TOR of Airport sample



Tor of airport Sample

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Terms of Reference for the consulting service

Consulting ServiceForDetail Engineering design and Cost Estimation of Ramechhap Airport.Terms of Reference

1. IntroductionNepal is landlocked and mountainous country. Because of its geography and geo-political boundaries, surface transportation is very difficult and also inaccessible in some parts of Nepal. Despite of advantages of surface transportation, it has its own disadvantages. Air transportation is considered to be advantageous in many aspects like travel time, safety, continuous connectivity over land and water, relief and rescue operations and many more. Furthermore, Air transportation is considered very supportive to boost tourism industry as we are well known of the fact that Nepal has high potential of Tourism Industry. Many people from the world are willing to visit to observe the natural beauty, highest peak of the world (Mt. Everest), flora and fauna, mountaineering, trekking, rafting, pilgrimage visit and many more. To facilitate the accessibility to local people as well as tourist, a safe and quick mode of transportation is necessary which can be fulfilled only by the Air Transportation. So, the Air Transportation is very important mode of transportation for the development of nation.

At the current situation, there are a lot of demands for the construction of small (STOL) airports within the country. Some new demands of airports are also registered for tourist destinations and commercial areas. Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) has allocated budget for the survey and detail design of new small (STOL) airports. So, for the construction of new small airports, a detail survey covering all the required parameters, a set of adequate technical manpower is necessary. Due to the lack of adequate technical manpower in the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN)/ Aerodrome Engineering Department (AED), CAAN/AED intends to hire a competitive consulting firm for the Survey and design of new small airports in the country where necessary.

2. BackgroundCivil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN)/ Aerodrome Engineering Department (AED), CAAN/AED (hereinafter referred as CAAN) intends to hire a competitive consulting firm for utilizing their service experiences in the fields of designing and planning of Airport Projects. Improvement of airport is necessary for increasing the capacity of airport in terms of aircraft and passengers. So to facilitate the general people with better airport infrastructures, Ramechhap Airport at Manthali, Ramechhap District is to be improved and designed to meet the requirements set by CAAN and ICAO.

3. ObjectivesThe main objective of the consulting services is to conduct a detail engineering design of the Ramechhap Airport, prepare detail design of drainage system and cost estimate for the construction. The consultant is required to perform the following jobs.

Conduct soil investigation and evaluation of Airport Area, Study of material availability survey, Structural design of Runway, Taxiway and Apron and river training works, Land-use planning for property within the airport boundary, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment due to improvement of the Airport, Preparation of Master plan indicating Drainage System Economic and Financial Analysis Preparation and Documentation of all required Drawings, cost estimates, technical specifications and Reports

4. Scope of WorkThe consultant shall carry out the necessary field works of the airport. The consultant shall be responsible for accuracy, interpretation, analysis of all data received and shall give conclusions and recommendations based on their study in their report. The scope of work to be carried out by the consultant includes but not limited to the following:

4.1 Topography survey

Traverse survey shall be done from two known survey monuments and close to next two known points. All permanent ground monuments including supplementary survey control points shall be surveyed for traverse survey. Survey procedure shall follow the standard practices and principles with errors within tolerable limits. Establishment of Survey monuments / Bench mark Close Traverse survey for airport periphery Topographical survey of the Airport and detailed topographical map shall be prepared in 1:1000 scale.

4.2 Soil Investigation and Evaluation:

Soil survey shall be done to determine the arrangement of different layers of soil in relation to the subgrade to determine the physical properties of soil and to indicate the ground water table. Slope stability analysis of the site shall be carried out and the finding and recommendation shall be given with the location of debris flow and other possible obstruction to the proposed site. Laboratory investigation of soils shall include Atterberg's limit test, CBR, Grain Size analysis, Specific gravity and moisture content etc. The Soil survey for borrow material and pavement materials shall also be conducted.AreaSpacingDepth

Runways and TaxiwaysRandom across pavement at 68m intervalsCut areas-10ft (3.5m) below finished gradeFill areas - 10ft (3.5m) below existing ground

Other areas of pavementOne boring per (1000 m2) of areaCut areas-10ft (3.5m) below finished gradeFill areas - 10ft (3.5m) below existing ground

Borrow areasSufficient tests to clearly define the borrow materialTo depth of borrow excavation

4.3 Hydrological and Metrological Study

Climatic study: General climatic study of the area shall be carried out and all relevant meteorological (Rainfall and Temperature) data and recommendation shall be presented. Study of the river morphology: The river system of the area shall be studied and presented in the report with necessary recommendations. Analysis of precipitation data of nearest Hydrological centre and wind flow Information necessary for the design of the side drains and protection works as well as preliminary design of cross drainage structure if needed

4.4 Air Traffic Forecast Study, take off path and obstacles

At each stage of the Forecasting, different comparisons shall be done by using any available data and statistics published by similar growing airports, to check if the forecast gives sensible results. The first-year growth is compared with known airline plans; the first two years are compared to the short-term forecast. However, such comparisons remain more a matter of judgment than a precise numerical correlation.

4.5 Design and Drawings

The scope of work to be carried out by the consultant and activities covered by design and reporting work shall include but may not be limited to the following:

4.5.1 Design: Design of Runway, taxiway, Apron as per CAAN and ICAO recommendations with balancing earthwork as far as possible. Structural design of pavement of runway, taxiways and apron. Design of retaining structures and river training structures if necessary. Design of a proper drainage system.

4.5.2 Drawings: Topographic map at scale 1:1000 Longitudinal profile at 1:100 vertical and 1:1000 horizontal Cross-sections at 1:200 both vertical and horizontal. Complete drainage system drawings with a drainage masterplan. Location of airport markings, lighting and signage

4.6 Land-Use Planning:

Consultant shall produce proper land-use plan for property within the airport boundary with existing conditions and improvement recommendations.

4.7 Environmental Impact Assessment:

While designing the airport structures, the consultant shall assess the potential damage to the environment and shall attempt to mitigate or minimize such damage and shall suggest appropriate measure in design.

4.8 Economic and Financial Analysis:

The consultant shall perform economic and financial analysis of proposed project and give recommendations accordingly.

5.Composition of the Study Team

The study team for the specified job to be completed shall consist of the professionals with specialization and other staffs as cited below:

Professionals1 Airport Planner ( Civil Engineer),Team leader2 Civil Engineer/Pavement Engineer3 Geo-technician/4 Surveyor/Quantity Surveyor.Supporting Staffs1 Laboratory Technician2 Computer Operator3 Office Assistant and others as per need.

6. General Requirement of Consultants Services

The consultant will perform the service to the satisfaction of CAAN and will provide all the requisite staff, equipment, supplies and logistic supports for the performance of the work. During the service the consultant will cooperate fully with CAAN and also work in close coordination and consultation with Civil Aviation Office and other stakeholders. The Consultant shall act at all times to protect the interest of the client and shall carry out the services with due diligence and efficiency.

7.Report PreparationThe draft report and final report shall be prepared and submitted according to the followings. Inception report shall be submitted within 15 days of signing of the contract document.i. Inception report:Two copiesii. Draft report:Two copiesiii. Final report:Five copies

8. Mode of Payment The interim payments for the consultancy services shall be made in the following manner.

i. Submission of the Draft Report 60% of the Contract Amountii. Submission of the Final Report 30% of the Contract Amount

9. DURATIONThe tentative duration for the work describe in the scope of work is 60 days from the date of agreement with the Consulting Firm.

10.Contact AddressCivil Aviation Authority of NepalAviation Engineering DepartmentBabarmahal, Kathmandu

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