Translation Studies...Literature. Afterwards she studied in applied linguistics at the University of...


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Université de Tunis El Manar


26, Avenue Darghouth Pacha - 1007 Tunis

Translation Studies:

Selected Texts For translation

“You are invited to partake in the very real pleasure of crossing the

frontiers between languages” The Instructor

The Workbook

Instructor: H. Salhi WEEK Page 2

Practice 1 Literary

Arabic into English Novel


Instructor: H. Salhi WEEK Page 3

Practice 1 Literary

Arabic into English Novel

Translating Text 1






















Gibran Khalil Gibran

Instructor: H. Salhi WEEK Page 4

Practice 1 Literary

Arabic into English Idioms

Complementary Tasks

1. Selected idioms for translation into English ................................................................ لا عص الله تعور الشنزاى

............................................................... شحذى الهون

............................................................... غض الطزف

............................................................... يخطف الألثاب

............................................................... عزضى علا حط ثع شعير

............................................................... مل غني عل للا

............................................................... هي طلة العلا سز اللالي

............................................................... أل هنح أدر تشعابها

2. Selected literary utterances for translation

............................................................... في راتا تادر

............................................................... فعقة في اثار شثق

............................................................... ماى رفي في خلق المشامل

............................................................... إسقاط تجزتح الذاخ عل تجزتح الطي

............................................................... لنل جاد مثج لنل عالم فج

............................................................... لله درك

....................................... يجة أى ذفق تين الطزفين, لاذثز تن العداج الثغضاء................................................

...............................................................زح الفس هضحل العثس

Instructor: H. Salhi WEEK Page 5

Practice 2 Diplomatic and


English into Arabic Report

The End of a 23-Year Regime

By Hammouda Salhi

On 13 January 2011, my close friends invited me to their house in les berges du lac, a quarter

located in the northeast of Tunis. This is a symbolic place, as it houses the embassies and

consulates of many countries, not to mention the Arab Interior Ministers' Council.

There we drank the famous, extraordinary mint tea, which contains caffeine that increases energy

and mental alertness. The warm drink is served especially as a sign of hospitality and friendship --

in fact, it is believed to contain all of the elements necessary to ensure life and hope. I daresay that

mint tea is the secret ingredient behind Tunisia's peaceful uprising.

Before nightfall, as I headed to where I live in Tunis not very far from downtown, I began to hear

the loud and repetitive chants of protests coming from somewhere near Habib Bourguiba Street, the

main street in Tunis. When I arrived there, I found that a crowd of thousands had assembled outside

the Ministry of Interior, chanting, "Ben Ali, that's enough!" and "Game over!" These people were

young, old, rich, poor, and both casually and smartly dressed. Some were armed with Tunisian

flags and bread loaves -- a pitiful defense against the tear gas, tanks, and bullets.

January 14, 2011 marked the 28th

day of the Tunisian protests. Shaking off their fear of the security

services, Tunisians were able to force their way to the Ministry of the Interior and lead a revolution

that finally toppled the most repressive police state in the MENA region after 23 years of iron-fisted


Before departing, Ben Ali signed a decree handing interim presidential powers to Prime Minister

Mohammed Ghannouchi. Mr. Ghannouchi announced that he was taking charge of the situation on

the basis of Article 56 of the Tunisian Constitution. But the Constitutional Court decided that it was

Article 57 that should be followed, whereupon Speaker of the Parliament Fouad Mebazaa was given

authority over the government instead.

I woke up the next morning to hear that President Obama had saluted the "brave and determined

struggle for the universal rights," applauded "the courage and dignity of the Tunisian people," and

called on the Tunisian government "to respect human rights and to hold free and fair elections in the

near future that reflect the true will and aspirations of the Tunisian people." Though Western

officials have a double standard for Middle Eastern countries when it comes to democracy, I think

that in the case of Tunisia, human rights and freedom of expression should be extended to Islamists

as well.

Source: © American Thinker 2011

Instructor: H. Salhi WEEK Page 6

Practice 2 Diplomatic and


English into Arabic Report


1. Video 1: Mona Baker Interview - In other words - a coursebook on translation. 7’:50”

Mona Baker: Mona Baker is an Egyptian professor of translation studies and Director of the Centre for Translation and International Studies at the University of Manchester in England. She

studied at the American University in Cairo, where she got a BA in English and Comparative

Literature. Afterwards she studied in applied linguistics at the University of Birmingham,

obtaining an MA. In 1995 she moved to UMIST where she became a professor in 1997. Nowadays she

holds the Chair in Translation Studies[2]

She is the founder of St. Jerome Publishing where she is editorial director. She also founded

the international magazine The Translator.[3]

Since 2009 she has been an honorary member of IAPTI.[4] In the framework of this association she

delivered a speech on "Ethics in the Translation/Interpreting Curriculum" [5] She is also co-

Vice president of the International Association of Translation and Intercultural Studies.[6]

As a researcher, she is mainly interested in translation and conflict, the role of ethics in

research and training in Translation Studies, the application of narrative theory to translation

and interpretation, activist communities in translation and corpus-based translation studies;

she has published extensively in these areas. She has also been active as an editor of reference


Mona Baker provides commentary on the Middle East conflict, and research in translation and

intercultural studies. Her site also has sections on the boycott of Israeli academic

institutions, Israel and Palestinian universities, general opinions on the Middle East and calls

for boycott of Israeli products and services.


Editor of Critical Concepts: Translation Studies (London and New York: Routledge, 2009).

Editor of Critical Readings in Translation Studies (London and New York: Routledge, 2009).

Editor, together with Gabriela Saldanha, of Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies

(London and New York: Routledge, 2008).

In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation (first edition, 1992, Routledge; upcoming

revised and extended edition, 2010).

1) The second edition of In other words : 2) Translation as a fully-fledged discipline now 3) Visual material and visual culture

Discussion: Q&A session

2. Video 2 : US military_ Lost in translation: 5’:03”

1) Phrases :

Clean Slate: Pennsylvania Fugitives Given Clean Slate: an opportunity to start

over without prejudice

Take a Stand :Take a Stand for the Rights of Military Women: to take a position in

opposition to someone or something; to oppose or resist someone or something. The treasurer was forced to take a stand against the board because of its wasteful spending. The treasurer took a stand, and others agreed.

2) Direct vs indirect language in translation: English vs Eastern Languages

Instructor: H. Salhi WEEK Page 7

3) Language as a weapon

Discussion: Q&A session Practice 2 Diplomatic and


English into Arabic Report

Translating Text 2






















Instructor : H. SALHI Page 9

Practice 3 Linguistic

Arabic into English study


1. Video 3: V3- Simultaneous Interpretation Past and Present. 9’:40”

Jeffrey Kin-Cheung Tao: is a senior interpreter of the Chinese Interpretation Section at the United

Nations headquarters in New York. Jeffrey Tao was born in Shanghai on May 8, 1948, but grew up in

Hong Kong.

Education: Tao attended the University of Sussex in England, graduating in 1971 with a B.A. Degree.

He received his master’s degree in Business Administration from New York University in 1987. Because

of his competencies in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Shanghainese, French and Russian, Tao once

aspired of broadcasting for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) office in Hong Kong.

Career: Tao began his career as a conference interpreter when he joined the Chinese Section of the

United Nations Interpretation Service in New York in 1972. He attained the position of senior

interpreter in 1983. As a simultaneous interpreter, Mr. Tao’s real-time work runs a whole range of

[UN] topics, from highly political and sensitive meetings of the Security Council such as from issues

about Iraq and the Middle East; to many sessions of the Law of the Sea Conferences culminating in the

signing of the Treaty; to specialized technical meetings on budgetary questions, weapons systems, the

environment, trade law, statistics and international accounting. He has traveled extensively on UN

assignment, that is: to Rio de Janeiro for the UN Conference on the Environment and Development in

1992, and to the International Meeting on Small Island Developing States held in Mauritius in January

2005. He also worked at meetings at the level of Heads of States or Governments during the 50th

Anniversary of the United Nations in 1995 and the Millennium Summit in 2000.

1) Appearance of simultaneous interpretation : 2) Simultaneous interpretation now

Discussion: Q&A session

2. Video 4 : US military_ Lost in translation: 6’:13”

Discussion: Q&A session

3. Video 5 : V5- Interpretation_ Bridge or Barrier: 11’:34”

Discussion: Q&A session

Instructor : H. SALHI Page 10

Practice 3 Linguistic

Arabic into English study

Translating Text 3





















Instructor : H. SALHI Page 11

Practice 4 Business and


English into Arabic Article

Corporate management Even in willington it rains

After the boom and the bust, the backlash. Barely a week goes by without fresh

initiatives from regulators and politicians to improve standards of behavior in America’s

boardrooms. Yet one change may not had the attention it deserves.That could be because it

is said to be happening in, of all places, Delaware.

Small , wealthy and welcoming , the state of Delaware once treated America’s corporate

elite like visiting rock stars. In return for their tax dollars, companies that made the state

their home enjoyed the protection of its law courts, which sanctioned such aids as the

poison pill and the “ just say no” takeover defence. Corporate America still flock to the state

financial capital, Willington: more than 300,000 companies are incorporated under

Delaware law, including more than half of the Fortune 500 firms. But the welcome may

have lost some of its warmth recently .Increasingly, say state’s boosters , companies come

to Delaware at the behest of shareholders, not management.

Source: © The Economist 2002

Instructor : H. SALHI Page 12

Practice 4 Diplomatic and


English into Arabic Report


1. Video 5: V5- Using Corpora in the Classroom, Nicholas Medley, CATESOL 2010. 8’:19”

Corpus-based searches in the ESL/EFL classroom can help students go beyond the textbook to explore language more in depth, first through guided discovery and eventually on their own

Discussion: Q&A session

2. Video 6 : Translating ambiguous lexical items using a parallel corpus: A case study of ‘good’ in the EAPCOUNT: 20’:03”

The paper derives from a feeling of much apprehension and bewilderment about the way lexical ambiguity has been dealt with by translation researchers over a considerable period of time. While linguistic research puts an emphasis on the centrality of this phenomenon in language, where most lexical items are claimed to be ambiguous to some extent (Pustejovsky, 1995). The paper attempts to present an empirical and systematic corpus-based method for allowing trainee translators to discuss the often underestimated and neglected problem of complementary polysemy (CP) in the translation process.

Discussion: Q&A session

Instructor : H. SALHI Page 13

Practice 4 Diplomatic and


English into Arabic Report

Translating Text 4






















Instructor : H. SALHI Page 14

Practice 5 Literary

Arabic into English Poetry and literature



Instructor : H. SALHI Page 15

Practice 5 Literary

Arabic into English Poetry and literature


4. Video 7: V7- Narrative theory- Baker. 44’:07”

As political conflict is increasingly played out in the international arena, the role of translators and interpreters, as participants in this environment, is a key concern for us all. Translation and Conflict: A Narrative Account draws on narrative theory, and examples from historical as well as contemporary conflicts, to examine how translation functions in the context of conflict and violence. Mona Baker argues that translators are placed in a complex position inside a multitude of narratives, and are not, and cannot possibly be, the 'honest brokers' we imagine, as illustrated by the increasing number of activist communities of translators. Presenting an original and coherent model of analysis which focuses on both translation and interpretation, Baker shows how the narrative location of the source text is maintained, undermined or adapted, and that far from being an adjunct to social and political developments, translation is a crucial component of the process that makes these developments possible in the first place. Given an increased interest in the positioning of translators in politically sensitive situations, as in the case of Katharine Gunn at GCHQ, and in settings such as Guantanamo Bay, Iraq and Kosovo, this book is a timely exploration of the importance of the role of translators and interpreters to the political process. Including research questions and further reading suggestions at the end of each chapter, Translation and Conflict: A Narrative Account will be of interest to students on courses in translation, intercultural studies and sociology as well as the reader interested in the study of social and political movements. Mona Baker is Professor of Translation Studies and Director of the Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies, University of Manchester. She is author of In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation; Editor of The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, Founding Editor of The Translator, and Vice President of the International Association of Translation and Cultural Studies.

Discussion: Q&A session

Instructor : H. SALHI Page 16

Practice 5 Literary

Arabic into English Poetry and literature

Translating Texts 5 and 6

Text 5







Text 6














Instructor : H. SALHI Page 17

Practice 5 Literary

Arabic into English Idioms

Complementary Tasks

1. Selected idioms for translation into English ...............................................................أضغاز أحلام

............................................................... إذق شز هي أحسد إل

............................................................... الا هي رحن رت

............................................................... قضح دخرلاف فى الزأ لا فسد للالا

............................................................... اسن عل هسو

............................................................... اطعن الفن ذسرح العين

............................................................... هرذاد تالل الثثر عظائن الأ

............................................................... ذأذ الزاح بما لا ذشر السفي

............................................................... ف حينعاد بخ

............................................................... عانى الأهزي

...............................................................عظن الله أجزمن

2. Selected idioms for translation into Arabic

beat swords into ploughshares ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Caught red-handed ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

deafening silence ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

die was cast ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Don't wash your dirty linen in public ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Every cloud has a silver lining ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

get it off for a chest ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Good wine needs no bush ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

If wishes were horses, beggars might ride ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

let one's hair down ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

red letter day ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

resting on one's laurels ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Serving People is Serving God ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The ice is getting real thin ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Instructor : H. SALHI Page 18

Practice 6 Pedagogy

English into Arabic research

NCATE1 Standards

NCATE revises its unit accreditation standards every seven years to ensure that the standards reflect current research and state-of-the-art practice in the teaching profession. The Standards Committee of NCATE’s Unit Accreditation Board is charged with the task of revising the unit standards. The Standards Committee agreed at the outset of the revision process that this would be a minor revision of the 2001 performance-based standards. The primary focus of this revision is to refine the existing standards by clarifying meaning and streamlining content.

In revising the standards, NCATE’s Standards Committee heard from a wide range of educators and policymakers and conducted hearings at professional conferences. The work of the Standards Committee was continuously posted to NCATE’s website. Feedback was regularly received, read, and incorporated. State policymakers were briefed and NCATE solicited their feedback. By the time that NCATE’s Executive Board ratified this set of standards in May 2007, the field had provided significant guidance in the development of the standards.

The standards measure an institution’s effectiveness according to the profession’s expectations for high quality teacher preparation. The education profession has reached a general consensus about the knowledge and skills educators need to help P–12 students learn. That consensus forms the basis for NCATE's unit standards and specialized program standards. The specialized program standards are an integral part of the NCATE accreditation system as they describe the specialized content that teacher candidates should master.


1. Video 8: State of the translation industry- freelance translators in 2010.

Discussion: Q&A session

2. Video 9: Jean marie le Ray- speaking on how to use the Internet for a successul transition from education to profession

Discussion: Q&A session

1 The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

Instructor : H. SALHI Page 19

Practice 7 Literary

English into Arabic Culture







: "00






1. Video 10: Les Langues Un Défi 5. Passer D’Une Langue à L’autre.

Discussion: Q&A session

2. Video 11: Earning Higher Rates

Discussion: Q&A session

Instructor : H. SALHI Page 20

Practice 8 Business and


English into Arabic Article

Oil flows with wine in French countryside

By Gregory Viscusi

Gilbert Michaud drove his car past the stone church of Bergères-sous-Monmirail,crossed a field of grazing sheep and stopped in a vineyard- to admire an oil field.

“That’s my favorite well” , said Michaud. The district manager for lundin petroleum, ignoring green countryside as he watched the well’s lever move steadily up and down. “It produces 190 barrels a day with high quality and very little water”.

It’s not just nice scenery that is attracting oil companies to France. High oil prices, political stability and low taxes on small fields add up to profits for companies like Ludin based in Sweden; Toreador Resources of Dallas, Texas; and the Canadian company vermillion Energy Trust.

They have all bought French oil fields or obtained exploration permits in the past two years , saying that with lower overhead and new horizontal-drilling techniques they can make money from deposits that major oil companies have abandoned as too small.

Lundin has oil fields in Indonesia , Tunisia , Iran and Sudan ,yet last year it earned 37 percent of its revenue and 51 percent of its 2002 operating profit of 296 million Swedish kronor , or $37.5 million ,from its wells French fields.

Operating profit from Toreador’s French wells was 24 percent of sales in the first half of this year , compared with 18 percent from its wells in the United States.

“ These smaller companies with lower costs are breathing new life into these fields “,

Said Carole Mercier ,head of the domestic-exploretion division at the F rench Industry Ministry’s energy bureau.


1. Video 12: Future Translation Industry

Discussion: Q&A session

2. Video 13: Susan Basnett: PhD In Translation Studies

Discussion: Q&A session
