TO-NIGHT t · Qituation? PLAINFIELD. N. J.. MONDAY . NOVEMBER 20 1893. PRICE TWO CENTS. 1 i.Vuli...


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1 i.Vuli Viral"" « • ' " " " " •

" * • ' ' " , , ' , l.onr Cor bcp.mlng The

* bad « i


•1'iiiiation. The. . . ,oried to held

S o ,l,o loiili ami be ^Bldeil hyihe stnnmrcs so Hint when ttie time

HK> for a final separation from ttiiaEJtd's wrw, "II w'21 '1 receive anla laiiiciiT'ini"*? up in tlio life beyoriil.

The 'iihi-i"iis ' n l t i c marriages a l l < l

: E t t 5 i * W > J « « W a n * * bad o » .H j ^ daring the Wi*e years that heiMkmi lit-n* W ^" , ' r ^/ th^i ' i I" Ie Hiensf^fbru*»poranr and pwiiaps a per-SmbwiMnitoa i'».i fuw, urey atinonul me« HWII. The pastor |>uul avcX nii-e r.>in(.lin>c-ni to Horauo Ran-iHi,li. tbe lirpwilst, for Ills luHlilnl si>r-ne«tBUiecUiirch,hehBr.ngnilssed butniir] -J.imi.iy iii t^e pasi-'tbree >e>trs,

Ehttiteath of Jte. R*ndoVph'i &ib«.Mr Warnifk'a departure will Wye

111" <1lnmiti »il hout » imstor lor a lime.)iV...!i surprise thut lie •hould l«verj nwh missed for be is ft L ileDtGHt


liut lor Ills departunhia limy tk-iiiareded It li

•li'b liid departure «w-Wlliata douailoQ ofu[) nr him alter tlitst

a polished genlle-o know theihui '

e hut lie HioojieldselBewhetil appw-eia



The Star Automatic Feed Hag ComHUD} liehl its prst minimi meeuntf »•w*n» Mdore's store tSmnrdftJ alternoon. The officers who will s<;t uls-«K trustees me President, O to Hart

' l t ib;Vice President, Ueorge MooreSeiTetiiry. It I.'- Kuufrhi: TreasuriT, A.f. Clark. The latter was also elected"

- matfriBiT fi»r the eiiBuiiig year. Mr.Hartman iiml Faupln are from Newtork and Mr. L'lart Irom Fuxtioru,


We aha a in r list


. . . leKreat Boral pauet-plcinri"An American Beauty," painted by iliitrtmi uf the world-famous "Yanl o1'aiisies" and "Yard of ltosea." Thislaperb j.reBcni, worth $5.i>o, in copyritiii.-.i, and caiiiioi t>e purchased oIflniirv-leulers lit any price. It ia 2'tDGbet hinti, mid will fit upright narrow*liBreB mluiiraljly. lie sure to get aconppu BatlUinK yon to i«m maginflveui

PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS.—The Somerset Bowling Club

neet tonight on the Arlington houseUevs am) hsve their first practice

—The Rev. I>r. C. O. Lvm•lii/.silM'ili will give a talk "for. men•my" tonight in Grace M. E. Church.

—Arthur Crane, the New Englandi .it.-.•!!•.!, epoke in Trinity Reformedhurch t u t night from Hebrews ehap-er 2 verse 3.

—Thi I'li'i'ri'iiiiiiicnt given by ttipamors of Trinity Reformed Clinrch'ridny night, will l>e repeated al Hope

Chapel next Thursday night.

—The Young People's Societv of the' i m Presbyterian Clinrch will take

ce of the Wednesday night meet-wlilch will be addressed by a

peaker from New York, upon thefork of Christian Endeavor in that?ity.

• -The new iron bWdge on Weiter-elt a venae where It crosses Greenrook, which William T. Kirk, of Westeventh street, la bidding, will be 6n-ilied tomorrow. The delay has beenausedbyan inability to get some of:ie parts as fast as needed.

—Rev. Arthnr Crane will continueIs meeting for men on!v over)' even-

ng until and including Friday eveningnd Bible readings for all, every alter-

to ami including Friday exceptfonday afternoon.

—The Ymng Men's Bible Class ofhe First Presbyterian Church will meet

rruw afternoon, (or a rending withlie pastor.

—Cycilsts still continne to ride aboutIn' i-iiy at night witnoni inheir ii':.!- ni- TWO from Westllelilmrely niinseil being rauglit Saturdayight.

— Next Thursday eveninc, Ihe Chris-iar. EndeaVur society of the First Bap-isL Charon will liave a BOCIJII in tlieecnire room ol the ch'ui

rell, i is ihe chair i of Hie

ill biavn tliat it. iironiim/M

"luaalit, not only be<-un

at society ever had, but because airy InU'resiiiiK ]iroennnine will be•esenteti at that time.—A fitr and supper I" to he eiven

! t!ie Udit» of the Marcomiler UfflMiiml'iy Sthuol ut the leaiilence of Mr.

Hsiminaii, Turk avenue Oppoalto thel'-meirs Driving I'ark, on Tuesdiying, November lil for the benefitiujitl Fund. Go and take yonr

friends with yon.

The committfes having in chiirgef h gentlemen's

h lOSg

ii TCH 0 he (jgthe

ii Trinity Reformed Uhuivb Friday•veiling sr« requested to meet al theiriun-li WVilmbduy night at 7.3(1>'clock wit boot tail~ for a little drillipon ihe [urts which they will have to

—The "Light Bonn*ytiting pirUnf tun ri«;lis! Church, are busiiy

" a Bociet;ith Hay ]work makingor a piettily

ftde bag, containing a geneiis supply or iiee<"len, thread an•tides of a similar nature, which willtable pour Jack to do liis mending

while aw»ylittle liaca i i l>e i

each thier destinationsailor hoys to get the

awny trom

SbtnfT Kytc B»)E° I i

Fanwood Town.b

mber of the

\: Commituc,At a meetiiiB of the Fan wood Town-

ship Uimmiltee held Halnrdny night,•'Sheriff Kyle lerulered liis reaignation

»Ma member and it was accepted withregret, Mr. Kyte wa», however, aji-I'Uirilpil Township Treasurer until hienii-cfsiMjr stujuld be elected.

i t e s B u ,uiumitlee, will be elected n

mber of Iht Monda


s proud of the fact thai he

Bmj Courier reader

be pronJer yel In a few

—Do not fail to Bee the Coiirtier In aiipthcr column fliinonncnij; thepl'endiil Thanksgiving gift wliicli wetill present free to all our readers.

— Rt;ail alniut,i.he H\I eiiiiid Tlianks-;iving gilt fur ail our readers iuanuliit-

"—lloveyou heard of the beoullfohaiiksgivini; gift Hie Courier will giviUs readers?

Bux partii'S have been urrftngecr by society leaders Tor the Ragi

rip to Koine.—You'll ntver traiel so ebear

gaii'. flume and Spall) are both youir ::> cents. Call at Music Hail boxOu»" lo-uiglit.—The mi-u's meetings at R p. m. an

(Ibis readint-B for men and women i30 p in. conducted by the Rev. Aiur Crane at Unit . M-0. A. roonut IM; coiitinui d until Friday inclnitiV'lie reailings have been largely agilded and found very interesting ai

—The two new marnhnls In the Bo

ilghi, are u> be equipped with ovccoals, helmets and nigbt slicks. MaySxuuders IB at the head MI the movneiil to purchase the nefessary equipnents, and they will be furnished the marshals by the lirst of next ma

—ft. T. IJaruea, of candy famtthe fortauate possessor of amagniH

•art stud, which be wears in tbe IM1 his Rlili t. The way he came byud is worth telling.- One day liis

wilt- was going upstairs leading io oneie elevated railway stutions in Newk when she saw something glitter-in tbe d l l . Picking it op, sheight It home and gave it to herMM! Mr. Humes snowed the

stud a tew days later to a d*ealer In•v. i if*, aud he at once pronounced It toe a atone of tbe first water and wortht leattt 8-10 at wholesale.




tUs will tell yot

D will be ••|.rou,l.-r

ry shortly.



Thorn m>d bit h i Did Twttrday Jtrmr

Httlnrwood. - Th*j Ofjt up » 9p»»klng Ac-»nc» With the b n kri*.

G. Thorn and bis SOD Clarence whilenlVini: In the vicinity of N'etherwood»ter>tay were mnch aarprised at areen looking bird which flittednd lighted nearbv. Tbe youne __

isilii the tlret glimpse or the bird «odlalraed "there is a crow with whiteigs." His lather told him the while

roliahly came from tbe light of the BanD the jet black at Btich an angle as to

sc an llluBlon. The son protestedinst any encb explanation and botht towards ihe pluce where the birdwalking.

ure enongh, there were the whiteR8 but tbe rest of the feathers were

et black. Tbe bird was somewhatroil apparently Tor he did not make

attempts to get away, and thenui a good chance lo see him

Isihly, and to hear him plead his caws.His were not the "white wings Ibat

ever grow weary" or probably the nn-msual phenomenon would be now an•discovered secret,


ycr1Coogan, an employee at B.ock farm at Finderne, isCoogen has worked for Myers

r tiie past Summer and has been con-iered a mo<lel employee. A weeko hist Tuesday be went, to Somer-le to get his pension money, he being

late war, aa

X." noWM DID HOT "BET ' * •ery man in PlainBeld knows black

Aleck" llrown. For the past twolonlbs "Aleck" has been very friendly1th S. P. Flower, the art promulga-

nr of East Front street Every timeAleck" ne t the Colonel, he wouldpen up conversation on the political situation, or the anti-racerack war aud invariably wind np wi

request for a dime to get • "comfor-" Colonel Flower w.s never known

n his back upon any fellow aufleir and sa & result "Aleck".always getsa "comfort." Tula morning the Collei aaw "Aleck" bearing down uponm and thought It was about time torn the tables upon him, so said he:—"Good morning, Aleck."Hornki', MM. Floah," said Alec"Gold momlng, Aleck.""Deed 'Us, boss," agreed the colored

an. .>'Jast tbe morning for a little nip,eh,leek," queried the Colonel. Andleek's eyes fairly glittered as he

"Yo' right, boat, shnali ""Have yon a dime about you," a*k-

d tbe Colonel, "It 's jnst tha morninga little tonic. Can't you lend me

dime?"A leek was paralyzed. He stammer-I he tried to explain that he hadn't a

me about him and finally ended tbeene by abruptly walking down thereeL It is safe to ssy Aleck will not

iscb Colonel Flower for another

•„ purchaiTim r heiird

iiim, although dilligentis whereabouts have been'made by

lend*, and il is feared that he liasrittl mjine accident or been foullytoiih. It WO8 not, thouiilit il. i!

oogaii hiidan enemy in the world, lie

(I siric-.iv to ins badness.1 Whift inie late w»r lie did im part well, BUJt its conclusion, he waa ihochargcd

resent whtTcabyuis will be thankfuliyeeeiveJ by his many friends.


it Saiiinluy rvening was the timer testing and t j;nnimrip Lite 3an-ilide which the clun propose st>nd-. tbe Interchange for exhibitionIBI-S by the different clubs which£ lo- i'-e aKsociutiou. About

5U slides were in the h inds of the>mit]ii.H'o for thnl [iur(WbB, but owing

;he leakoire of one ol tlie g a stiers, wh ch t»ok somo time to ux,

aidB thO •ok pi a

of theot. ubout one hundred of theire tuken, mid Ibtsc willUieir travels. The s

'orm a distinctive collection ofn and about PWoBetd, and areil to give ou'wders a corapi

oldei of lbs beai • of

Adleitreel railway, In speaking this roori

ubout the collUina on West Frontset, last week farmer Waldron'• wagon* said that ie was making iungh investieatioQ of the acciaentiuid be Hnd that the motor man wailame lor the trouble, and it begalook very moch mil way, he .li.propose to keep such a man on lh

,1 an) longer.


•, he did not •hharge a man for

sure of his po

is employ, and.whilthat the accident took



Prospect avenne in Duneilpn p<

sses the pecul arllv of having me

if thei tba

of tbe youngesrising generatiin ihe city. 1four of Hie boito brighten lh>


which have been l«i


inp of 6ve hout

M l' ;

Tba Cat PrlCM in Flonr »re no Mar*.Viie grocers in ihe city received thi

morning a circular Irom Randolph, tb<.naeer of the trade in rillsbury Qouthis vicinity saying that the pric

r sack for that flour will hereafte.TH", cents and per barrel S5.5O.

added lurlher a warning Hint anydeviated from these prices winable to obtain more of that brand

,y h,<'Ji! HpDlicalion"

•'ntniw la tao rwuit, and

bis".]wl rayed fca-M't-r; nlare csuawl by " "

C a u o t Be Cured.

OD or t h e v*r. Thtrt- In on-

lWlil-B. l>t*l[tlC*H |A CUIIKWl

TBf fijntk Pliinflfld BaplHU iDCTiwli

At the South Plalnfleld RiptlChurch last main the following personwere baptised by Kev. E, ThompsonWilliam Clawson, M. Dunham, MissLucy Dayton, Mrs. Moon, Senior FieldElmer Manning, Arihnr Hawkins anKertMaiining. In abont two weekfourteen others will present tuemsel'for baptism.

Whin Ibli lutic


Oue offender, for betog drunk andisorderly, waa Oned f3.

James Kay, who waa drank anraised a miola'nre ractlon on thBoulevard yenerdaj, waa alao fined 93

XH.Twriiriwd THtrdv «nd h« T..

Hem lirntad fcr It.

Shay and Wlllinn Adami' b» Officer!Klely this

. —jaolt sad bittery uponobn English, yesterday. They were

brought beiore Justice Nash and triedila afternoon, and beld to ball. In theiin of 9300 each for appearance lie-

or« tbe Grand Jury. Harry Itunyonppeared in behatr of the defendantshe story that Eofrlish tells : Is to thefleet tbat while In the vicinity of Ter-II road yesterday afternoon, he pvsedie house where the two men were,

and Adams, who lives there, invitediim into tlie boose. Tbat while therebe; began lo insult him, Sliay holdinghe door while Adams did the tbr&sb-

lle fnn her says that Adams toldIm, "I have it in for you " Englishresented a sorry plight silting ia courtith his bead bandaged and both eyeslacked- He certainly must have runp against something solid. Englishaid he waa an acquaintance of the'lams family, and thought there was

0 barm going into tbe house. ThereM been a feud between tbe men for>me time.It is probable that they will get bail

1 some way.

II go


—Tomorrow evening, tbe Christianr -Society of Warren Chapeli Ilolteyvilie, to take part In

niertainmciit which the society atplace is getting up.

—The failure of the mmnrmm toand their gongs i A they approachout street on Watcbnng avenue,[en causes some very narrow I'scupfs)m collision Bolh cars come up ihecum' close together and people whoe the first car bear no go&g, natural-Buppose that no olher ear Is near.should be made ihe dnty of tbe

jtormen io ring their gongs as theyiproach Front street and so lessene liabitil; of an accident taking place.—The Willing Workers of Hopelapel will give an entertainment and

npper in the chapel next Thursdayvening, to which their man; friendse invited.—One week from Wednesday afler-K.n or this week, Ihe King's Daugbt-« of Hope Uliapel who have adopted,'harity" as their motto, will have ake and pie sale In tbe cnapel.—Tbe staves are to be placed in ibercet cars Oiis week and passengersII oe enabled to ride without freezingdeath.

—The Harris Lane society of Chris-\u Endeavor will give a (upper at tbe'atriums home nt tie I; ring's Mills to-arrow nlgnL

—Joseph Sohl, tbe electrician, wilion heve some samples of a furnaceermortal wbicb be Is going to use onniAcea, and says tbe use of tbe apiraius will save twenty per cent in Ibe* of fuel.

—The Lehigh Valley strike may ex-nd to the Central railroad. No Legh freight Is bandied in the Commonaw yard today.

—Easter Lodge No. K. of Hill hold a meeting tonight.—The extremes or temperature Sat-

rday were 61 and 34, Uf rainfallwas a trace. The extremes yes-

*rday were 43 and 37 .—A regular communication of Jernsa-m Lodge, No. 26, F . i A . M . will beId to-morrow evening, Nov. 21st,•K-u the M . AL Degree will be conic


—,W.J. Stevenson, of North avenuesumed business this morning, 1

tors having agreed to gi*e btime to meet, his obligations.


On Friday evening, December first.reception will be given to ibe Rev.

I. Uoodrichand hia wife in the Con-gregational Church

The Rev. Mr. McKelvey, pastor ofarren Cbapel and ibe Rev. O. Ken-

edj Newell, pastor or Mope Chapel,chaitged pnlpiU l<ut evening.

Uonrad Brosl and Zacbariah Wilson,ic recently appointed Marshals in Nonbl&iofield, were sworn In Saturdayght and were at once placed on duty,heir honrs are from seven p m. untilvea. m. each nigbvslfo! Wilson cov-rs ibe territory south or Somersetreei, while Brosi looks after the dis-

rict on ibe norlb Hide.W. K Hagulre, advance agent for

The Oath' company which plays hereaiiay night, apent Sunday at the

t H py pat Wilmington, Del.,

ntll Wednesday

season tonightnd plays th.IghL Thursday night the troupe,rbtcb consists of twelve persons, playsere, Friday night at KH.zst>etu, S&tur-ay nigbt at Somerville and next weekI tbe Grand in Newark.A lecture is to be given ID Nework toMgbt by farmer Dunn beforeie public ttbools of tbe city. Tbe


Mrs. W. H. Rider, of Maplewoodanellen, died tbU morning after tion illness of peritonitis. Her friend)id mem ben of ibe Melopoia and Choraociety of winch sbe was a membei'ere very mncb shocked when theews of her demise was circulated, forbey bad hoped that she would

mately recover Ibongh her illness'.liasbeen very severe. Sbe was a woman>f such a lovable disposition and kindly

manner that her loss will beeenlvfelt among all wbo knew

Mr. Rider, wbo is a memberof the' lion County Country Clnb, bas tb

mpathj of his friends u d associatestbis bereavement.

,« 0. A E. Talk wiU b« a Ba

The joint detail appointed by Winfleld Scott Post No. 73, G. A. R , andhe Woman's Belief Corps, at tbe re-

cent meetings, meet Saturday nlgtit toarrange Tor the fair to be given nextmonth. The date was set for Decemer 11, to continue one wtekJ-^"b

111 be modi contesting at the'tfifftable* where articles are on sale, anddoubtless a (nil treasury will be tbe resalt. Something will be announcefor each nigbt which will keep ap Ibinterest all tbe week.

So* Try Tfcu

It will cost you nothing and willly do you good, If yon Save a coogbcold or anv trouble with throat, chestor lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery(or consumpt>«n, coughs and coldsguaranteed to give reller, or morwill be [Mid back. Sufferers from IGrippe found ttjnat tbe thing aud co-der its UM bad a apeedy and perfecrecovery. Try a sample bottle aour expense and learn for yoursejust how good a thinff It ia. Trial bot-tles free at L w . Randolph's DrofStore No. 21 West Front street



uiles alonj; their rouw. Tne railway>eoi.i!e do aot feel inclined to Bod themMlves to have the road In operation byany set time, Tor they say mat eiionMau Injunction be served t>n them whilethe road was being built, It might comhem considerable money to vacate it.

Regarding the kind or poles to use, theyare willing to meet their objectors halfway, but until the Lind Company wttl

flew York IHMeliTM pa/ a call Sutnrdij

Two New York detec'ives were intee city Saturday nigbt looking forteraons who have been buying goodsrom certain Installment dealers, andotiQed them that a prompt and tmmed-ite pavment thereof was required.

One arreat was made for a bill wbicbamounted originally to S30, and the

I wanted a bond or $.100 to gu vrantbe payment, but they bad to con-: tbemaelves without IL Theirt ia not regarded in a very serious




His company openst W i l i t D



The proposed extension of tbe alraetrailway to Danellen has come to astand still. Tbe cause of tbe InactivityIs the action of tbe Lend ImprovementCompanywbo want to m ke the railwaypeople agree to have the road in oper-ation by toe first of neit June, and Iopromise n r thai wooden

COMINGThe time for Blankets, Quilts

and thicker Duderwetu. 1 harethem in all qualities, and prices,oww than ever before.


Thursday Evening* I\ov«

A Brotberiood for Holj Crou Chorch

The men of tbe congregation of Holy'ross Church are requested to meet inhe Sunday school building tomorrowtebt at eight o'clock, to take into con-Ideratton the organization of a brotber-ood Tor active and aggressive churchrork. It is hoped the meeting will be

well attended by both young and mid-" iged men, so that the project jmyi»e put on foot al once.

In the!

Trip to Rome.Wwt aad SontB TU Ct«»petke & Ohio.The F. F. V., a solid train of Pallan ves tibnle sleepers, dining car and

day coaches, heated by tiglited by electricity,


uure will be illustrated by a numberf lantern Blides, anil among tbem will

several which were taken by Weath-ObserverJohn Neagle, of PlainBeld.Mrs. Mary F. Shirley, of West Front

treet, tbe wife of John Shirley, diediatnrday night of oedema of tbe lungsollowiog pleuro-pneumonia. Sheae twenty-three years old. 8Qe lihusband and Infant child to mourner loss.

J. H Carney la laid up at borneith au attack of neuralgia.Tbe memirers of Mu Olive Baptist

liarcu are likelv to extend a call to.ev.U. S. Gibson, of FitUburg, Pa.,) "Hwu Kev. F. O. Warnick resign-


and Mrs. E. C. Perkins, or Cen-ral avenue, came home tost Friday

trip taken lor Mr. Perkinsealtb.

Cbarles Dennis, of Long Br&ncb, wbosa been the guest of Herbert Cbarn-erlain, of East Fourth street, for the>ast week returned yesterday morn-Ig.

HIM Elizabeth Davis, of Cranford,

ne of the Illustrators, on Truth, wbo

las been visiting frltads on West

treel for a Tew days past, has re-

Joseph SoU, of West Front street,

IB returned from his irip to Pasttaic.

William Towusend, son of J. E.

jwnsend, of Somerset street, was

taken last night wuli a sftvere atlackol

Henri Martean, tbe yoong FrenchloUniBl who ia io appear lu oue of tbe

Melopola concerts, arrived from Europeresterday on the French line steamciChampagne.

is have been received In ilmcity by a number or young genilemcior a euchre parly which la to be beld

at Cranlord next Friday evening. It isneedless to lo say Uiat the invitations•ill be generally accepted.

Mrs. O. W. Sailing, of Somerville,gave an Interesting address la tbeFirst Cbnrch or Cfirist, Grove streetlast night, to a large congregation andwas well received.

Lou Darling, a former residentNetberwood, arrive in town last even-ing OD a short visit to bis many friends:

Tbe Infant daughter of Charles Frey,of South Becond street, was chnsieneu

St. Mary's Church yesterday.

WiBCl IS MISGEZElCHSBTtBT.Improvements are still going on with

In and wltbont tbe United States Ex-press office. Two safes were broughtinto use In place of the former onethis morning, and the Incline planerunning from tbe office to "~baggage department, has beeaplaced by steps. Tbe delivery servicebas been Increased by a spick ipaowagon wbicb, in the words of ManageMIHK ii nd Cashier Tretiiebon in chorus,M "auagezetcbneL "

Cincinnati and Louisville, via Wasb-ogton, without extra fare, leaves NewYork by Pennsylvania Railroad, 5.00

Uadelphia, 7.40 p. m. ; arrivesCincinnati, 6 p. m. next day; Lonis-vlde,9.00; Chicago; 6.55 and St. Louis,

morning. The Cincinnatiexpress leaves New York, weekdays,8.00 B. m , Philadelphia, 10 20 a m . ;

Clnclntcol, 7.30 next morning,Chicago 5. not St. Louis, 6.30 p.- m.,

' ' ig dtrecanilnnectioDS to p«icts be-

S limited rates from Ellza-yond.

all, $16; Louisville «19.50; SU Louisville, (21.25. World's"air excursions going via Washinglon

•turning, direct or by Niagara Falls.Brough tickets and baggage checks ateuusylvauia B. R. Station, Elizabeth.

FRANK McCoNSEii, P. A.362 Broadway, New York.

H. W. FULLER, Q. ±*. A.

FOR SALE or "to Let:—HouM 0 __100ms newly painted newly plumbcc

umace, city water, fiae location. Inquire.. M. Runyon, 402 Park avenue or

Prop*ru Always la DM

The placed wbicb Is being vacatedtoday by Terrlll k Oole, on East Fronatreet, will be occupied by John Soborb,j r . , in a short time:

uneral servtceflfct 1.30 o'clock. Tburnlfty »T-tcrn on. Nov. * . •»». from bt-r lale rrjl-

m. (ra'n frank Now Tort


'L'KNlSllED—Rooms with or withoutboard. Terms reasonable. >

st Cor. Seventh and Clinton av.tfidL

good cook.Apply evening* 403

W an ted by. J. Sharp at 3M Llt>ert7 ulreet. all k

drri»ae« uid n f t m i , repaUrin»n.l for Hie, I depot wiuron.

d Somerset BtrsM.

SVXIASSAS XVSZO S A U .\ J. A. 1'eniarest, Lessee and Manager.

Lacy 4 I tcbard's Great Sensational Comedy Drama,

THE* OATHAlplay for the people.

; the great riin scene of rral wiier.One that pl«ue* all clutes.

._. Sec the burning of the mill. Special tcenery.Mechuical effect*- Regnlar price*.

Better Join


B retarned and we're prepared for its coming witli a nev-<toc?OOT VVEARlof every variety. Old Hyanis will find,tick up Btich a storni as we are doing in Flainfield with onr



You aro prepared for


__ nytliinir that can happen in the way of

wenther if you've inspected our stock and parcluised the requisites of

of comfortable contact with mud and elusli.

GREAT MAJORITYavel in oar shoee, the ; walk with us,' so to speak because everyone

wants to enlist in thu

I Dry-foot Brigade,«.id mercury cajii't drop lower than onr prices. .The call this weekwill be for the Patent Cork Sole button bootB at *4, anS' the HeavySole Blncber Binls at $3 and $4. Ladies over gaiters 3Ou, 50c (1and *l.2ji a patr. .


The largest Shoe House in Central New Jersey.

1IOBI7Tu IMAM on llr.ii, Bern


TenEyck & Harris,Dealers In Packer Vctn L«htgh

Valley Coal.H. J.




for one year from date of purchase.NO

ever offered toUhe people of this city to purchase a lot. OJljhfB of tilt]

principal streets in Flamfield, N. J . We now offer

40 LOTS 25x100>n South avenue comer Berckman street. Only ten minute* walkfrom the depot. TentB 25 per cent caah, and $10 per month. Ho.uctioneer'B fees. Maps at office uf G. H. Haod. 317 Wfttcannfr.venue.. ; v.1;

John F. Mclntyre, North ••enoe.J.T.Vail, Agent, 117 Worth avenue.

Call "IT*"H yon want a Coach, Coupe, Snrry, Phaeton, Buggy or

Stddle Horse. Horoos boarded.


A- N.| DUNSTER & SON. Proprietors.

}3lainficli> i CoitncL

&&&*»**. ■»••* ®Ut** F' „ ,^irt I* TM. CilT $•♦•»•

*•“ • iw<t»il» •'< Wxrnlek. naafor R'T. r,” «*■"* <" * “^iLbrelki* larewrlUtoww to **"'ZSatHin tostlllffM. rn"n ""•

—-t* (or h»gimilnii (hr (Pfwri» .1 \„.|»ii|i na <1111.


‘SiTi-re"* ««»'«"* rno« only J"2' „„ii,o>o.rr remark" lll« >»• lacl .hat three ... r"*"" ‘.Vrl Tf. rotiCTdWlion ®f “ "•->»« wonl*

r .i-i, b..i «i««i •*. lV.rnl.-k and hl» colntrega- IT Turn- ... no mentlo. made of tail mailer hoi !!,*■•.'noon .as confined i, the mi. .Kb » "no ol thought run. ninr lbronsb It reeaiMln* the P“,',r « !£..,ian° sod Hit c-onllnnol ehaniw Ird'.in'imie theiroccupation. The exhorted lo bold . ..,l(u,l to Hit »lib b* (.nldod hv l» onpi.n. « Hist sW ‘bn «'»* t.,10 lor 0 dual separation from tins .<*..)•„ „r... oil might «e-ire on ■bsodtnteit'rnnrc op >n (lit life beyond Tilt siiiM.-ns to the marriage" and ' I-Sthiat Mr Wnrni.-lt bad otB- tilb.1 daring tbttbrt* years that he Mb» l.ert were «try touching, not Its swornm-e «»• S'«en that .lole tile erne fi.r (emi-rary and pwliaps a far. bmw,it separation ha.1 rome, they nil .00 d Bled anon, Tile pastor paid a ..n n ee eiml|Jlmenl to llornllo Hon. il-dj* the .cganlol, for Ills folllllol


PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. — The Somerset Howling Club will meet toi-l^lit on the Arlington house ■'lert soil have their Dm procure game of the aeaaon. —The Her. I>r. C. O. I.vman of Eiizabelh will giro a talk “for men oniy” tonight in Grace M. E. Church. — Arthur Crane, the .Vew England Evaniirliat, spoke In Tnnlty Reformed Cbnrch laat night from Hebrews chap- ter 2 verae 3. —Th» cniertalnment given b? the •(amors of Trinity Reformed Chnrch Friday night, will be repeated at Hope Chapel next Thurtday night —The Yonng Peopled Jfoclolv of the Flirt Presbyterian Church will take charge of the Wednesday night nieot- Ii.g which will tm a«hlrea#eJ by a ■peoker from New York, opon the

DID YOU ITU IU A WHIT* CHOW! o Thar* bb4 his Bom DM T«rt«r4xy I«i ■•tkerweai.—They OttipsIpsaklsg As qaaiauaes With the Ran Arts. G. Thoru and his son Clarence while walking In the vicioiry of Netherwood yesfenlsy were mneb surprised at green looking bird which lilted paal and lighted nearby. The yonng man cflught the Drat glimpee of the bird and exclaimed -nhere is a erow with white wing*." Ills father told him the white probably came from the light of the soi on the jet blsek at sorb an angle a* to cause sn Illusion. The son protested against any such explanation and both went towards the placo where the bird was walking. Sure enough, there were the white wings but lbo real of the feathers were work of Christian Endeavor In thap Jet black Tho bird was somewhat «ty. tired apparently for he did not make lany s',tempts to get away, and the leu'had a good chance to see him plainly, end to hear him plead his caws. not the “white wings that never grow weary" or probably the un- unnsnal phenomenon would be now an undiscovered secret.

-Tho new iron bridge oh Weeter- velt avenue where It crosses Green brook, which William T. Kirk, of West Seventh street, is liiiiUling, wjll be fin- isbed tomorrow. The delay boa been caused by an inability to get some of the parts as fast as needed. — Rev. Arthur Crane will continue his meeting for mm onlv every even- ing until and Including Friday evening and Bible readings for all, every after- noon to and including Friday excel* Monday afternoon. —The Young Men's Bible (’lass ol the First Presbyterian Church will meet tomorrow alternoou, for a reading with the pastor. —Cyc’.lata still continue to ride about the <*ity at night without lights in their latiUrbs. Two from Westlield barely unused being caught Saturday night. —Next Thursday evening, iheChrls- Uait Endeavor society or the First Bap- tist Church will luve u wclul m the lecture room ol the diarcli. Mr. Her* rcll, win* !■ tho chairman of the com- mittee which I* getting up the aocntl. says that it promises to be very pleasant, not ouly because it will I** the tlnil of the seasou a. Well ga tl hist society ever had, hut l»ecaa«p very Ititerestiiig programme wi:l be presented at that time. — A f dr and supper Is to he given hy the f.miles of the Marconnier Cmon Snnduy School at the residence of Mr. Kammau. 1'ark avenue opposite the Gentl-men’s Driving Dark, ou Tuesday evening, November 21 for the Leneflt of Chapel Fund. <«o and take yon friends with yon. —The com mi Her* having i« charge the inanagvmcnt of the gentlemen's Green Tea, 10 be given is the parlors ol Trinity Reformed Church Friday evening sr.. requ* sled to meet si the chun'li W.ilniMlay night at 7.3U o'clock wiiih.ot fail lor a liule drill u|N«ii die pjrts which they will have lo perform. —The “Light Roarers." a society of yPung girl* »»f t ic .s. \c»ith Day Hup tie* Church, arc bushy "t work making ••housewives" will consist of a prettily made hag, containing a gener- ous supply or needles, thread articles of a similar nature, which will enable poor Jack to do his mending while away from homo. Tho m little hugs are to be. scut away Irotn (hit city ou their errands «»r love, *• to reach tbier destinations lit lime of November 25 entitling everyone who tho sailor boys to gel them for Christ- toby* lire fiaper lo a reproduction In oil! mas present* coiunof thn gftal 0«»rsl panel-picture _|»o not fail lo sco tho Courier s As American Beauty," painted by lire | 0ger m another column announcing the


Thomas Coogau, an employee at B. Myer’s stock farm at Fioderne, la miming. Coogen baa worked for Myers for the paal .Summer and has been con- sidered a model employee. A week ago last Tuesday be went, to Somer- to get his pension money, he being

church,ht* having missed hut tho past three years, wuw oceaalonCAt by tfesdntli of Mr lUndolpb'S father. Mr Wariock's departure will leave lb« rlinrrh without a pastor lor a time. It il net a surprise that he should lie very much mimed for he is a t dented mln.u cixmI 11.14 *mI* ,or* •*,“1 floaasut speaker and a polished gentle- mas ilr has corue lo kuow the ehafrh CO well til t this IS a very luopiwrtuue tioii> tor Ins departure but he thought Ins ilu’.x demanded It In fields elsewhere. Hi* sen ices were so well appniiutcd ■ou Lie departure was so much regret- I'd that a donation of money was ius<le op lor l.iui after the service. TAt rtLD BAG COIPAIT LLXCT OFFI cuts

The lar Automaiic Feed Bag Com- panv held its Dr*t annual meeting r»t teorge Moore’s store Saturday after- noon The officers who will act al* m intsteea are President, U to Hart man: Vice I'reMdent, George Moore; Secretary. II C. Kaught; Treasurer, A K. I :urk. The Utter was also elected nxtisgi’r for the ensuing year Mr. Hartman and Taught are from New York, and Mr ('lark Iroiu I'uiboro, Miu CUVD THASK50IVIFG PREMIUM TO ALL COURIER READERS We shall print a eoupon in our Inane

well as lo purchase tic km. Tina was the last seen or hsard n'm, although difligeot inquiry as to whereabouts have been made by fneada, aud It is feared that he has l with some accident or lieon lonlly dealt wiiIt. It was not thought that Cuugan had sn enemy in the world, lie quiel. Inoffensive mm, and tend- i.'.ly lo Ins liudness. Whllk ill the lute war ho did his part well, and •ne.uoiou, lie was discharged c. Any HdingM of him or his I<i«.sent wHereabouts will be ihankfolly ved by Ilia many friends.

artist of the world-famous “Yanl of I'ansiea" and “Yard of Rowes.” This *u|»rrl» present, worth m». Is eopy- nxh’ed, and cannot lie purchased of r« ture-dcaleni at any price. It is 20 aaclw* high, and will Ot upright nurrow •iwrrs admirably. Be sure to get a run pun entitling you to this magnificent plk of the foenf Kyte Re.igns aa s Meal*

FkB wool Tswotklp Commiuee, At a meeting of the Faowood Towu- •hip Comtsiltee held Saturday night, Kheril K\te lemfcred life resignation »* a ormlier and it was accepted will »cgret Mr. Kytu was, however, ap l«istgd Township Treasnrer until hi Miereoaor sh-.uld be elected. Mr Kyu-U success'>r( a member of tl>> C’<(nrnl4ce, whl be elected next Moods night



U proud of the fact that he i« a (onrlrr reader.

Every Cornier reader will We preader yel In s few

The Cewrler will tell jon "hf jon will be “ prender Jrt” very ahorllj.

splendid Thanksgiving gift which whl prewent free lo all <nir re tilers —IUs.l nbuuuthe »|» ewlid Tuanks- vmg gill fur all our readers in another column. — Have you heard of the beautiful Thanksgiving gilt the Courier will give to Its readers! — Box |>artu*s have been arranged for by society leader* for the Hagan trip to Rome. — You'll never tratel so cheap!v K«tue mud S/mln are bolh yours cents. Call at Music Hall box office to-night — The men’s meetings at « p. ro. and Bible readings for men and women at 3 30 p m conducted by the Rev tliur « 'raii« at the Y. M. C. A. rooms I win la* mntina* dnntil Friday inrlnaiv The reading* have been largely at- I tended and round very Interesting Instructive. I —The two new marshal* In the Bor- ough who weal on duty Saturday night, are to bn equipped wltb over- to, helmets and night sticks. Msy<«r SNunderH in at f he head of (he more- lent to purchase the nefenaary equip- lents, and they will be fornidied to le marshals by the first or next month. — It T Barnes, of candy fame, is the fortunate possessor of a magnifieunt peart stud, which be wears in the I-worn of his shlil. The way became by the stud Is worth telling. Ife was going npsUirs leading or Hie elevated railway autions in Sew York when she m* sometldug glitter- he dl L Picking It op, she bruughl It borne aud gave It to her nnsbxnd Mr Horne* showed the stud a lew days later to a dealer In jewels, and he at once pronounced It to ■lone of the first water and worth at least »10 at wholesale

of the late

Last Saturday evening was the time set I r toting and *x naming the lan- slide winch tlie cluo pro|*osc send- o the Interchnngo lor exhibition Itiirpotw-H hy the diff.-rent rlubfl which belong to C e association Aboat 150 slides were In the hands of the liliee for that puri>o»c, but owing to the leaknae «*f one ol the gas cylinders, wh ch t*»ok some lime to fix, * thimiugli s teat look place aa could be wished. Final!? out of the entire lot. abju; one hondred of tbe beat were Liken, tuid tUvoc will soon be on tlteir travel*. The alldus se- lectrel form a distinctive collectioa of views In Slid aboui I’laiuOuid, and arc designed to give ou’sMers u eompre- hensive idea of thu beauties of the city lid Its vicinity.

Every i I AUrk"


FIXIVG THE BLAME FOR THE RECERT COLLISION Hupenntendeot Adlemann, of iho street railway. In speaking this morn- ing about the collision on West Front Nireet, laat week wnh farmer Waldron's limy wagon, said lb«; ie was makings through Investigation of the accident. Kliouid be find that the motor mnn was blaiue lor the trouble, and it began to look very much that way, be did propose to keep aucb a man ou the t any longer. It was his aim, he said, to have none bat courteous and careful men In bis employ, ami while sorry that tbe accident took place, be did not deem It wise lo dis- charge a man for an offense until he was sure or tils position lo the matter.

DUMELLEK 8 FUTURE 18 4S8URRD 1'rospeel avenuo ia DuneUen p<»a- setses the pocul arilj of having more of the youngest representatives or the rising generation than any other avenne in thu city. In a group of five hou»es four of tbe houses have young hub ea to brighten the fireside and coucilliate the ancestral Pennies. In three ol thane home, consecutively, are babies which have been l»orn this month Tlie little ones and their mammas are bright and well with the exception of oi Mrs. Rider, who died this moruleg

HOT ~a*T 'KM UP.1

•aa m Plainfield knows black Aleek** Brown. For tbe poet two months “Aleck" has been very friendly with 8. P. Flower, tbe art promulga- tor of East Front street. Every U ••Aleck" met the Colonel, be woi open up eon versa! loo on the weather, the political situation, or tbe anU-raw trick war and Invariably wind up wltb I request for a dime to get a “comfor ter." Colonel Flower w.a never known to torn hla back upon any fellow suffer er aud si a retail “Aleck” alwaye gelt bln “comfort." Thla morning Ute Col onel saw “Aleck" bearing down upon him end (bought It was about time to lorn the tables upon him, so said he: — ••Good morning, Aleck." Morn In', Maa Floah," said Aleck. “Cold morning, Aleck." “Deed 'Ua, boe^" agreed the colored so. ••Just the morning for a little, Aleck," queried tbe Colonel. And Aleck's eye* fairly glittered aa be said. ‘Yo’ right, boas, shush " Have you a dime about you,” ask- ed tbe Colonel, “It's just tba morning »r a little tonic. Can't you leod me dimer Aleck was paralyzed. He summer- ed; be tried to explain that no hadn't a almut him and finally ended tbe ( bj abruptly walking down tbe streeL It Is safe fo aay Aleck will not approach Colonel Flower (or another loan very soon. ■Y THE WAT.

—Tomorrow evening, the Christian Endeavor Society of Warren Chapel •rill go lo Holjcyville, to lake part in an entertainment which the society at that place i$ getting ap. The failure of tho moiorrat,n to Foand their gong* i * they approach Yont street on Watclmng avenue. Hen causes some very narrow eaen|ica from collision Both cars come up the oe dose together and people who see Ibu Drwi car bear do goofr, nalaral ly suppose that no other ear Is near. It should be made the duty of the motor men to ring tholr gongs as they approach Front street and so leaaen the liability of an accideut taklug place. —The Willing Workers of Hope Cha|>el will give an eniertalnmeoi and sup|>er in the chapel next Thursday evening, to which their many friends ire invited. —One week from Wednesday after- lOon of thi* week, the Klag's Daugbt- *rs of Hope Chapel who have adopted •Charity" as their motto, will have a rake and pie sale In tbe cbipei. —Th e stoves are to be placed in the street cars Oils week and passengers will oe enabled to nde without freezing to death. —The Harris Lane society of Chris- tian Endeavor will give a supper at the Watchung home *l Behring's if ilia to- morrow night. —Joseph Sold, the electrician, will soon beve some samples of a furnace thennonal which fie Is going to use oo furnaces, and says the use of the ap- paratus will save twenty per cent la tbe use ot roeL —The Lehigh Valley strike may ex- tend to tbe Central railroad. No Le- high freight Is handled In the Commun- l|»aw yard today. — Eaater Lodgs No. K.of H. wIL hold a meeting tonight. —Tfle extremes of temperature Sat- urday were 61 and 34. Of rainfall there was a trace. The extremes yes- terday were 43 and 37.

—A regular communication of Jerusa- lem Lodge, No. 26, F. * A. M. will be held to-morrow evening, Nov. 21st, when the M. M. J»egTee wiJj be confer- red. —.W. J. Stevenson, of North avenue, returned business this morning, bis creditors having agreed to give him more lime lo meet bis obligations.


/skaXag-lst Was Badly ^thsTVrrill^BMi Tssarixy tod ku Two

Mm inwM hr It j Georg* Shay and WHIM a Adams ware arrested bv Officer K/efy (fils morning for asaaalt *n 1 battery upon Job* English, yesterday, tbey were brought before Justice Nash and tried this afternoon, and held to ball in the sum of |200 each for appearance be- fore the Grand Jury. Harry Runyon appeared In behalf of tbe defendants The story that English tells la to tbe effect that while In the vicinity of Ter- rill road yesterday afternoon, he parsed the bouse where the two men were, and Adams, who Uvea there, invited him into Die house. That while there tbey began to Inmilt him, Hhay holding tbe door white Adams did tbe cCrash- ing. He farther Bays that Adams told him, “1 have It !n for you " English presented a aorry plight stlting In court with his bead bandaged and both eyes blacked- He certain I v must bare run up against something solid. English said he was aa acquaintance of the Adams family, and thought there was no harm going Into the bouse. There hae been a Tend between the men for some time. It Is probable that they will get ball


Tbe proposed extensfoo of the street railway to DaneHen has corns to a d still. The cause of Uie Inactivity to the action of tbe Lend improvement Company*ho want to in k« the railway people agree to have tlie road In oper aik»n by the first of next June, and lo promise not to one other than wooden poles along their rome. The railway i>eople do not feel Inclined to find thorn selvee to have the road In upr ration by iy net time, for they say that should an injunction be served on them while the road wa* being belli. It might cost them considerable money to vacate It. Regarding the kind of polee to ase.they are willing to meet their objectors half way, but until the Mad Company will withdraw their objections, noth;ng more will be done about the matter.

i some way.

Tbf Cat Fricoa is Flssr or* so Mora The grocers in the city received this morning a circular from Randolph, tbe manager of the trade in Tillabury flour for this vicinity saving that the priee per sack for that floor will hereafter be seventy rents and per barrel 85 50. It , added forth er a warning that any one ine day Ids wj,0 deviated from these price* would

bq enable to obtain more of that brand.

DEATH OF Ul W. M RIDER. Mr* W. M. Rider, ol Maplewood, Danellen, died this morning after a short il'ness of peritonitis. Her friends and members of the Melopola and Chore I Society or which she wa* a member were very much shocked when tbe news of her demise was circulate-1, tor they had hoped that she would ulti- mately recover though her Illness'has been very severe Bbe was a woman of such a lovable disposition and kindly manner that her toes will be very kecnlv felt among all who knew her. Mr. Rider, who is s member of tbe n County Country Clnb, has tbe sympathy of his friends and associates Id this bereavement.

DaU« Cosset Bo CsrsA. b«r local application* »• I bey cannot reach i nr d area^l portion *»f Che tar There Uon- ucure d«afiMa< aod lb*t Ut hy »l rnn-ll-*. lMDiwbuuHd -^^--^3SwUTutef wVTSSTt1^ l*Tn'aaa.«M »om have * rumr.’lnp o»-.n.l or In-

rn.out *nd tbe lul> i oooAmon. hrartns ed. J.JOe Morel U> ■rtwuanl _ aa I aflat*, ol cottdlt p.a t»f lh« taacou* aurl WawtUalve OnsHuodrad Iiollsra for aay oase of D^rnaa* n*i*« by oaiarrti) that aa not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cura. Bond

* OO, Toledo. O.

To. South PlalnfteM Bapusu luruiiai At the South Plainfield Baptist Church last night the following persons were baptised by Rev E. Thompson William Clawson, M Dunham, MIm Lncy Dayton, Mr* Moon, Senior Field. Elmer Maomug, Arthnr Hawkins and Bert Manning. In about two weeks fourteen otliera alii present themaelves for baptism.

IE JUDGE CODDIRGTOV't COURT. One offender, for being drunk and disorderly, was fined »3 James Fay, who was drunk and raised a misia’are root ion oo the Boulevard yesterday, was also fined 93.

PERSONALIA Ou Friday evening, December (list, reception will lie given to the Rev. U. L. Goodrich and bis wife In the Con- gregational Church Tbe Rev. Mr. McKelvey, paelor of N'arren Cbapel an«l the Iter. O. Ken- nedy Newell, pastor of Hopo Chapel, exchanged pulpits last evening. Conrad Hroal and Zacbariuh Wilson, he recently appolntod Msrehals In North Plainfield, were sworn In Katurdsy night and were at once placed on doty. Their hoars arc from seven p m. until five a. in. each ulgb4«ad Wilson cov- ert tbe territory south of Somerset strem, while Brosl looks after the dis- trict on tbe north aide. W. R. Maguire, advance agent for •The Oath" company which plays here Thursday night, apent Sunday at the Arlington. Ills company opens tbe season tonight st Wilmington, Del., sad plays there until Wedneeday night Thursday night tho troupe, which consist* of twelve persons, plays here, Friday night at KI»z*oeth. Hatnr- day night at Somerville and next week at tlie Grand In Newark. lecture ia to be given in New York tom4hi by Farmer I»unu before the public schools of the city, lecture will be Illustrated by a number of lantern alldea, and among them will be never*I which were taken by Weath- Gbserver John Neagle, of Plainfield. Mrs. Mary F. Shirley, ot Weal Front street, the wife of John Shirley, died Saturday night of oedema of tbe lungs following pleuco-pnenmonia. She was twenty-three yeareo'd. She leave* a baabaml and Infaut child to mourn her loas J. II. Carney is laid ap at home with an attack of nooralgla. The memi>ers of ML Olive Baptist Chnrcb are likely to oxiend a call to GRwm. ... I Rev. F. O. Warnlck resign- ed. Mr. ami Mr*. E. C. PerkIna, of Cen- tral avenue, came home (oat Friday after a trip taken lor Mr. Perkins health. Cbarlee Dennis, of Long Branch, who has beeu tbe guest of Herbert Cham beriaiu, of East Fourth street, for the past week returned yesterday more- leg. Mum Elizabeth Davis, of Cranford, one of the illustrators, oo Truth, who has beta visiting Intads on West street for a few days past, haa re- turned borne Joseph Sob!, of Weet Froot street, has relumed from bis irip to Pa* William Townsend, son of J Townacad, of Some root street, was taken laat night with a severe attack ol pneumonia Heart Martcau, the young French violinist who ia to appear lu one of the Melopola concert*, arrived from Europe yesterday oo the French line steamer Champagne Invitations have been received In 0ns City by a number of young gentlemen

Tort DttaoUfw p*j » coll flo&anUy right.

Two New York detec'ivee were lo tee city Saturday night looking fbr persons who have been bnyiug goods from certain Installment dealer*, and notified them that a prompt and Immed- iate payment thereof was required. One arrest was made for a bill which ■mounted originally to $30, and the non waoted a bond or $500 to gn iron ee tbe payment, but tbey had lo con- tent themselves without It Their visit is not regarded io a very serious fight A lrotb.rk.o4 Ur Crow Chartb The men of the congregation of Holy ("roes Church are requested lo meet lu the Sunday school building tomorrow night at eight o'clock, to lake Into con- sideration the organization of a brother- hood for active and aggressive chnrch work It I* hoped the meeting will be well attended by both young and mid- dle aged men, so that the project xtay be put on foot at once.

Tk. G. A R. Fal* will b. Tbe Joint detail appointed by Win- field Scott Port No. 78, O A. R . and the Woman's Relief Oorpa. at the cent meetings, meet Saturday night to arrange for the fair to be given next monin. Tbe date was set tor Decern ber 11, to continue one a will be much contesting at tables where articles are doubtless a foil treasury wifi be the re- sult. Something will be announced for each night wbkb will keep np the interest all tbe we '

Raw Try This It will eortyod not blog ud will 1/ do jon good, If

COMING Tha time for BUokeU, Quilt*

«nd thicker Underwent. I here them in *11 qnulitic*, and prior*, lower than ever before. HOWARD A. POPE.

Thursday Evening, ]¥ov. fl Lucy i Blanchard'. Great Reeulloeal Coined; Drama,

THE * OATH tff^EE the great r

Better .loin

In the

Trip to Rome. Wart aa4 Son b YU Cbnxpaike & Ohio. Tbe F. F. V., a 8011(1 train of Poll man ves tibuie sleeper*, dining car and day coaches, heated by steam, and lighted by electricity, New York to Cincinnati and Louisville, via Wash- ington, without extra fare, leaves New York by Pennsylvania Railroad, 5.00 , Philadelphia, 7.40 p. m.; arrive a Cincinnati, 6 p. m. next day; Lout*- rhk, 9.00; Chicago; 6.55 and Sl Louis, 7.U5 next morning. The Ctncinonil xpreee leaves New York, weekdays, 8 00 a. m . Philadelphia, 10 20 a. m ; doe Clnclnt col, 7.30 next morning, Chicago 5. net St Louto, 6.30 p. m., giving direrandnnectiona lo peibts be- yond. First-clan limited rales from Eliza- beth to Cincinnati, $16; LoatovlUe $19 50; SL Louisville, $21.25. Worttl'i Fair excursions golug na Washington returning, direct or by Niagara Falla. Through tickets and baggage chocks at Pennsylvania K. K Station, Elizabeth. Fkakk McCokmbll, P. A. 362 Broadway, New York. II. W. Fuller, G. F. A.

’uneral aervlcew'at l.*> o'otook. Tburaday a l*ra on. Nov «L •**. frota her l«t® rca cl*-nc*. corner of Proapoct irunut an J toal- mi( «lfW. Taka 11 tt a. m. Ira n frota New York. WANTS AND OFFERS.

BURNISHED—Ro Seventh and Clinton

riVRNWIlED—Rooms «ilb oi wilhoul location. Reference No. ao6 El* Froot r/cli.njrd Apply at ' fctrtct. Plainfield. N. J.

FOR SALK or lo I .el H"u« c loom, newt, pointed ne»l, plumbed (urnace, city water, fiae location. Inquire a. M. Runyon. 40a Park avenue or 4I6 M.diaon aeeoue. > trade reartoably, addrem .5 Coarier.

for a enebro parly wfiieb la to be held at Cranford next Friday eeenlug. It ia needle*! lo to aay that mo loTltallooi will be generally accepted. Mr*. O. W. SeUtog, of Somerville, rave an IntereeUnR addrena lo tbe Firm Chore It of Cnriot, Grove atreel laat night, 10 n large eongregalloo end wan well received. Loo Darling, n former reatdent of Netherwood, arrive m town (net eveh- Ing oo n abort vlait to bia many friend* The Infant daughter of Charlen Frey, Of Booth Second atreet, wma cbnateaed Jn 8L Mary'* Cbnrch yeeterdny. ' wastIM os aOOOHOlCUOTllT Improvementa are at ill golor 00 with- in nod without the United Staten Ex- press office. Two safes were brought into oae In place of the former one lb la morning, and Ike Iodine plane fanning from tbe ufflee

A.VTKLI^Competed grl loMi-iwT.1 tV,,her .i>d Ironer. Apply evening. *03 WfU Seventh Micel.

cold, or any trouble with threat, or long*. Dr. King'. New Illacovery lor eoeaomix-o, coughs and cold* le gwerneleed 10 give relief, or mooey will be paid beck. Sufferer* from Im Onppe toned It jest tbe thing nod un- der IU one had a apeedj and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle a', oar expense and learn lor yonrnelf joat bow good a thing It In. Trial ttot- Ueafren at I. W. Kandolph'a Dr*g- Store No. J1 West Front atreet.

baggage department, ban been re- placed hy steps. Tbe delivery service baa twee Increased by n spick spao wagon which, ix tha wordn of Manager Mina and Cashier Tree le bon in chorea, a "auageaelcbnet.'' rialaScM mparty Always la 0am

The placed which to betag vac today by Terrill A Cole, on Earn t atreet, win be accepted try John Scborb, Jr., lx x abort Use.

V.' ar-ted by 1 ma Liberty aoe. all I ■— "d wwm. rrparre for aal«, 1 d*iw >v« MONEY To Loa* oa RoAi, tori' CHAKLHB A. USED,

TenEyok & Hama, Dealers In Packer Vein Lehigh Valley Coal. Tare, nowia piaianw*.» rom^tow-jfigaav^



-v.rA^ KID Cr..GVE»-

BTXLLSffAST XTTBZO UAL. J. A. Demareat, Leasee and Manager.


THE STORMY SEASON lias retnrned and we’re prepared for ita coming with a lung -stock of FOOT WEAR of every variety. Old Hynnia will find .*if£lHp kick np ancli a atorm aa wc are doing in Plainfield with oor


Shoes, Buhhera, etc. You arc prepared for anything that can happen in the way of

weather if you'to inspected our stock and purchased tlie requisites of of comfortable Contact with mud and slush.

TIIE GREAT MAJORITY el in our shoe*, they walk with usf so to apeak because everyone wants to enlist in thu

Dry-foot Brigade, and mercury can't drop lower than onr prices. .The c«Il this week will be for the Patent Cork Sole button boots at 94, and' tho Heavy Sole Blnclior Bale at 93 and 9*. Ladice over gaiters 8©e, 80c. 91 and 91-2£ » pair.

DOA5E & EDSAI7B, The largest Shoe House in Central New Jersey.


for one yoar from date of purchase. Best Opportunity

ever offered toJhe people of this city to purchase a lot o»t-h»a of tlie principal streets in Plainfield, N. J. We now offer - * 40 LOTS 25x100

on South avenue corner Berekman atreet. Only ten miautoa walk from the depoL Tent* 98 per cent eaah, and 910 per month. No auctioneer’* fees. Map# at office of C. H. Hand, 317 Watchung avenue. v • John F. McIntyre, North avenue. J. T. Vail, Agent, 117 North avenue.

Dais* nalaM*. X. J.Xov.

Call “IT*” If you want a Coach, Coupe, Surry, Phaeton, Buggy or

Saddle Horae. Hortoa boarded.


A. N. DUNSTER & SON. Proprietors.


f T H E I L A I K F U S L P C O P B I B B . MONDAY. N O V E M B E R 20,1893



r, w.

IJn-rl lMntnU iniTant Column, on* ooot

If ONDAY,-NOVEMBER 20, 1893.

: ! . :„ , r Tin. ][ .ir.l ill Kilui utirni

FIKSTW.\K!>. At '!.• swv»i\u


s.r A, if. .Mjg i- l i i ' • • • • ! • ' ! - V ' - ' : i . " • • : : ' • • • " I •

T u e n d i > r w « ' » i r . ' '';••', -1

'1 • '

8 P - ' "

And in ef l l l t l**! t o 1 h i r t n d<-lT?tfat«*

K u t ' U T i l «' .Mt!>.

f ' i N 2™ 8 ™ ' lfni NOT 2 » l 8 o c l o c l .fourteen d<?lf*mlon-

Eaca ward will nnmlrHlpC'iininnil I. «nf thi-Pr«f urn! ibree

EKNJ B. COWFtalnndd.

n'lililc. lint* .Ju-Iabers of the <.

.MAN, ChifriDBi


sanacts bavcratic Statepivst three y

e bandbeen p«Leglela

red parelj«sed by theurcs tlurii


I>em(g th

ONB Railway girl, whom "Jack tbKisser" attempted to aalulc Satunlanight, Jabbed him with her bat pin. Aa result all Hie other Railway girlare calling tier "just horrid.

THAT brilliant piece of diplompyrotechnics wuieh the Presidentbis Secretary of Slate prepared to ithe Hawaiian Frovlsonial Govcrnm"went off" before it went up.

iniliilal t forBta

Comptroller Major J.C. Anderson oiScerset; James L. Hays, of Essex; aJohn Ulrich, of Union. The listaspirants Ibr State Treasurerlarger and Includes Gen, .11111F. Ranting, of Mercer; fjol. SamDickeuson, of Hudso.i; HenryBailer, of raasale; and Joseph L M11of Essex.

THE Philadelphia Press morning that the coming Lcgitura is likely <o prove ihe best NewJeisey baa liad for years and Daiadds thai there are fewerjlawjera iithan ever before. Here in Ccounty we feel prelty prouil ,oflawyer representatives, who will IiTrenton Ibis Winter. Voorbeen, Crossand Codding make-a remarkably strtrio and even if they are lawyersconfess to great pride ln them.

9 downUNLESS James Martinshis friends pretty hard he may soon ejoy the reputation now enjoyed by aother well know Plain fldder ol beingCindidale lor any office in sight. ThFarmer Orator was named by his friendfor the Connty Clerkship, but when iwow known that County toll* etor Olivewould be named then immediately Mr.Minnie's name was mentioned as like!,to be appointed County Collector in MrOliver's place. James, sit on tbowgarrulous friends of yours. Any oniwbo knows you well, knows >oo carelittle for public office. As a publipiilted man, jmi cannot affordlet ilium- friends of yours hold you ito ridicule.

THE coming Legislature it reliOf the responsibility of re ilia trie-ting t lie8Ule, because of the Supreme Courdecision, built will be necessary timake a reapi>orlionmentof the StaleTUB Constitution allows sixty meraben for tbe entire State to be apporHoned according to the population, bneach county mast have one memberTue apportionment must be made afteleicb NalloDal census. The Legin!aMre of 1691 did not re»pponlon accordIng to an equal distribution of popilailuii, bat redisiricted for political |poses. Tbe Court bas declaredwork ot Ibe Legislature of 1*01constitutional and It now becomesduly of tbe Legislature of 1 •' ' . to mia new reapponlonmeot. This will betbe moat important and difficult, workthat tbe new Legislature will bare tido. In the fuiure ibe members of ibiHouse of Assembly will bare to beelected 00 a general ticket, tbere beingno district lines, and tbe reapportiiment becomes necessary becauselliis change of the systems.

Tbe best salve ID the world for Cuts,Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rltenm,Fever Horet, Tetter, Coapred HaDds,Chilblains, Coras, and all Skin Erup-tions, and positively caret Files, or DOpay required. It is guaranteed to giveperfect satisfaction, or money refund-ed. Price 25 cents a box. For sale byL. W. BandoJpb, 21 Weft Front street


Door fell « d n Cotfrtu. Ud br a Onaf of

F.i-toDi Who I i i i i t M Coalac in- —Th»j

A n AdmittM. aad Tmk» FMMMIOB of tb*

One of the happiest of snrprUet •peipetrated upou Mrs. E. J . Oooley,i.rW'atcliui.K ftveuiie, at the house of herrather, John Brooks, Saturday night.Wbile the family was enjoying a quietevening Rev. and Mrs. (J. Schenck oTnoll) Reformed Chnreu, which Mr.and .Mrs. Cooley attend,walked ID tlrery11 1 very Innocenl way and d.d n ilwlth so

•uacb as a tremble ol the eye, betrajthe little scheme that had been so "culand dried" for several days before.Tbefamily tnought Saturday night a pecnlyiar timusual for a

d bis wife, bat theyery welcome that notmoment after thei

ail was anything unuhat was going on,ents lattr tbe d Ki

Cuolcy wel v r

y g pl call and quite n

e from the pastorlire always 80

Dione Uiouelit ft '•ir arrival tbat tlurinal. A cbeerl

when a lew ra.bell rang.and Mriswer It. She wi


neai ly overwhelmed byfaces that greeted her on UuShe invited them m and was sisurprised to aee tnat slie had flguion only about half Ihe actual numbwhich were all sbe could see at tilBy" ihe lime the guesis were all inlionte, Mrs. Cooley begantotliink tb

ing her equanimity after (be laugh 1gone around, she decided that it ID

3 a surprise party.Tbe affair had some coincidences hhicb made It ali.lhe more enjoyable t

•d the number of jiue.r four frien(*si Mre. Cwtey t

uiuuicated about until three or Toutips of persons met about the samt- at different places and proceedingle house all chanced to meet uboui>Uier at the door. The hostess wae

equaJ to the emergency upon her partnd tile host soon installed himself as

f amusements were inaugurated, som<f which were very tunny and no th<veuirrg wbS sjient. Tbe call was givei

by Mr. Ilrooka tor luucheou about;leven o'clock, ami.some of the moippeiizing delicacies were ecrved. Oiif tne pleasant fealures ot the evening

d by Miss Lulu Hnediker. Among theompany were:

Uev. and Mrs. Cornelius Schenct,Mr..nd Mrs. J. Fred Macl'onald. Mr. aud

Mrs. E. E Anthony, Councilman andE. 5 . Bird, Mr. and Mre. Van

Winkle, Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Van Dyke.and Mrs. John 1> iyton, Mr. and

Mrs. J. T. MaeMurray, Mr. and Mrs.M. A. Haven, Miss Eva L'nyton, JohnII. Van Winkle, Jr., Mrs. David Sne-liker, John Van Winkle, Miss LuluSnedlker, Mrs. Charles 11. Randolph,Miss Grace Humstcad, Miss Mi 'Williams, Miss Randall and MissBenedict.

BT THE WAT.— rhere Is need of a letter oox o

corner of Lee" place and West FiftitreeL Tbe nearest box now is on 111••orner of Grant avenue and Westievtolb street, nearlyiway.

—Wet weatber footcoverings or allLinda and those patent cork Role buttonxxiU aud caliskin blue tier oils in parti-'iilar am what Doatie and Edsall tell,ou about lu tbete add today.—If by any (hance Fourth ward Repub-lican has failed to receivean Invitationo the Fourth Ward oyster 8uji|x?r to lie•iveu in Kelorm Hall tonight, he It>•! t-<-\ invited. His uaue may havt

ieen omitted by oversight.—Uev. Arthur Crane addressed »

ery large audience o( men ut ilie V.•I. C. A. rooms at4 15 p.m. yesterday

ibject '-Where' t h a t ;t | .! i i

and good red t(

i folia

— T h e e x e m •••:<

iicht at * a hair In theI for 50 ceo.iihinal-sides.

ilirluid of art—•educed rates fo

!\> to Kouie and Spa*May be obtained o

on to the box office.—Those nobby new overcoats

le Independent Drum Corps


T-ajt Saturday mornlnf, the fnneraJol thn late County Clerk James J. Qer-ber, look place from St. Mary's Churchat Elizabeth. PolitlclaM were presentfrom all parts of the county. Tne palwearers were County Collector Oliver.Judge UcCormlck,Clty Treasurer Whe-lan, Zent»n Foraan, Surrogate Pa *J. E. Hanlno, J. Deanisme* and Iident Rjan, of tiie Elizabeth City Goonide R y ,clL Tbe solemn bi«b

d b R

yss ot requiemtVth O'Neiwas celebrated by Rev. ^Father o'Nei

and the music w u by a selected choirAmong those at the roneral were ViceChancellor Green, Congressman Dunnex-Uongreaamao Kean, Senator Voorhees, Grand Maaer Durand, of theMasonic order; Sheriff K vie, ex-GoaniyClerks Caonon and Croweil, ex-Surro(rate Claik, ex-Sheriff* Ryder, HIcka,Thompson and QI asby^x-Assembly menLane. Egan and Kelly; Director Sanerof tbe Freeholders; ex-Directon Hob-bard and Ttieband, ex-Prosecutor WUson, County Attorney McClure, CoontiDetective Keren, ex-Coanty ColiectoiWood,Mayor Rankin, Comptroller Carlton. City Attorney Connolly, City ClerkManning, ex-City Attorney BergenPostmaster Sheridan, President Sayreof the Board Ol Education; ei-Presiilent Nugent, Secretary Ryan, ScbooSuporintendent Dil, State School Cen-sus Supennt«ndeut Matthews, Front C.O-RI-lly, of Orange; Chief of PoliceKelly, ol Summit; Inder Slieriff V"and Tax Commissioner ComptoKali way.

•NOT DEAD. BUT MARRIED "This was tbe wording of a notice

potitedil I lie wording of ai the windows of the

nional Fur Compan;early hour ibis morning. A call a

* wbo had postedsaid be did nothe notice, buttha

! c«Trecf. It hiiprielor of tne

J A. Karet, who;]y bride in Nei

jealerday afierooon. The Ceremony9Wi celebrated at thu home of Uiebride. Miss Laura Kohn, and wan at'

•nded by auont fifty guesis. AIDODJthem were the groom's mother, brothei

iter, from London^ England, whohade e to witness the i Tiie

ride Is the daughter of Henry Kohn,aprietor 0* "ire at N c

InteruaUoual FuThe happylappy couple

Idal trip, bul

time demanding bis pen



•e action of the Borough Couici

: hemif. promts

the Borough. \{vbeen

reels, each twenty seven feet widewonld hare been put through

ttes, from Somerset street toFranklin avenue. From Franklin ave-

r been opened towhich tWestervelt . w a< _.__

and graded, butever used, me avenue will now be1 tended through the centre of the esite to Somerset mreet. ana nil) be at•anl sixty feet wide from curb to

This will leave lots ea«t and west of thenearly 200 leet deep which wi]



Last Saturday evening, after Prof.laippnler'a claaa In harmony had re-cived Its lesson, ihe evening waa giverp to.«ne of sociability, during whicheveral of the pupils favored the com•any witli some excellent piano aoloa.'hose who responded to requests wert>

Miss Nettie Kreillitig, who played " theAngel's Drrani," by Ludovic, MaaierRichard McCnllough, who gave "Maygueen," by Ilticolash, Miss Edith Hurl

t, who rendered the "Lily of th<Valley," Mazourka de (jonecrt, by Sid-ney Smith, and ProT. Carpenter, wboilayed "The Storm," by Weber,


greatly enjoyed the Q •al least.

pjon, but It


qtended as a lesgood one just tsomething al MocDonald'the parcel was wrapped IM !' t

, pettyhe same. She bad boughocDonald's groce d


A Higb School girl rcih] a short !•

ta dVmVa'ed io ' tne^j-sTexTsaiur B0".\° * «™*Pr .m a n » d a T o r \"° 8 ?°lay evening und on the (UMWUg Tues-

day tbe Corps tx|rect to have a chanceo excite tbe envy ol all similar organ.-utioiis, as ibey'are looking for an outT the town engagement on that day.

—|A new 1200 lamp dytiamo is being B'»-|.[KJ(1 Into another siore where,l*vtd in position in the power house j 1 a m | , j ia accusioraed to trade and theif the PlainBeld Electric Light Com- proprietor arcing the name on thn par->any. Wl.en set up and in running I c(.| agkf.(\ . . \v hy don't you bay that arll-

order the company will then «^ a y» . de here, we sell a< cbeaplv asMaclton-,ve an extra dynamo to fall baCk on .id?- ..That may be," said lit-case oue of ibe oihera should break • •

towi.—Ask at the Music Hall box office

otitght for a commutaiion ticket toRome and Spain.

—The Harris Lane T. P.will have a tea tomorr r nightWatebung House, Settling's Mills. Mem-ters rrom the goeletics at Westfleld,lahway. Bound Brook, Somerville,Vbite House, New Brumwick, Liberty'.intern. HartlnsTille >ui.l ibis city areixpecteil to be present-

—Nexl Thursday afternoon at three

y but jon don't advertise the go KId I did not know that yon bad them.'


The management of Music Hall takespleasure in announcing tbat theywill present on * Thursday nightof ibis week, the strong melodra-

entltled ''The Oath." Althoughis the initial performance of lii-

play In this city, It is nnnecessary tofull description of It, as il is veil

imalic circles. Hpecial;, tbe Women'* Home Mission scenery and new mechanical effecU are

iocielyofthe Methodist Chnrch will n w l i l n abnndance. "A good play anda parlor meeting at the home of company" is the general renJr-J. McNanghton, No. 533 West

•'runt street. Mrs. Kent, wbo has hadxperience In the Soatb among thendians, la expected to make an ad-Ireaa.

—Dr. R J Shaw In speaking 8atur<.y ntgbt about the pare russedness of

•011 1

Jotta 0. C iw*n, W tte r«aalaj»» BIBInrj, who W . I 1 M temvmmzj 1> I>aX Talk. Abiottan Work fcr Am ChrlaUaa . lad t af aI K M T ef ths C .'»£i'f «Mmial Cfeank.

An Interesting talk waa Rifen Ueforthe CbrtoUao Endeavor SocMty or tbCongregational Chnrch last nlgbt bJoin. G. Oonwelt, a member of tbsenior class of Pennfngton SeminaryThe subject of tbe aditreM was Indiato wb'cD country il la Mr. CornweiilutenUoj to go within Uie next twyears to ilcvo te the real of his lite .missionary work.

Before beginning bis talk, Mr. CornId that ha bad been

to refrain from giving any generMallstlca about the rnuntry, W lie woolconfine bi» remarks entirely to tbneed of worken In that benlglited ltdvhere there w ouly one Christian Ifive hundred heathens. He then wenon to tall of his determination to gothere as a ntmslonary, which caliibo thought to be the beat u a t a manwomnn could undertake. All honethe people oi' ludia are losing many 1tlieirold superetitloos notions, as tl

of civil I/ rauce*. hwld tbat they are atlli groping in thdurk and lay hold eagerly upon tbgift of aalvatlon whenever It Is extendecothem. The Hindo bible, which.he wont book ever published, Is beiocast away tor tbe Christian Bible, angradually the light of salvationbreaking through tbe darkness. H<niissiODariea are needed to catry thglad udinga to tbe aeekera afterighteousness, and ibe speaker hope*thai al leaal one of his hearers won'tbe led to devote bis or ber lile to tb



A gen


•!u> is thoroughly cota facr« ol the cai

iriendBhlp of the young actuHarry W6odmff,Woudruff, at one time manager of thllo.ei Neiherwood, audyoung daughter of Jay

jesterday that iheplayer hd

kriage by talking to

l l l l

g p yL of making a brillialk t h That 1g y g

i.'-! really Well ilr-uyh; ol by tiof .J..\ Uould and might easily, hadI 1 1 i tougue, !jL-i:oinu Hit hutib

uLg Heiress AuuaGould,tier ol tue tiould family had

for a jjann ous man. Hi-Dce HarrIs oul lu aild.


—"The Prodigal Huaband'1 al Mmflail proved to be a dismal productso; a dismal play t>> a dismal compan,U w«ta inotit nuiL'jiii iierlorman

—The electric light pol« standing before Hie new Uauuiug uuildiug uu WeFront street wilJ be retuuveU HIJJUL imet buck toward i!m *nU. .TUu lio

ll be set has beeu dug

Tiie curb will

s to

lso be set back,number of lone tools whiten by liie steam guug yeate

ug and WJIICII cause^i mauluk they were tbe advaut

removed :roui Uozelleew Engine House ou Eiu

•dil I iv Wiljrutiry ol

—TlieClirysaoihemumCiruLenunili(j HUOUL Lliitly iieraous under Ui.luu ul tueir prttsitiuut Miss Mny F

uuguii will take a a ira* ride lu it.ii,'WuiiueaiJay uigUL A Uaimu and t.

It will be Llit: prugrKiuiuc al me Iiay House.

— B . F. Harris, tbe South Pluliifleldcoal dealer, mm uosociaied with him 1• 'i-.iiL1 H J F. TeuEjck, who will have

cuurgo ol me Pittiuljeld olliue otI, 11 L 121 Waiciiuug aveuue. T£ « l U i n a deal lu Packer Vein Lt

•ziii im ihe bestCJUI l Tuuy will til. <

o Lli« eu

what th, , :

lly needs was several

O>M,M .1*1a qn.i.iuy . . ., ho «,!,! itb i t i t -ity, who were altogethei

•is way of thinking.

. Cllffcrd, New Caasel, Wig.,•ubled witn neuralgia and rhen-

> disordered,an alarming

9 fell away, and he was»nd strength.

boxes ofs Arnica Salve, and his leg isd welL John s p e k r Csound and welL John speaker, Cauw-

—The game of foot ball which w u ' ba, U., bad five large Fever sure, onlayed Ian .Saturday morning between bis leg, doctera said he **i incurable.

xt Weduesday eTeolBg, the111 Eudeavor Mudety ul Lite1 1 U> UjpuiiL Clinrcb, will Lou>le ul Uie IL-Muvuru ui JilisoiMXMM,

•usirrow evening, tbe PialutieldCIUJ win givu a ititun 11 nlide

uu lu Hie i;iub ruums ou KaauOL-I, ID WHn.ii admuMiou wui in

ly LicKeL Tin; alldtM LO tKuwu >.« iiuui two clubs iu CaJtlui

—Five i b o u u n u oyalera bave beeit i j in i by Ltiti 1'uuriu Ward JtefiuLii..11 CiUtiUK LIJCII' ujottr uupper luingii

Uvlorui liuii. Messra Voorlieva,}te, 1 miiiiiiy and UiriCU Itave |i

IIM;U 10 be [i[rM.LtiL to make adOiiid a very social Uiiut u a;i;u:paLcJ—Tbe old woodeu lUor in Uie powetuse ui iht> I'ljiiuiiciti Eloctnc Lighjmpauy is being Lorn up aiitl a cwuetu Uuur put in in* place./ Whenitaheii boards will be laid aUout tbeoui lor IUB enginetrs Ui wajik Upon,as LO reduce tue danger ot tbelr rt

iving a abock Irum tue dyoAioo 1


Some people begrudge Uie littlemoney that an ALLCOCK'S POROUS1'LABTKft cosU, and then wtien they areracked with pain from a lama back, orfrom Ibe soreness arising m>n a cold,they wtll apend any amwaot ol moneyto relieve ibe pa n. If they only badone of Uic»e world-renowned plasterson I and ibe; would be saved a vastamount of Buffering aud be consider-ably richer. At tbe Drat fgn ol stiff-ness of tbe joints apply one of ibes*plasters -vliboutany delay. The uore-ueu will be greatly relieved at onceand soon disappear entirely. I t willIm money saved 10 have them on band.

second ele»en of Leal's School and One bottle Electric Biuen and one to say uotniug of llitj comTort theyHigh School eleven resulted In a bjx Bncklen's Arnica Salve cared btm bring.

ctory for the former team by a score entirely. Sold *i U W. Randolph's BRANI>RETH'S P I L U contiln DO Irri-8 to 6. J Drug Htore No. 21 We« Front atreeL jTating matter.

T° ROME /SPAIN75 Cents.

Tickets al Music Hall OfficeTO-NIGHT.





flats Bind BonnetsCall nn J -•sinnin- mir Mick an<1 [n-loea be-

Madam Knight,No. 112 W Front Street,

PLAINFIELD, N. J.Special attention pa'd to Dreunukluc.

JUST OPENEDunder Dew m


142 North Avenue,PLAINFIELD, If. J .

Finest quality ol »'.: I,ui,i; of

SEA FOODOjsters and Clams on hah dull



C.W.Griffin's335 Watchurg avenue

GROCERIESAnd Provisions.

- I F you-

S ,Want Bonrden,

Want a Partner,Want . Situation.

Want a Servant Girl,

Want to sell a House,.Vint ia rent a House,'ant to *ell Plants or Grain,ant to exchange anything,at to sell Grocei ies or Urngi,it to sell or trade for anything.



Only One jCeat • Word Each insertion and; • it will be



WhM wxt ti md fay • paK

q w•wafwtO. t'f lltll iinlnliin f ill m.« > « a « H q ( . LDa..K.SI»a. >.m. W• * • itaaBadga Hwhaltaai, look fcf It vhaa VM kn¥ . L. DOCHLtr, B i « k U i > . M M ^ Soldbj

ALEX •TILI.FTT. 107 • « r k

Dyspeptics, Hear Ye


Ue. PEB B01TI E.


E. J. Richards,Proprietor.


osMeDoe. Our Jersey Crwin It i1<-h and puriOrden by mail promptljr atterkdud lo.


Machine! RepairNHOP

C H J U S . O.

Bicycle Repairing a SpecialtyBrazing, Enameling niul

Nickel Flatlag.119 EXCHANGE ALLEY,

Erar of Trinity Eef. Chu

E. J. CONXOLLY,Dealer In

Choice Meats & Vegetables•V-Smoked M « u of all kind

K lw»y» on hand.

Crescent Market.RINK BUILDING.


Dobbin's CigarsIFNOT.TBT THEM.

e manufactuivi Uum. A full line of TO-DOS including

HrbrngN Goldea Sceptre.


SMOKE THE CASINOTheODly 10 CENT Bo«ar Woitli th

Honey ln tbe City. Paid Only at

GUTTMAN'S, 12 West Seamd s t a r t

Van Buren & Timpan.REAL ESTATE

BKCOKS, GAESON & 00 ,Norwood and Manning Aves.,


FLORISTS.Potted Plants fcr Sale.

In finding another lot ofthoee fino Melton and Keraey Men'sovercoats, the colors are black, brown, bine and dr»b, tbey are wortb

$12 Our Price $12Boyfa overcoats, reefen and nlatera, are plentiful and clieap.


HILLIER ft COS HOME LAUNDRY.At ihe «ften-repe«lfd irqnpstof many orimr patrons, we bare added to oar

CiBanlns; and Dyelog Establishment, '

A LAUNDRY DEPARTMENT.It »riUbe conducted ..o a strictly BAND WORK bsals. No Injurious

hemlrals will be nsAL Our sosp is of tbe pure Oil™ Oil Variety, absolutelyfree from acid Or alkali. I'

Worfc.called for upon receipt of order and delivered promptlyOne trial wilt eonrlnce you of Uie sqpeilorily of oar work.

J75 North Ave., Plainfield.OPTOUTI 9TAT1OK.


,•-,. Mtaiiv of Huff* from.. J " ', S(_lii.drrn'*Hjffa and Collan from ' *

, lUbj dull and Carralge Holies from -'- U*



Is LoKixwf, Eso., 1865.

WATCH THIS SPACEI jrgert itock of patent leather shoo carried in Plainfield.

| LAIHEH' WIXTKR BOOTSimed cork wli-, heavy calf shoes hand welted, (trait gi>at bottoa |, , , ( (:ed childten'ii sclicrol shoe* fiom 75c up.

V letts f A T WillettsShoe Start107

Mrs. John Brown.(SHOCBSBOU TO ,foHS BliRkK.)

Cesspools, Vaults, etc., Cleaned,2 5 Per Cent. Cheapa

than by any other means.





READ:Hain, per 1b l l jcBr.f Sugar, per pound 5cSew Beans, 3 qts. for 25cNets' Lima Beans, 3 qts. for 25cTeai, all kinds, 3 lbs. for .Sl.OftBest quality new Fr. Prunes, 3 lbs. for.:.. 25ePotatoes, per basket L . 45c

In Bddition to the above low price! for cash we give you n premiumteml, and when jon have traded *10 worth you arc entitled to; a large Crajon Portrait of onv ineuilK.T of j-our family

J. F. MacDuNALD'S Up-town Grocery, E. F. BIRD, Mgr.

Leech, Stiles & Co.,QUEEN & OO.


Eye Specialistsrp arm WU be round at

M. M. DUNHAM'S OFFICE, 7 East Front Street,rtUHi 10 i i r P «i 10 » i i . , . , r, P « . . s O T O T b ™



tlMD T0DR RaME. ^Thero^arekyowntobe n.or*thanor

A#u»l.-Wltl. Money PWJes. ^ M r S ^ l r S ^ K SPsori.a will divide (SO'IMJ aiii'-im U>* JTJ

I , , f-~ . , whol!!ua».an4 II im-J»S»




DAILY, EXCEPT PCSTIAfU t. W. Kaajrt. Utt~ -* mrrttur.

pa i R*»v ram mm, Saooro runt.

Soda** a yw»r. •* My. _.. cop***. «*° 1 sr«4 by oarrisn. t«« eenu »

"jsrwa»sarj»s«»sa MON DAY,'NOVEMBER JO, lf»3

XXPDXLICAX raniAXT IIET1106 AID CITT COXVEHTIOH. Tbe RefHibMren wntows irf Ibe rity of' F IM* irliYflaminl tnmmi « P“J" oa Iho d*le Koto n»(tef ntmid for im £*rot M|Sm drfawals* »« llK.aiy •rnilnn to b« WM at Ibe KraffffaoAm !£”ETlSi WMM, Tl»™lB eve s=ssAts?Bs«CTS&; «3

ttSrcmwn!*.. .‘id '■ «***“« **T*f®D ^WAHh* At lho Casino orne W«. (Vrenth wtrrrt, snd Arlington avenu. TOKSfeffir M.i MB Wot Kr«>nl Mrr>l, '««• ■ o'clock, and iiHb.'-’7rer£‘ and1 Sre** memtrcww *..f tiis Of* l.m«rr(VT.l..c 7 KkNEST H. ACKWMAH, Cbatrmau. U. COW A HE*. &rcr.H*ry- iiBcM. NO*. 14. MB

Nearly one bandied purely parti ■an acia bate been passed by the IfeUiO- cratic State legislatures daring the pnst three year*.

ONE Rahway girl, whom -Jack the Kisser" allumptod to salute Saturday night, Jabbed him with her bst pin As a result dll the other Rahway girls are calling her "Just horrid.

That brilliant piece of diplomatic pyrotechnics which the President and his Secretary of State prepared to awe the Hawaiian Provlsonlal Govorin "went off" before it went up TnERE aro three candidates for Slate

Comptroller Major J.C. Anderson of Som- erset; James L. 1 lays, of Eases; and John Ulrich. o( Union. Tbe list ol aspirants for State Treasurer is larger and Includes Gen. James F.Kunliug, of Mercer; Col. Samuel Dickenson, of lludso-i; llenry E. Holler, of Passaic; and Joseph L Mann, of Essex.

The Philadelphia Press remarks this morning that the coming Legisla- ture is likely «o prove the beat New Jersey has had for years and naively adds that there are fewcr’lswyers in It than ever before. Hero in l'moo county we feel pretty proud , of our lawyer representatives, who will Ik* in Trenton this Winter. Voorheea, Cross and Codding make a remarkably atrong trio and even If they are lawyers we confess to great prtd© In them.

ALMOST TOO* *** ****** AWAY.»( Arenas 1MJ AMwess V

DNTB.UU4S Cmfiunia* hr a 0n.» *f NWM Whs laalM sa C+mlm* la.- Ar« Admlttsd sad Tito Psssrsalos of tto One of tbs happiest of surprises peipetrated upon Mrs. K. J. Cooley, of Watchung avenue, at the bonne of her father, John Brooks, Saturday night. While the family was enjoying a quiet evening Rev. and Mrs. C. Scbeock of Tnnlt) Reformed Church, which Mr. snd Mrs. Cooley attend,walked la alvery n »very Innocent way and did ■ >iwiih so much as s tremble ot the eye, betray the liUle scheme that bad beeo so "cut and dried" for several day a before. Tbe family to ought Saturday night a pec a I tar lime lor a festival call aud quite uo- usual for a social one from the paalor snd bis wife, but they are always so rury welcome that not one I bought for a moment after their arrival that tbe • all was anything uimansl A cheerful ehst was going on. when a fe« nienta later the d x>r bell rang,sod Mrs. Cooley went to answer U. She waa neatly overwhelmed by the sight of faces that greeted her on the porch. She invited them »n and was ai||| more surprised to see teat she had figured on only about half the actual number, which were all she could ace at first. By* the tlmo the guests were all in houae, Mrs. Cooley began to think there was some reason tor it nil and recover- ing her equanimity after tbe laugh bad gone around, she decided that u must he a surprise party. The affair had some coincidences in it which made it alljlie more enjoy able and which increased the number of gacsla. Three or foar friends had suggested •mmuolcatcd about until three or f< groups of persona met about the sa hour at different places aud procsed to the bouse nil chanced to meet shout together at the door. The boMe»< equal to the emerge ncy upon her part and the boat soon Installed himself as master of ceremonies . Various kinds of amusements were inaugurated, some ol which were very tunny aud ao evening was s|*ent. The call was given by Mr. llrooka lor luiahcou about eleven o’clock, ami *om« of the most appetizing delicacies were served. One of the pleasant teat urea ol tbe evening waa a recitation which was Well render ed by Mian Lulu Sncdiker. Among tbe company were: Rev. aud Mrs. CorneliusScbenck,Mr. snd Mrs. J. Fred MacDonald, Mr aud Mrs. E. E Anthony, Councilman and Mr* K. II. Bird. Mr. and Mrs. Van Winkle, Mr. and Mrs J. C. Van liyke. Mr. and Mrs. John Diyton, Mr and Mrs. J. T. Mac Murray, Mr. aud Mrs. M. A. Haven, Miss Eva ifciylon, John II. Van Winkle, Jr.. Mrs. David Soe- dtker. John Van Wlukie, Miss Lulu rtuedlker, Mrs. Charles II. Randolph, Mina Grace lluniatcad, Mis* Minnie Williams, Mias Randan and Miss Ella Benedict.

■T THE WAY. — riicre Is need of a letter corner of Lee' place and Weal Fifth street- The near# at hoi corner of Grant avenue and West Sevmib street, nearly turn© blocks away —Wet weather footcovonngs of all kinds and those patent rork sole button funds and rnllnkln blocherbsls in pari cular are what !K>ane and Edaall tell you about in tbcieadd today. — If by any chance Fourth ward Repub- lican has failed to receive so Invitation to the Fourth Ward oyster sup|ier to tm given in Kelnrm Hall tonight, he la hereby invited. His name may have been ountled by oversigbL —Rev. Arthur Crane addressed very large audience of ~ A. rooms

WraAL OT XX-COVWYY CVLSZ Last Saturday ol the la to County CVwt James J. Gur- bar. took place from Mary's Church

from all parts of the comity. Tbe pall bearers were County Collector Oliver. Judge McCormick.City Treasurer Whe- lan, Bern an Forman. Harrogate Pa ell Tbe solemn high mass, of n . waa celebrated by Rev. JFalhar O’Nall sad Uie music was by a selected choir. Among those at tbe funeral were Vteu- Cbsncellor Green, Coagreanman Penn, ez-Coogrtweman Kean, Heoator Voor here. Grand Master Durand, of the Masonic Order; Hbenff Kyte, axCounty Clerka Cannon and Crowell, ex-Burro- gate Claik, ex-Hberiffi Ryder, I licks, Thompson and Glaaby;ex-Assembly met Lane, Egan and Kelly; Director Hauer, of tbe Freeholders; ex-Directora Hub- hard and Tbebaad, ex-1'roeecutor Wd- son. County Attorney McClure. County Detective Keron, ex-County Collector Wood, Mayor Rankin, Comptroller Carl too, City Attorney Connolly, City Clerk Manning. ex-Clty Attorney Bergen, Postmaster Hbertdan, President Sayre. Of the Board ol Education; ex-Preal dent Nugent, Secretary Ryan, School Superintendent Dix, State School Cen- tos Superintendent Matthews, Frank C. O'KI-lly, of Orange; Chief of Police Kelly, ol Summit; Under Sheriff Miller aud Tax Commissioner Compton, of Rahway.

•‘EOT DEAD. *0T MARBLED - This *ii the wording of a notice polled on the windows of the Inter- national Far Company's store nt an early boor this morning. A call at tbe store was answered by a genial young man, Mr. Lyman, from Newark, said be did not know who bad potted the notice, but that tbe lact as stated was o-rrecL It had reference to tbe proprietor of tho Park avenoc stoi J. A. Ksret, who led in marriage lovely bride In Newark at 5 30 o’clock yesterday afternoon. Tbe ceremony wav celebrated at tbe home of bride. Miss Lsora Kotio, and wa* tended by about fifty gti.-M*. Among them were the groom's mother, brother an<l sister, from Loodorff Rutland, who had come to witness ilia nuptial* The bride Is the daughter of Henry Kohn, proprietor of the InlernaUonal Fu store at Newark. Tin* happy couple are now away ou their bridal trip, but will not be gone more than a duy two, Mr. Karet’a Interests here at* Ibis time demanding Ida personal attention


The action of the Borough Council last Friday night In reftislng to vacate Falrview avenue, promises ta result In great benefit to the Borough. Had the avenue been vacated, two am all streets, each twenty seven feet wide, would have been pul through the old Allen estates, from Somerset street to Franklin avenue. From Franklin nne, winch haa never been opened to Weslervelt avenue, Falrview avenoo haa been laid out and graded, but never used. Tbe avenae will do* be exteoded through the centre of the es- tate to Somerset s'reel, anu will be at leaal sixty feet wide from curb to curb. Tula will leave lota ea«l and went of tbe avenue nearly 2(K> leet deep which be a decided improvement over lortner project.

Last Rat unlay evening, after Prof. Cai jienlePs class In harmony had re- reived its lessoo, tbe evening was given up toooe of sociability, during which several of the pupils favored the com paoy with some excellent piano solos. 15 p.m. veaterday. IThose who responded to requests UirUEM James Marline sit* < hisfrb mla pretty hard ho may v.. | treated Ins subject "Where art I Mias Nettie Krettliug, who ployed "tbe Joy tbs reputation now enjoyed by an- lhuor ,n . ,OBnner .ppeaie.1 io a Angel a Dream," by Mojie, MaJtor O.lier woll know Plsinflelder ol beings mau’s reason aud good real ta follow-1 lUchsrd Md-ullougii, who gave "May C iodidate lor any olficc In algliL Tbe ed. I gue*n," by llucolaah. Miss Edith Hurl- Farmer Orator waa named by bis friends — The excursion lo Rome starts to- 'but. wbo rendered the "Lily of tbe for tbe County Clerkship, but when it ; night at h sharp. You spend an hour I YaJley," Mazourka de roncert, by Hid- was known that County t olbctor Ubver • “'rUi? (Treduc^ would be named then Immediately Mr. „ combination trip to Rome and Hp. M mine's name waa mentioned os likely | besides. May be obtained on applies to ba appointed County Collector ii Oliver's place. James, sit on those garrulous friends of yours. Any wbo knows you well, knows you little for public office. As a p spirited man, yoji cannot a (Tor let those mends of youra hold yo lo ridicule.

Tui: coming Legislature ia relieved of the responsibility of rediairictiug the Bute, because of the Hap re me Court decision, built will be necessary to make a reapportion men t of tbe Bute Toe Constitution allows but sixty, mem here for the entire Bute to be appor Boned according lo tbe population, but ouch county must havu one member Toe apportionment must be nude after each National census. Tbe Legisla- ture of 1891 did not reapportion accord- ing to an equal distribution of popula- latloo, but redislricled for political pur- poses. Tbs Court baa declared tbe wore of tbe Legislature of 18»1 un- constitutional and It now becomes tbe duty of tbe Legislature of 1894 lo mske u new reapponioumeot. This will be tbe moat important aud difficult work that tbe new Legislature will have to do. lo tbe future tbe members of tbs House of Assembly wUI have to be elected on a general ticket, there being no district lines, and vbo reapportion- meol becomes necessary because of Una change of tbe systems.

BsckkUs a Armies lairs. The beat aalve In the world for Cola, Braises, Bores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Fever Horee, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coma, and all Bkin Erup- tions, and positively cures Piles, o pay required. It ta guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refund- ed. iflce 25 cents a box. For sale bj L. W. Randolph, 21 Weal Front street

ncy Hinuli. aud Prof. Carpenter, wbo played "The Storm," by Weber, number ol visitor* were present wbo greatly enjoyed the musical least. WHT 1 IDIT HE ADYEITUE!

A lligb School girl read a abort lev- n to a grocery man a dav or two ago bleb was quite Impromptu and

lion to the box office —Those nobby dp* overcoats which tbe lndc|*cndcut Drum Corps have l«-cn expecting lor some lime past, arc

u, ii. u~n .i,—. a. tk., j-r- I zr —A new 1200 lamp dytiamo ia being avppod into another aiore where the placed In poaltlon In the power house | ramiiy ta a^ cualomed to (rade aud tbe of tbe Plainfield Electric Light Com- . proprietor n-cing tbe name on the par- l*ny. Wl en act op and in running ! a,ke^ ..Why don’t you boy thatnrtl- order tbe company will then aj*«ra He here, we sell as cheaply aa MMl>on- have an extra dynamo to fall ba?k on .ur "That may be." said Hie voong In rase one of tbe others should break Udy but you don't advertise the go ala l,"WD ; aud I did not know that you bad them.'' —Aak at tbe Music llall box office — . ♦ a ^ tonight for a commutation ticket lo. Rome ami Spolo. * SUCCIW EVEBTWflEBX. —The Harris Une Y. P. 8. C. E. The managcmcDt of Music llall takes will have a tea tomorrow night at the pleasure iu announcing that they \Vatrbung House, Behring's Mills Mem- will present on Thursday night her* from the societies at Westfield, of Ibis week, the strong melodra- Rahway. Bound Brook, Somerville, m* entitled "Tbe Oath.” Although White House, New Brunswick, Liberty | this is ibe initial performance or ib« C’ornara, MartinaTille snd ibla city are j |day In thia city, It la an necessary u> ex|>ected to be present. j give a full description of it, as it is well I —Next Thursday afternoon at three kuoWB ,n dramatic circle*. Special O'clock, the Women’s Home Mission snd new mechanical effects are Society of the Methodist Church will u~d ,u •bundance. "A good play and 1 - . |>any is tbe general verdict.

Jska O. 0»mwtB,sf

talk was glrea before tbe CbrfoUan Endeavor Boowtty of tbe €7ougregatioDal Church last uigbt by John G. Cornwell, a member of tbe senior eiaaa of Ponnlngtoe Tbs sobiect of tbe addrem to wh ea country Ii la Mr Coruweli’a Inlertloj to go within the next two jeara to devote the reel of fils life In miamooary wort • all raid to refrain from giving any general statistics about the country, ao he would confine his remarks entirely to the neud of worker* In f bat benign led l«tod • here there ia only five hundred bealbeo on to tail of DM determination to go there aa a mwaionary, which calling be tboogbt to be Uie beat toata mao or woman could undertake All bough the people of India are losing many of their old superstitious noth na, ns the march of elrilixatKMi advance*, raid ibst they are still groping in the dark and lay bold eagerly upon tbe gift of salvation whenever It la extended to them. Tbe lliodo blble, which tbe worst book ever published, la being cast awsy for tbe Christian Bible, and gradually the light of salvation breaking through tbe darkness. More missionaries are needed lo cal ry the glad tidings to tbe seekers after righteousness, and the speaker hoped that at least one of lit* bearer* woo'd be led to devote bis or her 111© to lbs ■acted work. rax slip twixi the cop amo

iu. 1

A gentleman who la thoroughly con. veraaut wub the facia ol (be case ia tuc friendship or tbe young actor. Harry Wbodreff, son of 8. “ Woodruff, at one Lime manager of lh« llo.el Neiberwood, and the young daughter of Jay Gould siaU yesterday tbat the hand- some young player bad spoiled Ids prospect of uiakiuga brilliant ini risgc by talking too mueb. That be was rosily wHl lb"Ughl ol by tho 1. of Jay Gould aud tulghl easily, had lie held ids lougue, become the busbaud ol the youi.g licircaa Anna Gould, no member ol tue Goukl family had any fur ttgurrn ouamau. 11 cocci lorry at iu t s cold. HEBE AMD THEBE.

Front street. Mra. Kent, wbo baa had experience In the Booth among the Indians, Is expected to make au ad- dress. —Dr. U J Show In speaking Bator- a II. CUSbffl^Now Cusael, Wl*, was troubled witn neuralgia and rheu- matism. bis stomach waa disordered, •n alarming bia liver waa affect®.! from the soreness arising »«»■ a cold, they will spend say amount Ol money to relieve tbe pa o. If they only bad ona of these world-renowned plasters on I and they would be saved n vast amount of suffering aud be consider- ably richer. At the Oral sign of stiff- of the Joints apply one of tbeou piaster* wUbout any delay. The sore- wili be greatly relieved at once ■mm disappear entirely. It will be money saved lo have them ou band, cfaool sod One bottle Electric Bluer* and one to aa y nolo lag of the comfort they lied In a bjs Bocklen's Arnica Halve cured him bring.

d.j .1*01 .bool Ik* para ru~-0r,.« of cjejcrM.'ippelUe'feJl im.TJC “W Ul*‘ lerrtOlj reduced In 0-U >i»l Mreoph. ■“ "'••r*11 TUre, bolllM of Eloclne Biucra curod - *Ha fl.T'Z 1 E.'-«OSk.pO«A Hffrktar..”^

“Ii™ boi« of H>oa<l .nd well. Joko Hpnker, Ceu —Tne gune of foot bell wbleb w»> b*. O., bed Ire Urge r,»er eorew oo pleyrd leet Kelordej mominp between bis teg, duelers eekl be wee loeormbM. the eecood eJe-en of Leel'e Hcbool tod Owe bottle Electric Bitten end llie High Hcbool eleven


—"The Prodigal lluH>snd" at Mask Hall proved to be a dismal production o. a uioiua: play toy a dkaoial company It waa a ukibI auleuiu periormauce. —Toe electric light pole standing be- fore the uew Afauumg uuildlug uu West Front street will oe reniuved ab^at two leet buck toward the wall. TUe Uuie iu which it will he set haa heeu dug side ol what I* now the hue of Uie walk. Tnu curb wiU also be act back. —The number of lone toots wbicb we«, grieu by the steam goug yeatcr day morulug aud wtucu caused mauy I>cisoubIo luiuk they were the advance notice ol a Die, were caused uy the oat lory being removed irotn Uarclie'i Louse to tue uew Kugiue houae uu Eo«i Bjcoed street aud tue auusequout test- ing of Uie wire* —NexlHuuJsy will be Uie seveuty- llftb anniversary ol ibo First Baptist Giiurcb oi mis city aud tue ltcv. Dr. wlu prcacu a special scruiou in rSUM cure to tue occasion at the uiorii- log aervK'e. —The Curysaaibemuni Circle uuniber- iog about Umty (lerauus under uou ol tueir prosidcul Mum May Fiau- uagau win lose a atraw r*de to Rshway VV udiivsday utgUL A dance aud sup per will be the programiac at the Rab- ay House. — B. F. Harris, the South malufield coal dealer, uaa aaaocuocd with biui in (MisiueKiJ F. TeuEyck, who will have uargu of tiie PuuuDeld office ol the yard, at 121 Walcliuug avoauc. Ton- Eyck « llarns ueafiu Packer Vela Le High Goal, recugutzcd aa the best au- tomate coal mined. Tuey wiu fill or- tb pruuijHly aud t-uum aadslac- IU Ol ail customer*. — Next Wednesday evening, tbe Cbrtatwu Euocavor Society ut Uie S«veuUi Day Kdpust Cburcb, wbl bo>d ble at Uie reaiouuro of Mow Helen Maxsva —Tomorrow evening, the Piaiofiuld Camera Clu'J wUi give a lauteru slide tynibiuou iu Uie ciub ruouia uu East trout sUeet, to waicU aduuasioo will bo ootaiued 0/ lIcKett The side* to be auouu are I tom two Hubs lu Galliot- uia aud are sure lo be worth seeiug. —Five thousand oyster* have beeo secured by the Fourtu Ward Uepubt.- cau c.uuior ibeir oyster supper tonight iu Uclorui llalL Mcoais Vuoriicea, Kyle, GodUiug aud Lmcu have pron.- iscd to be preaeut to make odd lease* aud a very social Uuw la an ucipated. —The old wooden floor in the power bouse ol Uie PlaiullrM Electric Light Gompauy is being torn up aud a Crete door pat in ns place./ When finished boards wsu be bud about the room lor the engineers to wafk upon, ao aa to reduce Uie danger ol their re- ceiving a shock from Use dynamo to minimum.


75 Cents.

Tickets at Music Hall Office TO-NIGHT.




Hats ai'd Bonnets can and f-xamls- our and prloes be- lure tu>lne. Madam Knight,

No. 112 W Front Street, PLAINFIELD. N. i.

8WUU .uvnllon pw'f


SEA’FOOD MARKET 142 North Avenue.

PLAINFIELD, H. J. Finest quality of all kin^ of

SEA FOOD OjESStB snd Claim on hah shell A SPECIALTY.

Beeem A Doti.e.

C.W.Griffin’s 335 Watchurg avenue for

GROCERIES And Provisions.

-IF YOU- • Want Boarders, Want a Partner, Want a Siiuatkm, Want a Servant Girl. Want to sell s Farm, Want to sell a Hoove, •Want in rent a Hoase, Want to sell Plants or Grain. Want to cachange anything. Want toscUGrocciisso Want tosell or trade for anything, Wan* to fend customers for anything.


Only One Cent a Word Each insertion and j It will b« READ BY THOUSANDS W. L DOUGLAS


Dyspeptics, Hear Ye aetetlgc— - LIME JUICE .nd PEPSIN COMPOUND. oJ^SLITS^T'cM^lcTlSrkFSplTS


E. J. Richards, Proprietor. PASSAIC VALLE? DAIRY. IT HR MILK from Jfiwr Oma«1NI**r-d at raUdnnoa. Our Jersey Cream la iwh an* pun Orders by mall prompUy aiieodulio.


Machine! Repair Suop

Cius. O. Luteb Bicycle Repairing * Specialty.

DruInK, Emmellng and Nickel Plating. 119 EXCHANGE ALLEY, K—r vt Trinity lUrf. Church

E. J. CONNOLLY, Dealer In

Choice Meats & Vegetables hc»J.

Crescent Market. RINK BUILDING.


Dobbin’s Cigars IF NOT. THY THEM.

He manufactures them. A full Une of Tc ooou, inrtudm* Hurbrug's Golden Sceptre.


SMOKE THE CASINO The Only 10 CENT hrew Wsrth Lhs

Money la ths City. M* Only at GITTMUi'S, 12 West Sfcood street.

IfymussPBlmMCSf 8 HOC -ad. Isthshtet r^Ws. *^tm,M to U, try sqrBJ, 13.50,14.00sr tSShoa. Tkmltsosaitscmts--aksa^Mm* wysssrtokhstbii-Ijitoymrfcstsmr, M.DOtnU'.kMU., aa. tau 0,

AI.EX WILLETT. 107 • •rk Arc.

Van Buren & Timpcoa. . REAL ESTATE AX D INSITBANCE I6j North At. Opp. Stilton.

BKC0K3, CAESON & 00. Norwood and Manning Aves,


Orders for cut flowers and boqueta prompt- ly attended to. Potted Plants for Sale.


g= ■>= T !Mg •- ~ _ i -■ a j

• tTd^reTMoflsaa* frem T.T.Z’17.1'.L*.‘.. I * {5 . Uoby Uah aod Oarralae lUrn'raa . • W INTERNATIONAL


Ik Lonxw, Etc., ISO.

WATCH THIS SPACE I arptM node of patoat lather ikoa curird ill PhiohrU

Ladies* Winter Boots Hand trimmed cork sale, heavy calf shoes hand welted, strait pmi Iwttoq Goodyear welted children’s school shoes fiom 7jc up.

Willetts IA7 Willett’s Park Avenn) I W ff Shoe Store

Mrs. John Brown. (BCOOBnOU TO /OHX BURKR.)

Cesspools, Vaults, etc., Cleaned, 25 Per Cent. Cheapo

than by any other mean*


P. O. Iltn M Slf i&hSs&a promptly .IWnd-l lo.

mams xcoiobt.

Punu COM, end IkM »h.Q the, era rackMl wub pci. Irom . torn, tact, oc

Tlctory for tie former teem bi * ecore I anirely. Sold u L W. ILndolpk,.| Urakdrcth's Piui contiln no Irrt- | Drag sura Na 11 We* Pro* ctraet J-Utie, mtur.

We are

In finding snother lot ofllioke fino Melton find Korney Mon overcome, the colors ivrc black, brown, blue and diab, they aro worth 119. 5 “

$12 Our Price $12 Boy'a overcoat*, reefer* and nl»tera, arc plentiful and cheap.


HILLIER ft CO S HOME LAUNDRY- At the eft ra-repealed mjorM of nway of uer patron*, ws b*ro «dded to oar Cleaning and Dyeing EeUblleheient,

A LAUNDRY DEPARTMENT. Il-flfbewdneledok a itrietly HAND WORK heeta. No Injnriona kheolntelj Wort railed lor upon receipt of order and delivered promptly. Ooe trtal Wiu convince joe of Ike eupeilorllj of oor wort.

175 North Ave., Plainfield. OrroUXTB UTATIOR.






Ham, per lb 11 Je Gr.j Sugar, per pound 5c New Beans, 3 qts. for 25c New Lima Beans, 3 qts. for 25c Tea, all kinds, 3 lbs. for $1,00- Best quality new Fr. Prunes, 3 lbs. for... 25c Potatoes, per basket. 45c In addition to the above lovr prices for ca*h we give yon n premi

P1' an<1 w,,<*n J°» fradeil $10 worth jou arc entitled to a large Crayon Portrait of anv member of jour family J. F. MacDuNALO'S Up-town Grocery, E. H. BIRD, Mgr.

Leech, Stiles & Co,


Eye Specialists H. A. RtUre, of above will bn round as

M. M. DUNHAM’S OFFICE, 7 East Front Street, ntoM 10 ntOE 10 A. M- to * T. M,




VIKD TOO* IUU APualw-THta Money Prlrca.

There are known It. — _

I'aori.a will dlvTae fi*aw. n» ihe |g* I

must imulsochsMwu* aSlaUqiksm N*'* 1‘2

STLSS wnlclto mm owe bc4ow ths other. Kr * rsl name aprU^out. ami V*** i ala full, at lhs tnu of the fihsK.*^ IU hsa* of Uk# IM of prisr immw- OuureS—wood Mss. Haspkss Yucnuf^* rutPMMU thskmarm

^ o n a l Government Still l aControl at Honolulu.


THE NtCTHeROV OfF7aa Will totals* to A'

withNEW Yon*. Nov.».—BmrillaQ Mlnlatw

Salvador, (wcomuanied by kla-ret*ry and a amall party of friends,

ilted thecrtiiK-r VWkihe swung at

stayed on ihr *hlp several hour*. MinisterMrn.loncn expratwd hiiunelf aa Ihoroujthly"

tt»n«*l with everything that baa Eta*done.

The captain of the Ntet htroy had already><] sailed early

have nnpblica ™ouKh to \nrn six or eight-jonth« tn caw it may be necessary to

lake a 1.,»« cruiae.The BritHtian minister WM satisfied

that the Wats which are going from thisconntry to Brazil would reach their porto( destination without trouble. He, how-

er, la of I hr opinion that it the Nictharoy-anew lo m w t one of Hello's vessels,ch an the Aquidaban, ahe will andonbt-ty be sunk."We ,16 not expect M' « , for the Xictbrroy

keep out of Ihe way. She ia not fit tobattle with a. warship like the AcjuMabaD,

ild defeat

SSSltaW4 tbi-ff h»il wen i

h tonl'l*

i stoamor arrived

Ii , « Tk ..

' . . ; • • - ' •


parim^ui i*

(• q u a

• o f IIIr . > ] > ,


:!,- Tile


L-i - T i l


be Munday(Jt'liartura

Miaa or the

e Mate d«-

ntl,lance on

nisr. Theice of the

won It)

F W r a i

_ fottPrr-lil(overtimelartt ami -

farther in-

illfrpui* •pk'iou -L-

Mr. Th»r-•raald hapwi r r tim


ef the pn

would ySuli

tonal gbrtrdfavomU


homy Iw

» Ul*PHfnt<Th*T have

h u



1 - . l . - t l


•• r-hief

Wai go

. ! - . | - !H((-I1 Wlthl.Uti i i i i - l lo wait for

r I Mr hnti n.muH-:ili:t nailed that it,-t.r Willt- to re-1 »..! i-*sil)lp(hatin riiiiii»(tr hire.warning, ftw Sec-r astounded BD<1

v fur him to wnru

i-arof the frien.l*rfWDBirant in thisnoraiiOe nf public

t i O n ' h e i l r - t - ! . . . . k . . f t h em l . y t h


r OrttftTStals;. *'/jttetroeTfcSw• past the provia-

hr present admln-

inmustuimtltMlf on a prr-

i l .

?\State lire"ban

Gccelnni)'with the mIhtj hn.i tlth»T dn-lapwpleViih»tp hit ii

tWWQ dl l i• i n t e r W i i l i


e n



,t the i«

inisu-r !

«ry> or l l t l < i l I


The choic•1'i

h l tr riml t h e p irns

fUlta" inntructiona.that Kecretnry olilet-liirliiB what he>np. ami frrxidentn (tint IIP aKrped

proceed with whs

publication musmi «ii[if«l to public

WBUI to lie be-the one tbat Min


hat Xictheroy >•••Merday. aa1 the bay. They(•her i

Teired hi*this morn hi nder.waled ordera. They.

ich thing, how-] d h b t t

of the (her iit fleet."

•Sis belonging to the ln-

iwr of the new Braxtllan

at.-Tha.lMtB-»ta this Mflatt,

;he shape of crime aftainat prop-

tNCREASE IN LAWLESSNESS.t l Is I-arft'l} (•»•*<! by tba 1

MCK___Ing tncreMHChiefly lo t•rtr, whlct«sl«nt a correripondlng incmaa In taf violence against persona, has retch-d ipitch tbat will reqnire ram,

bT^eVxVutWe om^rVof^L. . .An Inquiry set afoot by official anthorltr

elsewhere tn n-rert«ln the ™n-« of thesecuiidii imiH as a means to tbe end of davla>Ing a remedy for the effects, Khows that- ' - l i a r condltimu exiat a, all the adja-

! lnduatrinl oenten. Tiie showingaoflocal record-. In a majority of cassa,

both In tbis section of FeunaylTanla u dthe e*atem portion of Ohio, prore thatmore than 70 per cent, of the erimaa,reaching the grade of felonies, sur.h aahouse breaklngm horw. stealings and nn-quallfini burglaries, are committed orplanned by renldentfi of the indnstrla]centers before mentioned.

The authorities Interpret thta to tnaaathat the enforce) idli-nem of worklnrmenia tbe explanation of tbe startKng In-

of deviltry here and hereabout*.ventl•re that local



lurnemf ihe Nicthemy, and until• will re-r the ar-

On Saturday the inini'-ter received a dis-patch from the K(lverumental party inirazil Mt/itin^ that the situation had not*en materially Dhanged within the pastetwwkn, 1 If did dot, therefore, believelu>t there is any truth In the report thatJello ! ]•, alrvadr put out to im-i-r thelew cruiwrn. The mlalaMc further.atatedhat hf hml n-reived no official notifica-lon that Mi-li.. Is.i-l proclaimed Prlac«Vlro. Kriimlxou of Duin Peuro, as em-

hoiirn. HU

Reporta f rddown tbe river

count its haring organ •?•; such Mlf-pro-t*ctive tuwoclationa xince the first of Oeto-ber. This don not take into account alarge number of inialler onganizaMona ofvigilance covering certain lmalitle*,maoyof them *cir t to the members. Nor doiait inclade certain other counties In Ohioand West Virginia, where «uch organlea-ttons are snid to be organized secretly.


At Philadelphia-Uni versify of Pennayl

... — Unlvert1, 14.

ise uni ver-

ity of th.


da; night, died of hit.

WilliaFranccity, hMaryl

Hnul tb* Murrlanat J m l i i[M'IRK. Vov *> -ThB R-T. Fath«ta O Briea Pardaw, president of St., Xavier* college, in Sew York.* been appointed proTlnolal of then.l and New York province of the




HOME AND COUNTRY MAGAZINEPi.bllol.ea .1 S3 F-. 10th St., M. V. Cltr.

FOB EVERT MEMBER OF EVEMY FAMILY.25 CKNTB a Cow. . . . By rut Yean. *2.SO.

Entertaining, Instructive, Profusely and Artistically Illustrated."yld« In I f Scope.

itheflrxt pewa

lulis !< i NMili-ri«l 'luii IIIITII.UK-.-, i>(adii.B Hi MniiHier Willis to rnnuire thaqai^nnill In- imi.-li lawensd titter the new*of tlip rvcentian accorded SecretaryUiwluim"« It-tier \u tliiu country in read

* A prumlnput IJemocrnlic -enntor. a

think the infer

daterraii" bertliru| tht D-mr



' *W>Lt*

t thi- fii-lhiu uf ihi- in:i-!i•«••!•tbe was favorable to lh«

ttloi] to n-Hi t theq i i eeu UJHIB<-. Tc> IKI i .• pt-niiited in limliiiu

I»-H fur the purpose of forcing a

war [,ure and nimple, and nolielifvp tliat I'retident Clevclaniatop'UUd «uch a move as that."

u l o ID a v . , n l in .n.

BOBO, l 'a. . Nov. IB.—During th«

perform suit-r of Jlowartb's Uibernicatmapali

W)k fir.totb»"«c

^ ^ a s l l n"*r

-—-l\l and

iin '.he ttagp- An Ihe name* ronenery luoat oMhc .VHr |> ••-'r>\r in the

tbf ilnom. Mr., J a m e s O'Connor

W D M I ? ; M I T - I T ) , J [ 1 1 T 1 ' • ' 1 LZ ! J T l Q t ^ l i l T l

hj batDg irHiiip>led on. After i>" «i'L fiirnet* an.I ovtrcoat* the

?D.-.\ boiler in anllkracial of Bukuwlnainrwn prrnons and Injurei,. ine mill was badly

W-n)iire OBlcerWltn causing rh1W*'"I''«! »i"jnic)n. anuounced tbat they•er.i l n»l,| . to agree upon a Tsrtllct. ThsZluZ" rtll-:h«Kwl •»« the dafendant*III b* held mniar bail until a new trial la"»*sd or the case i. nolle proatwd.




LADIES a little or uuthin? t<

3BEO\ST VIn each issue of thu rLiline the hnM^r tn ntrein to thrf v

50,000,000 DRESSES


,-aiJne will be found & Domestic Pattern coupona any one of the new dress designs illustrated

jr, fS.OO snn;i;ii:;.

J Will •( III! 10 <-(>l;|ir,l!S l l i f l ' l

reteive a copy of the theo cur

XTHE &HC C0UVT&T MASiZIlTE, Am«rla>'i Vest Fopvlar Illuitm

iily numbered, ami 13 cenis each month wilt iesne of


each m

t "old atock" p»ttern«, but tbejst elegant doaigns, gotten up new

i i><.inc«tii- P a t t e r n Co. , of New Y o r k .



• >., oi n e w i « r x .ely queens of London, Paris and

THE COURIER,The beat Illustrated 35-ceat

Monthly in America,

Tliey a1

cenu yoi

. acceptable gtfta that can be offered to any of )•<"' Mends or

*.». TBE COURIER . - . .—«*• .aagooda-Uoiie-lfitaleacutrency.- With 10 ot them and only


Dr*e« to tha ntMiWnk.

, Nor. SO.—The ^rmf» _ _means committee hopaa to TTrmttirti tkaIMW tariff bill and giva M oM to %a* , 'U« aboot th. close (rf the present waeltask la axpasaaed by m a . of tk*D.aratki member, that t W W w w Wbarsi-eoantly ari-sti . n u i | tasir H E•TST *he potley of an (Ticow. ta« -aylon« tha final amplrtton of the naatia*U a UMr dKe, but «rsry effort wil. „made to get the Mil beiors the pnblic aath.wirlien.BosaiMemai.eiik. At ta* fen-

K. MIB v • ii.-tthin• i r a i u m OI IQB DUl

pend on the adoption or rejection of tpoUor the otfeer drtdil- of tha measurewill probaNy be held In -^yanca nnUlthe committee ha* finally to a con-

usion on an income tax.Bepre-entatlre Cookraa, ot New Tork,

• ttronjtly oppdMd to the adoption of the

he will stand alone t mOo member*, onlnw CbaiId come to his aid. TheWilson on Ihe subject last

. ie income tax men aa somewhat in.-eflnite, Him- he ha* been frequently t*

mctlcabillty and its expediency aa A

A» to the import ant articlm to be added> the free lint there la no longer any queB-

ttoa th«y will embrace wool, Inmber, irooire, coal, salt, cotton bagging, bind logwine, rice and many other commodities' l as Importance. The pnaent bounty

sngar wtll be repealed, but it ia stillaaible that the committee may decide topose a slight import, duty. The highestty thus far diacnaaed ia one cent pn


Tnderavt <>t|j<->-t» toLawyer. Have Decided tlpoa.

CHICAOO. Xov. 30. — Prendergant, theayer of Mayor Harrison, whoa* trial is

set (or one week from today Is not pleasedwith the d f hi tt l d

ywith the defemw his attor

"Tbey propose to enter a ply," -n].l b "I b j t t t

-lorsley Barker,Pliarni a cist,

80 West Front Sirecl.

D have each month what no qpi

10OF THEM differently namberwl,lue BHm6 to our office, to receive

can buy for leas than 50 to

1 cents, entitles any one aen J-


of thec


I to the mine of • - • - • - • • j *

M»gaiine and Pattern* are mailed direct by pnbliahen al Ni

' ' '* Leading Magazine, Price 2 5 c ,inne, and any ol the

ATTEKN8, thereto Uhmraud,• - • . • - - - 2 5 c more.


. 25.

Strtet and Jlfo,

City _


Dated at ,——Cut out coupon,- filling tpace* coirectly,

. We will do the rcrt.Keaden not regular fubscriben muit c

.189^.Send 10 of them with 1 3 centi to m

it out the coupons, 611 in •pace* and send to

. „ . . need only send on* printed label, containing thsii- name andrew, patted on ihe outtide of wrapper and 13 cent*. From anbacribari no coupons wul

" |uired.>ddrnc Manager Clubbing Department.rV Ii,t.D l*ItalM-fi«?l d C o u r i e r ,

103 East Front Street.

l™ of ooBeea and teas, qnail-jUed. A dm- dl-pl-v ofiholceat

•ppl«}-. A new stook at canned ve*«a-i U aod fruits.

Watcbnns; Avenue * Fifth St.

pys liave de-

tnran-I want

acknowledge themlnion of the


O P T I C I A NEye§ Eiwniaed Free.

EsUbhifaed 18fi». 103 F a i t »»«nne

p, of entering the plea of insanity. I'mInsane. I W«M JIIMIIW In the shoot-

The wny the neK-ncmpeni handled: ( l i l

lot of other thin

General!/ lair; Increasing north westerly

full line of



Try My Soda. Vmr toilet artidei

will like it.

MISSM. S.WILSON,will five lessoni in

ART NEEDLEWORKid tike orders for amoroidery and llamp.

ALSOas a fine as.u>rtment of stamped goodi anc

silks at

182 EAST FRONT STREET,Flainfield, N. J-

Edw. a MULFORD.Real EstateAnd Insurance.

Money to loan on I m morliwe.

169 North Avenue.


RMing Araidemy.

B. T. LAIProprietor.

Mrs. Percy a Oh 1, Manager.


GBOCEKShare a fnH Hne of aetoMcd




ITL. W. Randolph's

City Pharmacy,!1 W«M Front St, PUnJ.ld, N. J.




Will Reopen September 18.

Mr. George Davis

lancing AcademyHU1ETTS HiLL

rat Street, • FlaiDfleld, N. J.

1 open to rwept ion Of scholar* and friends,

hursday Evening, Sept. 28.CIUKI every Thursday

for children. H to lSffi

" m n


^ew Planing Mill!Bard Wood Fl li.jr, Jfoald-

mKB, Window Frames.Turning and Scroll Eavrlng,

Steam Kiln Drfod Kindling Wood,LEHIGH COAL,

Beat and oleanaM from •haai-Kt aorara

umber and Mason's MaterialI>. A . It l icftunie, AB*t. r


Watchmaker k Jeweler,Th* repairing of French ckxto a Bpeci&Uv.

t have the beat local reference for tnla work.


Furniture and Pianos—Bemond—

Freight, Trunks and Baggage.

CAHTAGK.Ortiee, 89 North Avenue

OU lit .


Riier SI u sJohn Neagle,

442 W. Seventh St

NEW STORE!At 73 Park Avenue.

ano id Stai U

JrtJiUc tMisct AU T h . L»t»«t Sty

)iamonds DOANE'SOran K* 8p00M

GRO( .ERIES.AH kind annea 10008.

Fresh Vegetables Every Day



Link Bracel«

WUliam J. Stephenson, . C A T E R E RReceptions Teas, Weddings and Parties



Rogers' Sea Food Market



side of two weeks and to clear out the lot evory piece: will be offereeat 49c each, and most of them are worth 11-U each. Aanrtineiit -eludes all sizes in Tea and Wffeo Pots and all sizes In Bailee P«Good Tinware cannot bo bought for the money. Special saleLamps and Common Crockerr continnes—«11 sues in plates So eacbGlass Hand Lamp l i e , Oommon Chimneys 5c. A f«w more of those$a.l9 speekl. 10 piece Toilet Sets left. Ash Sieves 10c., 12c, an15c. Coal hods as low as S&c i :

Something new—your photo enlarged and framed for »1.7iSoesunpIeonexUitio. . Watch for o j r ^h ra tn j j . A d ^ R }


b kaaunga

ut in Prices




Henry F. Windham,

Arlington Hotel

Somer»wtSt.,;BjMl Green Brook Road

Bemilar and tran^lrat l-pnn'r r«t'lnt-claMs l»r and stables attached.

1893 TAXES.Notice is hereby given the taxpayers

f the city of Plalnfleld that the Usesaid city for the year 1893,

and payable, and that If„ .aid taxes be not paid by tbe20Lh DAY OF DECEMBER NEXT,e names of the defaulters, with their•spec-Live taxes will be returned to tbeity Jndge lor prosecntlon.The Commissioners of Appeal In ci

ot taxation, will meet in the COUDCIChamber on tbe Fourth Tuesday IiNovember next (the 28th), and ell Iron

o'clock p. m., until 5 o'clock p. m.,oronger, If fonnd Decennary, to di-poae

of all rajea submitted to them for cc~BideraUon.

JOHN JOHNSON,Collector of Tszea.

Dated Plainfleld,N. J.,October 2,1893

ANDBIW •/"srrBWAjfcr, De-

UNDER THE BANK.100 worsted'sneqnes for children marked for thit weofc'i

only 25c.A fall line of Indies' and gent's underwear now on Bmle At 39c 1

we hare a complete stock of underwear for ladles, gents and childrenn Root's fine goods. An extra fine black cashmere glove for ladies jwe offer at 25c, children's corded waists all sixea at 15c A packagef Hoe toilet paper of 1000 sheets fur 10c a pack; a large stock of no- \ions; a full line pf chinit ai.ka, etc., e tc


Front Street, Opp. Park Are.


or. Central Ave. & Fifth StTELEPHONE 160 LONG DISTANCE


- (Hnooeasor to L. A. Hummer). Dealer In


Berooved to No. 12 West Front Street, n


CAREY'S-Friday, NOT. 17. 1893, at 2 P. M. Sharp.

A quantity of dress gooda, cloakes, thread, trimtniogs, clothing,lilts, and H tlioiisjiiud aud one other thiogs.

1. •/. Carey, ^Auctioneer.Oolnmbia,




Weatern Wheel



Repaired,Beaten,Stored,insond,E x l

foroa.*Oron eaay;Payments.

Vfbeelmen's Hindquarters.[67 and s» PARK AKENTTE.


PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES,shown In the city, for quality.






«O fltMinms* SPECIALTY.


1 alit. A.VCI1116.



Liberty BtrtwL

; |


SEE OUR OFFERS ,•• L - * r

Can yon comprehend what we my when we tellyjft t 'u*

Secret of Making Ends paying cash and gettug the bargains from a and that

neighbors are saving money by bnyi lg from ns.your

JUST THINK.Men's units from $fi np. Men's over ooate from $3.78 np,

we arc aelling them at retail, at wholesale prices.

& CO.Clothing Manufacturer, .

318 West Front Street, Plainfleld. N.J.


^-yonal OoTcrament StUl la ^ Control it Honolulu.



•" wmv _ . .L^aM M 1*'* »•_- in—MinUtwrWIllla

“•“jSiH.!,'"' "• Indeed, f?5 Ik fcU-1* dl l not know *“”h *“ ■*£»££, AM.r.11. •"’red *a

•“1, ,4 slplomacy. l-l’" l'«. “d r. k«ni|fOn»ef lb» customary '*•<•* frvm I Prw.ld.nt Pol. had "f,^| In lh-—nr nvl.of ret pbream, bed Iwn no public Inlimntton

Ck* H..»u -»« lrooMr.1. fo. luMinin- lw*V .11 h rumoreand TDr |f I*** w.kiM DOC know ^“^.'ilt^'n—r'wuu. I.*rff. It to*. *ridfd er1;:.’ th- pr>ria:--n*l «orrrnn the

k NUI W .m* f bttrrr

dtantu «U It* ft n • .

myall** *. ,*l thr ninny rumor* t«lnn<I cnpltal »i» one mil- *0111.1 — »n ►"•*» *.|.|1:uk t lie |imrMoiu»l , i|,iir «a« -r« hnt It »m ,rtrr- I hut ihe Monday AuwlrahVa tlrpnrtnra

irh that Han Iwn pnlv

.»* h IJurvH 1.111- r»*d I*, l he throne. I nlMer Wlllt. hna r.« entire natl*fao-

-ter Willi" to ro- ll l- not |**nlblethat minri luinUtrr here, im warning. for Sec- i-tt.-r art.-und*-*! and lien It wan pnlilUhe.1. nity for him to warn

THE NICTHEROV Ofr.' Krw Y„n, N„».m-Brerille.Mlalre«

• nM by bu •^rotary and a email party of rrieofia, rial Uni the rmkr Nlrtheroy yraUrday, m ahe ■•uob at anrhor In the bay. They •Uyad on the nhlp nereral hour* Mlnlater Meadnncaeaprraaed hi roar If aa thoroughly aatiaAed with eterytbln* that haa ban “WtO. * Til. rai.laln <A tb. Nl.lhrroj ha.1 .Imdy reel red bln mvtntctloa. and relied aarly thi-Dion,big under realcd onlcre. Thar- h.y. a.i|.|.ll(. .nongli to laat ala or rl(hl lontha In raw It m«y ba —ary to iak. a long entire. The Uraalllan mlniatk waa aatlalM that th. boat, .blob at. gnln, horn thla country to Uraall would mob tbrlr pan damnation without trontlu. 11., bow- errr. laot lb.opinion that If lb., chancrw to mwt ooa ol M.llo’a -wwala. aurb aa th. Aqnldahan. ah. will nndoubt- cdlr br aunk. •• W* do n.)t e*|wct any auch thing, baw. ever. for lire Nl.tbrro, will do bar bat to ktwp oot of tb. way. Hti* h. not «t to battl. with a warahlp lib. th. Aquidabuo. but I am ant. that ab. could defeat moat ol th. other rwla belonging to the In-


McKi !»«!•« •fcMjl krty. which hrrtuiarllj larolrw to «to>t • corro-poDdln* Inrrraea la cvfflM •f violence mmlne* penoM. hu mo pttch that will require wotne more d correction tnmaurv* than are now al bf the executive odcrra of the law. An Inquiry Mtafowt by oOeUl authority elsewhere to aareriatn the raa-ea of then OOOdltlou. a. a mwn. to the ami of <WvW lag a remedy foe the effreta, abowe that eimllar cvudltloim exist a all the i cent Indus*rial oraleva. 7ce abowl,, _ the local reoonla In a majority of ma both In thla section of Pennsylvania ami the eastern portion of Ohio, prove that more than 70 per cent, of the reachlnc the rrade of felonl**, bou.e breakIntm. hor-a "tealtnaa and quail fled buralarim. are committed or planned by rod dent* of the loduttrtal omitera before mentioned. The authorities interpret thla to thatthe enforced I dir new of worklncmrn la the explanation of the atartlln* ln- ci*a«e of deviltry here and bereaboata. Reports from arveral counties further down the river are that local rl^tUsc* mlttree haw Uken the field, five


tariff bill and give How* m the lie about the eloee of the |^.-RMmg Academy.

la aipaumad by aoam a* Mb M. Mb nambm <bal ibMgmn, «bl" MWBilMnK, have Moeutly aihm a mom their aamker •ver the poMey ef an tncecne tar maypao- - —■ a ■

potteyof all tha aaarvmal teat area of the pend cm the adoption or rejeettoa potior the Other details of the in teen re •“* ke held la £*ya*oe until *”!***' the eommiUee haa finally Bma lo a coo “ alqaloa cm aa laoom. tar.

ba will Mad alon. among Ik Dam-


t la "till regarded

fleet will, accordlmr to Minlatrr Mcndonca. i oountlns harin* oraanlted auch self iww bcnr*»rf..r «il«nK e rime the Imnm I u«lTr S'lZZ In tl She w 111 follow directly Uctire aMM-tatinaa since the first of Oeto ber Thla dotw not take Into acc»ui large number of amal ler oaganli the coureemf the Nlctheroy, and mam In IhU oily balking afur th. ar o( ,h„„ tb. ammbm Nor dma It Include certain other counties In Ohio and Went Virginia, where such oricanlan- thins are said to be organised secretly.

SATURDAY’S FOOTBALL GAMES Af Philadelphia-University of I'eiinay)-

Brazil stating that Che situation had not Iren materially changed within the past few week*. II.- did But. therefore, believe that there 1* any truth In the report that Aiello baa already put oat to meet the new rruivr* The mlnieter fart her. stated that he had received no official notifica- tion that Mcllo had proclaimed I’rince Pedro, graudanu of Dora l*rdro, as tin- occur of Brazil. General Rail. Recovering. iRoqrnta, Wh, Nut. Ji>.—(iencral Ilusk'a ca**- has auumed a mnrh more hopafal outlook in the past few hours nil frirnda are now quite confident of bla

Murdered by r«itpa U. \V:i kr-a«Ki*r. F*a.. No* Vlfl — Harney Reh h. the ramniWlnn inert haul a ho wm aaanulie.1 and robbed by fon'|Mida on Fri day night, died of hi" injuries last evening

Potn At Syracuse. N. +ty, U. Kocbesrer. At Atlanta, fia. South, Id; Auburn. At Kingston. Out - Queen 17; Toronto. I At Scbsocciady. N Y’.-Uuloo. 84; Hi Ulou. 0

Y—Syracuse unlver — University of tha


Wltoon on the aabjact .he Income tax mm aa somewhat ltv definite, since he has been frvqucnfly rff portsd ae bring in the anomalous position •f faeoring It la theory, hot doubting Ha practicability aad its expediency as a. party measure. - Aa to the Important article, to be added to tha free list there la no longer anyqara- tim they will swibrnen wool, lumber, Iron are. coal, salt, cotton bagging, binding twine, rice and many other coinmodltiaa of lrea Importance. The preeent bounty on sugar will be repealed, but It la still possible that the comm It Ur may deride to Impose a alight import duty. The highest duty thus far discussed ia one cent per pound. ___________ SAYS HE'S NOT INSANE

Rrwadvrgas* Otgg-rts to I

MRS. W. B. T. LANE ■MMSk Hr*, rtnj a Obi, Hiw»




■tree, sod tees. qnaJI- dtaptor of ahoiomt

L. W. Randolph’s City Pharmacy,

11 Wggt Vroot Bt, PUdMI, n. j


Will Reopen September 18. alayer of Mayor Harrison. wIkmm trial is set for one week from today is not pleased with the defense his attorney* have do

Baltjrohx. Nov an -The Rev ygti William l> Hrien Pardsw. president of 8*. Franci" Xavier s college, in New York city, has been appointed provincial of the Maryland and New York province of the order of the Je-;dte. IT PAYS TO BE A



Eye* Examined Free.


nmission of the me and plead 'and prove juatifl- ation." “In what way will you prove justifies ttonr" ••The broken prom- W to make me cor- poration counsel. And then thrr. arc otlwr things. But H will all come out at the trial. I'm very much dle- pleasrd with the

of tbr |*r>-ki-.oi,sl gmt-riiiiirnt in ttcntrt that in it- ignorance of pi ntlrr rrt Iht-. and the first -hock of Hnairl.«al a*lioti l.y the Stal.f-. It ■rtldF'ld it* aiitborltyT Ii erw. that f tiiud pa"t the provia g<»cr:nn< ii: bar alvuidone-l all hope of fs*orsblc netL.n/iy the prv-eut admin- btrtfi-'ii i ward annexation, and ha* been fco*M-r irf mean* to put Itself on a

F* . .',?rlixu n’C-Tw inW TVy have *up|H««*t that Kekireiary of State *irr*baur* leiler dri-lnrlng what he thnexhi ..ii^ht to Im- .lone, and 1-rcsldent Clevelon-I's declaration that he agreed with tin- -ecrrtnry * opinion, meant that they hud determined to proceed with what they d<-l«red ought to la- .lone S ins te-firvr tha( ibe puh/kraCion must k*te »*vii in ten.|n| a* an ap|M-al to public op»Qi‘*n f--r informal ion aa to the course hi par-in* The choice *rcma to lie be- tween ihi* opinion an<l the one that Min- Her W li* Im* Impractlrahle to


HOME AND COUNTRY MAGAZINE PaMIrkrt at 43 M. I0tk Sr_ R. Y. VIit. FOR RTFRY MEMBER OF EVERY FAMILY. 25 Ccnt» A Copy. - Bv tmi Vxab. 52 00. Entertaining, Instructive, Profusely and Artistically Illustrated. Wide In

of entering the plea of naanc. I wa* justified in the' shoot- ing The way the new.pnper* handled the "tory was amusing *rwl also displeas- ing They railed me a crank, lunatic, ty. insane and a lot of other things. the pictures some of them printed e simply horrible. I'm not Insane, and t want that kind of a defense.'* General*/ fair; increasing north**

• the flr-t H ter would rt s bich left >

ya;-rr nMliwsii .-r Tbiirst. II inu ciI- 1 steamer "hould iy or tomorrow. • next steamer to - had left for llodiio- )l-« '.ii-idere«l (list the chances of v Minister Willi* to rwLirr the qaryn.kMI *nui L 1»—*-im-.| after the news r.-repi i,tn accorded Secretary

la the i-.himI this < ntry is mad

ha* i-ueouu- i he has lint hi* kustruc-

t,t ir who will . and by the • jo-titled. think the Inference Kiui-tcr Wlllla found thi* well equipped aad detemiln.*l f< et—l • I at (hr feeding of Ibr iutem«rnt .4 thr island was favorable t- prr-ent government he wrakene.1 I determination to reseat the queen upon her throne To have persisted in landing Ik* aiannes for the purpose of forcing tksiigcf government would have bat aniyt..f war pure and simple, and no

. Nov. 19—During tha Jlowarth's IIDwrnica *le ball Saturday even-

Wet. —fell and *a* injured, although tnmpM on. 77 *«ht with (ar{arts ■«*'• o***' ■sbms were au*othrred.

Vifm % letlata » -A boiler in a silk mill rajaisl of Bukowina. «x- ‘Iitevii perwma and Injur* W ■ 1 hr mill Was badly nw Jnry ina^r*. Tbtjton.No. 3. - The jury Migbwe. charged K-«e Palmer by M IV,Ike OOh er Frank •Ilk causing th, drstt. # aUeni*1*^loa. arm-smred that they •we nnabls u> agree upon a verdict The Sty wm dtwkargsd and the defendant •Ul u held nu^ bail nntll a new trial la »®»ed ur tb* rase la nolle prtwsad.

• «»i Its pia


Horsley Barker, Pliarmacist,

80 Wort Fr»«t SireM, rorr ntktiM'carcfally compounded.

DRUCS and MEDICINES, I'EEFUMES, SOAPS And other toilet articlee Try My Soda. You will like .l

' WARD BEECHER. ... BUTTERWORTH rIBELER WILCOX. Prsf. JOHN CLARK RIUPATH CHARLOTTE W. HAWES. BA I. LING TON BOOTH, Oeo. JOSEPH A NUNEZ. And a Heat of Others. ■ a niCC can be ntylishly and bscominrly dreused. It will cost LA I them little or nothing to be in the swim.

HOW? In each issue or this magazine will be found • enabling the holder to obtain any one of the n*' thereto to tb4 value of 25 cent*; or, $3.00 annually. ?H°*n

NE 50,000,000 DRESSES EAl^“^rrTt£T «"

CO IT It IK R >ho will send 10 conpons (llfferently numbeted, and 13 ceals each month will reteivo a copy of Ibe then current kssun of

yCKX AND COTOTET MA9AZ&1. America’^ Most Popular niuitrated McatMy, The mnet justly celebrated and uaef 25c. and 50c. paper pattern* known.

DPI/PMRPD Utese ar# not -old etock" patterns but the IvCriCltlDCIV latest and moat elegant designs, gotten up new each m th bv the well-known I>omewtlc Pattern Co., of New York. Fit gu- *nteed. Style* approved by the society queen* of London. Pan* and THE COURIER. THI. The be.t nlurtr»t«d 85-o.nt Honlhly in lnrio. ALMOST nil. Bis COUPON ILSCWHCRt. Tilt, .ould b. oo. c< 1*. — ~T«P^ta. rrt* IbM — 11•«! of JT~tHml.0T

C«| o*| |As frls1** to* (As THE COURIER — Th.v .re m root) m t'nile-l Btsles cut reney.» With 10 ol them sod only 13 cei.u TOO cstt hav.. ,-acl. .nonth -Bal no Vie can hoj for leaa thao S« to 15 ceuta. Til KM djffereoUj' Dombere.1, and 1 centa, enllUea sdj one aend-

log to our office, to receive , non AJfD CODXTBT, Ante 'a Leading Magatln.. Price 2SC.. of th. cr lam, and anj of th. DOXESnC CO. rASHIO. ATTEBN8. .herein Oluwaud. to the value ol more. Magailne and Pattern, are malted direct t>7 publlrirere al New Yoek.



MISSM. S. WILSON, will give Iruoot in

ART NEEDLEWORK and lake order* for rtnorovdery and fl*inp

ALSO has a fine anoilmeut of ■Umpcd good* am •ilka at

182 EAST FRONT STREET. PlAiaflcld. N. J-

Edw. C. MULFORD, Real Estate And Insurance.

169 North Avenue.

Mr. George Davie

Dancing Academy HU! ETTS HALL

Front Street, . Plainfleld, N. J. ipen to raurptkia of aebolsra and frieuda.

Thursday Evening. Sept. 28. . _ . Private ‘.uarnna uo Tburadaj by appoIntnastiL nrouiara, tenua, Ma, ran bs o->.a1nerf al . lulrtie Music Store, rront atrurt. Ptalnftskl. nr from Mr. Daria, SI Broad an«, Newark, NMr. Daria 0*0 *ea<ra a« the ball on Tbura day. after 3 p.m. Will arranga for privats

Estnhlished 1M9. 101 Psrt svsoue


BED BOCK PRICES. 1 Dave lbs lari'* and brrtrtoek^of Umm

r^ra.'*T«f wft unS Ak\n*by'liwSmU**

J. Van Eps Wstchmkker A Jeweler, r repairing of^Prewch

HoaglaniTtt EXPRESS

Furniture and Pianos

Freight, Tranks and Baggage. CABTAG1S.

Office, 89 North Avenue (Ul m.

NEW STORE At 73 Park Avunue.


Fresh Veget-ables Every D*y



^Children Aafe aluntie-.

UNDER THE BANK. 100 worsted toques (or children marked for IhU only 85c. A fall Uo. af ladle.' and gent’s underwear now on «ale at we hare a oomplsta stock of underwear for ladle* gent, wd ch" in Boot's fine good.. An extra fine Mack cashmere glove for

we offer at 85c, diildrcn's oordod waist, all sixes at 15c. A package of tine toilet paper of 1000 ahoets for 10c a pwtk; a large stock of no- tions; a foil line ef china sLka, etc., etc.


& Front Street, CNDCB THE BANK. Opp. Park Ave.

ROGERS, IsmaUaga

Big Gut in Prices

or 8ECOm> HA5D mnSELS.

Cor. Central Ave. & Fifth St ONg : LONG DISTINCT


C*u«pb—nr to L, A Hummer). DmIw Id FLOUIL GRAIN. FEED, IIAY, STRAW


Hard Wood FI It-., Monld uun, Window Frames.

Turning and Scroll Sawing Steam Kiln Dri»d KlmUlng Wosd,


BEST PLACE TO BUY New Planing Mill! fall styles 1893 hats.

U. B. CRANE Hatter Removed to No. 13 West Prom Street, new weiteV.


CAREY’S- Friday, Nov. 17. 1893, at 2 P. M. Sharp.

A qnantitj of drew goods, cloakc*, tlircad, trimming*, clothing, quilU, and m thoo*aod and one other things.

I. J. Carey, •Auctioneer*

Lumber and Mason’s Material I~ A. Kheatune, Ag*t.r ■ uuiADwar.


RMir Slim or all kinda

John Neagle, 442 W. Seventh St.

Uolombl*, BalBlgh, Bomber, Hartford,

nw pROpmnTom.

Henry F. Windham,

Arlington Hotel

Somerset St, >nd Green Brook Road Be*ui*r and *rao*1en» boa PRICES LOW.


IrtlsUe Psstgus All The Lstest Btyl

Diamonds DOANE’S Otun Bpooos

Watches Link Breeds


Street and Ao~ City

Dated at.

Porremix. I>, Nov SO.-WhlU oul Ha will < •hot hlmaalf in th*

Cat .... coupon. cocrffctly. Send 10 of ih«rt with 13 c*nU fi . We will doth* rvrt. Read era *ot rc*uUi aaitocribert nut cut out the coupoM, fiU « ■!*«• * a* with l] ccata. * Regular rabaenber. need only rt©d a need only tend one printed dre**, pi*ted on the outside of wrapper and 13 crnU. Frort aubacribara no coupon, will req aired. Addreaa M.n.grr CTnWriog DepnrtmcuL TI10 Plalnflel d Courier,

103 East Front Street.

William J. Stephenson, . CATERER Recaptions Teas. Weddings and Parties

rutdabsd wttt sv—7 reqnlsiu. SO KOBTH ATMCB.

1893 TAXES, Notice Is hereby given the Uxpayer* of the city ol Plalnlleld that the taxe» ueesecd to said city for the year 1S93, tre ho* due and payable, end that If lie laid taxes be not paid by the 20Ul DAY OK DECEMBER NEXT, be name# of the defaulters, .lib their respective laxea trill be returned to the City Judge tor proeecutloo. The CommlaBooenofAppeal lecaaea of taxation, will meet In the Coaucll Chamber on the Fourth Tueaday In November next (the JHtli), ead all from 2 o’cloct p. m., until 5 o'clock p. m.,or longer, If found neceeeary, lo dlepoee of all cajee aubmlued to them for coo- si deration. JOHN JOHNSON, Collector of Taxes Dated rialnBeld, N. J , October 2, 1893.


Rogers’ Sea Food Market.



aide of two week, and to dew oot the lot 0x017 piece will bo offered at 49c e*ch, and most of them are worth •' •** <*“»*• Aerortmcnt in clndcs all aixca in Tea and Cdffee PoU and all aiaea in Sauce Pan A Good Tinware cannot be bonglit for the money. Special aaUion Lamp, and Common Crockery oontinoe^-dl -aesm plate. 5o each, Glass Hand lamp 15c , Oommoo Ohimneys 5c. A fsw more of those $8.19 special. 10 piece Toilet Sets left. Adi Sieve. 10c., I80., sod 15c. Coal hods aa low M 85c. . ; . „ Something new—yoor photo enlarged and frwned for *1T5. So e eatnnie onexhihitios. Watch for oar Uhnsfmss Ad. * /. 0 iUJN, rMli

gCT.T. or aan.^rSS'w’&trL Purauaut lo Ibu’orficr of OonrvuT.Fi . Sa^rv«aie of tbe county of Unioo, tbUdUy »iv»n to the cralluift of aalfi 1rwira.aH *q ux- hlN« Ui tha Mbaorllwn unur out* or aflraa- thn their rial mm aod dmaab acmlaa* «• •*- tale of aald aooraaed *iu«Ib bim Boat ha from Ihu data, or th«r will ba forwvar barrad from pruacoutiac or raoovaria* tka aaaaa a*»lnat Geren-riS-j^^ „ „

ntanuttu c*«n»Ln.

ptrarx or WiaHmr^S*5iiliI,^-|

ssr s



Repaired, Rented, Stored, lnaured. Kxehanged.’ Renaodered, Bold for Oaaa Or on easy*

other. T” S“« *"■ Wheelmen’s Heidqnarters.



shown In the city, for quality.


GAERET Q. PACKER. -t avjtcw r0,. FTTRNTrURK,




23,25, 27 Park Avenue.


STAPLE LQD GipZEipg Liberty Street (Cos. Second Street

SEE OUR OFFERS ,, Can yon comprehend what we eay when we toll yj« t't j •

Secret of Making Ends Meet, is paying each and gettng the bargains from n and that 7oar neighbors are saving money by bay! tg from na.

THINK. 1 from 15 op. Uen'a over coata from $8.78 np, and 1 at retail, at wholesale prioea,

FLU! & CO. Clothing Manufacturer, _

Wart Front Street. Plainfield. N. J.


TWO HOMED DEAD.Thle Is the Estimate of Lives Lost

on the British Coast.


HUT T«Mnl> Wncbrd u d M.nrB»y«i by Hrrolr

IJOWDOS, NOT. SO,—The rrports I « *make the total nnmhtr of deathx (drowning ilurinK tiw latrKale "- '•"-tkl> la without reckoning tin- c r r m o f«r»l Tf««-1« which have Ixwn Been to foun-der off the r-rt-i. nmi t lit- total fnMhtin,trmpectlva nf Mm nnmcron* m m of li«h-in*( 1WM, i* «*ti.nit.twl at n.iLt*\iW. accord-Ing U> Ibx intuit, rnnwrviithe r*timnt«>.while the n..h..~r of i w . ™ by t b - heroiclife navtra Kill more llian equal « » tnumber.

It is i •:•. i :.i • • at tbta hour to ((detail the numU<ratuldvw-ri|>tion of theV T M I I or th« damajrc dime to tlio li- >u -• >and property, but the latwt orOi arethat tlio gain now shows smAbating.

The packet boat KiUarney,ford, Juitt arrived, report B tfifteen milt" out. on Friday morniriH. "hesighted thedi&thle-d N&tiiHial line ftienmerHeWi-tia. -dtiwinit MKD*1» of iliittnw.The Kil lamey iitood by the Helvetia lorHveLoiii-.. l . i i imt . unable, owing to thetremendous M a , to take her in tow andwas obliged to leave her to ber fate.

Three vacota and two coasting VHM*I«mm reported tohore nnar (ireenock. Onlyfour of thetwelTemernlwrBof tbecrpwofthe steamer CrinM, frtiich wa* wreckedDear St. Ivr*. r,.rn«*ll, escape.]. Thecoadt Kiiiinl han twen on the alert nightand day all iilonu the beach nioctj Friday

prt- sign of


u y

in- in • of tlm rocket appnratUH, are re-ported.

TremenrioHn tlnmnife hiui been Ann* atW w t HuMlepool by tbentomi. which willcause much IDA* and consequent Miffertna;to the minern of-that htcallty. l-'nnHiilerB-ble anxiety I* piprtwwl for the Hafety ofthe crewo of • hundred [tolling Itoats whichwen* laiat iweix Ireinjr tirivtm atpTt bwarilthe force of the Knl«.

During the hpixht of tlir fury of the KtRnturrlnyev.TH.iK Hit-Mratiier H«mp*hiwan driven anhore iu S t ITPH buy ami waspoundwl to piece* near Ctin«rrl> Head.Twenty-one out. of the HJampp&ln'B crewwere drowned, only one man mminKinK "reach the xhore alivu. Chief MMtSwsn-son, tbe only nurvirur, tHl i a story of ter-rible xnftVriiiu. The

all G tn, fmt the firs_. rajiHlzed. mid

until rxtiatiHteU. Tbe -Mint containing>.-..!!. .rt ! !-...i other, hnd nearlyreadied ttiv NtlUre when It «)«, u,i»iiie<l.

to reach land.Tbe KartmKata (I'.liiiiK fleet nan cm

In the gale and Iteiirlv nil wen; badlytered by the »ea, several at them beingunable to tnaks 'harbor: two of the fleel

cued by the life boats.The Bchooner Wick.f tw* has been

wVecked near Yarmouth BI'III five ot hercrew were drowned wbilC tin- Inwt lay onB leugu ot rock". |«uiidiiin Ifipircr* in lullview ot thousand* t>f *p«-t<it*.H*. who wereutterly unable to beo l any unni*tanc« totbedrowninamen.

Xhe ntrvetn nE Scarborough, the wellknnwD •••nr.TinK plate, are OHM withdebrix. Seventeen fishlnK enmckn havenot returned, and the grvattst anxiety IBfelt fur t ! ..if,-i y

The trawlarDaiiDtlewt ban been wreckedat Downreay, near Thurae, (.'alt linest*Scotland, ami seven of her crew of eightwere drown*!, Several other trawlershave been driven a* neur the sameapot, and are exiwtlwl to become tota

The Norwegian three tnAM^d veiwel AnBle ajpn rtrivrn HJihore neitr Siirefl.m cliffand pounded Mpt***-"" the r.n-it*. only

Theflshing boat Vln* dnringcapsized entirely oP ScartKiroi

pie saw the grow struggle Urrilil

LEflfGn \'A1.LEV STHIKEBoth Sides Soein Determined tc

Win the Corftort.


Odlflnl- KH,T ttw "trihF I* Iii'tK-

FflAnEI.rBIA, N.iv. 91.-11* an or.ierH'ltich H-amwtit <y.H i i i i ~ ( | l y hy 1<-!P-trrn|>li by the urifvuii»- eonimltree of !he*hi«h V it I Icy riiiln»i-l J.<"; rnipl.-vw of

thfcomiiHiiy strii<-k ;n K' niflmk ^iinintityD l h t H l t t f H l l l th line

haunted. She can-led aDispatches Irrim CMIMIK HHJ that twe1

two fishing boats have already lieen tlriu h o r e a n d thnt thirteen nxhermen tbeen drowned.

Kep<irts received here from nil part!the north of Francenny that the mostvere weather i,,,-. prevailed along I

rrk. iI tlier.-

re, Cherbourg and I V

Frotn all parts of Ireland where

of the severity r'.f I ho «B.1C. which Iaccoinpani«l tbrre by a heavy snoHevsral fatalities and numerous .Injury are reported at Waterfoirick, Fergus, Uelfaxt. Newry ntibereen. UuDdrwlB o( JiftliiiiK b-minting, and nil nitrous wreck,.ported. I" addition, the harbor* Jwith weatherbound • . . - . ; . .Mih u also been caused to live st<considerable damage hu, been

NewciSTLK, FB_. N O * , m—Mrs. MiiryWllli»niB, tlieajred wifeof Job:living near Knnn Valley, » itreated by three masked men iher home. Where Bh« wan alonight. A f i ,ir ' : ber inhoar the old lady finally disclosed thhiding blare of '

fled. Mm. w,II,».,,< was found »i•nd gagged. It in probablenot survive the shock.

mfter which the


***<* ^i*W s ^ l A A If scope ..Fiction, J(

J the »o.t popular ^ | > ^ B I I I I Biography Hi.torj. <writer, of America, • I f ^ B I I I I Art, Tt»«l, Foctiamorjg them O c U n l l V ^ B I I rad »-•*• *T •» ,

H.O McClel- m l W • f i l l ° r o n r foremost <Inli*n Haw. ^ B ^M I I E-Mji«U. IRachel Crew ^ k . • U U It«» • -to«h«« of i

•> Ho^Sr .Ml .* I k I I W W tt. t«* w«k of the • J• ' J.S«igt. In literary * I m ^ M — bc«t authors.« I merit it will not b* W I • • • The price it

. «E»O H M FOB ii vcura Miasaatpnoii.


E, Pa., Xov. ao.—Physicianser up an incurable, h

jpileptic, Mary Moore,yean, of Mnitby. in thin munty, called in•n Arabian woman, who said tbe girl waspossessed of an evil spirit, and could notrecover until tbe evil one Wait driven out.

I In case of a cure tbe girls parents were topay the woman WOO. Tbe woman took thegirl to her home, ami with a red hot ironbranded her with crowea. Her hair waaalso cut off and a crom branded on thescalp. Tbe doctors Hay the patient will

tttwt th« Hl

^rtianoee Indicate

tnuoll w»\-r nnture»illing M>than the milnmtl Officials

•knmvWiee.Vice Prmirfrrit Th»™.'.r». Vnorliee*. whounseen at hi« home luxt rvaninic. Mated

0 a rtprtwiitntivp ..tthi- A-wciiited I*™**1 ' b h ttiffiraintiiin w«- lo Ihe effect that

dewrt.on from the rank-of Ihp ero-«, so far IU. h* liad 1PUPI.H1. were


\lr. Wilkinx. with mybe snid. ••Ihiit be lies

_ kJchnmi»i .>B»hiivflmTo prove whnt 1 say, 1 have docievidence in n.v iJTu'e which will

lu my statemenUt. llnwpvar.ven to lyin^. but in onler ti

iloubttr.irwluce so.le.xlu.uri

strike as o


if any, ttiif.^-nr

e don

which the men

Calo tbe l*hi(£h Valley y

Hi. but frHithl Ku'-inet* is tot Ally tiedIi ts u i , A w I nt Bnffulo thai '

.llth Valk-y will be met with retif they ri '|IH -.i parallel lines to movefreight from every road except the NewYork Central.

At Wilkesba-rre freight and coal trafficsuspended, an.l only trains carrying

-• ! iir -1 States mallrough. Tbe striker. 1_

pointed committee* to guard railroadproperty, as they tear (heir enemies may

r far the militik


hich w

One striker said:•mar fa"If we can keep the militiawin."

A number of passengers bounYork and northern points weretake the Jersey Central roadbarre.

At Kns


of Winton borough, with a number of !tr«mt* in complete'ly tleil up all along thempanions got into a drunken row yes- j i n e T h e o m c i B i B deny thin, but admil

i badly crippled. The engineer,rly all


al«o shot and badly iujured. David wbHepi

WAatllNGTox, Nov. SO.—Pension officialsfeel that tin, publ teat ton of the wholesale•chene In Buffalo for defrauding that

that tha chief conspirator U W. IUoore, formerly a ipMlil staminathi. city. It is believed that tlM.tMOheennaldto fraudulent clatraanU whou


other-hood u<r trainmen, w

In sympathy with the strikers refuite to

Wllktna Retarna tbe*nt.When Chief Wilkins, who U chairm

tt the grievance committee, was Informof Vice President Voorhees' statement, heaaid: '

"We also ha»edocnmrnt»ry evidenoe'._istatn ns in our statements, and I will

•ay further that 1 must heartily n' compliments of Mr. Voorhees, which

has been transmitted to me. Neve:i} time, have we asked the n ;:•••-rit of Mr. Hugbt*, Ihe discharged opo-ter. B u t when Voorhees was aaked to


to back down

•A-kI do i

left Hide of his head near the ear, whicheansed Oncttiwton of tbe hrnin. The minU ID a M-rioii. rondition, aad h u DMH <ie-

A TI.A KT1C CtTT. No*. ».—It ia allegedthat Mm Kmniu I! Jntsly reeHTed awarning from whitecap* tfl leare tbe rtty (

• ' t ab* wiU

will win it for the"They failed

by the company

.rein the fight U>stay,at.d

ilDlled, and the menam* to the grand ofliren as tbe last r»-

D awl« I hem.' said Aulstant GrandY ouDgaon, who i* the pernona) rep-


:. N. Y.. Nov. SO.-P.Vr. IVen-Kr«itd thief of HIP Onl»r off!(r:.plifr!. of Nf« York UMIP,i l l ; ••KV«TJ opiTstiir except

' 'lnlTalo on


xmds. All• licl-x of thf Hrotbt-rhfMHl of Ixnomo-

KitKii'"-r« wild the Brotherhood of

hii?« In™ I*'inted Slntes mail tun be

'TorthVni dlrlldfin. We rwei'ved a, the ch sir-

T h W

e p n

npHiiy rill h

frviBhtV.. No

thaifJoVtnck WaHiti.nifd and Hie

with Hire.

There .• n

. an.—All tht. l^rbifchj.ive w n b f . 1 Sayrelay night hare bwu

• includei engineer*,hrakemen and tele-. » manuuoth tie np.,Me freight now in

• tk>n nf Tin, Iron and)




• a rc'lnrt nf the «mn' wale \mpromiMd The KiilU in l-nth val

been Idle -inc.. .Inly 1, n~iiinei! worknut- .i' :• '! 79 ni'i- Tin- actionnj

steel wi.rk.em in the United Stalesworkinc undw ihe wale of the AroaKAnifli* ! A-*Mv-infirni.i.rt»bftbly numberinai.owi panoiM.

u knotH lonfc, nver>KthonriluriiiK I he four Iforxetl ttr»nK:it. Ihu- <•

iser's buililer^ irtrn ft

H iuil-<! I.T a TrsJn.HABrtisTtrn... Nor. s n - A n nnkn

man, supposed to be (fnim the papersfonn'T on htm) 4 deaf mn«p Rnd of nr•onnA mind, wss killed near Oaiipbin I

h e # s « walkinn on lite trucks. A SHvarfon Army badge wan found in one <hla pocket*.

•VMS for lA-h-innn Wrrliinlr*., Pa.. Sor . -Jsl. - T b e lj>Sanonn"i^ <hii1).|i'4iiv.tThifh has Bipliiympiit to its workmen

CAIH».. I. T.. Nor. »).—A n>nvt>iheld here elected fifty ilelegnteH to atthe Oklahoma Ktatuliood conrentioKingfisher. The Cfaoctaws were inmajority, and J R. I.awrence, a Choctawlawyer, was cbonen chairman. Tbevent ion instructed it* delegate to rotfavor of statehood.

Killed la . t-w.Dmll OuaaT^TOLEDO, O., NOT. an—Raymond Carew,

half bat* of Toledo high school (oothai;team, was caught in a jam at m «am» inAdrian, Mich., Saturday. A Bcora of play-em piled on trip of him and his Keck wasdislocated. He was brought to his homela tail clU. ivy died yestardsj afternoon.

CHIC .—Mora than iioh of forged railroad ticket*hare b« ._

honnnd In tbe past few weeka by run ternroada. The greatest losers are the Balti-more and Ohio. Krte, Nickel PlatoPittsburg and Western. The countering Is the most eitemlve Job in the hte-tory of railroad tickets. The criminals

not yet been brought to justice, batlilroadsan confident of getting t"

n>kree<) with Wtf« Harder.SCRANTOS, Pa.. NOT. ».-Charles B. Me-

Graiiifthsn. ..f Philadelphia, leader ofWonderland theatre orchestra, in ieity, is untler arr«t here On a chargewife murder. Mrs. McGranlghan. whha married two J M N ago, WM found on

A FaUl iKlttatloo.anwrmu. 111*.. Nov. 20.—Carlisle

.. ..-IBIUH, \n years of age, was shot andkilled last nlKht while being Initiated Into

ret society composed of youngsterswhose age* run from 12 to IB years. Thesociety was railed the "S. S. S. S." theletter* xtnnding for -Seven Secrctn, SilentShade*." Enough was lPurneri of the oo-

s Juih a verdict of-accidental death.

Our Fo r ty Innn-Mti ls .


•K7~ ,^

.ut'.'ii nn- ar who t>j dtn^A crvotlcs. have• itlnHnmilfhe-t theitwelve. B« d w i i e l l y toliavr won lln f..ny hlnlimt plai ea In Ameri-i.,n lliM' r-. s., h, B|....-« i I.J tue ).irium.nlor KiiU-if mid Ladle- of Iht- hound Tut,;-rlju rend the Onu-ier. and c Vrn. th* m. In pay•i. nt f.,r.i,,-h J,irl«intT. . s i - * . „ (Hi. „•:,,,,ulilni-H. in |.rl*p»t.ithH--.r« • - I , , , . , ml l .-t-x-mtlnKthe K"*t«t number of the f'-nymm.* Ibai ieo< Ivo the '-' -

u n | n i<r.intint in • |.i n tu H I wlm faare not pnwedtheir r-l^htp-nthblrtMn-. If v>o time rm.

' - of Ihe order

rourlwi. Then- Hre nt. prtrinc. (ir nth. rr. i». H'rllpinvMiiwaniH b,-U.W lh« otherritimbix tln'iri cfin»ocutlv» ly, »nd * lac* yourtnTl name, wl kaddri' the top of Mine.• I.I » (i'TIiTint mio r. Mail itBOtntrt utert*""J .nuir i I. 1HH. to II AKI>IK> TO

Uar of DB • ea pJm-e A naure s—g-v t] PET« Tin1

vi.res, anil lli.rcl i '• in.1 iu'^.. MM. wilt be

WHYBother wiLh Cooking when yon CAB boy

Meats Already Cooked

PlainSeW Packing Ho

C. M. ULRICH.Telephone 111.

DAVE'S213 West Sfnt 6t

Hair (iillm?SSt|.Jmp,i«rii;Partors.A HE NOW

OPENWith entire new fittingc.


alK. cUue* in Phyitcal Culture,Deportment, etc,

Childrrn, Tuewtsr, 4 to 5 1 p. ia.l * l i c ' , Friday. 3 1 0 5 p m.Indies' ant) (Gentlemen1* i lmi ' f . ctasa

Friday evening from S to 10.30 in Hale IV• fail Private instructions. Kirniesaes, Car-iinls, T i U e n u , e t c arranged. Alt (lie.test dancn taught. Srad for cimiara, ad-lre» l ln let f i Hall or Mu.ic Store.

» is said to hB-rjvgec^ared that she will raBsataUve of (irund Chief Arthur, of Ihe th* floor of her hotel ben. Tb« bnabartobey m'i to^kve threatened lo prow-. J.ocniotiv,, Emfineem. "and we Intend U> saja that she must kare died of heart <t* her tormenter*. A petition Is in «ir- help them all w« iaa." MM-, and also that .be wu addicted to1st ion to rid North Carolina avrniis of Q& H' jiiJo* than •iplaioed «t Ivnstli c«asir* am of mornhlne and alcoboLveontabl* boosts.

I I ' - i . I i , i i;


bndu Inlted OtatesKMIA-MR'EMc N ITS S

Otates Bmbalm-

V V DEBT A KMIA-MR'EMIIPfflceat repidence Nn. ITS SomIsJnntJd, N. J. Lady Aswstut .

VSSj'liuBM %%&£.

14 West FLurteBith Stnet,NEW YORK.

nt catered miece«»fuliy to your v

to offer you fur parmeotg at unprc

k of.'all thi' latest linportait'-nB In cjqul

\\ jrsrnients usually sold for

ship. W« a'so have a )arKe ussortmt-i^adies1 'and Mlstes* Ctatt Capes, CuaU

wlilch We are offtrinit at about half of iherflce, Spw; nj HtLention i« aivt n IOUUI1 ti ade, and orders b> mail receive and i-arelul «ttt-nliun u tnough

cor lin 111111

tis 41a

JttSW&HAWJN158 Fifth Avenue.

:. NEW YORK CITY,A large assortmc-nt of Grand Aiitl L'pright

conUinlng Ihcir improved m'oihotl of siringing, the greateM improvement in hair a cen-tury. Jl'he ceiebraied

LISZT ORGAN,for Parlor and Churches is the most jierfcctinsti uinenEs of il£ class. Illustrated cat^LogutFree. '.

Organs and Pianos sold for cash or on easy





AN'fKL!—"nil-limn, l


•« WEST THIttP 8%

Fine Win*-. Honor, and Btfmn

um»vc PisinlifM st 4.1o. J.l'.V U<. ••<& »M. n^lS-U. iW. S.3Z, Ml, 1 "... r...... -,-4. .-..»-.Ot, *.*>, IJ^ TJS, ";H, .BJU, CJ7. 11.1.1, p.

Learo risJoQeld at Ml, a. m.; r>.(.'> 5 't

5.1a. a. in.— Tor riemlnmon. Kaaton. Allrn'• • , 1 • . • . • . . . : I . . • . - . " " • - . : . < • , • < > I . •

b . it.fa-iajii, Eastan.Bet^

on. Mau.-h CuuDk,acji.ii. suiiiiur) unij

Eiutun, Bansur and Haucfa

tteatllntt, lliiiiililil|Tj[l|iiffi'iljt'i'llls*frii1TMiiS, n , Tainaiiua, J'o.tovllle, Kbainokln. Sim.Llc-nke, «n-J Vvwrr Lehlvb, WHk.Bimrrf,"*VLM'J*!I.'E ''VI'IJ V.V j'll'ii J II.Ifor 'laliuni. un l f .L .4 Vr. H. K-euVin,l>'lj«1riior.0rAlle*'.•-•• • -. !l:n i .-I'.IS-K, 1b.f> p, m."wsc[or Eati

Hra'nch.'lT.'uV'w/lt^'EiiVtoi.V'ltetliJebenC^Dfintowii. Hauob Tbunk. Pomnt.*ii«t*LS(re, Tnmagua,8lmunikin. (Parlor •

t<?It &'»,S7(^'r,t*l!™™'Hif**tllllrhPla* Allen*fljn'p. ni[—For'liasUin. Bctblcheia aiid AlVoo-

1.1-iii l l n i i i k , t-liaim

- . ' • i>. in. SIIM^JI>-B-- UL*:!I I:. iilueUrunch,

1 •• . . , • • • • i • . i

ura-.&o.LONO S U J S C B . U C U J I lianwr.. >rn-

irf-ave piBlniteid «t iLjfl, Hj.Hi, I I^4 a. m...It. 1.11, 6.4T p. ni. ttamlvv, (except• K-.»n Grove) B S a. m.;33)B- ""-

F"r Pi>rtli AiT-ii.ij, -;.:t-.. r,.:.-, ••.00, 1134 a.ni4 1.14. 4J.1, J.UI, fi.47h TJB p. m., Buudaya

Fi'ir AniiniicP0l^-', 8Jt7 a, m^ 1M p. m.For Preohold-iUl, 8.00, J1J( a. m.; 1.14, 4.01""*• KOTAL BLUB lAMt,\jt*ye Plalnfleld [or V blind al phi«, &i\ B.U

h'<ir CbattHMoont, '

B.48 a, m,,

and all

- l , ' . VK P i r n . . L't:!.!-in A , .

" FriS; *tiW&&w**M, B.1T. WU.1-.•>: m.,a,#l*. it. 12, e,l«, lj.4o p.m. 9unila>s—a S,11 U a. in., 3;i,*. 8.12. S.1-, I1.4S o. m.

U » V P Tnmtnn. Wvren mid Tucker Bta^ 1.094.ftF. S.W. 10JK. a. ou. ia.II. 8,10. 4.13*.

>i»tnti<=lir'p«*M.-nK«r. 'bj trVloa inVkt^d •'inBrcc»r»st Bound

n bv trllrook.

i i i bv trains mar

MI-H m l!.iund llrook.


Nrw YORK NUTH,.ri»e«-—7.30 and ».30i. M.j 12.30 5.30

I'd KO0 p. M.AKBIVB—7.80, S.40 and 11.00A.M., and

30 and S.30 P. " -HOIUBTIIXB, EnBTON, OX., JUll i .

CLOBI—7.U0 a. N., and 4.80 P.M.AKKITI—9.40 A., M., 1.15 and H.lfi p. M,Uirect mail tor Trtnloo and Philadel

phis, at 4..KI p. ru.Mail tor WsjrenTllle closes Tueiday,

rhureday and Saturday at 12.00 M.PosUomce OFKTIS at 7 A. H. and closet

at 7.00 p. M. Saturdays closes at 7.80 p.«. Open every evening until 8.00 P. x

SIIHOAT HAILS—OPBB al ».8O A. M.Jfflce open Irotn 0.80 to 10.80 A. u. Mallcloses at 8.S0 p. M.


Rev. E. Klonka-

J. T. VAIL.Real Estate and Insurance

No. 49 SORTH ATE? I E .

Bine Stone Vlasgini. Etc.

(Op t i c i ans .



Undertakers anil Embalmed

MO. 401 PAKK A V K t n n

M.>,41i»ntl BOB 1

Hotel Grenada !North Avenue.

Tbja Fines t Sbte! 1~- t3u City

i nu* tii-eii lor btwUntf rouw, under





j Windham 4 Cicwlej's

Central Oolel.




AiFiist-claas iamiiy Hotd.I K<ir i:.™ii cm and Haat

t»Me« and Rtlllards Attached

Clothimj, Huts, <L' etc

M. J. conn;Merchant Tailor

CtsRtom Work a Bppcia'ty. deanlna; amkfljuirina. Indies' Cluaka Altered awl Its


COMMUTERH IWhy buy yntii Clfrars ID New Tirkwhea



The Latest""—'tins',.1*""""1



So. S3" Wnt Strat.




W. J. TU1«SON,Dealer 1*

Flour, Grain,i FEED, HAY, STRAW,

And all Country Produce.

•r-Bantan Mil t. Feed and Heal a specialty

6s Broadway,PLAIN FIELD. N. 3.

• Steam

Marble & Granite Worts.Monumental 11 emelery Work

a Specialty.

L L.Corner Central • ft Froat Bt_ Plftl nfleH.

D. W. HYDE,Teacher of Piano & Harmonv

J. Will rcmimelfeWeiBtwr 111 J




LJ5 Washington Ave.I Re-op.™ Turiday, S^pt. IB,'KBB.

Fr«wh. Uuala. Dra«:.i«. CaliMbaotcw. Am' — *•—\tr 1 J Jon tbfum-in— M win beat -



CABINET MAKER.i B * PaelMd li ahl-)M4.


COALTUMBERMason's Materials, fo,, ,

49 to 6o Park m g , .

We arc now prepared inth rtur inoqf.ciluies (having pnrcbaKd the eaaZranK <f Moan. A. D. C«,k I £S",promplly fill all order, and iclidi » . ,




OFPLAINPIELD,N.JIs now receiving deposits

payable on demand, with

interest at the rate of three

(3) per cent per *ani»'"*—•

iDterest Paid on all Deposit

JOUN W. MURRAY, Prwri leot

WILLIAM WHITE, Vice Preridei


ELIAS a POPE, Treasurer.

gstate,\ r M. DUNHAM,


Insurance. Heal Estate.K.'pr«tjutInK Old Una

Ol«0T IKMILIsniD IV 1360 1TZ. WMTR

Woolston& Bucklp,Sa. « North .1 le-nuc.


Paper HangingWall Papers ami Painters' Sippte.

Chase •& AllenPainters



Ofllee 116 East Second £



And Boarding htablesB Wes t Second Street-

Coscbca ror woddlnnn. fuaevsJi and pn»

wrlarra of ail daacripIKMUPrompt, careful driven, and rood «r

Uors.s fur laHles' drtvtnir-

re ««J| CM

•Hvofcssional <favfti

j> mnroN * MOPFBTT.

A T T O B N B T S - J . T - L A W .

BSM Fr*nt g t rmt .




00UH8ELLOIIS-AT-LA *.IM East Front MrvM. Cor. !•»>. si

Notsry Ptibllo, Msstar ! i Chsw-lajatt-r In Chanocry.

\ n : l .S ( IN HCNTOH,

Counseloi^at-Law, Mssler MMl Bnsri** 'I

1 1 r I LLl AM K HoCLUBX.


First NaUoul B*. 1 Bullrtin,,


C.Til Engineer and S O I T C ^



[-1894 $1.00 WELL SPENT. 1894 JOS. T. WTLUVAf, E. H. HDLMEL,

LEHIGH^COA Dry Kindling

TUa la the Estimate of Liras Lost on the Britiah Ooeat.

Peterson niacaziHe a sale or mroatJAL beveeitt. Hotel Grenada !

North Avenue, IU Kop« I. Ftrtioo. Biography, Hiatory. Art, Traral, Pocti7, LOFITO. *> -TS-*. rwtwd uk. IS. Mai motor of Mill. fe»n diu.ainK durlii* th- tau «al. a. 1M. ao.1 tUa w wi, imkintlnjl tha mwi.f aaa. aral ——t. whlrh liara Inal, ■—n to fnua- drr off the r««stt And Uh> total fatalltlra. III- aamana. aawnnl Bah lax Itaata. ft. SUouU-d M qutthSO. am>nj- laa U. Iba nxinnr.atl.1- aallmataa Wblln tha nntnhaa nf "nan bj tba hand, lifa atm will tan than actual that, inabtr. It blmposat Wealth* boor to give In detail the nui.i)a<r aiul drscri|>*l.>ti of “*• wrecks or th* damage done to tbo boo-ra •nd property, bat Uh- late** report#, are that tba gale now abowa some sign of

Boice, Runyon & Co (ornait

Puomu um»' P-ainlieWI PEC1AL SALE OF

WINES Materials, &*, Tba jwkH boat KlWarwry. from Mil- lord. Juat arrived, reporta that when fifteen miles nut. on Friday morniug. aba sighted tbedUahlrd Xatiuoal line .learner Helvetia. showing signal* »f dlrtrroa. Tha KUIarney stood by tha Helvetia for, fivohour*. but was unable, owing to tba tremendous ara, to taka her In tow and waa obliged U> leave bar ta her fata. Three yachta and U« cosating vessel* are reported Ashore arse tirrenock. Only four of tba twrlaaniemlwre of tba crew of tba at earner Criote which waa wrecked near St. Ivea, Cornwall. e-caped. The, coaat guard haa lawn on tha alert night and day all along tba breach since Friday evening. and many axcfcing rescue*; I.y mean, of I hr rocket apparatus. are re-

ruimiLeiRD Caron. alnffe.% »i-jt>».;A».c am. .M m a. Bun aj at *.«&, in a.c woo at At* 1AM*. a. mg It I in. Sunday atTk KLM a. w; BA T>u MOTT. J radii ate of United fitalro totalm-

CR D BBT A xlfitA STTeM lid LM ER. ■arsh TNataeal fee Epilepsy- Wu.Krsa \ rmx.. Pa.. Nor. 30—Physician* having given her up aa incurable. the pa- rent! of an epileptic. Mary Moore, aged 11 year*, of .Maltby. in thin county, called In an Arablau woman, who at Id tba girl waa paMnael of an evil spirit, and could not recover until the evil one waa driven oat. In case of a cure the girl's parenta were to pay the woman »J0. Tha woiuau took tba girl to her home, and with a red hot Iron branded her with truss**. Her hair waa also rat off and a eras* branded on tha aralp. Tha docton say tba patient will

Windham t Crowley’s Uluautial.

Central Holel parkTr’s 2JAIR BAjSAI^ 5v&J'SuroWr

v. rmlir^lilrred i entbeoMery: I ( I heater » rap < .wrtdU-r -Ilk si —DIME- SAVINGS INSTITGTIOH

OF PLAINFIELD, N.J Is now receiving deport'A pay .hie on demand, with interest at the rate of three (*) P*r per «nn»-'—



A Fiisi-dass family Hotel. For gerianretif and Transient Oiinu.

8f*bie« and Rllllardg Attached

llarrialAra'ilaiah Ch Nina, 1‘iMie.lllf. Hbs and Upper Lehigh. . ae. Ihttnish carl •• Trentendom damage baa been don* at West Hartlepool by tbe rtomi. which will cause much km. and coa**<|a*at suffering to tba miner* of that locality Const dera- Me anxiety is expressed for the safety of the crews of a hundred fishing boats which were last seen being dr lien tufftb ward bj tbe force of the gale. During tba bright of tbe fury of the gale Saturday evening tin-steamer Hampshire was driven ashore in St. Ives hay and was

Tba Con flumptlveandFo*Mo~< SsMssssEaelLSsnE BLWiNfflJMi.TsriKSTs: •|»y ihe grand officer* rfolated. Dim. itenguc. ai ratiwn. Mam h inunk. W'Jlnjt. Hai rlslrurg. Tamayo*. Banbury and

if* p. in. wag fo* Eat ton. liewtowa. Msucta chunk. Hcranion. a«r*. Tunisiut. Hbansilun. (Pai.or car Maucn chunk.; t--*i p a.-F<* FL-ei'orton. C# P. m.—For KsM.w. Urtbirbem. Alien- wv- V.IH,n rijimk. K.-^tlu# sod Hs'rlsl-urg

•■at lea at Kot bester. \ V . So. 9i. F \V IVen snd chief of the (»rder of rmphrrs «.f New- York state, i. Ktery operator excvpt teen Sayre »nd Uuffalo on division. Three ten are

Both Sides Sosm DoiennincJ tc Win the Content. Twanly on out of I he Hampshire's crew were drowned, only one man managing to reach tbe shore ailvn. t hief Mate Swan son. tbe only survivor, tells a story of ter- rible suffering. Ilia crew laft tbe ve««al In two small bnal*. but the first one -ooa afterward capslssri, and I he men swam until rihansted. The ls»at containing Hwanson and fotir others had nearly reached tbe shore when it al*«> capsized, I and Hwaiisnu alone bad strength enough to reach land. The lia in agate fishing fleet was caught' In lh* gale and dearly all were badly bat feral l*y tha sew, several of them la-lug unable to nuka harl«»r; two of the fleet ware stranded and tbrii crews were rea- med by tha life boats. Tbe schooner Wlcklasse« has been wrecked near Yarmouth arid five of hrr crew were drow tied while the boat lay on a Iwlg* of racks, (rounding t.» pba e* In full view of of spectator*, who were utterly unable Ur ba of any assistance to tha drowning men The streets of ScarburaugL. the well knAwn watering place, are filled with debris. Seventeen fishing smacks have nut returnod. and thagrt-atral anxiety la felt for thair safety Tha trawls* Da uni leas has lreeti wrecked at Downreay, near Thuree, L'althueau. Hcotlsiwl. ami seven of her « rew of eight were drown**! .Several other trawler* have been driven ashore near the same spot, and ara expected to bsroro* total wrecks. The Norwegian three masted vessel An ■ le Wfi* driven ashore near Kpreetou cliff and pniindad to pi as*- «*n the racks, only tbe mala oat of tbe crew of nine bring


A PUZZLE WITH MONEY ! RIZES. Interest Paid on all Deposit- their ImxiiI*. All nod «»f lonnMV lir>thrrhisd «»f (Clothing, Stilts, (imps, etc JOHN W MURRAY, Prral lent WILLIAM WHITE, Vice I'rexda NATHAN HASiPER, •• - ELIAS R. POPE, Treaearer.

I’ht-n are I'd operator* on division U‘e received a I- N CohMU, the chalr- ttslive Isatrd. saying that «... duty on the Ithaca di- w> received one from M J. man of the Aabbam dl-

m. j. oo Yin; Merchant Tailor

Kcwdln*. liar-Is. Vraph by the grievnn*- Jchigh Valley niiln.n l : 'he omtpsny -I ‘ - night, cripplmi bikI stopping i ritlra. At nea 1 met with ln*t» ’ of tbe rom|isii)

lelegrsi burg. ko. Lotto BHAfCa, OCBAJi UBOVK. Uwve PlaliiBold si A*C. "A"<. II I-1‘. V°L k«T p. a. Buaday. Fre Pretb} SriPt«>?,ajr. OiFxm Si. tw a*>* ‘,2* k<7“ 7X8 *

o k f5aa£S«fn"A ‘i-s BOYAL BU B UN& L.-.V. Pl.lnflrJLt roc rbtliulolplilx. l.e, 11WV • m.: ,AI-. !«-. >»

West Fuuteei th Stn et, NEW YORK.

^eal ^Estate, lusui-ana i|»>iwr, lhe rlli|iln Ig lieeu prefstral •ps« forty. M. DUMHAM. Elmira. N Y Nov. A-All the freight trsin» thnt hnve reach*"! Sayre since I’f o'clock >stunlsr night have been sbai d*med ami the >arils are now illletl lireineti. conductora, brakemen and tele- gisph ojwrators It i* a mammoth tie an. There i« ranch |wri«hahle freight now In tlie yartl*. and lha «Hher rand* refuse to aaaist the Lehigh bv helping to move it.

COMMUTER!! I r youi Cigar* la Hew Tor* cedes ted low prlore. we bare si u> k >.f all the lairal I la porta uti-ly Batalted garturuta and >» your lx«t InterewX by call Ini a tats beautiful display before pti

f{e|s>rt« rerelreaf by tlie general srievance committee st the Hmghsin House Indicate that the strike i-of a inticli grater nature than the railnmd official" are willing to arknowleilge. Vice President Theodore Yoorhee*. who was seen at hi« home last evening, stated •o a rviwreentsti vent the A-sorinted IVere that ht> information was to the effect that all trains on the road wrre moving The nnty desertion from the rank-of the em- ploy ea. an far as he had learned, were t wo telegraph ojrerat. sne or two engine •f men who had refusal of the . charged operai mad to any co questioned a- certain elatisr* clal bulletin po*

Ioanrance, Real Estate.

rrtsko tbe The Latent Woolston & Buckle, Auk* 1.1

blgh-gr*do aannema of gas and are of superior « National Awe- el Worker-snd n Valley Maau 1*1 at Votings- mnnufacturer* "«e «-ale were ill both valleys.

Knisauto- lbavb PaiuaDki.rnia.. K.-a.l-ngTcrminsUi lu.e NX v.tXil.D i.m.,UD, *Af*. l-ft. «0T. M*. t», ns_ lx.10 niatil. Hundsy* i.10. 9Mk UM a. iMT.b *X . p. m - UJu night. From Mtb and Cb,*-nut-«AA. kK.tJ*. 11.H. •:«.«*, U.«e p.m. 3undajs-g.'l. •■carntoMajs. a?*a, ^ lf IS: SSt-ntf W*. u.iY a —i*.' r. mu p.». I Im.iiDcki lus-iKtn by trains marked * change car* at Hound Hrack. T i roues tlrkets to all points at lowssi rstss may be had oo appil.ailou In slvuot to tb* ticket sgtmt st the station, x. B.

elation of Ti the.Mah.Hiin -PAINTING- AVD

Paper Hanging

asllea' and Mia^« Ootb Ospea. Ooata and ackrta Tht at I ral I on of dr. s»aisk<rs Is >bk:h we are offering at about half of the •usl price. 9pw si uisniion ii|lns iuwii f tuwqt.sdc. and unit r* by mail rraelve tne ane |-r< nipt and careful attrniloo aa tnougti uu wefe b* rs In person, tlpeclal dUcnial u. rraamUer* m present at Ion of thetrcajds.

Men’s Klcadgcar

r bad not !r*ins*-red tbs ■lijernble deirrre *Svhen i the alleg.'.l oiitisaion of r |w»r*grat»h* In hi* off!- compromised Ipleted meil work thl* be action of tbe • of all the Iran United Stales >*1 certain gHfff^d right* be denied I he ra-eertiona ■mphni I under 'Wall Papers and Painters’ Sqfttt -iatlou.pralmbly ounibering

Chase &, Allen

Painters Interior Decorjtobj AND PAPER HANGERS.

been mad*. hauineuUiry POST OFFICE TIME TABLE* GREAT BARGAINS United Walt 158 Fifth Avenue

s NEW YORK CITY’, rgc aworunrat of Grand and fpi eadr to < appr*. honr during Aknitb—7.80, 8.40 and 11.00 a. u.. and »/ and 5.30 r. a. FoMggviLLg, Eaaro*, <ta. Mails. Clams—7.80 A. m.. and 4.80 r.m. Aakivi—3.40 a. a., 1.1ft and ft.lfl r. a. Dirt* I mail for Trenton and 1'Uliadal phia at 4.80 p. m. Mail tor VVarrenville closes Tuesday, rburaday and Saturday at 12.00 a. •’"•‘-office opens at 7 a. a. and clones at 7.00 r. M. Hwturdaya cloeea at 7.80 r. *. Open every evening until 8.00 T. a o owner* of lock boar* begnay Maim—Om at 8.80 a. a. Jfllcw open I ram 8.80 to 10.80 a. a. Mali close* at fl.80 r. a.

Wall Papers re«-.>r«l* on s similar run The r’s builder- r.m a |>remluni of flLVl.. the rsteof k>foe earn quarter of excise. *|*-rd. In a seven mil* on the irip tbe cruiser made th. re- ible -i--tnI of SiMl knots iu hour. Deaf Mata Killed by a Train. iRisnrim. Nov. an-An <iuknown •up posed to be (from the pa pres on himi a deaf muhr and of nn- mlnd. «*• killed near Ikaqpbln ly ihern Central p*~enger train while > walking .hi the tracks A Hal- i Army badge >u found la oo* of

containing their improved DKHbod of string- ing, the greatest improvement in half a cen- tury. jTae ccieb»*tcd LISZT ORGAN,

for Parlor sod Churches, it the nw*st perfect m*t turner!* of its clata. Hiatt rated catalogue free. . < >rgans sad Piano* sold for cmah or on easy


Office 116 Emmt Second PLAINFIELD, N. J, W. J. TUKISON, Bother with Cooking when yoo turn baj

Meats Already Cooked PlainBdd Packing Hoa&c


TelepboM 141. rta*rlrkrr.

Flour, Oraln, FEED, HAY, STRAW,

Pnilt, Ycfttalta, And all Country Produce.


And Boarding btablej GERMAN SCHOOL. RIPANS

ABULES given twenty caret., build, a... completed hi llmv days tain that from ISO to added to the trm) uf I pfoyvd. DAVE’S A nnmber of paasenger* bound for New York and northern point* were oldlged to lake the Jeraey Central mad at Wtlkt*. barre. At EaatOO tbe men claim that the freight tradle la completely tied up all along tbe line. The officiabi deny this, but admit that It is badly crippled- Tbe engineers and firemen are nearly all oat on #lrlk*. while passenger trainmen, who are nioatly nun brotherhood men. stick to their porta. A number of non-union employes who are In sympathy with the striker* refuse logo to work. Wllhlaa Ret a ms lb* «.mPllm*nt When Chief Wilkin*, who I* chairman of the grievance committee, was Informed of Vice President Vnoehras' statement, he said: "We also have documentary ev Mr nee L» ■tistsin us In our -tateinenis. snd I will nay farther that 1 must heartily return ,th# compliment* of Mr. V nor here, which

J. T. VAIL. Indian Trrrltnvy Want* Mtst.hned. C*oi*^ I T. Noe. *•.—A reinvent ion held here elected fifty delegatra to attend tbe Oklahoma stateh.-sl remveatlou at KlngtWher. The Choctaw* were ia th* majority, and .1 R law re nea. a Choctaw lawyer, waa chosen chairman. Th* con- vention instructed it* delegate to vote la favor of statehood

A *Snd«y Shotting Affray. BnutTM. Pa.. Nov. 30—John Morgaxt. of Wlatoa borough, with a number of compaaiona got Into a drunken row y«u- Uffday and waa fatally shot. An Italian named John 11 rick, who waa In th* crowd, waa also .hot sad badly injured David Goadagnolt waa arrested, charged with

213 Went Twit St Hair CHflag. Sfcmpanif; Parlors.


Wilh entire new fittings.

JFuofcsalouiil (Card*. Monumental &i emeteiy Work

a Specialty. Westerly. Quincy and Vremont Q II not be u ad resold. Improved mas L L- MANNING,

Killed la a r*o«ball »*am*7^^™ ToL»no. O . Nov »I -Raymond Carww. half baid of Toledo high school football team, wa* caught In a jam at a gams la Adrian. Mich.. Maturday. A score of play- re* piled on top of him and hi. neck waa dislocated. He was brought to hta horn* U this erftr. b^t dlad yretartigy afternoon Coaster felt Railroad Tickets. Ca 1C * CIO. Nov. SO.- Mor* than $100,000 worth of forged rail read ticket* have been honored In tbe past few weeks by (astern read* The greatest loser* are lb* Balti- more and Ohio. Kria. Nickel J*U>e and Pittsburg ai»d Western. The counter felt- lag la th* mot extensive job la lb* hia- tory of railroad ticket* The criminals hava not yet been brought to Justice, bat the railroad* are confident of getting them

Optician* na.’BBV !«■ - II > ary oe«otnn>laa1uu. aa preferred, term*. UutB; free A II limn CODD1M OTON. COC2«BLLOB-AT.LA W, Wahmivotu*. Nov. M-PtadlR official* feel that ths publication of the wholesale •rbem* in Buffalo for defrauding that office may hinder them In bringing tha guilty parties to Jostle*. It ia alleged that tba chief conspirator la W. Born Moore, formerly a apectal examiner tn this city. It is believed that fllM.OTO has been paid to fraudulent claimant* whore Paass war* engineered by Moore.

MADAM 1ZA LEZEM’S SCHOOL FOB DANCING also* m Physical Culture. IhlsseW Deport meat, etc. Children. Tuesday. 4 «<» $«> p. «a- ladim’. Prlday* 3 t* ) p m. l-adi**' and (Kntlemrn's dancmg cl res Friday evening from 8 to into ia Ffalc 1% Hall Private iaMroction* Kirqrsaes, Cre- aivsls. Tableaux, etc. arranged. All tbr latest dances taaght. Send far circulars, ad- drere llaletfa Hall or klnwc Store.

ortou ? D. W. HYDE, Teacher of Piano & Harmony Will resume Kept ember IA J

h. oor. far* sod Worth av*- Pravidencs. C. DICKLXSON, PRACTICAL OPTICUS

Eyes examined hex 18 Park 1mm. iti we asked the rviuatat*- Hugbea. tbe dtechargrel op*- then Via*hero waa asked to mm It tee he exelaimed 'Ask thing In reason, but do not any to back down from the

EL0ON HUN YON. iss FAWcjrrrs




‘.He don't want the company to back down, but be does want u* to du so. Well, wu.won't. W# are In tha fight tostay.and will win It for the men "They failed to have the promises mad* by th* company fulfilled, and tbe men cam* to lh* grand officer* a* lb* Last re- aoet to assist there." arid Assistant Grand Chlaff Y oungaon. who ia the personal rap. rcreatativr of Grand Chief Arthur, off th* Locomotlva Engineers, “and ws intend to

Undertakers and Embalmer* tm |a Atlasll* City. ry.Ko*. »—It i* ali*g« a Rryaa lately r*cdv«d rhltecapa to leave th* dt

ATIAKTIO C that Mr*. Ear warning from W. REAMER, • 17 L1EERT CABINET MAKER. Kina'
