Trimble Summer Nl 2012


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  • 7/31/2019 Trimble Summer Nl 2012


    Trimble Tidbits

    David and Melissa Trimble Phone:859-858-1293107 E Morrison St Email: dm3trimble@yahoo.comWilmore, KY 40390

    Blog: more pictures, family news, and musings)

    Are you interested in supporting us in the House of Prayer?

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    Recently I was reading, in Matthew 14, the story of Jesus walking on

    the water. Actually the whole chapter is fantastic, but God gave this

    particular story a little different slant this time. The sea is raging, the

    winds fierce.Above the raging waves, walking right through the

    contrary winds comes Jesus! And quick-to-speak, slow-to-think Peter

    (which is also me!) dares to ask if he can, too. Jesus agrees, I think

    with some amount of joy! And I thought, That is how we should be as

    His followers. Even though there are storms raging in our lives and

    contrary winds and rough seas, we should be walking with Jesus,

    confidently, right through! Let the storms rage around us, and let us

    hear Jesus calling, peace, do not be afraid. And let us have the crazy

    faith of Peter who got right out of the storm and walked with Jesus.

    Let us have a steady gaze at our Savior that we might not be over-

    whelmed by all that happens around us. Oh that we might look confi-

    dently and only on Jesus, not at the circumstances, at the storm, at the

    wind blowing all around. Eyes and hearts fixed and focused! This is my

    desire and my prayer! One more beautiful thing from this story WhenPeter doubted, when his eyes fell not on the all-powerful One who was

    helping him walk above the raging sea, but on the storm itself, he sank

    back down into the raging sea! And this will happen to us, every time

    our eyes are lured away from Jesus. But when we realize that we are

    sinking and cry out for help, the one called Faithful and True is there

    immediately to reach out his hand and lift us back up! What a Savior!

    God give us more faith and a more steady gaze!


    How Valuable is Jesus?A difficulty within our culture is that there are so many comforts and

    distractions. These often make it difficult for me to honestly answer

    the question: how valuable is Jesus to me? Yet this is a question of

    utmost importance. There have been periods in my life when these

    comforts and distractions have been stripped away, even for a brief

    time, for example, on a mission trip. But these times often bring a

    renewing clarity and focus reminding me that He is all I haveandall

    that I want. Our challenge is to live like that even amidst the com-

    forts of life, choosing consistently and wholeheartedly to say no to

    the distractions and yes to Him. I have to believe that this is possi-

    ble. And by His grace I continue to press on toward this goal that I

    might receive the prize. Lord, help us see rightly.


    In the Storm

    a missions organization fueled by prayer and worship, mobilizes people to evangelize the world, loving and serving Jesus Chri

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    Summer 201
  • 7/31/2019 Trimble Summer Nl 2012


    Girls NewsRachel finished up the school year in the co-op that she had

    been attending. She really enjoyed the opportunity to be in a

    class setting and even learned

    quite a bit! She is still an avid

    reader, with fantasy books being

    her favorite for now. She even

    wrote a fantasy book of her own

    this year. She is very talented with

    words and I pray that she will usethis for Gods kingdom as she

    matures. The girls participated in

    the Spring Ballet with their ballet

    school. It was beautiful and very

    worshipful. They both really love

    dancing. Even outside of class,

    they are often choreographing a

    dance on their own. Abby will join

    her sister in the fall en pointe.

    Also, in the summer is the much

    anticipated summer Bible musi-

    cals. They have been participating in this for some time, and

    even Keenan and Micah will be joining them in the production at

    the end of the summer. Rachel's age group has not finished

    auditions yet, however both Abby and Keenan recently found out

    that they got major roles, so the Trimble house is all excited!

    Finally, in May Rachel had the opportunity to fly out to Oregon

    for a two week visit with David's family. She had a great time

    and made many memories with

    Grandma and Papa.

    Boys NewsAs the warm days grow longer, the boys are drawn more and more to

    the outdoors. They spend hours outside building forts, jumping on the

    trampoline or any other exciting thing they can find to do! Just this

    morning, I found them outside with a wilderness book that Keenan

    found at the library, building a camp site. Fun times! Their outside esca-

    pades sometimes have unwanted consequences. Like two weeks ago

    when Keenan unwisely got into some poison ivy in the woods. He is

    very sensitive to it and in just a couple of days it has spread considera-

    bly. It was very itchy and also made him a little embarrassed as it cov-

    ered a good bit of his neck and face. I was diligently applying an herbal

    oil to it that has

    proven very effec-

    tive in the past.

    However, this time it

    was still spreading.

    So one evening as

    we were praying at

    bedtime, I really

    sensed that I should

    pray very specifi-

    cally for his poison

    ivy to be healed.So we did. The next morning it was noticeably better and continued to

    improve with each day. I never put anything else on it. We just let God

    do his work, rejoicing in his care and concern for his little ones! God

    does still heal and God does answer prayer! He is the same today as

    he was in Scripture!

    Highlights fromHonduras

    As most of you know, I spent 9 days

    in Honduras in March. Three of us

    from the House of Prayer and four

    college students went to serve at

    Loma de Luz Hospital where many

    of our CornerStone missionaries

    serve. It was a great privilege for me

    to walk in their footsteps and serve

    the community in small ways. At the

    House of Prayer we spend 2 hours

    each week praying for all of our

    missionaries. I can pray differently

    now as I have seen and experi-

    enced what God is doing in this

    great place! Thanks again to all who

    who prayed, gave or helped with

    childcare so that I could go!

    MariaHeres a sweet story Abby sent a nice doll for me to give

    away in Honduras. So after arriving, I spoke to the childrens

    center director, who told me about Maria. Marias mother

    had a mental disorder and could not care for her. After a life-

    threatening case of pneumonia at 8 months old, she has

    thrived at the childrens center. She loves dolls and received

    2 for Christmas but both had already broken. When I gave

    the doll to Maria, she was so excited, sporting this adorable

    grin all evening. Joy in the small things!
