Tokugawa Ieyasu, Shogun 徳川家康 · 2020. 8. 26. · Dai-nebutsu, a traditional cultural event...


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1542 (Tenbun 11) Born in Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture (Until age 1)

1547 (Tenbun 16) Got kidnapped on the way taken to Sunpu as a hostage and sold to Oda Nobuhide. (At age 6)

1549 (Tenbun 18) Hirotada, his father, was assassinated. Taken to Sunpu as a hostage of Imagawa Yoshimoto. (At age 8)

1557 (Koji 3) Marries Lady Tsukiyama and changes his name to Motoyasu. (At age 16)

1559 (Eiroku 2) Returns to Okazaki to pay a visit to the family grave. Nobuyasu, his first son, is born. (At age 18)

1560 (Eiroku 3) Oda Nobunaga defeats Imagawa Yoshimoto in Okehazama. (At age 19)

1563 (Eiroku 6) Engagement of Nobuyasu, Ieyasu’s eldest son, with Tokuhime, the daughter of Nobunaga. Changes his name to Ieyasu. Suppresses rebellious groups of peasants and religious believers who opposed the feudal ruling. (At age 22)

1581 (Tensho 9) Invasion of Takatenjin Castle. Subjugation of Enshu. (At age 40)

1582 (Tensho 10) The Takeda clan falls and Ieyasu reigns over the Suruga Province. Nobunaga commits suicide (Seppuku) at Honno-ji Incident. Ieyasu in Sakai passes through Iga and escapes from the crisis and flees to Okazaki. (At age 41)

1584 (Tenbun 12) Wins the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute against Toyotomi Hideyoshi. (At age 43)

1586 (Tenbun 14) Forms a pact with Hideyoshi and marries Hideyoshi’s sister, Asahi-hime. Has a meeting with Hideyoshi in Osaka Castle. Moves from Hamamatsu to Sunpu Castle and proceeds with the conquest of Koshin, the Kai Province and the Shinano Province. (At age 45)

1590 (Tensho 18) Ordered by Hideyoshi, moves and resides in Edo Castle. (At age 49)

1600 (Keicho 5) Defeats Uesugi. Ishida Mitsunari commences the battle. Wins the victory in the Battle of Sekigahara. (At age 59)

1603 (Keicho 8) Receives the title of Seiitaishougun, or the military general, and establishes the Edo Bakufu, or the feudal military government. (At age 62)

1607 (Keicho 12) Repairs Sunpu Castle. Retires to Sunpu Castle. (At age 66)

1615 (Keicho 20) The Summer Siege of Osaka Castle. Yodo-dono and Hideyori at the age of 23 commits suicide. The Toyotomi family ends. (At age 74)

1616 (Genna 2) Appointed as Dajo-daijin, or the head of Great Council of States by the Imperial Court. His illness worsens and he dies on the 17th of April. Buried in Mt. Kunozan. (At age 75)

1570 (Genki 1) Moves from Okazaki to Hamamatsu and defeats the Asakura clan at the Battle of Anegawa. (At age 29)

1573 (Genki 4) Shigen died at the age of 53 from illness. The fall of the Muromachi Shogunate. (At age 32)

1571 (Genki 2) Shingen invades Enshu and attacks several castles. (At age 30)

1572 (Genki 3) Defeated at the Battle of Mikatagahara. (At age 31)

1575 (Tensho 3) Defeats Takeda Katsuyori’s army in the Battle of Nagashino. (At age 34)1579 (Tensho 7) The birth of his 3rd son, Tokugawa Hidetada (The 2nd Shogun). (At age 38)

The greatest tragedy and a difficult life decision.Death of lawful wife Tsukiyama Gozen and the seppuku of his heir Nobuyasu.

Map of The Battle of MikatagaharaThe “Fujinzu,” or military formations, used at the Battle of Mikatagahara is created during the Edo era. The Gyorin no Kamae, or “Fish Scale Formation” is adopted by Takeda troops (on the left) and the Kakuyoku no Kamae, or “Crane Wing Formation” is lined up by Tokugawa troops (on the right). "○ Toshogu" represents Tokugawa Ieyasu’s position. Collection of Hamamatsu City History Museum

Tokugawa Ieyasu, Shogun

Takeda Shingen’s Path to the Totoumi Province Invasion

Yoroi Kakematsu of Ieyasu

Tachiarai Pond

After the fall of the Imagawa, Totoumi Province became a battlefield between Ieyasu and Takeda of the Kai Province. Ieyasu, who was based in Hamamatsu Castle, was rapidly expanding his power while repairing and constructing castles in various places. In contrast, the Takeda clan who came from Suruga and Higashimikawa invaded the Totoumi Province. The clan was approaching Hamamatsu Castle while racking up victories in battle. At the Battle of Mikatagahara in 1572 (Genki 3), it was reported that Ieyasu was chased and attacked by the Takeda clan all the way to an area near the battlefield Saigagake, which was located to the northwest of Hamamatsu Castle and barely made it back to Hamamatsu Castle.

In 1572 (Genki 3), It is said that Ieyasu rested under the shade of a large pine tree while returning to the castle from the Battle of Mikatagahara. He took off his armor and hung it on the pine tree; the tree has been called Yoroi Kakematsu, or the armor hanging pine, ever since. The pine tree in front of Hommaru Minami Hiroba Square is the 3rd generation, planted in 1981 (Showa 56). In addition, the name of the place,

"Umabiyashi", refers to the place where the horses were exhausted after battle, and were cooled by the clear water near the pine tree. It still remains in Matsushiro-cho district.

Nobunaga Oda was absolutely indispensable to Ieyasu. His opposition to Nobunaga could lead to the collapse of the Tokugawa family. Nobunaga suspected a rebellion from Tsukiyama Gozen, the lawful wife of Ieyasu, who was related to the Imagawa family and Nobuyasu, the eldest son of Ieyasu, thus he ordered Ieyasu to kill them. Ieyasu sent his vassal, Sakai Tadatsugu, to Azuchi Castle for an explanation; however, it still could not quell Nobunaga’s anger. Nobunaga ordered Ieyasu to make his eldest son, Nobuyasu, commit seppuku (suicide). Nobuyasu was a talented person with charisma. Nobunaga was also said to have been wary of his ability and influence. It was a tough decision for Ieyasu at the time. (There were different theories in recent studies.) Ieyasu’s wife, Tsukiyama Gozen, was killed by his vassal and Nobuyasu was forced to cut himself at Futamata Castle (Tenryu-ku, Hamamatsu City). The sorrow he felt over the loss of his son whom he considered to be his successor was difficult to bear; however, he coped with his grief and moved on as he had no choice but to protect the Tokugawa family.

Ieyasu's lawful wife, Tsukiyama Gozen, who reportedly married Ieyasu at the age of 16, was an elegant woman descended from the Imagawa family. However, Ieyasu had no choice and was forced to kill his wife under Nobunaga's order due to his close contact with Oda Nobunaga. Tsukiyama Gozen was ambushed and beheaded by Ieyasu’s vassal in Koyabu near the shore of Lake Sanaru while heading to Hamamatsu Castle from Okazaki. The pond where the vassal washed the blood-stained blade is reportedly called Tachiarai Pond. It was dated in August, 1579 (Tensho 7). Gozen was reported to have been in her prime as a woman, at the age of 38.






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浜 松 市
















湖 西 市











Battle against Takeda who surrounded the Totoumi Province

Yoroi Kakematsu of Ieyasu

Takeda Main Force (another theoried simulation)

Yamagata Masakage Force

Takeda Main Force

The Raid of the Battlefield SaigagakeSaigagake Stone Monument

Saigagake Stone Monument

Futamata Castle Ruins

Statue of Tokugawa IeyasuCollection of Hamamatsu City History Musuem

Family crest: Permitted by The Tokugawa Memorial Foundation.

Bronze statue of Tokugawa Ieyasu in his youth

Tomb of Matsudaira Nobuyasu (Seiryuji Temple)

Saigagake, one of the battlefield ruins related to the Battle of Mikatagahara, is reportedly a steep cliff formed from the fracture of the Mikatagahara Plateau. Ieyasu was defeated by Takeda's forces and escaped to Hamamatsu Castle, but he somehow carried out a surprise raid on Takeda army near the cliff. The geographic disadvantage confused the Takeda army, and many fell from the cliff. Many reportedly died in the battle. Enshu Dai-nebutsu, a traditional cultural event performed by Ieyasu to mourn the spirits of the dead, has become a designated intangible folk cultural property of Hamamatsu City and still continues its tradition.

The Residence Period of Ieyasu

Tokugawa Ieyasu, Shogun

徳川家康Constructed and resided at Hamamatsu Castle for 17 years in order to build up his military prowess into his adulthood.
