To Kill a Mockingbird Jeopardy CharactersPlotQuotes 1Quotes 2Misc. $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100...


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To Kill a Mockingbird Jeopardy

Characters Plot Quotes 1 Quotes 2 Misc.






$100 $100$100 $100

$200 $200 $200 $200

$300 $300 $300 $300

$400 $400 $400 $400

$500 $500 $500 $500

Final Jeopardy

$100 Characters

She is the narrator of the story(nickname and full name)

$100 Characters

Who is Scout (Jean Louise Finch)?

$200 Characters

He is a tall-tale teller from Meridian,spending his summers in Maycomb.

$200 Characters

Who is Dill?

$300 Characters

This character has a short fuse and is the narrator’s older brother.

$300 Characters

Who is Jeremy (Jem) Atticus Finch?

$400 Characters

“He was a thin leathery man with colorless eyes, so colorless they did not reflect light. His cheekbones weresharp and his mouth wide, with a thinupper lip and full lower lip.”

$400 Characters

Who is Mr. Radley?

$500 Characters

He doesn’t know where his next meal is coming from, but “he was a born gentleman.”

He also helps Miss Caroline when she becomes upset about the “cooties”

$500 Characters

Who is Little Chuck Little

$100 Plot

Boo Radley is rumored to have done what to his father?

$100 Plot

What is stab in the leg with scissors?

$200 Plot

Maudie Atkinson’s home burns down on which day of the year in Maycomb County?

$200 Plot

What is the coldest night inMaycomb County?

$300 Plot

Dill stays with this relative while in Maycomb County.

$300 Plot

Who is Rachel Haverford?


Who is Aunt Rachel?

$400 Plot

The setting of the novel (town, state, decade), and the historical event occurring during this time across the U.S.

$400 Plot

What are Maycomb, Alabama; 1930’s; and The Great Depression?

$500 Plot

Scout’s “first offense” at school is aresult of her ability to what?

$500 Plot

What is read?


"I'd rather you shot at tin cans in the back yard, but I know you'll go after birds.  Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird."


Who is Atticus Finch?


“‘There’s some folks who don’t eat like us,” she whispered fiercely, “but you ain’t called on to contradict ‘em at the table when they don’t…That boy’s yo’ comp’ny.’”


Who is Calpurnia?


“Gracious child, I was raveling a thread, wasn’t even thinking of your father, but now that I am I’ll say this: Atticus is the same in his house as he is on the public streets.”


Who is Maudie Atkinson?


“I thought I wanted to be a lawyer, but I ain’t so sure now!”


Who is Jem (Jeremy Finch)?


“Tree’s dying. You plug ‘em with cement when they’re sick. You ought to know that, Jem.”


Who is Nathan Radley?

$100 Quotes 2

“As Atticus had once advised me to do, I tried to climb into Jem’s skin and walk around in it.”

$100 Quotes 2

Who is Jean Louise (Scout) Finch?

$200 Quotes 2

“Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win.”

$200 Quotes 2

Who is Atticus?

$300 Quotes 2

“Foot-washers believe anything that’s pleasure is a sin. Did you know some of ‘em came out of the wood one Saturday and passed by this place and told me me and my flowers were going to hell?”

$300 Quotes 2

Who is Maudie Atkinson?

$400 Quotes 2

“Don’t you say hey to me, you ugly girl!”

$400 Quotes 2

Who is Mrs. Dubose?

$500 Quotes 2

“You like words like damn and hell now, don’t you? …Well, I don’t…not unless there’s extreme provocation connected with ‘em.”

$500 Quotes 2

Who is Jack Finch?


Who is Uncle Jack?

$100 Miscellaneous

This disease caused Atticus to shoot the dog.

$100 Miscellaneous

What is rabies?

$200 Miscellaneous

This is Atticus’s older sister.

$200 Miscellaneous

Who is Alexandra?


Who is Aunt Alexandra?

$300 Miscellaneous

This is where the Finch family is originally from (the homestead).

$300 Miscellaneous

What is Finch’s Landing?

$400 Miscellaneous

According to Atticus, Mrs. Dubose was the bravest person he knows because she overcomes this difficulty (“sickness”).

$400 Miscellaneous

What is morphine addiction?

$500 Miscellaneous

“You know what’s going to happen as well as I do, Jack, and I hope and pray I can get Jem and Scout through it without bitterness, and most of all, without catching Maycomb’s usual disease.”

What disease is Atticus referring to?

$500 Miscellaneous

What is racism?

Final Jeopardy Topic


Final Jeopardy

List all the items Scout and Jem find in the knothole.

Final Jeopardy Answer

GumPack of gum

TwineIndian Heads/ Polished Pennies

Soap carvingsTarnished Medal

Pocket watch
