Tonight [s Lesson · 2020-04-14 · 2. In doing so, he became overly focused (infatuated) on his...


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Tonight’s Lesson

Lesson 6


Answering the question:

What happens if we don’t recognize and observe God to be God?


So far we have seen:

1. Lucifer was created by God, was perfect in beauty, full of wisdom, and was the standard by which other angels were compared.

2. Lucifer’s outward appearance was as beautiful and striking as precious stones and jewels.

3. Lucifer served God blamelessly from the moment he was created until he developed arrogance in his thinking.


The Progression of Lucifer’s Arrogance: 1. Lucifer took his attention off of God’s uniqueness

and character and placed his attention on his actions.

2. In doing so, he became overly focused (infatuated) on his actions.

3. Consequently, he began to think rebelliously, becoming filled up with rebellious thoughts.

4. His rebellious thoughts became actions as he began to depend upon them.

5. He therefore rebelled against God as the Sovereign Authority.


God’s solution:

1. Cast Lucifer as profane-pierced him through causing pain and dishonor by removing him from his position as the anointed cherub.

2. Destroyed Lucifer-began judgment upon Lucifer which has yet to be completed.


“‘By personal infatuation with your own works you were internally filled with destructive rebellion, and you missed and continued to miss the standard; therefore I have pierced through you intensely, causing you pain and dishonor from the mountain of God. And I have utterly destroyed you, O protecting angel serving near God, from the midst of the coals which purified those coming into the presence of God.”

Ezekiel 28:16


“‘Your belief system was elevated to a high degree of importance because of your beauty; you completely ruined your wisdom by reason of your awesomeness coming from beauty or character. I have been caused to throw you to the ground; I gave you to the attention of kings, for an exhibition on display to be observed in you.”

Ezekiel 28:17


“‘By the vast amount of your twistings of righteousness, in the dishonest behavior of your trades made for personal gain you pierced through bringing dishonor to your sacred places of worship. Therefore I have brought fire from the midst of you; it has consumed you, and I have turned you to ashes on the earth in the eyes of all who see you.’”

Ezekiel 28:18


“‘All who know you among the peoples are appalled at you; you have become terrified and you will cease to be forever.’”

Ezekiel 28:19



“‘All who know (recognizing and observing) you among the peoples are appalled at you; you have become terrified and you will cease to be forever.’”

Ezekiel 28:19



“‘All who know (recognizing and observing) you among the peoples (groups of people) are appalled at you; you have become terrified and you will cease to be forever.’”

Ezekiel 28:19



“‘All who know (recognizing and observing) you among the peoples (groups of people) are appalled (made desolate) at you; you have become terrified and you will cease to be forever.’”

Ezekiel 28:19



“‘All who know (recognizing and observing) you among the peoples (groups of people) are appalled (made desolate) at you; you have become terrified (terrors of trouble) and you will cease to be forever.’”

Ezekiel 28:19



“‘All who know (recognizing and observing) you among the peoples (groups of people) are appalled (made desolate) at you; you have become terrified (terrors of trouble) and you will cease (nothing) to be forever.’”

Ezekiel 28:19



“‘All who know (recognizing and observing) you among the peoples (groups of people) are appalled (made desolate) at you; you have become terrified (terrors of trouble) and you will cease (nothing) to be forever (an indefinite continuance-eternity future).’”

Ezekiel 28:19


“‘All recognizing and observing you among the groups of people are made desolate at you; you have become terrors of trouble and you will nothing to be an indefinite continuance-eternity future.’”

Ezekiel 28:19


“‘All recognizing and observing you among the groups of people are made desolate at you; you have become terrors of trouble and nothing you [will be] throughout eternity future.’”

Ezekiel 28:19


God’s judgment for Lucifer’s arrogance and rebellion is threefold:

1. Removal from his status and position of service as the anointed cherub in the throne room (pre-history; Ezekiel 28:16).

2. Removal from accessing the throne room of God (mid-tribulation; Revelation 12:9-17).

3. Removal from the earth into the Lake of Fire for all of eternity future (post Millennial Reign; Revelation 20:10).

Tonight’s Lesson

Lesson 6
