Topical Bible Verses


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  • 8/14/2019 Topical Bible Verses


    Why fear the Lord?

    Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise

    wisdom and discipline.

    Do good works save you?

    !phesians ":#$% &or it is b' grace 'ou have been saved, through faith, and this not from

    'ourselves, it is the gift of (od. )ot b' works, so that no one can boast.How do you get saved?*omans 1+:% That if 'ou confess with 'our mouth -esus is Lord and believe in 'our

    heart (od raised /im from the dead, 'ou will be saved.0atthew 1+:"$ 2hoever acknowledges 0e before men, 3 will also acknowledge him

    before 0' &ather in heaven. 4ut whoever disowns 0e before men, 3 will disown him

    before 0' &ather in heaven.

    -ohn 15:6 -esus answered, 3 am the wa', and the truth and the life. )o one comes tothe &ather ecept through 0e.

    *evelation :"+ /ere 3 am8 3 stand at the door and knock. 3f an'one hears 0' voice

    and opens the door, 3 will come in and eat with him, and he with 0e.

    -ohn :9 -esus answered, 3 tell 'ou the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of (odunless he is born of water and the pirit.

    0ark 16:16 2hoever believes and is bapti;ed will be saved, but whoever does notbelieve will be condemned.

    1 -ohn 9:1 3 write these things to 'ou who believe in the name of the on of (od so

    that 'ou ma' know 'ou have eternal life.-oel ":"

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    1 Thessalonians 9:" 0a' (od /imself, the (od of peace, sanctif' 'ou through and

    through. 0a' 'our whole spirit, soul and bod' be kept blameless at the coming of our

    Lord -esus @hrist.

    When to pray

    !phesians 6:1#

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    " Thessalonians 1:#$% /e will punish those who do not know (od and do not obe' the

    gospel of our Lord -esus. The' will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out

    from the presence of the Lord and from the maCest' of /is power./ebrews %:"7$"# -ust as man is destined to die once, and after that to face Cudgment, so

    @hrist was sacrificed once to take awa' the sins of man' peopleB and /e will appear a

    second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for /im./ebrews 1+:1 3t is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living (od.

    " Peter :7$# 4' the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire,

    being kept for the Ea' of -udgment and destruction of ungodl' men. 4ut do not forgetthis one thing, dear friends: 2ith the Lord a da' is like a thousand 'ears, and a thousand

    'ears are like a da'.

    $udg#ent for %hristians

    *omans #:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in @hrist -esus.

    $udg#ent fro# %hristians

    1 @orinthians 6:"$ Eo 'ou not know that the saints will Cudge the world?

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    3saiah 1:1# @ome now, let us reason together, sa's the Lord, though 'our sins are like

    scarlet, the' shall be as white as snowB though the' are red as crimson, the' shall be like

    wool.1 -ohn 1:#$% 3f we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in

    us. 3f we confess our sins, /e is faithful and Cust and will forgive us our sins and purif'

    us from all unrighteousness./ebrews %:"" 3n fact, the law reAuires that nearl' ever'thing be cleansed with blood,

    and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.

    Luke 7:57 Therefore, 3 tell 'ou, her man' sins have been forgiven D for she loved much.4ut he who has been forgiven little loves little.

    Leviticus 17:11 &or the life of the creature is in the blood, and 3 have given it to 'ou to

    make atonement for 'ourselves on the altarB it is the blood that makes atonement for

    ones life.

    (reventing future sin

    Psalm 11%:11 3 have hidden >our word in m' heart that 3 might not sin against >ou.

    Psalm 9+:19 @all upon 0e in the da' of troubleB 3 will deliver 'ou, and 'ou will glorif'

    0e.(enesis 5:7 3f 'ou do what is right, will 'ou not be accepted? 4ut if 'ou do not do what

    is right sin is crouching at 'our doorB it desires to have 'ou, but 'ou must master it.-ob 1:1 3 made a covenant with m' e'es not to look lustfull' at a girl.

    )ighting te#ptation

    /ebrews ":1# 4ecause /e /imself suffered when /e was tempted, /e is able to helpthose who are being tempted.

    %an we trust prophecy?

    " Peter 1:"1 &or prophec' never had its origin in the will of men, but men spoke from

    (od as the' were carried along b' the /ol' pirit.

    (urpose of prophesy

    1 @orinthians 15: 4ut ever'one who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening,

    encouragement and comfort.

    How to get wisdo#

    -eremiah : @all to 0e and 3 will answer 'ou and tell 'ou great and unsearchable

    things 'ou do not know.

    'rue worship

    -ohn 5:"5 (od is pirit, and /is worshipers must worship in pirit and in truth.

    What is faith?

    /ebrews 11:1 )ow faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we donot see.

    /abakkuk ":5 ee, he is puffed upB his desires are not upright D but the righteous will

    live b' his faith.

    Why is faith i#portant?

    /ebrews 11:6

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    %hristians! love

    Eeuteronom' 6:9 Love the Lord 'our (od with all 'our heart and with all 'our soul and

    with all 'our strength.Leviticus 1%:1# Eo not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of 'our people, but

    love 'ou neighbor as 'ourself. 3 am the Lord

    " -ohn 1:6

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    " Timoth' 5:" Preach the 2ordB be prepared in season and out of season. @orrect,

    rebuke and encourage D with great patience and careful instruction.

    " Timoth' ":19 Eo 'our best to present 'ourself to (od as one approved, a workmanwho does not need to be ashamed and who correctl' handles the word of truth.

    &ur confidence before God when asking about things

    0atthew 7:7 ask and it will be given to 'ouB seek and 'ou will findB knock and the doorwill be opened to 'ou.

    0atthew 1#:"+ for where two or three come together in 0' name there 3 am with


    (urpose of the Holy Spirit

    " @orinthians :17 )ow the Lord is the pirit, and where the pirit of the Lord is, there

    is freedom.

    our sons and

    daughters will prophes', 'our old men will dream dreams, 'our 'oung men will see

    visions.What is #an?Psalm 1%:15 3 praise 'ou because 3 am fearfull' and wonderfull' madeB 'our works arewonderful, 3 know that full well.

    Psalm #:5$6 2hat is man that 'ou are mindful of him, the son of man that 'ou care for

    him? >ou made him a little lower than the heavenl' beings and crowned him with glor'and honor. >ou ma' him ruler over the works of 'our handsB 'ou put ever'thing under

    his feet.

    (enesis 1:"7 o (od created man in /is own image, in the image of (od /e created

    himB male and female /e created them.1 @orinthians 6:1%$"+ Eo 'ou not know that 'our bod' is a temple of the /ol' pirit,

    who is in 'ou, whom 'ou have received from (od? >ou are not 'our ownB 'ou were

    bought at a price. Therefore honor (od with 'our bod'.

    Why get wisdo#?

    Proverbs 1%:" 3t is not good to have ;eal without knowledge, nor to be hast' and miss

    the wa'./osea 5:6 0' people are destro'ed from lack of knowledge=

    How to get wisdo#

    -ames 1:9 3f an' of 'ou lacks wisdom, he should ask (od, who gives generousl' to all

    without finding fault and it will be given to him.

    )ighting against pride

    1 @orinthians 1+:1" o, if 'ou think 'ou are standing firm, be careful that 'ou dont


    How do you get to know God?

    -eremiah "%:1 >ou will seek 0e and find 0e when 'ou seek 0e with all 'our heart.

    (riestly blessing

    )umbers 6:"5$"6 The Lord bless 'ou and keep 'ouB the Lord make /is face shine upon

    'ou and be gracious to 'ouB the Lord turn /is face toward 'ou and give 'ou peace.

    Serving the Lord

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    -oshua "5:19 4ut if serving the Lord seems undesirable to 'ou, then choose for

    'ourselves this da' whom 'ou will serve=4ut as for me and m' household, we will

    serve the Lord.

    How do you beco#e righteous?

    (enesis 19:6 ou a light for

    the (entiles, that >ou ma' bring 0' salvation to the ends of the earth.

    *ating +unclean, food

    1 Timoth' 5:5$9 &or ever'thing (od created is good, and nothing is to be reCected if it is

    received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated b' the word of (od and pra'er.

    What we used to be and how He changed us

    Titus :$7 at one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved b' allkinds of passions and pleasures. 2e lived in malice and env', being hated and hating

    one another. 4ut when the kindness and love of (od our avior appeared, /e saved us,

    not because of righteous things we had done, but because of /is merc'. /e saved usthrough the washing of rebirth and renewal b' the /ol' pirit, whom /e poured out on

    us generousl' through -esus @hrist our avior, so that, having been Custified b' /is grace,

    we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.

    -apture verses

    1 Thessalonians 5:17

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    0atthew "5:5+$51 Two men will be in the fieldB one will be taken and the other left.

    Two women will be grinding with a hand millB one with will be taken and the other left.

    1 @orinthians 19:91$9" Listen, 3 tell 'ou a m'ster': we will not all sleep, but we will allbe changed D in a flash in the twinkling of an e'e, at the last trumpet. &or the trumpet

    will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.

    What does biblical e.uality look like?" @orinthians #:1$15 Fur desire is not that others might be relieved while 'ou are hard

    pressed, but that there might be eAualit'. ou will be made rich in ever' wa' so that 'ou can be generous on

    ever' occasion, and through us 'our generosit' will result in thanksgiving to (od.

    How will you know who has authority a#ong %hristians?

    1 @orinthians 5:"+ &or the kingdom of (od is not a matter of talk but of power.

    (eople who re"ect $esus

    " Timoth' :9 $having a form of (odliness but den'ing its power.

    -eremiah 1":" >ou have planted them, and the' have taken rootB the' grow and bearfruit. >ou are alwa's on their lips but far from their hearts.

    &ld 'esta#ent tithing

    0alachi :1+ 4ring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there ma' be food in 0'house. Test 0e in this, sa's the Lord

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    &ld 'esta#ent 'rinity verses

    Psalm 11+:1 The Lord sa's to m' Lord: it at 0' right hand until 3 make 'our enemies

    a footstool for >our feet.Eaniel 7:1$15 3n m' vision at night 3 looked, and there before me was one like a son of

    man, coming with the clouds of heaven. /e approached the our words came, 3 ate themB the' were m' Co' and m' heartsdelight, for 3 bear >our name, F Lord (od

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    1 -ohn ":1% The' went out from us, but the' did not reall' belong to us. &or if the' had

    belonged to us, the' would have remained with usB but their going showed that none of

    them belonged to us.1 -ohn ":" )o one who denies the on has the &atherB whoever acknowledges the on

    has the &ather also.

    *omans 19:1 we who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not toplease ourselves.

    *omans 19:5 &or ever'thing that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that

    through endurance and the encouragement of the criptures we might have hope." amuel 7:15 3 will be /is &ather, and he will be 0' son. 2hen he does wrong, 3 will

    punish him with the rod of men, with floggings inflicted b' men.

    Proverbs 1:"5 /e who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to

    discipline him.1 @orinthians 6:1"$1 !ver'thing is permissible for me D but not ever'thing is

    beneficial. !ver'thing is permissible for me D but 3 will not be mastered b' an'thing.

    &ood for the stomach and the stomach for food D but (od will destro' them both. The

    bod' is not meant for seual immoralit', but for the Lord, and the Lord for the bod'.1 @orinthians 1+:"$"5 !ver'thing is permissible D but not ever'thing is beneficial.

    !ver'thing is permissible D but not ever'thing is constructive. )obod' should seek hisown good, but the good of others.

    1 @orinthians 11:1 4ut if we Cudged ourselves, we would not come under Cudgment.

    1 @orinthians 11:" 2hen we are Cudged b' the Lord, we are being disciplined so thatwe will not be condemned with the world.

    *omans 11:"

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    " @orinthians 1":% 4ut /e said to me, 0' grace is sufficient for 'ou, for 0' power is

    made perfect in weakness. Therefore 3 will boast all the more gladl' about m'

    weaknesses, so that @hrists power ma' rest on of ongs ":" Like a lil' among the thorns is m' darling among the maidens.

    -ohn 16:1$" The' will put 'ou out of the s'nagogueB in fact, a time is coming when

    an'one who kills 'ou will think he is offering a service to (od.Proverbs 16:1# Pride goes before destruction, a haught' spirit before a fall.

    " Timoth' 1:7 &or (od did not give us a spirit of timidit', but a spirit of power, of love

    and of self$discipline.Luke 1+:1% 3 have given 'ou authorit' to trample on snakes and scorpions and to

    overcome all the power of the enem'B nothing will harm 'ou.

    Proverbs "":6 Train a child in the wa' he should go, and when he is old he will not turn

    from it.Psalm 1+:"+ Praise the Lord, 'ou /is angels, 'ou might' ones who do /is bidding,

    who obe' /is word.

    0atthew "5:"5$"9 &or false @hrists and false prophets will appear and perform great

    signs and miracles to deceive even the elect D if that were possible. ee, 3 have told 'ouahead of time.

    0atthew "5:"7 &or as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, sowill be the coming of the on of 0an.

    " Thessalonians ":1$ @oncerning the coming of our Lord -esus @hrist and our being

    gathered to /im, we ask 'ou, brothers, not to become easil' unsettled or alarmed b'some prophes', report or letter supposed to have come from us, sa'ing that the da' of the

    Lord has alread' come. Eont let an'one deceive 'ou in an' wa', for that da' will not

    come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed

    to destruction.!cclesiastes %:11 3 have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift

    or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or

    favor to the learnedB but time and chance happen to them all.0atthew 1#:1# 3 tell 'ou the truth, whatever 'ou bind on earth will be bound in heaven,

    and whatever 'ou loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

    Psalm 1"":6 Pra' for the peace of -erusalem: 0a' those who love 'ou be secure.-oshua 1:# Eo not let this 4ook of the Law depart from 'our mouthB meditate on it da'

    and night, so that 'ou ma' be careful to do ever'thing written in it. Then 'ou will be

    prosperous and successful.

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    1 -ohn :1 /ow great is the love the &ather has lavished on us, that we should be called

    children of (od8 ou, dear children, are from (od and have overcome them, because the one

    who is in 'ou is greater than the one who is in the world.

    1 -ohn 9:5$9 &or ever'one born of (od overcomes the world. This is the victor' thathas overcome the world, even our faith. 2ho is it that overcomes the world? Fnl' he

    who believes that -esus is the on of (od.

    1 -ohn 9:15 This is the confidence we have in approaching (od: that if we ask an'thingaccording to /is will, /e hears us.

    Luke 1:7 &or nothing is impossible with (od.

    1 @hronicles "1:1 atan rose up against 3srael and incited Eavid to take a census of

    3srael." Gings 6:16 Eont be afraid, the prophet answered. Those who are with us are more

    than those who are with them.

    " @hronicles 16:% &or the e'es of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen

    those whose hearts are full' committed to /im.Lamentations :"1$"7 >et this 3 call to mind and therefore 3 have hope: 4ecause of the

    Lords great love we are not consumed, for /is compassions never fail. The' are newever' morningB great is 'our faithfulness. 3 sa' to m'self, The Lord is m' portionB

    therefore 3 will wait for /im. The Lord is good to those whose hope is in /im, to the

    one who seeks /imB it is good to wait Auietl' for the salvation of the Lord. 3t is good fora man to bear the 'oke while he is 'oung.

    Hechariah 5:6 )ot b' might nor b' power, but b' 0' pirit, sa's the Lord

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    )ehemiah #:1+ )ehemiah said, (o and enCo' choice food and sweet drinks, and send

    some to those who have nothing prepared. This da' is sacred to our Lord. Eo not grieve,

    for the Co' of the Lord is 'our strength.!ster 5:15 &or if 'ou remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the -ews will

    arise from another place, but 'ou and 'our fathers famil' will perish.

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    1 Peter 5:# ou will nowsee whether or not what 3 sa' will come true for 'ou.

    3saiah 65:6

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    Luke 1%:5+ 3 tell 'ou, /e replied, if the' keep Auiet, the stones will cr' out.

    0icah 9:" 4ut 'ou, 4ethlehem !phrathah, though 'ou are small among the clans of

    -udah, out of 'ou will come for me one who will be ruler over 3srael, whose origins arefrom of old, from da's of eternit'.

    -ohn #:9# 3 tell 'ou the truth, -esus answered, before

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    1 -ohn :17 3f an'one has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no

    pit' on him, how can the love of (od be in him?

    1 -ohn :% )o one who has been born of (od will continue to sin, because (ods seedremains in himB he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of (od.

    " amuel 6:15$19 Eavid, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the Lord with all his

    might, while he and the entire house of 3srael brought up the ark of the Lord with shoutsand the sound of trumpets.

    -ude verse "5 To /im who is able to keep 'ou from falling and to present 'ou before

    /is glorious presence without fault and with great Co' $-eremiah "%:11 &or 3 know the plans 3 have for 'ou, declares the Lord plans to

    prosper 'ou and not to harm 'ou, plans to give 'ou hope and a future.

    !phesians :"+ )ow to /im who is able to do immeasurabl' more than all we ask or

    imagine, according to /is power that is at work within us." Timoth' ":5 )o one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs D he wants to

    please his commanding officer.

    " Timoth' ":# *emember -esus @hrist, raised from the dead, descended from Eavid.

    This is m' gospel.Eaniel 1:17 To these four 'oung men (od gave knowledge and understanding of all

    kinds of literature and learning. ou have made m' da's a mere handbreadthB the span of m' 'ears is as

    nothing before 'ou. !ach mans life is but a breath.Philippians :# 2hat is more, 3 consider ever'thing a loss compared to the surpassing

    greatness of knowing @hrist -esus m' Lord, for whose sake 3 have lost all things. 3

    consider them rubbish, that 3 ma' gain @hrist.

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    -ohn :5 &or the one whom (od has sent speaks the words of (od, for (od gives the

    pirit without limit.

    *evelation 1":11 The' overcame him b' the blood of the Lamb and b' the word of theirtestimon'B the' did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

    -ames 5:1+ /umble 'ourselves before the Lord, and /e will lift 'ou up.

    -ames 5:17

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    -eremiah %:"5 but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows

    0e, that 3 am the Lord, who eercises kindness, Custice and righteousness on earth, for in

    these 3 delight, declares the Lord.3saiah "6: >ou will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he

    trusts in 'ou.

    (enesis ":"5 &or this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to hiswife, and the' will become one flesh.

    ou are m' (od, earnestl' 3 seek >ouB m' soul thirsts for >ou,

    m' bod' longs for >ou, in a dr' and wear' land where there is no water. 3 have seen>ou in the sanctuar' and beheld >our power and >our glor'.

    -ohn 19:9 3 am the vineB 'ou are the branches. 3f a man remains in 0e and 3 in him, he

    will bear much fruitB apart from 0e 'ou can do nothing.0atthew 7:# &or ever'one who asks receivesB he who seeks findsB and to him who

    knocks, the door will be opened.

    @olossians ":6$7 o then, Cust as 'ou received @hrist -esus as Lord, continue to live in/im, rooted and built up in /im, strengthened in the faith as 'ou were taught, and

    overflowing with thankfulness.

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    " @orinthians 1:9 !amine 'ourselves to see whether 'ou are in the faithB test

    'ourselves. Eo 'ou not reali;e that @hrist -esus is in 'ou D unless, of course, 'ou fail the

    test?3saiah 5:1 >es, and from ancient da's 3 am /e. )o one can deliver out of m' hand.

    2hen 3 act, who can reverse it?

    -ohn 1+:+ 3 and the &ather are one.!phesians 6:1" &or our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers,

    against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual

    forces of evil in the heavenl' realms." @orinthians 1+:5 the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. Fn the

    contrar', the' have divine power to demolish strongholds.

    Luke 11:"5 2hen an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking

    rest and does not find it. Then it sa's, 3 will return to the house 3 left.!;ekiel 6:"6$"7 3 will give 'ou a new heart and put a new spirit in 'ouB 3 will remove

    from 'ou 'our heart or stone and give 'ou a heart of flesh.

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    0atthew 5:5 -esus answered, 3t is written: 0an does not live on bread alone, but on

    ever' word that comes from the mouth of (od.

    Eeuteronom' 6:5 /ear, F 3srael: The Lord our (od, the Lord is one.Psalm 7:"9 2hom have 3 in heaven but >ou? ou.

    Psalm 7:5 Eelight 'ourself in the Lord and /e will give 'ou the desires of 'our heart.1 @orinthians ":1+$11 but (od has revealed it to us b' /is pirit. The pirit searches all

    things, even the deep things of (od. &or who among men knows the thoughts of a man

    ecept the mans spirit within him? 3n the same wa' no one knows the thoughts of (odecept the pirit of (od.

    3saiah 9#:1+ and if 'ou spend 'ourselves in behalf of the hungr' and satisf' the needs of

    the oppressed, then 'our light will rise in the darkness, and 'our night will become like

    the noonda'.1 @orinthians 15:"$ The spirits of the prophets are subCect to the control of prophets.

    &or (od is not a (od or disorder but of peace.

    0atthew 6: 4ut seek first /is kingdom and /is righteousness, and all these things

    will be given to 'ou as well.-ames ":1 4ecause Cudgment without merc' will be shown to an'one who has not been

    merciful. 0erc' triumphs over Cudgment8(alatians 6:7 Eo not be deceived: (od cannot be mocked. < man reaps what he sows.

    *omans #:15 4ecause those who are led b' the pirit of (od are sons of (od.

    (alatians 1:1+

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    0atthew ":" 2oe to 'ou, teachers of the law and Pharisees, 'ou h'pocrites8 >ou give

    a tenth of 'our spicesJmint, dill and cummin. 4ut 'ou have neglected the more

    important matters of the lawJCustice, merc' and faithfulness. >ou should have practicedthe latter, without neglecting the former.

    " Timoth' ":6 The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the

    crops.1 Timoth' ":1$" 3 urge, then, first of all, that reAuests, pra'ers, intercession and

    thanksgiving be made for ever'oneJ for kings and all those in authorit', that we ma'

    live peaceful and Auiet lives in all godliness and holiness.1 Timoth' ":$5 This is good, and pleases (od our avior, who wants all men to be

    saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

    " Timoth' :1" 3n fact, ever'one who wants to live a godl' life in @hrist -esus will be

    persecuted.0atthew 1+:""

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    1 Timoth' 6:16 who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no

    one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever.