Topic 1.Teaching Learning


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  • 7/25/2019 Topic 1.Teaching Learning




    Models and Strategies OfTeaching



  • 7/25/2019 Topic 1.Teaching Learning




  • 7/25/2019 Topic 1.Teaching Learning




    1.1 Defining curricula, teaching and learning1.2 Teacher-centred and student-centred instruction1.3 Inductive and deductive approaches to learning1.4 Direct and indirect approaches to teaching1.5 Overview of odels of teaching and learning

    1.5.1 !ocial learning odels1.5.2 Inforation-processing odels1.5.3 "ehaviourist odels


  • 7/25/2019 Topic 1.Teaching Learning


    TOPIC1Defning Curricula, Teaching and Le



    !pon co"pletion of this topic# $o% sho%ld &e a&le to'

    1. Defne curricula2. Describe abou eaching and learning!. Caegorise eacher cenric and suden

    cenric insrucions". Illusrae induci#e and deduci#e a$$roach

    o learning%. Su&&arise Direc and Indirec a$$roaches o

    eaching'. Caegorise di(eren &odels o) eaching and



  • 7/25/2019 Topic 1.Teaching Learning


    1.0 I*TRODUCTIO*

    The development of human being is a combination of his being, the knowledge and

    skills acquired. This development has two major aspects, namely personal development

    and professional development. Personal development occurs with right or wrong

    experiences a person goes through, whereas professional development occurs when

    knowledge or skill is imparted with a particular guideline by an expert.

    Teaching and learning are at the base of academic and professional development. It is

    through systematic instruction that one can get the best out of teaching and learning.

    In this topic, we are going to talk about teaching and learning methods elaborately, and

    discuss their definitions. As simple as it sounds, teaching, learning and curricula are at

    the center stage of all types of developments a human being goes through.

    A brief outline of the knowledge to be transferred or gained through the process ofteaching and learning is described as Curriculum.

    Curriculum, teaching, and learning are intricately related to each other through a

    common thread of knowledge sharing.

    For effective teaching and learning experience, one needs to have a deep understanding

    of different engagement methods to be used by a teacher. This will not only enable the

    teacher with appropriate tools and techniques but also would help students to have a

    streamlined and more objective learning experience.

    By all means, learning is the base of human existence. The basic methods of teaching

    and learning need to be deduced according to the psychology of humans. That would

    prove beneficial and provide sustainable effort towards making teaching a better

    learning experience.


  • 7/25/2019 Topic 1.Teaching Learning





    Defining C%rric%la# Teaching and

    LearningLet us first understand the relationship of curricula, teaching and learning.

    Teaching and Learning achieve balance through the appropriate curriculum.

    Teaching should be collaborative, active & articulate whereas learning should be

    without any bias. The curriculum is the key to achieving unbiased learning through

    different teaching methods. The essence of teaching methods lies in understanding

    the learning approach of students. Teachers should adopt innovative methods to

    engage students instead of merely giving a lecture.

    These innovative methods include engaging students in role play, case studies,




  • 7/25/2019 Topic 1.Teaching Learning


    simulations or debates. Students can also be involved in various games related to

    the curriculum. This fosters the teachers relationship with a learner and the trust

    developed helps both of them to take this journey of learning, forward together.

    The curriculum has to be designed in such a way that it creates a balance between

    teaching and learning. It should create opportunities for the teacher to teach every

    aspect innovatively. It should serve as a guide to students who should be able to

    look into it as a reckoner for the examinations and otherwise.

    1.1.1 Curricula


    The curriculum is the center stage of any education system. However, it is not

    concretely defined anywhere. The word Curriculum originates from currere that

    is a Latin word for a track, on which the Roman chariots used to race. So, thinking

    about the origin of the word it is apparent that curriculum is meant as a baselinefor academics.

    Definition of Curriculum

    As per international dictionary, the curriculum is the subjects comprising a course

    of study in an educational institution or by a department. The Oxford English

    Dictionary states that curriculum is the subjectsthat are taught in a course of study

    in high schools and universities. It is interesting to notice that there is no single

    clear definition for curriculum, and it means different to various institutions and

    people. There is also a possibility of relating curriculum to the syllabus, and many

    people feel that curriculum and syllabus is one and the same thing. Some people

    have a different opinion about the curriculum and say that it is more about the


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    teaching and learning experience that a student should get, through his academics

    in school.

    Though there is no definition of Curriculum, time and again people have tried to

    elucidate it as per their understanding. Let us review some of the definitions that

    were deduced since early 20thto late 21stcentury.

    Father of Curriculum

    Franklin Bobbit

    Mr. Franklin Bobbit, who is known as the Father of Curriculum, wrote a book

    called The Curriculum in the year 1918 and since then, many other practitioners

    have tried to define curriculum.


    In the 1980s, Mr. Tanner had defined curriculum, keeping learning experiences and

    intended outcomes as a vision. He says that these experiences and outcomes are

    formulated through reconstruction of knowledge systematically under the

    guidance of school or institution. The aim of developing such an elaborate and

    well-thought guideline is the continuous and willful growth in the personal and

    social competence of students.


    Pratt (1980) has defined curriculum as a document that describes planned goals,

    objectives, learning activities, content along with appropriate evaluation



    Schubert (1987) connects the definition of curriculum to societal reforms. He says

    curriculum has contents of subjects, tasks to be accomplished, planned activities

    that lead to an understanding of concepts. It also should have learning outcomes


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  • 7/25/2019 Topic 1.Teaching Learning


    H.C. Morrisonsays that teaching is the most intimate contact between a matured and less

    matured personality that is specifically designed to enhance the understanding and

    knowledge of the latter.

    Edmund Amidondefines teaching as an interactive process that involves classroom talk

    between pupils and teachers during a certain activity that is defined as education.

    B.O. Smithsays that teaching is a system in which an agent is involved in a situation

    that has two factors. On one set of factors, the agent has no control and the other ones

    he can modify. The factors on which the agent has no control are class size, physical

    characteristic of the pupil, and the classroom size and the factors that he can modify

    are by the way of asking questions.

    T.F Greens have defined it in a different way. He says that teaching is the task of a

    teacher that is to be performed for the development of the child.

    Farrant says teaching is a process that helps and facilitates learning.

    Wells.G (1982) defines teaching as a group of activities that are only popular with

    teachers such as explanation, questioning, keeping a record of works, maintaining

    records of students progress, and so on.

    Learning, on the other hand, is an activity that involves much reception and grasping.

    Every human being, animals, and even some machines possess the ability of learning.

    Learning curve is a progress of the process of learning measured over some time so

    instead of looking at it as a bunch of factual aspects we can say that learning is a

    continuous process.

    Education, Personal and professional development, training are some of the ways

    through which human being learns. Learning can often be goal oriented, or it may also


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    be a product of motivation. Learning has an enormous psychological aspect to it, and it

    is often said that it is goal oriented.

    One can learn consciously and also without conscious effort. Human being starts

    learning as early as in the stage of a fetus. It is said that by the 32 weeks in the gestation

    stage, the central nervous system is well developed.

    Teaching and learning are the processes that happen in parallel with each other for the

    benefit of the student.





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    Teacher Centered InstructionsTransfer of knowledge

    Coverage of content

    Giving Knowledge

    Student Centered

    Understanding of concepts

    Students as questioners and problem solvers

    Searching for knowledge and thinking forthemselves

    To change the mindset of educationists from formulating the teacher-centric

    instructions to student-centric instruction the whole system needs to undergo a

    paradigm shift.

    As described above, the teacher-centered instructions are covering the content, transfer

    of knowledge and giving knowledge to the students. The student-centered instructions

    are about understanding concepts where students act as questioners and problem

    solver themselves. Student-centered instructions facilitate the students to think and

    research on their own.

    The difference between teacher- centric and learner-centric instruction

    Teacher-centric and learner-centric are the two types of instructions that are used as a

    medium of teaching.


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    There is a fundamental difference between both of them. One is entirely teacher

    specific, such as, the choice of topics, evaluation, and so on, which happens to be from

    the perspective of a teacher. It also helps the teacher with her halo power to monitor

    and control the class. This can also be called as an autocratic type of instruction where

    teacher stick to certain rules and regulations while instructing the students. This kind

    of instruction is prevalent since ages, and it is in the late nineteenth century that people

    became more serious about the consequence of autocracy in the educational

    environment. Here are some of the major differences between teacher-centric and

    learner-centric instructions.

    Teacher-centered instructions are instructor specific whereas learner-centered

    instructions are student and teacher specific. In teacher-centric environment teachers

    talk, and students listen. In learner-centered environment instructor and students

    interact with one another.

    The teacher-centered environment requires the students to work alone whereas in the

    learner-centered environment student work in groups or pairs fostering their

    relationship with each other. This also helps them to learn from the fellow group of


    The class in teachers centered environment should be monitored by the instructor. The

    teacher or the instructor monitors and corrects every student possibly whereas in

    learner-centered instruction, learning is like a group discussion that is facilitated by the

    instructor and given feedbacks whenever and wherever necessary.

    In case questions arise, they are answered by the teachers in the teacher-centered

    environment. In the learner-centric environment students talk continuously without


    monitoring; they use the guidelines and information provided by the teacher/students.

    The choice of topic lies with the teacher or instructor in the teacher centered


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    environment. The students prefer to choose the topic to be taught in a learner-centered


    The main difference between the teacher-centric and learner-centric class is that the

    former has no noise in the class whereas the latter method would have a class that is

    noisy to the core and would facilitate the exchange of thoughts between students.

    The important part of learning is an evaluation. In the teacher-centric environment, this

    assessment is done by the instructor or the teacher. In a student-centric learning

    environment, the evaluation is done by students themselves along with the teacher.


    Student centred learning is not a new idea, in the

    20thcentury, the educationists such as John Dewy

    have pitched in for a highly active and individualmethods which places students at the center of the

    teaching and learning process.


    Identify the difference between student-centric

    and teacher-centric instructions.


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    Specific Examples or Activities


    Specific Examples or Activities


    1.3 Inductive and Deductive Approach to learning

    Inductive and Deductive Approaches to learning are two diagonally opposite

    approaches to learning. These approaches offer different advantages individually, but

    the major difference can be seen in the pattern of teaching and the role that the

    teacher plays as an instructor.

    The innate learning ability of a student and its usage in learning the subject is called as

    inductive learning. A good example can be learning a language. A child learns the

    language with his/her ability, seeing the other people talk. This is the inductive

    method of learning. The deductive method would be teaching grammar of a particular

    language that brings in technicality into a simple flow of learning.

    The inductive process involves learning by example. Here a complete system should try

    and impart a set of general rules that are created from the observed instances. So the

    model works on classifying a particular input as per the real world observations. Thiswork of introducing a class and constructing the concept around it is called induction

    or Concept Learning.


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    Figure 1.3 Inductie and !eductie "##r$ach t$ learning


    In Deductive Approach:

    Teacher gives the student a new concept, explains it and

    then asks students to practice the concepts that were


    In Inductive Approach:

    Students explore by themselves through examples. So, the

    teachers facilitate the understanding through valid andrelevant examples.

    1.4 Direct and Indirect Learning

    Teachers work with direct samples of students work like reports, demonstrations,

    exams and performance in direct learning. The important aspect of direct learning

    is that the teachers collect a sample of the activity that the students are capable of doing.

    This is the best way to know the capacity of a student. However, every aspect of

    education, such as behavior, feelings, attitude cannot be measured through direct learning.

    The indirect method is more based on the intuition of a student that looks applicable to

    Todays scenario.

    Students should be gauged based on particular learning goals set for them. Here comes

    a small paradigm shift wherein the mindset of the student is changed from acquiring marks

    to gaining knowledge. Demonstration of the knowledge gained can happen through

    self- report or a cognitive assessment that is performed by the faculty.

    The drawback of indirect learning is that these reports may


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    -Aimed at masteringknowledge and skills

    - Passive Learning

    - Transmission ofinformation from teacher

    - Structured

    - Aimed at generatinglearning experience

    - Centered at the learner

    - Students generateinformation facilitated bythe teacher

    - Flexible










    Not accurately represent the degree at which student has learned about a particular aspect.

    The implicit qualities such as feelings, attitude and perceptions can be gauged

    through indirect method of learning.

    This is a trial and error method as one has to include many assumptions for

    the perceptions to be true in real time environment.

    Figure 1.4 shows the difference between Direct and Indirect Learning.



    Direct approach is a passive learning effortIndirect approach is centered on the learner

    1.5 Different models of Teaching and Learning


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    There are various models of teaching and learning; here let us look at them briefly.

    The autonomous learner model

    It is deduced by Professor George Betts and Jolene Kercher to encourage learning that is

    self-directed, especially in exceptionally talented people. The goal of this model is to

    create independent and self-motivated learners, fostering positive attitude within their

    emotional and cognitive domain. The model was thought to help the students move

    towards the role of learners than mere people who listen to the teachers. This special

    learning procedure is controlled and facilitated by the teacher. This approach can be

    used inside a classroom or in a small group. The five important dimensions of a model


    1.Orientation: Identifying the talent, group building activities

    2.Individual Development: Understanding of individual needs, learning abilities, technology

    to be used, career development and awareness

    3.Enrichment: Helping the learners explore through courses, case studies, camps, community


    4.Seminars: Small Focus groups working towards presentation of problematic, futuristic topics

    and the topics of general interests

    5. In- Depth Study: Through mentorship, Individual Projects, Self-Assessment and

    assessment of others.

    Osborn-Parnes Creative Problem Solving (CPS) Process

    This is a flexible tool that is used to examine the real issues. Alex Osborn and Dr. Sidney

    Parnes who are the developers of Brainstorming technique have identified this model

    that has six stages. This model provides a structured process for identifying a problem,

    gathering information, generating ideas and implementing applicable solutions. If this model

    is practiced continuously, it will be helpful for students to strengthen the creative approach.


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    Here is a brief flow of six steps of this model:

    1. Objective Finding (Problem statement): Identifying the future direction, Challenge

    2. Fact finding: Collection of data generating out of a problem, working objectively on a


    3. Problem finding: Identifying the problem, and the issues that have to be solved.

    4. Idea finding: The generation of ideas through brainstorming

    5. Solution finding: Choosing solution that seem to be the most appropriate. Also,

    developing and selecting criteria to identify an alternative solution.

    6. Acceptance Finding: Creating plans as to what action to adopt.

    Blooms Taxonomy

    Benjamin Bloom deduced a taxonomy in 1956 which differentiated between different

    cognitive levels of thinking. Though it was to foster the communication between

    psychologists and educators it is found that it can also help in the area of classroom

    activities and studies.

    Here are the six levels of Blooms taxonomy.


    Recognize specific information


    Understanding information furnished


    Using new concepts, methods and theories in different situations.


    Breaking down the information into small parts


    Putting the pieces of information together for creative thinking



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    Applying standards and criteria for evaluating the value of the information

    1.5.1 Social Learning Model

    Social Learning modelis developed by Albert Bandura who calls learning as a cognitive

    process which takes place socially and can happen through direct instruction and observation.

    The theory explores different traditional theories related to behavior.

    Key aspects of social learning theory are

    - Learning is not behavioural it is cognitive


    Learning occurs when someone observes a behavior and by observing

    consequences of certain type of behaviour

    - Learning involves extracting information from observation

    - Reinforcement is a part of learning but it not everything

    - Contrary to other theories, the learner is not considered as a passive learner in this

    theory. Cognition, Behaviour, and Environment influence each other.

    1.5.2 Information Processing Model

    American experimental tradition in psychology has given rise to information processing

    theory. This model is based on the concept that says that human being processes

    information that his brain receives, instead of mere responding to stimuli. This particular

    model relates the human brain to a computer. According to this model, the brain

    includes a mechanism for bringing in the information, working memory is used for

    manipulating information, and the long-term memory is to hold on to the information

    that can be used in future.


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    1.5.3 Behavioural Model

    Through behavioural model, the students are encouraged to engage with the project-

    based learning environment. This project-based learning environment is led by an

    instructor or a facilitator. The desired behavior is rewarded while the undesired behavior

    is punished.

    The behavioral model is said to be superficial as the focus is entirely on the behaviour,

    and it does not go deeper at the level of understanding the internal learning process that

    leads to behavioral changes and also it does not take into account, emotions that are

    involved in the process of learning.


    Illustrate all the three teaching & learningmodels in this book


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    - Teaching and Learning achieves balance through appropriate


    - Teaching should be collaborative, active & articulate. Whereas learning

    should be without any bias. Curriculum is the key for achieving unbiased

    learning through different teaching methods.

    - Teaching happens when ideas or principles are taught by an authority

    - Learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through study,

    experience or being taught.

    - The teacher centered instructions are about covering the content,

    transfer of knowledge and giving knowledge to the students.- The student centered instructions are about understanding

    concepts where students act as questioners and problem solver

    themselves. Student centered instructions facilitate the students to

    think and research on their own.

    - Inductive and Deductive Approaches to learning are two

    diagonally opposite approaches to learning. These approaches

    offer different advantages individually but the major difference

    can be seen in the pattern of teaching and the role which teacher

    plays as an instructor.

    - Direct learning is structured whereas indirect learning is


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    1. Define curriculum.

    2. Distinguish between inductive and deductive learning.

    3. List out the six elements of Blooms taxonomy.


    1. Explain how direct and indirect measures of teaching and learning are different.

    2. State different definitions of teaching and learning.

    3. Explain in detail about Student Centered and Teacher Centric teaching and learning

    % Curriculum

    % Learning

    % Teaching

    % Direct and Indirect teaching & learning

    % Inductive and Deductive teaching & learning

    % Blooms Taxonomy

    % Teaching and Learning models
