Travel Barriers As a group, come up with 7 barriers that prevent people from travelling


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Travel Barriers

As a group, come up with 7 barriers that prevent people from travelling

1. Cost

Trips are expensive, we have to budget our money + save! Example – Disney 1 week for a family of 4

Costs between $ 4000 - $8000

2. Time

School/jobs and other commitments keep us from our dreams! (Leisure time)

3. Family Stage

Young families don’t travel as much Lack of money, lack of time, too much effort Pets Accommodations!!! Retired couples travel more Young, singles and DINKS (double income, no


4. Weather

Winter may make travel more hazardous or weather in your preferred destination may be Dangerous: Example: Hurricanes, snow, tornadoes

Elderly people especially get nervous about travelling if there is a chance of inclement weather.

5. Fear

Fear of terrorism, flying, becoming sick or simply the unknown

6. Health

Poor health that doesn’t allow you to get around – need wheelchair accessible destinations Travel insurance is more expensive if you

have poor health/old Special regular treatment requires you to stay

close to home (ie, Kidney dialysis)

7. Lack of Interest

Rather stay home and do something else Watch Amazing Race, National Geographic

and the Bachelor
