

TREASURE COAST EARLY STEPS COMMUNITY PROVIDERS Onboard TRAINING SERIES. By: Brenda Amos-Moss and Donna DeSanto. Welcome to the Treasure Coast Early Steps Provider Onboard Series. Thank you for your interest and participation in the Provider On Board Series for Treasure Coast Early Steps. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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By: Brenda Amos-Mossand

Donna DeSanto

Welcome to the Treasure Coast Early Steps Provider Onboard Series

• Thank you for your interest and participation in the Provider On Board Series for Treasure Coast Early Steps.

• In this series you will gain and understanding of Early Steps and the Primary Provider approach to Service Delivery.

• You will know the difference between the PSP team and the IFSP team and importance of both.

• At the end of the series you will know what the IFSP is and how Functional Outcomes are developed.

• You will understand how to conduct home visits and provide services in the Natural Environment.


Pre Quiz

• Please answer either True or False for the following questions. Click the mouse for the correct answer.

1. Services in the natural environment sacrifices quality.

True False

2. Natural environment means everyday places a child lives and plays.

True False

3. Primary service provider approach acknowledges family strengths and competencies.

True False

i have animated the quiz so they can click through. go to slide show tab and click on start show from current slide to see how it flows.

Pre-Quiz Continued

4. The primary service provider often practices beyond their scope of practice.

True False

5. The primary service provider approach limits family’s options.

True False

6. Parents and caregivers are expected to provide therapy for their child.

True False

Pre-Quiz Continued

7. Parents/caregivers are capable of implementing effective early intervention strategies for their child.

True False

8. Primary service provider approach enhances parents/caregivers feelings of competence in what they are already doing and teaches them new skills and strategies to handle challenging situations.

True False

Pre-Quiz Continued

9. The primary service provider should always be prepared for their home visitations by bringing their toy bag.

True False

10. Parent/caregivers opinions and ideas are important.

True False

11. The primary service provider should always take control of every home visit.

True False

Pre-Quiz Continued

12. Primary service provider should always remind the parent/caretaker of their professional title.

True False

13. Learning only occurs during the home visit.

True False

14. The primary service provider determines the priorities for the child to work on.

True False

Pre-Quiz continued

15. During the home visit the primary service provider should create opportunities for informal dialogue.

True False

16. Never allow periods of silence to occur during a home visit.

True False

17. The primary service provider should begin each home visit by reviewing what happened since last visit.

True False

Pre-Quiz Continued

18. The primary service provider never touches the child.

True False

19. Primary service provider should observe the parent/caretaker practicing given strategies during everyday routines.

True False

20. Effecting coaching can set the stage for a lifetime of learning on the part of the parent/caretaker.

True False

You have completed the Pre-Quiz!

Now that you have completed this portion of the onboarding process, please complete the first training session titled:

Treasure Coast Early Steps Primary Service Provider Approach to Early Intervention in Natural Environments

Series 1

at the end of every section, you should let them know they have finished and provide instructions to the next step or list any forms that are referenced in the section.
