Toronto Police -- 2014 Sunshine List (released March 16, 2015)



Toronto Police employees making $100,000 or more

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  • g March 3, 2015 To: Chair and Members Toronto Police Services Board

    From: William Blair Chief of Police Subject: ANNUAL REPORT: 2014 PUBLIC SECTOR SALARY DISCLOSURE Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive this report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: The Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996 (PSSDA) and the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Amendment Act, 2004 were passed to make Ontarios public sector more open and accountable to taxpayers. Therefore, in accordance with the PSSDA, the Toronto Police Service (Service) is required to disclose the names, positions, salaries and taxable benefits of employees who were paid $100,000 or more in a year. The report includes active, retired and terminated members. This information, which includes Toronto Police Service and Toronto Police Services Board employees, is also submitted to the City of Toronto Pension, Payroll and Employee Benefits Division for inclusion in a corporate report filed, by the City, with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Furthermore, beginning in 2009, the Ministry of Finance requires that organizations with members seconded to other ministries file the listing of those members with the appropriate ministry. For the 2014 reporting year, TPS had 24 members seconded to the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services. A separate listing of the members appearing on the Public Sector Salary Disclosure (PSSD) listing has been provided to that agency.


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    Finally, for the 2014 year, as a result of direction received from the Ontario Ministry of Finance, the Service is also including paid duty earnings, as part of the salary paid total. Discussion: The Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996 defines Salary Paid as the amount paid by the employer to the employee in a given year, as reported on the T4 slip (Box 14 minus Taxable Benefits total). If this amount is equal to or above $100,000, it must be reported. Service members receive a T4 which includes regular salary, retention pay, acting pay, premium pay (including court time, call backs and overtime) and any retroactive adjustments paid in the applicable calendar year as one total in Box 14. Taxable benefits are also reported as a separate amount for those employees who earned $100,000 or more. Taxable benefits for TPS members, as defined by the CRA, include the value of life insurance premiums for coverage provided by the employer, employer-provided parking and employer-provided vehicles. Taxable benefits for employer-provided vehicles are calculated for the non-business related travel for those members assigned a vehicle. Inclusion of Paid Duty Earnings in 2014: In prior years, uniform members performing paid duties, the vast majority of which were at the police constable rank, were paid directly by the client making the request. Under the administrative system that existed at the time, the Service could not take statutory deductions at source (i.e. when the member is paid for the paid duties performed), as required by the Income Tax Act. However, for income tax purposes, the Service did report those earnings to members and the CRA on a paid duty statement. Since the earnings were not reported on a T4, in Box 14, they were never included in the salary paid for PSSD purposes. In 2010, the CRA performed a compliance audit of the Service and requested a change in the tax reporting of paid duties. For the 2010 taxation year, the CRA requested that paid duty earnings be reported on a T4 separate from regular earnings. The CRA indicated that because the earnings were considered income from employment, they should be reported in Box 14. In 2011, after the CRA audit was completed, the Service contacted the Ontario Ministry of Finance, requesting clarification on whether paid duties were to be included in the PSSD, given the CRAs request that such earnings be reported in Box 14 on a T4. At that time, the Ministry indicated that paid duty earnings did not need to be included, given that they were not paid directly by the Service. In March, 2014, the Service implemented the new Paid Duty Management System and made changes to accompanying business processes. As a result of this change and, more importantly, the requirement from the CRA to make statutory deductions at source (i.e. when members are paid for the paid duty amounts earned), paid duty earnings are now paid directly by the Service, as a flow through of the customer payment. The Service contacted the Ontario Ministry of Finance, after this change, for clarification once again. The Government of Ontario advised that since the CRA requires reporting of paid duty earnings in Box 14 of a T4, and the PSSDA

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    defines salary paid as Box 14 totals, paid duty earnings are disclosable for Public Sector Salary Disclosure purposes. There is no requirement to separate paid duty earnings from regular earnings in the PSSD. Both earnings are consolidated into the Salary Paid column. Number of Employees on the 2014 Disclosure Listing: In 2014, 4,125 employees earned more than $100,000. This total includes 1,940 employees whose base salary is normally under $100,000. The earnings for these employees were the result of their combined base salary, premium pay, paid duty earnings and other payouts such as final vacation pay upon termination of employment. For the 2014 reporting year, 544 additional members were added on to the 2014 PSSD because of paid duty earnings. In other words, if paid duties earnings were not included in the PSSD, 3581 members (as opposed to 4125) would have been on the list. Appendix A contains the details of members on the listing, in alphabetic order and Appendix B contains the details in descending order by salary paid, including paid duty earnings. Both appendices are attached to this report. Impact of Salary Increases on the PSSD: Toronto Police Service salaries have increased over the years due to contract settlements and arbitration awards. As a result of the 2011 to 2014 contract settlement, Service members received a 2% increase in salaries on January 1, 2014. The table below shows the number of officers, in each rank noted, on the PSSD before considering paid duty earnings, relative to total number of employees in that rank. The table also shows the salary range for that category, which highlights that base salaries for police constables are edging towards the $100,000 PSSD defined threshold in place since 1996. As at January 1, 2014, the upper end of the salary range for Police Constables increased to $98,783 (including retention pay), as a result of the 2011 to 2014 collective agreement increases. The salary range for all other uniform ranks, beginning from the Detective/Sergeant rank, is already above the $100,000 threshold.

    Category Salary range at January 1, 2014 **

    Employees per HR system at December

    31, 2014

    Numbers per category on

    PSSD* Plainclothes/Training Constable

    $96,745 to 104,901 1,135 986

    Police Constables $90,621 to 98,783 2,919 1,676 * PSSD numbers include active and terminated members, and does not include paid duty earnings **Salary range include 2% increase as per 2011 to 2014 contract settlement

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    Premium pay is the result of court attendance, overtime earned when members work beyond their regular shift and call-backs when members are requested to return to work for various operational reasons or special projects. Premium hours worked are paid according to collective agreement provisions. The Toronto Police Service has established various strategies for monitoring and controlling premium pay. Overtime and call-backs must be considered mandatory and approved by a Supervisor before they are incurred. Unit Commanders receive daily overtime reports and have access to other time-keeping and earnings reports. In addition, Unit Commanders are also provided with monthly variance reports to enable a review of actual costs against budgeted figures. While the Service has reduced premium pay costs over the last few years, some premium pay (e.g. court time) is unavoidable and increases member earnings. With the Police Constable base salary approaching the $100,000 threshold, only a small amount of premium pay would need to be earned to put the member over the $100,000 threshold. Controls and Management of Paid Duty Earnings: Members can work additional hours when not on regular duty to perform paid duties requested across the City. In 2014, $27.1M was earned by members as a result of paid duties worked. The average paid duty earnings for members performing paid duties amounts to $8,909 per member. The median of paid duties earned by members is $4,743. The new paid duty system makes paid duty requests available to all officers across the Service, based on eligibility and desire to apply for and accept off duty assignments. Members apply for and perform paid duties on their off-time. Customers are advised that there is no guarantee a request will be filled. To ensure that the acceptance of paid duty requests do not impact regular Service operations and member wellness, the governance procedure was also re-written with the release of the new system. Uniform members performing paid duties must abide by procedures related to daily maximum hours worked including paid duties, the time lapse between regular and paid duties and the maximum time on a paid duty. Hours of work policies were developed to ensure that regular duties are always a priority and are not impacted, as well as to safeguard officer wellness. Finally, a number of reports are now available through the new paid duty system that give Unit Commanders and Supervisors detailed information about the paid duties occurring within their divisional boundaries and the officers performing them. Unit Commanders and Supervisors also have paid duty assignment and earnings information available to them, by officer, so that they can monitor the extra hours worked and ensure members performance on regular duties is not affected. Conclusion: In accordance with the PSSDA, this report provides the names, positions, salaries and taxable benefits of TPS and Board employees who were paid more than $100,000 in 2014. Beginning in 2014, earnings from paid duties are included in the total earnings reported on the PSSD, where

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    the officers earned over $100,000. The information is provided in alphabetical order as required by the Ministry, and in salary paid descending order as requested previously by the Board. The report is provided to the Board for information, and has been forwarded to the City for inclusion in a corporate report filed with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate Services Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions from the Board. Respectfully submitted, William Blair, C.O.M. Chief of Police WB:HF:SAC Filename: annual_report_2014_public_sector_salary_disclosure.doc

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    Appendix A


    Surname Given Name Position Salary Paid Benefits ABATE GLEN MICHAEL Police Constable $121,859.79 $774.02 ABBASI SOPHIA SEHER Police Constable $101,812.04 $744.12 ABBOTT DEBORAH LYNN Staff Sergeant $136,362.21 $858.52 ABDEL-MALIK MAHER Detective $140,328.78 $800.54 ABDULLA AL RAHIM Senior Technical Analyst $120,299.30 $377.52 ABRAHAM STANLEY SAMUEL Plainclothes Police Constable $116,236.60 $755.46 ABRAMOVITZ MATHEW CHRISTOPHER Police Constable $101,968.31 $762.80 ACCIAROLI SHERI DARLENE Detective $124,705.10 $809.38 ACHAIBAR RICHARD ANTHONY Police Constable $101,537.76 $754.78 ACIU SEBASTIAN Plainclothes Police Constable $102,775.19 $750.60 ACORN CHRISTOPHER ALLAN Police Constable $148,105.73 $754.78 ADACH EDWARD HIERONIM Detective $113,161.02 $819.78 ADAM BARBARA ANNE Staff Sergeant $118,576.85 $837.04 ADAM MICHAEL JASON Detective $107,293.54 $800.54 ADAMS CLAYTON EDWARD Detective $132,454.51 $809.38 ADAMS TODD ROBERT Police Constable $114,193.42 $754.78 ADAMS KHARY AZANDE Plainclothes Police Constable $106,570.49 $775.84 ADAMS BRADLEY DEAN Police Constable $105,001.33 $774.02 ADAMS MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER Police Constable $103,344.90 $744.12 AGIUS ROBERT Communications Operator $105,355.38 $709.02 AGNEW LUCAS OWEN Police Constable $106,361.42 $744.12 AGOSTINHO ROY MICHAEL Police Constable $102,347.34 $744.12 AGUIAR STEVEN CABRAL Police Constable $157,361.60 $754.78 AHEER JAGJIT KUMAR Police Constable $106,303.06 $733.05 AHLUWALIA MANDEEP SINGH Plainclothes Police Constable $139,228.27 $761.13 AHLUWALIA AMIT Police Constable $132,760.30 $744.12 AHMAD MANSOOR Sergeant $119,482.94 $791.74 AHMAD SYED OMAR Plainclothes Police Constable $117,189.87 $770.98 AHMED JAMEEL Police Constable $116,583.18 $754.78 AHN HYO JOON Police Constable $115,093.37 $744.12 AIELLO ANTONIO Police Constable $127,601.46 $762.07 AIKEN JOHN DAVID Police Constable $104,607.90 $763.62 AIKMAN SCOTT DOUGLAS Police Constable $103,492.91 $766.02 AIRD LUCILE VERITY Plainclothes Police Constable $103,541.82 $791.57 AITKEN SHAWN CAMPBELL Police Constable $102,842.42 $774.02 AJAZI SOFOKLI Police Constable $115,363.77 $744.12 AKESON AARON JOSEPH Sergeant $113,491.06 $779.78 AKUNYILI RICHARD DEAN Police Constable $108,222.95 $754.78 ALAGURAS VIJEYAKUMAR Parking Enforcement Officer $120,058.04 $654.16 ALAMAG ADELIO PERADA Police Constable $114,378.40 $767.62 ALBANESE JASON JOHN Detective $121,386.99 $800.54 ALBERGA PASQUALE Plainclothes Police Constable $116,093.11 $775.84 ALBERGA SANTE Police Constable $107,159.81 $774.02 ALBRECHT IRVIN JOHN Plainclothes Police Constable $126,489.18 $784.94 ALDERDICE JEFFERY PAUL Sergeant $127,147.31 $809.38 ALEKSANDROWICZ LUKASZ Police Constable $108,611.27 $744.12 ALEXA BRENDAN JAMES Plainclothes Police Constable $142,024.41 $775.84 ALEXAKIS CHRISTOS Police Constable $105,315.99 $744.12 ALEXANDER WAYNE MATTHEW Police Constable $126,088.78 $754.78 ALEXANDER CHARLES BOLTON Detective $112,990.18 $819.78 ALEXIOU DEMITRIOS Plainclothes Police Constable $111,133.61 $795.08 ALI ASIF IFTIKHAR Sergeant $112,540.84 $800.54 ALI FARHAN IMTIAZ Police Constable $110,466.60 $737.97 ALIAS GAVIN RAYMOND Plainclothes Police Constable $104,583.06 $750.60 AL-KHATIB SHADY Plainclothes Police Constable $113,379.41 $765.59 ALLAN SCOTT DOUGLAS Sergeant $122,947.91 $805.86 ALLARD NATHANIEL PETER Police Constable $102,855.15 $744.12 ALLDRIT DARREN LEE Detective Sergeant $129,165.86 $851.07 ALLEN MICHAEL DAVID Detective $130,060.60 $803.60 ALLEY NICHOLAS DAVID Plainclothes Police Constable $107,449.86 $775.84 ALLINGTON JEFFREY SCOTT Detective $134,018.80 $809.38 ALLISON ELAINE HUNTER Sergeant $111,480.35 $819.78 ALMEIDA ANTONIO JOSE Police Constable $120,570.95 $744.53 AL-NASS WALID Police Constable $128,844.95 $754.78 ALPHONSO WADE LEONARD Staff Sergeant $124,142.19 $858.52 ALPHONSO MARK ANDREW Staff Sergeant $123,772.12 $858.52 AL-ROUBAIAI ALI TALIB Police Constable $108,593.96 $744.53 ALTOBELLO DOMENIC JOESPH Plainclothes Police Constable $119,520.49 $775.84 ALVAREZ JORGE DAVID Police Constable $121,022.91 $754.78 ALVEY ROBERT JAMES Plainclothes Police Constable $104,095.75 $772.97

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    Appendix A

    RECORD OF EMPLOYEES 2014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS BY LAST NAME AMAH MALIK ARIEL Police Constable $118,949.08 $754.78 AMANCIO MICHELLE Senior Project Coordinator $106,231.44 $362.88 AMBLER KENNETH LAWRENCE Police Constable $100,490.85 $774.02 AMBROZAITIS EUGENIA AGNES Plainclothes Police Constable $105,807.30 $775.84 AMLIN SCOTT CHRISTOPHER Plainclothes Police Constable $110,254.02 $761.26 AMOS SEAN DAVID Police Constable $114,228.56 $766.02 AMYOTTE DANIEL RICHARD Police Constable $102,477.58 $754.78 ANAND ANIL Inspector $147,442.28 $918.84 ANDERSEN CARL HENRIK Plainclothes Police Constable $145,351.19 $795.08 ANDERSON ROBERT Plainclothes Police Constable $111,631.51 $765.59 ANDERSON LUKE JONATHAN Police Constable $107,567.03 $763.62 ANDERSON GARETH ALPIERRE Police Constable $104,989.24 $744.12 ANDRADE REARDEN GALT Police Constable $108,361.28 $763.62 ANDREW WILLIAM JASON Training Constable $112,915.47 $775.84 ANDREWS JOHN PAUL Police Constable $102,799.07 $774.02 ANDRICI IULIAN Police Constable $132,968.05 $754.78 ANGCO ANTONIO JAMES Police Constable $104,392.97 $744.12 ANGUS DARREN RONALD Police Constable $133,707.85 $744.12 ANGUS JOHN DOUGLAS Plainclothes Police Constable $108,204.65 $775.03 ANNETTS AMANDA ELIZABETH Plainclothes Police Constable $118,545.22 $775.84 ANSARI ALI AKBAR Detective $111,308.83 $767.13 ANSTEY JASON CHRISTOPHER Plainclothes Police Constable $123,981.65 $775.84 ANTOINE KEVIN FRANCIS Plainclothes Police Constable $121,291.25 $775.84 ANTONAROS JOHN Plainclothes Police Constable $101,481.02 $765.18 ANTONELLI GIANPIERO Police Constable $138,594.13 $774.02 APOSTOLIDIS JOHN Detective $141,290.78 $809.38 APOSTOLOPOULOS DIMITRIOS Plainclothes Police Constable $123,594.85 $775.84 AQUILINA MARCEL Police Constable $117,940.82 $754.78 ARAUJO PERCY Police Constable $102,981.78 $656.68 ARBUS PAUL WILLIAM Plainclothes Police Constable $104,770.30 $775.84 ARCAND BRIAN CHRISTOPHER Plainclothes Police Constable $124,379.48 $765.18 ARCHER KIRK ANTHONY Police Constable $109,296.48 $754.78 ARDILES BENJAMIN GONZALO Police Constable $104,068.37 $754.78 ARGIRIS KIMBERLY ANNE Police Constable $106,569.97 $766.10 ARMANI PEDRAM Police Constable $102,785.26 $754.78 ARMSTRONG MARK RICHARD Sergeant $140,725.93 $819.78 ARMSTRONG ROBERT PAUL Plainclothes Police Constable $130,615.33 $784.94 ARMSTRONG RICHARD DAVID Staff Sergeant $120,060.08 $425.02 ARMSTRONG DAVID LAWRENCE Patrol Supervisor $116,413.37 $682.50 ARMSTRONG KAREN Police Constable $110,387.51 $754.78 ARMSTRONG FREDERICK SHANE Plainclothes Police Constable $107,600.08 $775.84 ARMSTRONG ROBERT KENNETH Police Constable $101,657.98 $754.78 ARODA SANJEE Detective $152,801.42 $809.38 ARP JAMES ANDREW Plainclothes Police Constable $123,132.71 $775.84 ARSENAULT RICHARD PAUL Sergeant $108,726.78 $801.22 ARSENAULT DAREN ARTHUR Police Constable $105,457.83 $774.02 ARSHAD SHERAZ Police Constable $113,703.72 $761.18 ARTINIAN PEGLAR Plainclothes Police Constable $108,195.44 $775.84 ARULANANDAM GERRARD NIMALAN Training Constable $111,805.24 $775.84 ARZAGA MICHAEL WAYNE Police Constable $113,589.78 $768.13 ASHLEY MARK NICHOLAS Detective $130,822.98 $819.78 ASHMAN CRAIG JASON Training Constable $103,636.10 $775.84 ASKIN PAUL ALEXANDER Plainclothes Police Constable $111,843.32 $775.84 ASNER ROBERT EDWARD Plainclothes Police Constable $124,079.26 $770.98 ASSELIN GLENN ANDRE Sergeant $127,744.47 $819.78 ASSELSTINE SHAUN DAVID Police Constable $129,498.32 $754.78 ASTAPKOVICH ANDREI Police Constable $123,088.09 $754.78 ASTOLFO ROBERT Police Constable $115,583.99 $558.58 ATKINS CHERRY MAXINE Police Constable $139,792.55 $754.78 ATKINSON JAMES JONATHAN Police Constable $208,017.65 $774.02 ATKINSON GRAHAM STEPHEN Plainclothes Police Constable $104,663.02 $784.94 ATTENBOROUGH JEFFREY BRUCE Detective Sergeant $129,234.37 $858.52 ATWOOD CHRISTOPHER LIONEL Police Constable $104,760.74 $744.12 AUCLAIR JANE MARILYN Sergeant $112,288.33 $394.68 AUDETTE DAVID FRANCIS Police Constable $164,135.44 $774.02 AUSTIN MICHAEL JOHN Police Constable $147,356.02 $754.78 AWAD ASHRAF SAMIR Detective $121,301.47 $800.54 AZARRAGA JOSE MATIAS Detective $126,645.26 $818.18 AZZOPARDI DENIS ANDRE Police Constable $138,513.48 $754.78 BABIAR JOHN JAMES Detective Sergeant $135,350.39 $858.52 BABIN SCOTT JASON Police Constable $104,902.65 $769.36 BABINEAU JARED MICHAEL Sergeant $138,139.27 $809.38

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    Appendix A

    RECORD OF EMPLOYEES 2014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS BY LAST NAME BABUJI SUSAN ZACHARIAH Group Leader $115,140.22 $255.58 BACHLY CHRISTOPHER DAVID Detective $106,589.58 $800.54 BACKER MARK FRANCIS Police Constable $124,818.27 $744.12 BACKUS LESLIE DOUGLAS Detective $140,226.11 $819.78 BACON ANDREW MARTIN Training Constable $133,805.56 $775.84 BAGNALL KENRICK PATRICE Plainclothes Police Constable $108,450.45 $768.11 BAGNALL ALBERT HUGH Police Constable $100,129.54 $774.02 BAGSHAW ROBERT BRUCE Plainclothes Police Constable $118,661.82 $451.73 BAHULA JAMES SIMON Police Constable $113,962.87 $744.12 BAI DON XIN Plainclothes Police Constable $120,279.78 $775.84 BAIATI TASH AMIR Police Constable $112,992.97 $744.12 BAILEY NICOLE ANNE Sergeant $112,215.64 $761.82 BAINARD PAUL CRAIG Sergeant $121,633.91 $819.78 BAIRD MARK ANDREW Police Constable $112,246.18 $744.12 BAIRD KAREN ANN Police Constable $109,914.42 $774.02 BAJWA RAJWANT SINGH Sergeant $110,703.98 $789.62 BAKER RICHARD JAMES Detective $134,369.76 $686.09 BAKER RICHARD TIMOTHY Police Constable $106,338.94 $781.31 BAKER JASON ROBERT Police Constable $105,744.65 $754.78 BAKSH FAIZAL ANTHONY Police Constable $106,540.37 $744.12 BALAGA ARTUR Police Constable $136,001.60 $769.36 BALAGA TOMASZ KRZYSZTOF Police Constable $106,168.82 $744.12 BALASUBRAMANIAM KOWSIHAN Plainclothes Police Constable $110,009.58 $770.17 BALET ANDREW SEBASTIAN Police Constable $139,448.14 $754.78 BALICE VICTORIA NATALIE Plainclothes Police Constable $108,635.81 $775.84 BALICE STEVEN Police Constable $102,842.22 $765.31 BALINT MICHAEL ANDREW Detective $135,194.91 $809.38 BAMJI ZUBIN XERXES Plainclothes Police Constable $100,142.26 $775.84 BANGILD JEFFREY Detective $114,954.02 $384.28 BANKS WAYNE MICHAEL Detective Sergeant $127,158.35 $858.52 BANKS DONNA Detective $111,477.90 $394.68 BANNISTER JASON MARK Police Constable $111,093.68 $754.78 BANTON ROBIN HORATIO Sergeant $111,537.90 $811.38 BANYAEM SANTI Police Constable $112,893.35 $754.78 BAPTIST ROBERT SCOTT Superintendent $162,956.03 $15,592.39 BARATTO MICHELLE TERESA Detective $142,849.78 $819.78 BARBERO TRISHA Police Constable $123,877.47 $744.12 BARCENAS PINEDA ISNARDO Police Constable $124,912.70 $744.12 BARKLEY MARK EDWIN Inspector $147,442.28 $918.84 BARNES KIRK-NEIL ANTHONY Police Constable $185,066.18 $754.78 BARNES MURRAY WINSTANLEY Detective $136,316.84 $809.38 BARNES JOHN COLIN Plainclothes Police Constable $130,482.43 $768.11 BARNES WALLACE CRISPIN Police Constable $124,728.96 $769.36 BARNETT ROBYN MARK Sergeant $107,486.14 $791.74 BARNHARDT TIMOTHY MICHAEL Police Constable $108,289.78 $744.53 BARR JANET ANDREA Police Constable $102,774.60 $744.12 BARRAGAN LUIS FERNANDO Police Constable $126,377.10 $744.12 BARREDO FRANCISCO JAVIER Inspector $150,782.19 $1,119.05 BARREIRA NELSON Plainclothes Police Constable $110,299.22 $775.84 BARRETT LAURENCE GEORGE Plainclothes Police Constable $106,583.67 $359.84 BARRETTO BERTRAND STANLEY Plainclothes Police Constable $121,689.17 $770.98 BARSKY MICHAEL STEVEN Staff Sergeant $122,838.99 $858.52 BARTHOLOMEW DARRYL COLIN Police Constable $110,191.10 $754.78 BARTLETT JASON MITCHELL Sergeant $119,075.30 $791.74 BARTLETT ALAN ANDREW Plainclothes Police Constable $110,924.28 $771.79 BARTLETT DANIEL ALBERTO Police Constable $105,016.67 $754.78 BARTLEY RYAN CHARLES Police Constable $103,755.38 $733.05 BARTZ HANNAH FAY Sergeant $110,166.13 $776.79 BARWELL DAVID ERIC Detective $134,407.50 $303.60 BASSETT KURT ANDREW Police Constable $100,202.47 $758.70 BASSI AMRITPAL SINGH Police Constable $101,296.44 $744.12 BASSINGTHWAITE STEVEN JEFFREY Sergeant $115,589.90 $800.54 BATES BARRY MICHAEL Police Constable $185,630.09 $708.62 BATES WAYNE EDWARD Detective $139,646.89 $819.78 BATES KIMBERLEY MICHELE Detective $131,856.48 $819.78 BATES SANDY Detective Sergeant $127,484.82 $433.42 BATES TIMOTHY BRIAN Detective $113,020.63 $819.78 BATOR ANDREW ISTVAN Sergeant $111,793.16 $819.78 BAUS JACQUELINE SANDRA Sergeant $110,709.74 $384.28 BAYES JOHN ARTHUR Police Constable $123,673.50 $754.78 BAZILSKY KENNETH PETER Training Constable $100,591.15 $775.84 BEADMAN BRIAN GEORGE Detective $124,013.77 $819.78

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    Appendix A

    RECORD OF EMPLOYEES 2014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS BY LAST NAME BEARD BENJAMIN JAMES Plainclothes Police Constable $113,830.11 $775.84 BEATTIE CHRISTOPHER DENNIS Detective $111,646.06 $800.54 BEATTY RYAN ALEXANDER Plainclothes Police Constable $103,951.72 $768.92 BEAUDOIN SHANE REGINALD Police Constable $131,249.07 $744.53 BEAUDRY PAULA LORETO Police Constable $101,664.34 $754.78 BEAULAC SACHA LUCY Police Constable $114,616.36 $748.98 BEAUPARLANT PAUL JOSEPH Sergeant $120,437.02 $819.78 BEAUSOLEIL MARC Sergeant $127,020.34 $815.03 BEAVEN-BRINDLE MARCIE JEANNE Police Constable $100,900.19 $754.78 BEAVEN-DESJARDINS JOANNA RUTH Inspector $147,442.28 $1,110.46 BECHERVAISE CORY FRANCIS Police Constable $123,640.30 $772.42 BECKWITH CHRISTOPHER Police Constable $110,378.29 $754.78 BEDARD NICOLE PAULETTE Police Constable $104,082.81 $754.78 BEERS CLAY ALBERT Manager of Radio and Electronics $155,932.89 $959.14 BEGBIE BLAIR ROBERT Police Constable $104,959.95 $754.78 BEGIN MARCEL ARMAND Plainclothes Police Constable $105,244.92 $795.08 BELANGER DANIEL JOSEPH Sergeant $127,183.09 $819.78 BELANGER DONALD RENE Detective Sergeant $119,759.87 $848.12 BELANGER LISA GABRIELLE Plainclothes Police Constable $101,035.75 $775.84 BELL DANIEL Detective Sergeant $124,422.31 $433.42 BELL DARYL EDWARD Plainclothes Police Constable $107,935.30 $784.94 BELL JAMIESON KRISTIAN Police Constable $100,162.01 $744.12 BELLAMY JASON ROBERT Police Constable $104,995.89 $744.12 BELLAND NEIL GREGORY Training Constable $104,217.00 $770.17 BELLEC FRANCOIS MARIE Police Constable $104,793.76 $754.78 BELLIGERO GIULIA Plainclothes Police Constable $106,306.66 $750.60 BELLION LAURENT HUGUES Police Constable $147,650.30 $754.78 BELLON CORINNE Staff Sergeant $122,801.12 $858.52 BENALLICK MARK DANIEL Sergeant $124,084.36 $819.78 BENALLICK DIANNA Police Constable $105,785.57 $772.42 BENEVIDES RICHARD FERREIRA Plainclothes Police Constable $114,293.43 $775.84 BENGE PAUL Plainclothes Police Constable $109,619.78 $795.08 BENINCASA MARIANO JOSEPH Training Constable $102,578.80 $775.84 BENINGER CHRISTOPHER-EARL Police Constable $100,382.47 $744.12 BENNETT WINSTON ANTHONY Staff Sergeant $134,438.24 $858.52 BENNETT BRIAN ROBERT Detective $122,616.39 $800.54 BENNETT JOANNE Detective $116,647.06 $819.78 BENNETT TREVOR Sergeant $111,782.24 $394.68 BENNETT ROBERT Police Constable $104,716.32 $754.78 BENNEY PETER Plainclothes Police Constable $112,972.46 $795.08 BENNOCH CHRISTOPHER JOHN Plainclothes Police Constable $119,591.88 $775.84 BENOIT LISABET JANE Detective Sergeant $124,685.06 $858.52 BENOIT JASON REGIS Sergeant $114,469.22 $798.10 BENOIT ERIN MELISSA Sergeant $105,734.46 $791.74 BENOIT HORST ALBERT Police Constable $104,442.29 $763.62 BENSON RODNEY WELLON Plainclothes Police Constable $117,808.25 $775.84 BENSON IAN CHRISTOPHER Plainclothes Police Constable $112,697.49 $775.84 BENTLEY CHRISTOPHER JOHN Plainclothes Police Constable $108,348.38 $775.84 BENYI ALEXANDRU Police Constable $106,782.87 $733.05 BERCHARD RENNIE Sergeant $112,120.60 $394.68 BEREZOWSKI JOHN Detective $123,577.10 $819.78 BEREZOWSKY ROBERT NESTOR Plainclothes Police Constable $137,452.86 $788.84 BERG MICHAEL ANDREW Detective $131,216.71 $800.54 BERGEN FRANCIS Superintendent $168,289.76 $13,965.12 BERGER MARK ANDREW Police Constable $107,092.84 $774.02 BERGERON BRIAN ROLAND Sergeant $111,814.81 $797.02 BERNARD CYNTHIA LEE Plainclothes Police Constable $137,882.30 $775.84 BERNARD DAVID ANTHONY Plainclothes Police Constable $115,073.56 $766.93 BERNARDO ISRAEL FARIA Sergeant $147,567.44 $809.38 BERNARDO EDUARDO MADEIROS Training Constable $105,030.70 $775.84 BERNIER JAMI JOSEPH Police Constable $105,287.25 $754.78 BERNOBIC KEVIN Police Constable $115,194.56 $754.78 BERRY STEPHEN ROGER Detective $122,290.98 $800.54 BERRY JOSHUA MICHAEL Police Constable $106,681.49 $329.68 BERTIN GEOFFREY ALEXANDER Police Constable $113,283.22 $737.97 BERTUCCA KIMBERLY Plainclothes Police Constable $104,496.12 $795.08 BESCO DAVID RUSSELL Police Constable $102,907.49 $754.78 BESON MARK WILLIAM Detective $110,259.53 $805.30 BEVAN GORDON Training Constable $129,585.93 $795.08 BEVAN WILLIAM Detective $116,519.32 $819.78 BEVERIDGE KATHRYN ANNE Detective $130,208.92 $819.78 BEVERS DONALD Manager of Corporate Planning $168,282.48 $2,299.78

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    Appendix A

    RECORD OF EMPLOYEES 2014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS BY LAST NAME BEVILACQUA FILIPPO Detective $143,624.69 $809.38 BHARDWAJ ELLA ELIZABETH Police Constable $111,043.38 $762.07 BHATHAL HARJEET SINGH Plainclothes Police Constable $150,521.38 $765.18 BHATTI HARMANDEEP Police Constable $120,220.95 $744.12 BHIMJI KARIM TAJDIN Police Constable $141,197.36 $748.22 BHOGAL RAJAN-SINGH Plainclothes Police Constable $143,381.36 $769.28 BHOGAL JAGDEEP SINGH Police Constable $113,016.11 $744.12 BIALECKA MARTA EVA Police Constable $102,971.14 $744.12 BIANCHI DANIELA Plainclothes Police Constable $105,344.23 $776.74 BIGA MIRCEA DAN Police Constable $107,582.11 $744.94 BIGGS HENRY LEE Police Constable $115,621.29 $580.62 BILBY DAVID ANDREW Police Constable $101,164.04 $772.38 BINNS MICHAEL DOUGLAS Plainclothes Police Constable $103,997.80 $784.94 BIRD PAUL STEWART Police Constable $106,296.33 $774.02 BIRD-DAWSON JEREMY ROY Plainclothes Police Constable $101,484.16 $751.01 BIRING SACHBINDER SINGH Sergeant $125,760.85 $375.44 BIRRELL JOHN THOMAS Plainclothes Police Constable $113,932.33 $778.07 BISHOP DAVID Detective Sergeant $143,876.77 $858.52 BISHOP STEPHEN Detective $124,767.00 $819.78 BISHOP ANNE-MARIE Detective Sergeant $122,367.12 $858.52 BISHOP ALLAN SCOTT Plainclothes Police Constable $118,463.48 $775.84 BISHOP LEONA Sergeant $114,332.10 $819.78 BISLA KIRAN Plainclothes Police Constable $103,753.96 $775.84 BISSONNETTE PAUL MARCEL Sergeant $112,342.12 $796.69 BLACK CHRISTOPHER MARCELLO Police Constable $112,261.12 $744.94 BLACK CAMERON RUSSELL Police Constable $107,697.77 $744.12 BLACK ERIK ALAN Police Constable $101,249.82 $754.78 BLACKADAR JANELLE RUTH Plainclothes Police Constable $108,527.47 $784.94 BLACKER FREDERICK Detective $111,731.38 $819.78 BLACKMAN ARLINGTON Staff Sergeant $126,293.96 $433.42 BLAIR WILLIAM STERLING Chief of Police $349,259.68 $2,333.34 BLAIR JEFFREY KELVIN Police Constable $138,996.38 $754.78 BLAIR CATHERINE ANNE Records Release Coordinator $106,498.73 $347.36 BLAKE COURTNEY ANTHONY Plainclothes Police Constable $119,649.89 $775.84 BLAKE KIRK DOUGLAS Plainclothes Police Constable $113,816.46 $775.84 BLAKE MARTIN EDWARD Audio Visual Technician $102,118.34 $319.02 BLAKELEY JANICE Sergeant $126,993.85 $819.78 BLAKELY SCOTT JAMES Police Constable $106,130.38 $754.78 BLANCHARD RICHARD Staff Sergeant $125,308.93 $858.52 BLANCHARD KILE DONALD Plainclothes Police Constable $102,745.73 $765.18 BLAND DEBBIE ELIZABETH Training Constable $110,582.93 $761.26 BLOWER STUART WILLIAM Sergeant $117,585.63 $800.54 BLUNK ANDREW FREDDY Police Constable $123,976.47 $762.26 BOAG WILLIAM Plainclothes Police Constable $103,111.62 $790.22 BOBBIS RICHARD ROBERT Sergeant $189,474.10 $809.38 BOCCHINFUSO MONIQUE Plainclothes Police Constable $119,280.64 $760.32 BOCKUS CORY Staff Inspector $161,629.87 $7,458.11 BODDAERT WARREN PETER Training Constable $108,093.28 $784.94 BODDY CHRISTOPHER EDWARD Staff Sergeant $131,418.71 $425.02 BOGLES LOUIE MARK Plainclothes Police Constable $119,394.04 $769.28 BOHN ERIC JAMES Training Constable $104,722.46 $791.57 BOIS PAUL ROBERT Staff Sergeant $119,688.09 $808.04 BOKALO NIKOLAJ Plainclothes Police Constable $111,722.94 $795.08 BOLCSO MARTHA ANN Senior Analyst $107,356.12 $377.52 BOLLAND CHRISTOPHER GREGORY Police Constable $102,372.12 $744.12 BONCARDO PETER JOHN Plainclothes Police Constable $143,952.25 $775.84 BOND MARLIN Detective $136,560.41 $394.68 BOND MICHELE LOUISE Plainclothes Police Constable $116,571.64 $775.84 BONIFACE BARKLEY GEORGE Detective $107,214.60 $800.54 BONIFACE LISA ANITA Police Constable $102,793.54 $758.70 BOOTH KENNETH COURTLAND Detective $124,838.47 $10,118.35 BOPARA GURMOKH Sergeant $135,044.81 $801.22 BOPARA GURWINDER Detective $129,192.91 $819.78 BORCH MATTHEW PAUL Police Constable $108,220.36 $744.12 BORG BRIAN Detective Sergeant $139,736.48 $433.42 BORG SUSANNE JOSEPHENE Plainclothes Police Constable $108,216.94 $784.94 BORISSOV BORIS ILIEV Police Constable $136,262.97 $758.83 BORSBOOM MARCELINUS HENDRIKUS Police Constable $174,254.93 $754.78 BORTOLUSS JO-ANNE ELLEN Police Constable $111,941.71 $329.68 BORUN STEPHANIE ELIZABETH Police Constable $103,746.47 $754.78 BOSWARD WILLIAM Detective Sergeant $122,309.72 $858.52 BOTT BRYAN Inspector $147,442.28 $918.84

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    Appendix A

    RECORD OF EMPLOYEES 2014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS BY LAST NAME BOUCHER ROBERT DANIEL Detective $146,970.00 $819.78 BOULET SCOTT Detective $114,198.10 $819.78 BOURGEOIS JEAN PHILIP Plainclothes Police Constable $115,869.39 $775.84 BOUVERAT ROCH ERIC Police Constable $104,041.86 $744.12 BOWER MARC ALAN Police Constable $116,503.09 $754.78 BOWERS SEAN EDWARD Police Constable $108,346.70 $744.53 BOWKER COLLEEN LISA Sergeant $116,852.59 $804.68 BOWMAN BRIAN Staff Sergeant $124,753.66 $858.52 BOWMAN DEREK ANGUS Police Constable $115,269.73 $754.78 BOWMASTER MICHAEL GLEN Plainclothes Police Constable $104,381.80 $775.84 BOWRY CHRISTOPHER GEORGE Plainclothes Police Constable $101,965.60 $770.98 BOYCE RONALD Staff Sergeant $136,256.65 $858.52 BOYCE ANDREW RYAN Police Constable $107,466.58 $754.78 BOYCE SUSIE ROWENA Police Constable $102,297.69 $754.78 BOYD EDWARD Inspector $150,819.42 $1,110.46 BOYD DALE PETER Plainclothes Police Constable $116,441.23 $754.25 BOYD ANDREW Police Constable $100,660.03 $754.78 BOYER DENIS Plainclothes Police Constable $110,728.90 $795.08 BOYKO DAYNA KATHLEEN Plainclothes Police Constable $104,410.39 $775.84 BOYKO JEREMY JEFFREY Sergeant $101,626.23 $775.90 BOYLE KENNETH Staff Sergeant $137,066.03 $858.52 BOYLE JASON EDWARD Plainclothes Police Constable $103,632.85 $775.84 BOZZER ANDREW DENNIS Training Constable $105,271.61 $775.84 BRABANT LAURA ANN Police Constable $104,099.51 $754.78 BRADBURY SCOTT GORDON Detective $122,121.45 $809.38 BRADFIELD KEVIN BARRY Police Constable $100,214.19 $754.78 BRADFORD MICHAEL CHARLES Police Constable $106,121.95 $774.02 BRADLEY CHRISTOPHER Police Constable $101,860.10 $765.62 BRADY PETER GORDON Plainclothes Police Constable $110,532.79 $765.18 BRADY JASON ROBERT Police Constable $108,568.00 $748.22 BRAGANZA RYAN FRANCIS Police Constable $127,181.08 $744.12 BRAGG JAMES ROBERT Police Constable $126,916.83 $324.82 BRAIDA SANDI LAUREL Police Constable $121,656.47 $744.12 BRAMMALL MICHAEL Detective $144,548.26 $819.78 BRANKER DARRYL DERMOT Plainclothes Police Constable $104,862.34 $772.97 BRANTON SHANE Staff Sergeant $122,309.72 $433.42 BRANTON STACIE JEAN Sergeant $108,125.08 $797.02 BRAR SHANE GURSHARAN Staff Sergeant $138,132.33 $858.52 BRAR GURSHARNJIT SINGH Police Constable $118,185.05 $754.78 BRAUND JAMES RAYMOND Plainclothes Police Constable $103,143.21 $771.79 BRAUTIGAM JAZEN LORNE Sergeant $123,530.02 $800.54 BRAYMAN GEOFFREY ROBERT Plainclothes Police Constable $131,445.20 $771.79 BREAULT AMY RUTH Detective $109,575.70 $809.38 BREEDON WARREN SPENCER Sergeant $116,283.31 $779.78 BREMNER JAMES Training Constable $105,908.04 $792.65 BRESSE JEAN Police Constable $141,551.91 $754.78 BRETT BRYAN DONALD Police Constable $130,611.27 $754.78 BRIDEAU RENE ALYRE Plainclothes Police Constable $107,895.77 $775.84 BRIGGS CHRISTOPHER NEAL Plainclothes Police Constable $109,269.87 $775.84 BRIND'AMOUR MICHEL PHILIPPE Plainclothes Police Constable $116,479.48 $775.84 BRINN NORMAN Staff Sergeant $123,175.74 $858.52 BRISCOE OMARI KAMAU Police Constable $101,033.82 $744.12 BRISTER JOHN WILLIAM Police Constable $124,023.95 $754.78 BRITO SERGIO AGOSTINHO Plainclothes Police Constable $120,359.68 $767.74 BROADFOOT ALEXANDER Sergeant $113,557.62 $819.78 BROADHAGEN TIMOTHY WALTER Police Constable $104,707.34 $754.78 BROMWICH NELOFER Police Constable $109,461.59 $744.12 BRONS JAMES Detective $125,922.33 $819.78 BROOKER ELISA JANE Plainclothes Police Constable $102,228.72 $362.69 BROOKES LEVERNE MCCOURCEY Police Constable $132,954.30 $774.02 BROSNAN SEAN Detective Sergeant $128,196.11 $858.52 BROWN JAMES Inspector $155,574.01 $654.14 BROWN JACQUELINE Plainclothes Police Constable $128,126.69 $784.94 BROWN ROBERT Staff Sergeant $125,196.06 $858.52 BROWN JAMES WILLIAM Police Constable $120,067.53 $774.02 BROWN ROBERT ARTHUR Plainclothes Police Constable $116,941.36 $775.84 BROWN MARK CHARLES Police Constable $115,870.61 $748.22 BROWN PAUL ANDREW Police Constable $115,857.94 $754.78 BROWN SCOTT DEREK Plainclothes Police Constable $110,337.41 $775.84 BROWN RICHARD GLADSTONE Police Constable $107,132.18 $754.78 BROWNE TERRENCE Detective Sergeant $145,039.00 $858.52 BROWNE JIMMY Sergeant $129,104.85 $819.78

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    Appendix A

    RECORD OF EMPLOYEES 2014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS BY LAST NAME BRUCE PAMELA Training Constable $104,491.32 $795.08 BRUNATO RICCARDO Training Constable $111,350.09 $789.41 BRUNELLE GLEN WINSTON Police Constable $106,051.70 $754.78 BRUNO DONALD Training Constable $100,595.44 $775.03 BRUSHETT KEVIN MICHAEL Police Constable $104,101.69 $753.08 BRUZZESE DOMENICO Sergeant $171,953.98 $819.78 BRYAN DAVID Police Constable $175,752.37 $698.13 BRYAN CHARLOTTE ANN Plainclothes Police Constable $113,509.45 $775.84 BRYANT ALAN MICHAEL Training Constable $105,294.17 $795.08 BRYCE ROBERT FRANCIS Sergeant $117,220.19 $819.78 BUBNIC SANDI SYLVIA Plainclothes Police Constable $105,158.80 $775.84 BUCHANAN GREGORY MICHAEL Plainclothes Police Constable $103,085.70 $775.84 BUCHHOLZ JOHN ANDREW Police Constable $104,077.33 $754.78 BUCKLEY DONALD Sergeant $123,416.40 $819.78 BUI TAM THACH Detective $145,416.65 $800.54 BULLOCK NEIL Staff Sergeant $125,976.04 $858.52 BULLOCK RYAN MATTHEW Police Constable $113,831.25 $744.12 BULMER WARREN JAMES Training Constable $108,843.32 $795.08 BURGESS TROY Sergeant $114,743.70 $819.78 BURGESS MICHAEL Police Constable $100,984.18 $774.02 BURGHER CHRISTOPHER DWAYNE Police Constable $107,254.84 $744.12 BURGIN MICHAEL BRIAN Plainclothes Police Constable $117,481.95 $750.60 BURKE GARY EDWIN Detective $128,489.44 $809.38 BURKE SUSAN JOYCE Detective $113,922.60 $819.78 BURKE CHRISTOPHER JOHN Detective $113,030.98 $394.68 BURKE DARRYL WILFRED Police Constable $110,973.50 $754.78 BURKE RICARDO OMAR Police Constable $104,839.04 $744.12 BURKHOLDER HERBERT Sergeant $118,666.87 $819.78 BURKS CHARLES DEAN Staff Sergeant $135,299.54 $858.52 BURLEY DAVID JOSEPH Plainclothes Police Constable $111,800.95 $775.84 BURNETT ANSON RICHARD Police Constable $118,733.63 $754.78 BURNINGHAM GRANT NEIL Staff Sergeant $127,556.69 $433.42 BURNS STEPHEN GEORGE Sergeant $116,437.37 $819.78 BURNS ROY BRIAN Police Constable $113,648.38 $744.12 BURNS MICHAEL ROY Plainclothes Police Constable $107,270.48 $775.84 BURNS JONATHON PAUL Police Constable $101,256.06 $733.05 BURNSIDE SEAN KELLY Police Constable $127,808.19 $754.78 BURRITT STEPHANIE Sergeant $141,293.21 $809.38 BURRY SHAWN CECIL Detective $115,380.01 $809.38 BUSTOS HARRY SANTIAGO Police Constable $145,432.45 $744.53 BUTLER PHILIP MICHAEL Plainclothes Police Constable $111,830.19 $772.97 BUTLER CORY MURRAY Police Constable $103,263.18 $744.12 BUTT CELESTE BARBARA Sergeant $129,352.14 $801.22 BUTT AMIR Police Constable $111,304.89 $759.64 BUTT STEPHEN MILLER Police Constable $108,208.85 $754.78 BUTT MICHAEL CLAYTON Sergeant $107,806.60 $800.54 BUTTON BERNADETTE Inspector $147,442.28 $918.84 BYERS DEREK JONATHAN Sergeant $126,570.54 $809.04 BYERS MICHAEL Training Constable $107,171.70 $779.69 BYRNES ELIZABETH Superintendent $168,632.43 $11,496.39 CACCAVALE ERASMO Sergeant $119,078.18 $815.03 CACCIA DAVID MICHAEL Plainclothes Police Constable $116,741.86 $772.97 CAIN JAMES MICHAEL Police Constable $123,671.12 $754.78 CALDER MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER Police Constable $119,929.75 $754.78 CALDWELL KELLY PAMELA Police Constable $100,774.14 $754.78 CALIFARETTI SANDRA ANGELA Director of Finance and Administration $169,406.61 $2,273.57 CALLAGHAN PETER EDWARD Inspector $154,686.03 $1,119.05 CALLANAN BRIAN MICHAEL Detective $147,392.75 $778.25 CALLANAN GORDON Police Constable $107,531.92 $774.02 CAMACHO JOSE Sergeant $125,086.56 $819.78 CAMERON ALAN Police Constable $121,201.83 $774.02 CAMERON NEIL ROBERT Training Constable $103,746.09 $746.55 CAMPBELL JOANNE ELIZABETH Executive Director $171,437.18 $1,880.48 CAMPBELL DONALD ALEXANDER Superintendent $168,289.76 $18,683.40 CAMPBELL ANDREW JAMES Plainclothes Police Constable $130,500.42 $775.84 CAMPBELL PHILLIP SCOTT Plainclothes Police Constable $125,741.97 $775.84 CAMPBELL DEBORAH ANNE Senior Operations Supervisor $125,265.00 $795.66 CAMPBELL MICHELLE DIANE Detective $122,446.33 $800.54 CAMPBELL MARCIA Sergeant $120,128.62 $817.78 CAMPBELL DOUGLAS Sergeant $118,568.79 $819.78 CAMPBELL BRYAN EDWARD Detective Sergeant $118,236.39 $830.24 CAMPBELL NICOLE Plainclothes Police Constable $116,521.83 $795.08

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    RECORD OF EMPLOYEES 2014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS BY LAST NAME CAMPBELL CLAYTON DOUGLAS Staff Sergeant $115,726.39 $832.04 CAMPBELL MURRAY SMEATON Sergeant $114,563.56 $809.38 CAMPBELL STEVEN Training Constable $111,211.68 $779.67 CAMPBELL STEVEN JAMES Sergeant $106,020.82 $795.08 CAMPBELL ANDREW WESLEY Plainclothes Police Constable $104,719.30 $775.84 CAMPBELL LYNDA Police Constable $101,361.33 $654.94 CAMPOLI STEVEN ROBERT Sergeant $131,772.79 $789.14 CAMPOLI ADAM DANIEL Police Constable $109,560.94 $744.12 CANEPA ANTONIO Plainclothes Police Constable $137,049.54 $795.08 CANNATA DAVID Plainclothes Police Constable $116,198.77 $795.08 CANNELLA ANGELO GIUSEPPE Police Constable $116,346.65 $754.78 CANNING MARK Training Constable $109,653.89 $795.08 CANNING PAUL BRET Police Constable $106,065.55 $749.04 CANNON MARLENE Plainclothes Police Constable $109,093.33 $795.08 CAPIZZO GIUSEPPE DINO Detective $125,538.25 $819.78 CAPONE DAVID JOSEPH Police Constable $137,248.81 $774.02 CAPUTO JOSEPH Detective $128,252.51 $819.78 CARACCIOLO ROGER DOMINIC Detective $112,341.07 $800.54 CARAMANICO NICHOLAS ALDO Police Constable $114,681.33 $744.12 CARBONE MIKE Detective Sergeant $165,647.25 $858.52 CARBRAY WILLIAM PAUL Police Constable $110,182.81 $751.91 CAREFOOT TODD Detective $131,082.05 $817.88 CARGILL PAUL SCOTT Detective $128,794.77 $819.78 CARL GEORGE WILLIAM Training Constable $119,293.75 $795.08 CARLES MATTHEW MOSES Plainclothes Police Constable $106,200.80 $775.84 CARLETON STEPHEN JAMES Plainclothes Police Constable $104,775.11 $775.84 CARMICHAEL STEPHEN FRANCIS Detective $124,289.67 $809.38 CARON MARY HELENE Police Constable $112,852.33 $744.12 CARPINO ROBERTO CARMELO Police Constable $110,938.40 $774.02 CARTER RANDOLPH Superintendent $156,073.69 $5,128.91 CARTER HUGH JUNIOR Police Constable $141,661.98 $754.78 CARTER MARVA MARIE Project Leader $117,762.60 $407.16 CARTER DALE Sergeant $114,833.40 $819.78 CARTER SHAWN CHRISTOPHER Police Constable $103,292.03 $744.12 CARTER SARAH JEAN Police Constable $102,258.33 $737.97 CARTER-THUET ERIN LEIGH Police Constable $111,865.03 $754.78 CARTWRIGHT CARL JAMES Plainclothes Police Constable $103,808.34 $359.84 CARUSO SALVATORE Police Constable $110,546.16 $769.36 CARVALHO AVELINO MOTA Sergeant $131,747.18 $814.58 CASCADDEN KELLY Sergeant $111,815.66 $394.68 CASEY JAMES AUSTIN Plainclothes Police Constable $107,093.21 $768.92 CASH JENNIFER ANNE Sergeant $118,216.35 $779.00 CASHMAN GERALD Inspector $147,514.26 $685.36 CASSIDY SEAN ANDREW Police Constable $116,308.66 $766.93 CASSIDY CHRISTOPHER RYAN Police Constable $103,098.21 $744.12 CASSIDY MICHAEL Police Constable $102,974.62 $774.02 CASTELL TIFFANY ALICIA Police Constable $105,017.05 $755.06 CASTELLUCCI ANTHONY Sergeant $122,678.45 $819.78 CASTILLO DELGADO EDUIN RODRIGO Operations Supervisor $104,153.85 $711.74 CATENACCIO MARIO Plainclothes Police Constable $155,768.00 $765.18 CATES STEVEN RICHARD Sergeant $116,715.22 $763.58 CATON MATTHEW MICHAEL Training Constable $103,350.82 $775.03 CAVANAGH DAVID JEFFREY Plainclothes Police Constable $111,995.17 $775.84 CAVE RANDAL DELBERT Police Constable $111,719.01 $774.02 CAWTHORNE JASON PAUL Training Constable $107,012.38 $775.84 CECHETTO ANDREW PAUL Plainclothes Police Constable $106,472.43 $775.84 CECILE GLEN Detective $129,810.55 $819.78 CENSONI LORENZINO MICHAEL Police Constable $107,979.54 $748.98 CERESOLI MAURIZIO Plainclothes Police Constable $121,616.43 $775.84 CERNOWSKI ANDREW JOHN Financial Planner $127,803.28 $1,028.82 CERQUA LOUIE NOEL Police Constable $102,381.65 $733.05 CESAR LYDIA ELIZABETH Police Constable $111,912.80 $744.12 CHAHAL JEFFERY ALVIN Police Constable $103,294.18 $744.12 CHAHAL PARDEEP SINGH Police Constable $101,257.02 $736.74 CHAKAL SARBJIT SINGH Plainclothes Police Constable $106,888.08 $755.46 CHAMBERS COURTNEY Staff Sergeant $125,981.60 $858.52 CHAN CHUN KWONG Plainclothes Police Constable $108,535.81 $788.84 CHAN CHRISTOPHER Police Constable $105,703.02 $744.12 CHAN ALPHA HAWK-BUNG Sergeant $104,185.45 $788.26 CHAN JONATHAN HIN-LING Police Constable $100,912.55 $744.12 CHAN KAI TAI Police Constable $100,644.37 $744.53 CHANG CHU THAO Detective $130,590.25 $800.54

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    RECORD OF EMPLOYEES 2014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS BY LAST NAME CHANG WENDY MICHELLE Police Constable $102,208.72 $706.09 CHANNER NEVILLE Sergeant $111,915.55 $819.78 CHANT JAMES ELLIOT Plainclothes Police Constable $118,461.31 $775.84 CHAPMAN MARK Detective $116,954.34 $818.18 CHAPMAN KAREN Detective $116,945.19 $809.38 CHARBONNEAU JEFFREY PATRICK Police Constable $101,686.69 $754.78 CHARETTE MELISSA ANNE Police Constable $112,821.74 $754.78 CHARLES ANTHONY Staff Sergeant $144,380.34 $858.52 CHARLES SIMBERT Plainclothes Police Constable $104,647.07 $775.84 CHARRON STEPHANE REJEAN Plainclothes Police Constable $106,979.31 $775.84 CHASE WILLIAM OLIVER Plainclothes Police Constable $119,616.43 $775.84 CHAUDHARY NICHOLAS Plainclothes Police Constable $121,294.95 $772.97 CHAUDHRY MAGHFOOR AHMAD Planner $116,899.07 $733.46 CHAUDHRY SHAKEEL AKHTAR Plainclothes Police Constable $111,286.71 $775.84 CHEECHOO NELSON THOMAS Sergeant $112,928.19 $779.42 CHEN DENNIS YAU Police Constable $140,622.72 $744.53 CHEN WEI PIN Plainclothes Police Constable $134,586.01 $775.84 CHEN RAYMOND WEI-MIN Police Constable $108,699.26 $744.12 CHEN JINN-HUEI JIMMY Police Constable $105,555.68 $758.83 CHEN STEPHEN NING Police Constable $102,769.53 $770.42 CHENG ALAN LAP Plainclothes Police Constable $110,789.86 $761.13 CHERRY DARYL STEVEN Police Constable $121,695.80 $751.91 CHEUNG CHRISTOPHER KWOK Plainclothes Police Constable $129,889.51 $744.45 CHEUNG CHING TIN Sergeant $126,034.49 $800.54 CHEUNG NICKY TIN-FU Plainclothes Police Constable $115,336.47 $775.84 CHEUNG GADMAN DANIEL Plainclothes Police Constable $111,899.47 $775.84 CHEUNG KAREN WAI Senior Programmer $101,992.26 $347.36 CHEVALIER ROBERT JOHN Plainclothes Police Constable $101,455.64 $765.18 CHHABRA AJAY Plainclothes Police Constable $153,424.46 $765.18 CHHINZER RANDEEP Plainclothes Police Constable $111,632.61 $772.97 CHIASSON DANY Police Constable $125,485.43 $754.78 CHIASSON YVETTE MARIE Police Constable $116,183.98 $754.78 CHIASSON MARCEL ANDRE Sergeant $112,193.55 $819.78 CHIASSON RAYMOND KEEGAN Police Constable $102,990.00 $757.08 CHILDS CYNTHIA Detective Sergeant $128,510.36 $858.52 CHILVERS CHRISTOPHER CLIFFORD Detective $124,176.76 $416.98 CHILVERS AMANDA DANIELLE Plainclothes Police Constable $105,225.11 $775.84 CHIN ADRIAN CAREY Plainclothes Police Constable $102,222.30 $766.12 CHIN MARK ANTHONY Plainclothes Police Constable $100,639.38 $350.74 CHIU SIN-YI Sergeant $115,669.48 $819.78 CHMELA MICHAEL OTTO Plainclothes Police Constable $103,691.25 $775.84 CHO HYUNG EUN Police Constable $150,112.60 $744.12 CHOE ROBERT Detective $143,427.83 $800.54 CHONG WILSON CHEE Plainclothes Police Constable $102,503.89 $750.60 CHOO-WING DEXTER MICHAEL Police Constable $105,221.57 $766.93 CHORNOOK STEPHEN Police Constable $153,853.78 $774.02 CHOURYGUINE DMITRY Plainclothes Police Constable $139,050.84 $765.59 CHOW HAROLD Sergeant $173,695.98 $819.78 CHOW LAWRENCE CHI Detective $111,510.38 $388.28 CHOW WING YEM Police Constable $108,843.90 $744.12 CHOW YOUNG RICHARD Police Constable $111,996.36 $659.57 CHRISTIAN PHILIP BRUCE Police Constable $109,707.58 $744.53 CHRISTIAN DAVID NIGEL Police Constable $105,429.18 $744.12 CHRISTIE PETER Detective $111,487.35 $394.68 CHRISTODOULOU YIORGO RICHARD Police Constable $104,173.67 $744.12 CHRISTOU GEORGE Police Constable $103,402.65 $744.12 CHU SHEILA XIAOTANG Project Leader $139,634.86 $400.52 CHU BENNY WING Police Constable $107,858.67 $744.12 CHUDOBA MYRON Detective $127,690.20 $819.78 CHUDZINSKI ROBERT ADAM Police Constable $111,378.91 $744.12 CHUNG YONG SUL Plainclothes Police Constable $151,237.62 $765.18 CHUNG RYAN ANTHONY Detective $126,180.16 $800.54 CHUNG PHILIP Detective $118,772.90 $394.68 CHUNG SINDERELA SUN-MI Police Constable $106,163.65 $751.91 CHUNG RODCLIFF RODGER Sergeant $106,075.97 $800.54 CHURKOO DOODNATH DEODATH Sergeant $178,440.44 $809.38 CID CLAUDIA IRENE Police Constable $107,813.59 $759.64 CIESLIK JAROSLAW Police Constable $121,290.89 $774.02 CIESLIK SUSAN HELENA Plainclothes Police Constable $114,942.09 $795.08 CILIA JOHN ROBERT Plainclothes Police Constable $113,757.13 $775.84 CIOFFI MARC ANGELO Detective $131,794.96 $800.54 CIOFFI MICHAEL ANTHONY Police Constable $105,524.72 $744.12

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    RECORD OF EMPLOYEES 2014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS BY LAST NAME CIPRO MICHELLE PAULINE Detective Sergeant $114,397.57 $823.04 CIRIC NIKOLA Police Constable $104,187.97 $754.78 CLAPP CATHERINE ANN Police Constable $100,639.74 $744.12 CLARK TRAVIS DAYMOND Detective $126,656.35 $809.38 CLARK PRESTON MICHAEL Sergeant $125,635.13 $795.79 CLARK DANA JOHN Plainclothes Police Constable $115,944.39 $775.84 CLARK JAMIE ANDERSON Sergeant $114,139.01 $809.38 CLARK CORINNE Detective $111,483.50 $705.33 CLARK DAVID JAMES Police Constable $109,478.67 $754.78 CLARK HAZEL ANN Police Constable $104,208.44 $763.62 CLARKE PAUL EGERTON Police Constable $168,356.62 $774.02 CLARKE JEFFERY HOWARD Police Constable $152,173.68 $754.78 CLARKE MATTHEW FRANCIS Plainclothes Police Constable $124,333.01 $775.84 CLARKE JOHN Sergeant $122,402.73 $819.78 CLARKE STACYANN MARIA Detective $121,521.33 $800.54 CLARKE DOUGLAS Plainclothes Police Constable $117,853.91 $550.44 CLARKE CALVIN PETER Police Constable $113,503.44 $754.78 CLARKE WAYNE ANTHONY Police Constable $109,105.78 $744.53 CLARKE JERRY RYAN Police Constable $109,070.69 $733.05 CLAUDIO DONALD Police Constable $107,155.26 $744.12 CLAYTON RICARDO Police Constable $129,764.76 $765.62 CLEMENS JEFFREY Sergeant $115,906.80 $819.78 CLEMENTS HOWARD Police Constable $118,069.20 $774.02 CLENDINNING MARK WILLIAM Detective $122,845.22 $3,393.37 CLIFFORD HUGH ANTHONY Police Constable $140,055.84 $754.78 CLUCAS KRISTY ELIZABETH Police Constable $110,089.98 $744.12 CODE PETER Inspector $138,966.74 $520.77 COFFEY DAVID THOMAS Sergeant $112,449.42 $791.74 COFFEY CHARLES JAMES Police Constable $104,654.82 $744.12 COGHLIN JAMES GARFIELD Staff Sergeant $123,822.21 $433.42 COHEN ALAN LAWRENCE Sergeant $116,825.01 $776.40 COHEN JONATAN HENRI Police Constable $111,010.72 $737.97 COHEN MELISSA KELLY Police Constable $108,386.15 $756.77 COLACCI CARLO ROBERTO Plainclothes Police Constable $106,449.95 $760.32 COLACO VERNON ANTONIO Plainclothes Police Constable $110,207.85 $772.97 COLE GREGORY Inspector $148,305.99 $1,110.46 COLE DONALD Staff Sergeant $123,899.60 $858.52 COLE JASON ARTHUR Sergeant $117,131.63 $819.78 COLEMAN KEITH SAMUEL Police Constable $122,097.27 $763.62 COLEMAN CRAIG EDWARD Police Constable $101,881.86 $754.78 COLLIN JONATHAN DAVID Sergeant $108,202.46 $789.14 COLLINS CHRISTOPHER PATRICK Police Constable $102,153.37 $754.78 COLLYER ADAM STEPHEN Police Constable $124,441.03 $754.78 COLLYMORE BRIAN MATTHEW Police Constable $105,485.78 $744.12 COLUCCI MARK VINCENT Police Constable $101,302.57 $748.22 COMEAU JOSEPH THOMAS Plainclothes Police Constable $110,357.19 $766.12 COMISSION CHRISTOPHER PAUL Plainclothes Police Constable $105,117.73 $775.84 CONIGLIO DOMENICO Plainclothes Police Constable $117,307.72 $772.97 CONLAN DARREN PATRICK Police Constable $127,808.34 $744.12 CONLEY MARLEEN LILLIAN Plainclothes Police Constable $101,716.91 $775.84 CONLEY TIMOTHY KENNETH Plainclothes Police Constable $101,426.68 $769.28 CONNELL DALE Sergeant $134,474.57 $819.78 CONNOLLY JOHN PAUL Police Constable $115,960.28 $763.62 CONNOR BRUCE ALEXANDER Sergeant $109,527.85 $771.12 CONSACK KRISTIAN Police Constable $113,604.77 $744.12 CONTANT JASON ARTHUR Training Constable $112,951.25 $775.84 COOK THOMAS WILLIAM Plainclothes Police Constable $122,661.00 $775.84 COOK ANTHONY DOUGLAS Training Constable $104,242.36 $775.84 COOKE LEE SCOTT Police Constable $118,458.21 $754.78 COOMBS ALBERT GEORGE Plainclothes Police Constable $119,709.93 $966.98 COOPER AUSTIN CURT Police Constable $106,229.88 $754.78 COOPER CHRISTOPHER ROBERT Police Constable $105,393.81 $744.12 COOPER RICHARD Training Constable $103,988.36 $784.94 COOVADIA ABDUL-KHALIK YAHYA Police Constable $153,239.69 $772.42 COPAT LUIGI Plainclothes Police Constable $115,491.86 $795.08 CORBA ERIK Police Constable $118,658.03 $733.05 CORBIE WESLEY MARCUS Plainclothes Police Constable $114,989.74 $775.84 CORDEIRO ELIZABETT MARIA Sergeant $117,577.43 $569.33 CORDOVA ROBERTO Police Constable $100,983.57 $733.05 CORMACK BRIAN JAMES Detective $106,061.97 $800.54 CORMIER SERINA MARY Police Constable $101,827.00 $783.30 CORNACCHIA MARISA ANNA Assistant Manager of Occupational Health and Safety $125,756.40 $853.14

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    Appendix A

    RECORD OF EMPLOYEES 2014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS BY LAST NAME CORNETT THOMAS BIAGIO Police Constable $102,224.02 $744.12 CORNFORD CHRISTOPHER Police Constable $112,067.52 $675.92 COROGHLY KHALID MOHAMMED Plainclothes Police Constable $112,404.03 $760.73 CORRA DALE Sergeant $106,743.04 $756.72 CORREA IRWIN Police Constable $135,149.16 $774.02 CORREA DAVID RODRIGUEZ Detective $131,246.06 $809.38 CORREA ANTONIO Police Constable $111,909.62 $744.12 CORREIA JEFFERY Sergeant $124,373.88 $769.42 CORREIA BRYAN MEDEIROS Plainclothes Police Constable $118,885.85 $763.69 CORRIGAN NEIL DAVID Superintendent $168,289.76 $15,989.58 COSCARELLA ANTHONY Detective Sergeant $131,979.94 $850.12 COSENTINO SALVATORE Detective Sergeant $153,791.13 $433.42 COSGROVE SEAN DAVID Sergeant $101,709.72 $779.42 COSTA ANGELO Sergeant $123,167.59 $819.78 COSTA CORREIA ZENON PIO Detective $173,102.06 $809.38 COSTABILE GINO Police Constable $162,852.92 $774.02 COSTELLO PATRICK WILLIAM Plainclothes Police Constable $125,331.81 $775.84 COTE KEVIN JAMES Sergeant $131,233.64 $763.58 COULSON WILLIAM Staff Sergeant $122,703.57 $858.52 COULTER SHANE DUSTIN Detective $111,374.77 $809.38 COULTHARD JASON MILES Detective $118,774.92 $809.38 COURT ANDREW JAMES Plainclothes Police Constable $114,876.87 $765.18 COUTO DIANA RODRIGUES Detective $108,225.65 $797.02 COWIE KATELYN ROSE Police Constable $100,996.82 $744.12 COWLEY ALISON LOUISE Plainclothes Police Constable $100,120.77 $761.26 COX DARREN ANDREW Sergeant $130,769.86 $819.78 COXON SHAWNA MICHELLE Detective Sergeant $126,041.37 $848.12 COYLE ROBERT Police Constable $116,127.44 $774.02 COYNE PATRICK KEVIN Sergeant $118,910.40 $781.41 CRACKNELL ALECHIA CYNTHIA Police Constable $115,002.96 $758.83 CRADDOCK STEPHEN Sergeant $113,290.60 $819.78 CRAIG SCOTT Sergeant $118,797.94 $819.78 CRAIG KEVIN DANIEL Plainclothes Police Constable $116,425.18 $772.97 CRAMPTON DAVID ALAN Police Constable $106,281.84 $754.78 CRANE ROBERT JASON Sergeant $127,503.38 $768.68 CRANE GERALD DAVID Police Constable $106,935.83 $744.12 CRAWFORD COREY LANCE Sergeant $109,985.23 $791.74 CRAWFORD SUSAN PATRICIA Police Constable $109,666.57 $754.78 CRAWFORD JASON RICHARD Plainclothes Police Constable $108,633.35 $750.60 CRAWFORD ANTHONY JOHN Police Constable $106,488.01 $751.91 CREWS ALEXANDER Police Constable $138,309.41 $774.02 CREWS WILLIAM Detective Sergeant $126,699.85 $858.52 CRICHTON NORMAN Sergeant $120,326.82 $819.78 CRILLY JOHN JAMES Detective $111,055.70 $809.38 CRISTIANO GUIDO Police Constable $193,673.45 $774.02 CRONE TIMOTHY Inspector $163,890.21 $677.60 CRONIN MICHAEL ANDREW Police Constable $108,268.59 $754.78 CROOKER LISA CATHERINE Detective Sergeant $125,225.49 $830.24 CROSBY DANIEL PATRICK Staff Sergeant $128,189.78 $858.52 CROWLEY JANINE Detective Sergeant $122,345.61 $851.07 CRUZ JOHN VICTOR Police Constable $178,582.09 $783.81 CRUZ ANTONIO RAMON Plainclothes Police Constable $128,641.93 $775.84 CSIBI LADISLAV ALEXANDRU Police Constable $115,785.34 $754.78 CULLEY TROY ERWIN Police Constable $101,518.91 $763.62 CURRIE WAYNE Police Constable $176,072.86 $774.02 CURTIN HELEN MARGARET Manager of Information Technology Governance $155,932.89 $959.14 CURTIS TERESA PHYLLIS Plainclothes Police Constable $113,534.72 $775.84 CUSHING IRKA KATHERINE Senior Analyst $109,004.44 $377.52 CZARNOTA MICHAEL RONALD Police Constable $121,379.93 $744.12 DA COSTA ANTONIO NORBERTO Training Constable $128,791.12 $778.30 DA SILVA JOSE Police Constable $151,760.73 $774.02 DA SILVA BRIAN Police Constable $113,714.13 $744.12 DA SILVA MARK PAUL Police Constable $103,310.84 $744.12 DA SILVA CRISTOPULO JIMMY BERNARDO Plainclothes Police Constable $119,416.36 $761.13 D'ABREO OLIVER Police Constable $106,053.31 $744.12 DABU JOSE PAULINO Police Constable $108,077.14 $754.78 DAFOE DALE Detective $113,611.75 $819.78 DAHAN VALERIE RUTH Plainclothes Police Constable $102,311.67 $775.84 DAKU CATHLEEN LOUISE Operations Supervisor $103,310.66 $752.70 DALE DONALD Sergeant $119,060.93 $819.78 DALES CLAYTON RUSSELL Police Constable $101,886.60 $754.78 DALEY TIMOTHY WILLIAM Sergeant $127,229.19 $805.86

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    Appendix A

    RECORD OF EMPLOYEES 2014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS BY LAST NAME DALEY KEVIN Police Constable $122,234.72 $774.02 D'ALIMONTE STEVEN Plainclothes Police Constable $109,797.68 $775.84 DALTON SHAWN THOMAS Police Constable $101,445.40 $744.12 DALY ROLAND GARY Police Constable $106,352.59 $744.12 DAMANI ZAHIR Project Leader $118,513.53 $407.16 DAMASO RODNEY Detective $125,002.71 $800.54 DANCE RYAN WILLIAM Plainclothes Police Constable $104,192.92 $766.12 D'ANGELO GIUSEPPE Plainclothes Police Constable $111,356.20 $795.08 DANIELS MARK CHARLES Detective $145,265.03 $819.78 DANIELS JEFFERY CLARENCE Plainclothes Police Constable $119,700.23 $765.31 DANIELS ROBYN LEE Operations Supervisor $108,694.99 $752.70 DANSON STEPHANIE ELIZABETH Police Constable $114,669.80 $744.12 DANSON AKIRA NATHANIEL Police Constable $105,647.02 $744.12 D'ANTONIO REMO Detective $118,891.45 $800.54 DAOUST MICHAEL-LEE DENIS-PAUL Plainclothes Police Constable $119,419.94 $775.84 DARBYSHIRE JAMES EDWARD Staff Sergeant $126,813.65 $858.52 DARMITZ ANDREW JOSEPH Police Constable $123,734.74 $751.91 DARNBROUGH DANIEL ROBERT Detective $129,747.08 $819.78 DARNELL JOHN LOUIS Police Constable $100,947.87 $754.78 DARNLEY STEVEN WILLIAM Plainclothes Police Constable $103,897.59 $775.84 DARWISH WALID Police Constable $107,732.30 $762.07 DARYARAM FARSHAD Police Constable $111,167.44 $744.12 DAS GUPTA ONIL Training Constable $113,126.61 $788.84 DAVEY TIMOTHY Detective Sergeant $123,582.92 $433.42 DAVEY THOMAS Sergeant $116,410.25 $819.78 DAVEY SEAN ANDREW Plainclothes Police Constable $102,052.38 $775.84 DAVEY DEREK JAMES Plainclothes Police Constable $101,433.86 $765.18 DAVEY AMY LEE Plainclothes Police Constable $100,591.43 $350.74 DAVID COSMA Police Constable $132,257.65 $754.78 DAVIDSON ALLAN WILLIAM Police Constable $104,859.94 $754.78 DAVIES ROBERT EARLE Detective $144,108.85 $800.54 DAVIES NEIL CHARLES Police Constable $114,502.89 $744.12 DAVIES RICHARD CRAIG Police Constable $101,493.30 $754.78 DAVIS SHARON Staff Sergeant $123,367.77 $858.52 DAVIS JASON BRIAN Plainclothes Police Constable $109,614.70 $765.18 DAVIS STACEY DEE Sergeant $107,558.39 $800.54 DAVYDOVA OLGA Police Constable $112,768.84 $744.12 DAWN BRIAN GORDON Plainclothes Police Constable $109,915.72 $761.26 DAWODU CHRISTOPHER OLUFEMI Plainclothes Police Constable $107,400.39 $775.84 DAWOOD AMAAN Police Constable $116,618.59 $744.12 DAWSON GEORGE JOSEPH Staff Sergeant $130,430.90 $858.52 DAWSON SHANNON INEZ Detective $127,216.91 $809.38 DAWSON VICKI Sergeant $116,808.54 $819.78 DAWSON KEITH Sergeant $113,398.95 $819.78 DAY PAUL Police Constable $107,009.31 $774.02 DAYLER NATHAN DAVID Plainclothes Police Constable $117,946.93 $775.84 D'CUNHA MICHAEL EDWARD Plainclothes Police Constable $121,144.16 $769.28 DE ABREU ERROL WAYNE Training Constable $101,030.60 $775.84 DE CAIRE JEFFREY PAUL Police Constable $122,646.16 $744.12 DE GUERRA VIJAY JOHN Police Constable $102,717.47 $733.05 DE KLOET CAROLINE JANE Police Constable $100,501.01 $744.53 DE LIO FRANK PAUL Sergeant $141,417.10 $819.78 DE LOS RIOS JUAN CARLOS Plainclothes Police Constable $106,855.37 $793.52 DE LUGT MARK Police Constable $103,148.10 $774.02 DE MEDEIROS SHERRY MARIA Police Constable $110,368.95 $757.50 DE OLIVEIRA CATHERINE Police Constable $113,444.31 $744.12 DE QUINTAL PETER ANDREW Police Constable $103,446.95 $751.91 DE SOUSA JOHN PAUL Plainclothes Police Constable $128,471.79 $775.84 DE ZILVA MICHAEL BRIAN Sergeant $111,283.37 $779.42 DEABREU GREGORY JOHN Police Constable $113,204.63 $754.78 DEACON TIMOTHY WILLIAM Police Constable $111,002.90 $744.12 DEAN BERTRAND Police Constable $138,252.77 $744.12 DEAN JESSE RUSSELL Plainclothes Police Constable $119,739.67 $775.84 DEANE SUSAN LOUISE Senior Corporate Planning Analyst $100,972.99 $347.36 DEARBORN ROBERT FREDERICK Police Constable $149,603.17 $774.02 DEKEZEL JENNIFER CRYSTAL Police Constable $105,170.15 $744.12 DELOTTINVILLE STEVEN JOHN Police Constable $114,861.36 $754.78 DEMIAN HIBA JOSEPH Parking Enforcement Officer $116,694.17 $539.71 DEMIRDEN AHMET Police Constable $132,812.95 $748.22 DEMKIW MYRON ANDREY Inspector $148,396.68 $1,110.46 DENNIS AARON Sergeant $113,764.48 $800.54 DENTON MARK Police Constable $100,573.40 $782.12

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    Appendix A

    RECORD OF EMPLOYEES 2014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS BY LAST NAME DESILVA JULIUS THEODORE Project Leader $121,702.11 $391.20 DESJARDINS JOSEPH FRANCOIS Plainclothes Police Constable $122,693.51 $775.84 DESLOGES THOMAS ARMAND Police Constable $111,520.90 $744.12 DESROCHERS ROGER HENRI Detective $112,476.43 $800.54 DESROCHERS JEROME JEREMY Plainclothes Police Constable $111,365.97 $775.84 DESSON JENNIFER ANNE Detective Sergeant $106,826.27 $733.67 DEVEREUX CHRISTOPHER LEE Police Constable $117,484.08 $772.64 DEWLING NORMAN Staff Sergeant $118,510.55 $660.40 DEWSNAP JAMIE DUNCAN Plainclothes Police Constable $106,656.39 $762.88 DEY ROBIN HUGH Sergeant $137,292.08 $819.78 DHALIWAL PIARA SINGH Police Constable $128,774.00 $744.12 DHALIWAL SURINDERJIT Senior Technical Analyst $121,603.48 $377.52 DHATT RUBINDER Sergeant $120,336.43 $376.12 DHILLON JAGJIT SINGH Police Constable $120,291.82 $751.91 DHILLON RANBIR SINGH Sergeant $111,070.63 $773.30 DHOUM MUNISH Plainclothes Police Constable $123,763.51 $762.88 DHRUV GLENN Police Constable $103,700.72 $755.46 DHUKAI ESMAIL ABDULKARIM Police Constable $110,449.50 $740.71 DHUKAI ZEESHAN AYUB Plainclothes Police Constable $106,571.97 $775.84 DI GIACOMO ROBERTO Detective $128,001.37 $800.54 DI NINO RICHARD DONALD Plainclothes Police Constable $103,382.38 $750.60 DI PASSA DOMENICO Detective Sergeant $130,664.35 $840.64 DI PASSA JULIE Detective $114,366.71 $394.68 DI TOLLO MONICA FRANCA Operations Supervisor $114,406.01 $752.70 DI TOMMASO MARIO Staff Superintendent $176,011.33 $13,369.43 DIAZ PEDRO EDUARDO Detective $139,795.96 $813.38 DIAZ ANGELA MARIA Police Constable $108,506.61 $754.78 DICK MICHAEL DAVID Plainclothes Police Constable $112,212.06 $775.84 DICKIE CRAIG WILLIAM Plainclothes Police Constable $136,801.85 $775.84 DICKINSON DAVID THORPE Detective $142,260.46 $800.54 DICOSOLA MICHELE Detective $134,586.92 $819.78 DIDANIELI ROBERTO Detective Sergeant $134,490.56 $858.52 DIGIOVANNI GIUSEPPE Sergeant $122,482.80 $819.78 DILLY ANDREW EARL Plainclothes Police Constable $103,496.45 $768.11 DION DANIEL Sergeant $119,373.56 $819.78 DIONNE CHRISTOPHER Detective $111,477.90 $394.68 DIRENZO RAYMOND MARTIN Sergeant $113,419.36 $819.78 DISALVO SHARON Sergeant $112,918.05 $819.78 DITLOF NICHOLAS CHRISTOPHER Plainclothes Police Constable $106,008.92 $750.60 DIVIESTI TONY Detective Sergeant $130,627.50 $858.52 DIZON JOSE BENEDICTO Detective $123,938.48 $800.54 DIZON EDUARDO Plainclothes Police Constable $107,717.82 $764.50 DLUGOPOLSKI STANISLAW Plainclothes Police Constable $114,716.52 $775.84 DMYTRYSHYN KAREN SUMIE Coordinator $105,068.64 $765.18 DOBBS BEVERLY ROSE Police Constable $102,729.48 $744.12 DOBBS CHRISTIAN DANIEL Plainclothes Police Constable $101,745.33 $775.84 DOBIAS ROBERT ANDREW Training Constable $110,571.29 $769.73 DOBIAS ASHLEY NICOLE Police Constable $105,216.04 $744.12 DOBRO ANDREW Police Constable $109,798.45 $774.02 DODDS LESLIE GRAHAM Plainclothes Police Constable $118,636.02 $775.84 DODSON RANDIE Training Constable $105,825.56 $784.94 DOE LIONEL DOUGLAS Plainclothes Police Constable $107,797.38 $757.89 DOHERTY BRADEN SPENCER Police Constable $101,485.19 $754.78 DOKURNO RICHARD MICHAEL Detective Sergeant $125,742.16 $858.52 DOLENC BRENDA LYNN Police Constable $120,906.77 $744.12 DOLGHII IVAN Police Constable $124,535.17 $744.12 DOMENCHUK ANDREA MARIE Police Constable $102,666.01 $744.12 DOMINELLI VITTORIO SALVATORE Police Constable $109,643.74 $754.78 DOMINEY PAUL LAURIE Detective $165,218.18 $809.38 DOMINGO JASON EDWARD Police Constable $112,091.27 $754.78 DONAIS BRADLEY JAMES Detective $111,870.27 $800.54 DONALDSON DAVID JOHN Plainclothes Police Constable $102,329.87 $765.18 DONE IULIAN Police Constable $111,732.87 $744.12 DONISON KIM Police Constable $182,254.71 $774.02 DONNELLY BARRY CHRISTOPHER Plainclothes Police Constable $117,457.86 $765.18 D'ONOFRIO ANTONIO Plainclothes Police Constable $133,839.54 $772.97 DORAZIO NICKOLAS CHARLES Plainclothes Police Constable $112,277.90 $760.45 DOREY JOSEPH THOMAS Project Leader $117,063.08 $407.16 D'ORNELLAS MARK CHRISTOPHER Training Constable $109,101.52 $784.94 DORRINGTON FRANCIS JUSTIN Plainclothes Police Constable $114,790.65 $765.59 DORRINGTON LAURIE DONNA Plainclothes Police Constable $105,131.50 $761.26 DOSANJH MANDEEP Police Constable $104,450.39 $736.74

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    RECORD OF EMPLOYEES 2014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS BY LAST NAME DOUGLAS BARBARA ANN Detective $113,940.36 $809.38 DOUGLAS JEFFREY Sergeant $113,049.70 $819.78 DOUGLAS FRASER GORDON Plainclothes Police Constable $108,951.01 $770.98 DOUGLAS STEPHEN MICHAEL Plainclothes Police Constable $108,512.81 $775.84 DOUGLAS-COOK ALLYSON KAREN Police Constable $112,307.59 $748.22 DOUGLIN CHARLES VANCE Police Constable $101,884.89 $769.36 DOUR EYAD AHMAD Manager of Project Management and Governance $133,714.15 $1,041.58 DOUVIS ANTONIOS Plainclothes Police Constable $120,125.55 $350.74 DOWDING JEFFREY EDWARD Police Constable $113,338.07 $737.97 DOWLING CHRISTOPHER THOMAS Police Constable $104,579.92 $744.12 DOWNING THOMAS Police Constable $108,109.97 $774.02 DOYLE CHRISTOPHER PATRICK Plainclothes Police Constable $135,613.42 $775.84 DOYLE JAMES EDWARD Police Constable $130,701.67 $744.12 DOYLE DANIEL MAURICE Police Constable $109,335.79 $754.78 DOYLE BRIAN PHILIP Police Constable $103,160.99 $764.05 DOYLE ANDREW MERSHON Plainclothes Police Constable $102,539.81 $765.18 DRAHEIM RODNEY ALFRED-WERNER Police Constable $122,388.66 $754.78 DRAKE WILLIAM Sergeant $141,523.60 $819.78 DRAKE KEVIN CHRISTOPHER Police Constable $131,658.31 $754.78 DRAPACK RYAN JOSEPH Sergeant $114,744.51 $800.54 DRAPER KIRSTAN GILES Police Constable $101,424.71 $754.78 DRAPER CHE WILLIAM Police Constable $100,662.73 $754.78 DREGLIA ALEXANDER Police Constable $113,925.66 $744.12 DRENNAN CRAIG Staff Sergeant $134,207.50 $851.07 DROPULJIC JOSEPH Police Constable $120,992.33 $754.78 DROZDZOWSKI MAREK Police Constable $123,762.32 $754.78 DRUMMOND WENDY ELIZABETH Sergeant $112,600.78 $522.63 DRUMMOND KYLE ROBERT Police Constable $103,854.74 $754.78 DRUMMOND CRAIG WILLIAM Police Constable $101,366.65 $754.78 DRURY PAUL Detective $116,035.72 $394.68 D'SILVA ALLISTER Plainclothes Police Constable $118,762.02 $775.84 D'SOUZA PHILIP Police Constable $117,599.16 $770.42 D'SOUZA TYRON IAN Police Constable $106,665.32 $748.22 DUARTE JOAO RODRIGO Police Constable $120,852.91 $769.36 DUARTE MARGARET Police Constable $117,984.39 $342.36 DUARTE MARCO FILIPE Plainclothes Police Constable $104,318.62 $760.32 DUBE DAVID Sergeant $112,789.91 $819.78 DUBREUIL JEAN Sergeant $126,130.60 $819.78 DUCIE CURTIS WAYNE Sergeant $108,390.38 $800.54 DUCKWORTH SCOTT Sergeant $112,836.29 $819.78 DUCUSIN MICHAEL RYAN Training Constable $109,033.15 $765.31 DUDAREV VADIM Police Constable $139,131.57 $754.78 DUERDEN PATRICK PETER Plainclothes Police Constable $117,194.44 $775.84 DUFFUS RICHARD HUGH Detective $130,380.83 $819.78 DUFFY MARJORIE ARLEEN Sergeant $123,208.60 $814.58 DUGGAN JENNIFER JOAN Plainclothes Police Constable $108,867.97 $767.30 DUKE BRIAN DOUGLAS Sergeant $111,477.90 $819.78 DULATAS JOSE JOB Plainclothes Police Constable $112,412.21 $761.55 DULUDE LISA ARLENE Police Constable $113,519.97 $744.12 DUNBAR EVERETT CLAIR Police Constable $109,315.68 $744.12 DUNCAN PETER Detective $112,672.77 $819.78 DUNCAN MELISSA JOY Plainclothes Police Constable $110,421.46 $775.84 DUNCAN PHILLIP ZVI Training Constable $106,889.57 $778.38 DUNK COREY EVERETTE Plainclothes Police Constable $115,889.57 $770.98 DUNKER NIGEL PETER Training Constable $110,540.61 $775.84 DUNKLEY LESLIE Detective $151,887.50 $819.78 DUNLOP JOHN PAUL Sergeant $121,762.19 $819.78 DUNLOP JAMES MICHAEL Plainclothes Police Constable $109,985.74 $775.84 DUNN BEVERLY Police Constable $126,985.92 $774.02 DUNNE JAMES WILLIAM Police Constable $112,593.36 $754.78 DUNNING BRIAN JAMES Plainclothes Police Constable $106,428.05 $761.26 DURAN ADRIAN ROGELIO Plainclothes Police Constable $116,669.28 $765.59 DURHAM CAMERON EDWARD Staff Sergeant $133,190.85 $858.52 DUROCHER DAVID LEONARD Police Constable $107,822.97 $754.78 DURRAN NED Police Constable $163,865.15 $754.78 DURST NATALIE ELIZABETH Plainclothes Police Constable $126,512.87 $765.18 DURST CHRISTOPHER DAVID Police Constable $120,045.56 $744.12 DURY BENJAMIN MICHAEL Detective $113,936.89 $629.53 DUTHIE ROBERT Sergeant $125,915.80 $819.78 DUTHIE COLIN BARRIE Plainclothes Police Constable $104,440.35 $775.84 DWYER ANTHONY Plainclothes Police Constable $104,520.12 $795.08 DYBOWSKI MICHAEL LEONHARD Plainclothes Police Constable $100,899.60 $775.84

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    Appendix A

    RECORD OF EMPLOYEES 2014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS BY LAST NAME DYCK HENRY JACOB Police Constable $110,432.11 $491.41 DYKE GEOFFREY THOMAS Training Constable $102,709.57 $775.84 DYKE ADRIAN WARREN Police Constable $102,628.63 $731.82 DZELAJLIJA GEORGE Police Constable $109,974.09 $774.22 DZINGALA RICHARD GEORGE Police Constable $133,176.12 $774.02 EAGLESON DAWN MICHELLE Detective $110,794.27 $809.38 EAGLESON LISA CHRISTINE Detective $108,772.74 $809.38 EARL MICHAEL Staff Inspector $155,889.74 $19,602.12 EAST JEFFREY BRUCE Police Constable $107,335.68 $744.12 EASTER PETER Police Constable $103,959.57 $774.02 EATON DOUGLAS BRIAN Police Constable $106,101.29 $751.91 EBRAHIM RIAZ AHMED Police Constable $104,531.34 $754.78 EBRAHIMI POOYA Plainclothes Police Constable $128,706.83 $765.18 ECKERSALL PETER JAMES Plainclothes Police Constable $102,935.95 $773.41 ECKLUND DAVID GRENVILLE Detective Sergeant $133,684.79 $848.12 ECKLUND ANDREW DOUGLAS Staff Sergeant $120,808.96 $832.04 EDGAR LESLIE ADAM Plainclothes Police Constable $107,620.03 $775.84 EDWARD GLENN RAYMOND Sergeant $107,473.43 $800.54 EDWICKER ALEXIS GRACE Detective $126,834.66 $800.54 EICHENBERG JAMES MICHAEL Training Constable $120,362.57 $784.94 ELASCHUK CHRISTIEN TIMOTHY Police Constable $101,428.60 $754.78 ELDRIDGE REGINALD Sergeant $112,576.31 $819.78 ELEY STUART Inspector $147,442.28 $918.84 ELGAR KAREN ELIZABETH Plainclothes Police Constable $104,503.88 $795.08 ELIADIS ALEXANDER Police Constable $104,497.70 $754.78 ELLIOT BENJAMIN GEORGE Plainclothes Police Constable $123,542.05 $775.84 ELLIOTT PAUL Detective $130,385.55 $819.78 ELLIOTT CHRISTOPHER PAUL Detective $115,818.42 $809.38 ELLIOTT SHAWN WILLIAM Sergeant $113,298.31 $819.78 ELLIOTT ADRIAN GODFREY Police Constable $108,244.63 $754.78 ELLIS GEOFFREY WILLIAM Plainclothes Police Constable $112,232.04 $775.84 ELLIS AISHA BINTA Police Constable $109,471.62 $744.12 ELLIS MATTHEW AUSTIN Police Constable $107,069.35 $744.12 ELVY CONROY JONATHAN Police Constable $119,955.52 $737.97 ELZINGA SIU-MIA Plainclothes Police Constable $112,576.06 $775.84 EMIGH DAVID Sergeant $120,899.33 $819.78 EMMS JEFFREY BRIAN Plainclothes Police Constable $111,605.85 $775.84 EMOND CHRISTIAN RENE Plainclothes Police Constable $124,101.73 $761.26 EMPTAGE MATTHEW JAMES Plainclothes Police Constable $106,485.02 $772.97 ENGEL MARTEN BROUWER Police Constable $120,735.84 $754.78 ENTWISTLE WARREN CLAYTON Plainclothes Police Constable $120,978.58 $350.74 ENTWISTLE MALGORZATA Police Constable $110,842.03 $774.02 ERDIS IAN ROSS Police Constable $108,926.54 $754.78 ERICKSON KENNETH Police Constable $130,450.03 $774.02 ERMACORA ROBERT GALDINO Detective $111,818.60 $818.18 ERVICK DALE Inspector $158,082.74 $1,119.05 ESKEN INDREK Detective $118,070.38 $819.78 ESPIE GLEN Police Constable $102,076.35 $751.91 ESPINO NILO ANTHONY Police Constable $104,435.18 $754.78 ESPINOZA PARENT VICTOR MANUEL Police Constable $143,655.22 $748.22 ESTEVES RUI MANUEL Police Constable $116,688.17 $754.78 ESTWICK EULIALIA Sergeant $111,677.05 $394.68 ETHIER CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL Plainclothes Police Constable $120,195.05 $765.59 EUSTACE DAVID Sergeant $114,973.27 $819.78 EUTENEIER SIMON QUINCEY Police Constable $164,616.77 $744.12 EVANS BRYCE Superintendent $163,147.59 $13,703.28 EVANS BART Sergeant $114,042.82 $819.78 EVANS MARK ANTHONY Police Constable $101,195.92 $748.22 EVANS JULIE MARIE Sergeant $100,975.43 $756.54 EVELYN DION Manager of Communications Services $155,324.98 $1,164.14 EVELYN JOEL JAMSON Police Constable $122,848.45 $754.78 EVEREST JOHN ALFRED Sergeant $114,493.71 $819.78 EYDEN AIMEE JAMIE Police Constable $111,824.37 $754.78 FACOETTI MICHAEL PAUL Sergeant $138,435.42 $813.38 FADEL MOHAMAD Police Constable $110,849.95 $744.12 FADI STEVEN PAUL Police Constable $108,139.48 $772.42 FADUCK BRYON WILLIAM Police Constable $101,258.17 $744.12 FAGU AVINAASH PRITHIPAUL Plainclothes Police Constable $100,821.84 $350.74 FAIRCLOUGH JAMES STEPHEN Sergeant $100,961.09 $763.58 FAIRCLOUGH WERNER Police Constable $100,231.43 $754.78 FAIZI HASSANAIN Police Constable $148,479.15 $744.12 FALCONER GREGORY Detective $122,579.80 $819.78

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    Appendix A

    RECORD OF EMPLOYEES 2014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS BY LAST NAME FALKINSON FRANK Staff Sergeant $134,637.33 $515.17 FALLIS ROBERT Plainclothes Police Constable $110,121.40 $795.08 FARAHBAKHSH JEANETTE ISABEL Director of Human Resources $178,876.84 $2,194.24 FARDELL RYAN DAVID Plainclothes Police Constable $102,223.23 $750.60 FAREWELL DANIEL HAROLD Police Constable $106,197.13 $761.26 FARRELL GEORGE Staff Sergeant $135,045.07 $858.52 FARRELL CHRISTINE MARIE Detective $122,753.96 $819.78 FARRELL DOUGLAS JAMES Training Constable $106,645.86 $775.84 FARRUGIA MARIE Sergeant $130,518.35 $819.78 FASSBENDER SUSAN ELISABETH Police Constable $111,439.24 $763.62 FAZELI ALAN ALIREZA Sergeant $111,257.37 $436.43 FEAGAN GREGORY DAVID Police Constable $115,919.20 $754.78 FEATHERSTONHAUGH JENNIFER PATRICIA Plainclothes Police Constable $104,553.04 $769.36 FEAVER CORY BERT Police Constable $106,384.08 $774.02 FEBBO OLIVER Sergeant $134,745.99 $819.78 FEDERICO MICHAEL Deputy Chief $215,581.60 $12,863.49 FEDERICO MATTHEW MICHAEL Senior Technical Analyst $115,623.80 $802.62 FEDORY MYKOLA Police Constable $101,614.26 $744.12 FEGAN PAUL Training Constable $106,542.18 $795.08 FEGAN BRENDA ELIZABETH Police Constable $100,380.30 $763.62 FEHR DOUGLAS ALAN Training Constable $113,683.32 $775.84 FELTMATE MARLOWE LUCIEN Police Constable $109,716.81 $744.12 FENECH JEFFREY Plainclothes Police Constable $122,822.87 $772.97 FENNELL MARK ANTHONY Police Constable $101,678.12 $754.78 FENTON DAVID Superintendent $168,289.76 $15,314.03 FENTON JASON ROBERT Police Constable $110,662.04 $754.78 FENWICK MATTHEW MICHAEL Plainclothes Police Constable $122,210.70 $760.32 FERADAY MARK DANIEL Sergeant $111,477.90 $819.78 FERDINAND PATRICK WALLACE Police Constable $111,162.09 $774.02 FERGUSON HUGH Superintendent $168,289.76 $15,350.44 FERGUSON SCOTT CAVANAGH Detective $123,882.35 $5,951.90 FERGUSON STEPHEN Detective $115,471.25 $819.78 FERGUSON JAY MARIE Sergeant $114,691.31 $819.78 FERKO CHRISTOPHER ROBIN Police Constable $156,695.39 $763.62 FERNANDES SELWYN JOHN Superintendent $168,289.76 $10,884.54 FERNANDES CHRISTOPHER Superintendent $166,652.81 $8,347.83 FERNANDES MICHAEL FREITAS Police Constable $140,812.53 $744.12 FERNANDES BASIL GREG Police Constable $116,904.39 $744.12 FERNANDES KERI ANN Detective $115,767.61 $800.54 FERNANDES MICHAEL Plainclothes Police Constable $111,821.30 $369.98 FERNANDES ROSS SAVIO Detective $110,012.59 $786.29 FERNANDES DWAYNE ANTHONY Plainclothes Police Constable $108,535.21 $784.94 FERNANDES JOAO ANGELO Police Constable $100,163.02 $744.12 FERNANDES ROLAND ANDREA Police Constable $100,133.55 $768.82 FERNANDEZ STEVEN JAMES Police Constable $101,202.48 $744.12 FERREIRA MARK Police Constable $161,862.37 $778.88 FERREIRA MICKAEL Police Constable $111,053.44 $748.22 FERREIRA JASON NETO Police Constable $108,033.40 $737.97 FERREIRA PAULO JORGE Police Constable $104,175.10 $754.78 FERRIS LISA Detective $121,974.63 $819.78 FERRIS MANIE THERESE Police Constable $117,554.47 $754.78 FERRIS KEVIN Sergeant $112,492.69 $819.78 FERRY MICHAEL BERNARD Sergeant $153,090.80 $819.78 FERRY JASON WAYNE Detective $109,462.40 $809.38 FIDLER ANDREW CLARENCE Police Constable $139,017.08 $744.12 FIELD CAMERON DOUGLAS Detective Sergeant $122,716.20 $482.47 FIELDING SHAWN MICHAEL Police Constable $171,316.66 $754.78 FIGLARZ RADOSLAW Plainclothes Police Constable $117,878.68 $761.26 FILLIER SEAN MICHAEL Police Constable $106,109.84 $754.78 FINDLAY RYAN MCLEAN Police Constable $113,171.69 $754.78 FINE JEREMY DAVID Communications Operator $104,915.81 $709.02 FINLAY ALLAN Sergeant $141,297.59 $693.66 FINLEY-KELLOUGH JILLIAN ELIZABETH Police Constable $101,393.76 $754.78 FISCHER DAVID ANTHONY Plainclothes Police Constable $111,777.51 $771.79 FISHER BRADLEY Sergeant $131,660.78 $819.78 FISHER SUSAN Police Constable $111,173.35 $774.02 FISTER MIRAN Police Constable $108,439.25 $778.07 FITKIN GRISEL Plainclothes Police Constable $113,736.86 $775.84 FITKIN ROBERT WILLIAM Police Constable $109,398.14 $744.12 FITZGERALD THOMAS Superintendent $168,289.76 $11,473.59 FITZSIMMONS DANIEL JAMES Police Constable $122,782.57 $768.92 FLANDERS TODD MATTHEW Staff Sergeant $121,618.67 $832.04

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    Appendix A

    RECORD OF EMPLOYEES 2014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS BY LAST NAME FLECKEISEN IRIS Plainclothes Police Constable $101,547.36 $783.92 FLEMING CHRISTOPHER PAUL Police Constable $110,983.74 $744.12 FLETT JAMES Plainclothes Police Constable $116,172.21 $369.98 FLIS ALBERT Detective $126,447.71 $819.78 FLIS CANDICE LYNN Sergeant $112,090.78 $819.78 FLORES MANUEL ALEJANDRO Plainclothes Police Constable $119,719.40 $758.83 FLOREZ LUIS GUILLERMO Police Constable $131,041.32 $744.53 FLOWERS THOMAS PRYCE Training Constable $112,499.87 $784.94 FLUMIAN TRACY LYNN ANGELA Plainclothes Police Constable $102,210.24 $761.26 FOGG BRETT GORDON Police Constable $104,547.46 $774.02 FOLEY RENEE CYNTHIA Detective $112,476.21 $809.38 FOLEY KATHARINE MARIAM Plainclothes Police Constable $103,882.69 $761.26 FONG NELSON Police Constable $172,043.08 $744.12 FONG WAI SHUN Police Constable $120,092.62 $754.78 FONG MICHAEL DO Police Constable $114,213.98 $738.43 FONSECA MICHAEL REMALHO Training Constable $103,111.44 $775.84 FORBES DAVID WILLIAM Plainclothes Police Constable $106,833.93 $772.60 FORCHIONE ANTONIO Staff Sergeant $127,124.09 $858.52 FORD CHRISTIAN WILLIAM Police Constable $122,146.81 $744.12 FORD ANDREW RION Plainclothes Police Constable $120,600.55 $765.18 FORD HARRISON MARC Police Constable $114,622.97 $737.97 FORDE RYAN Detective $122,407.72 $800.54 FORDE ROGER ANTHONY Sergeant $110,318.04 $800.54 FORESTALL GREGORY Detective $130,807.66 $819.78 FORESTELL MICHAEL Sergeant $121,260.78 $819.78 FORREST GRANT ADAM Police Constable $112,113.64 $329.68 FORREST SEAN SEYMOUR Police Constable $104,649.16 $769.36 FORSYTH CONNIE Plainclothes Police Constable $106,426.83 $761.13 FOSTER LORNE DAVID Plainclothes Police Constable $122,091.69 $765.18 FOSTER WAYNE EDWARD Plainclothes Police Constable $109,011.48 $750.60 FOSTER ANTHONY JOSEPH Police Constable $100,612.57 $754.78 FOTOPOULOS GEORGE Sergeant $121,546.43 $819.78 FOUGERE CORY TRENTON Plainclothes Police Constable $116,274.29 $775.84 FOULDS LAURA JANE Plainclothes Police Constable $106,337.87 $775.84 FOURNIER MARIE-JOSEE Police Constable $109,002.95 $769.36 FOWLDS SCOTT MACKENZIE Sergeant $133,022.02 $819.78 FOWLDS GORDON BRUCE Police Constable $109,813.74 $774.02 FOWLER WAYNE LEONARD Detective $114,729.08 $819.78 FOX STEVEN ANDREW Police Constable $116,550.50 $754.78 FOX JAMES Detective $116,383.60 $819.78 FRANCIS JENNIFER SUZANNE Police Constable $114,755.96 $744.12 FRANCO CHRISTOPHER ROBERT Police Constable $158,233.97 $695.07 FRANCOIS PATRICE GASTON Plainclothes Police Constable $105,217.45 $768.55 FRANK MARILYN IRENE Plainclothes Police Constable $103,585.94 $784.94 FRANKE MARK Police Constable $124,038.74 $702.46 FRANKEN MICHAEL DANIEL Police Constable $100,335.72 $744.12 FRANKLIN RICHARD Plainclothes Police Constable $117,060.42 $795.08 FRASER SPENCER ROBERT Plainclothes Police Constable $120,867.39 $775.84 FRASER TRACEY Sergeant $114,237.51 $819.78 FRASER ROD DAVID Plainclothes Police Constable $104,497.58 $775.84 FREDERICK ANTONIO RUDOLPH Sergeant $119,601.61 $768.86 FREEMAN JEFFREY BRYANT Police Constable $109,467.78 $754.78 FREEMAN ERIC MICHAEL Police Constable $107,611.57 $769.36 FRENCH JOHN Staff Sergeant $130,254.15 $858.52 FRENCH CHRISTOPHER JAMES Sergeant $119,813.95 $797.02 FRENDO-JONES MARK EDWARD Police Constable $120,016.66 $744.12 FRIEBE DANNY Police Constable $122,084.44 $774.02 FRIESEN BETHANEY NADINE Plainclothes Police Constable $103,067.96 $751.91 FRIGON ROBERT Plainclothes Police Constable $123,432.79 $795.08 FRIMETH KEVIN DAVID Detective $161,862.92 $819.78 FRITZ THEODOR Detective $123,524.24 $819.78 FRITZ GORDON Plainclothes Police Constable $112,918.23 $795.08 FROST GREGORY CHARLES Police Constable $108,227.42 $748.22 FRYER STEPHEN ROBERT Plainclothes Police Constable $100,482.17 $769.28 FUNCHION DANIEL SCOTT Plainclothes Police Constable $106,327.59 $755.06 FURANNA RYAN ANDREW Plainclothes Police Constable $104,888.55 $775.84 FURNESS HOWARD WAYNE Manager of Payroll and Benefits Administration $131,790.08 $619.56 FURYK ROBERT PAUL Plainclothes Police Constable $116,654.35 $766.12 FURZECOTT MARK LINTON Police Constable $103,109.30 $748.22 FYDENCHUK KAY Police Constable $111,306.38 $774.02 FYFE JOHN Plainclothes Police Constable $117,502.28 $795.08 FYNES BRONAGH MARIA Detective $118,133.40 $800.54

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    Appendix A

    RECORD OF EMPLOYEES 2014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS BY LAST NAME GABRIEL MATTHEW THOMAS Police Constable $118,450.28 $764.50 GAGLIARDI VITO Detective $144,129.88 $800.54 GAGLIARDI DEANNA LYNN Plainclothes Police Constable $100,676.92 $709.63 GAJRAJ SYED SEAN Plainclothes Police Constable $109,248.81 $775.84 GALAMIYEVA YEKATERINA Police Constable $103,706.54 $744.12 GALAPON WENDELL IAN Police Constable $103,854.16 $754.78 GALAZKA TOMASZ ROBERT Training Constable $125,486.25 $784.94 GALIOTOS KONSTANTINOS Plainclothes Police Constable $107,880.20 $775.84 GALLAGHER JOHN ASHLEY Plainclothes Police Constable $113,897.19 $775.84 GALLAGHER IAN JAMES Police Constable $111,076.98 $744.12 GALLANT TIMOTHY Staff Sergeant $146,047.01 $858.52 GALLANT ROBERT Detective $135,092.06 $819.78 GALLANT STACY Detective Sergeant $123,191.84 $858.52 GALLANT KELLY-ANN Detective Sergeant $122,508.14 $858.52 GALLANT DENISE Detective $112,281.90 $394.68 GALLANT CAROLINE Plainclothes Police Constable $111,411.03 $795.08 GALLO DANIEL Plainclothes Police Constable $111,070.97 $919.91 GANDHI MANMOHAN SINGH Plainclothes Police Constable $105,828.24 $753.08 GANESHALINGAM NIRUBAN Police Constable $100,731.23 $744.12 GANJ ARRAN Plainclothes Police Constable $124,602.41 $775.84 GARBAS EDWARD ARTHUR Police Constable $126,845.34 $774.02 GARBUTT TODD Police Constable $120,323.44 $789.41 GARBUTT DEBORAH GRACE Police Constable $112,475.61 $763.62 GARCIA NANDINO Police Constable $150,093.02 $737.97 GARCIA CHRISTOPHER Police Constable $121,946.62 $744.12 GARCIA ETELVINO MANUEL Police Constable $101,168.90 $744.12 GARDA DARIUS Plainclothes Police Constable $103,569.69 $765.18 GARDINER ROBERT SCOTT Detective $116,680.24 $797.02 GARDNER RONALD FRANKLIN Sergeant $109,969.27 $800.54 GARGANIS ANGELO Police Constable $103,550.96 $754.78 GARLAND MARINA EDUARDOVNA Detective $119,829.53 $797.02 GARRETT RICHARD FREDRICK Plainclothes Police Constable $128,338.48 $759.56 GARRISON HEIDI ELSIE Detective Sergeant $122,309.72 $433.42 GARRISON TRACEY LEE-ANN Sergeant $102,117.85 $784.28 GARROW PATRICK JOHN Sergeant $104,675.27 $793.34 GARVEY ANDREW FREDERICK Plainclothes Police Constable $109,821.54 $768.55 GAUDET DAVID RICHARD Sergeant $116,877.62 $797.02 GAUDET DERRICK Sergeant $115,570.75 $819.78 GAUTHIER LEO Detective $116,304.72 $819.78 GAUTHIER PAUL RICHARD Sergeant $108,427.08 $800.54 GAVALLER ILANA CHANA Police Constable $110,072.57 $744.12 GAZEY DARYL Plainclothes Police Constable $131,340.45 $795.08 GEANA SORIN Police Constable $131,483.37 $754.78 GEE WILLIAM EDWARD Plainclothes Police Constable $109,870.67 $758.83 GELLEL JENNIFER Police Constable $121,275.76 $744.12 GELLI MARIO Police Constable $119,831.21 $774.02 GENDI PETER Police Constable $108,357.14 $744.12 GENDRON PAUL Police Constable $100,092.19 $774.02 GENOVY SHAUN Detective $116,342.54 $819.78 GEORGE GLEN Sergeant $114,971.08 $819.78 GEORGE KEITH JOSEPH Police Constable $100,971.74 $748.22 GEORGOPOULOS KEVIN Plainclothes Police Constable $114,739.69 $758.83 GERMAINE JENNIFER ANNE Police Constable $101,876.18 $754.78 GERRY DONALD Staff Sergeant $122,876.91 $858.52 GERRY MATTHEW JAMES Police Constable $104,427.90 $744.12 GETTY SHAWN Detective Sergeant $127,841.69 $858.52 GHAZARIAN HAMAYAK Police Constable $134,479.23 $744.12 GHEYSAR MAKDA Financial Planner $128,677.93 $1,028.82 GHOTBI FARZAD Police Constable $105,256.04 $754.78 GIALOUSIS EMANUEL Police Constable $104,582.02 $769.36 GIANNOTTA CELESTINO Director of Information Technology $181,698.52 $2,559.18 GIBB LOUIS Sergeant $118,437.85 $819.78 GIBBONS STEPHEN WOODROW Police Constable $104,485.09 $763.62 GIBILLINI RICHARD Sergeant $120,506.99 $819.78 GIBSON GRAHAM Detective Sergeant $141,398.30 $858.52 GIBSON JAMES Staff Sergeant $125,373.39 $858.52 GIBSON ROGER Sergeant $120,671.80 $819.78 GIBSON NATHAN EDWARD Police Constable $120,139.22 $758.70 GIBSON DARYL THOMAS Plainclothes Police Constable $113,412.51 $769.28 GICZI JIM FRANK Staff Sergeant $143,324.82 $851.07 GIDARI JOSEPH Police Constable $102,194.84 $763.62 GIEDROYC KAROL ZYGMUNT Staff Sergeant $125,651.71 $613.27

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    Appendix A

    RECORD OF EMPLOYEES 2014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS BY LAST NAME GIESCHE CHAD ALLEN Plainclothes Police Constable $105,678.93 $775.84 GILBERT SCOTT Superintendent $162,956.03 $8,866.41 GILBERT DONNA ELLEN Information Security Officer $119,044.20 $537.96 GILBERT SHAWN WILLIAM Detective $107,665.31 $800.54 GILCHRIST LAOIGSEAC Plainclothes Police Constable $101,783.36 $359.84 GILFOY LEAH DAWN Detective Sergeant $120,967.53 $848.12 GILL KULJIT SINGH Police Constable $131,037.52 $754.78 GILL AMANPREET SINGH Police Constable $118,489.04 $754.78 GILL SUKHJIT SINGH Police Constable $117,319.56 $748.22 GILL JASON GOWAN Police Constable $112,943.97 $754.78 GILL SHAWN AUBREY Police Constable $111,566.43 $744.12 GILL BIRENDER SINGH Police Constable $107,536.49 $754.78 GILL SANDEEP SINGH Police Constable $106,333.51 $326.81 GILL SUKHJINDER SINGH Police Constable $104,690.67 $754.78 GILL ARJINDER PAL SINGH Police Constable $102,466.88 $744.12 GILL RUPINDER SINGH Police Constable $102,389.61 $744.12 GILLAN JEFFREY JOHN Police Constable $115,488.84 $759.64 GILLESPIE MICHAEL PATRICK Plainclothes Police Constable $115,638.47 $772.97 GILLIS DAVID WILLIAM Staff Sergeant $129,607.86 $858.52 GINI GUILLERMO STEVE Police Constable $121,912.02 $759.64 GINI COURTNEY MEREDITH Plainclothes Police Constable $101,421.53 $765.18 GIRARD MARTIN REMI Plainclothes Police Constable $116,789.77 $757.08 GIRARDI NANCY LYNNE Plainclothes Police Constable $109,741.46 $775.84 GIROUX GARY Detective Sergeant $16
