Tree of Life Watercolor and color theory. Found



 The Mayan believed heaven to be a wonderful, magical place on Earth hidden by a mystical mountain. They called this place Tamoanchan. Heaven, Earth, and Underworld (Xibalba) were connected by the ‘world tree’. The world tree grew at the locus of creation, all things flowing out from that spot into four directions Different Cultures take on The Tree of life (Mayan)

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Tree of LifeWatercolor and color theory

Found Darwin sketched a tree of life to illustrate his idea of descent with

modification. It is the only illustration in On the Origin of Species. “The affinities of all the beings of the same class have sometimes

been represented by a great tree. I believe this simile largely speaks the truth. The green and budding twigs may represent existing species; and those produced during each former year may represent the long succession of extinct species.” -On the Origin of Species

Your Extended Family Trace your own evolutionary relationships on this modern Tree of

Life (below). The four colored lines show how humans are related to dogs, leeches, mushrooms, and the bacterium E.coli.

Darwin’s theory

The Mayan believed heaven to be a wonderful, magical place on Earth hidden by a mystical mountain. They called this place Tamoanchan. Heaven, Earth, and Underworld (Xibalba) were connected by the ‘world tree’. The world tree grew at the locus of creation, all things flowing out from that spot into four directions

Different Cultures take on The Tree of life (Mayan)

The oldest name of Babylon, Tin-tir-ki, meant ‘the place of the tree of life’. To the Babylonians, it was a tree with magical fruit, which could only be picked by the gods.


In Egyptian mythology, the first couple are Isis and Osiris. They have emerged from the acacia tree of Iusaaset, which the Egyptians considered the tree of life. Egyptians considered the Tree of Life to be the tree in which life and death are enclosed. The direction East was associated with the direction of Life, the direction of the rising Sun, and the direction West was seen as the direction of death, of under-world, because Sun sets in the West. Egyptian creation myths refer to a serpent and a primordial egg, which contained a bird of light.


Rubric for the final project

4 Planned out their project in their sketch

book. Completed their project Used all of the techniques they have

learned in their artwork. They added more techniques then what was required.

Shows space by using foreground, middle ground and background

Has a message and conveys this clearly Used all of the colors from the color

wheel. They adding shading and blending to their picture.

Has kept the image contained by creating it in a circle or a box (frame) This frame will be a part of the image, not just a circle or a box around the image.

Drawn very neatly Painted very neatly

3 Planned out their project in their sketch

book. Completed their project Used all of the techniques they have

learned in their artwork. Shows space by using foreground,

middle ground and background Has a message and conveys this clearly Used all of the colors from the color

wheel. Has kept the image contained by

creating it in a circle or a box (frame) This frame will be a part of the image, not just a circle or a box around the image.

Drawn neatly Painted neatly

Rubric continued

2 Planned out their project in their sketch

book. Completed most of their project Used most of the techniques they have

learned in their artwork. Shows space by using foreground, middle

ground and background Has a message and conveys this clearly Used most of the colors from the color

wheel. Has kept the image contained by creating

it in a circle or a box (frame) This frame will be a part of the image, not just a circle or a box around the image.

Drawn it somewhat neatly Painted it somewhat neatly

1 Planned out their project in their sketch

book. Has not completed most of their project Didn’t use all of the techniques they have

learned in their artwork. Didn’t shows space by using foreground,

middle ground and background Does not have a message and conveys this

clearly Didn’t use all of the colors from the color

wheel. Has not kept the image contained by

creating it in a circle or a box (frame) This frame will be a part of the image, not just a circle or a box around the image.

The drawing was not neat at all T he painted was not neat at all.
