Tooth Loss YPO December 11TOOTH LOSS Unit 3: Treatment Options Advantages of Dental Implants: A...


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This movie is an educational resource only and should not be used to manage your health. All decisions about the management of Tooth Loss must be made in conjunction with your Dental Surgeon or a licensed healthcare provider.

Multimedia Health Education





2 . Overview of Tooth Loss a. Causes of Tooth Loss

1 . Normal Tooth Anatomya. Introduction

b. Normal Tooth Anatomy

3 . Treatment Optionsa. Treatment Options

b. Dental Implant Surgery

b. Consequences of Tooth Lossc. Why replace lost teeth?

c. Prevention of Tooth Loss

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH LOSS


Tooth Loss is a condition in which one or more teeth become loose and then fall out. A tooth may be lost as a result of disease or injury.

In order to learn about tooth loss and the treatment options, it helps to understand the normal anatomy of the tooth.

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Unit 1: Normal Tooth Anatomy

(Continued in next page)

Normal Tooth Anatomy

A tooth has two main parts: a crown portion and a root portion.


Crown is the part of the tooth which is seen in the mouth.

Root is the part of the tooth which is inside the jaw bone.

(Fig. 1)

(Refer fig. 1 to 3)

(Fig. 2)

(Fig. 3)

The different parts of a tooth consist of :

(Fig. 4)

(Refer fig. 4)

Enamel DentinCementumPulp

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH LOSS

Unit 1: Normal Tooth Anatomy


Enamel is the highly mineralized and hard outer substance of the tooth. Its color varies from light yellow to grayish white.

(Refer fig. 5)(Fig. 5)


Dentin is that part of the tooth which is present between enamel or cementum and pulp chamber. It is softer than enamel and therefore decays more rapidly.

(Fig. 6)(Refer fig. 6)


Cementum is a bony substance covering the root of the tooth. Its color is yellowish and is softer than dentin or enamel. The main function of cementum is to serve as a medium for periodontal ligaments to attach to the tooth for stability.

(Refer fig. 7)

(Fig. 7)

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH LOSS

Unit 1: Normal Tooth Anatomy


The dental pulp is the center portion of the tooth. It is filled with soft connective tissue which contains blood vessels and nerves .It is commonly called the “nerve of the tooth”.

(Fig. 8)

(Refer fig. 8)

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Unit 2: Overview of Tooth Loss

Causes of Tooth Loss

Tooth Discoloration is any change in color and translucency of the tooth due to any cause.

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Gum Disease

Dental Decay

InjuryTrauma to the face and mouth can loosen teeth and make them fall out. Badly fractured teeth due to injury cannot be saved.

(Fig. 9)

(Refer fig. 9)

Gum Disease

Gum disease, an infection of the gum tissues, can lead to bone loss in the advanced stages, gradually causing the tooth to lose its support. (Fig. 10)

(Refer fig. 10)

Dental Decay

If dental decay is not treated timely, it can spread down deep in the gum tissues and weaken the tooth requiring tooth extraction.

(Refer fig. 11)(Fig. 11)

Unit 2: Overview of Tooth Loss

Consequences of Tooth Loss

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH LOSS

When the back teeth (molars, premolars) are lost, biting down on food becomes difficult.

(Fig. 12)(Refer fig. 12)

When front teeth are lost, the person’s appearance, speech, as well as smile is affected.

(Fig. 13)

(Refer fig. 13)

Why Replace Lost Teeth?

Teeth will normally move into spaces created by adjacent lost teeth making tooth replacement later more difficult.

(Fig. 14)

(Fig. 15)

When teeth are lost, the jawbone holding your teeth starts dissolving over time. You may lose enough bone that your dentist may have to place a bone graft to build up the bone and then place an implant or make a denture for you.

(Refer fig. 14)

(Refer fig. 15)

Unit 2: Overview of Tooth Loss

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH LOSS

With missing teeth, you cannot chew upon many food types. This can affect your overall health due to poor nutrition.

(Fig. 16)(Refer fig. 16)

(Fig. 17)

You may not be to speak clearly and understandably.

(Refer fig. 17)

Missing teeth leads to changes in the way you bite which can cause problems in the jaw joint.

(Refer fig. 18)(Fig. 18)

Unit 3: Treatment Options

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Treatment Options

There are 2 types of options for replacing missing teeth. These include a removable option and a fixed option. Removable Type includes:

Removable Type includes:

(Fig. 19)

Removable partial denture: Removable partial dentures are given when only a few teeth are missing and other teeth are sound enough to support the denture.

(Refer fig. 19)

Removable complete dentures: Removable complete dentures are given when there are no teeth present in the mouth.

(Refer fig. 20)(Fig. 20)

Partial or complete dentures have to be removed and cleaned every time after eating. Also, before going to bed, dentures must be removed and stored in a bowl of water.

Fixed Type includes:

Fixed partial denture (dental bridges): In this procedure, the teeth on either side of the missing tooth are prepared to receive caps and the artificial tooth is attached to the adjoining caps to form one unit. This entire unit is cemented onto the prepared teeth.

(Fig. 21)

(Refer fig. 21)

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Dental implants: This is the best method known to replace a missing tooth. It does not require support from the neighboring teeth therefore sound tooth structure need not be cut.

(Fig. 22)

(Refer fig. 22)

Dental Implants Surgery

Dental implants are screw-like materials which replace the root portion of a natural tooth. They are placed inside your jawbone by a dental surgeon. Implants support the crowns, dentures or bridges that will be fixed on to them in a separate procedure.

Types of Dental Implants:Root form


Ramus frame

Blade form

The root form type of implant is the most commonly used. It looks like a screw or a cylinder. After this is placed in the jawbone, a metal base (abutment) is attached which holds the crown.

Treatment steps include the following:

Placing titanium implants: The implant screw is placed into the jaw bone and will remain covered inside the gums for about 3-6 months to enable the bone to anchor to the implant, a process called osseointegration.

Unit 3: Treatment Options

(Fig. 23)

(Refer fig. 23 to 27)

(Continued in next page)

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Unit 3: Treatment Options

(Fig. 24)

(Fig. 25)

(Fig. 26)

(Fig. 27)

(Refer fig. 23 to 27)

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Unit 3: Treatment Options

(Fig. 28)

(Fig. 29)

(Fig. 30)

(Fig. 31)

Attaching abutments: Abutments are small metal posts that are placed over the implant once osseointegration has occurred. The abutment provides a foundation for the artificial tooth to be fixed.

(Refer fig. 28 to 31)

Placement of new tooth: The last step of an implant is placing the replacement tooth or crown.

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH LOSS

Unit 3: Treatment Options

Advantages of Dental Implants:A dental implant will look almost like your same old natural tooth.It does not require altering your other teeth.You can chew food better with implants.The implants are placed within the bone, thus can preserve bone structure.

Prevention of Tooth loss

Oral hygiene measures: Brush your teeth twice daily and flossing once a day should be done to remove debris from between the teeth. These measures help to prevent gum disease and dental decay.

Regular dental health check-up: Visit your dentist at least every 6 months for a checkup and tooth cleaning. This helps the dentist to assess for any problems in the initial stages and treat them before complications develop.

Fluoride application: Use toothpastes and mouthwashes containing fluoride as this helps to prevent dental decay.

Dental sealants: Dental sealants are preventive filling materials. The dentist applies them on the chewing surface of the back teeth. This prevents dental decay by not allowing food to get stuck onto the chewing surface.

(Fig. 32)

Unit 3: Disclaimer


Although every effort is made to educate you on Tooth Loss and take control, there will be specific information that will not be discussed. Talk to your dentist or health care provider about any concerns you have about Tooth loss.

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