Tree care review 3/3/05 Micronutrient chlorosis


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Tree care review


Micronutrient chlorosis

Proper Diagnosis

Other problems often confused with micronutrient deficiency Borers Root damage Scale Girdling roots Poor drainage compaction

Micronutrient chlorosis

Soil testing pH Analysis

Usually enough micros, pH limiting– Watson with the Morton Arboretum has plotted color

against pH and has found that there is sometimes no correlation (in pin oak)

Control of Chlorosis

Cultural Control Proper plant selection Proper planting technique Compaction management Mulch Mulch Mulch

Control Of Chlorosis

Chemical control pH lowering

Ammonium sulfate Aluminum sulfate Sulfur Battery acid

Problems include turf damage, unsafe to handle

Works best in mulch/natural areas

Micronutrient Supplements

Deep soil injection Iron sulfate/ manganese sulfate

Cheap Not as long lasting as chelates

Chelates More plant available than sulfates Stays available longer

– Sprint 330 –EDTA/EDTH etc• Not legal in some European countries

– Krystal by Lido Chem• Organic chelation• Several magnitudes of plant availability greater than other

chelates• Stays available longer

Micronutrient Supplements

Trunk Injection Tree Tech

Holes Variability of results

SW100 Micros appear to work better than the fungicides Limited damage Quick to apply

– Applicator needs to clean gun

Apple Scab

Disease Cycle Overwinters as spores on old leaves Spores are forcibly expelled around the time of bud

break Bud break may occur up to a month apart among different

species/ varieties Warm and wet weather is ideal

Lesions form and grow on leaves and fruit Defoliation starts to occur in June

– Trees can be bare by the 4th of July

As leaves mature, they are less susceptible Weather conditions dry out

Apple Scab

Control Cultural

Resistant varieties Sanitation rake leaves Pruning Fertilization to increase vigor Watch for borers

Apple Scab Control

Chemical Sprays 3x

– Bud break +10 day +10days– 4th spray recommended under heavy pressure– Last spray can have insecticide to control tent caterpillar

Rotate chemicals– SI’s, strobis, contacts

• Resistance issues• Reachback• Persistance• Some chemicals not labeled for edible fruit

– Use acidifier always pH ideal at 5-5.5– Use spreader where appropriate

Injections– Variable results– Good alternative near water


Zimmerman Pine Moth


Zimmerman Pine Moth

Life cycle Overwinter as eggs in webs in bark Hatch in April vulnerable

Larvae bore into whorls Emerge as adults in August Mate and lay approx 40 eggs Eggs hatch and larvae feed on tips Larvae leave tips and overwinter in bark

Zimmerman Pine Moth

Damage Pitch flow and holes at branch whorls Curled tips Dead tops Distorted growth Sapsucker damage

Zimmerman Pine Moth

Control Sprays

Timing important– Mid April and Mid August when larvae are vulnerable

No more Dursban in private lawns Pyrethroids

– Tempo, Onyx • Gives good residual

Injections Can be difficult

Japanese Beetle

Life Cycle Overwinters as grub

Feeds on tree and grass roots Emerges as adult metallic beetle early

summer and feeds on tree/shrub foliage Relatively weak flyers

Infestations tend to be local and chronic– Site history is helpful for forecasting

Japanese Beetle

Control Traps are not an option

For monitoring only Can attract pests to site

Lawn care Merit provides some control Adults can fly up to 1-2 miles

Merit soil injection Must be applied 6 weeks before adults are present Has anti-feedent properties

Trunk injection with imidacloprid 6 week timing

Post spray Pyrethroids with residual---Tempo,Astro,Onyx

– Avoid Purple leaf plums and crabs with Onyx and Astro• Possible issue with carrier

Japanese Beetle

At risk plants Rosacea family

Roses, malus

Littleleaf Linden very susceptible Birches Several others

Cottony maple scale

Problem in the 80’s No evidence of an outbreak soon

Cottony Maple scale

Life Cycle 2 generations/ year Overwinters as 2nd instar on twigs/branches Matures in June and lays eggs Hatch in mid June to July Crawlers attach to underside of leaves and feed

until late summer Nymphs mature,mate and lay eggs and die 1000 to 1500 eggs layed Eggs hatch and nymphs move to twigs to


Cottony maple scale

Damage and symptoms Popcorn Dieback Honeydew Reduction in vigor or death

Cottony Maple Scale

Control Dormant Oil Pyrethroids Tristar


Produced by Donna McDaniel Directed by Donna McDaniel Costumes by Donna McDaniel
