Tongue Twisters. Clap your hands to the beat. Sing these tongue twisters with me


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Tongue Twisters

Clap your hands to the beat.

Sing these tongue twisters with me.

Pink pig plays in his pen.

Plays, plays in his pen.

Little lizard leaps by the lake.

Leaps, leaps by the lake.

Slithery snails slide so slow.

Slide, slide, slide so slow.

Clap your hands to the beat.

Sing these tongue twisters with me.

Wiggly worm wiggles in the water.

Wiggles, wiggles, wiggles in the water.

Creeping caterpillar crawls by the creek.

Crawls, crawls by the creek.

Diving dolphin dives so deep.

Dives, dives, dives so deep.

Clap your hands to the beat.

Sing these tongue twisters with me.