Tlie People's Stor 10/Kingston NY... · **^?fPP^W^ 4! • fei-i"...


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'IViWit'lf •—WWlKWW WW—Wh—«Mdi»MM

®t)c Dailw Cljronklc. v ^ v ^ / V * * * f-N^V*" i*N * » N / \ A / ' , ^ A ' \ ^ . , \ / W


•... ;P.. HARlJfeAS&& 1

Kingston, Friday, April 29yI85Ui J^^S^scRiRKns^ TAKK NoTiOE.^-Such of our

subscribers as intend to change their residence Vn'tbt^lst of May, will please give notice to the

'Y: leave'tbeif new address at THE l&jSce, order to insure the prompt

* r papers./". \"••'••'••.

^COURTESY. Courtesy is a trai t Of Character t h a t all

. sho;uicf cultivate.'wlio W^ erigag^d i t r pur-

. suits: t n a f depend fbi* success t ippypopu­

la r ' ^ o r ^ ' ^ i s ^ d i f f i c u l t \ o e ^ l a i n ; by1

w^rds ani :phVascs ivhat". "'courtesy is. ' I t

is oet ter defined: b y acts / than b y words;

Tllo'fe.e'st idea tha t we can give of it is

th'i t t he courteous man does everything

in a smooth and pleasing way. T h e soul

. of courtesy is Mndness, ' .put a person may

b e kind in his intent ions; and ye t seem

discourteous in his acts . ' Kindness ' i s the

t r ue motive; power of pleasing actions,

but .courtesv' consists in t h e smoothness

wi th which the machinery to which, it is

appl ied is made to work. Hence , i n cul­

tivating. ' courteousn ess,! we must imitate

t h e model m a c h i n e ; w.'e mus t bring all

our par ts into harmony, so tha t we can

\ciovQ wi thout grat ing or ja r r ing .

$ Merchants , ministers, . teachers , . law­

yers , :• & c , , should always be courteous

men. A l l appearance of gruffness, cold­

ness and distance operates much against

, thei r , usefulness, arid their success in bus­

iness. I t is not sufficient, for instance,

t h a t t h e merchant should sell good arti­

cles a t cheap rates. I n addition to. this,

h e must sell them in a pleasing way, and

must be ab le pleasant ly to meet, a n d to

foii t h e l i t t le foibles "of4 humanity exhibited

b y those who patronize him. H o w often

w e hear t he expression, ' ' I love to t rade

wi th Mr. — — , h e is such. & nice m a n ^

W e have seen some instances of mer-.

chants influencing a large, amount of cus­

tom solely b y the power of .cour tesy . 'To

use t h e favorite expression of their lady

customers; *• t h e y had such a nice way

with themselves " Show us the most pop­

ular merchant of tlie place, and the most

successful too, if he takes care of his gains,

and we will show you one. who exhibits a

pleasant exterior, or, as the Lat ins used

to say, the suaviter in inodo. W e hope our business patrons will not t ake it amiss

in us , if we advise them to cultivate the

very valuable accomplishment of courtesy.

jf>"5£*Th6 Kingston Daily Chronicle made its appearance last M o n d a y morn­ing, according to promise; lookirig full as well as could be expected, under the. cir-cui)n8ta,nce8, ic get t ing out a. first hum-berY. TVs wo have no confidence in the

; eh.terprize, it soems a p i t y that so much hard l abor and brilliant talents(?) should b e thrown away. P a r r Har low is assist­an t editor.—People's Press. '[ :. • ..•;. ' T h e jealousy which tor tures the o ar­row soul .of our contemporary has found characterist ic expression. Ono may bo jealous with ' o u t being ridiculous, b y

• b u r y i n g bis jealousy;with all other senti­

ments tha t are discreditable to human na-

turo, in tho recesses o r his own bosom ; ?-• .' •''••X • r - • • •• • •'• .

b u t when he sinks to ti J lowest depth of

meanneps in order to .d i sp lay i t ^ h e de­

serves tho scorn of all hones t men.

. I n this connection; we deem it proper

t o remark tha t a l i j i he ;no t i ce s / of our

Dai ly which we ha ye thus, far received,

except ing the above have been respectful,

cour teous and even Uind,for wbich we're-.


is a fellow-traveling thrOughthe Wes te rn

States under different rpmantte assumed

names, making ; cohsiderable money by

means of a novel confidence game.--' ; /

, ' : ^IJe^ieB to a. hotel and takes ia room.

After awhile he sends word to the land­

lord tha t he is seriously ill, and asks him

to send for a physician and a minister .-^

When the physician, ministerv and land­

lord enter his room, they find on the table

an empty two-ounce vial labeled " l auda­

num," and- a communication addressed

" T o the IJnfeeling- . ^ o ^ ? ^ £ ^ 3

jBemi-Byroniov. melancholy sjyle,. informs

them tha t he is ou t of monoy, out of work,

desti tute of friends and t ired of life, and

and tha t he has; taken b u d a n u m . ,The

sympathies of his unsuspecting at tendants

are worked upon. T h e physician gives

him medical.assistance,.the^rainistQ.r prays

for,,him,, and., the landlordV tells bis/sad

story to all who.come ;in. and raises for

the despairing and* fnendless. individual

j u s t snatched from a suicide's gravo',a nice,

handful, of moneys : N e x t morning: the

confidence man loaves, and dur'ins: the

day his victims learn how •they have been

duped. : ; ; : . ,. : '•'.':;'.;:.•.'''•

'SWEEPIH.0 MAcniNEs.--Ono of the most

frequent of household duties for tho. la­

dies is tho task'of sweeping. I n nicely

furnished rooms, great care has to bo-ta­

ken so as not to u dus t " t h e furniture;

and after.each sweeping, the chairs and

table & c , have to be dusted to remove

the particles of dust which in spite of :the

best of care, will.rise, Borne enterprising

Yankee last {year, contrived a -sweeping

machine, a littlo box, about fifteen inches

square, furnished. 'with a circular hair

brush w h i c h takes' up the dust, as• well

as pins, b i t s of thread, or-any thing that

may be on the floor.: N o dust is. raised,

and after finishing the. work,, all, the dirt

is emptied out, and the machine is again

ready to use. :'•:• \ '-t-^f :",'\-.::•:"•'.

. Like the manufacture of sowing' ma-

chinee, one variety has furnished pat terns

for others, so ' tha t several different swee­

pers now •lay claim to public attention.—

W h a t n e x t ? ; ' : : 'Q ^.^W^\5'"R


PBOGEisBiNGS OF BOARD OFDlREeTOKS. Direetpw V Room j Kingston, April 27 tb, 1859.

P r e s e n t Pres ident Wm;. S. Kenyon ,

Directors, Davis , ft icier, Hoffman, Deck­

er and Smith.

Oomeliiis V a n Buren, upon proof of

having served five yea r s as a F i reman pf

the village of Kingston,: obtained his .dis­

charge certificate.•-:•'•[ .: ; : : : ; : :

••'•• W m , :W. ^Whiddit was/confirmed as a

member of Eagle Hook & La,dder Opm-

p a n y No; •l;:v:v;,':<r/: ;f-^

' P e r r i s Eighmey, ' ; Husted- H . Coons,

J o h n (X Clare; "Rodney Y a n Keuron,Abmv

G a i n s ^ a n d - ^ n l / I I ; Tel ler , w e r e ^

ed as members: pf W i l t w y c k Hose Com-

pany-:Nov; 1;:•. •':/.'•• :.i:•..-' i X ;.: '.;;•;• •'>•; .'; '• • •'•'•:.: :;;

v T h e el ectiOn of J o h n H , lihineh.0art; as

Is tAissistant Poreman of Excelsior Hpso

06. ;No. 4, was ^confirm ed.- '/'••^ \ ; ; .V:' •..

;t T h e mllowin^bijlslwer

;A. Schoonmaker, S t ree t Coin,. :.$i?43'§; 7 ^ a s b r p u c l £ & '•'": S.v Hadselb laying c rosswalks , 28.23

1J. N . Se rmauce ; <• • 146.00

lage of ICingstbn meet "at t h e house of

Wm/Masten^bri- Tuesday,Maiy73rd; !for

the purpose: of 'electing Chi ef '-Engihepr;

Ass is t Chief: Pinging

Cierk for the Eire fDepar tment of said

village, and t h a U h e poll of said election

open a t 5 o'clock, P. w^a,nd close at 7

o'ciocky P. M., and tha t the Clerk cause a

notice, of such election to be published ip

T H E DAiiiY: CHRONICLE. : -i • ;V' ' . - .

Besolvled/ T h a t Di rec tor Ttidcr and

Chief Engineer Shar^ be appointed a committee to enquire wha t • repairs a re necessary for: the erigineof American Co. No. 1, and the cost of the same. Adj , ;

- • • . . i , , , ^ . . ,. • . „ . 7 7 7 ^ 1 . . . ; . . . . . . . . ^ _ . •• -. — ,....... y • . - i« fc . . M ^ M U ^ I . H •mntmtf

A slight accident occurred to the Pow- . - ^ ^ ^ - r f ^

ell on its return tr ip Wednesday , which, Qapital $7^0,000.

acter,| occasioned for a , t ime consiuerable . _>^i : » . : m

alarm... ':]'-:y/--';''i-:\i::^::-.''. :yvy:':- >^:'V:'? V:

I t ajppears t h a t when the Powell was

being, repaired the past winter, at Cold

Springs, the engineer of the works desired

Capt . Anderson to grant him ' the privi-

lege of at taching to t he cylinder a eon-

nection for ^he'purpose of letting out t he

water, which after a time collects a t the

bottom.:- I t was granted. Oh Teusday

evening, when the Powpll^was- about four

miles belbw Tarr'ytowni, a slight displace:

ment or loosening of oho of. t he bolts of

this:': ''wrmbiitpfy'^ ppk^^ place," .sufficient: to

allow of tliv. ij^ji ^ e ' o f - s l i ^ t quantit ies

of steam and air alternately; a t each rovo.-:


t u r n ou r thanks. - » • • * -

. ' E a s t e r is the first Sunday after the first:

full moon after t he 21st of March .—N. Y.

' D a i l y Express . ' • .,' '•' .:'•'': '••) Vi--K5%'&'7. ' T h i s is not qui te correct. Eas te r day

is ,the.fiirsl; Sunday af te r the fjrst:full.m6op

which happens pn or

M ^ c h . . • '[;::i:J '••;••••


after the 211st day of

* • • -. A citizen of H a g ; e r t o w n r M d ; , has in

^jjBjppB8.esnipb: three :<iiastcr eggs, inscrib-

^ ^ 1 7 8 8 , 1 7 ^ , and 1799, which have

b e o n J o hi i family since the ^>'^ates; r}:k


rt: AtJBURN S T A T R Pf i iS0N.-n^f | rhere are

Thii i«.rather more t h a n th'eOHlAal .num-

'1&*& I f crime continues to M%Jrvse t he

game as At present ra tes , this r;. ison will

soon be too: smal l

.• KINGSTON CHUONICLE,—This / is the

name- of a new daily paper just started in Kingston, Ulster county, |by S. R Har ­low. T H E CHRONICLE io about the size of the . Daily. P r e s s , ' . a n d is published at twelve cents a week.; T h e fir4st number was issued on Monday last. I t looks very noat', and is pret ty well ' ' .made up . " W e con gra ta late Our Kings to n n ei ghbprs on the accession of a daily paper, among tht»m, and have no doubt they.,will give the new .enterprise the: encouraging sup­port it; j u s t ly ^QS^yQH^Po'kee^s^ffaify Press. ' -':. '> •. .•' :: '•.'••: .• '..•''':' '•rr.'--r ':-:'-v:•:':'

- • © + -

Snow fell i n Buffalo on Sa tu rday to

t h e <lej*th Of several inches. V

D E A T H OF BISHOP D O A N E . — T h e P i g h t

P e v . George Washington: Poane ,Pro tes -

tant Episcopal -Bishop of N.ew-Jersey,

died at; his residence in Burl ington, on

Wednesday , aged sixty, years. Bishop

Doahe, the son of Jona than Doano, an in­

dustrious carpenter of Trenton, was born

in 1799, receiveVl.his education a t Union

College, whence.he graduated at the age

of 19, and immediately commenced the

study of Theology. H o was ordained as

deacon of the Episcorjal Ch urch, b y Bish­

o p H o b a r t , in 1821, and was elevated to

the priesthood two years a f t e r w a r d s ; . : ;

A few days since a cent was sold in

Boston for $21. I t was stamped in 1793.

A t the same sale, a half dollar, stamped

the last week of Washington ' s adminis­

tration, b rought $57. • ,: •' .:v;•,.;..]'-••""•


Mapes , a N e w Y o r k chernist,hires a farm

in N e w Jers'ey,' ©f about 120 -acres, for

which ho pays an' annual rent of> $500.—

I t is devoted principally ^ ^ m a r f e t ^ r t

dening and '-/thebraising of :garcl en seeds,

^ r o m tn W far hi the's'ales for produce^ for.

a year past, as np^ears1 ' from a .d^tailedr

s ta tement ' in t h e 1 i f t Y ; ^

ed'to•$il';62S-:88f ;an'dfih'e expensed of ^11

k inds : t i t 3 i l 5^ ' 60 ,v loa t i ng ' a net profit of :$8,475;%-!':,rV;:--;v:i ^ J ^ ; ^ | ^ M ^

' W e hbpe the above Will serve aB a bint

to: the farmers in this vicinity..1

. SENATOR • SEWARD.-—Senator Seward

will soon leave for a tour ' through Europe .

H e is expected, to s ta r i on- the ^ t h of

May'next.f••/':. ::^ ••; :^:••',•:'::•::--.'^':vK--:^'v^

. President Buchanan boasts tha t lie i s

^nvexceileht rhealth. ; H e r e m a r k e c l o n t h e

^ J d inst;, t h a t t l iat ' d a y v w a s h |s 68th:

•birth dayv • •;!'-i;'''.;.'.•(•;••-^:-•]'•;,:/i^,

' T H E NEW :• . YORic CONFERENCE — T h e

NQW York Conference is: ope of the fbr ty -

sG.ven Conferences which constitute the

Methodist Episcopai: Church Nortli.'v I t

consists of t h e territory how included in

the New York, Po-keepsie,. Newburgh v

Prattsville,; Monticello apd Bhinobeck

districts.? Within ' i ts l imits; are situated:

about '300 churches. •-•;: :•'

The: Sevent ie th Annua l Session of this

Conference will commence on Wednesday

nbxt a t the St. James M. IS. Church of

Kingston.'•'. T h e Annual; Conference Scr-

mon will bo preached b y D r . McCliiitock,

President of 'Troy^ Univers i ty . The An­

nual/ Missionary Sermon will be preached

by D r . Clark;^Editor of the Ladies Re­

pository.' During t h e "Session, a Mission­

ary, and a S u n d a y , Schoo l Anniversary

will be held. T h e appointed speakers

for thefbrmei : are R e v . / M e s s r s . C. D .

E'Oss, D.^Jm^^^j^i^f^f^ ', for the Tatter, J . W . Beach, A . M . Hough , D. H .

King and A / I t o g e r s . ' . { : ^ V ? : ^ ^ : ^ ^ M ^ these exercises will: t ake ; place,' will b e given in a future number of our Daily.

The l is t of ministers who are to at tend

this Session of the Conference, together;

with the places^

tained, wi l l ;be 'pub l i shed -in Monday's

edition of T H E CHRONICLE;: . &-'ip

lutibn of tlie wheels. •• T h i s p o f course,

'Caused a shrieking'.andspm^^

M'noise j considerably •alarming the^pas-

sehgers fcra tipie-r; t ^ l ^ ^ j ' ^ j a j d , nec­

essary a reduction of :the r a t e of speed.

Capt . A nderson-prpraptlyNinfoiTne'dt,he

passengers. of. the,;true;state pf• •' the, case^

and offered: to .allow them tp go ashore

so as to t ake ' the ' ca r s ; or on

board the South America, if overtaken by

tha t boat , ; :^ | f t . | tK^ a l l chose t o remajin

on b6ard; V(The;Powelireaeied^:hcr;dock

at R ; h d o u t ' a t a quar te r ' p'ast^efoven, her

usua l time being nine o 'clock/

W e are persuaded tjiat^tlie occurrence

of this slight accident t o ; the Pow/oll will

have no injurious effect, upon the estima­

tion in which1 she i s held; by; t he public.

I t was of so.slight a '^&r^^^^:H^}^T^^

of being 'fully r ighted before-the n e x t

morning,: Ail know tha t Capt . Andersph

is excelled b y no' one, in earnest, person-

al-.endeavors to render.his";boat t he safest,

fleetest and ^ nipst;commodious on the riv­

er. Tha t the public appreciate hisefforts,

is eviderit, by ' t he number o f passengers

the Powel l carries every (Jay. ; .; : :• v :;


P A L S B A L A R M OF EIRE.--—The enter-

prising chaps who got iip an alarm of fire

on Wednesday rJrght,- need further prac­

tice. They a r e eptirely behind, the. times;

T h e y did-it so bungUhgiy^^ tha t the decep­

tion was apparerit to all. I f the. fellows

engaged in the affair need any ; encourage­

ment let. t h e m send u s their names,, and

we will 'get a feather .medal struck for

thein., having ^h'e figure, of the anirnal

wliich has long ears, braying.

- » < > • •


••"' L A N G WORTH Y ?^; EMPb^ujyi.—Our read-r

ers should visit this wonderful p lace . ; - I t •ii •'••'= ' ' • • • ' . '< <•'••'• '•' ' V . ; _ ' - i " = l - - : ' / : ^)r':'}:'r.' ••''•>: «v •VXy''-'!

is quite as good ."as.. a^Museum.. .The cu­

r ious, : the usefuiv tlie amui ing ,and the

'scientific' are so mixed up in fhe ra re ar-

rangementof its thousand and pne.articles, .-.y-.'/P:>Mi [^^••:-^i\ ?>-:'..• . W M W i ? ^ ' as to furnish a, tout ensemble sewoni Wit« ],:•••; ').-;-;;,;.i:.i:'i:v:s:;j^ '-;-?>m:"n amn?>wJy-nessed; ••:<•>,: ' .•' ,;.-•• r - ' - •',, •..

W e canndt undertake; to notice parties

ulars,,for we would certainly get lost in a

niazebf wha t ; to us a t least :Would, 'beun-

hameable"'fopjecjiii ;•'' E p r ' w h a t he h'0 to

sell;we r e ^ r to M

which we hope will be carefully read. „,.. •/;;:v:'-^;.;• .*-..;;,


; - T h o Manhat tan r jleayes .JRondout for

Ne^ vYork, this^Cte^ttOpn ati nye^c lock ' ,

frorri T . Cornejl's doc)^ • i; ; N v' SJ-.v^


CIDE,—The,remains of the dead . body of.

a negro child was 'found on Thursday,

near t h e house Of JacobJB. 'Davis , partly

conceal ed under some leaves^ . Erom ap-;

pearances it was put thero/spon afterbir th.

Yesterday Esq ; Abee] s u m m o n e d w ju ry

and held anih^iiest. ••^t^resuJ^pfJJi'eirSe-

liberat'ions Wo h a v e not- learned. I t : is

supposed tha t ;the.bcdjr h a d laid;where i t

was found for some:time: past; / • " * « — . •


hope that theragency of'• the American

Express Company; established illkiBliiig-

ston will he'.vliKerajtyj patronizedv# T t s

agent , JVlr. CharloslSchryver, is.:prompt,

energetic and; business-like in- the dis­

charge of his duties.: / I t is t h e safest and

quick est w ay of' ^^fit^^'^'at^§i^ariLft pack­

ages tolal l par ts of t he country; / ; / / —<>•>

T h e , Orihoco^TobaQcO sold -by J . Si

Lahgwor thy is; certainly the purest and

pleasantest article now in t he market for

smokers. W e , have tried it, and find it

fully equa l ; to t h e recommehdat ipn^ es­

pecially if used in one of Lah'gwprthy's

meerschaums;; : ; : . ;;;-;;;-•;.-; >'.•';,;.-'A;./'.;•'-;;-

No. 25 AVall Street , . . . . . . ;• j.. Kingston, N.. Y

Are prepared to forwardCwitli SAFETY ..a. qd Pis raTCH,' Merchandise, SptciOi Jewelry, Valuables, Bank Notes, Collect Bills, —v^tes, Drafts,-Ac­counts, &c. FORWAK.'iEn.'jr VQD3 sikbj ct? to purchase' or otherj:ob]w^6^''i^^flibcHb<f-8iino on delivery, thrp^gbqut ^. /. .; .

, Kew York, PeflJbsyiv ania Westj Ohio, indl-' ana, • : |^jq'qi^%^'icbj^ai^e^en^uc^

'lowa,i Wisconsin Mitinesota, Mis- . Spuri, Nebraska^Canada West,

•;;/'' '$'• i '^ '^nsas^&c^'^: '" :

Running paily^Mp^Me^v^iitiSliys excepted) on I'assenger Trams and Steamers;W' and.l'rorn all the principal Cit^s, Towns. and Villages in the ^esferr .^Jompete'ht $pS&$3ffiM$p)P0<lt the transaction of business: connecting with responsible'JG^p'ress 0ompa'nics!to <" all parts of the Uv'Sv;,California, Europe, &c., iSJeiiv-pj: .-•••'..

jZd'-AU Orders promptly attended to/ The:facUithjs of thisCbinpany/are.unsurpass­

ed. Each.^Express in charge of Special Messen­gers/- ;-.'•'/•/':'•• ' -"•-. •' "'•-'•'' •• : v Mrti *.;* ; ^ r M a r k ' packages via America^ Express

Gompany.'-'Q2^'; •-'";] 1 \ ^; i!v^ '—•.-:-'?'•. This line will be fotmej W- Ve the'''quickest

and safest. No• .ch'argi made Jfor .palling for . Freight. Leave your brders at-the-Office at Wyhkoop's Bookstore. T C; S O E R Y V M ' ^ A M

\'f. DRAFTS foraff^nio^jnjk won England, IrtelttM .and ' i Scotland, and PASSA'QB

^TICKETS to and.fronv Eu-rope by the Atlantic ll'oyal Mail Steani Nfifviga • tiph Company. Office 25.-Wall street^/opposite Ulster County Bank,- Kingstbh, N. Y.-*-*"' ' •••*

c51y ; ; v •C;.S0iil^YVER> Agent. ,

;;: George! Meadtf^-l M SUverPlofirig ^^SZ^Mpi^. '

/ N TORdE MEAD bas' ' Temo'vecL'Mty [Silver \X Platin- Establishraerrt ^ o ; No. '\ffi North Front tiyt§iffn&0&6^ and. Cap stpref ^liere'he'irit^hdsto/kee^th^ largest assortment of |»imnitujgp/for Qarriages an,d Ilar-iiicss^o^^jfod^ partof the.fpilo^ying articles r , ,7v4 , : *

North's gig trees,'brass,1silver'"and Japanned .solf adj iisting *gig- trefe j brass. Silver, Japan, iron and jwood banies, buckles, :.,yits. hopjes and ter-rets,'harness rings, rbih,halter and breast snap?, •ornaments,vRosettesv reiu and girth'web, stitch-ing thread and saddler^ silk, all colors, brass and .silver lined, ivory/and bone martingale tings, awls, needles, awl•hafts, and a full as­sortment qf harness, maker's .tools ; hub: bands, brass, silver..and.^jsves and patterns; silver m'oiildln^Hop' props, %irtain frames, l i-ning-ijallBi enameled clo.tlt pi^eat and enamel­ed leather, moss,, <xc. ' ; . '

Also, all kinds of Bran's and Silver Plating ;in. the line done at short/notice; arid on reasonable term's. 68 North .Front'str.eet^betweea Sharp & Sahler's Hardware store, and It. B/Best's Hat: store1./ , . -.•'-.-, • : : • ./GEO. MEAp.

Kingston, April 27, 1859. ;-' '.* 6m 4

Tlie People's Store i FAKCT AS'D STAPLfc DRY GOODS,

' / '•• ::'• ; / • ;* ' C ^ 1 0 0 ^ 1 ^ } ' ^ ^ •


o s greatly:;^ k e e p vi | • '•.'•.'/

weekly ;$3J ourgon m

• ••o-

^ T h e ; £ o w ^ Yorky frbrn Dillon's^ U o c t ; BqndoU^jto^

tnorirow- ^«ornjbg;ai% fiin^lp'^' A«• *?• WWBB8

Grenerab ^ o r r i s ' s ^ declination of & e

cpnsniship to Havre :has!elicified1 fi?0ni;;th,e

Bellows !Palls.(Argus:the; :0lQ

•.'•.'; ;:weii^feiph1i|f^i®f&y^fiv%jl'/;

'••:Mii M o r i ^ ^ K o M s ^ p o ^ ^ ' tSofpn^^^^^ Havre."

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IfTiE ATHEtfi^'i- A"J rd 1 aVtic Je • ''iirp1? Gc 'se

W\• .%ying(,inade' cxten-•tritft'.^ our store, and' oc'ki (vhich we intend to l of a £rat class store, by

J»r'e now ready to display ^ilfavor'ua with a call.—

F e e M p ^ ^ ^ e n ^ ^ p W p ^ ^ be selected with, the j | w ^ S » WXK, and at prices that defy co.u^eti ticl';'fw'f(l give/uniyersal'satis-faotioh. We undersold—-and, as we buy largely from .auction,'wc.can offer many'ar­ticles' for Us.8 than the cost of manufacture.

A large assortment pf;the latestj styles of

•••^MdntiJ^St Baglahs: and 'Dustersy

on hand and made to order. We will not publish a list!of prices, or enu­

merate our stock, for we keep everything in our line.- Suffice it to say, if yo'uwaht Good Goods, if you want Cheap Goods, if ypn vant Fashion*., able Goods, if you want Pretty Goods, by all means go to V ; / ' / TAPPEN'S.

••y::'::- <//-:',,.-::^--\-'\--Q:Q-aid 3w664: ;

J y / ; ' ' / | ; ; ^ A . NEW-Dry^ Goods Establishment will bo ;^^y»hed iti Wall street;/(nearly Opposite' tho

unty Bank, arid, adjplning the Milling s' Margaret Wcstbrools;)^pn:;: - ' .

WEDNESDAY; MAY 4th; 1859, Comprising every style and variety of Ladies Dyess Goods to be found in,a city, market/.y

c.2 Gd .,-: ; Ji H: XyANGA^SBEfijK^

T Y ^ I J S E ' 'puft^fsiii^b •&$$$£§i^A'^nlM^id J t l Jv(ari<j(y, Including, . ^e j^h lng useful, in kitcheaveppnomy, fr.P.m, a. BAsting Piri • to ,a .Q'bok 8tove,'.'fbr Bale' at' prices^ to BUJOhefUm^s",' a j; '.-;i•&X'•••»'': iS^iSiwIBrafe'1^ sign/of ;the' Goloen M T O X i ^ f f l U * «*»'

ULSTER COUNTY -CL12RK'3C'O^FICE.^-. iKiwbsTON, Ap-il 21st, 18^9. - /^ ..

WtTJiiWU h¥reby' ;gt\^^^ thisKmW <>*^'^ndtfy/th^ iecondt iJa^-offi^ay; next; at 12 b^oloek.tfoPn, fo« tlie ptu:pp?k pfiHtstw iijgittpanel of;.Gra.nd/^fidtf$t^j|>t#^*#W^d

and sexv,<»!at a Circuit P9ytt dodv Oftujfe of :pj^r and Terminer, to bo held i t t he COU^HQUS^^ jri' Kingston, in,said/fJpUtvtyV>n»th9 .tlilM ^Inhday o£, Mky; 1880; ^ 10'o'clock |; S f e S S i P : ; :• •

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^f^^Wnit -thiiig'to please the,ahilT

;;: B ^ i i R X ) $ ^ E i r i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > . : ;v

th'emi.vNpn^genuiu^ hiVgreatFr6bTng.5?^l£l|Depotr^

' ' 7-7/V.-:"•,'•'

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069