Track, View, Manage and Report on all aspects of the Recruitment Process… with ease!


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Track, View, Manage and Report on all aspects of the Recruitment

Process… with ease!




…as well as providing many additional features.


RAPID Recruit is a Windows based application that simplifies the management of the three core recruitment components…

Powerful CorePowerful Core

Easily input all the information you needfor Candidates, Clients and Orders.

Enjoy quick, real-time access to relevant details,displayed in clear, well-designed layouts.

Find exactly what you want with Rapid Recruit’s flexible search engine.

Match Candidates to Orders directly from the job spec.

Track Orders and Candidates and see the exact status at any time.


Create a Candidate’s CV from captured information, using your predefined template.

Create custom reports and easily exportthem to MS Excel.

Export follow-ups and other reminders toMS Outlook.

Export data to customised templates.


Keep your Candidates and Clients informed with Direct Emails or Bulk Emails. Email Templates can be customised to your requirements.

Great for Interview and Meeting reminders!

Extra FeaturesExtra Features

Upload Electronic Data Capture Forms directly into the database – no need to type them in!

Make use of Rapid Recruit’s customisable fields, in each module, for your agency’s unique requirements.

Use Rapid Recruit’s integrated spell-checker to eliminate errors on free-form text input.

Let’s take a closer look…

Software that really worksSoftware that really works


Capture all relevant details about the candidate, including:

Personal details;

Employment Requirements;

Employment History;

Detailed Education information on multiple education levels;

Credit Checks;

Reference Questions & Responses;

plus …

Profile MatrixProfile Matrix

Build a comprehensive profile for each Candidate using the fully customisable easy-to-use Profile Matrix.

By being able to select multiple items from a selection of categories one is able to build up a complete and detailed description of a Candidate’s abilities and preferences with a few clicks of the mouse.

This enables powerful and more accurate searching on the criteria that are specific to your area of recruitment.

Candidate PreviewCandidate Preview

Selecting a Candidate from the list gives a comprehensiveoverview of the candidate in the Preview Pane.

This gives consultants instant access to all important information such as Contact Details, Employment requirements, Comments and an Education and Employment History summary without having to sift through the detailed capture screen.

Create a CV in a flash!Create a CV in a flash!

The Create CV button will create a professionally laid out CV in MS Word from the information captured, using your agency’s pre-defined template.

Consultants currently using the system are able to create a comprehensive CV in under 10 min by utilising this function.

Create multiple CV templates for different Departments or Job Types.


Capture all relevant details about the client, including:

Company details;

Any number of contact persons;

Fee Agreements

and much more!


Launch Candidate matching by clicking the Candidate Search button…

Define detailed orders or Job Specs.

Candidate SearchCandidate Search

One is able to search on all info captured including Personal Details, Education, Employment History as well as text in the Candidate’s uploaded CV.

Search results are displayed in order of best match %, with detail on the matching criteria.

The powerful search function ensures accurate Candidate Matches for Job Specs.

Comments and ContactsComments and Contacts

Comments automatically generated by the system track the individual progress of each Candidate submitted for a Job Spec.

Comments can also be added manually enabling this to function as a full CRM facility.

Users are able to mark comments for follow up, set deadline dates and record detailed contact information.

Plus …

MS Outlook IntegrationMS Outlook Integration

…with one click you can export a Comment to MS Outlook as a Task or Calendar item!

MS Office IntegrationMS Office Integration

RAPID Recruit integrates with MS Office. The 3 main List views of Candidates, Clients and Orders can all be exported to an Excel Spreadsheet.

Coupled with the powerful Search facilities this enables you to produce a virtually endless number of Lists and Reports.


RAPID Recruit also includes a comprehensive Reporting Module for generating statistical reports related to the data on record.

Reports are available for a specified year or for a custom period.

Management ConsoleManagement Console

The Management Console enables the manager of the system to:

Create and remove system users;

Define user access by assigning various permissions to the user’s profile;

Manage and edit Drop down Menus, Reference Questions and Back up Schedules plus…

…Customize the Profile Matrix to suite your changing requirements.


Track, View, Manage and Report on all aspects of the Recruitment Process… with ease!

Quick, easyfollow, real-time access to all relevant details of Candidates, Clients &


Flexible search and matching engine

Progress tracking of Orders & Candidates

Customisable reports with export to MS Excel

Customisable Profile Matrix

Automated notifications by Email and SMS

Automated CV generation – export to MS Word using your agency’s CV template

Integration with MS Outlook for -up reminders etc.

Direct import from electronic forms

Spell checker to check spelling in free-form text boxes

Contact us now for solutions that work

The quick and easy way to assess a candidate’s typing ability, MS Office proficiency, and grasp of basic accounting concepts...

Optimise the recruitment process. Record, find, track, manage and match Candidates and Positions…

For further information contact us on 0861 114 512Email:
