Training is Defined as the Process of Enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness


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NAME - Sushmita Gupta

Sub - Training and Development Project (Induction


Batch - MF 302


Training is defined as the process of enhancing efficiency and

effectiveness- of persons at work by improving and developing

sills relevant to work. It is clone by cultivating appropriate

attitude and behavior towards work and people. It helps people

to improve their present capabilities at work and prepares them

to assume greater responsibilities in future.Training aims

essentially at increasing knowledge, stimulating aptitude and

imparting skills related to a specific, job or people. In this

endeavor, training is a continuous and life long process. As an

organized effort, it is designed with certain objectives to help

participants be informed of the subject matter which they have

to apply in their day-to-day work situations. Apart from change

of attitudes, their skills have to be improved and knowledge or

information has to be imparted through effective methods. In

other words, training provides an atmosphere of sharing and

synthesizing with the help or trainers.

Employees who take training learn faster than those who take

not training. Average participants reach the Experienced Worker

Standard (EWS) in less time as compared to others who learn

through trial and error.

According to learning theory people who attain the plateau state

continue to dwell there, without which improvement in their

performance. Training helps them to reach a higher plateau

through acquisition of new skills, knowledge and attitude.


Very often, training faces a great dilemma between theory and

practice. Some trainers insist on theory, giving very little

importance to practice and some avoid theory clue to their strop.

Faith only in practice theory and practice has to be balanced. For

the accomplishment of training, theory contributes more towards

total perspective and practice towards acquisition of task-

oriented sills. Use of both have to be encouraged for effective

training and transfer of learning.

Another difficult option with training is whether to focus on the

trainee himself or the task lie has to perform in the field. Here

again, a balance has to be struck between the task and the

trainee. Tasks have to be focused so that trainees can

comprehend the actual situation and develop themselves to

perform a task successfully.


Training is the most important component of Human Resources

Development (HRD) philosophy of modern organizations,

which rely oil training. It helps them to find solutions to their

day-to-day problems by identifying their problems and guiding

them in the right direction. It functions as a cycle from

identification of the needs to evaluation and feedback. Training

as a constructive cycle mobilizes all available resources in

organizations and moves them towards attainment of human


The training cycle has seven steps, which, in a sequence, form a

constructive cycle.

The seven steps are:

1. Identification of training needs and analysis.

2. Setting up of terminal objectives

3. Selection and designing of programmes.

4. Selection and developing of audio-visual aids

5. Organizing training programmes

6. Evaluation of training

7. Feedback leading to further identification of training needs.

These steps provide a holistic approach to training. They

are interlinked with one another, providing a wider scope

for the improvement of the training process. Each step is

analyzed to evaluate how it can be improved for the total

effectiveness of the programme.



Training needs are classified under two major heads. They are

individual needs and group needs.



Dialogue With the Individual

Dialogue With the superior

Dialogue with peers

Dialogue with subordinates



Buzzing session

Structured survey

Unstructured survey

Identification of training needs of individuals and groups is the

first and most important step in the training process for

achieving the goals of individuals, groups and organizations.It

helps to bring to the surface the prevalent attitude of individuals

and the climate of organizations.

Group needs emerge from the way the group is formed and

functioning. In the process of identifying their needs, the

expectations of individuals and the group will be brought into


Training need analysis depends upon the phase and context of an

organization. In the wake of modern technological inventions

and innovations, individual training needs are very many. It

impels an organization to be-dynamic. Training need analysis is

not a one-time activity but it has to be periodically sensed. It is

like the changing needs of a mountaineering team. When the

team members reach greater heights their needs arc different and

cater effort has to be made to cater to them. Group needs

prepares the ‘group for ascertaining the training objectives.


Training, programme must clearly lay down its objectives.

Training normally intends to fulfill the following objectives:

Helps trainees in acquiring knowledge of the subject


Helps to bring about a change in the attitude and

behavior of trainees.

Helps in developing knowledge about sell to an extent

that enables trainees to develop their potentials.

Helps in interaction among trainees themselves, who

learn from each other’s experience.

Aims at enhancing the capacity of trainees so as the

enable them to increase their problem-solving capability.

Aims at helping the process of learning and developing.

Aims at bridging the gap between expected level of

performance and the actual level of performance.

Aims at providing a scientific base for acquisition of

knowledge and skills.

Objectives spell out the real mission of an organization. These

also help individuals to be aware of their own objectives in

relation to the organizational objectives. A sense of direction is

achieved by setting up terminal objectives.

Objectives have to be expressed in behavioral terms. They have

to be expressed in terms of measurable quantity and quality,

which can be seen in action. A behavioral objective defines the

standards of acceptable performance.

Trainers have to give specific objectives, stated in terms of what

employees will be able to do when they leave the training

programme and return to their jobs. Behavioral objective, when

they are properly written, are powerful tool for the trainer to use

in bringing about management’s commitment to training

programmes. Properly designed and accepted objectives form a

road map for designing training programmes.

It is relatively easy to write a good training objective if the

trainer follows a few simple steps. The trainer keeps in mind that

descriptions relate to what participants will be able to do at end

of a training programme, conditions under which they will have

to perform and criteria for success.

Following are the steps a trainer should use in writing behavioral


Description Example

1. Write out the task or job Conduct a disciplinary


that is to be clone using a

verb and a noun

2. Add the quantity standards Conduct one

disciplinary hearing

or criteria that will be

applied to the behavioral


3. Add the quality criteria Conduct one

disciplinary hearing

that will be included in the without violating any

clauses of

behavioral objective the labour agreement.

4. Add the circumstances i.e., Give a case study

involving an

the tools and equipment employee who

has been absent

with which trainees will be on the job repeatedly,

conduct a

performing the objective.

disciplinary hearing


Violating any of the labour

agreement rules

Behavioral objective provide the necessary input for evaluation

training programmes



Each programme has its own special demands or needs to be

fulfilled. Often we become the victims of generalization and

retard the effective process of learning.

The feasibility of transforming objectives into outcomes

depends mainly on the following factors:

1. Level of participants

2. Content of the programme

3. Effective training methodology

4. Faculty resources

5. Evaluation System

6. Budget provisions

The trainer is the designer of a training programme. He takes

great care of all factors that would increase and improve the

effectiveness of a programme.

The level of participants is assessed through some pretest. It

helps the trainer to frame a syllabus most suitable for the group.

The appropriate training methodology is decided on various

factors like the nature of the topic, time, receptivity level of

participants and availability a faculty resources. We are all

living in the days of specialization. An integrated programme

has to be prepared with the cooperation of all the specialists.

Designing an evaluation system well in advance perhaps helps

trainers to consolidate their efforts in the right direction for its


Budget provisions play a very important role in designing

training programmes. The programmes, faculty resources,

methodology etc. are all decided according to funds available in

the budget.



Training aids are supportive to learning and should he carefully

selected and sued in appropriate context so that they are helpful

in the learning process. It is a trainer’s job to make all possible

efforts to make learning more effective and interesting. It is

necessary to use training aids and equipments to enhance the

intensity and pace of learning:

According to recent research, retention of learning takes place

with 81% stemming from sight, 11% from hearing and 8% from

other senses.

Audio-Visual aids, when properly used in teaching situation, can

accomplish the following:

Prepare a concrete basis of conceptual thinking

Create a high degree of interest for trainees

Make learning more permanent

Offer real experience which stimulates sell-activity on

the part of trainees

Develop a continuity of thought

Provide rich experiences not easily obtained through

other materials

Contribute to the efficiency, depth and variety of



Training is done according to the programme designed within a

stipulated period. In the process of training, participants have to

be motivated to develop a keen interest for learning. The

trainers’ responsibility lies in leading participants towards goal

designed at different stages with the full cooperation of the

participants. In the process of skill and knowledge training,

participants are facilitated to test their skill and knowledge

through questions and some practical exercises.’ Attitudinal

changes are attempted mostly through experiential leaning.

Training has to be oriented to the level of participants’ age,

qualification, knowledge and experience. Training provides full

scope for learning and the effectiveness of training would

depend upon the learning that has taken place. Charles E.

Watson suggests four levels of learning to cause a voluntary and

rational behavioral change. They are:

Reaching the knowing -about level

Reaching the understanding level

Reaching the acceptance level

Reaching the ability -to-apply level

These four levels of learning should not necessarily be construed

as four successive levels. As a practical matter, however,

learning typically does proceed in successive stages, beginning

with knowing -about and ending with ability-to-apply. In

general, people usually need to know about something before

they can begin to accept it, and to accept something before they

are willing to apply it.


In a training situation, awareness creates a thirst for knowing

certain concepts and prompts the learner to acquire as much

knowledge that is needed for performing a task. Effective

training brings people to the knowing-about level with an

attitude of knowing more about the concept so that they can

apply it successfully and achieve the results they desire.

Inclination to know more will not take place with those who feel

they have attained the “know-all” level.

Training methods such as case studies, role-playing,

management games, in-basket exercises and simulations can

cause the knowing-about level to occur. These methods can both

introduce trainees to new concepts sand demonstrate their

usefulness to new concepts and the degree to which trainees

understand, accept and possess the ability to apply them.


The understanding level is reached when the following two

conditions exist.

Firstly, trainees know why there is a cause-effect

relationship between correct or appropriate application of a

concept or principle given in a situation and the probable

outcome, and they also know how this ‘cause and effect’

relationship operates.

Secondly, trainees know the theory underlying a concept or

principle sufficiently will to be able to modify or adapt it,

thus malting it appropriate for most given situations.

Creation of a situation that permits trainees to discover truths

and make ‘generalization for themselves becomes a successful

strategy for a number of reasons;

People understand new ideas only from their own frame

of reference.

People understand things more fully and deeply when

they discover them for themselves than when they just

hear about them.

People remember things they discover for themselves for

a longer period, compared to those things, which they

have merely been told about.

To reach a level of deep understanding, learning should be

trainee centered, not instructor-centered. The instructor

establishes learning conditions and trainees are responsible for

teaching themselves through a process of self-discovery.

Knowing about and understanding a concept does not guarantee

that it will be accepted. Acceptance is reached when people’s

values, attitudes and beliefs are not so strongly contrary to a

concept or principle.


Ability-to-apply level requires that trainees have knowledge,

self-confidence and willingness to try. Participants returning to

jobs from training programmes face several formidable

challenges. They need encouragement from their superiors and

subordinates to try out the new concepts and principles they

learnt in the training programme.


Evaluation of training and development programmes should be a

continuous process for improving what we teach and how we

teach. Evaluation helps to design and organize successful

training programmes, based on the feedback received front


Gail Trapnell has suggested live dimensions to the evaluation of

training. They are:

Context evaluation

Input evaluation

Process evaluation

Product evaluation

Impact evaluation


Context evaluation attempts to assess the environment prevalent

among Manager, supervisors and workers. It aims to know their

attitudes towards training programmes, which have been

organized. It also focuses on the appropriateness of training

objectives when new programmes are organized and when new

group of participants are expose to training.


Input evaluation assesses the appropriateness and adequacy of

all resources that go into a training programme. It focuses on the

elements of design, performance, objective, instructional method

and other physical resources. The physical and human resources

identified must be capable of reaching the standard already

visualized and set.


Process evaluation deals with implementation of a programme

design. It calls for how trainers utilize the physical and human

resources for realizing behavioral objectives. It indicates the

level at which the programme is being conducted during normal

and existing situations. The success and failure of a programme

is decided by the efforts taken during process evaluation.


Product evaluation assesses the competence of participants. It

also evaluates how they are performing in their on-the-lob

Situation. Results Of pre-tests and post-tests can be compared to

determine trainees’ gain in knowledge, skills and attitudes in

their job situation. Superiors are also involved to assess



It assesses the cumulative diffidence that training efforts have

made in an organization’s productivity, efficiency and

profitability. It can be measured from the resulting changes

brought about in downtime, accidents, absenteeism, customer

complaints etc- positive improvements made in these factors

enhance the role of training and development.


If a satisfactory method of evaluating training performance can

be found, the benefits can be reaped by everyone.

Firstly, the organization is better equipped to meet its

obligations and the management’s decision to invest

money in this activity is vindicated, encouraging it to

continue to provide resources.

Second, the employee is more fulfilled and is stimulated

to put more effort into work. Third, the boss of the

employee has everything to gain from having an

effective work unit and is likely to release employees for

training in future.

Finally, the training staff enjoys job satisfaction of a high

order when they see that their efforts are producing the

desired results. They can row from strength to strength in

applying the experience and knowledge they have

obtained front successful activities. There is no doubt the

evaluation of training is a profitable investment from

everyone’s point of view.



From the evaluation of training programmes a feedback report is

prepared and communicated to participants, faculty member,

trainer/coordinators and sponsors, so that they may benefit from

the results of the evaluation.

Each one is looking for different kind of information and

interpretation form the evaluation. While some will be looking

for the content, some others for process analysis.

With the help of feedback participants come to know, their level

of achievements through the training programme. Immediate

feedback given to participants based on the evaluation of

training programmes will help them to know the performance

they will be able to achieve and the kinds of efforts needed to

improve their effectiveness. Trainers are very anxious to know

whether their efforts have yielded the desired results. A detailed

analysis of the feedback would help them to modify their

approaches. It would enable them to design future training

programmes taking into consideration all the successes and

failures of the programmes taking into consideration all the

success and failures of the programme. Sponsors or manager’s

who have nominated the participants, are very curious to know

how well they have performed during the training programme.

The feedback report received from trainers will help them to

look for specific changes in the behavior of the participants. To

be precise, it helps them to sharpen their point of view of took

for anticipated changes in their day-to-day situation.

UFLEX Ltd. is India’s largest and fastest-growing flexible packaging company with large capacities of plastic film and packaging products which provide end-to-end flexible packaging solutions. The company has presence in over 108 countries across the world with plastic film manufacturing facilities in India, Dubai, Mexico and Egypt (under implementation) and packaging products facilities at multiple locations in India.

Reaching millions of homes every day, UFLEX has emerged as a fully-integrated packaging player on the global front. Synonymous with flexible packaging industry in the country, UFLEX group has annual revenue of INR 27 billion and Gross Capital Investment across the world of about INR 23 billion.

With a vision to ‘Progress with Distinction’, Uflex is privileged to contribute to society by producing a variety of value added flexible packaging material, sophisticated products including films like BOPET, BOPP and CPP; state-of-the-art packaging and converting machines, rotogravure cylinders, thereby providing world class flexible packaging solutions to its customers in both the domestic and international market at

competitive prices. Besides it specializes in the manufacturing of a wide variety of packaging machines like Vertical Form-Fill-Seal Machines, Horizontal Wrapping Machines, Special Purpose Machines, High Speed Pouch Making Machines.

It offers finished packaging of a wide variety of products such as snack foods, candy and confectionery, sugar, rice & other cereals,  beverages, tea & coffee, desert mixes, noodles, wheat flour, soaps and detergents, shampoos & conditioners, vegetable oil, spices, marinates & pastes, cheese & dairy products, frozen food, sea food, meat, anti-fog, pet food, pharmaceuticals, contraceptives, garden fertilizers and plant nutrients, motor oil and lubricants, automotive and engineering components etc. 

With an investment of about 18 billion already in the Indian market, Uflex plans to mark their presence in the global market with growth in market share, revenues and profits.

UFlex caters to various companies in different sectors like FMCG and oil companies. And its client list includes all the top-notch companies such as Unilever, Pepsi, Wrigley,Procter & Gamble, Colgate, Palmolive, Nestle, an Petroleum, Indian Oil, Britannia, Dabur, Haldiram, Wockhardt, HUL, Parle Biscuit, and Birla 3M, amongst others.

Under the strong leadership of Mr. Ashok Chaturvedi, Chairman & MD UFlex Group, the company has aggressive business and investment plans of about 250 million dollars in next 2-3 years time which should include the setting up of various green/brown field projects in India and overseas and take the company to be a USD one billion with net profit of USD 100 million by FY2012.

As part of the company’s CSR activities, UFlex is developing and operating projects of municipal solid waste (MSW) processing, recycling of useful materials and energy so as to conserve natural resourses and to bring down emission of greenhouse gases. The company has also developed technology for reprocessing mixed plastic waste and converts them into usable products. In addition to this, Uflex constantly works to reduce consumption of energy, water and petroleum based products and works with its customers to develop more sustainable and ‘green’ film and laminate structure. The overall emphasis is on reducing the carbon footprint and being more environments friendly and sustainable.

Owing to the depth of commitment to its business associates as well as the quality of its services and products, the company has also been honoured with several awards. Some of these prestigious awards are as follows:

AIMCAL Award for Stand-up Slider Zipper Pouch with Hologram

Dupont Award for Edible Oil Refill Pack (1996) Dupont Award for 2005, 2006 for Excellence in Packaging

Engineering & Beverage Category Worldstar Award for Excellence in Packaging (1995) Best Paper Award at Recycle’95 at Davos Global Forum

(1995) Packaging Printing and Converting Award for Carry Bags

for Tyres & Tubes (1997)

Packaging Printing and Converting Award for CTC Leaf Tea and Holographic Semi-Stand-up back for Bearings(1997)

Award for Excellent Performance in Export by Govt. of Uttar Pradesh (2003-04)

Award for Second Best Exporter of Polyester Film by the Plastics Export Promotion Council (2002-03)

Award for Top Exporter of BOPP Film by the Plastics Export Promotion Council (2002-03)

Superbrands Awarded by the Superbrands Council Mr. Ashok Chaturvedi, UFlex Chairman was conferred

with Outstanding Entrepreneurship Award at Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards 2010  India

Marketing award by the Association of International Metallizers, Coaters and Laminators (2011) for innovative, high graphic quality pouches


Training constitutes a significant step in the induction of the

individual into the company’s way of life. What is the

Company’s culture? How does structure function? What are the

policies and rules or organizations? These have to be inculcated

in a new employee so as to help him to adjust to the

organization. Thus induction training helps the individual to

blend his personality with the organization.

Induction Training is given for 1 day so as to get familiar

with the product and technology used in packaging the





Base Shells made from best mild steel cylinders are dynamically

balanced at 500 RPM to simulate printing speed.


Galvanising systems from MDC Datwyler, Switzerland provide

for high quality Nickel, Copper and Chrome Plating of

Cylinders with automatic control on hardness and thickness of



Fully computerised, Swiss-made Polish Masters ensure

engineering accuracy and a smooth cylinder surface finish.


High-end Electronic Engravers from MDC, Datwyler and OHIO

create cylinders using digital inputs with accuracy and



The proofing station from Hecford, U.K. is the last stop before

cylinders are rolled out for production. This facility generates

life like sample prints on desired surface using real inks and



Printed on PET, BOPP, PVC, Cello, Poster Paper, Glassine

Paper, Chromo Art Paper Laminated with various materials like



PET HS, Aluminium foil, Metalized PET/BOPP, PVC, PVDC,

Maplitho/poster/craft paper etc.

Minimum Roll Width : 35 mm

Maximum Roll Width : 1000 mm

Maximum OD : 600

Core ID : 70/150


Simple pillow type pouches with either top or

bottom open.

'V' Notch for easy tear and die punched

handle for carrying/hangup display.

Good graphics display on front and back.

Attachments like spout for liquid and

powders. Easy pour seal profile, rope or

handle. Zip lock filter proof membrane

seal can be given.

Suitable for powders up to 10 kegs, solids

up to 5 kgs and liquids upto 2 litres.


Custom designed.

Special shapes to enhance aesthetics and

user convenience.

Convenient to pour - Liquid, paste,

powder, tablets etc.


Customized shape enhances aesthetics.

Suitable for liquid, paste, powder, tablets,


Outlet provided for easy pouring of



Pouches with resalable tape on flap.

Good graphics display on front and back.

Suitable for light weight solids and soft


Can hold up to 500 gms of material.

Excellent for reading material, garments


All Single or two layer heat sealable

laminates without aluminium foil.


Pouch sealed in bottom or top with one centre fin

at the back.

Optimum utilization of laminate area.

Can be provided with round punch on top

seal for hanging display.

Suitable for powders, solids and pastes.

Powders upto 10 Kg weight.

Solids and Paste upto 1 Kg

All heat sealable laminates can be used.


Gussets on both sides gives pillow look.

Die punched or round punched handle for

carrying and display.

Holds more volume in same width

Suitable for powder and solids.

Powders upto 10 Kg weight.

Solids upto 2 kgs.

All heat sealable laminates can be used.


Centre seal of the side gusseted pouch is

concealed in overlap manner.

Die punched / round punch handle for

carrying and display.

Uninterrupted graphic display on front,

back & side gusset.

Suitable for powders, solids upto 500g

(light weight).

Both side heat sealable laminate.

Minimum thickness of laminate : 50



Centre seal pouch with holographic film


Both side heat sealable laminate strip

joining the centre seals.

Suitable for powders and solid upto 1 Kg.

Cost effective solution against PIRACY.


Flex invented the world's first low cost versatile

Flexitube manufacturing and packaging system.

Prime example of flex's capability to innovate

right from the root level to the finished product.

Flex provides complete packaging system for this

type of pack in variety of shapes of pouch and

spouts. Saves upto 20% over other conventional

Multilayer tubes. Received the innovation of the

year awards form Unilever Worlwide for Closeup

toothpaste 15g pack.

Pilfer proof spouts for liquids.

Suitable for fine powders, creams, paste

( 5-100 ml.)

Good graphics display on front and back.

All heat sealable laminates

Can be flow wrapped for display.


Cost effective alternative to glass bottles.

Bottle shape standup pouch with spout for

reclosability, no breakage.

Execellent graphics display on front and


Pilfer proof spouts.

Suitable for liquids, pastes & fine powders in

500 ml and 1000 ml capacity.

All heat sealable laminates.

Spouts can be shrink sleeved to prevent



Bottom gusseted pouches with curved seal profile.Stands on the sealed bottom edges.Suitable for counter display.'V' Notch for easy tear and die punched handle for carrying, hangup display.

Good graphics display on front and back.

Attachments like spout,Zip lock, pilfer proof membrane seal.

 Easy pour seal profile, for liquid and Powder. 

Suitable for powders upto 5 kg, solids upto 2 kg, liquids & pastes upto 1 litre.

All heat sealable laminates, bottom gusset of the same laminate.


Bottom gusset for more volume in same height and width.'V' notch for easy tear and die punch handle for carrying/ hangup display.

Attachments like spout, easy pour seal profile, rope  handle,  Zip lock & pilfer proof membrane seal can be given. Stands on bottom due to product weight.Suitable for powders upto 10 kg, solids upto 4 kg, pastes upto 1 litre.All heat sealable laminates, bottom gusset can be of different laminate.


Sealed on both sides and bottom.Maximum utilisation of laminate.Bottom gusset for more volume in same height and width.'V' notch for easy tear and die punch handle for carrying/ hangup display.Good graphic display on front, back and bottom also.Attachments : easy pour seal profile, rope  handle, zip lock, etc.Suitable for powders upto 5 kg, solids upto 3 kg, pastes upto 1 litre.All heat sealable laminates can be used.


Bottom flattens when filled.

Allows more volume in same size.

Stands on bottom due to product weight.

‘V" notch for easy tear. Die punched handle for


Good Graphic display on front, back and bottom


Attachments : spouts, easy pour seal profile, rope

handle, zip lock, pilfer proof membrane.

Suitable for powders upto 5 kgs, solids upto 3 kgs

pastes upto one litre.

All heat sealable laminates can be used.


Can be of three side sealed, standup, semistandup, bottom fold, side guesseted & flat bottom types.Can be made pilfer proof (evident) with membarne seal.Attachments : Spout/Rope handle/Die Puch handle.Useful as handy shopping bag.Can carry upto 10 kgs weight.Minimum thickness 50 microns.


Disposable and biodegradable printed paper cups for  beverages.Suitable for liquids & pastes in capacities of :50 ml, 100 ml, 9 ounces, 12 ounces.Good mechanical properties suitable for both hot and cold beverages.Good all round half tone graphics display all around with food grade inks.Food grade duplex/triplex board with poly coating.Produced in dust free environment.



Male- female type moulded zip lock welded inside top of pouch. The zip lock holds good for up to 50 operations. Recommended for reclosable pouches.


Pourer made of food grade polymers, injection moulded and heat sealed to laminate.Available with breakable seal and with shrink sleeve (pvc) seal in nozzle inner diameters as per product need.


Double sided adhesive tape used in the flap of envelop pouch. After insertion of product or document, the protective tape covering is removed and the flap applied to the body for sealing. Good for 8-10 operations. Recommended for Documents, Books, Periodicals, light garments and Undergarments, etc.


A convenience feature given in the pouch for easy pouring of liquid and fine powder. It is a sealed profile given in one corner of pouch to guide the flow of product being poured out. Useful in refill packs.


Cost effective alternative to add on handles. Die punched hole works as handle.  Sutiable for  carry bags. Can hold upto 4 kg weight.


Bruded rope of either nylon or cotton fixed on carry bags through rivetted holes. Recommended for carry bags for products with premium price tags. Adds beauty to the bag.


Recommended for carry bags with rope or die punched handle - requiring protection from pilferage. Pouches are supplied bottom open. Customer cuts the membrane to get the product.



T The beginning of training could be traced out to the stone, age

when people started transferring knowledge through signs &

deeds to others. Training & Development is increasingly

recognized now, as a most important organizational activity.

Rapid technological changes require newer skills & efficiency to

perform the job in many areas. Training has to be continuously

offered to keep employees updated & effective.


The objectives of training differ according to the employees

belonging to different level of organizations. The basic objective

of training is to establish a match between individual & his job.

This training is designed to improve knowledge skills & attitude

and thus equip the individual to be more effective in his present

job or prepare hint for future assignment.

The main objective of training can be summarized as follows


Training constitutes a significant step in the induction of the

individual into the company’s way of life. What IS the

Company’s culture? How does structure function? What are the

policies and rules or organizations? These have to be inculcated

in a new employee so as to help him to adjust to the

organization. Thus induction training helps the Individual to

blend his personality with the organization.


A significant objective of training is to prevent the obsolete of

the employees by updating their skills & knowledge. Training

becomes necessary to update employees, so that their efficiency

does not suffer because of lack of understanding of new



People are not satisfied, if they continue to work in the same

position for long. One of the objects of training is to provide the

employee an opportunity to climb up the promotional ladder.

Thus the training has become quite important for any

organization, to keep in peace with the external changing

environment and with increasing competition.


It is the process that involves establishing areas where individual

lacks Skill, knowledge, and ability in effectively performing the

jobs and also identifying organizational constraints that are

creating road hicks in the performance.


A variety of training methods are available and used by training

agencies and organization. Some of the most prevalent methods

of training are follows


As the name indicates, it refers to a presentation by the trainer or

ideas, concepts, theories & issues. The method focuses on

transmission of knowledge. It entails the maximum active role

by trainer & little overt activity by the participants. It is

economical, as a large number of people can be trained at one

time saving cost in terms of man, hours & money.


The training that takes place is centered around the job. The

trainee used machines and tools that he will use once the

training is completed. The training takes place in surroundings

were lie will, in future be working at this regular tasks.


In this method, real work instances are takes for training to take

place. In this method the total duplication of the work

environments done in order to train the employees.


The experiential methods of training are designed to provide an

atmosphere of self learning through group interaction and

dynamics. The purpose is to increase the sensitivity of the

participants to their own Functions as well as the functions if

other in the group. The prime objective of’ this method is to

integrated knowledge and theory with experience and practice.


This is the common methodology used for training. In this

method certain situation is specified in front of the workers and

they are asked to comment or react on that particular situation.

Discussion is made among the different employees on the

specified situation. This method helps to improve the analytical

and judgment capability of the employees.


This method is also generally used by the organization in order

to provide training to their employees. According to this method

a question regarding a particular incident, which has taken place

in the organization itself, is asked to the different employees.

Personal who was mainly responsible for the incident is also

inquired along with others and the conclusion is drawn on the

basis of the discussion made on that incident. Summer job and

project report is also incident.

These are some of the methods generally used by different

organization to provide training to their employees.


1. Are you satisfied that HR Dept. plays an excellent role,

treat people fairly?

(a) Strongly satisfied (b) Satisfied

(c) Dissatisfied (d) Strongly dissatisfied

2. Are you satisfied with the relations with co-workers?

(a) Strongly satisfied (b) Satisfied

(C) Dissatisfied (d) Strongly dissatisfied

3. Does Top-level management have sincere interest in the

training concern?

(a) Always (b) Most of time

(C) Rarely (d) Never

4. Does communication process between high level & lower

level management?

(a) Very Easy (b) Easy

(C) Complicated (d) Very Complicated

5. Are you satisfied with your training conditions?

(a) Strongly satisfied (b) Satisfied

(C) Dissatisfied (d) Strongly dissatisfied

6. Does your boss give your reward for your good


(a) Always (b) Most of time

(C) Rarely (d) Never

7. Does your supervisor lay down instructions to you very


(a) Always (b) Most of time

(C) Rarely (d) Never

8. Does your supervisor interfere in your work unnecessarily?

(a) Always (b) Most of time

(C) Rarely (d) Never

9. Does your complaints concerned by the training


(a) Always (b) Most of time

(C) Rarely (d) Never

10. Does the company is having a strong “Wages &


(a) Always (b) Most of time

(C) Rarely (d) Never

11. Are there any trouble makers in your group?

(a) Yes (b) No

12. Does the appointment is fair in your company?

(a) Yes (b) No

13. Is there any attendance reward?

(a) Yes (b) No

14. Does the tools & equipment’s provided to you are better


(a) Yes (b) No

15. Does your supervisor encourage you to give new ideas &


(a) Yes (b) No


Training plays a very vital role in human Resources

Development (HRD), based on the feedback, training system are

revitalized and HRD efforts are improved. It is very clear that

training, in the process of developing people, improves related

sub-systems for overall effectiveness of an organization.

Training helps to improve performance appraisal system,

potential appraisal system, career planning system etc.

It is a challenge to modern managers to be conversant with the

training cycle and process of operating them for getting better

results. Training can create high credibility in an organization

with its continued commitment and devotion to the

