Today’s families chapter 7 lesson 1


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Family exerts a strong influence on your life and personality

Family as a social system-what influences one person does affect every person in the family

Society’s health is directly related to the family’s health

Nuclear Family: two parents and one or more biological child

Single Parent Family: one parent and one or more children due to death or divorce

Extended Family: one or more relative in addition to the nuclear or single parent family

Blended Family: a nuclear family in which one or both people have been married before(this could include step siblings)

Adoptive Family: children are not related by birth to the parents

Foster Family: children stay with non related by birth family for an extended period of time

Dink’s: double income no kids

Alternative Families/Domestic Partners/Same Sex: People without families bond together to take care of each other(homosexual marriages)

Primary support to which individuals rely on for basic human needs (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs)

Essentials mechanism by which child develops the capability to survive and function independently in the world.

Building Healthy Relationships

* Most important is good communication

(communication is key in any relationship)

* Affirmation (positive words or actions)

* Trust


Time together


Solving problems


Changes in family structure

Arrival of a new baby

Becoming part of a blended family

Divorce or separation

Becoming an extended family


Financial problems


Credit card abuse

Loss of job

Illness or Disability

Substance abuse

Spousal abuse Women are the victims of more than 4.5 million

abuse crimes in the U.S.

Domestic Violence Abuse can be physical, sexual, or emotional Criminal act and can be prosecuted by law

Child Abuse Abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional

Running away

Children can be exploited

Pornography and prostitution

Talk to someone who will listen

Do what you can do (job or chores)

Crisis centers/hotlines

Support groups (AA, NA)



Your stressors….

Your parents stressors…