


contoh soal

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  • Soal 1: JET LAG

    One of the first adjustments you will have to face after your arrival in the United States is jet lag. Jet

    Lag is the physical shock of having to adjust to a new time zone. It is caused by the long airplane flight.

    After several days (perhaps as long as a week) of disorientation and sleepiness, you will begin to

    function normally. It takes about one day to adjust for each hour difference in time. Most U.S. training

    locations are about 9-12 hours different in time. So, do not be surprised if you feel a bit disoriented or

    unusually tired for a week or more. It is important to report for the training on the specified date, which

    is usually several days prior to when your instruction will actually begin. This will allow you to adjust and

    recover from jet lag before the course formally begins.


    Listen to this lecture on culture shock, given by a university professor. Well, lets start by a brief

    definition of culture shock. We can define as the physical and emotional discomfort one suffers when

    coming to live in another country or a place different from the place of origin .This term expresses the

    lack of direction , the feeling of not knowing what to do or how to do things in a new environment, and

    not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate. Living in a new country can be hard, but sometimes

    you just have to adjust to difficult situations. Generally speaking, we could say that there are four stages

    to culture shock. First of all, discovery stage.

    Uh, to the visitor, everything seems new and unusual the food, the surroundings, the buildings. And it

    produces a feeling of excitement to be in the new environment a desire to look around, to experiment,

    and to explore the new culture. In this stage, the individual feels involved in some kind of fantastic


    Kedua, Vocabulary yang terdiri dari 30 soal. Bagian kedua dari tes AcEPT adalah vocabulary yang menguji

    pengetahuan peserta tes tentang kosakata bahasa inggris yang sering muncul dalam teks-teks akademik,

    misalnya jurnal ilmiah, ensiklopedia, atau surat kabar. Bagian ini terdiri dari dua subbagian, yaitu cloze

    test dan collection.

    Cloze test terdiri dari tiga teks singkat dan setiap teks memiliki lima pertanyaan, sehingga ada 15 pertanyaan secara keseluruhan.


  • The shark has senses specially (1)_____ the animals life underwater. Smell is a sharks most

    acute sense. Approximately 70 percent of the sharks brain is used for smelling functions.

    Experiments have shown that sharks can detect prey (2)_____ by smell, and the hungrier the

    shark, the less stimulant needed to elicit a reaction.

    Sharks are sensitive to light and can detect certain objects even in murky water. Some have a

    mirror-like layer under the retina that reflects incoming light and increases the (3)_____ light

    available to the eye.

    Sharks can also sense electric and magnetic fields. Sensory pores located on the sharks head can

    detect a preys bioelectric field (4)_____ if the prey is buried in sand. A shark can also detect

    the Earths magnetic field. Open-ocean sharks may use this information to (5)_____ and orient


    1. A. appointed by C. figured out

    B. invented for D. designed for

    2. A. timidly C. solely

    B. hardly D. disorderly

    3. A. prominence of C. odor of

    B. disposal of D. amount of

    4. A. even C. however

    B. as D. even though

    5. A. sink C. crawl

    B. navigate D. Thrust

    Collaction menguji pengetahuan kosakata peserta tes mengenai pasangan kata dalam bahasa inggris. Terdapat 15 pertanyaan dalam bagian ini. Untuk dapat menyelesaikan bagian ini dengan baik, peserta tes harus mempunyai kosakata

    yang cukup dan pengetahuan tentang pasangan kata yang baik karena tidak ada

    petunjuk untuk memilih jawaban yang tepat.

    Contoh: Bill realized that he had ________ a mistake by mentioning her fathers name to the

    board of education.

  • 1. Done

    2. Undergone

    3. Made

    4. Produced

    Ketiga, Grammar and Structure yang terdiri dari 40 soal dan waktu pengerjaan 30 menit.

    Bagian ini terdiri dari tiga subbagian yaitu, sentence compelation, cloze test, dan error


    Sentence compelation, terdiri dari 15 kalimat soal yang masing-masing

    memiliki bagian yang telah dihilangkan. Pada tiap soal terdapat empat opsi jawaban yang berada langsung di bawahnya.


    Accounting information can be classified .. two categories: financial accounting and

    managerial accounting.

    A. to C. by

    B. into D. on

    Cloze test, terdiri dari 10 soal yang berupa teks-teks bacaan yang beberapa

    bagiannya telah dihilangkan.


    Some people seem to have a knack for learning languages. They can pick up new vocabulary,

    master rules of grammar, and 1 in the new language more quickly than others, so

    -2 so much easier for them? Perhaps if we take a close look at these successful language

    learners we may discover a few of the techniques 3 make language learning easier

    for them.

    First of all, successful language learners are -4. 5-the book or the

    teacher; they discover their own way to learn the language. Instead of waiting for the teacher to

    explain, they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves. They are good guessers who

    look for clues and form their own conclusions. When they guess wrong, they guess again. They

    try to learn from their mistakes.

    1. (A) learning to write

    (B) to learn to write.

  • (C) learn to write

    (D) learns to write

    (E) learned to write

    Error identification, soal jenis ini terdiri 15 kalimat yang masing-masing memiliki empat bagian yang telah digaris bawahi.


    Warner Brothers became knows for its tightly budgeted, technically competent entertainment


    a. was knowing c. to knowing

    b. known d. had known

    Keempat, Reading comprehention yang terdiri dari 40 soal. Soal ini menyuguhkan sebuah

    bacaan yang terdiri dari beberapa paragraph. Tipe pertanyaan yang biasa muncul seperti: What is the topic of the passage?

    What of the main idea of the passage?

    What is the main point in the passage?

    Which of the following would be the be sttitle for this passage?

    This sentence is true, EXCEPT

    Soal reading yang pernah keluar saat saya ujian:

    A marketer can rarely satisfy everyone in a market. Not everyone likes the same soft

    drink auto mobile, college, and movie. Therefore, marketers starts with market

    segmentation. They identify and profile distinct groups of buyers who might prefer or

    require varying products and marketing mixers .Market segments can be identified by

    examining demographics psychographics and behavioral among buyers. The firm

    decides which segments presents the greatest opportunity those whose needs the firm

    can meet in a superior fashion for each chosen target market, the firm develops a

    market offering. The offering is example, values developes his car for the target

    market of buyers for whom safest a costumers can buy.

    Traditionally, a market was a physical plan where buyers and sellers gathered to

    exchange goods. How marketers view the sellers as the industry and communications

    (ads, direct mail, email massages ) to the market : in return they recive money and

    information (attitudes< sales data).

    A global industry is one in which the strategic positions of computitors in major

    geographic or national markets are fundamentally affected by their overall global

  • position. Global firms both large and small plan, operate and coourdinate their

    activities and exchanges on a world wide basic.

    Today we can distinguish between a market plan and a market space. The shopping

    in store ; market space is digital, E-commerce business transactions condected one

    live has many advantages for both consumers and business, including, convelence,

    savings, selection, personalition, and information for example, on line shopping is so

    convergent that 30 percent, of the order generated by the web site of REI, a

    recreational keeping its stores often late or hiring costumers service representatives.

    However costumers for lower prices and is threderingintermediars such as travel

    agents, stockbokers, insurance agents, and traditional hetailer .To succed in the on

    line market space marketers will need to naergonize and nedefine themselves.

    Question :

    1. What is the author primarly concerned with ?

    2. The word they in line % refers to . . . .

    3. It can be inferned from the text that the purpose of the market segmentation is . . . .

    4. The word psychographic in line 10 might include the following items, except . . . . .

    5. Which of the following is true ?

    6. The pronoun one in line 33 refers to . . . . .

    7. The word sparing in line 55 is closet in meaning to . . . . .

    8. The author gives an example of on line shopping in the text to show . . . .

    9. Where in the text does the author mention gives the modern definition on the market . . .

    10. Where is the text does the author mention the benefit of on-line transaction ?

    Kelima, Composing Skills yang terdiri dari 40 soal. Bagian terakhir AcEPT adalah composing

    skills yang menguji pengetahuan peserta tes tentang penulisan ilmiah dalam bahasa inggris.

    Poin yang diujikan antara lain: Paraphrasing 10 soal. Pada bagian ini peserta tes harus bisa mencari

    paraphrase atau kalimat lain yang memiliki susunan gramatika yang berbeda

    tetapi tetap menunjukkan makna yang sama.


    There are probably more than 10 billion trees under cultivation on the coffee plantations of the


    (A) More than 10 billion people cultivated coffee in plantation around the world.

    (B) May be more than 10 billion trees are cultivated on the coffee plantations in the world.

  • (C) More than 10 billion coffee trees in the world are planted under supervision.

    (D) Cultivating more than 10 billion trees on the coffee plantation is probably not an easy thing

    to do.

    Editing the incorrect part of sentence 10 soal. Pada bagian ini peserta diberikan satu kalimat yang memiliki bagian yang susunan kalimat yang salah dan tidak

    sesuai dengan aturan tata bahasa ingris. Kalimat tersebut digaris bawahi dan

    peserta tes harus bisa mencari bagian kalimat yang benar dari pilihan jawaban yang diberikan.


    Warner Brothers became knows for its tightly budgeted, technically competent entertainment


    a. was knowing c. to knowing

    b. known d. had known

    Choosing the most correct 10 soal. Pada soal ini peserta tes diberikan empat

    pilihan jawaban dan hanya satu jawaban yang sesuai tata bahasa. Poin grammar yang diujikan dalam bagian ini masih sama dengan subbagian

    paraphrasing dan editing the incorrect part of sentence


    A. The first scientist to recognize and use the power of the lever was Archimedes.

    B. The first scientist to recognized and used the power of the lever was Archimedes.

    C. The first scientist recognized and used the power of the lever were Archimedes.

    D. The first scientist recognizes and uses the power of the lever was Archimedes.

    Choosing a sentence which logically follows the previous sentence 5 soal. Pada bagian ini peserta tes harus dapat mengidentifikasi satu kalimat yang secara

    logis mengikuti kalimat yang sudah diberikan.


    1. If an object held near the surface of the earth is released, it will fall and

    accelerate, or pick up speed, as it descends.(soal) 2. The weight of an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by the acceleration due

    to gravity.

    3. The force of gravity on an object is also called the objects weight.

  • 4. This acceleration is caused by gravity, the force of attraction between the object and the


    5. This force depends on the objects mass, or the amount of matter in the object.

    a. 2 c. 4

    b. 3 d. 5

    Arranging jumble sentences 5 soal. Pada bagian ini peserta tes harus dapat

    mengidentifikasikan susunan logis lima kalimat yang diberikan untuk membentuk suatu paragraph.


    1. As it lays the eggs, it may or may not fertilize them with sperm from its sperm sac.

    2. The female eggs develop into fertile queens, sterile workers, or soldiers.

    3. Most of the ants in a colony are workers.

    4. A queen ant digs a hole where it lays its eggs and waits until the first ants emerge.

    5. Fertilized eggs result in females, while unfertilized eggs produce males.

    a. 4-1-5-2-3 c. 4-5-2-3-1

    b. 4-3-5-2-1 d. 4-2-1-5-3
