Trinity Anglican Church, Annual Vestry Reports · Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports...


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Trinity Anglican Church

1230 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 3Y3

VESTRY REPORTS FOR 2010 ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING, Sunday, February 27th, 2011

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010



1. Opening Prayer

2. Appointment of Vestry Clerk

3. Confirmation of Minutes of the February 21st, 2010, meeting of Vestry

4. Incumbent’s Report

5. Church Wardens’ Financial Statement for 2010

6. Presentation of the Budget for 2011

7. Committee Reports by Mission Statement Area:

8. Report of the Nomination Committee

- Election of People’s and appointment of Rector’s Warden

- Election of a Deputy People’s and appointment of Deputy Rector’s Warden

- Election of Lay Members of Synod

- Election and Appointment of Chairpoersons of Committees and Confirmation

of membership of Committees

- Election of Members-at-large of Parish Council and other members of Parish


- Appointment of Coordinators for Various Tasks

9. Election of Auditors

10. Motion of Banking Resolution

11. Motion to approve the appointment of Lay Administrators for the Eucharist

12. Motion to approve the Report of the Jackman Fund Committee

13. General business

14. Adjournment

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010



st, 2010

(40 Vestry members in attendance, as Signed on the Vestry Declaration Statement)

1. Opening Prayer – Rev. Andrea 2. Appointment of Vestry Clerk

Susan Cherry was appointed Vestry Clerk. 3. Confirmation of Minutes of the February 22nd, 2009, Vestry Meeting.

Susan Cherry asked that her name be removed from page 6, as she hadn’t been at the meeting; Robert Taylor asked that Winston Stewart-Wharton’s name be added to the list of lay administrators on page 10. Moved by David Hemings and seconded by Chris Garnett that the Minutes be so amended. Motion carried.

4. Confirmation of Minutes of a Special Vestry, September 27th, 2009. Moved by David Wilson, seconded by Jackie Johnston, that the Minutes be approved. Motion carried.

5. Incumbent’s Report. Rev. Andrea thanked everyone for making her transition as the new incumbent stress-free. She also thanked Angelo Demarsico and Mel Veloso, who were stepping down as wardens, and Mary Sean Burgham, stepping down as Greeter Co-ordinator.

6. Church Wardens’ Financial Statement for 2009. Motion 1, moved by Mel Veloso and seconded by Angelo Demarsico, that this Annual Vestry accepts the Wardens’ Audited Financial Report for 2009 as printed and circulated in The Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Revenue, Expenditure and Fund Balances, and Schedules A-E. David Wilson took Vestry members through those documents, plus the auditor’s statement, adding more detail to the figures. He explained why the Wardens’ Report, Auditor’s Report and Financial Report extracts had been printed as addenda (technical problems). There were no questions and the Motion was carried.

7. Presentation of the Budget for 2010. Motion 2, moved by Mel Veloso and seconded by Angelo Demarsico, that this Annual Vestry accepts the 2010 Operating Jackman Interest, Renovations, Ministries Support, Reserve, Mabel Gordon House Renovations and Property Contingency Funds Budgets as printed and circulated in the “Summary of 2010 Budgets by Fund” in the addenda. David Wilson answered questions: from Amber James as to what was the Jackman Fund (a bequest made 15 years ago, the interest split between outreach projects and Trinity); Robert Taylor asked what is Christian Horizons – it is living accommodation for people with special needs. A parishioner's daughter resides at the Christian Horizons facility and the donation will benefit her directly. Motion carried. Motion 3, moved by Mel Veloso and Angelo Demarsico, that this Annual Vestry accepts the Summary of 2009 Budget by Mission Statement Areas as printed and circulated. Motion carried.

8. Reports of Committees and Organizations.

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


Art Brimley moved and Janet Hemings seconded that the reports be received. Motion carried.

9. Report of the Nominating Committee David Wilson moved and Angelo Demarsico seconded, to accept the report of the nomination committee. Motion carried.

10. Election of Auditor. David Wilson moved and Judy Richardson seconded that Sally Clarke be appointed as auditor. Motion Carried.

11. Motion of Banking Resolution. Moved by David Wilson, seconded by Dick Johnston, that Trinity continue to use TD Bank at Billings Bridge, and that the following have signing authority: Laura Eggertson, Martin McCurdy, David Hemings, Lisa MacGillivray, Rev. Andrea, and David Wilson. Motion carried.

12. Motion to approve the appointment of Lay Administrators for the Eucharist. Rev. Andrea asked why such a motion was needed. Robert Taylor explained that lay administrators used to be appointed by the Bishop, and Trinity had continued the tradition. Proposed by Robert Taylor, with the addition of Winston Stewart-Wharton and Sue Taylor, Marty McCurdy and Joanne McCracken, and seconded by Lisa MacGillivray. Motion carried.

13. Motion to approve the Report of the Jackman Fund Committee. Moved by Judy Richardson, seconded by Carrol Robb. Motion carried.

14. General business Logo – branding – Rev. Andrea explained that a graphic artist had produced some designs which depict serving hands, a cross and a heart. The logo will be used on Trinity’s Web page, on letter head and on advertising. Advertising - Carroll Robb asked why the pancake supper was not listed on the notice board outside the church. A volunteer is needed. Amber James volunteered to keep the board up to date. Special thanks – Alan Winship proposed special thanks to Sally Clarke for auditing the books and to David Wilson for his untiring efforts. Muriel Ivanochko seconded. Motion carried.

15. Adjournment, proposed by Evan Baker, seconded by Shaun Baron. Motion carried.


“ We are a diverse community that is inclusive of all people. Jesus offers us a pure example of love, compassion and justice.

In our human way, we attempt to follow his example.” These words from the main page of our website have never been truer than in 2010. Trinity is a diverse community that actively practises what we profess. In the spring of 2010 we held and participated in many events such as the Day of Christian Unity, the Kairos Event, Out of the Cold dinners, pancake suppers, garage sales, daffodil tea, a farewell to the Rev Peter Barnes and of course, the spring clean up and parish breakfast.

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


The church picnic in June kicked off our 9:30 a.m. summer services. In August, Laura Eggertson, Laura Burgham, Amber Eggertson and I attended a 4-day Anglican- Lutheran youth event in London Ontario. This was a first experience for us and we enjoyed meeting other youth from across Canada. The next youth conference (about 1,000 attend) will be held in Saskatoon and we hope Trinity will be well represented. In the fall we returned to regular services and everyone enjoyed seeing so many new faces, and so many little people. Our Sunday school has grown and is flourishing because of great parent commitment; and the leadership of Jennifer Small and musical talents of Eli McLaren. Thanks to everyone who gives their time to the children. We kicked off a stewardship campaign in the fall. Judy Richardson and Paul Merriam gave many months to researching and writing a stewardship profile for Trinity. Thank you to both of them for their dedication to the task. And thank you to parish members who responded. We also received two large financial gifts from long-time parishioners that made it possible for the repainting and updating of Bender Hall, the Sunday school rooms, the nursery, the Canterbury Room and connecting hallways. Our gardens were well maintained by many folks and although I know I will miss someone I would like to thank the Barbers and Nancy Bassam. Many might not know that Nancy volunteers at Canadian Tire and in return they give her bedding plants for our gardens. Dick and Jackie Johnston and Pierre Chamberland do the ongoing maintenance on the church and we are indebted to them for their dedication and tirelessness. One bequest also enabled us to support the new housing initiative of Cornerstone. We financially supported the furnishing of one of the apartments and it will be called “Sheila’s Room-Trinity Bank St” in memory of Sheila FitzGerald. On another note, part of my job requires one day a week of commitment to Diocesan initiatives. In light of that I remain a member of the Parish Growth and Renewal Committee. I also did an in-service for medical staff at the Winchester Hospital. The talk was titled “When a Baby Dies”. I did an in-service for clergy on the pastoral care of a family when a child dies. My ongoing training in grief and bereavement is being shared. Thank you to Trinity for supporting me as I obtain my certificate in Death and Grief Studies. In May I attended a training course in homiletics and I certainly hope you noticed an improvement in my preaching! Over the year a variety of programs were offered. There was a refresher course for servers, intercessors, and lay assistants. The children were invited to attend a “Life in the Eucharist” program and both a Lenten and Advent study program for adults was well attended. The Tuesday home study group is active and on Thursday mornings, Holy Eucharist is followed by bible study. I also attended to the pastoral needs of people at Colonel By Retirement Home and the Clementine Tower apartments. A worship service is offered once a month and is well attended. I would like to thank Belma Hull for her hard work in organizing the “Pause Table” at Carleton University during exams; and also to Yvonne Silverman and Chris Garnett for being there to help. Belma is stepping down this year and I hope we will have volunteers to step into her shoes. Brenda Small is also stepping down, after 25 years of organizing the spring garage sale. I know many of you have helped and supported this endeavour and we will miss her organizational skills. Brenda and Nancy Bassam are also out in the community all

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


year getting donations for various events and especially the silent auction table (Frosty’s Fair). Hats off to you both. Thanks also go to Paul Merriam for designing and implementing our website and to Laura Eggertson and LA Palamar for editing and writing. Laura, LA and Trevor Heavens are also stepping down from parish council and warden duties. Thank you for all your hard work and leadership. This past year we have been blessed with an enthusiastic and very capable parish council and corporation. Their leadership and passion for Trinity makes my job easier and it is a pleasure to work with these gifted people. Thanks to warden David Hemings, warden Laura Eggertson, warden Lisa McGillvray, warden and synod rep Marty McCurdy, treasurer and synod rep David Wilson and parish council members- Robert Taylor, Nancy Burwash, Janet Hemings, Carmen Christian, Paul Merriman, LA Palamar, and synod rep Trevor Heavens. And last but not least i would like to thank our parish administrator Sue Cherry. Her hard work means I am able to attend to the people side of parish life as she takes care of the administrative side. Thanks Sue! I would be remiss if I did not thank all of you for your ongoing participation in the life of Trinity Church. As we follow Jesus’ example I know we are making a difference in our small corner of the world. And it is because of all of you.

Respectfully submitted, Rev Andrea+


In 2010, the wardens enjoyed working with Rev. Andrea on Parish Council and Corporation during her first full year here at Trinity. It was a year in which we welcomed new families, as well as old friends, and celebrated the birth of babies as our parish grew. We also mourned the loss of some long-time parish members. This year we focused on making sure Trinity has a visible presence in the Old Ottawa South community, and beyond. We redesigned and launched our new website, purchased and hung new banners, and have made sure we advertise our services and events in the OSCAR and the Ottawa Citizen. We want to make sure that Trinity’s mission as a hospitable, family friendly and neighbourhood church is well-known and that we are active in our efforts to welcome a diverse congregation. Many of our efforts this year also focused on outreach activities as well as events to help us learn to know each other better – from the Out of the Cold dinner at Southminster to a parish breakfast and “clean up the church” session. The parish picnic in June was a highlight as usual, even though rain kept us indoors in Bender Hall. In August, Rev. Andrea and Laura Eggertson accompanied Laura Burgham and Amber Eggertson to the first Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth (CLAY) event, held in London, Ont. Trinity’s small (but enthusiastic) team joined with hundreds of other youth who raised their voices in song and in worship as only youth can! The concert that Trinity hosted to help support KAIROS rocked the church, and Frosty’s Fair sent everyone home with Christmas goodies. The annual Christmas pageant was another highlight, as a real live lamb joined us to help the children imagine what it was like for Jesus in the

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


stable at Bethlehem. This year the Sunday school was also able to help two families have a wonderful Christmas, thanks to your generosity. As always, the wardens also worked hard with the congregation to make sure that Trinity is on a sustainable funding path so that we can grow as a parish and expand our activities, to make sure that “our worship has hands and feet.” We’d like to thank Treasurer David Wilson and the members of the stewardship committee for a summer appeal that helped us reduce our deficit, and a campaign this fall that will enable us budget more accurately for the coming years. In 2011, we hope music will be an increasing focus of our life and worship. Refurbishing the grand piano means Trinity is now able to host concerts, which will help us greet more people and raise funds for other activities. We look forward to a concert from Christ Church Cathedral, as well as hosting the Watoto children’s choir from Uganda this June. We know that in the coming year, all of the members of Trinity will join us in welcoming all those who want to worship with us, whether they are visiting for a short time or are new to our church family.

Yours in Christ, Laura Eggertson, David Hemings

Statistics for 2009

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Number of Services 263 270 279 278 255 242 150 144

Total Attendance 11,189 10,959 11,448 11,975 9,872 10,984 6,437 6,010

Total Communicants 7,654 7,831 7,267 7,780 7,257 7,414 5,228 4,686

Av.Att’dance 8:00 a.m. 10.8 12.2 12.3 15.3 16.4 14.3 9.6 10.3

Av.Att’dance Main Serv.111.9 113.8 110.9 109.3 105.4 96.4 84.4 75.1

Av.Att’dance Summer 66.6 70.1 64.4 69.2 69.7 56.5 45.2 51.2

Av.Att’dance Winter 125.5 126.9 125.3 121.0 115.0 106.8 86.5 83.2

Baptisms 20 15 11 12 10 15 7 2

Weddings 4 3 4 3 5 6 0 3

Funerals & Interments 36 43 58 59 38 47 6 3

Confirmations 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010




To the Members of Trinity Anglican Church

I have audited the statement of financial position of Trinity Anglican Church as at December 31,

2010 and the statement of revenue and expenditure for the year then ended. These financial

statements are the responsibility of the organization’s management. My responsibility is to

express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.

I conducted my audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards.

Those standards require that I plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance

whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining,

on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.

An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made

by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.

In my opinion, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial

position of the organization as at December 31, 2010 and the results of its operations for the

year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.

Sally Clarke

Chartered Accountant

Ottawa, Canada

February 7, 2011

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ending December 31, 2010

(c) Significant accounting policies:

(c) Fund accounting:

Assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses are recorded in the fund to which they relate. The Corporation has divided the General Fund into the Operating Fund, Reserve Fund and Mabel Gordon House Fund. Mable Gordon House is operated as a separate entity but is consolidated in the General Fund at year end. The Corporation has established the following internally restricted funds: Memorial Fund – the income comes from donations and the interest from the bequest from the Estate of Myra MacAllister. The fund is used for specific memorials or worship related items. Jackman Interest Fund – investment income from an endowment given by the Jackman Foundation is currently used on projects inside and on outreach outside Trinity. Renovation Fund – for capital projects relating to the property. Daycare Renovation Fund – previously used to track contributions from the Daycare that were specifically for capital projects. The arrangement with the Daycare changed during the year and this fund is no longer needed. The balance has been transferred into the General Fund. Fitzgerald & Bender Fund – An unrestricted bequest of $17,352 from the estate of Sheila Fitzgerald was received in the current year. An unrestricted donation of $10,000 was received in the year from the daughter of the late Reverend Bender. The Corporation has combined these gifts into a single fund. Part of the monies was used to complete interior painting of a number of rooms. The Corporation has not yet decided on how it will use the remaining funds. Ministry Support – to expand youth ministry work. Discretionary Fund – for use by the rector for anonymous assistance to those in need.

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


(2) Significant accounting policies (cont’d):

(c) Fund accounting (cont’d): The Corporation has established the following externally restricted funds to account for the use of funds that are restricted by the donors for particular uses: Flower Fund – for altar flowers; Refugee and Hampers Funds – donations received for refugees sponsored by the church and for Christmas hampers for those in need. ACW Fund – for the activities of the Anglican Church Women. (b) Capital assets: Purchased capital assets are expensed in the Renovation Fund. (c) Investments: Investments are recorded at cost. 2. Investments: All investments are in the Consolidated Trust Fund (CTF) of the Diocese of Ottawa. The CTF is a consolidation of over 500 parish and diocesan trust funds into a single fund managed by professional fund managers. The fund pays an annual dividend. The cost value of funds invested by Trinity is $837,861. The unaudited fair market value of these investments on September 30th was $818,409 (2009 - $824,545). Interest in the amount of $35,012 (2009 - $34,948) was earned in the year. 3. Due to Diocese: This balance represents amounts that will be payable to the diocese in 2011 ($2,950) and 2012 ($930) for the Parish Fair Share levy based on investment income received in the current and previous year. 4. Rectory Trust Fund This fund was established from the proceeds of the sale of the rectory in 1994. The Diocese requires proceeds from the sale of church buildings to held in the Consolidated Trust Fund (see Note 2). Income generated by the fund is included in the General Fund.

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


5. Inter-fund transfers:

The Vestry or Corporation approved the following transfers between the General Fund

and restricted funds during the year:

From To Amoun



Mabel Gordon


Operating 7,500

Annual contribution

Jackman Interest Discretionary 1,000 For Rector’s use



Reserve 24,839

To close the Daycare Renovation

Fund (see Note 1)

6. Mabel Gordon House:

Major renovations of Mabel Gordon House were undertaken in 2009 with funds

provided from the General Fund. The fund is expected to pay the balance of this loan

($10,800) over the next 4 years.

7. Kairos Concert

Proceeds of $6,780 raised in support of the Kairos Concert were sent to Kairos. The

details are not part of these financial statements.

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010



There are six people, who quietly and almost unseen, work year round to process your

gifts. Art and Phyllis Brimley, Dick and Jackie Johnson count and bank Sunday

collections. Fatima DaRosa enters your gifts in the computer so that you get your tax

receipt, she also is the Treasurer for Mabel Gordon House operating accounts. Valerie

Field administers the pre-authorized donations. Sally Clarke, our Auditor has again

done an essential job for us. A big “Thank You“ to each of these.

Looking back on 2010. At year-end the Operating Fund was almost balanced, but it

must be pointed out that the mild winter last year saved us about $3,500 in heating

costs. Also we used $8,000 of the Daycare contribution for operating expenses instead

of it going into the Reserve Fund as intended.

Schedule F, above, shows an increase in the average Gift made to Trinity in 2010 but

by a smaller number of parishioners.

Looking ahead to 2011. Meeting the nearly balanced Operating Fund budget for 2011

will require Parish Growth. Growth in our fundraising income which has not increased

with inflation over the years. Another necessary growth area is to reverse our

decreasing number of donors.


The following three motions have been moved and seconded by the wardens Laura

Eggertson and David Hemings.

1. That this Annual Vestry accepts the Wardens’ Audited Financial Report for

2010 as printed and circulated in The Statement of Financial Position, Statement

of Revenue, Expenditure and Fund Balances, and Schedules A – F.

2. That this Annual Vestry accepts the Jackman Committee’s recommendation that

40% of the funds available be used for Outreach projects, 40% of the funds

available be used for Trinity projects, with the remaining 20% used at the

discretion of the committee for either Outreach or Trinity projects.

3. That this Annual Vestry accepts the Budgets of 2011 Operating, Jackman

Interest, Renovations, Reserve, Property Contingency and Mabel Gordon

House Funds as printed and circulated in the “Summary of 2011 Budgets by

Fund” below.

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


Stewardship: During the year 2010, a number of parishioners gave very generously, often through pre-authorized remittances. The Stewardship Committee wishes to thank everyone for their generous response to the call for financial offerings, and to remind anyone who is not using pre-authorized gifts that they may do so by speaking with David Wilson.

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010



Music: Here we are at the end of another year of music at Trinity. It has been an eventful year, with a variety of music both on Sundays, and at special events. The choir, as always, has continued to provide wonderful musical leadership during worship. They tackled a wide range of choral music this year, some of it quite challenging, and they rose to the challenge admirably! Their positive outlook and approach make it a real pleasure working with them. Eli Maclaren has done a spectacular job leading the Sunday School in music each week. The children shared several songs with us over the course of the year, and it was a treat to see and hear them. Many thanks , Eli! The June 2010 KAIROS concert was one of the year’s highlights. It made clear what a wonderful concert space Trinity has to offer, and I look forward to building on that this coming year. Another highlight was the refurbishing of Trinity’s lovely Heintzman baby grand piano. The piano, as many of you know, was the generous gift of the Gladish family, and I am so pleased that we were able to give it the attention it needed. The work, which including new strings and adjusting the key action, was done by Kimbal Bird, and I am most grateful to him for his excellent work. The fact that we now have a very fine instrument to offer to potential concert performers is great news for Trinity. Amber Eggertson was our trumpeter on Remembrance Sunday, and she did a wonderful job again this year. Many thanks to her for sharing her musical gifts with us. Many thanks to Rev. Andrea for her help and support this past year. A big thank you to the choir for all their hard work, and to the congregation for their feedback and support.

Respectfully submitted, Victoria Scott, Director of Music

Lay administrators: Trinity continued to be blessed in 2010 by lay administrators who served faithfully every Sunday, and at special services. As well as administering communion at the altar rail, lay administrators bring the offertory to the altar. Over the past year, the lay administrators were Michelle Adkins, Art Brimley, Carmen Christian, Carolyn Duclos, Laura Eggertson, Chris Garnett, Judy Richardson, Carrol Robb, Jim Robb, Brenda Small, Doug Small, Winston Stewart-Wharton, Susan Taylor, Robert Taylor and David Wilson. David Hemings and Chris Garnett administered when anointing at the altar rail during communion benefited from the services of an extra administrator. We said goodbye in the autumn to Carolyn Duclos as a lay administrator. We are grateful for her service and wish her well in her theological studies at Saint Paul University. Additional lay administrators are always needed for this important ministry at Trinity.

Submitted by Robert Taylor, Coordinator of Lay Administrators

Audrey Graham coordinated greeters at the main Sunday services throughout the year, and Jane Baron coordinated readers and intercessors. Thank you both.

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


Altar Guild: Members of the Altar Guild committed their time and talents many Saturday and Sunday mornings in 2010 to actively serve Trinity Parish by preparing the Altar for all communion services and caring for the communion vessels and linens used in those Services. The Guild has also assumed the extra duties of decorating the church for each special season and event of the year. Members were Carmen Christian, Belma Hull, Margo Kenney, Susan Cherry, Joanne McCracken, Yvonne Silverman, Brenda Small, Mary Wilson, Beulah Rumbolt and Sue Taylor. Margo Kenney, as Flower Convenor, continued to purchase and arrange the flowers present on the Altar each Sunday morning. She also arranged for flowers to fulfil the “In Memoriam” requests for Christmas and Easter Services and occasionally through the year. Many thanks, Margo.

Respectfully submitted, Carmen Christian, Chair.


Property Committee: Major projects in 2010 included new paint for Bender Hall and Canterbury Room, upgrades to the sound system in the church, flooring in Canterbury Room and repairs to both the flat roof and south-facing main church peaked roof. Painting of Bender Hall, the Nursery and Sunday school rooms off the main hall, and Canterbury Room and lower and upper hallways and stairwell was completed at the end of December. Minor repairs to trim and not-so-minor repairs to the wall opposite the Photo Gallery hallway were carried out by the painting contractor. Two new microphones were installed at the front of the church. Repairs to the flat roof included work around the perimeter. While replacing shingle tabs on the south-facing church roof, the contractor noted deterioration over a considerable area and has suggested replacement of the south-facing roof. Carpet in Canterbury Room has been replaced by carpet tiles. The Property Committee wishes to extend heartfelt thanks to Dick and Jackie Johnson for their untiring efforts to keep our church in a well-maintained state. Pierre Chamberland, Doug and Brenda Small and Nancy Bassam provided much appreciated helping hands with routine maintenance and gardening. It should be noted that Nancy donated her time to Canadian Tire, Heron Road, in exchange for many of the plants (and at least one tree) that contributed to the gardens around the church. As always, offers of help are always gratefully received and much appreciated.

Respectfully submitted, Marty McCurdy

Mabel Gordon House: The major repair at MGH in the past year was the lengthy reparging of the foundation, done by a professional firm, under the supervision of Dick Johnston and Pierre Chamberland. Also, at the students’ request, Dick and Pierre installed an additional cupboard in the kitchen so that there would be more space for cooking utensils and supplies for the keen student cooks at MGH. Jackie Johnston supervised the annual “Fall Clean-Up”. Fatima Darosa handled the

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


accounts for MGH. By virtue of living across the street at # 4 Harvard, Simon McInnes played the role of “Superintendant” at # 5 Harvard.

Hall rentals: As I was reviewing the 2010 hall rental records to prepare this report, I was curious about how many years several of our longstanding “clients” had been using facilities at Trinity. Since 1995 when I took over responsibility for hall rentals, the Ottawa Tennis and Lawn Bowling Club (which has been in our community for 130 years) has held its Annual General Meeting in Bender Hall; and members of another organization with a long history, the Girl Guides of Canada, have met in Bender twice a week, Guides on Monday and Brownies on Wednesday evenings. From 2000 onwards students belonging to Carleton’s Alpha Omicron Pi have found the Canterbury Room an ideal venue for several events each year, including a Founders Tea. Three other organizations began meeting at Trinity in the early 2000s: Marco Lane Home Owners Association, Victoria’s Quilts (2001), and Quiltco (2003). In addition to welcoming back the above “loyal customers”, Trinity provided space to a wide variety of other groups in 2010. Since 2007, a resident of Old Ottawa South and law teacher specializing in family mediation, has found the Canterbury Room a destination of choice for small groups, and often day-long workshops, of which she led five in 2010. Two other groups also used Canterbury for all-day events, the Women’s Health Initiatives of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (another neighbour) for a “strategic planning getaway”, and Ottawa Salus Corporation for a staff meeting. The size, comfort and flexibility of Canterbury, with its nearby kitchen, washroom and elevator, make it a definite asset to hall rentals at Trinity. Moreover, its recent “facelift” (new wall colours and carpeting) will make it an even more desirable location for users. When space at the Hospice at Maycourt proved too small for the number of people who wished to attend a lecture there one Sunday evening, Trinity was able to accommodate everyone. They gathered in our beautiful Sanctuary for the inaugural lecture in the “Inspirational Hat Lecture Series” in memory of Dr. Alyson Brodeur (known for her hats), a palliative care physician. It is the hope of organizers and Trinity that future lectures in this series may be held at our church. The Sanctuary was also the venue for a very successful fundraiser in 2010. Organized by dedicated individuals from Trinity Anglican, Southminister United and St. Margaret Mary’s Roman Catholic churches, a concert featuring a variety of musical artists who performed for a capacity audience raised a substantial amount of money to support the work of KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives after the federal government withdrew its longstanding financial support. Bender Hall was the site for another fundraiser last year, a Christmas bazaar to raise money for the work of several animal rescue organizations including the Westminster Pet Sanctuary (primarily for abandoned dogs with injuries and special medical needs), the Cat Rescue Network, and the New Moon Rabbit Rescue. Add to the foregoing events a dinner held at Trinity in conjunction with a conference at Carleton University of the World Student Christian Federation; a Brownie sleepover; a wedding reception; a rehearsal by a section of Divertimento Orchestra; and a large family birthday party, and one could say it was a typically busy year for hall rentals.

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


Heartfelt thanks to Pierre, my husband and HRC partner, without whom I could not carry out the responsibilities of Hall Rental Coordinator.

Respectfully submitted, Judy Chamberland


Jackman Committtee Report: The Jackman Committee is pleased to present to Vestry, 15 projects (as outlined on Schedule B) that will receiving a share of the funds derived from interest money earned by the Jackman Fund, over the last year. The Committee divided the annual interest amount equally between projects within the Parish and outreach projects outside the Parish. Amounts allocated to Carleton chaplaincy are treated as part of Parish spending. The Trinity-related projects (five in total) have been approved by Corporation and the Budget Committee, within the context of the overall Parish budgeting process. The Committee met on December 3rd, 2010, and at that meeting, agreed to seek vestry approval to change the funding formula from 50/50 to 40/40 with 20% to be used for either/or in-reach/outreach (see section motions) . Also, the Committee set out Guidelines for supporting requests for funding support for both out-reach and Trinity projects. Many thanks to committee members: Rev. Andrea Thomas, Jackie Johnston, Heather Maclachlan, Jim Robb and Christine Stone, for their commitment and judicious review. A special thanks to Jim and Christine who have resigned from the Committee. We greatly appreciated your council and wisdom.

Respectfully submitted, Judy Richardson, Chair, Jackman Committee

Pastoral Care Team: The Trinity Pastoral Care Team had another successful year serving our parishioners and community. During the year we welcomed two new volunteers, bringing our membership up to nine, including Rev. Andrea. Team meetings were scheduled periodically throughout the year to plan and review routine activities, including; (a) visiting parishioners who are isolated due to illness or disability; (b) sending cards by mail to extend seasonal greetings, get-well messages or condolences; (c) delivering small gifts at special occasions, such as Christmas; Training, education and qualifications of the team are updated on a continuing basis. Program services and activities are directed collectively by the team. A descriptive brochure outlining our available services was created for our parish and distributed in the pews. We also maintained support of the Ottawa Diocese Hospital Visitation Spiritual Care program. Several of our team members continue to deliver smiles and conversation during our weekly visits to Anglican patients at the Ottawa General Hospital. We are always seeking new people who would like to bring “the church” to those who can’t be with us on Sundays. For more information please speak to Rev Andrea or any team member.

Submitted by Keith Murfin, Pastoral Care Team Chair

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


World Vision: Trinity’s recent connection with World Vision began in the late fall of 2009 when Rev. Andrea suggested that we might collect funds to send a sheep, through World Vision, to an underdeveloped country as part of our Outreach program. The project involved collecting small change in a bucket every Sunday morning and was a huge success. (Initially I think everyone emptied their penny jars!) We collected over $450 which was enough to pay for three sheep! It seemed a good idea to keep the “bucket” going and as a result our “Change for Change “program got started. The change collected since January 2010 has supported our sponsored child, Sheila Jerotich Kemboi who was born on July 8th, 2000, and lives in Kenya, and in addition we were able to send funds for two sheep this Christmas. Sheila’s parents are peasant farmers who grow meagre crops of maize and beans and therefore without our help would struggle to survive. Through what is called the Soin Area Development Program (Soin ADP), Sheila’s family have help with basic necessities including housing, and Sheila receives education. All of this will hopefully lead to these families becoming more self-sufficient. A lovely Christmas card has just arrived from Sheila, showing a picture of a group of happy school children who are presumably all being sponsored through Soin ADP. There is such joy, that the picture alone should be an inspiration for our endeavours. A scrapbook at the back of the church tracks all communication to and from Sheila. It is a very worthwhile project about which we should all feel very proud, and which hopefully with your help, will continue for many years.

Submitted by Janet Hemings

Other Outreach and Community Initiatives: Carrol and Jim Robb continued to collect food donations from parishioners for the Central Emergency Food Centre, plus items for The Well/La Source, such as bedding and women and children’s clothing. They also represented Trinity on the Multicultural Housing Initiative. Parishioners hosted an Out of the Cold Supper at Southminster United Church, co-ordinated by Judy Richardson, and raised funds for this at a Pancake Supper on Shrove Tuesday. They also actively participated in organizing the annual garage sale in May, led by Brenda Small, the annual picnic in June, led by Doug Small, and the Frosty’s Fair in November, led by Kay Miles. Belma Hull co-ordinated Trinity’s participation at the Pause Table for Carleton University students during spring and Christmas exams.

ACW/DORCAS: For the period January to December 2010, our nine members of ACW/DORCAS met in Bender Hall on Wednesdays to quilt, knit or sew. These articles are sold at Frosty’s Fair in November, the Daffodil bridge and luncheon party in April, and donated to the “Bales to the North” project. We held two corporate communions during this period: the first on the Wednesday before Easter week, and the second prior to our annual meeting in November. In May, we packed and delivered new goods to St. Columba’s Church for the “bales to the North”. Four of our group joined other members of ACW groups to repack the donated goods for distribution to various parishes in the North. We remember sick members and friends with prayer and cards for recovery.

Respectfully submitted by Eleanor Corbett

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010



Sunday School: Last January we tried a new format for Sunday School. Instead of 3 to 4 smaller classes we started meeting as one large group in Bender Hall. This format has several advantages; the different tasks of teaching are shared by several adults (set up, music, story, craft, activity and clean up), if a teacher is absent another adult can easily step in without moving kids from one room to another, parents with different aged kids have one drop off, and siblings can be together. One disadvantage was that the older kids (grade 3 and up) found some of the activities too young. Kelly Hanson stepped in and leads an older group when enough come to Church. We were pleasantly surprised to see a number of new children join our Sunday morning classes. In a typical week 8 – 16 kids participate in our program. Eli has taken the lead on music. The 5-10 minute singing session includes a welcome, a warm-up, and then a song chosen for the Church season. Most of the children joining in the singing are quite young (aged 2 to 7). They absorb the music wonderfully and particularly like songs with actions. The children successfully learned a song for Advent (“Light One Candle”) and sang it with mixed success before the congregation. Parents appreciate this music because it introduces the children to a sense of community in worship. Because of the young ages and the limited time (not a full choir practice), we have scaled down our expectations of the kids performing upstairs for the congregation very often Generally, Jen Small prepares the lesson and craft or activity. Fortunately there were always a few parents who stay during the class and help out with the craft and clean up. Dan Beer and Sarah Gorber are invaluable with their weekly help and filling in leading the lesson and activity. Every year the annual June picnic is a highlight for the kids. The races and especially the water balloons are always a hit (for the grownups too!). The Christmas pageant was a success this December. Approximately 25 kids participated and enjoyed the practices and opportunity to show off their acting and singing. Through the Shepherds of Good Hope Christmas Hamper Program, Sarah Gorber signed up the Sunday School class to sponsor a family for a Christmas hamper. The collection was so successful that we were able to sponsor a second family as well. The children were very engaged in this activity and we hope to make it an annual event. The Sunday School program seems to be working very well and feed back from the parents and kids is quite positive.

Submitted by Jennifer Small

House Group: The House Group has sessions twice a month on Tuesdays at various members’ houses. Usually about eight people are present. During the winter and spring we completed the study of the book of Amos and then Hosea. During the Fall, with the aid of an entertaining DVD titled “Uppity Women of the Bible”, the Old Testament books of Ruth, Ester and the Song of Solomon were studied. We are starting 2011 with the Acts of the Apostles.

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


As each session is complete in itself new members are welcome. Come along to listen and participate in discussion that is both lively and thoughtful. We did have a BBQ in June and a Christmas Party!

Submitted by David Wilson


Eli Maclaren took over preparing the monthly articles for OSCAR on Trinity activities – and very lively they are too! Thank you Eli. Thanks to Bob Taylor, Eli’s articles are well

illustrated with photographs, as are issues of the parish newsletter: Grapevine. Parishioners able to receive their newsletter electronically will have noted the bonus abundance of colour photos in their issues. Unfortunately, mail costs restrict the number of pages in printed copies. Thanks to Paul Merriam for administering Trinity’s website and assisting the Church Secretary in understanding the mysteries of its technology. The purchase of several new banners for the Bank Street fence, and the assistance of Amber James and Doug Small in keeping the outside board up the date, have been instrumental in keeping the neighbourhood informed of services and special events.

Submitted by Sue Cherry, Church Secretary



CORPORATION Rector’s Warden (chosen by Rector) David Hemings Deputy Rector’s Warden (chosen by Rector) Paul Merriam People’s Warden Lisa MacGillivray Deputy People’s Warden Marty McCurdy Treasurer David Wilson SYNOD MEMBERS Marty McCurdy David Wilson MEMBERS AT LARGE Nancy Burwash Carmen Christian Janet Hemings Robert Taylor Sally Clarke

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010


WORSHIP - Lay administrators Robert Taylor - Readers, intercessors Jane Baron - Flower convenor Margo Kenney - Altar guild Carmen Christian - Greeters Audrey Graham - Choirs, adult and cherub Victoria Scott - Prayer team Chris Garnett FINANCE AND STEWARDSHIP - Finance committee - Stewardship campaign Judy Richardson, & Paul Merriam - Envelope Secretary Fatima DaRosa - Pre-authorized donations Valerie Field - Holy rollers Art Brimley - Auditor Sally Clarke PROPERTY - Mabel Gordon House Jackie and Dick Johnston - Hall Rental Judy Chamberland - Property committee/maintenance OUTREACH, HOSPITALITY, OUR COMMUNITY - Outreach Janet Hemings, Carrol Robb - Pastoral care Keith Murfin - Jackman Fund Judy Richardson - Frosty’s Fair - Out of the cold dinners Judy Richardson - Pancake supper Heather Moncur and Dan Beer - Church picnic Doug Small - Carleton University Rev. Andrea - ACW Eleanor Corbett - Open Table Rev. Andrea CHRISTIAN EDUCATION - Church School Jennifer Small - Adult Education Rev. Andrea - House Group David Wilson COMMUNICATION - Communication Eli McLaren - Grapevine and bulletins Sue Cherry - Web site Cameron Metcalf - Newcomers welcome package - Signage inside and out Amber James and Doug Small

Trinity Anglican Church Annual Vestry Reports 2010



Motion #1

Moved by Paul Merriam, seconded by Lisa MacGillvray that

Trinity supports lowering operating costs by improving energy efficiency, and directs Corporation to investigate our options.


The following individuals were baptized

Into the body of Christ during 2010:

Liam David Baker

Deborah Ugonwa Madueke

The following member of Trinity died during 2010:

Sheila FitzGerald

“Rest eternal grant to her, O Lord

And let light perpetual shine upon her”
