To-do List for App Concept


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L3 CMP Games Design App Concept Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

w/b 09.01.12 Start Research into popular apps to find out what people like

Finish powerpoint on popular apps

w/b 16.01.12 Create a questionnaire to find out which types of apps are most popular

Send out questionnaires and await replies

Use answers to come up with some ideas for types of apps

Come up with more app ideas

Come up with more app ideas

w/b 23.01.12 Choose one of the ideas and start to make a questionnaire to find out if people like the idea

Send out questionnaires and await replies

Start to make concepts and things for the final design

Make concept 1

Make concept 2

Make concept 3

w/b 30.01.12 Choose the final design and make it

Start to make the UI for the app in fireworks

Finish the design and submit it onto my blog