Torah STUDY -


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1011 N. Market StreetFrederick, MD 21701

JUNE-JULY 2021Sivan-Tammuz-Av 5781

Volume 22Issue 11




Independence day pIcnIcMonday, July 5th

at 4:00 pm in Staley ParkFun and games for the kids

Bring a pareve side dishRegister at:

Beth Sholom Congregation2

Rabbinic Reflections - Blessed Times


MINYAN AT BSCPlease join us in the Beth Sholom sanctuary on Thursdays at 8:00 AM for minyan.

Torah STUDYJOIN US EVERY SUNDAY AT 11:30 A.M. VIRTUALLYTo join in, contact Monda Sagalkin


Support The Gift Shop

While the gift shop is unable to stay open during the pandemic, you may call the synagogue at 301-663-3437 to schedule an appointment during regular office hours Monday through Friday. You can also shop online at:

הלל אומר: אל תפרוש מן הצבור.Hillel says: Do not separate yourself from the community.

-Pirkei Avot 2:4

These are blessed times indeed!

While we acknowledge and vis-cerally recall the difficulties we all

endured over this past year, we stand now at what we hope is a new beginning. The return to a society that looks a lot like the one we remember from a year-and-a-half ago. Of course, the pandemic has not disappeared from our world, and the virus that causes COVID-19 is still present in our own community. But it is equally true that as the positivity rates continue to decline and we spend more of our time outside, we are discovering opportunities to remove the once necessary barriers which kept us apart for so long.

Here at Beth Sholom we are transitioning more and more of our community activities back to in-person settings. It has felt so won-derful to see so many of you over these past few weeks, whether for Shabbat services, community barbeques or just around the build-ing. It is the shared nature of these moments that serve to infuse the kodesh, holy, in our kehillah kedoshah, or holy community.

Our tradition teaches that we are all created in the image of God and that each of our souls are sparks of the Divine flame. It is pre-cisely through coming together and being physically present with one another that we make God a palpable part of our experiences. This is why the Aron HaKodesh, the Holy Ark, which housed the tablets of the Ten Commandments was topped by two cherubim who faced one another; because the presence of God is most pres-ent in the physical space between two people who are present with and for one another.

Our ability to rejoin in community, in physical proximity to one another, serves to strengthen our spiritual fortitude; not just indi-vidually, but communally as well.

It is in pursuit of cultivating God’s presence in our lives and our community that we must continue to come together and not cut ourselves off. In the words of our great sage Hillel, “Do not sepa-rate yourself from the community.”

It is important to note that there are individuals who continue to have a higher risk and who truly need to remain isolated. Know that we are here for you and are going to continually strive to enable as many in-person forums as possible to be open virtually as well, so that the whole community may participate, whether in person or from home.

It is also true that we are all at different emotional stages regard-ing our communities’ (both Beth Sholom’s and wider Frederick’s)

return to in-person events. My hope is that all those who are not medically required to stay home come to find comfortability returning in person.

I am so grateful that we had the blessings of Zoom and live-streams to remain connected during this pandemic. But being connected and being in community are two different states of being. It is imperative that we reforge the physical bonds of our community. I pray that we will all be able to see each other soon in health and blessing.

Beth Sholom Congregation 3

Message from the President SHARON EDELSTEIN | SMABEG@GMAIL.COM

Thanks to everyone who joined the annual Congregational meeting last month. I hope next year we will meet in person, but in the meantime I really appreciate so many attendees at yet another Zoom meeting.

As a reminder, Bingo is a mainstay of our synagogue finances, and our abil-ity to sustain Bingo is dependent on the

assistance of volunteers. We will re-open Bingo starting on July 4th at full capacity, with mask wearing required and selling only a minimal assortment of pre-packaged foods and drinks. I hope you will join with your fellow community members to uphold the vibrancy of Torah in Frederick by committing to volunteer just once every other month for our Bingo fundraiser. If we all pitch in, the workload will be manageable for everyone. Volunteers must be 18 or older (16 or older to volunteer in the kitchen). If you haven’t already, please complete the Bingo survey as soon as possible. You can find the link in the Thursday announcements.

Mark your calendar for our annual (except last year) Indepen-dence Day picnic. Since the July 4th holiday falls on Sunday this year, we will celebrate with a picnic in Staley Park on Monday July 5th from 4pm - 7pm. We will provide the main course and we are

planning lots of fun activities for the whole family! Please bring a parve side dish to share. Cost is only $8 per adult and $4 per child. The registration link is on the front page of this Bulletin or through the calendar on our website..

As a reminder, services are back on a normal schedule, Friday eve-nings at 7pm with a light oneg afterwards, and Shabbat morning at 9:30am with kiddush lunch following services. We ask that you please continue to wear your mask to services for the time being.

Although many activities are still by Zoom, we are resuming some in-person activities. Please scroll through the weekly announce-ments every Thursday for details.

Lastly, I want to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to our many volunteers over the past year, who through the pandemic kept Beth Sholom an active, vibrant community. There are too many names to list (which really shows how deep our commit-ment runs). Thank you as well to our outgoing Board members as we welcome our incoming members!

Memorial Garden for SimonIt’s been two years since our members, Talia and Brent Turner lost their 22-month old son Simon to a sudden illness. And, in his memory the family is working with the City Parks Department and a Baltimore-based architecture firm to lay the

groundwork for a memorial garden in Baker Park that will give the city’s children a place to splash, a favorite activity of Simon’s in one of his favorite places.

The project has been in the works since about six weeks after Simon died, when Brent and Talia Turner first met with the City Parks Department. A relative had started a GoFundMe to support them after their loss, which raised more than $50,000 in donations. The family knew they wanted to put that money back into the com-munity in a way that would keep their son’s spirit close. Frederick’s Ausherman Family Foundation matched the GoFundMe numbers soon after.

Though there’s still a long way to go, the city’s Parks and Recreation Department has been helping the Turners schedule meetings with staff across the city government and in the state health department to finalize a proposal and develop a memorandum of understand-ing. Once the project is officially approved, the Turners plans to start fundraising in earnest.

In the words of Brent Turner, “It has been a great project for us to put some energy into something in Simon’s name, to take some of that energy that we would have [used] taking care of Simon if he were still here,” he said. “It’s been good for us.”

Beth Sholom Congregation4

From the Executive Director - Historical Events


The historical events on the dates of our summer-month Shabbatot reflect both human vulnerabilities and many dis-plays of strength, insight and creativity by noted Jewish figures.

On the occasion of her 13th birthday, June 12, 1942, legendary author Anne Frank received a diary from her par-ents Otto and Edith in Amsterdam. The

diary would become famous throughout the world as the “Diary of Anne Frank,” a young girl’s chronicle of 25 months of hiding in the attic of an Amsterdam building by 8 Jewish people who were desperate to escape detection by the Nazi Gestapo during World War II. The Frank family and the four others who occupied the attic with them were unfortunately discovered on August 4, 1944, arrested and transported to concentration camps where Anne even-tually succumbed to typhus. The only Frank family member to survive was Otto, who worked tirelessly to get Anne’s diary published. Throughout the years, it has sold 30-million copies and been printed in 70 languages.

On the Hebrew date of Tammuz 16, 5760 (2020), Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman became the first Jew nomi-nated as a Vice-Presidential running mate, as part of the Democratic ticket lead by Presidential candidate Al Gore. As a publicly observant Jew and tireless worker for minority equal rights, Lieber-man’s candidacy did much to enhance the face of Jews in public office and rally

Jewish support for the Democratic ticket. In the November 2000 presidential election, the Gore-Lieberman ticket won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College count, as the Supreme Court stepped in to decide the disputed Florida butterfly ballots. Despite his failed candidacy, the publicity surrounding Lieberman suc-ceeded in communicating Jewish pride to millions of Americans.

On July 3, 1976, Israeli mili-tary forces dispatched a special detail of commandos to Uganda to rescue 106 Israeli passengers and crew members who were taken hostage when an Air France airliner, en route from Tel Aviv to Paris, was hijacked by members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The plane was diverted to Uganda, where the hijackers eventually released 148 non-Israeli passengers, who were imme-

diately flown to Paris. After sitting on the tarmac of the Entebbe airport for a week, the raid to free the remaining hostages was launched by Israel. It took only 90 minutes to successfully com-plete. Of the 106 hostages, 102 were safely rescued, 3 were killed in the raid and one was killed later in a Ugandan hospital. The only Israeli solider casualty was Yonatan Netanyahu, brother of Israel’s current Prime Minister, Benjamim Netanyahu.

On this 8th day of Av 2448 (1313 B.C.E.), the meraglim (spies), whom Moses had dispatched 40 days earlier to scout out the Promised Land, returned to Israel’s encamp-ment in the desert, bearing a huge cluster of grapes and

other lush fruits. The spies, who included Caleb and Joshua, praised what they saw as the fertility of the land, but brought back tales of mighty giant warriers dwelling there, and declared that the land was unconquerable. The people of Israel were not convinced, and G-d himself became angry that his direction to enter the land of Israel was being challenged and he threatened to destroy the Jew-ish people. At Moses’ convincing, G-d spared the Jewish nation, but remanded them to wander 40 years (one year for each day of the spies’ journey) in the desert before they could enter Israel.

Movie goers on July 31, 1928 were treated to the sound of the MGM trademark Leo the Lion’s very first roar when he introduced the studio’s first movie with a prerecorded soundtrack, “White Shadows in the South Seas.” MGM was formed in 1924 when Jewish entertainment entrepreneur Marcus Loew gained control of Metro Pictures, Goldwyn Pictures, founded by Jews Samuel Goldfish and Jewish brothers Edgar and Archibald Selwyn, and the movie studios of Louis B. Mayer, who was also Jewish. Metro- Goldwyn-Mayer Studios (MGM) grew to become one of the top five film studios in Hollywood, producing numerous big musicals, launching the movie careers of many legendary Hollywood stars and winning many Oscars. The company has undergone many changes of ownership and mergers over the years. Today, MGM produces feature films and television series, purchases films for distribution and distributes its own pictures. In films, the com-pany produces the Rocky and Creed franchises, and the James Bond franchise. Recent productions of MGM Television include The Handmaid’s Tale.

Beth Sholom Congregation 5

Upcoming Programs


Passcode: 475236Live from Israel, please join park guide Elly Waller for a special presentation. From the park’s website: Neot Kedumim, the Biblical Landscape Reserve in Israel, is located halfway between Jerusa-lem and Tel Aviv. This unique re-creation of the physical setting of the Bible in all its depth and detail allows visitors to see life as it was lived by our ancestors 3,000 years ago. More than a “garden” showing various plants, Neot Kedumim embodies the panorama and power of the landscapes which shaped the values of the Bible and provided the rich vocabulary for expressing those values. A non-profit organization in Israel, Neot Kedumim has received international recognition as a model of restoration ecology—the reclamation of ravaged landscapes.



Passcode: 507600The event will feature Karen Lewis Young, Delegate for District 3A, Freder-ick County.

Delegate Lewis Young will review some highlights from the past legislative ses-sion. She will also share a few personal observations she made as a Jewish mem-ber of the assembly. 

This presentation will be via Zoom.

Photo courtesy of Neot Kedumim

Tzedek Committee ActivitiesWith the resumption of normal congregational life, we are able to resume a number of Tzedek Committee activities that were not possible during the pandemic. All congregants are welcome to join the committee and the projects the congregation supports. You don’t have to be a committee member to make suggestions for projects or activities. 

During the week of July 31-August 6, the Beth Sholom Congre-gation will once again host the Religious Coalition’s Emergency Family Homeless Shelter. All of the shelter guests are parents and their children. A maximum of fifteen guests can be served by the emergency shelter. All shelter guests’ temperatures are taken before they enter the shelter and guests are tested for COVID-19 on a weekly basis. An employee of the Religious Coalition is always present while guests are in the building. All Religious Coalition employees have been vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus. The Religious Coalition is currently rehabilitating a build-ing on Hayward Avenue that will serve as a permanent facility to temporarily shelter homeless families. The Religious Coalition projects that the new location will be ready for occupancy in Feb-ruary, 2022. This will hopefully be the last time that Beth Sholom will serve as an emergency shelter. Please volunteer to welcome, support and interact with the guests during a time of crisis in their lives. A volunteer’s primary responsibility is to make the guests feel welcome and respected during a very difficult time. First time volunteers are required to submit an application for a criminal background check conducted by the Religious Coalition and to attend an orientation session at the synagogue. Recognizing that many people may still be wary of coming into contact with strang-ers, we will, at a minimum, need volunteers to help the Religious Coalition staff move cots and mattresses in and out of the build-ing on 7/31/21 and on 8/6/21 and to welcome and ensure that the guests are able to enter the building at 6:00 pm during the week. A volunteer application and background check is not needed for anyone who only helps with the move in/out process. Donations of healthy kosher snacks that do not require refrigeration, water, children’s books, magazines, art supplies for children and chil-dren’s games are also needed. Many potential volunteers may still be uncomfortable with having contact with the public and we can-not determine the guests’ vaccination status.

Many congregants have continued to make donations to the Fred-erick Food Bank (14 East All Saints Street) during the pandemic. A collection box for non-perishable food is outside the synagogue office.

We plan to resume other activities including the Alzheimers’ Walk in October, serving dinner at the Frederick Soup Kitchen, working with the Frederick Department of Social Services and Children of Incarcerated Parents Partnership (COIPP).

Please contact Stan Binder for information about or suggestions for the Tzedek Committee ( 703-609-7011).

Condolences toSharon Botkin on the passing of her husband Marshall Botkin

The family of Naomi Lazerow

Beth Sholom Congregation6


When a death occurs during working hours, please call the synagogue office at 301- 663-3437 and ask for Rob Allen so that we may be of assistance. After hours, please call Rob’s cell phone 303-717-3933, leave a message, and Rob will return the call.

Chesed/Religious Affairs Committee:The Chesed Committee assists families who have experienced a death by providing food following the funeral. The Religious Affairs Committee will help set up and lead shivah minyanim. We welcome your interest and encourage your participation and assistance. We need you. Please join us in helping fellow congregants.

If you have any questions, please contact Rob Allen at 301-663-3437.

Mazel tov! We made it to the end of the Religious School year! We wanted to mark the end of this year’s learning with an in-person BBQ to celebrate all of the hard work on behalf of the teach-ers and students who persevered throughout this whole year to make learning Hebrew and staying connected Jewishly a priority. Kol Hakavod (way to go!) to all of you who put in the time and energy to be present virtually with us this whole year. We all had to navigate these new waters we’ve been treading, and it seems that we’ve been able to do so successfully. Our goal is always to make sure that the learning environment is a productive one, and to maintain flexibility when the need requires it. We’re so proud of all of the learning that took place this year and look forward to a renewed sense of community and connection in the coming year as we prepare to open in-person, with the Wednesday component remaining virtual.

We appreciate and commend all of our teachers this year, Natalie Eyler, Leah Grasso, Sheri Levine, Forrest Popkin and Andy Rosenfeld, for taking care of their students this year—we see how hard you’ve worked and we want to give you a special Yasher Koach! Thank you all so much for all that you do. Have a wonderful summer everyone! We’ll see you all (God-will-ing) in the fall. B’hatzlacha and enjoy the sun!


WE WANT TO KNOW…Are you under the weather? Do you know someone who is? Please let us know. We want to reach out! If a member of our community is sick or in need of a call or visit, please call Rob or Katelyn in the office at 301-663-3437 or email us at We need their names in order to say a Mi Sheberach (prayer for all those in need of healing) from the bima on Shabbat. If you know their and their mothers’ Hebrew names, please give us this informa-tion also. Please help to keep us informed because we care about you.

Rosh Chodesh GroupThe first day of each Jewish month, the celebration

of the new moon, is a day historically related to women’s renewal  and celebration. As the moon prepares

to make its reemergence into the night sky, we prepare ourselves to be spiritu-

ally attuned and awakened to its light and its power. We give

ourselves the gift of tuning into our own power as we appreciate and celebrate the moments of each month that are significant and meaningful to us as Jewish women.

Join us every month as we gather for learn-ing, ritual, and spiritual exploration to celebrate Rosh Chodesh with Cantor Shulie!

The gathering for June will take place at 3:30 pm, Sunday, June 13, and for July at 3:30 pm, Sunday, July 11 on Zoom.

Beth Sholom Congregation 7


Benjamin Ebert-ZavosJulia Diaz

Samantha NeierRobin Schnapper

John EglyJulian LazarusEileen MarcusTyler Koshar

Rachel PincusOmer AshkenaziCandace Herzog

Ricky HirschhornSteve Chado

Andrew HaringAlexa Kane

Abigail LevineAlana Ebert-Zavos

Stacee SpringerMichael ElkonJames FowlerEric MarcusKevin Dwyer

Margaret McWilliamsElaine NeufeldRebecca Harris

Eton YellinDevin Toth

John HaynesJustin NicholasJoshua TreiberSassan ShaoolAlex PoltiloveSeth Poltilove

Albert SolomonAngela Staffone

JUNE ANNIVERSARIESHoward Wetrogan & Jamie Wetrogan

Paul Kessler & Betsy Nicholas Bruce Zagnit & Carol Zagnit

David Nathanson & Paula Nathanson John Tragert & Marne Tragert

Leah Grasso & Benjamin Oconis Holly Stone & Robert Stone

Morris Kelsey & Norma Kelsey John Kane & Michelle Kane

Stuart Altman & Amy Altman Nathan Sadownik & Sharyn Sadownik

Steve Chado & Beverly Chado Halee Helmer & John Helmer

Edwin Shykind & Arlene Shykind Barbara Lohman-Flynn & John Flynn

Derek Frankel & Peggy Frankel Martin Potash & Janet Potash

Jerrold Pollack & Bonnie Pollack Randi Dwoskin & Matthew Dwoskin

Zachary Ludwig & Lea Ludwig Steve Shapiro & Patrick Stambaugh


Ilene Liszka & Joseph Liszka Ryan Diener & Samantha Neier Andrew Haring & Sarah Haring

Adam Emral Shaool & Jennifer Emral Shaool Stephen Thaler & Kimberly Thaler

Paul Kane & Andrea KaneSteven Buntman & Sharon Buntman

Joseph Ashwal & Karen Ashwal John Egly & Stephanie Egly

Rachel Tuer & Jeff Tuer



Marc GordonSavannah Lloyd

Benjamin RobersonEd Locke

Dan ShapiroHarry Rovin

Sharon KuebbingPhil Maslan

Samuel Ebert-ZavosLois Loew

Nathan SadownikDaryll Miller

Hannah FeldmanAlexander AscherAndrew Cantor

Ellie GreeneBetsy NicholasDavid Hersh

Arlene GreenspanTalia Imes

Talia TurnerDarlene CarverSherry Wyskida

Eli TragertBrian Maller

Chuck PenneyLaurie Hoffman

Zak KosharHunter Peltz

Arlene ShykindMarisa Stone

Matthew KesslerElijah TuerSarah Lantz

Mark EbingerMJ Minton

Melissa VivariSharon EdelsteinMelody Popkin

Jack Ascher

Beth Sholom Congregation8

YahrzeitsJUNE - JULY 2021SIVAN -TAMMUZ- AV 5781

*Indicates Shabbat on which name will be read from the Bima.

JUNE 4 & 5 *Anne M. Rosen

Maurice Louis Sclar Jeannette Ansel Sharon Berman

Wallace Germain Sanford Blum Anna Levine Howard Seed

Irene Ruth Bluethenthal Ethel Mogilewsky

Elaine Hodges Sara Rubin

JUNE 11 & 12*Barney Kandel

Dr. Eugene Zebovitz Leonard Wolfson Morris Kapiloff

Gerhard Grauman Elizabeth Ashwal Giuliana Goetzl

Rae Shubin Ada Stempa

Martha Mogan Doris Yaffe Minker

Aaron Ashwal Ida Zamkoff

Milton Shapiro Harry Zebovitz

Eleanor Kochonin

JUNE 18 & 19*Susan Rosa Oscar Klupt

Irving Myer Binder Barry Nass

Fannie Nacher Jack Gordon David Allex

Hannah Klupt Sheldon Haber

JUNE 25 & 26*Rose Potash Mera Premer

Alan Lebowitz David Kimmelman

Mark Price Marilyn Lawres Betty Spungen

David L. Pincus Freda Sclar

Thelma Kinland Diane Glickman

Max Nass

JULY 2 & JULY 3*Florence Pargament Blank

Richard Rosenbaum Dean Taylor

Elaine Genendlis Phil Davis

Jacob Kelsey S. Phillip Soroka

Sidney Canter Julius Winner

JULY 9 & 10*Mildred Horwitz

Ruth Silver Jean Soroka

Abe Moskowitz Max Zweig

Shirley Mazor Philip Earl Altman

Yetta Kapiloff J. Raymond Davidson

Rebecca Kandel August R. Schiff Rivkin Corinne Elizabeth Green George Needle

Vincent M Jones Shirley Sternberg

Woods Price

JULY 16 & 17*Beverly Pittle Sylvia Cohen

Violette Lipton Sanford Saidman

Barry Cohen Ruth Osband David Goetz Shirley Stein

Herman Greenfield Betty Oakes

Harry Justman Gerry Botkin

JULY 23 & 24*Linda Solomon Benton Becker Dora Heilpern

Melvin Pukatch Herman Korycan

Lee Pittle Herbie Mirsky Charles Mark

JULY 30 & 31*Joel Zamkoff Shirley Harris Pearl Justman

Phyliss Bloom Vender Helen Potash Philip Pindek Belle Nasher

Helen Freedman Liza Katzowicz

Diana Kandel Tash Howard Karbeling

Esther Fromer Charles Aaron Kent Herbert Sadownik

Melvin Becker Sheldon Scher

Dorothy Bromberg

Beth Sholom Congregation 9



It's Time to Register forReligious School

To register online for the 2021-22 school year visit:


50% discount on the $100 registration fee for enrollments made prior to August 1, 2021

Are You Registered?

Beth Sholom Congregation10

June 2021 21 Sivan 5781 - 20 Tammuz 5781Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 21 SIVAN 2 22 SIVAN 3 23 SIVAN4 24 SIVAN 5 25 SIVAN

6 26 SIVAN 7 27 SIVAN 8 28 SIVAN 9 29 SIVAN10 30 SIVAN11 1 TAMMUZ12 2 TAMMUZ


20 10 TAMMUZ21 11 TAMMUZ22 12 TAMMUZ 23 13 TAMMUZ24 14 TAMMUZ25 15 TAMMUZ26 16 TAMMUZ

27 17 TAMMUZ28 18 TAMMUZ29 19 TAMMUZ 30 20 TAMMUZ

Rosh Chodesh Tammuz - Day 1

Rosh Chodesh Tammuz - Day 2

Seventeenth of Tammuz









10:00a Meditation Class 7:00 Rabbi Hersh Adult Ed Class

1:00p Knit and Knosh

8:00a Minyan9:30a Talmud Class 7:00p RAC Comm. Mtg.

7:00p Yedid Nefesh in Person/Streamed

9:30a Live/In Person Service

9:30a Religious School 11:30a Torah Study 1:00p Guest Speaker- Elly Waller: Neot Kedumim Presentation

7:30p Guest Speaker- Karen Lewis Young

10:00a Meditation Class 7:00 Rabbi Hersh Adult Ed Class

1:00p Knit and Knosh 7:30p Exec. Comm. Mtg.

8:00a Minyan9:30a Talmud Class

7:00p Yedid Nefesh in Person/Streamed

9:30a Live/In Person Service

9:30a Last Day of Religious School11:00a Religious School Picnic11:30a Torah Study 3:30p Rosh Chodesh Group

7:30p Fundraising Comm. Mtg.

10:00a Meditation Class 7:00 Rabbi Hersh Adult Ed Class

10:30a Adult Bat Mitzvah Class 1:00p Knit and Knosh 7:30p BOT Mtg.

8:00a Minyan9:30a Talmud Class

7:00p Yedid Nefesh in Person/Streamed

9:30a Live/In Person Service

11:30a Torah Study

10:00a Meditation Class 7:00 Rabbi Hersh Adult Ed Class

10:30a Adult Bat Mitzvah Class 1:00p Knit and Knosh

8:00a Minyan9:30a Talmud Class 6:30p RAC Comm. Mtg.

7:00p Yedid Nefesh in Person/Streamed

9:30a Live/In Person Service

11:30a Torah Study 3:30p Book Club

10:00a Meditation Class

10:30a Adult Bat Mitzvah Class 1:00p Knit and Knosh

Mark Your Calendar!

Beth Sholom Congregation 11

July 2021 21 Tammuz 5781 - 22 Av 5781Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



11 2 AV 12 3 AV 13 4 AV 14 5 AV 15 6 AV16 7 AV 17 8 AV

18 9 AV 19 10 AV 20 11 AV 21 12 AV22 13 AV23 14 AV24 15 AV

25 16 AV 26 17 AV 27 18 AV 28 19 AV29 20 AV30 21 AV31 22 AV

Independence Day Rosh Chodesh Av

Tisha B'Av Tu B'Av


Matot - Masei









8:00a Minyan

7:00p Yedid Nefesh in Person/Streamed

9:30a Live/In Person ServiceKiddush sponsored by Monda Sagalkin, Ellie Kinland and Lynda Sowbel

Office Closed 11:30a Torah Study 5:00p Bingo

Office Closed 4:00p 4th of July BBQ

10:00a Meditation Class

10:30a Adult Bat Mitzvah Class 1:00p Knit and Knosh

8:00a Minyan

7:00p Yedid Nefesh in Person/Streamed

9:30a Live/In Person Service

11:30a Torah Study 3:30p Rosh Chodesh Group5:00p Bingo

10:00a Meditation Class

10:30a Adult Bat Mitzvah Class 1:00p Knit and Knosh 7:30p Exec. Comm. Mtg.

8:00a Minyan

7:00p Yedid Nefesh in Person/Streamed

9:30a Live/In Person Service 9:30p Tisha B'Av Servicew/ Cantor Shulie

11:30a Torah Study 5:00p Bingo

10:00a Meditation Class

10:30a Adult Bat Mitzvah Class 1:00p Knit and Knosh 7:30p BOT Mtg.

8:00a Minyan

7:00p Yedid Nefesh in Person/Streamed

9:30a Live/In Person Service

11:30a Torah Study 5:00p Bingo

10:00a Meditation Class

10:30a Adult Bat Mitzvah Class 1:00p Knit and Knosh

8:00a Minyan

7:00p Yedid Nefesh in Person/Streamed

9:30a Live/In Person Service

Mark Your Calendar!

Morris Kosman z”l | Rabbi Emertius |

Jordan Hersh |

Sharon Edelstein | President

Rob Allen | Executive

Shulie Hersh |


BE A BULLETIN ANGELA Bulletin Angel helps defray the cost of producing and publishing the Beth Sholom Bulletin. Your donation of $36 may be in honor or memory of a loved one and will be acknowledged in a special box in the Bulletin.

BUILDING FUNDJackie & John Haynes for the yahrzeit of Jack

GordonSidney & Michelle Kandel for the yahrzeit of

Maurice Louis Sclar

DOUBLE YOUR DUES CAMPAIGNMorrie & Norma KelseyGerry Royston & Dana SimelSpencer & Elaine Neufeld

ECCJay & Saundra Kerpelman for the yahrzeit of

Morris KerpelmanNorma & Morrie Kelsey in memory of Naomi


EDUCATION FUNDMicki & Garry Cohen in memory of Marshall

BotkinRicki & Denny Deragisch for the yahrzeit of

Rose PotashBobby & Margie Cantor in memory of

Marshall Botkin

GENERAL FUNDEllie Kinland & Roger Copeland in memory

of Paul RossDan & Amy Allex for the yahrzeit of David

AllexDarlene & Gary Carver for the yahrzeit of

Sara F. RubinNathan & Sharyn Sadownik for the yahrzeit

of Bronia SadownikJulius Selzer for the yahrzeit of William

SelzerArlene & Edwin ShykindMorrie & Norma Kelsey in memory of Judy

EissenstatMorrie & Norma Kelsey for the yahrzeit of

Leonard WolfsonMarion Zebovitz In memory of Marshall

BotkinJill & Richard Cody for the yahrzeit of Irene

Ruth BlumenthalGilbert Lowenthal for the yahrzeit of Gilbert

LowenthalRoland SebbaneKaren & Joe Ashwal for the yahrzeits of

Aaron and Elizabeth AshwalPaul Kessler & Betsy Nicholas in memory of

Marshall BotkinAlberto Goetzl & Melinda Cohen for the

yahrzeit of Guiliana GoetzlMarianne & Marty Erlichman for the

yahrzeit of Eleanor KochoninAnnette & Bruce Blum for the yahrzeit of

Miriam BlumMichael Eissenstat in memory of Marshall

BotkinThelma Cohen for the yahrzeit of Marilyn

LawresKaren & Joe Ashwal in memory of Marshall


GENERAL FUND (continued)Martha & Martin Zweig in memory of

Marshall BotkinMartha & Martin Zweig for the yahrzeit of

Anne Rosen Bobbi Price for the yahrzeit of Mark PriceEugene Klupt for the yahrzeits of Hannah

and Oscar KluptSpence & Elaine Neufeld in memory of Paul

RossSpence & Elaine Neufeld in memory of

Marshall BotkinSpence & Elaine Neufeld for Marcia

Newfeld’s speedy recoveryJudi Spungen in memory of Marshall BotkinJudi Spungen in memory of Judy EissenstatJudi Spungen in memory of Paul RossMarianne & Marty ErlichmanBarbara Fromer & Albert Solomon for the

yahrzeit of Daniel FromerBarbara Fromer & Albert Solomon for the

yahrzeit of Rae CohenMelinda Cohen & Alberto Goetzel in

memory of Marshall BotkinMarion Zebovitz for the yahrzeit of Harry

ZebovitzMarion Zebovitz for the yahrzeit of Dr.

Eugene ZebovitzMarion Zebovitz for the yahrzeit of Ethel

Mogilewsky Janet & Marty Potash for Yizkor Gary & Darlene Carver for the yahrzeit of

Frances Carver Sidney & Michelle Kandel for the yahrzeit of

Freda Sclar Michael Eissentstat in memory of Marshall

Botkin Roland Sebbane

JULES AND ROSE SHAPIRO G’MACHSidney & Michelle Kandel for the yahrzeit of

Barney Kandel

MARCIA NEWFELD FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FUNDMarcia & Peter Newfeld in memory of Paul

RoossMarcia & Peter Newfeld in memory of

Marshall BotkinCarolyn Snyder and James Lewin for the

yahrzeit of Elaine Hodges

MIKVAHDan Pearlman in memory of Marshall Botkin

MUSIC FUNDMarcia & Peter Newfeld for the speedy

recovery of Norma Kelsey

RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUNDCarl & Paula Rothman for the yahrzeit of

Jules RothmanPaul Kessler & Betsy Nicholas for the yahrzeit

for Ethel KesslerShirley Neufeld for the yahrzeit of Helen

NeufeldSharon ZamkoffCindy & Herve Kopciak for the yahrzeit of

David GlickDan Grauman for the yahrzeit of Gerhard

GraumanCarolyn Needle for the yahrzeit of Barry NassColeman & Donna Clarke for the yahrzeit of

Tobie Clarke and towards helping Israel

TZEDEK COMMITTEEGary & Phyllis Schwartz for the yahrzeit of

Phillip FreilichLiz & Rod Koozmin in memory of Marshall

BotkinAmy & Stuart Altman for the yahrzeit of

Philip Earl Altman

TORAH FUNDGlenn & Lisa Treiber for the yahrzeit of Ida

SpectreGlenn & Lisa Treiber for the yahrzeit of

George TreiberGlenn & Lisa Treiber for the yahrzeit of Rita

SpectreDan Pearlman for the yahrzeit of Nicholas

AntonSidney & Michelle Kandel for the yahrzeit of

Anna Levine


Beth Sholom Congregation 13

Beth Sholom Congregation14

Beth Sholom Congregation 15

9501 Catoctin Mountain Highway, Frederick, MD 21701 • • P 301.898.7177 • F 301.898.3308

» Advanced Audio & Video Systems

» Personalized Lighting & Music

» Flexible Rooms and Expandable Chapel

» Community and Gathering Room

Now Open and Ready to Serve

Advanced planning is available now. Ease the burden on your family and freeze costs at current

prices. Call us at (301)898-7177 to schedule your free consultation and cost comparison.


Our Jewish Cemetery, Serving Frederick and Surrounding areas since 1966

Our brand new, state-of-the-art funeral home and community center.

Beth Sholom Congregation16




Saturday, July 17, at 9:30 pm in the SanctuaryPLEASE JOIN US FOR AN INSPIRING EVENING INCLUDING:

• Prayers and readings, both ancient and contemporary

• Learning and discussion opportunities

• Recitations from the Book of Lamentations (Eicha)

• A candlelit ceremony


