Transformation in the Petroleum Retail Sector Making...


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Transformation in the Petroleum Retail Sector – Making Black Entrants Linger Longer

A Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Degree of Executive Masters of

Business Administration

At Graduate School of Business

University of Cape Town

By: Bubele Dyantyi



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1. I know that plagiarism is wrong. Plagiarism is to use another’s work and pretend that it is your own.

2. I have used a recognised convention for citation

and referencing. Each significant contribution and quotation from the works of other people has been attributed, cited and referenced.

3. I certify that this submission is all my own work.

4. I have not allowed and will not allow anyone to copy this essay with the intention of passing it off as his or her own work.

Signature: Date: 19 March 2012

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LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................... 5

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................ 6

GLOSSARY OF TERMS .............................................................................. 7

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................. 8

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................... 11

1. INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW ................................................... 12

1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE RESEARCH ............................................... 12

1.2 RESEARCH ISSUES AND CONTRIBUTION ...................................... 20

1.3 JUSTIFICATION OF THE RESEARCH .............................................. 22

1.4 OUTLINE OF THIS REPORT ............................................................ 23

1.5 DELIMITATIONS AND KEY ASSUMPTIONS ..................................... 24

1.6 CONCLUSION ................................................................................. 26

2. LITERATURE .................................................................................. 27

3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......................................................... 34

3.1 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW ................................................... 34

3.1.1 RESEARCH GOALS ........................................................................ 35

3.1.2 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ......................................................... 35

3.1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS ................................................................ 36

3.1.4 METHODS ...................................................................................... 37

3.1.5 VALIDITY ........................................................................................ 38

3.2 OVERACHING PHILOSOPHY .......................................................... 39

3.2.1 CRITICAL REALISM ........................................................................ 39

3.2.2 GROUNDED THEORY ..................................................................... 41

3.2.3 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CR AND GT .......................................... 44

3.2.4 SOFT SYSTEMS METHODOLOGY .................................................. 46

3.2.5 CRITICAL SYSTEMS HEURITICS .................................................... 48

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4. RESEARCH RESULTS .................................................................... 46

4.1 PHENOMENON OF INTEREST ........................................................ 46

4.2 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY ............................................................. 47

4.3 METHOD ........................................................................................ 49

4.4 SAMPLING ..................................................................................... 49

4.5 DATA ANALYSIS .......................................................................... 51

4.6 EMERGENCE OF THE CORE VARIABLE.................................... 51

4.7 BOUNDING THE SYSTEM OF FOCUS ........................................ 51

4.8 STAKEHOLDER ASSUMPTIONS ................................................. 51

4.9 IDENTIFYING THE ANSWER ....................................................... 51

4.10 IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................................... 51

5. EVALUATION AND AND CONCLUSION ...................................... 63

5.1 RELEVANCE ................................................................................. 63

5.2 UTILITY ......................................................................................... 63

5.3 VALIDITY ...................................................................................... 64

5.4 ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS ...................................................... 66

5.5 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................ 68

REFERENCES ....................................................................................... 69

APPENDICES ......................................................................................... 73

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1.1a Petrol and diesel consumption in South Africa from 1988 to 2009 ......... 12

1.1b Summary of the Liquid Fuels Charter ................................................... 13

1.1c BEE profile of company ABC ............................................................... 16

1.1d Economically Active Population ........................................................... 16

1.1e Concern Causal Loop Diagram ............................................................ 17

1.1f Rich Picture ......................................................................................... 19

1.2 The leaking bucket syndrome .............................................................. 21

2. Parent Theory, Research Problem Area, and the Research Problem ... 27

3.1 Interactive Model of Research Design .................................................. 31

3.2.3a Inductive Research Process ............................................................... 41

3.2.3b Process of Grounded Theory Research .............................................. 43

3.2.4 The Learning cycle of Soft Systems Methodology ............................... 47

4.3 Assumptions Rating Chart ................................................................... 46

4.4 80/20% of Causal Loop Diagram of the Answer .................................... 46

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1.1 Service Station Network in South Africa................................................. 15

1.5 Characteristics of Wicked Problems ..................................................... 24

4.6 Categories and Definition ...................................................................... 55

3.2.5a CSH Boundary Statements Without Answers ..................................... 49

3.2.5b Model of Utilitarianism, Rights & Duties, Justice, Caring ..................... 50

4.7 Boundary Statements With Answers ...................................................... 56

5.3 Quantitative vs Qualitative Research Validation ..................................... 63

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ACLD Answer Causal Loop Diagram

BBBEE Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment

BEE Black Economic Empowerment

CATWOE Customers, Actors, Transformation Process, World

View, Owners, Environment Constraints

CBOT Concern Behaviour Over Time

CCLD Concern Causal Loop Diagram

CLD Causal Loop Diagram

CSH Critical Systems Heuristics

DOE Department of Energy

HDSA Historically Disadvantaged South Africans

LFC The Petroleum Liquid Fuels Charter

RP Rich Picture

SAPIA South African Petroleum Industry Association

SSM Soft Systems Methodology

DTI Department of Trade and Industry

SAST Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing

SMME‘s Small, Micro, and Medium Enterprises

SYNFUEL Synthetic Fuels

RUVE Relevance, Utility, Validity, and Evaluation

CBT Calculus-Based Trust

KBT Knowledge-Based Trust

IBT Identification-Based Trust

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Black Economic Empowerment has been identified as one of the tools to address

past economic imbalances post the dawn of a democratic dispensation in South

Africa. BEE, as it is commonly known, is a national reality, manifesting itself in

various ways in a host of communities. It is a complex problem, also referred to as a

wicked problem, where the key problem is indefinable and the answer unsolvable.

This research paper focuses on a specific sub system of BEE resulting in non-

traditional methods of accessing finance, which in turn improves BEE in the service

station business. The answer is derived using a soft systems methodology approach

to assist in managing the wicked problem.

The concern identified for the purpose of this paper is increasing BEE representation

in the petroleum retail sector. The key question that this paper seeks to answer is:

What mechanisms can facilitate the entry of Black operators into the Petroleum

Retail sector be increased, while at the same time ensuring those Black

entrepreneurs already in the system survive? This question is referred to as the

research problem.

The answer to this question is two pronged. Assisted buy-outs will bring about

access to finance, and lower the financial hurdles to entry for Black entrepreneurs;

and formalising informal training will ensure longevity of entrants. The two variables

have been identified in this paper as the determinants of success for Black entrants

into this industry. Failure to address both variables at the same time will result in a

leaking bucket syndrome in which the rate of entry is not higher than the rate of exit,

making long term progress elusive. The answer to this research problem is referred

to as the BIG IDEA.

Assisted buy-outs will provide relative ease of access to financial resources as

lending institutions are more likely to fund a business in which one of the partners

has a history with the financial institution and has a proven managerial track-record

of running a successful business. The experience and history engenders trust in the

venture. This is called knowledge-based trust (KBT). The financial institutions

develop trust for the company as a result of the knowledge and skills embedded in

one of the partners.

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Formalising of the informal learning interventions should provide entrants with

practical experiential training, as opposed to a classroom based or even traditional

seminar experience. What is needed is the infrastructure to support the learning after

the formal generic programmes have been completed.

The research methodology that was used to address this concern was Grounded

Theory Methodology. Through this process core variables emerged from a process

involving levels I and II coding, and saturation was reached via constant comparison

and theoretical sampling.

The concern variable was treated as a wicked problem, and the wicked problem

archetype was used to model both the concern and the answer causal loop

diagrams. The wicked problem archetype used the following variants: the wickedness

of problem (slow level of achieving BEE targets) difficulty in formulating the problem

(empowerment over time), probability of unforeseen circumstances (mechanisms for

partnerships), accountability of planners (reflective of demographics), knowing when

the problem is solved (survival of new entrants), sources of causal influence

(availability of finance), solutions not true or false (passing of skills), and

opportunities for experimental learning (benefiting more people).

Why should we care about the findings in this report? This report is relevant on five


a) It is an attempt to make a contribution in the wicket problem that is BEE.

Admittedly, there is a no panacea for this problem, but this paper makes

plausible arguments on one of the angles in which it could be attacked.

b) It addresses a topical issue that has far reaching implications for the country

and the petroleum industry in particular. The petroleum industry was the first

sector to adopt a transformation charter, but it lost ground to other sectors that

have developed far more robust charters.

c) The report does not take a broad swipe at the elephant that is BEE, but

approaches the subject from a specific angle and focuses on one aspect of

BEE in the petroleum industry. The paper does not attempt to present the

issues from a scholastic polemic angle, but as a social phenomenon for which

practical approximations are possible.

d) The petroleum industry is a heavily regulated sector of the economy and can ill

afford more regulation. As the government, through statements issued by

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successive ministers, is not happy about the progress made in this industry,

the last thing that the industry needs is an intervention through legislating how

BEE should be implemented. To this end, taken to heart, the ideas in this

paper will move the industry closer to the desired state and alleviate the need

for government intervention.

This research can form a strong foundation for future research wherein ideas in

this paper can be explored further, and delve deeper into the nuts and bolts of the

subject. To that extent, and without being magniloquent, this paper can be seen

as a trail blazer that can serve as a catalyst for future research on a sector that

so little is written about.

In the same way that the paper was conducted using a rigorous methodology, a

similarly thorough approach was deployed in the evaluation process. In section

5, the paper presents expansive arguments for relevance, utility, and validity.

The latter involved arguments on credibility, validity, conformability, and

transferability of the solutions presented. Finally, using Velasquez‘s typology of

evaluating ethical considerations, the answers can be shown to be of good

ethical standing.

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I would like to convey my appreciation to my colleagues and business partners for

their willingness to listen and answer what must have seemed odd questions at

times. My working environment became the laboratory, and my colleagues the

guinea pigs in my application of theories and concepts learnt. Their bewildered eyes

when I spouted EMBA gobble-de-gook were constant reminders that theory always

had to be brought back to practice in a language that everyone understood.

Sherry was an important part of the whole EMBA experience, as the constant

reminders kept me going one step at a time. Tom was always there to give support

and encouragement. He made what seemed to be too difficult seem achievable.

I must also thank Engen Petroleum Ltd for allowing me the time to complete the

programme. My thanks go specifically to the General Manager for Sales and

Marketing, Mr Vukile Zondani for approving the study in the first place.

Lastly, but very importantly, I would like to thank my family for their understanding

over the last three years. My dear wife Boniswa supported me through the difficult

period of doing the EMBA and of writing this research report. Knowing that she was

there for the children for the six by two-week study periods ensured constant stability

in my family. Your constant nagging for me to finish the report kept the wheels

turning until the very last stage. This was proof that much can be achieved if the

environment is supportive. It is difficult to imagine how I could have finished this

report without my sons Ntsika, Khaka, and Nqaba, who kept me feeling guilty that I

was taking too much time away from them whenever I had to disappear into the

study room or campus library to find a quiet place to work on my studies.

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1.1 Background to the Research

The liquid petroleum industry is the lifeblood of the private, public and commercial

transport sectors of the economy. According the South African Petroleum

Industry Association (SAPIA), South Africa consumed approximately 11.3-billion

litres of petrol and 9.1-billion litres of diesel during 2009, as illustrated in Figure

1.1a below.

Figure 1.1a: Consumption of petrol and diesel in South Africa from 1988 – 2009

Source: SAPIA website,

One of the distinctive features of this industry is that government regulates

wholesale margins and controls the retail price of petrol. One of its main

challenges has been achievement of Broad Based Black Economic

Empowerment (BBBEE) or transformation.

The whole debate on BBBEE was started with the introduction of affirmative

action legislation in 1998, four years after the first democratic elections.

Affirmative action (also known as employment equity), had the limitation that it

approached the subject of BEE only from the employment perspective. It aimed

to eliminate unfair discrimination in the workplace. It aimed to benefit previously

disadvantaged people or the ‗designated groups‘ (EE Act, 1998, p 3). The

designated group were defined as ‗black people, women, and people with

disabilities‘. This legislation didn‘t address other kinds of economic

empowerment, but the government and industry at large awoke to the need for

broader forms of empowerment. In the absence of any legislative framework on

which to base their empowerment models, each industry started to develop its

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own charter to guide its implementation of BEE and provide a mechanism for

measurement against achievement of specific targets.

The Oil Industry, under the umbrella of South African Petroleum Industry

Association (SAPIA) duly adopted a Liquid Fuels Charter (LFC) in 2000. The LFC

was made up of 13 components as shown in Figure1.1b below. The focus of this

paper is on component no 9, which deals retailing and the provision of fair

opportunities for entry into the retail network (service stations).

Figure 1.1b: Summary of the LFC

Liquid Fuels Charter

No. Element Sub-Element

1. Ownership

(From preamble / interpretation) 25% ownership and control of entity that

holds the SA operating assets of the Oil


HDSA ownership to apply to all segments of

the Value Chain

Sustainable presence/Sustainability through

medium to long term viability.

2. Management Control Control of the entity through majority

shareholding, effective controlling

shareholding or majority of board of directors.

3. Supportive Culture

Appointment of managers to create a

supportive culture and enabling environment

for business success

Appointing appropriate managers who will

understand the spirit and background of the

charter policies

Fostering of a supportive culture w.r.t all

aspects of this Charter when dealing with


Incorporating culture change policies in

business principles.

4. Capacity Building Training of HDSA employees on core, priority

and scarce skills

Overseas training programs for HDSA’s

Identifying a talent pool & fast tracking it

Implementing mentorship programs

Annual progress reports in agreed format

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5. Employment Equity Publishing of equity stretch targets and


Ensuring inclusiveness of gender

6. Private Sector


Supportive procurement policies

- Towards growth of HDSA companies

- With criteria that favour HDSA companies

Scope of preferential procurement to include

all supplies (including crude)

List of HDSA suppliers

Vessels used in the transportation of

supplies/products to meet all prescribed

health, safety and environmental standards

7. Access to joint facilities Fair ownership opportunities

Non-discriminatory access to uncommitted

capacity for the movement and storage of

crude oil and petroleum products

8. Refining Capacity Selling shares in the refinery to HDSAs

Making refining capacity available to HDSA

companies, thru , e.g. toll refining


Providing JV opportunities by including

HDSA’s in expansion/upgrade programmes

9. Retailing Fair opportunities for entry to the retail


10. Wholesaling Fair opportunity for entry into wholesale /

commercial sectors

11. Financing Investigation and implementation of internal

and external financing mechanisms for giving

HDSA’s access to equity ownership and entry

into viable strategic partnerships.

12. Terms of Credit Providing terms of credit to HDSA customers

(e.g. retailers and client wholesalers)

13. Synfuels Supply Parties to accommodate HDSA’s, which lack

the facilities to comply fully, in the fairest way


Source: SAPIA website,

The retail part of this industry is made up of service stations that sell petrol and

diesel to customers. The majority of these service stations also offer other

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convenience products to the customers. Some of these C-stores also offer fast

food products. According to a research report by Matsho (2010), the country has

over five thousand service stations spread across the nine provinces as

illustrated in Table 1.1 below

Table 1.1 Service Station Network in South Africa Province No. of Service Stations %

Gauteng 1582 30.95

KwaZulu Natal 989 19.35

Western Cape 810 15.85

Eastern Cape 451 8.82

Free State 332 6.49

Mpumalanga 305 5.97

North West 302 5.91

Limpopo 206 4.03

Northern Cape 135 2.63

South Africa 5112 100

Source, Jim Motsho: Retail Petrol Industry in South Africa

This paper will use data and research findings made within one of the oil

companies to make conclusions about the industry as a whole. Company ABC (its

real identity protected) has 1199 service stations nationwide. Company ABC

accounts for 23% of all service stations in the country.

Figure 1.1c below shows that 831 (62%) service stations are operated by White

people, 277 (21%) operated by Indians, 206 (15%) operated by Africans, while 29

(2%) are operated by Coloured people. Put differently, White South Africans

operate 62% of this company‘s service stations, while only 38% are in Black


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Figure 1.1c BEE profile of company ABC

Source, created for this study

To gain a better understanding of why this profile represents a challenge, once

juxtapose it against the profile of economically active population in the country.

Figure 1.1d below shows that, according to the latest official census statistics,

Africans make up 75% of the economically active population (Statistics South

Africa, 2001). In figure 1.1c, we saw that Africans make up 15% of all the

entrepreneurs in the service station industry. Blacks make up 90% of the active

population of the country.

Figure 1.1d Economically active population in South Africa

Source: Stats SA, 2001



Indian or Asian

3% White12%



Indian or Asian



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The under-representation of Black people in the service station industry is the

underlying concern that this paper seeks to address.

Adopting a critical realist approach, economic empowering must be seen as

something exists independently our description of it. To that extent BEE as a social

phenomenon is viewed as less determined and predictable. This paper will take

given the social reality of BEE is stratified into three domains, i.e., the empirical,

the actual, and the real. To this end, the paper will start in the domain of the actual

and review connected variables and their causal connections for the concern.

The section on research methodology will elaborate critical realism and the

Grounded Theory processes. Figure 1.1e below, represents the Concern Causal

Loop Diagram (CCLD) of variable interaction affecting the level of BEE progress in

the industry.

Figure 1.1e Causal Loop Diagram showing which variables impact negatively on


Source, created for this study

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From the above diagram it is clear that certain variables have a direct effect on the

progress of BEE.

The narrative behind the causal mechanisms of the poor Black representation in

the service station industry is compounded by the lack of definitive formulation of

the problem. The government feels that the current legislative framework is

inadequate and requires more fine-tuning. There are those that believe BEE is

nothing more than reverse discrimination. The White entrepreneurs believe that

BEE takes away opportunities from them. Others complain that BEE only works for

the connected few and that its implementation has only fuelled corruption. The

many published cases of politically connected who win tenders and clinch big

deals result in some people thinking BEE is just for the connected elite. Similarly,

any interventions are not true or false, but better of worse. The validity of solutions

to problems is stakeholder dependant. It is the participants of a particular

transaction that can truly judge whether there was empowerment or not. Even

though there‘s an idea of a solution, it is difficult to arrive at final solution. Any

solution that results in the improvement in the situation will not present the ‗final‘

solution. It will merely be a contribution to a process that will take generations to

overcome. The social system in question can be considered to be symptom of

other internal aspects of the same problem. In the context of this paper, BEE is

presented as a symptom of the dual problems of lack of experience and access to

capital. The availability of finance prevents new entrants from coming into the

industry. This in turn slows down the level of empowerment, which negatively

impacts the achievement of BEE targets. On the other hand, those Black

entrepreneurs already in system find it difficult to stay as they struggle to survive

due to lack of experience, expertise, and access to finance, especially for working

capital requirements.

BEE is a subject that brings varied responses depending on which interest group

is involved. This subject is emotive because different people expect different things

from it. Many stakeholder groups prevail, representing a multitude of divergent

agendas. Some of the interested parties include legislators, beneficiaries, lobby

groups, financial institutions, and current owners of the economic activity being


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Each interest group has its own views about what solutions ought to be

implemented. Such divergent views can be seen in the Rich Picture in Figure 1.1f


Figure 1.1f Rich Picture

Source, created for this study

The Rich Picture reveals the wickedness of the problem. It shows different

stakeholder groups and their disparate world views reflecting their concerns,

expectations and frustrations. Black people are impatient at the slow pace of

transfer of ownership of service stations into Black people. Their major frustration

is securing funding to acquire service station when they become available for

purchase and to have cash to operate the businesses successfully.

Entrepreneurs need capital to pay for goodwill, stock, and working capital. Unlike

their White counterparts, they do not have the experience to run these

businesses. The major funding institutions want surety for their loans. They are

risk-averse, and would rather fund those with proven track record in running

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businesses. They want to see that Black entrepreneurs have unencumbered

cash to contribute to the capital requirements of the business. For those that

appear to present more risk, more interest is required. The financial institutions

are only concerned about bringing good returns to their shareholders. They have

no trust in unproven entrepreneur. The government on the other hand is

frustrated at the lack of rapid transformation. It wants petroleum companies to

give more service stations to Black entrants. Its hands are tied, but legislation

remains an option. The current view BEE is a means to replace White operators

with Black operators. They see the system as preventing young White

entrepreneurs from having entering the industry. The petroleum companies on

the other hand want transformation to occur, but they have no control over the

financial constraints of aspirant entrants. They have selection policies that

prioritise Black applicants, but each applicant must have secure funding to meet

the financial requirements.

1.2 Research Issues and Contribution

The under-representation of Black people in the service station industry is the

underlying concern that this paper seeks to address. Turning the concern into a

research question, this paper asks: how can Black entrants into the petroleum

retail industry be increased, while at the same time ensuring that Blacks already

in the industry survive? This paper argues that the rate of entry of Black

entrepreneurs must be higher than the rate of their exit, if the concern of their

under-representation it to be addressed. The opposite scenario is a leaking

bucket. In this condition, minimal progress is achieved as the inflow is

undermined by the outflow. In the leaking bucket syndrome the same or more

quantity seeps out of the bucket at same or more rate as the inflow. The zero

sum effect of the leaking bucket imagery is that much time and effort is spent

without much progress towards the end goal as the energy extended into the

inflow is cancelled out by the drainage through the holes in the bucket. The entry

into the petroleum retail industry by Black entrepreneurs is presented as the

inflow. The exit of Black entrepreneurs is presented as the seepage. This paper

seeks will suggest ways of increasing the inflow pressure, while at the same time

identifying ways in which seepage could be minimised.

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Figure 1.2 below represents this paper‘s concern behaviour over time (CBOT). In

order to deal with the CBOT, this paper proposes that the flow can be increased

while at the same time ensuring that seepage is controlled or minimised.

Figure 1.2 The leaking bucket syndrome

Source, created for this study

Answering the research question will be answered in more detail in section 4.2


In summary, this research paper makes three contributions. Firstly, literature on

the transformation of the petroleum retail industry is conspicuous by its absence.

Black Economic Empowerment literature in the sector is mainly in the form of the

LFC and commentary on it. The LFC and other literature on transformation in this

industry focus on employment equity, equity in the oil majors, and procurement.

Secondly, because this sub sector of the petroleum industry has received so little

attention in the past, challenges facing its transformation have remained largely

under the radar for too long. Consequently, ways to address such challenges

have hardly been explored beyond intra-company mechanisations.

Entry of Black Entrepreneurs

Exit of Black Entrepreneurs

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Thirdly, and perhaps more importantly, some innovative ideas are presented,

that, if implemented, could change the face of this sector in ways that represent

win-win solutions for the entrants and those with skills and capital.

A number of questions were considered for purposes of dealing with the concern


These questions are summarised below of which an answer to one question was

then chosen for the purpose of this paper.

The questions identified were as follows:

What do stakeholders have to offer as possible solutions?

What long-term solution that can be regarded as a win-win for most, if not

all stakeholders?

What can each key stakeholder contribute to the solution?

What financing models can prevent the pitfall of the past failed models?

How can current White service station owners be encouraged to support

BEE without the losing their own businesses?

How can Black entrants into the market be equipped to survive and be

successful as their White compatriots?

What mechanisms can facilitate the entry of Black operators into the

Petroleum Retail sector be increased, while at the same time

ensuring those Black entrepreneurs already in the system survive?

By answering the latter question, we would be dealing with the concern identified.

Answering this question is critical as it will assist in dealing with the overall

problem of BEE and the concomitant dissatisfaction with progress over the past

number of years since the signing of the LFC.

1.3 Justification for the Research

Too many Black entrepreneurs battle to access finding as they find doors shut in

their face when they look for finance from financial institutions. As if that was not

enough, they do not have enough savings of their as unencumbered cash.

Secondly, those that go past the first hurdle often find themselves faced with

another challenge round the corner. They don‘t have any experience to handle

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the complexity of running a business that runs for 24 hours, and consists of

multiple businesses at the same time.

Why should we care about the findings in this report? This report is relevant on

five fronts:

a) It is an attempt to make a contribution in the wicket problem that is BEE.

Admittedly, there is a no panacea for this problem, but this paper makes a

plausible argument on one of the angles in which it could be tacked.

b) It addresses a topical issue that has far reaching implications for the country

and the petroleum industry in particular. The petroleum industry was the first

sector to adopt a transformation charter, but it lost ground to other sectors that

have developed far more robust charters.

c) The report does not take a broad swipe at the elephant that is BEE, but

approaches the subject from a specific angle and focuses on one aspect of the

petroleum industry. The paper does not attempt to present the issues from a

scholastic polemic angle, but as a social phenomenon for which practical

approximations are possible.

d) The petroleum industry is heavily regulated that can ill afford more regulation.

As the government is not happy about the progress made in this industry, the

last thing the industry needs is for the minister to intervene by legislating how

BEE should be implemented. To this end, taken to heart, the ideas in this

paper will move the industry closer to the desired state and alleviate the need

for government intervention.

e) This research can form a strong foundation for future research wherein ideas

in this paper can be explored further, and more focus can be given to the nuts

and bolts of the subject. To that extent, and without being magniloquent, this

paper can be seen as a trail blazer that can serve as a catalyst for future

research on a sector that so little is written about.

1.4 Outline of this Report

Companies in the petroleum industry want to achieve transformation but their

strategies are compromised by the inability of Black entrepreneurs in particular to

find capital. Moreover, those that are already inside the system are finding it

difficult to stay. This situation likened to a leaking bucket.

This paper addresses the subject of BEE from a point of view that it is a wicked

problem. The reasons for this approach will be made clear as this paper unfolds.

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Secondly, the paper focuses on the subject as it plays itself out in the petroleum

industry in general, but uses company ABC for experiences and examples to

extrapolate generalisations about the research problem.

Thirdly, the paper reviews some of the literature on the subject. The literature

review is structured in such a way that it presents the parent theory, the research

problem area, and the research problem. The broader BEE represents the parent

theory, transformation talks to the research problem area, and entry and survival

of new entrants addresses the research problem.

Fourthly, the paper explores the research methodology that was used to conduct

the research. The paper used triangulation of methods, but largely informed by

Grounded Theory as the preferred methodology. This research report is

premised on a critical realism world view.

Fourthly, the paper proceeds to the research results. This section of the paper

details how the core variables emerged from the data. It presents the proposed

answer to the research problem. This presents two related answers to the

research problem.

Finally, the paper justifies the answer in terms of its relevance to the research

problem, how useful it is as an answer to the problem, and the extent to which

the results are generalisable (validity). This section also adopts the Velazquez

model on moral reasoning as the basis for assessing whether the answer offered

is ethical in the situation concerned. In this case the answer does maximize

social benefits (people across the country will benefit from the solution of assisted

by-outs while ensuring those inside the system survive ), the actions proposed

will not infringe the moral rights of the stakeholders involved, benefits will be fairly

distributed and due care applied.

1.5 Delimitations and Key Assumptions

The paper presents BEE as a wicked problem. Table 1.5 below enumerates the

characteristics of wicket problems.

Table 1.5 Characteristics of wicked problems

1. There is no definitive formulation of a wicked problem

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2. Wicked problems have no stopping rules

3. Solutions to wicked problems are not true of false, but good or bad

4. There is no immediate and ultimate test of a solution to a wicked problem

5. Every solution to a wicked problem is a ‘one-shot’ operation because there is

no opportunity to learn by trial and error, every attempt counts significantly

6. Wicked problems do not have an enumerable set of potential solutions nor is

there a well described set of permissible operations that may be incorporated

into the plan

7. Every wicket problem is essentially unique

8. Every wicket problem can be considered to be a symptom of another problem

9. The existence of a discrepancy representing a wicked problem can be

explained in numerous ways. The choice of explanation determines the nature

of the problem’s resolution

10. The planner has no right to be wrong. Planners are liable for the consequences

of the actions they generate

Source: Swedish Morphological Society,

This paper focuses only in the petroleum industry and takes even a narrower

angle of the petroleum retail sector, also referred to as the marketing of

petroleum retail products. In assisted buy outs, the premise of this paper is that

the assistance will come from White South Africans who are more likely to be

experienced and have better access to financial resources. The assisted will be

Black entrants with little or no prior entrepreneurial experience, and would

otherwise struggle to obtain financial assistance on his/her own steam.

This paper does not assume that the ideas presented represent the only

available ideas on how to fast track BEE in the sector. The paper also does not

assume that all Black entrepreneurs need to be assisted in the ways suggested

in this paper. The paper merely points out that such interventions have a place,

and are likely to work in certain circumstances, particularly where the partners

trust each other.

All the research and interviews were conducted with participants based in Cape

Town and Port Elizabeth. This was due to the cost and time constraints involved

if a wider audience was to be included.

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1.6 Conclusion

This chapter was concerned with presenting the foundations for the report. The

research is placed within the context of Black Economic Empowerment with

particular reference to the petroleum industry. The research problem is the under-

representation of Black entrepreneurs in the service station industry. The

research problem is presented as a wicked problem, which by itself is an

admission that we are dealing with a complex social challenge for which there is

no panacea. Among the different stakeholders, there is little consensus about

what the problem is, let alone how to solve it.

The research question that this paper tries to answer is: What mechanisms can

facilitate the entry of Black operators into the Petroleum Retail sector be

increased, while at the same time ensuring those Black entrepreneurs

already in the system survive? Answering the research question is justified

because it makes a contribution in the wicket problem that is BEE, the subject

has far-reaching implications for the country, the proposed solutions are practical,

which can take the industry forward, and hopefully serve as fertile ground for

future research.

The next chapters proceed with a detailed description of the research project.

The very next section deals with the with literature review. This is the body of text

that reviews the critical points of current knowledge on the subject. It is a review

of secondary sources of information. The section on research methodology

details how the paper will carefully investigate and search for new insights on the

research topic. It will be a voyage of discovery using qualitative research

methods combining critical realism, grounded theory and soft systems

methodologies. The second last section reveals the new body of knowledge, also

known as research results in common parlance. Lastly, we will evaluate the

recommendations in terms of the relevance, utility, validity and whether they are

in line with Velasquez‘s typology of ethical considerations.

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2. LITERATURE REVIEW This part of the paper reviews the existent literature in the field of BEE in general,

transformation within the petroleum industry with specific reference to ownership

of service stations, and mechanisms to ensure long tenure and survival of the

most Black new entrants into the industry. The broader BEE represents the

parent theory, transformation talks to the research problem area, and entrance

and survival Black entrepreneur addresses the research problem, as depicted in

Figure 2 below.

Figure 2: Relationship between Parent Theory, Research Problem

Area, and Research Problem

Source, created for this study

The origins of Black Economic Empowerment in South African probably have

their routes in the introduction of the affirmative action by the United States of

America via the Sullivan Code of Principles, which were applied to American

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multinationals operating in South Africa. The strategy of affirmative action was

accelerated via this programme during the latter half of the 1980‘s to restore

historic imbalances in the economic growth of South Africa (Verhoef, 2001).

Internally, one can trace the roots of BEE from the ANC‘s Reconstruction and

Development Program (RDP) Base Document (1990), in which it was stated

that ‗the South African economy is in deep-seated structural crisis as such

requires fundamental reconstruction‘. In a journal by Verhoef (2001), the

South African Institute of Race Relations referred to BEE as process of both

natural self-empowerment and organised initiatives to promote black


In legal terms, Black is a generic term that includes Africans, Coloureds, and

Indians. BEE targets Blacks as beneficiaries of this policy direction and is a

tacit acknowledgement that racial groups were disempowered as a result of

apartheid policies. Earlier definitions of ‗empowerment‘ targeted Blacks,

women, and people with disability under the umbrella name of ‗previously

disadvantaged people‘. The current discourse seems to have shifted to focus

mainly on Blacks; hence the latest legislation refers only to Broad Based

Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE).

‗Economic‘ refers to the notion that the country is not endowed with unlimited

resources, and therefore choices must be made among the available

alternatives. The choices depend on the incentives available for each choice.

Woolley (2005) suggests that the incentives for BEE are anchored on two

premises. One, there‘s a moral obligation to atone for the economic

repression and exploitation of Black people in the pre 1994 era. To this

extent, one of the stated purposes of the BBEEE legislation is to promote the

effective participation of black people in the economy (Jordan, 2010). Two,

there is a social imperative to reduce the high Gini-coefficient to create a

more stable society. The Gini-coefficient index of a country is a measure of

the levels of inequality in society. A larger coefficient is indicative of larger

disparities between the rich and poor.

‗Empowerment‘ can be understood as a concept at the core of which is power

(Page and Czuba, 1999). The argument goes along the lines that

empowerment requires that power can change, and that if power cannot

change, then empowerment cannot happen. Power does not exist in isolation,

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or without a context. It exists within the context of people or things. By

implication, since it is created in relationships, power and power relations can

change. Page and Czuba (1999) define power as empowerment in a multi

dimensional social process that that helps people gain control over their own

lives. This paper will adopt the same definition of empowerment.

The implementation of BEE has seen a fair share of problems, and has been

challenged from various quarters. The first variant of black economic

legislative framework was criticised by many because of ‗its failure to provide

access to the economy to the poorest of the poor and to uplift those that need

it most‘ and BEE was experienced by a handful of black celebrity

entrepreneurs (Petersen, 2007). In that process, NAIL became the first black

owned listed company on the JSE (Verhoef, 2003). Eleven of the sixteen

board members, whose executive chairman was Dr. Motlana and the deputy

executive chairman, was Dikgang Moseneke, were Black (2001). In a

memorial lecture, Maseti (2005) lambasted the approach in which narrow

BEE focussed on the advancement of a black minority through equity


The introduction of Broad Based Economic Empowerment by the Department

of Trade and Industry (DTI) was aimed at deflecting the criticisms levelled at

narrow based BEE. The BBBEEE Codes of Good Practice that were

published by the government in 2005 introduced a 7-point scorecard in which

ownership only accounted for 20%.

In spite of all the efforts of government, Non Governmental Organisations and

private companies, the transformation of economic landscape in favour of

previously disadvantaged South Africans in general and Blacks in particular,

remains a challenge, and there are many questions than answers. Maseti

(2005) argues that ‗South African needs a black economic empowerment

programme that will seriously contribute to the real development of the poor

and the starving people in squatter camps. Although some progress has been

made, no one can claim to have all the answers.

On the subject of transformation within the petroleum retail sector, and

judging by the Minister of Energy‘s 2011 budget speech, the government is

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unhappy about progress on the BEE front in the petroleum industry. In her

speech, Minister Dipuo Peters said the state of affairs of empowerment in the

industry was not acceptable. She said that ‗for our democracy to be

sustained, inequality needs to be addressed‘ She believes that disincentives

for non-compliance will have to be tighter and tougher.

According to the Business Day (01/2011), the National Empowerment Fund, a

government agency developed to promote and facilitate broad-based black

economic empowerment, has earmarked franchising, especially within the

petroleum industry, as one of the key tools to accelerate the participation of

Black entrepreneurs in the mainstream economy. To this end, the National

Empowerment Fund last year entered into a two-year R50m agreement with

petroleum giant Engen to increase the number of Black entrepreneurs within

this lucrative industry.

We now turn our attention to the intertwined concepts of the research problem

and the BIG IDEA. Firstly, assisted buy-outs have been suggested in this

paper as part of the answer to the problem of the transformation in the

petroleum sector. Section 4 of this paper deals with this answer in more

detail. Assisted buy-outs assume partnerships between individuals, wherein

the one partner does not have either the money required to pay for the

business or the experience, or both in most cases. The other will have the

money, and sometimes, the experience in the petroleum retail industry. The

partner with money cannot unlock the opportunities because of transformation

requirements. The key ingredient in a partnership is not the convenience of

one party empowering the other. Trust between the parties plays a big role in

whether the relationship will last or not. Positive expectations and a

willingness to be vulnerable are the two essential elements of trust (Saparito

& Colwell, 2010). Positive expectations are confident, if nebulous beliefs that

are premised on the idea that your business partner will act in a fashion that

is consistent with your welfare. Fink and Kebler, 2010 propose that such

positive expectations may be based upon rational judgement or grounded in

affective or social biases. Willingness to be vulnerable, on the other hand

points to the possibility of a loss, and suggests some risk taking in placing

one‘s welfare in the hands of another. Thus, the definition of trust from

Rousseau at al (1998) is more in line with the concepts developed in this

paper: ‗Trust is a psychological state comprising the intention of one party to

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accept vulnerability based upon positive expectations of the intentions or

behaviour of another party‘.

The credit crisis of 2008 and 2009 has made it more difficult for entrepreneurs

to raise debt and financial institutions‘ appetite for risk has been significantly

curtailed (Black et al, 2010). The concept of trust is important because it also

emerges when the entrepreneur needs to approach a financial institution for

funding. The firm-bank relationship is complex and multidimensional

functioning along a typology consisting of three dimensions of trust. Saparito

& Colwell, (p152, 2010) adopt Lewicki and Bunker‘s (1996) view that trust is

calculus-based (CBT), knowledge based, (KBT), and identification based

(IBT). CBT is about the rationale consideration of self interest whose

compliance is ensured by a system of rewards and punishment. KBT

emphasises information that accumulates over time through repeated

interactions, making the parties‘ behaviour more predictable. The history of

interactions allows predicting of future behaviour and gives comfort that risk is

minimised. Entrepreneurs often have the wrong idea when applying for

finance. Entrepreneurs and financial institutions have significantly different

ideas on entrepreneurial success traits (Black at al, p 194, 2010). KBT is

largely influenced by experience. Aspiring entrepreneurs view characteristics

inherent in their nature as more important that financial institutions, as banks

place more weight on experience than do entrepreneurs. In a study

conducted by Black et al (2010), it was found that inexperienced

entrepreneurs differ significantly from financial institutions in identifying what

financial institutions look for when making funding decisions. Highlighting the

value of partnerships between new entrants and experienced entrepreneurs

and the benefit of the experience that can be gained through partnerships, it

was found in the same study that experienced entrepreneurs do not differ

significantly from funding institutions in identifying what funding institutions

look for when making funding decisions. For example, it was found that

inexperienced entrepreneurs differ most in their view of the importance of

management (the other criteria were, future returns, product/service, and

other) to the funding decision. They cite management as an important factor

only 21% of the time compared to financial institutions that cite management

36% of the time. On the other hand, experienced entrepreneurs cited

management as 33% of the time, and do not differ significantly from the

financial institutions who cited management 36% of the time. According to

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Black et al (p196, 2010), these results indicate that entrepreneurs are more

able to identify with what financial institutions are looking for only after

experience with a funding decision. The role of trust, especially KBT, in

assisted buy-outs will be expanded upon in chapter 4.

IBT is about decisions that are made in line with the intrinsic commitment to

the relationship. The relationship between these three forms of trust is that

IBT largely relies on the presence of CBT and KBT (Saparito & Colwell, p153,


Others, however, are suspicious of assisted buy-outs. Fakude (2008) argues

against the expectation that entrepreneurs should be supervised or mentored

before they can be fully accepted. She contents that such notions amount to

limitation on market entry. Furthermore she sees that reliance on assisted

buyouts perpetuate the stereotype concerning competence and quality of

Black businesses. She argues that that Black businesses have struggled to

access finance because of what she calls ‗the albatross‘ of blacklisting.

However, hhe agrees that accessing finance remains a challenge for Black

people. According to her, the government must take step in and remove what

she calls ‗structural prejudices‘.

The second part of the BIG IDEA is that entrepreneurs in the petroleum

industry need a support system in which informal training is formalised. The

majority of entrants into the industry are those that take over existing

businesses. Start-ups are few and far between because construction of new

service station is not a common occurrence now; as opposed to 15-20 years

go. However, Perry et al (2010) argues that approximately two out of every

five businesses were sold back on to the market within two years. This

suggests that only 40% of those that buy business give up within two years.

How can the success rate be increased, one may ask?

This is where learning intervention play a part. They should provide entrants

with practical experiential training, as opposed to a classroom based or even

traditional seminar experience. Moreover, franchisors provide formal and

generic programmes that are geared to suit everyone therefore rarely

addressing specific needs of participants. The degree of actual learning in the

formal training environments is arguable (Perry et al, p 58, 2010). What is

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often lacking is the infrastructure required to support the learning after training

has been completed. Moreover, informal training frequently plays a role in the

development of management skills. As tacit skills relate to the precise way in

which tasks are performed within a specific environment, they can only be

learned through experience within that particular environment, and may be

particularly important to skills development of entrepreneurs who are likely to

be inheriting existing processes and procedures rather them building them

from the ground up.

In a research report by Perry et al (2010), it was found that the richest source

of learning amongst new franchisees was the time spent working alongside

the present owner, when they learnt not only about the business but also

about the skills required to manage it.

The practical informal experiential learning needs to happen within a

framework, otherwise it becomes too lose and uncoordinated. To overcome

this problem, Kelleher and Reinl (2010) suggest a facilitated micro-firm

cooperative learning network environment. Such a framework will provide

entrepreneurs with an environment in which they experience, reflect,

conceptualise, and act. In this framework, cooperative learning forms an

important part of the individual‘s learning process wherein interaction with

like-minded individuals can result in improved effectiveness, efficiency, and


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The methodology section deals with the process to be followed in the collection

and analysis of data. The process in this paper is within a framework of certain

philosophies. These philosophies used are qualitative in nature and involve

critical realism, grounded theory, and soft systems.


The objective of this paper is to study the mechanisms that hinder transformation

in the petroleum industry, with specific reference to the ownership of service

stations. The aim is to identify key variables that can be viewed as hurdles that

need to be removed to achieve accelerated progress in transformation of the

industry. The premise of the study is that there is an isomorphic relationship

between transformation and the challenges that contributed to fewer Blacks

entrepreneurs. The paper looks at a situation where, 17 years since the first

democratic elections, more than half of the service station network is owned by

White operators, the reasons behind such dissonance, and how the situation

could be turned around in a sustainable way. This paper uses examples from

company ABC to make generalizations about the industry as a whole. The

rationale for such deductions is that company ABC represents 23% of the service

stations in South Africa.

The research question identifies the phenomenon to be studied. It‘s intended to

lend focus and clarity about the phenomenon of interest. But it must be borne in

mind that a truly accurate question is impossible to ask before the grounded

theory study begins. The question in this paper was refined during the process.

This paper uses a design process know as Interactive Model Research Design

(Maxwell 2005). Figure 3.1 below is an illustration of how the five components of

the model are interconnected to form an integrated and interacting whole, with

each component closely tied to several others, rather than being linked in a linear

or cyclic sequence.

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Figure 3.1 Interactive Model of Research Design

Source: Joseph Maxwell, Model for Qualitative Research Design

3.1.1 Research Goals

This study is worth doing because unless ways are found that can accelerate

the acquisition of service stations by Black operators, then it is very likely that

the government would step in and regulate by legislation. The Minister of

Energy has already indicated unless progress is made soon, it may leave the

government little choice but to pass legislation whose aim will be to fast track

Black Economic Empowerment. Up to now, it has been very difficult for Black

entrepreneurs to enter the fuel retail business. Those that have come in have

found it tough to stay. The paper will identify what prevents the entry of Black

entrepreneurs into the petroleum retail industry and why those Black

entrepreneurs already in the system do not survive.

3.1.2 Conceptual Framework

BEE is widely seen is something that only benefits only those who are

politically connected. On the other hand, it is often stated by the beneficiaries

that the White people are opposed to BEE and will put obstacles in place to

the achievement of these objectives. White operators on the hand do not

understand why they have to give up what they have worked for all their lives.

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There is a willing seller willing buyer principle that is protected by the


This paper will explore the research problem from the point of view that it is a

wicked problem. This paper will also adopt a Critical Realist approach and

apply retroductive strategies to uncover underlying causal mechanisms that

are responsible for the empirical effects. In addition, this paper will develop

some theories about BEE. Such theories will be developed inductively from

the data. The theory developed in this way is called Grounded Theory. Critical

Systems Heuristics will be used to uncover personal interests, views, and

assumptions of different stakeholders on the subject of BEE. The Soft

Systems Methodology will be used to Identifying the problematic situation,

researching the situation and building a 'rich picture' of it, select perspectives

and build 'root definitions', develop a conceptual model of the change system,

comparing the model with the real-world situation, defining the changes to be

implemented, and taking action. The Strategic Assumptions Surfacing and

Testing technique will be used to surface and challenge the assumptions of

the different stakeholders.

3.1.3 Research Questions

This study aims to understand what can be done to achieve transformation

and enhance entry of Black entrepreneurs into the service station ownership


This paper will seek to answer questions like:

What do stakeholders have to offer as possible solutions?

What can each key stakeholder contribute to the solution?

What financing models can prevent the pitfall of the past failed models?

How can Black entrants into the market be equipped to survive and be

successful as their White compatriots?

How can current White service station owners be encouraged to support

BEE without the losing their own businesses?

What long-term solution that can be regarded as a win-win for most, if not

all stakeholders.

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What mechanisms can facilitate the entry of Black operators into the

Petroleum Retail sector be increased, while at the same time

ensuring those Black entrepreneurs already in the system survive?

3.1.4 Methods

This paper will also use triangulation of methods. According to Pogson et al

(2002), triangulation can be broadly defined as the combination of

methodologies in the study of the same phenomenon. Triangulation can

happen in different ways. It can happen when two different data types are

used, qualitative and quantitative. It can also happen through the use of

multiple qualitative methods. Lastly, triangulation can happen through the use

of specific data collection methods.

The advantage of triangulation is that it can result in greater confidence in

results, and a more comprehensive integration of theories. Triangulation with

qualitative methods allows the researcher to measure the construct in a more

approximate manner, and thereby allowing a clearer understanding of the

complexity of the situation under investigation (Pogson et al, 2002, p.3). In

triangulation, it is important to empirically validate the measurement of

constructs and the convergence with the individuals‘ perception of these

constructs. It is important to distinguish between first and second order

constructs in triangulation. A first order construct refers to how the focal

individuals conceptualise the phenomenon of interest, while a second order

construct typically refers to how the researcher makes sense of the

phenomenon (Pogson et al, 2002, p.4). The inductive paradigm allows the

researcher‘s personal experience with the construct to drive subsequent

research. In this case, the researcher is interested in identifying first order

constructs, which can inductively be used to develop categories to explain the

experiences of the sample, thus describing the second order constructs. In

stark contrast to the deductive strategy where researchers are often detached

from the phenomenon of interest, the inductive paradigm involves the

researcher‘s immersion in the experiences of the participants.

Primarily, this paper uses data collection methods embodied within Grounded

Theory. The data will be collected from some of the stakeholders identified in

the Rich Picture. Any quantitative data will be collected via a desktop exercise

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exploring existing documents, company policies, current company reports,

and any other relevant written documentation, and such data will form part of

the describing the situation.

Black and White entrepreneurs will be interviewed. The conversational

interviewing technique will be used to focus on those operators with whom I

already have rapport. The reason is to be able to get to some of the deeper

issues that unfamiliar operators might not be willing to volunteer. These

participants were chosen across the broader Company ABC‘s network of

entrepreneurs, but mostly those based in Cape Town and Port Elizabeth

because it was more convenient as the researcher travelled more often

between the two cities. A selected number of employees of Company ABC

were interviewed as well.

Data was collected through interviews, field notes, documents, and literature.

More details of the method are laid out in the next sections. The detail will


The relationship with the participants

The selection of settings, times, and places of data collection

Data collection methods

Data analysis

3.1.5 Validity

The results and conclusions will be heavily influenced by what comes out of

the data. This in turn will be the result of the choice of participants and data

analysis. It is plausible that the study conducted with a different set of

participants could lead to different results. The same could be said of the

impact of the researcher as the biases and analytical ability pay a critical part

in shaping the research results. The level of abstraction necessary in

developing substantive codes depends largely on the researcher‘s ability to

develop abstract concepts from the data.

This research will not use participant validation, a process where the

researcher returns to the participants and check the accuracy of individual

interview transcripts with participants or check that the researcher‘s

interpretations of the data represents what was said in the interviews. Instead,

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checking will be built-in and become part of the process rather than it

becoming a distinct exercise. A dynamic relationship between sampling and

analysis will be maintained to ensure that the emerging findings remain

constant as further data is collected.

To counter the possibility of researcher‘s bias, memoing will be used to

control distortions that may arise. All the memos that do not fit into the data

will eventually be set aside. To this effect, memoing will be used both as part

of data analysis and also in countering subjectivity.


3.2.1 Critical Realism

This paper is premised on a critical realist world view. According to this world

view, research participants are valid scientific data than can lead to

consequential social transformation (Burnet, 2007). The participants act upon

social reality, but are also impacted by it. The real world and social reality

exist independently of our perception of it, but can only be understood under

particular descriptions, hence the ontological and epistemological premises to

critical realism. Critical realism rejects positivism‘s preoccupation with

prediction, and quantification and measurement because social reality can be

understood, but not often measured; hence it makes sense to employ

qualitative methods. Qualitative research involves detailed, verbal

descriptions of characteristics, cases, settings, people or systems obtained by

interacting with, interviewing and observing the subjects (Thompson, 2007).

Ontology can be defined as the ‗world as it is‘ and epistemology as the ‗world

as we know it‘. Critical realism prioritises the former over the latter. As a

consequence, the three ontological premises of critical realism are:

intransitivity, stratification of reality, and causal relations in social reality.

Intransitivity refers to the real things and structures, mechanisms and

processes and events in the world that are independent of human beings

(Burnet, 2007, p.2). Stratification refers to the idea that the reality is stratified

into three domains, namely; empirical, actual and real. The empirical domain

can be viewed as things we experience through our senses or perception.

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The actual domain is the events that happen in the world outside our

perception. It refers to events and outcomes that occur in the world. The real

domain refers to underlying relations, structures, and tendencies that have

the power to cause changes in the actual realm. Most often these causal

influences remain latent; however, under the right circumstances, factors in

the real domain can act together to generate causal changes in the actual

domain. These causal changes are neither uniform nor chaotic but are

somewhat patterned.

The real domain refers to causal mechanisms that generate events. The

causal mechanisms are the unobservable entities, processes and structures

that generate outcomes. In the realm of the real, critical realism views

behaviour as being influenced by both agency and structural factors. Although

humans have a degree of agency, this is always constrained by wider

structural factors that are viewed as surrounding the individual. Although

culture can be conceived as being dependent on and created only through

the existence of humans, critical realism argues that culture exists

independent of individuals. Likewise, social phenomena are made possible by

the presence of humans but are deemed to be external to individuals and

have existence and the power to constrain whether this is recognized by

individuals or not.

Critical realism adopts a retroductive approach to research. Retroduction

implies that researchers look for the conditions or qualities that make the

phenomenon beyond what they can immediately see. It compels us to ask,

not only what happened, but what could happen or what hasn’t happened. It

enables an understanding of the mechanisms underlying the dynamics in the

observed events.

Critical realists use retroduction as a strategy to conduct research. The

strategy unfolds in three steps:

a) The research begins in the domain of the action

b) The research postulates the existence of real structures and mechanisms

c) The research demonstrates the existence and operation of these


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This paper will employ retroductive strategies to uncover underlying causal

mechanisms that could be responsible for changes in transformation of the

face of the service station industry.

3.2.2 Grounded Theory

This paper will use grounded theory as the dominant methodology. Grounded

theory is a qualitative research method of field research. Qualitative methods

involve flexible investigation in natural settings using participant perspectives

(Pogson et al, 2002, p.5). It follows a largely inductive approach as a result of

which theory is derived from the study of the phenomenon it represents. In

the early stages of research, the focus is on theory development and

elaboration without any formal hypothesis presented or tested. The creation

of hypothesis can influence and distort the way in which researchers collect

and interpret data (Pogson et al, 2002, p.6). The goal becomes the creation of

a testable model. As depicted in Figure 3.2.3a below, inductive research

approach moves from specific observations to broader generalisations and

theories. Loosely, it can be termed as a bottom-up approach. Metaphorically,

this research approach can be described as hill climbing. An important

consideration about grounded theory is that research does not begin with a

theory, but is an exploration of social processes with the goal of developing

theory. The goal of grounded theory investigations is to discover theoretically

complete explanations about particular phenomena.

Figure 3.2.3a Inductive Research Process

Source, created for this study

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As Elliot and Lazenbatt (2005) point out, grounded theory emphasises the

importance of developing an understanding of human behaviour through a

process of discovery and induction rather than from the more traditional

research process of hypothesis testing and deduction. The essential

components of the grounded theory method of doing research are concurrent

data collection and constant comparative analysis; theoretical sampling;

memoing; and understanding how these methods impact on the quality of the


Having said that, it is important to realise that the methods of sampling, data

collection, and data analysis should not be considered as separate procedural

steps in the research process but instead need to be considered as a

continuous cycle of data collection, analysis and sampling (Elliot and

Lazenbatt, 2005, p.50). In this continuous process, the researcher starts

analysing data as soon as it collected and then moves on to compare the

analysis of one set of data with another. In a nutshell, constant comparison

analysis and data collection offer the researcher an opportunity of generating

research findings that accurately represent the phenomenon of interest.

During the process, it is impossible to control for the presence of the

researcher. There was no deliberate attempt to eliminate the influence of

these researcher‘s personal experience, background, and preferences.

The data used in this research paper was collected from interviews, field

notes, documents and literature. A wide and representative sample was

sought to ensure relevant participant experiences were included in further

analysis. The interviews were both face to face and telephonic, especially for

those respondents that did not live in the same city as the researcher. The

interviews covered a sample of twenty one respondents who included nine

current and former colleagues, one employee of a competitive company, and

eleven service station operators. The internal staff interview contingent was

made of eight senior managers who either have had a direct or indirect

interaction with the service station owners. For employees of Company ABC,

both senior and junior levels were selected. The primary selection criterion

was position. The educational background was not regarded as a relevant for

the purpose of the research study. The initial process involves generating

data through the various data sources. The entire process is depicted in

figure 3.2.3 B below.

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Figure 3.2.3b Process of Grounded Theory Research

Source, created for this study

The next step is data analysis. Open coding is the initial phase of grounded

theory analysis. It results in substantive codes. The initial codes are often too

many and often require reworking into patterns or combinations of codes to

produce a smaller number of categories. As the research progresses and the

categories are developed, the researcher uses selective coding to check out

whether the newly developed categories remain constant when the data is

analysed specifically for these categories. The ultimate aim is to ensure that

data is not being forced into categories but rather that the categories

represent data. This dynamic relationship between data collection and

analysis enables the researcher to check if preliminary findings remain when

further data is collected (Elliot and Lazenbatt, 2005, p.50).

The most distinctive features of grounded theory are constant comparison

and theoretical sampling. Constant comparison refers to the process by which

each time an instance of an existing category is found in the data, it is

compared with previous instances of the same category and their definitions.

Theoretical sampling on the other hand, is the process by which the

researcher controls the process of developing a theory. This is achieved by

deliberately seeking to minimise or maximise selected differences and

similarities between cases, and thus between instances of data that underlie

categories and their properties (Partington, 2002).

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As the process gathers momentum, theoretical sampling guides the sources

of data, and the questions used to collect data to ensure the theory is

developed. This implies that fixed and predetermined questions and

participants identified before the research begins can only be used as a

starting point. Enough room needs to be left for data analysis to guide the

direction of further questions and participant selection.

Memoing is another important feature of grounded theory, which refers to

researcher writing down ideas that arise during data analysis. The memos are

essentially used to record the meaning of conceptual ideas and jotting down

ideas for theoretical sampling. One reason why writing memos is considered

important is that it encourages analysis that is grounded in the data because

the researcher must consider how codes and their properties relate to each

other (Elliot and Lazenbatt, 2005, p.51).

The final product is a framework of participant experiences categorised and

labelled by meaning.

3.2.3 Relationship Between Critical Realism and Grounded Theory

Critical realism and grounded theory then become highly compatible, sharing

a focus on abduction and accepts fallibility and the interconnectedness of

practice and theory. Critical realism simultaneously recognizes the existence

of knowledge independent of humans but also the socially embedded and

fallible nature of scientific inquiry. Attending to evidence and meaning,

individual agency and social structure, theory-building and the pursuit of

practical emancipatory goals, the resulting approach is ideally suited to social

work research.

The empirical domain can be viewed as things we experience through our

senses or perception. In grounded theory, but instead empirical data is used

to explain and sometimes to predict phenomena.

In a similar fashion to grounded theory, critical realism has been applied in

qualitative research in a variety of ways. It views reality as complex and

recognizes the role of both agency and structural factors in influencing human

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behaviour. The strengths of critical realism for qualitative research lie in its

desire to render complexity intelligible, its explanatory focus, its reconciliation

of agency and structural factors, and its ability to recognize the existence of

wider knowledge while respecting the importance of social meaning to

humans. Its ontology may underpin empirical work irrespective of whether this

is overtly recognized or acknowledged. Much qualitative research seeks to

understand the causes of social phenomena through recourse to both

individual and contextual factors.

In terms of method, critical realism can be used to guide empirical work as

part of recognized approaches. For example, interpretations of critical realism

can underpin variations of ethnography and grounded theory. Alternatively,

approaches that are presented as critical realist have been developed.

Although there is no single critical realist method, these various approaches

have some commonalities.

A strong focus in theorising and research informed by critical realism is

placed on understanding causality and explaining events in the actual

domain. This movement from events to their causes, known as abduction, is

contrasted with other common goals of research to describe, predict,

correlate, and intervene.

Critical realism attempts to respond to and understand reality as it exists in

the actual and real domains. Grounded theory and critical realism are

particularly well suited to exploring research questions that relate to

understanding complexity. Rather than controlling for or simplifying

complexity artificially, the approaches advocate that complexity must be

embraced and explored. Although other research methods, such as the

randomised trial, have control and artificiality as defining characteristics,

critical realism and grounded theory advocate that phenomena must be

understood in the real world. Understanding phenomena in this natural realm

means that findings do not need to endure problematic generalisations from

unnatural to natural settings. In grounded theory the generalisations trace

similar patterns. These patterns don‘t aim to be the truth, but merely capture

and capsulate what is going on. In critical realism, patterns are used to

identify or understand the underlying phenomena. As a result, there is often

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difficulty in accounting for why trends exist or why programs perform as they

do. There is nothing inherent in critical realism that directs researchers to

theoretical, qualitative, or quantitative methods.

Explanation should be rich and deep, invoking both agency and structural

factors in a complex way to account for patterns in data. In this way, results

are not descriptive but should provide an explanation of patterns identified in

data. Interactions between factors should be described, and a sense of

complexity should be to the fore. Different types of data can be relied on to

provide a case for explanation, including lay accounts from different key

groups or document analysis. These qualitative data can also be linked to

quantitative data for corroboration or further explanation. The rationale for this

multiplicity is that each method or perspective can provide evidence of what is

occurring in the world.

Critical realism is also compatible with grounded theory because it views

individuals as having the potential for emancipation. Critical realism

recognizes that humans can actively shape and change wider social

phenomena through channels such as collective action, the arts, and


In both approaches, the beliefs, understandings, and meanings of humans do

matter—not because they determine what objective reality is but rather

because they are likely to influence behavior. Hence, critical realism can be

used to guide research into lay beliefs, accounts, and discourse with the

broad caveat that data produced in these inquiries relate to accounts of reality

that may or may not be accurate but do not determine reality. This is

compatible with many forms of qualitative research.

While critical realism views having a deep understanding of why patterns exist

as a prerequisite to effective action, grounded theory reveals the patterns that

explain what is going on.

3.2.4 Soft Systems Methodology

The soft systems methodology was developed by Peter Checkland in the late

1960‘s. The methodology is illustrated in figure 3.2.4 below. The first two

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stages are involved in defining the situation in some way. The process is not

constrained by any formal definitions. It often involves data collection in

whatever form seems necessary. The problem is also expressed in all its

richness, normally via a rich picture.

Figure 3.2.4 The Learning cycle of Soft Systems Methodology

Source: Systems Thinking: Creative Holism for Managers

The third stage moves out of the real world into the systems world. It draws

on the rich picture and identifies the various perspectives of the different

interest groups and participants. Each stakeholder group defines the purpose

of the system in their eyes. The views expressed may not be acceptable to

those who own the power relations, but the views must still be allowed to be

expressed. Each perspective or Holon is then expanded by means of a

CATWOE mnemonic.

The fourth stage involves developing a conceptual model using systems

conversations. This process need not be too cumbersome becomes SSM is

about cycles of discussion and debate and not about developing an ideal

situation first time. The purpose of the model is to show a logical process that

shows all the features that describe a system. The key feature of the model is

that it must be representative of the views expressed in the participants.

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Stages five to seven take the process away from the systems realm to the

real world. Now the model is compared with reality, insights drawn from that

comparison, and ideas for improvements determined. The model is compared

with what is actually happening in the real world.

Stage six begins to explore possible alternatives and assess the feasibility of

each alternative.

In stage seven the methodology comes full circle and identifies what action

might be taken to improve the problem situation. Whenever there is an

implementation, a whole new cycle begins as the underlying dynamics take

on a different shape.

3.2.5 Critical Systems Heuristics

Critical Systems Heuristics (or CSH for short) was chosen because the

constituent parts are relevant to the phenomenon of interest. Heuristics

literally means ‗the art of discovery‘ (Ulrich, 1983). As a methodology,

heuristics has been chosen because it serves to identify and explore relevant

problem aspects, assumptions, questions, or solution strategies. This paper is

about a process of discovery to better appreciate the dynamics at play to

enhance or hinder the entrance and survival of Black entrepreneurs in the

service station industry.

The problems statement is viewed from a critical perspective because it is

believed that there is no single right way to achieve transformation. Answers

depend largely on various interests and views. If there were any cookbook

answers to BEE, it would not be viewed as a wicked problem, and this study

would probably not be worth doing.

This paper is presented from a systems thinking perspective because all

problem definitions, solution proposals, evaluations of outcomes, and so on,

depend on prior judgments about the relevant ‗whole system‘ to be looked at.

The relevant aspect of CSH is the boundary judgements, which becomes a

guiding framework on which aspect of the system are viewed as more

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relevant than others. To this end, this paper will frame the boundary

statements in the ‗is‘ mode to gain a better understanding of what is

happening. The twelve boundary statements are presented in figure 3.2.5a


Table 3.2.5a CSH Boundary Statements


Who is the actual client of transformation design, i.e. who belongs to the group

of those whose purposes (interests and values) are served, in distinction to those

who do not benefit but may have to bear the costs or other disadvantages?

What is the actual purpose of transformation design, as being measured not in

terms of declared intentions of the involved but in terms of the actual


What, judged by the design's consequences, is transformation’s built in measure

of success?

Who is actually the decision taker in transformation, i.e. who can actually change

the measure of success?

What conditions of successful planning and implementation of transformation

are really controlled by the decision taker?

What conditions are not controlled by the decision taker, i.e. what represents

"environment" to the decision maker?

Who is actually involved as planner?

Who is involved as "expert", of what kind is his expertise, what role does he

actually play?

Where do the involved see the guarantee that their planning will be successful?

(E.g. In the theoretical competence of experts? In consensus among experts? In

the validity of empirical data? In the relevance of mathematical models or

computer simulations?

In political support on the part of interest-groups? In the experience and

intuition of the involved? Etc.) Can these assumed guarantors secure the design's

success, or are they false guarantors?

Who among the involved witnesses represents the concerns of the affected?

Who is or may be affected without being involved?

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Are the affected given an opportunity to emancipate themselves from the

experts and to take their fate into their own hands, or do the experts determine

what is right for them, what quality of life means to them, etc? That is to say, are

the affected used merely as means for the purposes of others, or are they also

treated as "ends in themselves" (Kant), as belonging to the client?

What world view is actually underlying the design of transformation? Is it the

world view of some of the involved or of some of the affected?

Source: Systems Thinking: Creative Holism for Managers


Ethics is the moral compass that will be used to conduct the research and the

filter for any proposed solution. During the research process, ethical

considerations will feature prominently in the way participants‘ views are

treated and protected. Each participant‘s contribution will be treated

confidentially and will not be shared with the other people. The Velasquez

(2006) model of looking at utilitarianism, rights and duties, justice, and caring

will be employed as follows:

Table 3.2.5b Valesquez Model of Utilitarianism, Rights & Duties, Justice,


Utilitarianism (Does the action, as far as possible, maximise social benefits and minimise social injuries?)

Rights & Duties (Is the action consistent with the moral rights of those whom it will affect?)

Justice (Will the action lead to a just distribution and burdens?)

Caring (Does the action exhibit appropriate care for the well being of those who are closely related to or dependent on oneself?)

The participant information and names will be treated confidentially.

Every participant will do so voluntarily without any undue pressure.

Permission will be sought from each participant should be necessary to disclose sources of information, if necessary.

Each participant will take place in a safe office environment during office hours. If the interviews lasts longer than the original planned time, the interview will continue only if the interviewee is still wants to continue beyond the original

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planned time.

Only those actions that will result in the greater social good for the greater majority will be considered as recommendations for implementation.

Only actions that will not infringe on moral rights and will be considered appropriate. Nothing will have religious, gender, race, cultural, ethic connotations.

The actions presented will only be those that advance the interests of BEE.

The options presented will take care not to present harm or danger to anyone in particular. The proposal will be I form of a report that presented in a humane and sensitive manner.

Source, created for this study

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This section deals with both the process that was followed using the methodology

explained in section 3 above, and the results of the study that was conducted to

provide answers to the research problem in general, and to the research question

in particular. Each phase of the grounded theory is presented with examples from

the research conducted.

4.1 Phenomenon of interest

The phenomenon of interest in this paper is the under-representation of Black

entrepreneurs in the petroleum retail industry with particular reference to the

operation of service stations. This is in spite all the best intentions of the major

petroleum companies and government. The researcher has been fascinated by

how difficult it has been for Black entrepreneurs to enter the petroleum retail

industry. As if that was not enough, those Black entrepreneurs in the industry

have found it difficult to survive.

4.2 Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is to provide answers and explanations to the question:

What mechanisms can facilitate the entry of Black operators into the

Petroleum Retail sector be increased, while at the same time ensuring

those Black entrepreneurs already in the system survive?

4.3 Methods

Grounded theory was used as the overarching research methodology used to

guide data collection, analysis and development of theory.

Data collection encompassed a triangulation of methods including in-depth

interviews, field notes, documents and some research literature. My own

experiences as someone responsible for selection and appointment of service

station operators also influenced the selection of the research problem, and the

identification of interviewees.

Quantitative data was collected via a desktop exercise exploring existing

documents, company policies, current company reports, and any other relevant

written documentation, and such data formed part of the describing the situation.

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The conversational interviewing technique was used to focus on those operators

with whom the researcher already had rapport. The reason was to be able to get

to some of the deeper issues that unfamiliar operators would not be willing to

volunteer. The idea was to collect data on transformation on people so that their

responses reflected their day-to-day activities and how they perceived it. The

enquiry was conducted as an interactive process between the researcher and the

participants. The recording of the interviewees was primarily descriptive and

relied on people words, as every attempt was made to record what they said


4.4 Sampling

The sample was mainly influenced by the research problem and the leads

emerging from the data. This paper used purposive sampling known as

theoretical sampling where participants were selected according to criteria

specified by the researcher and based on initial findings.

The interviews covered a sample of twenty one respondents who included nine

current and former colleagues, and eleven service station operators. An

employee of another company (XYZ) was also interviewed for a perspective that

was not influenced by company ABC. The internal staff interview contingent was

made up of eight senior managers who either have had a direct or indirect

interaction with the service station owners or have had previous experiences in

the appointment of operators. Race selection was done to get a wide range of

views across the different races. Gender selection was not done it might have

complicated participant selection, and could have introduced difficulties in getting

interviewees as a males make up no less than ninety percent of entrepreneurs in

the industry. Employees were chosen at both junior and senior levels however,

the nine selected colleagues consisted of Black, White, Indian, and Coloured

employees, and there was a 60/40 male and female gender split. For employees

of Company ABC, the primary selection criteria were position and experience.

The educational background of participants was not regarded as relevant for the

purpose of the research study.

4.5 Data Analysis

Initial or open coding is the first step of data analysis. It was used as a way of

identifying important words, or groups of words, or themes in the data and then

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labelling them accordingly. Coding helped to move away from particular

statements to more abstract interpretations of the interview data. To get the

essence of what was said; conceptual labels were attached to every line. A

statement like, ―you can‘t give your baby away‘, was given a label, ‗emotional

attachment‘, and all other statements that gave away similar sentiments were

given the same label. To determine a potential of a new codes to develop into a

category, the frequency of codes was used as means to eliminate those

categories that appeared to be weak as a result of having significantly few codes.

The level 1 codes that emerged are tabulated in annexure D. The initial codes

were too many and required reworking into patterns or combinations of codes to

produce a smaller number of categories. The initial coding resulted in

substantive codes. As the research progressed and the categories were

developed, the researcher used selective coding to check out whether the newly

developed categories remained constant when the data was analysed specifically

for these categories. The ultimate aim was to ensure that data was not being

forced into categories but rather that the categories represented data. Some of

the themes or codes that appeared very infrequently were eventually dropped.

As the process gathered momentum, theoretical sampling guided the sources of

data, and the questions used to collect data to ensure the theory was developed.

This meant that fixed and predetermined questions and participants identified

before the research began could only be used as a starting point. One example

of theoretical sampling in this study was the interviewing of an expert on BEE

from Company XYZ to gather more information on how management in his

company view representation of Black entrepreneurs in the industry. The purpose

of including this interview was to obtain views outside of those people that were

exposed to Company ABC.

Memoing was used to write down ideas that arose during data analysis. One of

the memos that arose during analysis was the idea of trust. Partnerships had

been raised as something that made sense to achieve transformation. The memo

on ‗trust‘ enabled further questions whether participants felt trust was an

important factor in partnerships. Memoing was important because it became an

important source for theoretical sampling. The other important memo related to

what ‗choices‘ people made in relation to whether they were prepared to enter

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into partnerships in the first place. Were choices of partners for the sake of

partnership or was it seen as a means to an end. It came out that participants felt

that most people don‘t have business partners if they have a choice not do. The

concept of partnership emerged as vehicle of convenience. Partnerships were

possible only if the funding partner saw something in it for him or her.

Constant comparison took place as a result of data collection and analysis taking

place in alternating sequences. This can also be described as an iterative cycle

of induction and deduction, consisting of collection of data and constant

comparison between results and new findings in order to guide further data

collections. Whenever I encountered new data or literature, I compared the new

categories with existing ones. As this process happened saturation was reached

and no new categories were forthcoming.

4.6 Emergence of the core variables

The aim of the exercise described above was to eventually discover the central

category. Form the research undertaking, the following core variables emerged

from the data using grounded theory methodology:

Review of current system

Passing of skills

Empowerment over time

Mechanisms for partnerships

Access to finance

Inclusivity of the process

Survival of the new entrant

Reflective of demographics

The categories listed above emerged through the data, but were finalised

through a process of saturation using constant comparison and theoretical

sampling. Table 4.6 below shows the categories with final categories and

their definitions.

Table 4.6 Categories and definitions

Category Definition

Review of current system The system of appointing entrepreneurs priorities

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those with access to finance and doesn‘t look to

assist those that don‘t.

Passing of skills Those with many years of experience in the

industry have skills and must be encouraged to

pass the skills and experience over to new


Empowerment of time The new entrants cannot gain skills overnight or

merely rely on formal training programmes from


Mechanisms for


Those with skills and money must partner with

those without skills and money, but the

partnerships must unlock more business

opportunities for the funder

Access to finance New entrants need assistance to access funding

from financial institutions as they face many

hurdles if they do it alone

Inclusivity of the process Black Economic Empowerment must include

White entrepreneurs because they possess

skills, experience and finance

Survival of new entrant New entrants need help to cope with the rigours

and stresses of the petroleum retail sectors,

especially its demands regarding cashflow


Reflective of demographics BEE must target mostly Africans, but must not

exclude other minorities like Coloured and


Source, created for this study

4.7 Bounding the system of focus using Critical Systems Heuristics

To prevent the creation of limited boundaries to the process, Critical Systems

Heuritcs was undertaken, which resulted in the following table (in the ‗is‘ mode).

This time the CHS statement provided answers. The boundary statements helped

to confine the research problem to empowerment in the service station business.

The statements, as shown in Table 4.7 below show that

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Table 4.7 Boundary Statements

Question Answer

Who is the actual client of S's design, i.e. who belongs to the group of

those whose purposes (interests and values) are served, in

distinction to those who do not benefit but may have to bear the

costs or other disadvantages?

Black and White service

station owners;

What is the actual purpose of S's design, as being measured not in

terms of declared intentions of the involved but in terms of the

actual consequences?

More service station

owned by Black people

What, judged by the design's consequences, is it’s built in measure of


Increased % of sites

given to BEE players

Who is actually the decision taker, i.e. who can actually change the

measure of success?

Banks, White Dealers,

Petroleum Companies

What conditions of successful planning and implementation of S are

really controlled by the decision taker?

Finance; Mentorship;

Partnerships; Strategic


What conditions are not controlled by the decision taker, i.e. what

represents "environment" to him?

Price; Interested Buyer;



Who is actually involved as planner? Government, Petroleum


Who is involved as "expert", of what kind is his expertise, what role

does he actually play?

Staff of petroleum

companies, financial

institutions like banks;

current service station


Where do the involved see the guarantee that their planning will be

successful? (E.g. In the theoretical competence of experts? In

consensus among experts? In the validity of empirical data? In the

relevance of mathematical models or computer simulations?

In political support on the part of interest-groups? In the experience

and intuition of the involved? Etc.) Can these assumed guarantors

secure the design's success, or are they false guarantors?

In replication of what is

currently practiced

within the White service

station owner


Who among the involved witnesses represents the concerns of the

affected? Who is or may be affected without being involved?

Staff of service stations

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Are the affected given an opportunity to emancipate themselves

from the experts and to take their fate into their own hands, or do

the experts determine what is right for them, what quality of life

means to them, etc? That is to say, are the affected used merely as

means for the purposes of others, or are they also treated as "ends

in themselves" (Kant), as belonging to the client?

The staff of service

stations are affected but

directly represented

What world view is actually underlying the design of S? Is it the

world view of (some of) the involved or of (some of) the affected?

It is the world views of

some of those involved

and affected

Source, created for this study

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4.8 Stakeholder’s assumptions (results of SAST process)

Assumptions of all the stakeholders were identified within the system of focus

and the assumption rating chart in Figure 4.3 was formulated. The rich picture

was the tool that was used to surface these assumptions. The assumptions

that were followed are those in the high certainty, high importance quadrant.

In this quadrant, the assumptions were:

Demand for finance – this is the view of entrants, but frustration is

encountered when dealing with financial institutions

Need for change – government wants to see transformation

Win-win solutions – White entrepreneurs are willing to assist, but can‘t

do it without some benefits to them.

The answer somehow had to address all of these assumptions expressed as

concerns by the various stakeholders.

Figure 4.3 Assumptions Rating Chart

Source, created for this study

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4.9 Identifying the answer

Having produced the core variables, it was still important to push further and

explore for the possibility of uncovering the most central variable or variables.

Having used grounded theory and came up with the core variables; it was

now time to turn to exploring for causal mechanisms among the variables.

In defining an answer, the process involved developing conceptual models for

each of the stakeholders as to what they believed was happening in the

situation they were experiencing, and from their perspective. Refer Appendix

B – for evidence of the stakeholder conceptual models. Comparing these

conceptual models against what was in fact happening in reality allowed for

the identification of areas of conflict, and offered the basis for identifying an

answer to address the situation. It is important to stress that the answer

emerged from the data. This research did not start with a hypothesised

solution with the hope of finding corroborative data.

Using deductions from the data, the following statements were developed:

The Black entrepreneur has no unencumbered cash

The Black entrepreneur cannot borrow from the bank

The Black entrepreneur has no skills and knowledge of how to run

a service station

The White entrepreneur has unencumbered finance

The White entrepreneur can borrow from the bank

The White entrepreneur has knowledge and skills to run a service


Black and White need to work together

Using the deductions from the data enabled the identification of underlying

causal mechanisms through a process of retroduction. The retroductive

process produced the following causal explanation:

White entrepreneurs have access to finance and skills, while their

Black counterparts don‘t. Black entrepreneurs have increased

chances of securing funding if they partner with their White

colleagues and also acquire skills and knowledge from them.

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Figure 4.9 below is a graphical illustration of the causal mechanisms that

show the interrelation between the various interconnected variables. Assisted

buy-outs are presented as shown to be the answer to the wicked problem.

Figure 4.9 80/20% of Causal Loop Diagram of the Answer

Source, created for this study

The answer lies in White entrepreneurs assisting their Black counterparts to

access finance through assisted-buy outs. This answer is extrapolated from

the data that pointed to forming partnerships. The logic of the answer comes

from the question: what good is the partnership if it doesn‘t help the Black

entrepreneur to access funding? This is achieved when current White

entrepreneurs provide financial muscle by partnering with a Black dealer in a

service station, and come up with the majority of the finance in the process or

stand surety for the company. The Black entrepreneur buys himself/herself

out from his partnership if he/she chooses to do so over a period of time,

mainly through the sacrificing of dividends to pay off his/her partner.

The second part of the answer involves formalising skills transfer that must

take place when the entrepreneur is back at his service station. The solution

overcomes the barrier that is finance, introduces Black operators at a quicker

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rate to reflect the right demographic profile in line with the stated objections.

Fundamentally, the answer addresses the problem of a leaking bucket by

keeping the existing entrepreneurs through localised knowledge transfer.

Both interventions should go a long way towards making Black entrepreneurs

in the petroleum industry linger longer.

4.10 Implementation

The answer regarding assisted buy-outs has been tried out in practice, and is

in 6 months of operation. So far the concept is working, but it still early days

to talk about it as a resounding success, but its showing promising sings. The

partners are very happy with the arrangement, and are already talking about

expansion plans. The innovativeness of the intervention is in its ability to

take someone with little of their own capital (5%), and end up with 100%

ownership over a 5 year period.

This solution also takes away the fear that the White Dealers are expected to

‗give away their babies‘ to BEE. Rather, this solution targets site for sale

based on the willing-buyer, willing seller principle, and is therefore based on

voluntary exit.

Figure 4.10 Deming‘s PDCA Cycle

Source, created for this study

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Evaluation is achieved through making arguments for relevance, utility, validity,

and ethical considerations. The conclusion brings this paper to a close by

summarising the key elements that culminate in the answer.

5.1 Relevance

In summing up this overview, the issue of relevance is pertinent. It is argued that

the concerns raised are relevant in the situation. The slow progress in reaching

BEE targets is the basis for the claim that BEE is a serious problem since it

achievement has eluded many companies, and resulted in frustration all round.

The national interest in this subject and multiple stakeholder involvement

provides further backing for the claim.

A solution is relevant if it increases the likelihood of accomplishing the goal.

Assisted buy-outs will increase the likelihood of more Black entrepreneurs in the

petroleum industry as access to finance has always proven to be Achilles heel

plaguing the transformation agenda. Assisted buy-outs will provide relative ease

of access to financial resources as lending institutions are more likely to fund a

business in which one of the partners has a history with the financial institution

and has a proven managerial track-record of running a successful business. The

experience and history engenders trust in the venture. This is called knowledge-

based trust (KBT).

The second part of the solution argues that learning interventions should provide

entrants with practical experiential training, as opposed to a classroom based or

even traditional seminar experience. What is needed is the infrastructure to

support the learning after the formal generic programmes have been completed.

This is relevant because practical skills enable new entrants with coping

mechanisms as they learn the tricks of the trade. This enhances the probability of

longer tenure and durability for the entrepreneurs.

5.2 Utility

The Oxford dictionary defines utility as ‗the quality or the condition of being

useful‘. In economics, the term refers to relative satisfaction that a customer

receives from consuming a good or service. The proposed solution is useful in

the sense that buying of retail sites requires lending from financial institutions.

The banks rely on KBT to assess the riskiness of a venture. The bank is more

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likely to trust a new entrant, if he is partnered with someone that has a financial

contribution, and is willing to share his experience. Most Black entrepreneurs are

not financed because the banks are too nervous as the Black borrowers have no

prior history of success, and therefore KBT is lacking. In the economic sense, the

solution provides for a solution that meets the needs of the banks for risk

mitigation, and the needs of the entrepreneur to access capital. If both the banks

and the entrepreneur are viewed as the customers for the proposed solution, it

can be safely argues that the solution has utility to satisfy the needs of both

customer groups.

Annexure B also shows oil companies in South Africa are on the lookout for

solutions presented. The example in the annexure is one of an existing oil

company looking for BEE players, but it also asks for R55 – R65 million

investment that is required.

5.3 Validity

This section deals with validity of this paper, which refers to the extent to which

the results of a study are dependable, credible, confirmable and generalisable or

transferable. This is preferred way of validating qualitative research, as it does

not ask true or false statements. As depicted in Table 5.3 below, quantitative

research, in contract, is concerned with internal validity, external validity,

reliability and objectivity as its measures of validity. We go into each measure of

validity in more detail.

Table 5.3 Quantitative vs Qualitative Research Validation

Traditional Criteria for Judging Quantitative


Alternative Criteria for Judging Qualitative Research

internal validity credibility external validity transferability

reliability dependability objectivity confirmability

Source, created for this study

5.3.1 Is the Answer Dependable?

Dependability is a measure of trustworthiness and reliability. The solution

presented in this paper was tested with a solution that has been implemented

with a partnership in Port Elizabeth. The partnership is a 55/45 percent BEE

partnership in which a Black entrepreneur is a majority shareholder. The White

Copyright UCT


partner saw an opportunity and agreed to avail his capital and experience to this

partnership. This business model has been in operation since January 2011, and

has worked well so far. The reliability of the solution is practicability. The

conclusions of this paper might be wrong to the extent that it cannot represent the

only solution to the research problem.

Among the existing Black entrepreneurs interviewed, it was found that the

training provided should adopt a less formal style of delivery than the traditional

classroom. In the test case for the proposed answer, the Black entrepreneur did

not even attend formal classroom training yet, but has been able to hold his own

based on the practical training he has received from his partner.

Turning into internal validity with regards to dependability, this paper uses

analytical tools consistent with Grounded Theory (e.g. coding, categorisation,

constant comparison, and theoretical sampling consistent with the Grounded

Theory). All of this points to rigor in deriving the answer.

5.3.2 Is the Answer Credible?

Credibility answers questions about whether the solution is believable. The

solution can said to be believable because it features real people, real

businesses, real risks, and real rewards. The proposed solution has a physical

address in Port Elizabeth.

The Grounded Theory process is an iterative one, and through application of the

process it was possible to develop a theory that ‗emerged‘ from the data. The

quality of the data and depth of the analysis underscored the credibility of the


5.3.3 Is the Answer Confirmable?

Confirmability refers to the degree to which the results could be confirmed or

corroborated by others. Firstly, a review of relevant literature, focusing on the

parent discipline (BEE) and the core variables that emerged as part of the theory

explaining the phenomenon observed, and definition of an answer, located the

research for this paper in an established body of knowledge, confirming the


Copyright UCT


Secondly, the annexure C is a copy of a retail licence that was issued to the

company that has implemented the solution. The solution can be confirmed

through Department of Energy, the Companies and Intellectual Property


5.3.4 Is the Answer Transferable?

It is the author‘s contention that the rigor in the research for this paper makes it

possible to transfer the key findings to similar work contexts. Wherever there are

two or more parties interested in implementation the solution, it is possible that it

can be replicated. The big determinant of success, however, is trust. Both

partners need to have trust in each other.

5.4 Ethical Considerations

The approach by Velasquez was used for this position paper, which is a

method which can be used to systematically evaluate the ethical merits of

an answer, decision or action according to the principles of utility, rights,

justice and caring. The following table reflects the evaluation of the merits

of the proposed answer according to these principles on the different

stakeholder identified.

Table 5.4: Velasquez, Ethical Considerations




(Does the action,

as far as possible,

maximise social

benefits and

minimise social


Rights & Duties

(Is the action

consistent with

the moral rights

of those whom it

will affect?)


(Will the action

lead to a just

distribution and



Does the action


appropriate care

for the well being

of those who are

closely related to

or dependent on


White Dealers Assisted buy-out

would not assist

white dealers

directly, but it

would change



The action will

not compromise

the rights of

white dealers.

Their rights will

be protected as

they are the

ones offering the

The benefits of

this solution and

the goodwill

coming out of it

will be shared by

all white dealers.

The dealers that

make the offer

The solution takes

care of the white

dealers because it

takes their views

into account.

Copyright UCT



Those who are

not willing to

part of this

solution will not

be forced.

will get extra

mileage for their

assistant to BEE.

Black Dealers Black dealer would

be the main

beneficiaries of the

solution without

any social harm to

any one else

The rights of

black dealers

will not be

violated anyway.

This assistance

will be offered

only those who

want it. Those

who either don‘t

approve of the

solution or don‘t

like it in any way

will have the

freedom to stay


African female

dealers in

particular will

stand to benefit

more than

people. This is

because they are

currently the



. Justice will be

done in the sense

it will bring them

on par with

everyone else

The solution should

result in better

financial position

for black dealers.



This solution would

reduce loans

applications to the

banks, thereby

reducing their risk,

but also

opportunities to

make profits

The financial

institutions will

not be affected.

The choice of


institution is left

up to the


Little or no effect


Engen This solution works

for Engen because

it will increase the

number of sites

under BEE control

The company

will have the

right to approve

of the plan or

disapprove of it.

Engen will benefit

as the BEE

targets will be


Little or no effect


Government This solution will

be liked by the


because it

improves Black


The government

can give


anytime it wants

The government

stands to benefit

because its BEE

legislation is



Little or no effect


Copyright UCT


5.5 Conclusion

The concern identified for the purpose of this paper was the poor representation

of Black entrepreneurs in the petroleum retail sector, with particular reference to

service station operations. The key question that this paper attempted to answer

was: How can access to Black entrants into the Petroleum Retail sector be

increased, while at the same time ensuring those Black entrepreneurs

already in the system survive? This question was the research problem.

Grounded theory, critical realism, SSM, SAST and CSH as methodologies were

use to attempt to establish ontological premise for explaining the problem

observed as in manifests in the empirical domain.

Assisted buy-outs and practical learning interventions were presented as the

solutions. Assisted buy-outs will provide relative ease of access to financial

resources as lending institutions are more likely to fund a business in which one

of the partners has a history with the financial institution and has a proven

managerial track-record of running a successful business. The experience and

history engenders trust in the venture. This is called knowledge-based trust


Learning intervention should be to provide entrants with practical experiential

training, as opposed to a classroom based or even traditional seminar


The solutions presented have been shown to have been relevant, usefulness

established, and valid for the concern. Validity was established by considering

whether the answer was dependable, credible, confirmable, and transferable.

Lastly, the using Velasquez‘s typology of evaluating ethical considerations, the

answers were shown to have been of good ethical standing.

Finally, the solutions provided in this paper represent just two of the ways BEE

could be improved. It cannot be argued that Black people, who have their own

access to finance, and possess experience, cannot succeed without these

solutions. But such people are few and far between.

Copyright UCT



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Copyright UCT




Charter Objective: Create fair opportunity for entry to the retail

network and commercial sectors by HDSA


LFC compliance status LFC Sub-Element Compliance

Element Charter Sub-Element Scoring Principles Company ABC

Retailing Fair opportunities for entry

to the retail network

Analysis of BEE Ownership



Fair opportunities for entry to the

retail network

Equitable retail opportunities to



Compliance status Y

Total Sites and Volumes Sites Volumes

African Dealer 65 140427570

African Company 141 357639108

African Total 206 498066678

African % 15% 18%

Coloured Dealer 13 34494200

Coloured Company 16 55751359

Coloured Total 29 90245559

Coloured % 2% 3%

Indian Dealer 127 284529249

Indian Company 150 413014521

Indian Total 277 697543770

Indian % 21% 25%

Black, coloured Indian Dealer 205 459451019

Black, Coloured, Indian


307 826404988

Total Black, coloured Indian


512 1285856007

Total Black, Coloured, Indian

sites %

38.12% 46.75%

White Dealer 525 921524351

White Company 306 543174743

Copyright UCT


White Total 831 1464699094

White % 62% 53%

Total Dealer 730 1380975370

Total Company 613 1369579731

Total Sites and Volumes 1343 270555101

5.9.4. Key Retailing observations

The company has strategies and policies for recruitment and appointment of franchisees

and specific policies to increase HDSA participation. Dealers’ panels include companies’

BEE / Diversity Managers.

Company uses a point system with more points awarded for African applicants.

The following supplier development initiatives are in place:

Mostly theoretical training is offered by the company to the retailers.

No aftercare and advice on critical success factors.

Most of the training is generic. No HDSA focused retail programs.

Challenges of HDSA Retailers

Premises are dilapidated and although dealer paying an operating lease to

Company ABC as the site is owned by a third party, they are expected to

renovate and maintain the site from own pocket.

Retailer tend to be left to their own devices, company ABC’s concerns are more

about guarding their own interests.

Branding and signage was not upgraded and also the problem of the dealer.

Township site rampant with robbery, had submitted a request, as an old and

loyal retailer, to be moved to a new site once a site became available but has not

been considered. Has had to invest a lot of money into security systems thus

impacting on own revenue and cash flow as there has not been any assistance

from company ABC.

Retention of staff and the management of cash flow are everyday challenges

retailers are faced with

Management of own supply (delivery) from company ABC.

Copyright UCT


Sampled retailers felt there were no real advantages to advance and benefit


No training incentives.

Company ABC is not quite transformed as BEE initiatives are not working

including recruitment of dealers and the NEF financing initiative as application

process to be offered replacement capital took too long and it takes very long to

structure the NEF deal (interviewee had an investment analyst background). This

might result in HDSA’s resorting to commercial banks.

Nature of deals is that seller gives buyer 60days offer to purchase, hence only

have that long to come up with necessary finance.

Copyright UCT


APPENDIX B: An example of an Oilco advertising to attract Black Entrepreneurs

Copyright UCT


ANNEXURE C: Copy of Retail Licence

Copyright UCT



Level 1 Coding






of skills


er more






Finance Inclusivi








51% is

a deal





Ss staff

need to

be part









Blacks must

partner with


Finance is




only the

ones that







reflect the



% first







s for





ment must

not mean




Blacks must

partner with



Finance is


when more

people are



want to

be part of



All new

sites must

be given

to blacks


must get





licence to



You can






with you






only will


Use the




security to

get finance


about the

future of



Need a



There are

few African





‗I need to

pass my

16 years




I want

my best


to also


It takes

years to


about the


If you are

alone, your

chance of

survival is


It‘s about

who you

know in


t agencies


wants my


Too many




Indians get



they have











are worse

than banks




Finance is




must be



Copyright UCT





ful BEE






Emergence of the core variables

Form the research undertaking, the following core variables emerged from the

grounded theory methodology:

Review of current system

Passing of skills

Empowerment over time

Mechanisms for partnerships

Access to finance

Inclusivity of the process

Survival of the new entrant

Reflective of demographics

Concern Behaviour Over Time

The concern of this paper is the poor representation of Black entrepreneurs in the

petroleum industry, with particular reference to service station operations.


The variables that emerged out of the data were used to construct an explanatory

theory (CCLD) for the phenomenon represented by the concern related to BEE in the

petroleum industry and Engen.

The core variables above were incorporated into the Wicked Problem Archetype (see

Appendix E) to form the following CCLD.

Copyright UCT



The questions that asked were:

What can be done to increase the no. of sites owned of BEE beneficiaries?

What models are available to increase BEE representations while at the same

time addressing white fears?

How can BEE be achieved under conditions of competing agendas?

Can banks do more what they have done up to know?

Can companies spend their own money to fund BEE?

Boundary process of the system of focus

To prevent the creation of limited boundaries to the process, CSH was undertaken,

which resulted in the following table (in the ‗is‘ mode).

Question Answer

Who is the actual client of S's design, i.e. who belongs to the group

of those whose purposes (interests and values) are served, in

Black and White

service station owners;

Copyright UCT


distinction to those who do not benefit but may have to bear the

costs or other disadvantages?

What is the actual purpose of S's design, as being measured not in

terms of declared intentions of the involved but in terms of the

actual consequences?

More service station

owned by Black people

What, judged by the design's consequences, is it‘s built in measure

of success? Increased % of sites

given to BEE players

Who is actually the decision taker, i.e. who can actually change the

measure of success?

Banks, White Dealers,


What conditions of successful planning and implementation of S are

really controlled by the decision taker?

Finance; Mentorship;

Partnerships; Strategic


What conditions are not controlled by the decision taker, i.e. what

represents "environment" to him?

Price; Interested Buyer;



Who is actually involved as planner? Government, Engen

Who is involved as "expert", of what kind is his expertise, what role

does he actually play?

Engen staff; banks;

current service station


Where do the involved see the guarantee that their planning will be

successful? (E.g. In the theoretical competence of experts? In

consensus among experts? In the validity of empirical data? In the

relevance of mathematical models or computer simulations?

In political support on the part of interest-groups? In the experience

and intuition of the involved? Etc.) Can these assumed guarantors

secure the design's success, or are they false guarantors?

In replication of what is

currently practiced

within the White service

station owner


Who among the involved witnesses represents the concerns of the

affected? Who is or may be affected without being involved?

Staff of service stations

Are the affected given an opportunity to emancipate themselves

from the experts and to take their fate into their own hands, or do

the experts determine what is right for them, what quality of life

means to them, etc? That is to say, are the affected used merely as

means for the purposes of others, or are they also treated as "ends

in themselves" (Kant), as belonging to the client?

The staff of service

stations are affected

but directly represented

Copyright UCT


What world view is actually underlying the design of S? Is it the

world view of (some of) the involved or of (some of) the affected? It is the world view of

some of those involved

and affected

Copyright UCT


APPENDIX E: SAST of the system in focus – BEE)



White Dealers Black Dealers Financial


Engen Government

Goal Increase number of Black owned service stations

Strategy sell sites at






inherit sites



buy sites

high gearing

look for

companies to


look for


to assist


loans to




returns for



Assist to




new dealers

Give priority

to BEE


Provide enabling


Put pressure on

oil companies

Threat to






No change

in legislation

Demand for



Need cheap



must pay


dealers can

be forced to

ask for

lower prices

No will

power for



for loans




as usual

Not a bank





Companies will

be scared to


Companies must


It is up to oil

companies to

speed it up

Copyright UCT


Copyright UCT


APPENDIX F: Soft Systems Methodology

CATWOE of Stakeholders



Black Dealers Financial


Engen Government

C - Customer Motorists;










Voters, site

owners, site


A - Actor Dealers,



Black dealers Managers;











Minister of


Registrar in the

dept of energy;



T -


Sell fuel,




Sell fuel, food,



Provide bank


Build service


Deliver fuel to





approval of

retail site and


W – World view Livelihood,




Return on





social justice

O – Owner Banks,















E -





pressure for


Bank lending



Model of



World sub-

prime crisis;

stability of









public support;


and Law

Root Definition







Engen Government

Root Definition The white Black They view The BEE is too slow

Copyright UCT


dealers view

BEE as




view BEE

as a way of


from past


BEE as an

opportunity to

score points

for enterprise



views BEE

as any



law that

must be



and needs to

be speeded up

so show the


electorate that

they are

serious about


and are doing

what they can

to fast tract


Ideal system White dealers

groom people

over a long

period to


buy the site

All new

sites, and

sites for

sale be

given to




needs to


the loans

given to

people who

are not

meeting the

stringent risk




charge a

fair price

when they


Majority of

applicants for

sites on sale

and new sites

be Black

The real world Grooming

doesn‘t really



often don‘t


money to

buy sites

No one is

willing to take

the risk if the

banks aren‘t

willing to do


There is a






where the

dealer can






applicants don‘t

have finance

and sites go on

sale for a long

time, and so

the law doesn‘t

prevent sale to





Willing to

help is


are also

willing to start

small –



that lowers

barrier is




solutions are




that will


later is


Industry needs

to come with

the solutions


Copyright UCT


assisted buy-



The answer:

The method of lowering the barriers is attractive to all parties. The lowering of the

barriers involves someone buying into a white dealer‘s site, but coming in as a small

partner, and buys him/her into the site over a 5 year period, at the same time buying

out his white partner. In summary this solution is regarded as assisted buy-out.

Copyright UCT


Ethical considerations




(Does the action,

as far as possible,

maximise social

benefits and

minimise social


Rights & Duties

(Is the action

consistent with

the moral rights

of those whom it

will affect?)


(Will the action

lead to a just

distribution and



Does the action

exhibit appropriate

care for the well

being of those who

are closely related

to or dependent on


White Dealers Assisted buy-out

would not assist

white dealers

directly, but it

would change



The action will

not compromise

the rights of

white dealers.

Their rights will

be protected as

they are the

ones offering the


Those who are

not willing to

part of this

solution will not

be forced.

The benefits of

this solution and

the goodwill

coming out of it

will be shared by

all white dealers.

The dealers that

make the offer

will get extra

mileage for their

assistant to BEE.

The solution takes

care of the white

farmers because it

takes their views

into account.

Black Dealers Black dealer would

be the main

beneficiaries of the

solution without

any social harm to

any one else

The rights of

black dealers

will not be

violated anyway.

This assistance

will be offered

only those who

want it. Those

who either don‘t

approve of the

solution or don‘t

like it in any way

will have the

freedom to stay


African female

dealers in

particular will

stand to benefit

more than

people. This is

because they are

currently the



. Justice will be

done in the sense

it will bring them

on par with

everyone else

The solution should

result in better

financial position

for black dealers.

Financial This solution would The financial The choice of Little or no effect

Copyright UCT


Institutions reduce loans

applications to the

banks, thereby

reducing their risk,

but also

opportunities to

make profits

institutions will

not be affected.


institution is left

up to the



Engen This solution works

for Engen because

it will increase the

number of sites

under BEE control

The company

will have the

right to approve

of the plan or

disapprove of it.

Engen will benefit

as the BEE

targets will be


Little or no effect


Government This solution will

be liked by the


because it

improves Black


The government

can give


anytime it wants

The government

stands to benefit

because its BEE

legislation is



Little or no effect


Copyright UCT



Copyright UCT


APPENDIX H – Wicked Problem Archetype

Copyright UCT


APPENDIX I: Interview Log

No. Interviewee Function Date Recorded Duration Location

19. Bruce Poole Service station owner

16/05/2011 Yes 30min Restaurant

1. Nobesuthu Tom

Ex employee

18/06/2011 Yes 45min Interview’s home

2. Chris Opperman

Service station owner

21/06/2011 Yes 60min Settlers Way

3. Masomelele Phantswa

Operator station owner

22/06/2011 Yes 29min East London Golf Club

4. Kendal Landman

Service station owner

22/06/2011 Yes 37min East London Golf Club

5. Malcolm Abrahams

Service station owner

26/07/2011 Yes 45min Golf Park

6. Songezo Nayo

Service station owner

27/07/2011 no 20 minutes Interview’s home

7. Sango Velleman

Ex employee

30/07/2011 no 25min Interview’s home

8. Vukile Zondani

Employee 10/08/2011 Yes 60min Thibault Square

9. Chris Cronje Employee 10/08/2011 Yes 30min Golf Park 10. Batshobonke

Sipuka Service station owner

15/08/2011 no 75min Telephonic interview

11. Lennox Hlangani

Service station owner

16/08/2011 Yes 100min KwaMagxaki

12. Gerrit Meyer Service station owner

16/08/201 Yes 90min Penford

13. Arafaat Ismail

Employee 23/08/2011 Yes 30min Golf Park

14. Pierr Roodt Employee 23/08/2011 Yes 30min Thibault Square

15. Portia Mpofu Employee 23/08/2011 Yes 30min Golf Park 16. Kenneth

Mafatle Employee 23/08/2011 Yes 20min Telephonic

interview 17. Refilwe

Mokoto Employee 25/10/2011 Yes 65min Blair Athol

18. Eben Espach Service station owner

06/02/2012 Yes 120min Golf Park

20. Graeme Rushmere

Legal consultant

06/02/2012 Yes 120min Golf Park
