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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 164214009













Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 164214009










I certify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been

previously submitted for the award of any other degree at any university, and that,

to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material

previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the

text of the undergraduate thesis.

February 23,2020

Inggita Pramesti Ayuningtyas










First, I would like to express my gratitude to Jesus Christ for His love and

guidance for me to finish my study. His bless accompanies me through all this

time and has made me be what I am today.

Second, I deliver my gratitude to my thesis advisor Arina Isti'anah, S.Pd.,

M.Hum., for her guidance and much time to read and correct my thesis. Her

patience and advice help me to finish my thesis. I thank my co-advisor Anna

Fitriati, S.Pd., M.Hum., for correcting my thesis. Next, I thank my family who

always support me morally and financially. For Mama, Papa, and Mas Rizal,

thank you for always sending me prayers and encouraging me.

Third, I thank Tomi, who always supports me through the ups and downs.

I thank my best friends also, Maria Esmeralda, Maria Angelina, and Paulus Raja,

who always help me, accompany me, and complete my university life. They teach

me the true friendship in the university life. I also thank my Korea Hokya squad

(Daphne, Deo, Lucita, Clara, and Agnes) and my KKN squad (Marsya, Oscar,

Menti, Echa) for the jokes, spirit, and laughter. I would like to thank them for

glvmg me unforgettable experiences during my study in Universitas Sanata


C90In 'P~A .ggita ramestI yumngtyas





TITLE PAGE ............................................................................................... ii

APPROVAL PAGE .................................................................................... iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE ............................................................................... iv

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ........................................................... v


DEDICATION PAGE ................................................................................ vii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................ xiii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ ix

LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................... xi

LIST OF APPENDICES ........................................................................... xii

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... xiii

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................... xiv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ............................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study .................................................................... 1

B. Problem Formulation ......................................................................... 6

C. Objectives of the Study ...................................................................... 6

D. Definition of Terms ............................................................................ 7

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ........................................... 8

A. Review of Related Studies ................................................................. 8

B. Review of Related Theories ............................................................. 11

1. Discourse Analysis ..................................................................... 11

2. Systemic Functional Linguistics ................................................ 13

3. Transitivity Analysis .................................................................. 14

a. Material Process ................................................................... 16

b. Mental Process ..................................................................... 17

c. Relational Process ................................................................ 18

d. Verbal Process ...................................................................... 19

e. Behavioral Process ............................................................... 20

f. Existential Process ............................................................... 21

4. Speech ........................................................................................ 21

C. Review of Related Backgrounds ...................................................... 23

D. Theoretical Framework .................................................................... 24

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ......................................................... 26

A. Object of the Study........................................................................... 26

B. Approach of the Study ..................................................................... 27

C. Method of the Study ......................................................................... 28

1. Data Collection........................................................................... 28

2. Data Analysis ............................................................................. 30




A. Types of Transitivity Processes in Stephen’s Speech ...................... 33

1. Relational Processes ................................................................... 34

a. Attributive Relational Process ............................................. 35

b. Possessive Relational Process .............................................. 39

c. Identifying Relational Process ............................................. 41

2. Material Processes ...................................................................... 42

3. Mental Processes ........................................................................ 46

a. Cognition Mental Process .................................................... 47

b. Perception Mental Process ................................................... 47

c. Desideration Mental Process ................................................ 48

4. Verbal Processes ........................................................................ 49

5. Behavioral Processes .................................................................. 50

6. Existential Processes .................................................................. 51

B. Stephen’s Experiences Revealed from Transitivity System ............ 51

1. A Proud Person .......................................................................... 52

2. A Common Person ..................................................................... 58

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ................................................................. 64

REFERENCES ........................................................................................... 67

APPENDIXES ............................................................................................ 71




NO Table Page

1 Table 1. Example of Material Process 16

2 Table 2. Example of Mental Process 18

3 Table 3. Example of Relational Process 19

4 Table 4. Example of Verbal Process 19

5 Table 5. Example of Behavioral Process 20

6 Table 6. Example of Existential Process 21

7 Table 7. The Example of Summary of Participants in Relational



8 Table 8. Summary of Transitivity Analysis of Stephen’s Speech 33

9 Table 9. Summary of Participants in Relational Processes 34

10 Table 10. Summary of Participants in Material Processes 42

11 Table 11. Summary of Participants in Mental Processes 46

12 Table 12. Summary of Clauses Showing The Experience As A

Proud Person


13 Table 13. Summary of Clauses Showing The Experience As A

Common Person





NO Table Page

1 Appendix 1. John Franklin Stephen’s Speech “I Am A Man. See

Me As A Human Being, Not A Birth Defect” Script


2 Appendix 2. Transitivity Analysis in John Franklin Stephen’s






AYUNINGTYAS, INGGITA PRAMESTI (2020). Transitivity Analysis in John

Franklin Stephen’s Speech “I Am a Man. See Me As a Human Being, Not a

Birth Defect” Delivered in The United Nations, March 15, 2018. Yogyakarta:

Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder in which those with down syndrome

has an intellectual disability, uncommon physical syndrome, and medical

problems. They are often underestimated and even discriminated by society. To

change society’s opinions about down syndrome, a man named John Franklin

Stephen, a representation of down syndrome people, gave a powerful speech in

The United Nations. The language in Stephen’s speech represents his life

experiences. It fits with the function of language in Systemic Functional

Linguistics which is used to encode experience. It is achieved through a

grammatical system namely transitivity Thus, transitivity analysis is conducted in

this research.

There are two objectives in this study. The first objective is to identify

what types of transitivity processes are used in Stephen’s speech. The second

objective is to figure out the way those transitivity processes reveal Stephen’s


This research uses Discourse Analysis as the approach. Discourse Analysis

considers the situational context in which the text produced. Stephen’s speech is

treated as a discourse. The language used in his speech represents the context

surrounds him where the society still underestimates down syndrome people.

Thus, 48 clauses which talk about Stephen’s activity or what has happened to

Stephen were chosen to reveal Stephen’s experiences related to the social

situation in which he lives.

The findings show that there are six types of processes in Stephen’s

speech. Relational process is used to give good positive attributes to Stephen’s life

and down syndrome in general, describe physical body condition, and describe

Stephen’s achievements. Material process is used to talk about Stephen’s struggle,

his popularity, and actions he demands from the audiences. Mental process is used

to talk about the speaker’s hopes. Verbal process is used to talk about his

achievements. Behavioral process is used to talk the way society should see

people with down syndrome and the advantages they can give. Existential process

is used to talk about his achievement. From the transitivity processes found, the

experiences found are experience of being a proud person and experience of being

a common person.

Keywords: transitivity, speech, the united nations




AYUNINGTYAS, INGGITA PRAMESTI (2020). Transitivity Analysis in John

Franklin Stephen’s Speech “I Am a Man. See Me As a Human Being, Not a

Birth Defect” Delivered in The United Nations, March 15, 2018. Yogyakarta:

Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Sindrom Down adalah sebuah kelainan genetik di mana mereka yang

down syndrome memiliki disabilitas intelektual, sindrom fisik yang tidak biasa,

dan masalah kesehatan. Mereka sering kali diremehkan dan bahkan didiskriminasi

oleh masyarakat. Untuk merubah pandangan masyarakat tentang sindrom down,

seorang laki-laki bernama John Franklin Stephen memberikan sebuah pidato di

Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa. Bahasa yang Stephen gunakan mencerminkan

pengalaman hidupnya. Hal ini sesuai dengan fungsi bahasa di Linguistik Sistemik

Fungsional yang digunakan untuk mengisyaratkan pengalaman. Hal ini dapat

tercapai dengan sistem tata bahasa transitivitas. Sehingga, analisis transitivitas

dilakukan dalam penelitian ini.

Ada dua tujuan yang didiskusikan di penelitian ini. Yang pertama adalah

untuk mengidentifikasi tipe-tipe proses transitivitas yang digunakan di pidato

Stephen. Yang kedua untuk mengetahui cara proses transitivitas tersebut

mengungkap pengalaman Stephen.

Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis wacana sebagai pendekatan. Analisis

wacana mempertimbangkan konteks situasi dimana teks diproduksi. Pidato

Stephen adalah sebuah wacana. Bahasa yang digunakan dalam pidatonya

mencerminkan konteks sekitarnya di mana masyarakat masih merendahkan orang

sindrom down. Maka dari itu, 48 klausa yang berisi tentang aktifitas Stephen atau

apa yang terjadi pada Stephen dipilih untuk mengungkap pengalaman Stephen

yang berhubungan dengan situasi sosial dimana dia tinggal.

Hasil menunjukkan ada empat jenis proses di pidato Stephen. Proses relasi

digunakan untuk memberikan atribut baik dan positif untuk hidup Stephen dan

orang sindrom down secara umum, mendeskripsikan kondisi fisik tubuhnya, dan

mendiskripsikan prestasi Stephen. Proses material digunakan untuk menyebutkan

perjuangan Stephen, popularitasnya, dan aksi yang dia inginkan dari penonton.

Proses mental digunakan untuk membicarakan tentang harapan Stephen. Proses

verbal yang digunakan untuk membicarakan prestasinya dan proses behavioral

yang digunakan untuk membicarakan bagaimana masyarakat harus memandang

orang down sindrom dan keuntungan yang dapat mereka berikan. Proses

eksistensial digunakan untuk membicarakan prestasinya. Dari proses transitivitas

tersebut, dua pengalaman hidup yang ditemukan adalah pengalaman menjadi

orang yang bangga dan pengalaman menjadi orang biasa.

Kata Kunci: transitivity, speech, the united nations





A. Background of the Study

The issue of discrimination among people still happens until now.

Discrimination is defined as “an act, policy, practice, or social structure that

creates, maintains or reinforces advantages for some groups and their members

over other groups and their member” (Dovidio & Ikizer, 2019). It means that

discriminating is treating others unfairly. There are many kinds of discrimination:

age, career, disability, employment activity, race, sex, and many others. We often

find discrimination of disability in our society which includes physical, sensory,

mental, psychological or intellectual disability.

The disability discrimination also happens to those who have down

syndrome. Down syndrome is associated with intellectual disability which could

be diagnosed shortly after birth (Selikowitz, 2008). They are weak and slower at

learning because of their intellectual problems. It is due to the abnormal cell

divisions where they have 47 chromosomes since normal people only have 46

chromosomes. Therefore, they have an extra copy of chromosome 21. Physically,

people who have down syndrome have a short neck, flat face with an upward slant

eye to the eyes, deep crease in the palm of the hand, poor muscle tone and

abnormally shaped ears (Down Syndrome: Trisomy 21, 2015). Not only does

down syndrome cause physical appearance symptom but it also causes medical

problems. They might not as healthy as other people. Down syndrome can cause



heart and gastrointestinal disorders (Staff, 2018). Due to their disability, people

sometimes treat them differently and unfairly.

Our society often underestimates the ability of people with down

syndrome. People think that they are not able to do hard activities due to their

physical disability. Their life expectancy is only between 50-60 years old and only

a small number of people reach 70 years old. This low life expectancy is due to

their unhealthy bodies. People might think that people with down syndrome

cannot learn because of intellectual disability. People see that people with down

syndrome’s life is spent only by doing easy activities like watching tv and


Various society’s opinion about down syndrome’s disability makes

people with down syndrome have low self-esteem. They might not be happy with

their own life. They might think that they cannot be as productive as others. They

might not live independently. They might think that they are not lucky. Moreover,

this hopelessness of being a down syndrome can lead to a suicide attempt. This

happened in 1998 when Dr. Hurley, the clinical professor of psychiatry at Tuts

University School of Medical, reported two suicide attempts by down syndrome

patients. Her patients experienced depression, anxiety effect, and feeling of

hopelessness about their incomplete needs associated with their disability (Hurley,


Different from others, a man with down syndrome named John Franklin

Stephen has a different point of view about his disability. He spoke in front of the

United Nations talking about his life with down syndrome. He is an American



disabled advocate, actor, and athlete. He delivered his speech in The United

Nations at an event co-organized by Jerome Lejeune Foundation for the 37th

session of The Human Rights Council and World Down Syndrome Day on March

15, 2018.

Speech is used to speak out of the speaker’s opinion and point of view.

Speech is a tool used to persuade a speaker’s ideas in many issues like politics,

economics, humanity matters and other formal occasions (Sinaga, 2018). Speech

is used in a matter of humanity where it is used to talk about humanity and

persuade society to treat others as human beings. Stephen’s speech is used to

deliver what is in his mind, what he thinks about himself with his disability and

what he wants about others’ treatment to him.

Wareing (2004) in Sinaga states that “language is able to influence

people’s thought, belief, perception, and attitudes” (2018, p. 3). Stephen’s speech

is delivered with a strong purpose. He uses his speech as his campaign to change

others’ views about those who have down syndrome. He hopes that his speech can

change others’ perception that people with down syndrome are also common

human beings. They are similar to other people. They want to be treated like other


Stephen’s speech is categorized as a discourse. A discourse refers to

language in context (Nunan, 1993). It means that analyzing a discourse is not only

about the text itself but also looking at the place, time, and situation where the text

is produced. Stephen’s speech is based on the context that surrounds him where

society still underestimates people with down syndrome and makes them become



hopeless. Here, Stephen uses discourse to change that opinion. Thus the

researcher thinks that discourse is more useful and powerful in our society.

Language in discourse is above the sentence itself. It might reflect the society’s

condition around the text. It might show what has happened in the society where

the writer or speaker lives. It might also indicate the beliefs in the society.

Since the object of this research is a discourse, the researcher uses

Discourse Analysis. Discourse Analysis is an approach looking at the pattern of

language across text as well as the social and cultural contexts in which the text

occurred (Paltridge, 2008). Therefore, the relationship between language used by

Stephen and social contexts surround him in writing, speaking, or organizing the

text also becomes the interest of this research.

The researcher uses transitivity analysis as the tool to reveal the

speaker’s experiences in this research. Transitivity analysis is part of Systemic

Functional Linguistics (SFL). Language in SFL has three meanings, which are

ideational, interpersonal and textual. This research will be focused on the

ideational metafunction. In this meaning, a clause is used as a way of representing

patterns of experience (Halliday, 1994). Furthermore, Caffarel adds that in

ideational metafunction, “language constructs and is constructed by construing

our experience of the world around us and inside us as a meaning” (Caffarel,

2006, p. 5).

In ideational meaning, a clause is important in realizing a general

principle for modeling experience where the reality is made up of processes

(Halliday, 1994). It means that a clause which contains a process is used to reflect



the experience of the speaker because it is a reality. In the process, the most

important thing is what is happening or what is going on. It is realized in the use

of verb. Different process needs different participants. Traditional grammar

focuses on making a distinction between a verb which can take an object

(transitive) or not(intransitive) while in SFL, the most important thing is the

degree of actions affects the objects. This is called as transitivity system.

Therefore, transitivity analysis suits for analyzing Stephen’s speech since his use

of language in his speech represents his life experience through the use of process.

Stephen’s speech is chosen because of his popularity and his position of

being a representation of disabled people in The United Nations. Taken from

Youtube, his video has more than 19 million views. He has an important role in

humanity because he has been a spokesman for people with down syndrome for

many years. He became the trending topic when he wrote an open letter to Ann

Coulter about her use of slurs against mentally disabled people. He also received

the Quincy Jones Exceptional Advocacy Award from Global Down Syndrome

Foundation. When he spoke in The United Nations, it gives big effects to change

bad opinion about down syndrome people to both disabled people and also other

people since The United Nations is an international organization that concerns

health, aging, human rights, and children. They concern and show their attention

about down syndrome by celebrating World Down Syndrome Day. Stephen’s

opportunity to speak is organized by Jerome Lejeune Foundation which is also an

organization supporting people with down syndrome through research, care, and




Stephen’s speech is worth studying because it is viral and attracts many

people in the world due to high numbers of viewers. In producing the meaning,

his choice of words has been constructed carefully so that the audience can

understand the message which was delivered by Stephen. Through transitivity

analysis, the researcher finds out the role of choice of words in making meaning.

Furthermore, the researcher discovers Stephen’s reason for choosing those words

since it is a representation of his life’s experience.

B. Problem Formulation

This research intends to answer the following questions:

1. What types of transitivity processes are used in John Franklin Stephen’s

Speech “I am a Man. See me as Human Being, Not a Birth Defect”

delivered in The United Nations, March 15, 2018?

2. How does the use of transitivity processes reveal John Franklin Stephen’s


C. Objectives of the Study

This research discusses transitivity processes that are used in John

Franklin Stephen’s Speech “I am a Man. See me as Human Being, Not a Birth

Defect” Delivered in The United Nations, March 15, 2018. To show the result of

the research, there are two objectives of the study: First, to identify the types of

transitivity processes are used in Stephen’s speech, Second, to figure out the way

those transitivity processes reveal John Franklin Stephen’s experience.



D. Definition of Terms

In order to make the same interpretation and have a clear picture of this

research, the researcher wants to describe some terms that are used in this


Transitivity is a system where “a process is acted out by one participant

namely the Actor, and it may impact other participants namely the Goal, and it

may be initiated by other participants namely the Initiator” (Matthiessen, Teruya,

& Lam, 2010, p. 232). The example of transitivity is in the sentence: “John made

his brother open the door”. John is the initiator, his brother is the actor, and the

door is the goal.

Speech is an expression by which we communicate messages orally

(McLeod & McCormack, 2015). Speech is used to express a speaker’s opinions

and thoughts in front of the public.

The United Nations is an international organization which “is designed

to make the enforcement of international law, security, and human rights;

economic development; and social progress easier for countries around the world”

(Briney, 2019). This organization supports human rights and command all states

to work together to overcome the challenge.





This chapter consists of four parts. The first is a review of related studies

which discusses studies related to the topic or problem of this research and

identifies the similarity and differences between this research and the previous

researches. The second is a review of related theories that discusses the theory

needed for conducting this research. The third is a review of related background

that provides the researcher non-linguistic context related to the speech. The

fourth is theoretical framework which discusses the contribution of theories

mentioned to reach the objectives of this research.

A. Review of Related Studies

There are four related studies reviewed in this research. They are three

journal articles and one undergraduate thesis. The first is the study by Isti’anah

(2014) entitled “Transitivity Analysis in Four Selected Opinions about Jakarta

Governor Election”. Her research is aimed to see the role of process and

participant in the data and figure out how people construct their point of view

about the election in wordings. She employed Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)

as the approach and transitivity analysis. She found the material process with the

percentage of 57.5% to show what Jakarta people expect from the governor

reflected by Actor-Goal, Affected, and Goal Recipient participants. She found

30% data which is the relational process to attach Jakarta to its label, shown by



Carrier-Attribute. The 7.5% is the Verbal process (7.5%) to reveal what the

candidates assure when they win, by the appearance of Sayer-Verbiage. Then the

5% Mental process show Jakarta as the Senser. Circumstances of purpose often

happens to show people’s expectation in the election.

The second study has been done by Chalimah (2018) entitled

“Experiential Meaning in Welcoming Speech of Asian Games 2018 in Indonesia”.

Her research’s objective is to identify the linguistic process the speaker used in his

speech. The result is a material process in the first rank shows the activities and

the achievement done. The second rank is relational process which gives positive

attributes and identification for Indonesia and Asian nations. The last rank is

mental and behavioral processes which state about his feeling and his urge by

using words about the intention to live peace in Asia. Chalimah found that the

speaker tends to use material process rather than other processes because he pays

attention to the activities done and the achievement rather than expressing his

feeling and the way he urges to live together peacefully.

The third study is conducted by Jamaludin (2016) entitled “The Analysis

of Experiential Function in Public Speeches of Bill and Melinda Gates”. There are

two research questions in his research. First is what system of transitivity

constructed by both Bill and Melinda Gates in 123rd Stanford Commencement

Speech 2014. Second is how the field of discourse are differently constructed by

Bill and Melinda Gates. He uses transitivity as the tool and discourse analysis as

the approach. He found that Bill used more mental cognition process (18.43%)

while Melinda used more mental affection process (10.3%). It represents that Bill



is a thinker and optimistic one while Melinda uses her feeling, worries about the

issue, and shows empathy.

Fourth, the research entitled “Transitivity System by Joko Widodo’s

Speech At The APEC CEO Summit on November 10th, 2014, in Beijing, China”

by Harwiyati (2016) focuses on identifying the types of transitivity process used

by Joko Widodo’s speech and the most found transitivity process in Jokowi’s

speech. The finding shows that the transitivity processes found are relational,

mental, material, verbal, behavioral and existential. The dominant process is


This research shares similarity to all previous researches in the use of

transitivity analysis. Another similarity is that the type of data used by Chalimah,

Jamaludin, and Harwiyati which is taken from speech. This research uses a similar

approach to Jamaludin’s research since he used discourse analysis, while others

used critical discourse analysis. This research explains the pattern of transitivity

found in the speech and the function of the transitivity’s pattern in the way

Isti’anah, Chalimah, and Jamaludin present the discussion.

However, there are also differences between this research and the previous

researches. Isti’anah’s data are different from this research since she chooses the

data from a newspaper. Having the same type of data, Chalimah is using the

translation version of the speech, while this research is using originally English

speech. Jamaludin compares two different speeches delivered by two different

people, while this research will focus on speech delivered by only one figure.

Harwiyati stops the analysis in finding the most transitivity process used by



Jokowi while this research will go further to analyze the way those transitivity

processes reveal the experience of the speaker.

B. Review of Related Theories

There are four related theories reviewed in this study. They are discourse

analysis, systemic functional linguistics, transitivity analysis, and speech.

1. Discourse Analysis

Discourse analysis is defined as “the study of language-in-used” (Gee,

2011, p. 8). Fairclough describes discourse as the situational context of language

use which involves the interaction between reader/writer and text (1992).

Meaning to say when people speak or write in communication, people fit the

language they used with the situation in which the communication happened.

There is a connection between reader/writer, text, and context.

According to Gee, there are “two different types of analyses in which

discourse analyst can engage” (2011, p. 54). They are form-function analysis that

focuses on the correlation between form/structure and function of language, and

language-context analysis which focuses on the interaction between context and

language. In form-function analysis, the aspects of language such as part of

speech, types of phrases, clauses have a relation in making meaning. The choice

of each aspect has its purposes. Language-context analysis considers material

settings, the speaker, social relationships between people involved, ethnic, gender,

cultural, historical, and institutional factors (Gee, 2011). Therefore, in analyzing a

discourse, it is important to see who is speaking, to whom the speech is delivered,



in what situation, and where is the speech delivered, etc. It is important also to see

the time and place associated with the event in which speech is delivered.

According to Gee, in communicating, people always build “seven building

tasks” which are significance, activities, identity, relationships, politics,

connection, sign systems, and knowledge, using language (2011). Meaning to say,

the language in a discourse is used to build significance so that something

becomes valuable, build an activity here and now, build an identity, build a

relationship which the speaker’s wants or has with the hearer, build a perspective

on social goods, make something becomes relevant to other, and build privilege or

prestige for a sign system or knowledge over another (Gee, 2011).

Discourse analysis studies the way people use language both written text

and spoken context (Nordquist, 2019). It sees how language flows together with

context around it. It is related to Systemic Functional Linguistics because it sees

language used within context. According to Montes, Barboza, & Olascoaga, SFL

studies language in context in terms of field, tenor, and mode (2014). Field refers

to what is to be talked, tenor refers to the relationship between the speaker and

hearer, while mode is the kind of text that is being made. Therefore, the way of

analyzing discourse through SFL is by looking at the context through field, tenor,

and mode. Since linguistics is the study of language, discourse analysis is an

approach to linguistic research. It can be used to do linguistic research.



2. Systemic Functional Linguistics

Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), originated by Michael Halliday is

a theory of language focusing on the function of language. Linguistics has a

relation with grammar since linguistics is the study of language while grammar

studies “the way in which language is organized” (Butt, Fahey, Spinks, & Yallop,

1995, p. 26). For Halliday, grammar is described as “system not as rules, on the

basis that every grammatical structure involves a choice from describable set of

options” (Li, 2019). Grammar combines with lexis or vocabulary into one. This

combination is called as lexicogrammar. Sardinha states that “lexicogrammar is

the system of wording, representing the linguistic resources for construing

meanings through words and structures” (2013).

Lexicogrammar “construes ideational, interpersonal, and textual

meanings (semantics) at the level of word groups, clause and discourse” (Wiratno,

2018, p. 913). In ideational meaning, the language is used to “encode our

experience of the world and to convey a picture of reality” (Butt, Fahey, Spinks,

& Yallop, 1995). The clause is used to represent experience. The important thing

about experience is what is going on or what is happening. Therefore, the process

of what is happening plays an important role. For the example, when someone

uses verbs like build, create, make, develop, which are categorized as material

process, it can be said that this person experiences of being a hardworker person

because he/she does more actions.

In interpersonal meaning, language is used to “encode interaction” with

other people (Butt, Fahey, Spinks, & Yallop, 1995, p. 13). It means that the



interaction between the hearer and the speaker is built. Furthermore, Halliday

adds that an act of speaking suits to be called as an “interact” because there is an

exchange in which giving or demanding information, goods, and services

(Halliday, 1994). To communicate with others, interpersonal meaning is also used

to express a speaker’s emotions, feelings, desires, and attitudes. For example

when someone uses mostly high modals in their speech such as will in “I will

stand for this country”, it means that this person shows the attitude of being


In textual meaning, language is used to make a message and it is organized

in different forms. To make a message, one element in the clause called Theme

combines with the remainder (Halliday, 1994). In English, the theme is realized

by its position in the clause. The first position in the clause is indicated as the

theme. Meaning to say that what is in the first sentence becomes the concern of

the speaker. The theme is what the speaker emphasizes which wants to be known

by the hearer. For the example, when someone always starts the clause with the

theme “I”, it means that he/she emphasizes him/herself as the message that wants

to be delivered to the reader/hearer.

3. Transitivity Analysis

As it is mentioned before, in ideational meaning, the important thing in an

experience is the process of what is going on in the clause. The clause is the

reflection of human’s experience. This is achieved through a grammatical system

called transitivity. Furthermore, Halliday adds that the “transitivity system



construes the world of experience into a manageable set of process type”

(Halliday, 1994, p. 106). Therefore, transitivity is the part of ideational meaning.

There are three elements in the transitivity system which are Process,

Participants and Circumstance. Process is the action. Halliday and Matthiessen

state that “clauses of different process types thus make a distinctive contribution

to the construal of experience in-text” (2004, p. 174). Participants do the Process

and attend the Circumstance. Circumstance refers to the time, place, manner,

contingency, accompaniment, modality, degree, role matter, evidence in which the

process is done.

In transitivity, there is an optional participant who attends the process

named Circumstance. According to Downing and Locke (2006), there are nine

types of circumstances that are the most commonly used in the transitivity system.

They are circumstance of time and place, manner, contingency, accompaniment,

modality, degree, role, matter, and evidence. Circumstance of place and time

cover when and where the process happens. Circumstance of manner is used to

answer the question of how things get done? Circumstance of contingency covers

circumstance of cause, purpose, reason, concession, and behalf. Circumstance of

accompaniment expresses “a joint participation in the process, involving the

notion of “togetherness” or that “additionally” (Downing & Locke, 2006).

Circumstance of modality expresses possibility, probability and certainty. The

example of Circumstance of degree are the words “completely”. Circumstance of

role is used to answer the questions What as? In what capacity?. Circumstance of



matter is used to add the notion of ‘with reference to’. Circumstance of evidence

refers to the source of information in the verbal process.

There are six types of processes. They are material (process of doing),

mental (process of thinking or feeling), relational (process of being), verbal

(process of saying), behavioral (process of behaving), and existential (process of


a. Material Process

This is the process of doing. This process emphasizes that “some entity

‘does’ something-which may be done ‘to’ some other entity” (Halliday, 1994, p.

110). Meaning to say, there is an action done by one to another. This process is

categorized as outer experience where the actions or events and people who does

it become the important thing.

There are three main participants in this process which are Actor or Agent,

Process, and Goal. Actor is one who does the action. Process is the action. Goal is

the one who receives action done by the actor. Circumstance is always optional in

all processes. It can be the circumstance of manner, time, place, or others. The

examples of clauses which contain material process are presented in the table


Table 1. Example of Material Process

1 Rani kicked the ball

Actor Process Goal

2 Tania runs Slowly

Actor Process Circumstance of manner



In the first clause, the Actor “Rani” does something, which is “kick” in the

past tense, to the goal. The material process indicates that there is an action done

by the Actor “Rani” to the Goal “the ball”. In the second sentence, the Actor

“Tania” does an action “run” in a particular way. “Slowly” is the circumstance of

manner. Circumstance of manner talks about how things get done. Therefore, the

material process “run” is done within a particular manner.

b. Mental Process

The mental process is a process of sensing. In this process, there is always

one participant who is human since the ability of human is sensing with

consciousness (Halliday, 1994). The main participants of mental process are

Senser, Process, and Phenomenon or Metaphenomenon. Senser is the one who

consciously feels, thinks, or sees. Phenomenon is which is sensed, felt, thought, or

seen. Metaphenomenon is an indirect or reported clause usually in the form of that

clause which is sensed by the senser (Halliday, 1994). The Metaphenomenon is

called “fact” to make it simpler. It is the fact beyond ourselves. It is deeper than


According to Halliday, there are three types of mental process; perception,

affection, and cognition (1994). Perception is the process of using our senses like

seeing and hearing. Affection is the process involving our feeling like liking,

fearing and hating. Cognition is the process using our knowledge like thinking,

knowing, and understanding. Downing and Locke (2006) add one type of mental

process namely Desiderative Mental Process. This process is expressed by the

verbs such as want, desire, and wish. Below is the example of mental process.



From the first clause, the mental process of cognition is encoded by the

word “understand” which indicates the process of understanding. Here, the Senser

“Fred” is the one who understands the Phenomenon is about “the material”. In the

second clause, the mental process affection is encoded in the word “likes” which

indicates the Senser’s feeling. The Senser “Tania” expresses her feeling to

Rihana’s new song. In the third clause, the fact which is the beauty of someone is

sensed by the Senser. Here, the Senser admires someone’s beauty.

c. Relational Process

It is the process of being. Meaning to say that something is being

something else. Therefore, there are two entities that are related to each other.

According to Halliday, there are three types of relational process; attributive,

identifying, and possessive (1994). Attributive is the process when we label a

quality which is called “Attribute”, to the entity which is called “Carrier”. The

clause in attributive cannot be reversed. Therefore, there is no passive form of

attributive clause. Identifying is the process when one entity which is called

“Identifier”, is used to identify another which is called “Identified”. Identifying

clause is reversible. Possessive is the process where the two entities have the

Table 2 Example of Mental Process

1 Fred understands the material.

Senser Process (cognitive) Phenomenon

2 Tania likes Rihanna’s new


Senser Process (affection) Phenomenon

3 It impresses Me how beautiful

she is.

Phenomenon Process (affection) Senser Fact



relation of ownership. One possesses another. The one who owns is called

“Possessor”, while the one who is possessed is called “Possessed”. Below is the

example of the relational process.

Table 3. Example of Relational Process

1 Sarah is wise

Carrier Procces(attributive) Attribute

2 The one in back row must be you

Identified Process(identfying) Identifier

3 Peter has a piano

Possesor Process(possesive) Possesed

In the first clause, The Carrier “Sarah” carries a particular quality which is

“wise” as the attribute. In the second clause, the Identified “the one in back row”

is identified as “you”. It can be reversed into “you must be the one in back row”.

In the third clause, “Toni” as the Possessor owns “a piano” as Possessed.

d. Verbal Process

It is the process of saying. The participants are Sayer, Receiver, Verbiage,

and Target (Halliday, 1994). Sayer is the one who does an act of speaking.

Receiver is the one whom the saying is addressed. Verbiage is the content what is

said or the name of saying. The target is the entity that is targeted by the process

of saying. The example of verbal process information below.

Table 4. Example of Verbal Process

1 Rey said some illogical


Sayer Process Verbiage

2 Sim asked ‘Why I am lazy’



In the first clause, “said” is indicated as verbal action. The one who speaks

is Rey and the matter he talked is about his illogical statements. In the second

clause, the verbal action is indicated in the word “asked” and the matter he

questioned is the reason why is he lazy. Different from others, the third clause has

a Target which is “her”. The one who does the verbal process of blaming is ‘he’.

“For her fault” is Circumstance of Contingency. It is the reason why he does the


e. Behavioral Process

It is the process in which physiological and psychological behaviors like

breathing, coughing, smiling, dreaming, and staring happened. (Halliday, 1994).

The one who is behaving called “Behaver”. The example is presented below.

Table 5. Example of Behavioral Process

In the first clause, the word “laugh” indicates the behavior of the Behaver

“Tan”. The Circumstance of Manner indicates the way the behavioral process is

done. The second clause the Behaver is (you) which is the one whom this

Sayer Process Projected clause

3 He always blames Her for her fault.

Sayer Process Target Circumstance of


1 Tan laughs loudly.

Behaver Process Circumstance of manner

2 Don’t breathe deeply!

Process Circumstance of manner



statement is addressed. The Process is “Don’t’ breath” and the Circumstance of

Manner is “deeply”.

f. Existential Process

It is a process which represents that something exists or happens (Halliday,

1994). The type of this clause is having a verb “be”. Another verb that can

indicate this type of clause are exist, remain, arise, happen, and take place. This

Process frequently contains a Circumstance of Time or Place. The one which

exists is called “Existent”. The example of existential clauses are presented below.

Table 6. Example of Existential Process

In the example above, the thing that happens is “a big concert”. The

existential process is shown by the verb “is” which indicates that something

happens. In the second clause, the one who exists is “a woman” in certain

Circumstance of Place.

4. Speech

Speech is defined as speaking in front of the public to express a speaker’s

thoughts and opinions. According to Anggraini, speech has three main functions

which are informing, persuading and entertaining (2018). From those three main

functions, there are three types of public speech which are informative,

1 There is a big concert.

Process Existent

2 There was a woman in front of the bank

Process Existent Circumstance of place



persuasive, and special occasion (Amit, 2019). In informative type, speech is used

to inform audiences about specific message. This speech is neutral speech which

means free from their own beliefs and let the audience creating opinion by the

information that is provided (Amit, 2019). Different from informative speech,

persuasive speech is used to change the audience’s opinion about something,

motivate the audiences to change something, take an action, and persuade them to

make an action. The speech on special occasion is found in special events such as

birthday speech, wedding speech, dinner speech, or graduation speech.

The speaker delivers a message to the audience. Audiences then receive

the messages and are able to know the meanings delivered by the speaker. The

idea that meanings are delivered from speaker to audience is based on the field of

experience. Field of experience is about “how a person’s culture experience and

heredity influence his or her ability to communicate with another” (West &

Turner, 2010, p. 13). Therefore, in order to deliver meaning, our beliefs, attitude,

past experiences, race, gender, ethnicity are brought in every interaction of

communication. Meaning to say that the speaker shares his or her experience to

the audience.

The character of the speech is one-way communication. Meaning to say,

speech is delivered by one person in large audiences. Speech is mostly delivered

in a particular formal occasion. Therefore, the language used in a speech suits the

context and social situation in which the speech delivered. Since it is based on the

context, speech is categorized as discourse.



C. Review of Related Background

The speech analyzed was delivered by a man named John Franklin

Stephen. He was born in 1982. He came from Fairfax, Virginia. He is an actor,

advocate, and athlete. His parents are John and Cornelia. His brother’s name is

Nick. Stephen has really closed relationship with his parents and brother. His

parents always support what he wants to try. They believe in Stephen’s ability.

They do not focus on what Stephen cannot do because of his disability but they

focus on what Stephen can do which is his ability. Different from his parents, his

brother is more protective of him. He will not let Stephen get away with acting

that he cannot do.

In October 2012, Stephen wrote an open letter to Ann Coulter. He

criticized the use of slurs by Ann Coulter in her tweet during presidential’s debate.

Ann Coulter used the R-word(retard) which means slower. Here, Stephen thinks

that Ann Coulter excludes people like Stephen from her group. Stephen thinks

that it hurts to be left by other people.This word might be a simple word for other

people but for Stephen, it is a big deal. Therefore, he made a strongly worded and

effective open letter that was published by Tim Shriver on the Special Olympics

Website (Stephanie, Not Just An Actor - Connor Long and John Franklin

Stephens, 2016). This letter became viral and it has been commented over 6000

comments. Even the continuity of this letter is brought to a public discussion and

debate. As a result of his viral letter and his appearance on “Piers Morgan

Tonight”, he has made more than three million new friends from social media.

Then he started to speak in front of the public, for example in the Richmond



Coliseum. He became the global messenger for Special Olympics. He became the

spokesman for those who have down syndrome.

Many achievements were reached by Stephen. He has been an actor for

many films such as Dawn (2018), Touched by Grace (2014), Fox and Friends

(1998), and Explained. After many achievements made by Stephen, he also has

been in the spotlight at the Be Beautiful Be Yourself Global Down Syndrome

Foundation GC Gala and received the 2016 Quincy Jones Exceptional Advocacy

Award. He also had an opportunity to meet President Barack Obama.

He has spoken in The United Nations for the 37th session of The Human

Rights Council and Down Syndrome Day. His speech in The United Nations is

important since it can influence other people around the world. The United

Nations itself is important since it is an international organization that concerns

how to solve global problems. One of its concern is human rights. The United

Nations is not only for one state but all states in the world. Therefore, the

appearance of Stephen in The United Nations is not separated from the big effects

given to the society around the world.

D. Theoretical Framework

The theories mentioned above are used to answer the problems of this

research. There are four theories reviewed in this research. Systemic Functional

Linguistics is utilized to support the analysis since it focuses on the functions of

language. Moreover, the researcher’s intention which is revealing the speaker’s



experience fits with the function of language in SFL which is ideational

metafunction. Therefore, metafunction that is used in this research is ideational.

The clause which contains experience is achieved through a grammatical

system named the transitivity system. Therefore, the theory of transitivity system

is used to answer the first question. It is used to differentiate the types of

transitivity process in each clause. The results of the transitivity analysis is used to

interpret the experience of the speaker through the relations of processes and

participants in the clause.

The theory of Discourse Analysis is used to answer the second question. It

helps the researcher to understand more about the way to analyze a discourse

since the data of this research is a discourse. This theory also helps the researcher

to consider the context in which this speech occurred. Since the focus of this

research is the ideational meaning of the speaker, the researcher considers the

person who is speaking, where and when this speech is delivered, to whom this

speech is delivered, and from what background of the speaker, to support the


The theory of speech is used to support the researcher in deciding the

function of speech delivered by the speaker.





This part consists of three parts which are the object of the study, approach

of the study, and methods of the study. The object of the study describes the data

that become the object of the study and the linguistic element being studied. The

approach of the study discusses the approach applied in this study. Methods of the

study narrate how the data are collected and analyzed.

A. Object of the Study

The researcher took a speech delivered by John Franklin Stephen

entitled “I am a man. See me as human being, not a birth defect”. This speech was

delivered on March 15, 2018, in The United Nations at an event co-organized by

Jerome Lejeune Foundation for the 37th session of The Human Rights Council

and World Down Syndrome Day. The United Nations is an international

organization which focuses on solving global problems. One of the problems they

concerned with is humanity and human rights which is related to Stephen’s

speech. Jerome Lejeune Foundation is an organization focusing on supporting

down syndrome.

The script was taken from the website “Speakola” with address The

researcher accessed the script and the video on August 19, 2019. Speakola is a

trusted website which provides many scripts of speech delivered by famous



figures. One of the famous figures found in Speakola website is John Franklin

Stephen. He is a representation of down syndrome people in The United States.

He became viral after made an open letter to criticize Ann Coulter for her used of

R-words. Due to his viral letter, achievements in sport and film, he was invited to

give a powerful speech in The United Nations as a down syndrome figure. His

speech video has over 19 million viewers. This number shows that his speech

attracts many people so that it becomes worth studying.

The linguistic element utilized in this research is clauses containing

transitivity in Stephen’s speech. The clause in the transitivity process is used to

reveal the life experience of the speaker. The researcher treats the clause in

Stephen’s speech as a discourse. It means that the researcher analyzes all

transitivity clauses as a whole discourse and relate the clause with the context of

speech. The context of the speech is needed since the researcher makes a

connection between elements in the text which is transitivity process and the

person or things involved, places, and times in which the text is made to reveal the

speaker’s experience.

B. Approach of the Study

This research used Discourse Analysis (DA) as the approach of the study

to find out the speaker’s experience. Speaker’s experience is “construed in a

discourse” (Martin & Rose, 2007) and it is achieved through a grammatical

system called transitivity. Therefore, transitivity analysis suits for this research.

Revealing experience of the speaker means that the researcher had to look at the



speaker himself and the context in which the speaker talked. Thus, DA was

applied. DA is defined as an approach that is aimed “to show systematic links

between texts, discourse practices, and sociocultural practices” (Norman, 1995, p.

19). Meaning to say, the analysis of the text is done together with the analysis of

discourse practices as well as sociocultural practices. It fits the data of this

research. This approach helped the researcher to consider the non-linguistic

context of a discourse. Thus, the researcher focused on the activities that

happened which is the action of delivering speech by Stephen, the people and

things involved which are Stephen and the audiences, and the associated place

which is The United Nations, and time which is down syndrome day. This

approach helped the researcher to make a relation between linguistic and non-

linguistic context of the speech. Thus, a correlation between the text and the real

condition about down syndrome people could be identified.

C. Method of the Study

The method of the study is divided into two parts which are data collection

and data analysis. Data collection discusses how the data are collected and

classify the data found. Data analysis discusses how the data are analyzed to

answer the problem formulations.

1. Data Collection

The speech was taken from

stephens-united-nations-2018. The researcher accessed the website on August 19,

2019. The data of this research were all clauses containing transitivity processes



in Stephen’s speech. The length of the speech was 682 words. There were 76

clauses found in the speech.

The type of data collection in this research was purposive sampling.

Purposive sampling meant the researcher selected the participants to be included

in the study based on the needs and rejects those which did not have the criteria

(Stephanie, 2015). The participants selected were taken from a population. The

population of this research refered to Stephen’s speech included all 76 clauses in

his speech. From the population, some samples which were able to reveal the

speaker’s experience were chosen purposively. Therefore, the sample of the data

were clauses containing transitivity that were able to show the speaker’s

experience. They talked about Stephen’s activity or what had happened to

Stephen. To identify those clauses which were used, a test was applied. There

were conditions in which clauses were included in the data. First, there was

participant “Stephen or people who have down syndrome like Stephen”. Second,

there was any process which was done by Stephen. Third, there was any process

which gave impacts to Stephen or people who have down syndrome like Stephen.

There were 47 clauses chosen to participate in this study because they stand the


The system of data collection was arranged as follows. The researcher

found the transcript of Stephen’s speech on the website Speakola. Then, the

speech was read to understand and comprehend the meaning. The text was treated

as discourse. Later, the researcher focused on selecting clauses containing

transitivity which are able to reveal the speaker’s experience. The clauses chosen



were clauses that talk about events or facts happened to Stephen in the past. The

clauses like salutation was not included since they could not be used to reveal the

speaker’s experience. They did not contain process or participants associated to

Stephen or his life. The researcher tried to see what happened in the text and made

a connection between what is in the text and the speaker’s experience.

2. Data Analysis

In this section, there were six steps to answer the problems. First, the

researcher segmented clauses by coding. Each sentence was divided into each

clause because one sentence may have more than one clause. Each clause was

numbered. Second, the researcher identified the type of transitivity process in

each clause. The researcher categorized the process into material, mental,

relational, verbal, existential, and behavioral process by looking at the verb in the

clause. Third, the researcher identified the participants in each clause. The name

of participants in each clause is based on the type of process in its clause. The

example is below :

R.P.A.1 My life is worth living.

Carrier Relational process Attribute

From the table above, “R.P.A.1” was the code of the clause. “R” stood for

relational. “P” stood for Process. “A” stood for Attributive. Number “1”

represented the number of the clause. Therefore, “R.P.A.1” meant that this clause

was categorized as a relational process with attributive type and it was the first



clause. For another code, “Ma” stood for material process, “Me” stood for mental

process, “V” stood for verbal process, “B” stood for behavioral process, “E” stood

for existential process. The code must be clarified to make the same perception

between the researcher and the reader. It also made the researcher and the reader

to refer a code used in discussion with the clause discussed.

Fourth, the data was classified based on the type of transitivity process in

the form of a table. Each process had its own table. The table included the

participants. The example of the table in each process is below:

Table 7. The Example of Summary of Participants in Relational Processes

Types of



Participants Realization in Data


Carrier I, my life, people like me

Attribute A man with down syndrome, worth living, very


Identifying Identified My name

Identifier John Franklin Stephen


Possessor Each of them, I, we

Possessed One extra chromosome than you do, a lead role in a


Fifth, the researcher described the pattern of transitivity patterns in the data

by identifying the table. The table helped the researcher to find the general pattern

of the speech. The researcher gave an explanation about the meaning of this

pattern for the example which participants appears the most and what each

process wants to reveal.

As it is said before, transitivity analysis is used to reveal the experience of

the speaker. In the last step, the researcher tried to reveal the experience by

relating the transitivity process found with the background of the speaker and the



situational context happened in the place where the speaker lives. The researcher

interpreted the speaker’s experience by relating the process/verb in clause and

lexical of the participants chosen by Stephen and connecting them with the non-

linguistic context such as how society where Stephen lives treats people with

down syndrome and how Stephen’s family treats him as a down syndrome.





This chapter is divided into two major parts. The first is the analysis of

transitivity in Stephen’s speech. This part is used to answer the first question

which is the type of transitivity are used in Stephen’s speech. The second part

discusses the second question which is the speaker’s experiences revealed from

transitivity used by Stephen.

A. Types of Transitivity Processes Are Used in Stephen’s Speech

There are 47 clauses that contain transitivity to reveal the speaker’s

experiences. Those clauses talk about Stephen’s activities or what has happened to

Stephen. The dominant processes found in the speech are the relational process.

Material process is in the second rank. The mental process is in the third rank.

Verbal process and behavioral process are in the fourth rank. Existential processes

is in the last rank. The table below summarizes the result of the data findings in

the speech.

Table 8. Summary of Transitivity Analysis of Stephen’s Speech

No Processes Frequency Percentage Verbs

1 Relational 18 38.3%

is, am, had, tend to be, are,

have, was included, have

had, can be, went

2 Material 15 32%

adds up, provide, send,

learned, didn’t have to jump,

have been published, have

viewed, let

3 Mental 9 19.1% won’t think, see, don’t need

to, need to, believe



No Processes Frequency Percentage Verbs

4 Verbal 2 4.3% have been asked, spoke

5 Behavioral 2 4.3% begins, makes

6 Existential 1 2.1% have been

Total 47 100%

The table above shows that the dominant processes is relational process

with the total number 18 clauses with the percentage of 38.3%. The total number

of material process is 15 clauses with the percentage of 32%. The total number of

mental processes is 9 clauses with the percentage of 19.1%. There are 2 clauses

that contain verbal process and behavioral process with the percentage of 4.3 %.

There is only one existential clause found in the speech with the percentage 2.1%.

Each process is explained below.

1. Relational Processes

There are 18 relational processes found in the data. All three types of

relational processes are used by Stephen in his speech but the dominant type of

relational process is attributive with total number 13 clauses. The total number of

possessive type is 4 clauses and identifying type is only one clause. The summary

of participants of relational processes in the data is presented below.

Table 9. Summary of Participants in Relational Processes

Types of



Participants Realization in Data


Carrier I, my life, people like me, our faces, I, I, it, I,

I, a life with down syndrome, we, we, we,

that testimony

Attribute A man with down syndrome, worth living, a

little shorter, a little bit flatter, very



accepting, very inclusive, as full and exciting

as any other, a medical gift to the society, an

unusually powerful source of happiness, the

canary in this eugenics coal mine.

Circumstance because our arms and legs and shorter,

because I am, in ordinary class, viral.

Identifying Identified My name

Identifier John Franklin Stephen


Possessor Each of them, I, I, we

Possessed One extra chromosome, more extra

chromosome than you do, a lead role, a

recurring role

Circumstance in a movie, in an award-winning Tv show

Based on the table above, each type of relational process has its own

participants. The participants of the attributive type is Carrier and Attribute. The

participants of identifying are Identified and Identifier. The participants of

possessive type are Possessor and Possessed. Since Circumstance is always

optional, only attributive and possessive type that have Circumstance as their

participants. Each type of relational process is explained below.

a. Attributive Relational Process

There are two purposes in which Stephen used attributive type. First, it is

used to give positive and good attributes to Stephen himself, his life, and down

syndrome in general. The dominant Carriers found are Stephen himself as a

person with down syndrome, his life, and down syndrome in general. It means

that Stephen focuses to talk about down syndrome’s quality of life. Below are the

examples of clauses which are used to give positive and good attribute to his life.

R.P.A.3 My life is worth living.

The transitivity process is below :



My life is worth living

Carrier Process Attribute

In the clause above, “My life” refers to Stephen’s life. “My life” is the Carrier.

The Attributive Relational Process is encoded in the word “is”. The Attribute

attached to the carrier is “worth living”. This clause shows that Stephen gives a

positive attribute or good quality to his life. In this clause, Stephen tried to

convince his audience that his life is just the same with others’ life which is

valuable. There is no reason for him to not live his life. Another example is below.

R.P.A.8 I am very accepting.

The transitivity process is below :

I am very accepting

Carrier Process Attribute

In the clause above, “I” which is the Carrier refers to Stephen. The Attributive

Relational Process is in the word “am”. The Attribute is “very accepting”. “Very

accepting” is positive and good quality. In this clause, Stephen talks about his

existence in the society. He is well accepted by the society. The society does not

reject him. He also accepts the society. The word “very” makes the quality

ascribed to his existence becomes stronger so that people can believe him.

Another example is below.

R.P.A.42 First, we are a medical gift to the society.

The transitivity is below :

First We are a medical gift to the society

Circumstance of

Time Carrier Process




In the clause above, the clause starts with the Circumstance of Time “first”

because in the speech Stephen tried to make three points to highlight the positive

life of down syndrome and clause 42 is the first clause he made. The Carrier “We”

refers to Stephen and other down syndrome people. The Attributive Relational

Process is shown in the word “are”. The Attribute attached to the Carrier is “a

medical gift to the society”. Since Stephen did not use “I”, he generalized that this

attribute is attached to all people who are down syndrome without exception. In

this context, “a medical gift” means that his body is used to participate in a

medical research like heart disease and immune system disorders. Meaning to say

that his body is useful in the medical area to be researched for the society.

Another example is below.

R.P.A.44 Second, we are an unusually powerful source of happiness.

The transitivity is below :

Second We are an unusually powerful source of



of Time Carrier Process Attribute

In the clause above, the clause starts with the Circumstance of Time “second”. It

is the continuation of Stephen’s effort to highlight down syndrome’s life. The

Carrier “we” refers to all down syndrome in general. The Attributive Relational

Process is encoded in the word “are”. The Attribute attached is “an unusually

powerful source of happiness”. This clause shows that people with down

syndrome is a powerful source of happiness which different from other source of

happiness. They are different and unique source of happiness.



The second purpose of using the attributive relational process by Stephen

is describing down syndrome physical condition. The examples of clauses which

represent the second purpose are presented below:

R.P.A.5 People like me tend to be a little shorter because our arms and

legs and shorter.

People like


tend to


a little


because our arms and legs and


Carrier Process Attribute Circumstance of Contingency

In the clause above, the Carrier is “people like me”. It refers to other people who

have down syndrome which are the same as Stephen. The Attributive Relational

Process is encoded in the word “tend to be”, with “tend” as the modal. The

Attribute is “a little shorter”. The clause “because our arms and legs and shorter”

is the circumstance of contingency which talks about the reason why they look

shorter than other people. Here, Stephen makes a comparison of his height which

is shorter than other people. Another example is below.

R.P.A.6 Our faces are a little bit flatter.

The transitivity process is below.

Our faces are a little bit flatter

Carrier Process Attribute

In the clause above, the Carrier is “our faces”. It refers to all down syndrome

physical face. The Attributive Relational Process is encoded in the word “are”.

The attribute attached is “a little bit flatter”. Stephen makes a comparison between

the face of others and face of people with down syndrome which is flatter.



All of the clauses above are included to attributive process since the

passive form of the clauses are not accepted. It cannot be reversed. For example,

the refersed form of the clause R.P.A.9 I am very accepting which is “very

accepting is me” is not acceptable. It also happens to the rest of the attributive

relational process clauses.

b. Possessive Relational Process

Stephen in his speech uses the possessive relational process to talk about

his achievements and what his physical body owns as a person with down

syndrome. The examples of clauses which talk about his achievements are

presented below:

R.P.P.34 I have had a lead role in a movie.

The transitivity process is below.

I have had a lead role in a movie

Possessor Process Possessed

In the clause above, the one who possessed is “I”. It refers to Stephen himself.

The Possessive Relational Process is encoded in the words “have had”. The Noun

Phrase (NP) “a lead role in a movie” is the thing that is possessed by “I”. In this

clause, Stephen shows his achievement of becoming a lead role in a movie in

which other people might never get what he has got. Another example is below.

R.P.P.35 and I have had recurring role in an award-winning TV-show.

The transitivity process is below.



And I have had a recurring role in an award-

winning TV-show

Conjunction Possessor Process Possessed

In the clause above, “I” which refers to Stephen is the one who owns something.

“have had” is the Possessive Relational Process. The thing possessed is “a

recurring role in an award-winning TV-show”.

In those two examples above, Stephen shows that people with down

syndrome should not be underestimated since they are also able to make great

achievements which might better and greater than other people.

The second purpose of the possessive relational process is talking about

what down syndrome physical body has. The examples of clauses are presented


R.P.P.4 When my body was first forming, when the first two cells

divided, each of them had one extra chromosome.

The transitivity process is below.

When my body was first

forming, when the first

two cells divided

each of

them had

one extra


Circumstance of Time Possessor Process Possessed

The clause above talks about the process when Stephen was born. It starts with the

Circumstance of Time “when my body was first forming when the first two cells

divided. Then, “each of them” is the Possessor. Each of them refers to those two

cells which divided as it is mentioned by Stephen previously. The Possessive

Relational Process is encoded in the word “had”. The NP “One extra

chromosome” is the thing that is possessed by the two cells divided in the first.



This clause means that there is a relationship or belonging of two cells divided

with one extra chromosome. Another example is below.

R.P.P.11 Just because I have more chromosome than you do.

The transitivity process is below.

Just because I have more chromosome than you do

Conjunction Possessor Process Possessed

In clause 8.b, the Possessor is “I” which refers to Stephen. The Possessive

Relational Process is encoded in the word “have”. “more chromosome than you

do” is the thing possessed by Stephen. Here, Stephen makes a comparison to other

people where his total number of chromosomes is more than other people.

c. Identifying Relational Process

The use of identifying relational process is not significant since there is

only one clause found in the speech. The clause is presented below:

R.P.I.1 My name is John Franklin Stephen.

The transitivity process is below.

My name is John Franklin Stephen

Identified Process Identifier

The Identified is “my name”. The Identifying Relational Process is encoded in the

word “is”. “John Franklin Stephen” is the Identifier. This clause is included in

identifying because it can be reversed. The passive form of clause 1 “John

Franklin Stephen is my name” is acceptable.



2. Material Processes

There are 15 clauses which contain material process in the speech.

Material process is used by Stephen to talk about his struggle to compete with

others in the past, his popularity, and actions from the audiences which he

demands. The summary of participants in his speech is presented in the table


Table 10. Summary of Participants in Material Processes

Participants Realization in Data

Actor all that, you, I, the common kids and I, I, I, over 160

million people

Goal training to parents and babies, medical care, glasses, eye

exams, us, to a person who is a little bit uncommon, in my

case, uncommonly handsome, job training and coaches, the

fence, viral, it, me, us

Circumstance as soon as possible, to a school with everyone else, from

each other, to school, with my neighbors, to fight for the

right to be treated like anyone else, either time, all over the

world, be Frank, decide from this day forward to include,

not exclude, to educate, not isolate, to celebrate, not

terminate, until we learn to work on our own

The example of clauses which talk about his struggle in the past to

compete with others are presented below :

Ma.P.28 I went to school with my neighbors.

The transitivity process is below.

I went to school with my neighbors

Actor Process Circumstance of place Circumstance of


The Actor of the process is “I” which refers to Stephen. The Material Process is

encoded in the word “went”. The material process is in the past tense, meaning to



say that it shows the past experience of Stephen. The PP “to school” is the

Circumstance of Place. It talks about the goal. “with my neighbors” is the

circumstance of accompaniment. It covers togetherness that both Stephen and his

neighbor togetherly went to school. This clause shows that there are no

differences between Stephen and other kids. They went to the same school which

was public school. Stephen was included in ordinary class. There is no specialty

between them.

Ma.P.30 The common kids and I learned from each others.

The transitivity process is below.

The common kids and I learned from each others

Actor Process Circumstance of manner

The Actor in this process is “the common kids and I” which refers to Stephen and

his classmates. The Material Process is in the word “learned” and it is in the past

tense. “from each others” is Circumstance of Manner. It shows how the learning

activity has been done. Stephen shows that both down syndrome kids and other

kids respect one another. His classmates did not underestimate Stephen since there

was something that can be learned from people with down syndrome.

Ma.P.31 I learned to fight for the right to be treated like everyone else.

The transitivity process is below.

I learned to fight for the right to be treated like everyone


Actor Process Circumstance of purpose

The Actor is “I” referring to Stephen and the Material Process is encoded in the

word “learned”. The PP “to fight for the right to be treated like everyone else” is



the Circumstance of Purpose. It is used to clarify the purpose of action done by

the actor. In this clause, Stephen shows that his act of learning shows his struggle

so that people did something to him like others. He wants people do not

distinguish their actions toward him from others. He did the action to get the same

treatment from others.

The example of clauses which are used to talk about the popularity he

gained are presented below.

Ma.P.39 Over 160 million people have viewed it.

The transitivity process is below.

Over 160 million people have viewed it

Actor Process Goal.

In the clause 29, the Actor is “over 160 million people”. The Material Process is

“have viewed”. The goal is “it” which refers to the testimony mentioned before.

The testimony refers to Stephen’s testimony which is delivered to the U.S. Senate.

This testimony was reposted by many Youtube accounts so that people around the

world have viewed it. In this case, Stephen became the representation of people

with down syndrome. At that time, there were many people with down syndrome

sat behind him.

Stephen also demanded actions from his audiences. The examples are


Ma.P.21 Provide training to parents and babies as soon as possible.

The transitivity process is below.



(you) provide training to parents and

babies as soon as possible

Actor Process Goals Circumstance of


In the clause above, Stephen ordered his audiences to do something. The Actor is

“you” referring to the audiences. The Process is encoded in the word “provide”.

“training to parents and babies” is the goal. “as soon as possible” is the

circumstance of time. In this clause, Stephen demanded the action “provide” from

the audiences. He wants his audiences to help those who have down syndrome

babies and parents who have down syndrome children. Another example is below.

Ma.P.25 Send us to a school with everyone else.

The transitivity process is below.

(you) Send us to a school with everyone else

Actor Process Goals Circumstance of


Circumstance of


The Actor of this clause is “you” referring to Stephen’s audiences. The Material

Process is encoded in the word “send”. The Goal of this process is “us” referring

to Stephen and other down syndrome people. The PP “to a school” is the

Circumstance of Place talking about the goal location of the process “send”. “with

everyone else” is the circumstance of accompaniment. This circumstance shows

the togetherness of down syndrome kids and other kids. Here, Stephen demanded

action from his audiences in which they should not differentiate their type of

school. They have to be sent to the same school.



3. Mental Processes

There are eight clauses which contain mental process. There are three

types of mental process found in the data. They are cognition, perception, and

desiderative. The summary of participants in the mental process is presented in

the table below.

Table 11. Summary of Participants in Mental Processes

Types of Mental


Participants Realization in Data


Senser I, I

Phenomenon Less of you

Metaphenomenon a world without people like me will

be a poorer world, a colder world, a

less happy world


Senser You

Phenomenon Me

Circumstance as human being, not a birth defect,

not a syndrome


Senser I,I,I,I,I,I

Phenomenon be eradicated, be cured, be loved, be

valued, be educated, be helped

Based on the table above, there are only three types of mental process;

cognition, perception, and desideration. The affection type is not found in the

speech. From the three types, only perception type which has Circumstance as its

participant, while Metaphenomenon as the participant happened in the cognition

type. Each type of mental process is explained below.



a. Cognition Mental Process

The Senser of cognition mental process is “I” which refers to Stephen.

This cognition mental process is used to talk about Stephen’s belief. The example

of clauses which talk about his belief is presented below:

Me.P.C.41 I truly believe a world without people like me will be a poorer

world, a colder world, a less happy world.

The transitivity process is below.

I truly believe

a world without people like me will

be a poorer world, a colder world, a

less happy world.

Senser Circumstance

of Degree Process Metaphenomenon

In the clause above, the one who senses is Stephen himself. Then it continues with

“truly” as Circumstance of Degree. It shows that Stephen emphasizes the process.

The Mental Process is encoded in the word “believe”. The thing that is being

sensed is “a world without people like me will be a poorer world, a colder world,

a less happy world”. It is categorized as Metaphenomenon because it is indicated

in the form of a clause. Here, Stephen shows his belief about the existence of

people with down syndrome. He senses that down syndrome people's life can

bring happiness to the world.

b. Perception Mental Process

There is only one clause that contains perception mental process in the

speech. The clause is presented below :

Me.P.P.14 See me as human being, not a birth defect, not a syndrome.

The transitivity process is below.



(you) see me as human being, not a birth

defect, not a syndrome

Senser Process Phenomenon Circumstance of Manner

The Senser is “you” referring to the audiences. Perception Mental Process is

encoded in the word “see”. The lexical “see” is categorized as Perception Mental

Process because it uses our senses like seeing or hearing. “me” is the

phenomenon. “as a human being, not a birth defect, not a syndrome” is

Circumstance of Manner. It is used to answer the question How? It is to explain

how the audience see Stephen. They have to see Stephen as human being without

seeing his disability.

c. Desiderative Mental Process

This type talks about the process of wanting and wishing. It is expressed

by verbs such as want, wish, and desire. The Phenomenon can be expressed

through a situation or thing that is wanted or wished. In this speech, this type of

mental process is used to talk about Stephen’s hopes and wishes. What he wants

are mentioned in the examples below.

Me.P.D.15 I don’t need to be eradicated.

The transitivity process is below.

I don’t need to be eradicated

Senser Process Phenomenon

In the clause above, the Senser is “I” referring to Stephen himself. The cognition

mental Process is encoded in the “don’t need to be eradicated. This clause talks

about what he does not want to happen to him. Another example is below.

Me.P.D.17 I need to be loved.



The transitivity process is below.

I need to be loved

Senser Process Phenomenon

In the clause above, the Senser is “I” referring to Stephen. The Process is encoded

in the words “need to”. The phenomenon is “be loved” This clause talks about

what the speaker wants and what he needs. Another example is below.

Me.P.D.19 I need to be educated.

The transitivity process is below.

I need to be educated

Senser Process Phenomenon

In clause above, the Senser is “I” which refers to Stephen. The Process is encoded

in the word “need to” be educated”. It talks about something that he wants from

the audiences. This clause shows that Stephen wants other people to care for him

by giving them education so it can raise people with down syndrome like him.

4. Verbal Process

There are 2 clauses that contain verbal process in Stephen’s speech. The

occurrence of Verbal Process is not significant since Stephen did not focus on

saying activities. Both of them are used to talk about Stephen’s achievements

talking in front of many people. The example of this process is presented below:

V.P.37 Last October, I spoke to the U.S. senate.

The transitivity process is below.



Last October I spoke to the U.S. senate

Circumstance of

Time Sayer Process Receiver

“Last October” is the Circumstance of Time. “I” is the Sayer referring to Stephen.

“spoke” is the Verbal Process in this clause. “to the U.S. Senate” is the Receiver.

This clause shows his achievement to talk to important people like the U.S senate

about down syndrome. Not all people have an opportunity to talk to the U.S

senate. Another example of verbal process is below.

V.P. 12 I have been asked to tell you how to improve the lives of people

with Down Syndrome.

I have been

asked to tell you

how to improve the lives of

people with Down Syndrome

Sayer Process




Circumstance of Matter

In this clause, the sayer is “I” refers to Stephen himself. The Verbal

Process is encoded in “have been asked”. The PP “to tell you” is the Circumstance

of Contingency. It covers the purpose of the process. “How to improve the lives of

people with Down Syndrome” is Circumstance of Matter.

5. Behavioral Process

There are 2 clauses which contain behavioral process found in the speech.

They are used to talk about the way society should see people with down

syndrome and the advantages they can give. The example of this process is below.

B.P.13 It begins with “I am a man”.

It begins with “I am a man”

Behaver Process Circumstance of Manner



In this clause above, the Behaver is “It” referring to the clause before

which talks about the way to improve people with down syndrome. The

behavioral process is encoded in the word “begins”. The PP “with I am a man” is

the Circumstance of Manner. It talks about the way the process happens.

6. Existential Process

There is only one clause which contain existential process found in the

speech. It is presented below.

E.P.32 I have been to the White House twice.

I have been to the White House twice

Existent Process Circumstance of Place Circumstance of


In the clause above, “I” referring to Stephen himself is the one who exists. The

Existential Process is encoded in “have been”. The PP “to the White House” is the

Circumstance of Place. It talks about where the existent happened. The

Circumstance of Time is “twice”.

B. Stephen’s Experiences Revealed From Transitivity Analysis

This part covers experiences found in the speech from the transitivity

analysis. There are two experiences revealed from the transitivity system, which

are Stephen’s being a proud person and a common person. Each experience is

explained below.



1. Being a Proud Person

The first experience found is the experience of John Franklin Stephen as

a proud person. This experience is realized in the use of 15 relational processes, 4

material processes, 2 mental processes, 2 verbal processes, 2 behavioral processes,

1 existential process. The summary of clauses that show the experience of being a

proud person is presented below.

Table 12. Summary of Clauses Showing The Experience of Being A Proud


Code Clause Process

R.P.A.2 I am a man with down syndrome Relational

R.P.A.3 My life is worth living Relational

R.P.A.5 People like me tend to be a little shorter because our

arms and legs and shorter.


R.P.A.6 Our faces are a little bit flatter Relational

R.P.A.27 If it sounds like I’m bragging, it’s because I am. Relational

R.P.A.38 That testimony went viral Relational

R.P.A.40 Simply, that a life with down syndrome can be as full

and exciting as any other.


R.P.A.42 First, we are a medical gift to society. Relational

R.P.A.44 Second, we are an unusually powerful source of



R.P.A.45 Finally, we are the canary in the eugenics coal mine. Relational

R.P.P.4 When my body was first forming, when the first two

cells divided, each of them had one extra



R.P.P.11 Just because I have more chromosomes than you do Relational

R.P.P.34 I have had a lead role in a movie, Relational

R.P.P.35 and (I have had) a recurring role in an award-

winning TV show.


R.P.I.1 My name is John Franklin Stephen Relational

Ma.P.7 All that adds up to a person who is a little bit

uncommon, in my case, uncommonly handsome.


Ma.P.33 And I didn’t have to jump the fence either time. Material

Ma.P.36 And my writings have been published all over the



Ma.P.39 Over160 million people have viewed it. Material

Me.P.C.10 I won’t think less of you Mental

Me.P.C.41 I truly believe a world without people like me will be

a poorer world, a colder world, a less happy world.




V.P.12 I have been asked to tell you how to improve the lives

of people with Down Syndrome


V.P.37 Last October, I spoke to the U.S senate. Verbal

E.P.32 I have been to the White House twice Existential

B.P.13 It begins with “I am a man.” Behavioral

B.P.42 Our extra chromosome makes us a blueprint for

medical research in areas that include soft tissue

cancer, heart disease, immune system disorders, and

Alzheimer’s disease.


In the table above, the clauses which show the experience of being a proud

person come from six processes: relational, material, mental, verbal, behavioral,

and existential. The dominant process which contributes to show this experience

is the relational process.

In the relational process, the finding shows that each type of relational

process contributes to show this experience but the dominant type is Attributive

Process. In the attributive type, this experience is shown by the Attributes that are

attached to the Carrier such as a worth living, a medical gift to the society, and the

canary in the eugenics coal mine. The dominant Carrier is Stephen as a down

syndrome figure. Therefore, the occurrences of those Attributes show that he

focuses to give good labels and positive qualities to his life. By giving good labels

and positive qualities through the use of Attribute in Relational Process shows that

Stephen experiences of being a proud person. The example of the clause in which

its Attribute shows this experience is presented below.

R.P.A.6 Our faces are a little bit flatter.

In this clause, Stephen gives his physical body condition as the Attribute. He

makes a comparison between his face and other people’s face by using the word

“flatter”. He realizes that his profile is different from other people. This flatter



face happens because they have a flat small bridge of nasal. Their forehead tends

to be flatter and their faces are broad. They all are the reasons of people with

down syndrome’s faces look different from other people. By mentioning his

different appearance of his face, he is proud of what his physical body owns. He

does not hide his different face from the audiences. Another example is below.

R.P.A.42 First, we are a medical gift to the society.

In the clause above, Stephen gives Attribute “a medical gift to the

society” to down syndrome people. In The United States, people with down

syndrome ‘s genetic is used for medical research. By researching the cause and

process of down syndrome, the scientist can contribute to an understanding of

everyone’s health and well-being. This should be done with people with down

syndrome because if there will be no down syndrome, this matter will not be

noticed. Therefore in medical research, down syndrome provides a genetic model

for giving information for other congenital disease.

Dr. Roger Reeves, Ph.D, a professor at John Hopkins University School

of Medicine in Baltimore, gave one example of the advantages where down

syndrome’s gene help to protect them from solid tumors (Reeves, 2012). It was

proved by Sandra Ryeom, a vascular biologist at Children’s Hospital Boston in

Massachusetts who did an experiment with her colleagues about this case. The

finding shows that an additional third copy of the DSCR1 gene can suppress the

growth of the blood vessels in which it feeds the cancerous tumors (Nayar, 2009).

Therefore, by studying this case in people with down syndrome, scientists are able

to find out the way to treat and also prevent it happened in everyone else.



Even though studying people with down syndrome gives advantages, the

funding toward down syndrome research is lack compared to other conditions.

Cathy McMorries Rodgers, a Washington state Republican testified that the

National Institute of Health (NIH) has budgeted $28 million dollars for 400.000

Americans with Down Syndrome (Book & Book, 2017). It is calculated that every

research on a person with down syndrome gets only $7. In contrast, NIH spends

over $3000 per individual to do research on Cystic Fibrosis. Looking at the

phenomenon that happens in America, in the speech, Stephen shows his

acceptance for helping and contributing the medical research. He said medical gift

since people with down syndrome can give advantages in the medical area. By

saying this, Stephen wants to encourage people to increase the research and its

funding for people with down syndrome. Another example is below.

R.P.A.45 We are the canary in the eugenics coal mine.

In the clause above, Attribute “the canary in the eugenics coal mine”

show the experience of a proud person. “The canary in the coal mine” is a phrase

which shows that Stephen’s life gives the advantages to other people. In the 20th

century, miners in coal mine companies would bring canaries to the new coal

seams because there were no ventilation systems there. Since the canaries are

sensitive to methane and carbon monoxide, they became the signal for detecting

the dangerous gas build-ups. If the birds were still singing, the condition was still

safe. If the birds were dead, the condition was not safe anymore. Therefore in that

era, the canaries were used to signal dangerous so that humans could be saved.



In Stephen’s case, it is mentioned “eugenics” in the clause “We are the

canary in the eugenics coal mine”. In America, the eugenics movement is

controversial. It is aimed to improve human species by being selective on

breeding by means of discouraging reproduction of genetic defects. This phrase

suits to Stephen’s life since people with down syndrome are canary stuck at the

eugenics area. He is proud because down syndrome people become the indicator

which individual who can get a chance to live and which one cannot. Down

syndrome is like an indicator so that other humans can exist. The phenomenon is

that in Iceland, nearly 100% of the 80% to 85% of people who take the test and

test positive for down syndrome choose to abort their pregnancy (Kasprak, 2017).

Stephen highlights the tendency of people who want to eradicate people with

down syndrome which are lesser than other people. Therefore, here Stephen said

that people with down syndrome with all the advantages they give to other human

beings should get a place in this world. Just like the canary who can help the

miners and should not be erased so do people with down syndrome. Stephen is

proud of being himself since they can give a warning to the doctor to think slower

whether their way of choosing a human is a really right way or not.

In the possessive type, this experience is shown by the Possessed as the

participant. The Possessed are about his achievements and his physical body

condition. The example is below.

R.P.P.34 I have had a lead role in a movie.

Stephen shows his achievements in the cinema world since he is a

famous actor who starred in some famous films such as Touched by Grace, Fox



and Friends, and Dawn His achievements in the cinema world become the proof

that a disabled person is able to make achievements and makes his parents proud.

This is strengthened by the treatment from Stephen’s family who always supports

him to make a living in the cinema world. Due to the support given by his family,

Stephen is never hesitated to try something new until he gains achievements.

Those Attributes and Possessed mentioned become proof that Stephen

does not degrade his life even he is a disabled person. He did not mention any

negative things about being a down syndrome. By doing so, Stephen is proud of

being a down syndrome figure. There is no regret of him being born as a down

syndrome child. For the hearers who have down syndrome in the world, this

speech can give good impacts for them to love and be proud of themselves like

what Stephen has done. For other hearers, this speech can give change opinions

that down syndrome’s life is not a problem.

In the mental process, this experience is realized in the use of

Metaphenomenon. The example is clause below.

Me.P.C.41 I truly believe a world without people like me will be a

poorer world, a colder world, a less happy world.

In this clause, Stephen expresses his belief. Stephen chose a poorer

world since there are many advantages which are given by people with down

syndrome. Therefore, by the existence of people with down syndrome, the world

will be richer. A colder world and a less happy world shows that down syndrome

people gives happiness to his surroundings. The survey on 822 brothers and

sisters of down syndrome people done by Skotko et al, shows that 88% of

respondents felt that they are better people because of their siblings with down



syndrome (Skotko, Levine, & Goldstein, 2011). It means that they can give

positive impacts on their siblings. It is shown by Stephen himself when he was

delivered his speech, he delivered it humoredly.

In the verbal process, this experience is shown by the occurrence of the

receiver. The example of the clause in which the receiver shows this experience is


V.P.37 I spoke to the U.S. Senate.

The receiver in which Stephen talks to is an important institution. It

means that Stephen has achievements since not all people could talk to those who

are in important institutions like the U.S. Senate. This achievement makes him

proud of himself. While talking in the U.S. Senate, Stephen became the Quincy

Jones Advocate from Global World Down Syndrome Foundation. There were

many people with down syndrome behind him sitting in the room. Here, Stephen

became their spokesman for people with down syndrome who sat there and all

over the world.

In the behavioral and existential process, this experience is shown by the

occurrence of circumstance such as “to the White House twice” in the clause

E.P.32 which talk about his achievement and “with I am a man” in the clause

B.P.13 which talk about the way the behavioral process happens.

2. Being A Common Person

The second experience found is experience of being a common person.

This experience is realized in the use of 3 clauses of relational process, 11 clauses

of material process, and 7 clauses of mental process. Therefore, there are 21



clauses which show Stephen’s experience of being a common person. Below is

the summary of clauses which show his experience of being a common person.

Table 13. Summary of Clauses Showing The Experience of Being A Common


R.P.A.8 I am very accepting Relational

R.P.A.9 I am very inclusive Relational

R.P.A.29 I was included in ordinary classes. Relational

Ma.P.21 (you) provide training to parents and babies as soon as



Ma.P.22 (you) provide medical care Material

Ma.P.23 (you provide) eye exams Material

Ma.P.24 (you provide) glasses Material

Ma.P.25 (you) send us to school with everyone else. Material

Ma.P.26 (you) provide job training and coaches until we learn to work

on our own.


Ma.P.28 I went to school with my neighbors. Material

Ma.P.30 The common kids and I learned from each other. Material

Ma.P.31 I learned to fight for the right to be treated like everyone



Ma.P.46 Now, before I go, let me be Frank. Material

Ma.P.47 (you) let us decide from this day forward to include, not

exclude, to educate, not isolate, to celebrate, not terminate


Me.P.P.14 See me as human being, not a birth defect, not a syndrome. Mental

Me.P.A.15 I don’t need to be eradicated. Mental

Me.P.A.16 I don’t need to be cured. Mental

Me.P.A.17 I need to be loved Mental

Me.P.A.18 (I need to be) valued Mental

Me.P.A.19 (I need to be) educated Mental

Me.P.A.20 And sometimes (I need to be )helped. Mental

The second experience is shown by the use of relational, material, and

mental process. The dominant process which shows this experience is the material

process. The second rank is mental process. The last rank is relational process. In

the material process, this experience is realized by the occurrence of Goal and

different types of Circumstance in the speech. The example of clause in which the

Goal showing the experience is below.



Ma.P.22. Provide medical care.

Based on The National Human Genome Research Institute, down

syndrome people have health problems such as poor muscle tone, hearing loss,

and heart defects. People with down syndrome should be given medical treatment

such as physical therapy to decrease the muscle tone becomes poorer and weaker,

an electrocardiogram or echocardiogram checked to identify whether they have

heart disease or not. If they have heart defects, they have to be brought to a

pediatric cardiologist for early surgery. Since they have health issues, from

babies, they have to receive medical treatment to prevent the worst health

problems or to medicate their health problems. Clause Ma.P.22 shows that

Stephen experiences a common person in which he needs treatment from other

people. He needs help from people when they have medical problems. He needs

medical checks and care like common people.

Another example in which the Goal shows this experience is below.

Ma.P.26 Provide job training and coaches until we learn to work on our


In this clause, Stephen demands an action from the audiences to give job

training and coaches to down syndrome people. According to a national survey

done by Kumin and Schoenbrodt (2015), in the United States, only 57% of people

with down syndrome were employed and only 3% of them were full-time paid

employees. More than 25% were volunteers, 3% were self-employed, and 30%

were unemployed. They are largely employed in the jobs in which their skills

were underutilized. This Phenomenon shows that down syndrome people still

have a small chance to make a living by their own selves. It is showed by a high



unemployment rate. They are still underestimated by society. Therefore, Stephen

experiences a common person who needs a job to make a living. He does not

think that down syndrome cannot do anything and they depend only on the cost of

family life.

Beside using Goal to show this experience, the occurrence of

Circumstance also contributes to reveal this experience. The example of the clause

is below.

Ma.P.28. I went to school with my neighbor.

In this clause, there are two types of Circumstances which are

Circumstance of Place and Circumstance of Accompaniment. Those two

circumstances show the struggle of Stephen in the past. In Circumstance of Place,

Stephen did not mention any specific school. He just mentioned school. It means

that Stephen is a common kid. He came to public school. The Circumstance of

Accompaniment shows that there is no difference between kids with down

syndrome and other kids. They came to the same school togetherly.

In the mental process, this experience is shown by the occurrence of

Phenomenon and Circumstance of Manner. The dominant contributor to this

experience is Phenomenon. The example of clause in which the phenomenon

shows this experience is below.

Me.P.A.15 I don’t need to be eradicated.

In this clause, Stephen shows that his existence in the society should not

be erased. Based on the research, every year 6000 babies with down syndrome

were born in The United States. Since the population is big, down syndrome



becomes the most common chromosomal disorder in The United States. Even

though the population is big, multiple nations are coming close to eradicate down

syndrome community by using prenatal screening. CBS News reports that in The

United States the estimated termination rate for down syndrome is 67% (1995-

2011), in France 77%(2015), and in Denmark 98%(2015). Due to the fact that

down syndrome people are planned to be erased, Stephen wants people with down

syndrome should not be eradicated. Stephen said it in front of The United Nations

since it is an international organization that can give big impacts on U.S. and other

countries to change their opinion where people with down syndrome are common

people which is needed.

Another example is the clause presented below.

Me.P.A.18 I need to be valued.

Like common people, Stephen needs respect from his closest family,

friends, and other people. He is already respected by his family. His family

focuses in Stephen’s ability. Therefore, his family believes that Stephen can do

any kind of activities. They are not worried about Stephen. They let and support

Stephen to do whatever they want. They assume that down syndrome child is just

similar to common kid. As the representation of down syndrome people, even

though he is already valued, Stephen still expresses it as what down syndrome

people’s wish. Therefore, other people with down syndrome are also valued by

other people. They need social and medical treatments from society.



In the relational process, this experience is realized by the used of

Attribute and the Circumstance of Place. The example of an Attribute which

shows this experience is below.

R.P.A.9 I am very inclusive.

In this clause, by giving Attribute “inclusive”, Stephen said that he

welcomes any kind of people. He does not focus on making friends only with

those who are down syndrome. He does not exclude other people just for one

group of people. He opens to everyone and does not limit himself to a certain

group. He is just a common person who talks to, behaves to, and socializes with

anyone. It is proved when he is easily getting along with new people by making

friends through social media. He wants to make his audience not worry to make

friends with down syndrome people.





This chapter summarizes the findings of the analysis. John Franklin

Stephen’s speech was analyzed to answer two problems formulation. The first

problem is to identify the type of transitivity processes are used in Stephen’s

speech. The second problem is to figure out the way those transitivity processes

reveal Stephen’s experience in the speech.

In John Franklin Stephen’s speech, there are six processes of transitivity

found. They are material, relational, mental, verbal behavioral and existential. The

dominant processes is relational with the percentage of 38.3%. The material

process with the percentage of 32% in the second rank. The third rank is mental

process with the percentage of 19.1%. The fourth rank is verbal process and

behavioral process with the percentage of 4.1%. The last rank is existential

process with the percentage of 2.1%. Relational process is used to give good and

positive attributes to Stephen, Stephen’s life, and down syndrome in general;

describe physical body condition and Stephen’s achievements. Material process is

used to talk about Stephen’s struggle in the past, his popularity, and the actions he

demands from the audiences. Mental process is used to talk about Stephen’s

hopes. Verbal process is used to talk about his achievements. Behavioral process

is used to talk about the way society should see people with down syndrome and

the advantages they can give. Existential process is used to talk about his




From the transitivity processes found, there are two experiences found in

the speech. The first experience is experience of being a proud person. The second

experience is experience of being a common person. Each type of process

contributes to reveal the two experiences. Based on the findings, the first

experience which is a proud person is realized when Stephen gave good quality to

his life, talked about his achievements in cinema world and his act of speaking in

front of many important institutions, and talked about his physical body condition.

The second experience which is a common person is realized when Stephen talked

about his hopes to be treated as others and his struggle as other kids when he was

in school.

The use of language in speech reveals the issues about the treatment of

down syndrome people in the United States. Even the termination rate of the fetus

with down syndrome in the U.S. is 67% and it is lesser than Iceland, Stephen keep

wanting to warn us about this phenomenon by saying that his life is worth living.

The first experience which is being a proud person shows that the speaker wants

to change public’s opinion that people with down syndrome is not about problem,

they can make other people proud because of the advantages they give and the

achievements they gain. The second experience which is being a common people

shows that their existence should not be justified. They also have a place in the

world. By understanding those two experiences, the speaker hopes there will be a

changing point of view toward people with down syndrome so that they can raise

people with down syndrome’s life.



In summary, the choice of verb as process affects the participants. Each

process needs different participants. The choice of process and participants plays

an important role in revealing experience of the speaker. This conclusion are

proved by the related studies discussed before.




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Appendix 1 : John Franklin Stephen’s Speech “I Am A Man. See Me As A

Human Being, Not A Birth Defect” Script

Good day, my name is John Franklin Stephen. I am a man with down syndrome

and my life is worth living. When my body was first forming, when the first two

cells divided, each of them had one extra chromosome. People like me tend to

be a little shorter because our arms and legs and shorter. Our faces are a little

flatter because our cheeckbones and noses don’t stick out from our faces as

much. All that adds up to a person who is a little bit uncommon, in my case,

uncommonly handsome. Don’t worry, I am very accepting, very inclusive. I won’t

think less of you just because I have more chromosome than you do.

I have been asked to tell you how to improve the lives of people with Down

syndrome. The key is right there in my opening paragraph. It begins with "I am a

man." See me as a human being, not a birth defect, not a syndrome. I don't need

to be eradicated. I don't need to be cured. I need to be loved, valued, educated

and, sometimes, helped.

What should that help be? Provide training to parents and babies as soon as

possible. Provide medical care, eye exams and glasses. Send us to school with

everyone else. Provide job training and coaches until we learn to work on our

own. Most of all, expect competence, not failure. By the way, the cost to the rest

of you of providing that help is the cost of a single cup of coffee per month.

What difference will inclusion, acceptance, and early intervention mean? Allow

me to use my life as one example of what's possible. If it sounds like I'm

bragging, it's because I am. I went to school with my neighbors; I was included in

ordinary classes. The common kids and I learned from each other. I learned to

fight for the right to be treated like everyone else. I have been to the White

House twice, and I didn't have to jump the fence either time. I have had a lead

role in a movie and a recurring role in an award-winning TV show, and my



writings have been published all over the world. Last October, I spoke to the U.S.

Senate. That testimony went viral. Over 160 million people have viewed it.

So, what is the point of all my bragging? Simply, that a life with Down syndrome

can be as full and exciting as any other. My generation owes an awesome debt to

organizations like the Lejeune Foundation and Special Olympics for freeing us

from the prison of neglect.

I truly believe a world without people like me will be a poorer world, a colder

world, a less happy world. To those who believe the world would be a better

place without us, let me make three points.

First, we are a medical gift to society. Our extra chromosome makes us a

blueprint for medical research in areas that include soft tissue cancer, heart

disease, immune system disorders, and Alzheimer's disease.

Second, we are an unusually powerful source of happiness. A Harvard-based

study has discovered that people with Down syndrome, their parents, their

siblings, and people close to them are all happier than society at large.

Finally, we are the canary in the eugenics coal mine. Genomic research is not

going to stop at screening for Down syndrome. We have an opportunity right

now to slow down and think about the ethics of deciding that certain humans do

not get a chance at life.

So, I have been a good guest. I have made you smile, maybe even laugh. Now,

before I go, let me be Frank. How would the world react if a nation proclaimed

that it would use genomic testing to make itself "Unpopular Ethnic Minority Free

by 2030?" The U.N. has all a name for this – but we need not go there. Instead,

let us pledge together to welcome diversity. Let us decide from this day forward

to include, not exclude; educate, not isolate; and celebrate, not terminate. Thank




Appendix 2 : Transitivity Analysis in John Franklin Stephen’s Speech

Code Sentence Process Experience

R.P.I.1. My name is John Franklin Stephen Relational Proud Person

R.P.A.2 I am a man with down syndrome Relational Proud Person

R.P.A.3 My life is worth living Relational Proud Person

R.P.P.4 When my body was first forming, when

the first two cells divided, each of them

had one extra chromosome.

Relational Proud Person

R.P.A.5 People like me tend to be a little shorter

because our arms and legs and shorter.

Relational Proud Person

R.P.A.6 Our faces are a little bit flatter because

our cheeckbones and noses don’t stick

out from our faces as much

Relational Proud Person

Ma.P.7 All that adds up to a person who is a

little bit uncommon, in my case,

uncommonly handsome.

Material Proud Person

R.P.A.8 I am very accepting Relational Common Person

R.P.A.9 I am very inclusive Relational Common Person

Me.P.C.10 I won’t think less of you Mental Proud Person

R.P.P.11 Just because I have more chromosomes

than you do

Relational Proud Person

V.P.12 I have been asked to tell you how to

improve the lives of people with Down


Verbal Proud Person

B.P.13 It begins with “I am a man”. Behavioral Proud Person

Me.P.P.14 See me as human being, not a birth

defect, not a syndrome.

Mental Common Person

Me.P.A.15 I don’t need to be eradicated. Mental Common Person

Me.P.A.16 I don’t need to be cured. Mental Common Person

Me.P.A.17 I need to be loved Mental Common Person

Me.P.A.18 (I need to be) valued Mental Common Person

Me.P.A.19 (I need to be educated) Mental Common Person

Me.P.A.20 And sometimes (I need to be )helped. Mental Common Person

Ma.P.21 (you) provide training to parents and

babies as soon as possible

Material Common Person

Ma.P.22 (you) provide medical care Material Common Person

Ma.P.23 (you provide) eye exams Material Common Person

Ma.P.24 (you provide) glasses Material Common Person

Ma.P.25 (you) send us to school with everyone


Material Common Person

Ma.P.26 (you) provide job training and coaches

until we learn to work on our own.

Material Common Person

R.P.A.27 If it sounds like I’m bragging, it’s

because I am.

Relational Proud Person

Ma.P.28 I went to school with my neighbors. Material Common Person

R.P.A.29 I was included in ordinary classes. Relational Common Person

Ma.P.30 The common kids and I learned from

each other.

Material Common Person



Ma.P.31 I learned to fight for the right to be

treated like everyone else.

Material Common Person

E.P.32 I have been to the White House twice Existential Proud Person

Ma.P.33 And I didn’t have to jump the fence

either time.

Material Proud Person

R.P.P.34 I have had a lead role in a movie, Relational Proud Person

R.P.P.35 And (I have had) a recurring role in an

award-winning TV show,

Relational Proud Person

Ma.P.36 And my writings have been published

all over the world.

Material Proud Person

V.P.37 Last October, I spoke to the U.S senate. Verbal Proud Person

R.P.A.38 That testimony went viral. Relational Proud Person

Ma.P.39 Over160 million people have viewed it. Material Proud Person

R.P.P.40 Simply, that a life with down syndrome

can be as full and exciting as any other.

Relational Proud Person

Me.P.C.41 I truly believe a world without people

like me will be a poorer world, a colder

world, a less happy world.

Mental Proud Person

R.P.A.42 First, we are a medical gift to society. Relational Proud Person

B.P.43 Our extra chromosome makes us a

blueprint for medical research in areas

that include soft tissue cancer, heart

disease, immune system disorders, and

Alzheimer’s disease.

Behavioral Proud Person

R.P.A.44 Second, we are an unusually powerful

source of happiness.

Relational Proud Person

R.P.A.45 Finally, we are the canary in the

eugenics coal mine.

Relational Proud Person

Ma.P.46 Now, before I go, let me Frank. Material Common Person

Ma.P.47 (you) let us decide from this day

forward to include, not exclude, to

educate, not isolate, to celebrate, not


Material Common Person

