Translation of Antikes Lenormand Delineations



Translation of Antikes Lenormand

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Translation of Antikes Lenormand delineations

Each card entails 7 areas, relating to:

1) General meaning and description

2) Love

3) Work

4) Health

5) Astrological references

6) Time reference

7) Positive, negative or neutral value

1. Rider

1) Good news coming, being in motion, visit or visitor, car

2) A passionate time is coming

3) News, offers and opportunities

4) Refers to your own ability to move, such as energy level

5) Mercury/Gemini

6) Fast, in a hurry, soon

7) Positive

2. Clover

1) Situations that will change quickly, luck and good fortune

2) Flirting, falling in love, on a pink cloud

3) Everything is good, positive for job applications

4) Good health, improvement with a disease

5) Jupiter/Sagittarius

6) 3-4days, quick

7) Positive

3. Ship

1) Travel, vacation, long-term developments

2) New flirts are coming or partnership, longing for love

3) Success @ work, might indicate travel abroad

4) Take more “me-time”

5) Jupiter/Sagittarius

6) A long time, up to 1 year

7) Positive

4. House

1) Home, stable situation

2) Long term relationship, eventual marriage & children possible

3) Work is certain, higher position, stable work situation/solid ground

4) Good health, (you have a good chance to cure)

5) Moon/Cancer

6) Long term

7) Positive

5. Tree

1) Relates to ones health, a life time/very long term, boring

2) Falling in love can turn into a long term relationship, the life-time partnership

3) Nothing will change and you won't climb up for a higher position

4) Energy, health and strength

5) Saturn/Capricorn

6) 9 - 12 months

7) Neutral

6. Clouds

1) Obstacles and crisis situation

2) Obstacles in love, confusing

3) Troubles @ work, disappointment

4) Worries, not feeling well

5) Neptune/Pisces

6) Autumn

7) Negative

7. Snake

1) Warns of: deception, seduction, detours, not a straight path

2) Playing with fire: be aware, possible affair

3) Sophistication, competition and bullying

4) Wrong diagnosis

5) Moon/Cancer

6) Scheduled

7) Negative

8. Coffin

1) Something comes to an end, after an ending new beginning, the End

2) Painful ending with a possible new beginning

3) Your work might end, bankruptcy

4) You need to rest, urgently (drained energy)!

5) Pluto/Scorpio

6) Eternity

7) Negative

9. Bouquet

1) Good luck and peace, contentment, gifts, visits (from women)

2) Good fortune in love, you love someone and you will be loved too

3) You will get the job, promotion

4) You will get better, good health

5) Jupiter/ Sagittarius

6) Positive

10. Scythe

1) Danger, accident, breach of trust, sudden

2) Radical change in your love life, new love can come about quickly

3) Hard working, increase of workload

4) Accident prone, surgery

5) Pluto/Scorpio

6) Startling, suddenly

7) Negative

11. Whips

1) Communication: verbal arguments and fights, councelling

2) Whispering of love and heavy discussions

3) Enforcement, talking with superiors

4) Coughing, hoarseness and fever

5) Lunar node

6) Short term, in 1 week

7) Negative

12. Birds

1) News, ideas, nervous energy not long lasting, hectic, phone calls/emails

2) Falling in love, excitement of the heart (desire) and nervousness

3) Stress caused by your job, disappointment

4) Blood pressure and nervousness

5) Uranus/Aquarius

6) Transient, between 1&2 weeks (like fluttering birds)

7) Neutral

13. Child

1) Children, new beginnings, innocence (child like)

2) New contact

3) New direction @ job, for example: retraining, schooling

4) Minor inconveniences, childhood disease

5) Sun/Leo

6) New beginnings, the future

7) Positive

14. Fox

1) Something/someone is false

2) A cunning person, wants to impress you, liar (now always, position of fox to man/woman is

important here

3) Bullying, intrigues and gossip @ work floor

4) Don't trust the medical diagnosis (just yet)

5) Pluto/Scorpio

6) Now is not the right time

7) Negative

15. Bear

1) General: strength, possessions, prosperity, power, help (assistance)

2) Love: You become acquainted with a powerful personality.

3) Work: Determination and effort bring success.

4) Health: Be economical with your strength and energy.

5) Astrology: Mars, Aries

6) Time: a long time, up to 10 years

7) Valence: positive

16. The Stars

1) General: all your plans are under a good star

2) Love: A wonderful, fulfilling love comes.

3) Work: Successful implementation of ideas.

4) Health: Speedy recovery from health ailments

5) Astrology: Neptune, Pisces

6) Time: night, winter

7) Valence: positive

17. Stork

1) General: the stork heralds changes

2) Love: If you are single, this will soon change.

3) Work: Changes in the workplace, or in one's job.

4) Health: Improvement, possibly pregnancy.

5) Astrology: Mercury, Gemini (the Twins)

6) Time: time for changes

7) Valence: neutral

18. Dog

1) General: security in the family, help from friends

2) Love: You will meet a reliable person.

3) Work: Good relationships with co-workers (colleagues).

4) Health: Your health will stabilize.

5) Astrology: Uranus, Water Bearer (Aquarius)

6) Time: permanent, long-term

7) Valence: positive

19. Tower

1) General: the tower indicates offices (agencies, departments) and public authorities

2) Love: You love a person who is beyond your reach (unattainable).

3) Work: The Tower shows the way in your career.

4) Health: Problems with the back or spinal column.

5) Astrology: Saturn, Capricorn

6) Time: delayed, lagging

7) Valence: neutral

20. Park / Garden

1) General: the park represents one's public life

2) Love: Through parties and flirting you meet a partner.

3) Work: You work together with many people.

4) Health: In case of illness, a course of treatment can help.

5) Astrology: Uranus, Water Bearer (Aquarius)

6) Time: variable

7) Valence: positive

21. Mountain

1) General: the mountain shows the obstacles in life

2) Love: It is not an easy love and does not run smoothly.

3) Work: Nothing advances professionally. No progress.

4) Health: Healing will not progress.

5) Astrology: Mars, Aries

6) Time: stoppage, standstill

7) Valence: negative

22. Paths / Pathways

1) General: indicates that you need to make a decision

2) Love: You must decide between two people.

3) Work: Two options (possibilities) present themselves.

4) Health: Problems with movement or circulation are possible.

5) Astrology: Venus, the Scales (Libra)

6) Time: 6 - 7 weeks

7) Valence: neutral

23. Mice

1) General: a very negative card, losses and pain (hurts)

2) Love: Mourning love lost.

3) Work: Cancellations on the job, workplace harassment

4) Health: Something is gnawing or eating away at you. Too much stress.

5) Astrology: Chiron, Virgo

6) Time: time lost or wasted

7) Valence: negative

24. Heart

1) General: happiness (good fortune), energy, passion

2) Love: you are or will be in love.

3) Work: to depend with heart and soul on one's profession

4) Health: Very good health. If there is illness, it affect the heart and circulation.

5) Astrology: Sun, Leo

6) Time: springtime

7) Valence: positive

25. Ring

1) General: to whomever or whatever we feel connected (linked, bound)

2) Love: A bond is establish and strengthened.

3) Work: A safe workplace, satisfaction with job applications.

4) Health: No direct illness. Weakness possible.

5) Astrology: Venus, Libra

6) Time: an enclosed or fixed period (at most 7 years)

7) Valence: neutral

26. Book

1) General: the book stands for secrets (mysteries) and education

2) Love: a secret love of which only you know anything

3) Work: re-orientation (alignments) on the job, retraining, study

4) Health: psychological stresses and complexes

5) Astrology: Neptune, Pisces

6) Time: future

7) Valence: neutral

27. Letter

1) General: messages and information, current news

2) Love: contacts through SMS, telephone, advertisement, intenet

3) Work: the information and communications sector

4) Health: headaches, but no serious illness

5) Astrology: Mercury, Twins (Gemini)

6) Time: passing, quick

7) Valence: neutral

28. Man

1) General: querent, husband, life partner (significant other)

2) Love: takes himself too seriously (exaggerated self-importance)

3) Work: no direct statement about profession

4) Health: pay more attention to yourself

5) Astrology: Mars, Aries

6) Time: now

7) Valence: neutral

29. Woman

1) General: querent, wife, life partner (significant other)

2) Love: takes herself too seriously (exaggerated self-importance)

3) Work: no direct statement about profession

4) Health: pay more attention to yourself

5) Astrology: Venus, Taurus

6) Time: now

7) Valence: neutral

30. Lily

1) General: peace, sex, harmony, equilibrium, serenity

2) Love: sexual attraction to a refined (elegant) person

3) Work: you have a patron who supports you

4) Health: problems of a sexual nature occur

5) Astrology: Chiron, Virgo

6) Time: winter

7) Valence: positive

31. Sun

1) General: happiness, success, energy, creativity, power

2) Love: ultimate (absolute) love is or has been found

3) Work: the situation concerning orders goes very well, a good time for expansion

4) Health: very good, quick recovery in case of illness

5) Astrology: Sun, Leo

6) Time: sunrise until noon, summer

7) Valence: positive

32. Moon

1) General: intuition, soul, dreams, feelings, disposition

2) Love: romance, falling in love, an exciting affair

3) Work: follow your intuition, promotion (advancement) is possible

4) Health: psychological problems or distress (grief)

5) Astrology: Moon, Cancer the Crab

6) Time: twilight, evening

7) Valence: neutral

33. Key

1) General: exclude (lock out), open up (unlock); success, solution

2) Love: You have found (or will find) the right partner.

3) Work: With diligence each goal can be achieved.

4) Health: Successful progress through an illness.

5) Astrology: Venus, Taurus

6) Time: lasting

7) Valence: positive

34. Fishes

1) General: money, financial matters, profits

2) Love: Out of a flirtation, a deep love develops.

3) Work: profits, new contracts, promotions

4) Health: addiction to alcohol or drugs

5) Astrology: Venus, Taurus

6) Time: the rainy season

7) Valence: positive

35. Anchor

1) General: work, employment, adherence (holding onto), loyalty, security

2) Love: A solid bond; the anchor confirms this love.

3) Work: A steady job provides security, team work.

4) Health: weight problems through eating, enjoyment

5) Astrology: Saturn, Capricorn

6) Time: very long time

7) Valence: positive

36. Cross

1) General: fate, karma, future, load, burden

2) Love: Complicated love, a fateful encounter.

3) Work: Working on probation, overtime, a tough job.

4) Health: illness, the back, slow healing

5) Astrology: Lilith, the Dark Moon

6) Time: around 2 - 3 weeks

7) Valence: negative