Training Report TOT Zimbabwe 20 - · PDF fileDay 3 Route of a Pesticide from shop to field ......


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Training Report:

Compiled by Herman Louw for CropLife East & Southern Africa:

ZIMBABWE TOT 2012: Training Report

• • • • Name of course:

CropLife Zimbabwe Trainer-of-Trainer –Accelerated Version

• • • • Hosting Institution:

CropLife Zimbabwe

• • • • Location:

Harare, Zimbabwe

• • • • Dates:

From 6/2/2012 to 10/2/2012

• • • • Venue:

Mandel Training Centre Harare

• • • • List of participants:

Name Organization Function

Francis Mutetwa Fintrac Field Manager

Joseph Edson Shoniwa Fintrac Field Manager

Mazvita Sumba-Makumbe ZFC Limited Research & Prod Dev Agronomist

Tawanda Gerald Nyamangodo Curechem Overseas Ltd Agro-sales executive

Beata Nhunzvi Acol Chemical Technical & Sales Manager

Justin Chipomho ZFC Limited Agronomist

Judith Banana MAMID Agricultural Extension Specialist

Bongayi Gokoma Agricura (Pvt) Ltd Agronomist - Advisory & Training

Lawrence Tigere Gono Windmill (Pvt) Ltd R& D Manager

Mabongwe Ottilia MAMID Agricultural Extension Specialist

Chihumba Robson MAMID Training Specialist

Charumbira Caroline Windmill (Pvt) Ltd Crop Chemical Distribution Manager

Washington Mutyavaviri Westbay AgroChemicals Sales Agronomist

Stanley Paza MAMID Farmer & Extension Trainer

• • • • Program of the week:

Day 1 -2 Trainer-of-Trainers

Day 3 Route of a Pesticide from shop to field (Responsible Use)

Day 4 - 5 Written assessment, Assignments & Individual Presentations

• • • • Topics covered:

Part 1 (2 days) Training and

facilitation skills

Part 2 (1st day) Responsible use training: Technical Training


Training principles Introduction of IPM

Qualities of a good trainer The Pest Management Decision Making Cycle

Preparing a training program The route of a pesticide from shop shelf to field

The SDF training model Practical sessions where the participants co-present

The adult learner Part 3 (2nd day) Individual training lessons prepared by


Key processing & learning styles Scouting: Why and How?

Circle of competence The Pesticide Label

Questioning Classification of Pesticides by Hazard

Spot check How Pesticides can enter the human body

Group dynamics How to protect the human body against contact with pesticides

Basics of Communication Buying of Pesticides

Training aids Transportation of pesticides

Using PowerPoint Storage of pesticides

Using the flip-sheet board Preparing for spray 1: Equipment and external factors

Verbal & non-verbal presentation


Preparing for spray 2: Measuring & Mixing dry and liquid formulations

Training methods and approaches Working in the field with pesticides

Seating patterns After working in the field: Cleaning equipment and person

Evaluation and follow-up Empty container management

Pesticides from shelf to field Pesticide spills and the Environment

• • • • Detail of participant’s assessment:

Written examination

Assignment on applying SDF training model in training

Individual presentation on a Responsible Use topic


• • • • Results of participant’s assessment:

14 Certificates of Competence:

Type of Assessment Highest Score Lowest Score Average Score

Written examination & Assignment 86 63 75

Individual Presentation 85 63 73

• • • • Facilitator’s feedback on the training:

• The TOT version with the 1-day technical training included works extremely well

• The rate of learning by the participants exceeds all expectations

• The quality of the individual presentations was very high. Participants followed the SDF

training model and used different training techniques during the delivery phase of


• • • • General comments:

The objectives of the training course were both met, and exceeded. We now have 14 new

competent trainers in Zimbabwe and looking forward to seeing the results in the near future.

• • • • Logistics and support:

The arrangements, logistics, selection of participants and support by CropLife Zimbabwe were

extremely good. I would like to thank CropLife Zimbabwe for a well-organized training course.

The correct selection of participants is always vital for a successful TOT training and this was

one of the main reasons for the success of the TOT training in Zimbabwe.

Group picture:


Picture: Individual Presentations (Scouting):


Re-cap session day 2:

Prepared by: HJ Louw Master Trainer CropLife ESA 11/2/2012

