Trace workshop 10 june 2015


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Brussels, 10th June 2015


• 2 year project funded under EU FP7 grant scheme.

• The aim of the project is to support stakeholders in combating and disrupting human trafficking.

• It focuses on the activities of the perpetrators by developing an

understanding of the structure, social relationships, modus operandi, travel

routes and technologies associated with different types of human trafficking.


Trilateral Research & ConsultingVrije Universiteit Brussels

Tilburg UniversityThe Council of the Baltic Sea States

The National Agency against Trafficking in PersonsCyprus Police

International La Strada AssociationAnimus Association


The aim of the WP was to examine the specific characteristicsof individuals involved in the trafficking industry, and theirinteractions with one another and larger criminal networks,from a sociological, psychological and criminological point ofview.

We aim to produce a report and policy briefs for the EuropeanCommission and stakeholder that will provide a clear picture ofthe traffickers, based on consolidated information that will beused to provide recommendations to assist authorities inpreventing individuals from becoming traffickers, and thus,victims from being trafficked.


Literature review based on which checklists/questionnaires/interview protocols were drafted

Data collection (total 334 traffickers):

160 court files (233 traffickers)

Traffickers (101 in total)

Social environment and experts (50 in total)


In four countries systematic (Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Romania) supplemented with info from Poland and UK

On all forms of trafficking 4 sub-reports based on country-reports


Difficult to get permission/access to interview traffickers (secondary information)

Questionable what info traffickers add Only convicted traffickers (biased)



334; 280 male and 54 female Bit over 50% was over 36 of age Background; mixed in NL, Roma in Romania and

Bulgaria Strong family bonds, role mother Vast majority had relationship and did have

children Low levels of education Unemployment and number of debts high Many have a criminal record


Childhood is important indicator Criminal families Close to family (or some members thereof,

often with the mother) In NL high numbers from disrupted families,

low in Bulgaria and Romania Family business


Crime related Environment does know Do not want to live the ‘usual’ way (working,

family life) Chilling and socializing, internet cafes, places

of worship for religion (role diaspora) Exclusion Religion, culture and views on women


No major drugs or alcohol problems Some are diagnosed with psychological

health problems Experts: personality disorder, narcissistic

personality Lack of empathic skills


In need for sensation and action Present 24/7 Use power and violence instrumentally Show no remorse, guilt or regrets (they

wanted themselves) Many see women as commodity Distrust police (Romania)


Older persons accidentally enter into trafficking

Players (youngers); manipulate women and girls e.g. in love affair;

Those who compensate their ‘failures’ in life

Those born in a criminal environment

Forced into trafficking (rarity)


Recruitment takes place anywhere They have an eye for girls in vulnerable

situation Can have different roles Faking a love affair Differences between groups of victims


Economic analysis and rational choice. „when he was recruiting new girls he would get excited by the prospect

of more girls and more money.”

Traffickers’ psychology, personality and wants.

Trafficker’s network. Network theory: “individuals are influenced by the people they have

contact with and that individual positions within larger social structurescan determine behaviours.” (Valente, T., P. Gallaher, and M. Mouttapa)

Neutralizing human trafficking



The desire to change his social life to better To integrate themselves in a group To be accepted in a relation (one trafficker was in loved with his victim

and other with fellow traffickers) Sexual motivation Prestige in his entourage / Power Desire to feel “macho” Keeping a friendship with a group known for committing illegalities Wanted to get fun (one trafficker was a pensioner who stated he was

bored) Wanted to show others his ability to have success Wanted to help the victims to find a job abroad since there were

friends/family or coming from the same social and religious community Drug consumption and the euphoria determined by the drugs

In recruitment use of social media, insta, whatsapp, tinder, etc.

In control: by blackmailing with photo’s and video’s


Little data Cyprus Data collection ungoing Ethical issues; filling in relevant informationConsent forms, labelling audio files


Report to commission per 1 July 2015 Finalising briefing papers (under WP 7) over

the summer Presentation final outcomes conference

October Chapters per country handbook (WP 7) Various academic articles


a) low chances of being caughtb) Involvement of familiesc) How to get the big fishd) Characteristics and personalitye) Use of technologiesf) Involvement of societyg) Intervene in communitiesh) Invest in minorities and prevent exclusion


a) Delink protection and assistance from criminal procedure

b) Protection young adolescent girlsc) Therapy for traffickersd) Children being raised in criminal environmente) Awareness raisingf) Invest in communities where traffickers come fromg) Involuntary traffickingh) Condoning the trafficking and relation indistinctness

of the definition


a) Support without cooperationb) Intervene in disruptive environmentsc) Attention to children of traffickers and

criminalsd) Attention to people from minoritiese) Mobiles and social media

