Traditional Chinese Festivals Which day you will never forget in a year?


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Traditional Chinese Festivals

Which day you will never forget

in a year?

Christmas Day?

Valentine's Day ?

New Year's Day ?

Your own birthday ?

Do you know these days well?

Please pay more attention to our

Traditional Chinese Festivals…

The Spring Festival


The Spring Festival is on the first day of the

lunar year.

New Year's Eve food

Every family would eat dinner together on this day.

We call it “ Nian ye fan ”.


Spring Roll

On New Year’s day, we greet to friends and


New Year’s Visit

Best wishes Happy new year! 新年好 !

May you come into a good fortune! 恭喜发财!

Good health! 身体健康。

Hope everything goes your way. 万事如意!

May you succeed at whatever you try. 心想事成 !

Have a successful career! 事业有成!

The elder send red envelope to the younger as a

gift during the Spring Festival.

Red envelope

The Lantern Festival


Lantern Festival is the year

of the first full moon night .

Lantern Festival is on the

15th day of the 1st lunar


Glutinous['glutɪnəs] rice balls Lantern Festival that night, we will eat glutinous rice balls.

We also call it Tang Yuan in the southern area.

It’s a kind of rice balls with a stuffing round of food. They are sweet or salty.

Lantern ['læntən]

The evening at the Lantern Festival, in the

street, there will be a variety of lights.

Tomb-sweeping Day


Tomb–sweeping Day is an ancient festival in

spring, also called Qing Ming Festival.

Tomb-sweeping Day is on the fifth day of the

fourth lunar month.

tomb sweeping

On the Tomb-sweeping Day, people pay

respects to a dead person at his tomb.

Green cake

Green cake is made of glutinous

rice flour mixed with juice of a

kind of green wild vegetable.



The Dragon Boat

Festival, the 5th day

of the 5th lunar

month, has had a

history of more than

2,000 years.

There are many legends

about the evolution of the

festival, the most popular

of which is in memory of

Qu Yuan.

Zong Zi is a kind of

rice dumpling wrapped

in reed leaves to form a


Zong zi 粽子

Dragon boat race 赛龙舟

Folk tales say the ga

me originates from th

e activities of seekin

g Qu Yuan’s body.

The Double Seventh Festival


The double Seventh

Festival is also known as

Chinese Valentine’s.

It’s on the 7th day of the

7th lunar month, is a

traditional festival full of


The Mid-autumn



The Mid-autumn

Festival is


celebrated on the

fifteenth day of

the eighth month

on the lunar


Moon cakes have

different tastes.

Moon cakes

Appreciate the full moon

Seniors‘ Day

老年日 / 老人节

Activity 1

What festivals can we find in each month?

Calendar 2014



Calendar 2014

April May June

Calendar 2014

July August September

Activity 2Can you find out the right festival for the sentence?

It is the first day of the lunar year.

Next question

It is the day that we remember the poet Qu Yuan.

Next question

People eat moon cakes and appreciate the full moon .

Next question

What is your favourite festival? Why?

When is it? What is the festival about? How long can we have for holiday? What do we usually do in the


My favourite festival

Thank you!

The end