Tools and technics




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Todays Talk

web 2.0?what is it?

Tools to inspire.

What is web 2.0?

Web is the platform.

People are connected through social networking technologies.

Informations is fluid.

Social media Explained

Brain Stroming,

Creativity Triggers,&

mind maps

Google sets


Open Office


Social Networking

Social Networking(cont..)

Social Networking(cont..)

Tools for mashups

Building,Storing,Publishing functionalities.

Conceived as web 2.0 applications.

Targeted to both experts and non-experts users.

Open source to highly-cost licence tools.

Tools for mashups(cont..)


Presentation,extraction,and consumer Mashup tool

DERL Pipes

Data, flow and consumer Mashups tool.

Inspired by yahoo!pipes.

It allows handling RDF documents semantics.

Does not require programming language skills.

Tools for mashups(cont..)

Serena Mashup Composer

Data,functionality,flow and enterprise Mashup tool

Information + Business Processes + Data

Syntax for Mashup Creation similar to BPEL.

-But allows consuming any kind of resource(feeds,plain,html,



Microsoft Popfly

Presentation,data,flow and consumer Mashup tool.

Does not require language programming Skills.

Tools and Techniques

Tools and Techniques takes a look at the proliferation of tools

available to design and build high quality applications.

Get tips for building an effective set of tools and using those tools

in the most productive manner possible.

These sessions help you make choices between different tools and

integrating those tools into a comprehensive development and build]


Tools and Techniques sessions Confirmed

Buliding Enterprise Mashups with iBeans.

Developing Rich Web Service APIs with Java

Getting Things Done for Programmers

Hunting Memory Leaks

Just Tune It

Performance Anti-patterns in Ajax Applications

Push the Button – Improving the Current Practice of Continuous


Software Quality: The Quest for the Holy Grail?

Buliding Enterprise Mashups with iBeans

Get grounded in Enterprise Mashups and how they apply to the


Mashups break down traditional barriers around data and open up

powerful new ways for enterprises to leverage the web as a


Developing Rich Web Service APIs with Java

This tech session is an overview of Web service development on

the Java platform, including the latest specs, technologies and

tools that are available for Java Web service developers.

In this session he touches on the JAX-RS, JAX-WS, and JAXB 2.0

specifications along with their respective implementations such as

JAX-WS RI, Jersey, CXF, and more.

Getting Things Done for Programmers

The core principals of Getting Things Done (GTD);

How programmers, architects, and technical managers can apply

GTD principles to improve the productivity of individuals and the

group as a whole.

Tools which can be used to successfully implement the GTD


Just Tune It

Be methodical in performance tuning applications;

Read key performance indicators;

Develop more reliable and effective ways of performance tuning.

Hunting Memory Leaks

In Hunting Memory Leaks, Java performance tuning expert, Kirk

Pepperdine shows you how to bring JVM memory management to

the next level.

Memory leaks create latency, degrade performance, and put

developers in a bad light.

Performance Anti-patterns in Ajax Applications

Ajax development veteran Andreas Grabner walks you through

some real-life examples of Ajax anti-patterns and shows how to

solve them in this session.

Push the Button – Improving the Current Practice of Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration (CI) isn’t anything new in the world of

software development - you and your team of developers probably

already implement some, if not all, of the CI guidelines.

Software Quality: The Quest for the Holy Grail?

As Java projects evolve they become more complex to manage.

Getting a complete overview can be a painful task, especially if

proper metadata about dependencies isn't available.

Gain a solid understanding of the tools available to increase

productivity and keep your edge over time.