Desperation Move where the user switches Ki and even Levels with the opponent. Requires 100% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Ginyuu.

Taiyouken - An attack where the user uses Sunlight to blind the opponent, making them paralyzed for a few seconds.Who Can Use It?: Kuririn.

Taunt - Not much of a move, but the user swipes their hair back and laughs at the opponent.Who Can use It?: No. 18.

Tenshinhan's Kikoho - An attack where the user calls in Tenshinhan to have him attack with his Kikoho. Requires 50% of Ki per each use.Who Can Use It?: Kuririn.

Throw - An attack where the user grabs the opponent by the legs and spins around and then releases them, throwing them towards whatever.Who Can Use It?: Gokou.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== VII. Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECRE7 ] ==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret Final Battles ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

During each person's Story Mode, if you can beat each fight without losing once, after the credits, you may enter a final Battle with them, but not all the characters have one. It's mainly the villains of the series, though.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== VIII. Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CREDI8 ]==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Well, here's where I give credit to the ones that helped make this guide possible. Here's the following people:

Banpresto/Arc System Works - For making possibly THE best DBZ fighting game ever to be made. I really enjoyed it and you guys did an amazing job on it. If you ever make another one, I hope it's even better than this.

Akira Toriyama - For creating Dragon Ball of course and also having this game made. If it weren't for him, this walkthrough wouldn't be here right now. So be thankful.

Myself - For actually sitting down and doing this walkthrough. It was hell, but it was worth it.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== IX. My Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWOR9 ] ==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Thanks for reading my walkthrough first of all. I sure hope it helped you. If you wish to submit something to this walkthrough, send it to and label the subject as "Submit-Bukuu" and as nothing else please. It isn't too hard and I'm not asking for alot. If you have any questions regarding this game, also send them to me and label the subject as "Question-Bukuu" please. Again, not asking much here and it isn't hard to understand. Now for the legal stuff.

This guide was created by Kain Stryder. It is not meant to be used on any other site besides GameFAQs and any other site I've deemed to have it hosted on. It's not to be edited in ANY way for other use. (Unless I give permission to do so.) I did not create, nor take in participation of creating Dragon Ball Z: Bukuu Tougeki. I am not affiliated with Banpresto/Arc System Works nor the team who made it. I also don't have the rights to it. I am a writer simply giving out information to other gamers of Dragon Ball Z: Bukuu Tougeki.